path: root/poky/meta/lib/oe
diff options
authorjmbills <>2022-01-18 21:55:05 +0300
committerGitHub <>2022-01-18 21:55:05 +0300
commit7cf0c1cd0ce835d1833509b7b911e8a97380278b (patch)
tree0b45c3beaa9874facc4ed1a2395a31e42be0135d /poky/meta/lib/oe
parent4dac5fcd49b5e2de1074f1363775ec0f19041072 (diff)
parent1fc0d70f658da30091bcd49f9bf29aecd6b99ba7 (diff)
Merge pull request #76 from Intel-BMC/update1-0.86
Diffstat (limited to 'poky/meta/lib/oe')
6 files changed, 463 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/poky/meta/lib/oe/ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
index d929c8b3e..d36082c53 100644
--- a/poky/meta/lib/oe/
+++ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -10,12 +10,7 @@ the arguments of the type's factory for details.
import inspect
import oe.types as types
- # Python 3.7+
- from import Callable
-except ImportError:
- # Python < 3.7
- from collections import Callable
+from import Callable
available_types = {}
diff --git a/poky/meta/lib/oe/ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
index 0b17897e4..02c81e5a5 100644
--- a/poky/meta/lib/oe/
+++ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -57,6 +57,18 @@ def read_subpkgdata_dict(pkg, d):
ret[newvar] = subd[var]
return ret
+def read_subpkgdata_extended(pkg, d):
+ import json
+ import bb.compress.zstd
+ fn = d.expand("${PKGDATA_DIR}/extended/%s.json.zstd" % pkg)
+ try:
+ num_threads = int(d.getVar("BB_NUMBER_THREADS"))
+ with, "rt", encoding="utf-8", num_threads=num_threads) as f:
+ return json.load(f)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ return None
def _pkgmap(d):
"""Return a dictionary mapping package to recipe name."""
diff --git a/poky/meta/lib/oe/ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
index 4ea5adb9f..b0dd62553 100644
--- a/poky/meta/lib/oe/
+++ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ class Rootfs(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
# Remove the run-postinsts package if no delayed postinsts are found
delayed_postinsts = self._get_delayed_postinsts()
if delayed_postinsts is None:
- if os.path.exists(self.d.expand("${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${sysconfdir}/init.d/run-postinsts")) or os.path.exists(self.d.expand("${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${systemd_unitdir}/system/run-postinsts.service")):
+ if os.path.exists(self.d.expand("${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${sysconfdir}/init.d/run-postinsts")) or os.path.exists(self.d.expand("${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${systemd_system_unitdir}/run-postinsts.service")):["run-postinsts"])
image_rorfs = bb.utils.contains("IMAGE_FEATURES", "read-only-rootfs",
diff --git a/poky/meta/lib/oe/ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..848812c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+import collections
+DepRecipe = collections.namedtuple("DepRecipe", ("doc", "doc_sha1", "recipe"))
+DepSource = collections.namedtuple("DepSource", ("doc", "doc_sha1", "recipe", "file"))
+def get_recipe_spdxid(d):
+ return "SPDXRef-%s-%s" % ("Recipe", d.getVar("PN"))
+def get_package_spdxid(pkg):
+ return "SPDXRef-Package-%s" % pkg
+def get_source_file_spdxid(d, idx):
+ return "SPDXRef-SourceFile-%s-%d" % (d.getVar("PN"), idx)
+def get_packaged_file_spdxid(pkg, idx):
+ return "SPDXRef-PackagedFile-%s-%d" % (pkg, idx)
+def get_image_spdxid(img):
+ return "SPDXRef-Image-%s" % img
+def write_doc(d, spdx_doc, subdir, spdx_deploy=None):
+ from pathlib import Path
+ if spdx_deploy is None:
+ spdx_deploy = Path(d.getVar("SPDXDEPLOY"))
+ dest = spdx_deploy / subdir / ( + ".spdx.json")
+ dest.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ with"wb") as f:
+ doc_sha1 = spdx_doc.to_json(f, sort_keys=True)
+ l = spdx_deploy / "by-namespace" / spdx_doc.documentNamespace.replace("/", "_")
+ l.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ l.symlink_to(os.path.relpath(dest, l.parent))
+ return doc_sha1
+def read_doc(fn):
+ import hashlib
+ import oe.spdx
+ import io
+ import contextlib
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def get_file():
+ if isinstance(fn, io.IOBase):
+ yield fn
+ else:
+ with"rb") as f:
+ yield f
+ with get_file() as f:
+ sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+ while True:
+ chunk =
+ if not chunk:
+ break
+ sha1.update(chunk)
+ doc = oe.spdx.SPDXDocument.from_json(f)
+ return (doc, sha1.hexdigest())
diff --git a/poky/meta/lib/oe/ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4416194e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# This library is intended to capture the JSON SPDX specification in a type
+# safe manner. It is not intended to encode any particular OE specific
+# behaviors, see the for that.
