# SMBIOS MDR V1 ## Overview SMBIOS MDR V1 service exposes D-Bus methods for SMBIOS Version 1 operations. ### SMBIOS MDR V1 Interface SMBIOS MDR V1 interface `xyz.openbmc_project.Smbios.MDR_V1` provides following methods. #### methods * RegionStatus - Get the region status with the given region ID. * RegionComplete - Set complete status to region. * RegionRead - Read Region Data from BMC Memory. * RegionWrite - Write Region Data to BMC Memory. * RegionLock - Lock Region. #### properties * RegionID - ID of Region, default: 0. * SessionID - ID of session, default: 0. * LockPolicy - The policy of the lock, 0 means unlocked, 1 means strict locked, 2 means preemptable locked. * RegionUsed - If the region is used or not, default: 0.