+# The documented SPDX spec document doesn't cover the JSON syntax for
+# particular configuration, which can make it hard to determine what the JSON
+# syntax should be. I've found it is actually much simpler to read the official
+# SPDX JSON schema which can be found here:
+# in schemas/spdx-schema.json
+import hashlib
+import itertools
+import json
+# The following are the support classes that are used to implement SPDX object
+class _Property(object):
+ """
+ A generic SPDX object property. The different types will derive from this
+ class
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *, default=None):
+ self.default = default
+ def setdefault(self, dest, name):
+ if self.default is not None:
+ dest.setdefault(name, self.default)
+class _String(_Property):
+ """
+ A scalar string property for an SPDX object
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ def set_property(self, attrs, name):
+ def get_helper(obj):
+ return obj._spdx[name]
+ def set_helper(obj, value):
+ obj._spdx[name] = value
+ def del_helper(obj):
+ del obj._spdx[name]
+ attrs[name] = property(get_helper, set_helper, del_helper)
+ def init(self, source):
+ return source
+class _Object(_Property):
+ """
+ A scalar SPDX object property of a SPDX object
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.cls = cls
+ def set_property(self, attrs, name):
+ def get_helper(obj):
+ if not name in obj._spdx:
+ obj._spdx[name] = self.cls()
+ return obj._spdx[name]
+ def set_helper(obj, value):
+ obj._spdx[name] = value
+ def del_helper(obj):
+ del obj._spdx[name]
+ attrs[name] = property(get_helper, set_helper)
+ def init(self, source):
+ return self.cls(**source)
+class _ListProperty(_Property):
+ """
+ A list of SPDX properties
+ """
+ def __init__(self, prop, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.prop = prop
+ def set_property(self, attrs, name):
+ def get_helper(obj):
+ if not name in obj._spdx:
+ obj._spdx[name] = []
+ return obj._spdx[name]
+ def del_helper(obj):
+ del obj._spdx[name]
+ attrs[name] = property(get_helper, None, del_helper)
+ def init(self, source):
+ return [self.prop.init(o) for o in source]
+class _StringList(_ListProperty):
+ """
+ A list of strings as a property for an SPDX object
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(_String(), **kwargs)
+class _ObjectList(_ListProperty):
+ """
+ A list of SPDX objects as a property for an SPDX object
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(_Object(cls), **kwargs)
+class MetaSPDXObject(type):
+ """
+ A metaclass that allows properties (anything derived from a _Property
+ class) to be defined for a SPDX object
+ """
+ def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs):
+ attrs["_properties"] = {}
+ for key in attrs.keys():
+ if isinstance(attrs[key], _Property):
+ prop = attrs[key]
+ attrs["_properties"][key] = prop
+ prop.set_property(attrs, key)
+ return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs)
+class SPDXObject(metaclass=MetaSPDXObject):
+ """
+ The base SPDX object; all SPDX spec classes must derive from this class
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **d):
+ self._spdx = {}
+ for name, prop in self._properties.items():
+ prop.setdefault(self._spdx, name)
+ if name in d:
+ self._spdx[name] = prop.init(d[name])
+ def serializer(self):
+ return self._spdx
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ if name in self._properties or name == "_spdx":
+ super().__setattr__(name, value)
+ return
+ raise KeyError("%r is not a valid SPDX property" % name)
+# These are the SPDX objects implemented from the spec. The *only* properties
+# that can be added to these objects are ones directly specified in the SPDX
+# spec, however you may add helper functions to make operations easier.
+# Defaults should *only* be specified if the SPDX spec says there is a certain
+# required value for a field (e.g. dataLicense), or if the field is mandatory
+# and has some sane "this field is unknown" (e.g. "NOASSERTION")
+class SPDXAnnotation(SPDXObject):
+ annotationDate = _String()
+ annotationType = _String()
+ annotator = _String()
+ comment = _String()
+class SPDXChecksum(SPDXObject):
+ algorithm = _String()
+ checksumValue = _String()
+class SPDXRelationship(SPDXObject):
+ spdxElementId = _String()
+ relatedSpdxElement = _String()
+ relationshipType = _String()
+ comment = _String()
+class SPDXExternalReference(SPDXObject):
+ referenceCategory = _String()
+ referenceType = _String()
+ referenceLocator = _String()
+class SPDXPackageVerificationCode(SPDXObject):
+ packageVerificationCodeValue = _String()
+ packageVerificationCodeExcludedFiles = _StringList()
+class SPDXPackage(SPDXObject):
+ name = _String()
+ SPDXID = _String()
+ versionInfo = _String()
+ downloadLocation = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
+ packageSupplier = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
+ homepage = _String()
+ licenseConcluded = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
+ licenseDeclared = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
+ summary = _String()
+ description = _String()
+ sourceInfo = _String()
+ copyrightText = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
+ licenseInfoFromFiles = _StringList(default=["NOASSERTION"])
+ externalRefs = _ObjectList(SPDXExternalReference)
+ packageVerificationCode = _Object(SPDXPackageVerificationCode)
+ hasFiles = _StringList()
+ packageFileName = _String()
+ annotations = _ObjectList(SPDXAnnotation)
+class SPDXFile(SPDXObject):
+ SPDXID = _String()
+ fileName = _String()
+ licenseConcluded = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
+ copyrightText = _String(default="NOASSERTION")
+ licenseInfoInFiles = _StringList(default=["NOASSERTION"])
+ checksums = _ObjectList(SPDXChecksum)
+ fileTypes = _StringList()
+class SPDXCreationInfo(SPDXObject):
+ created = _String()
+ licenseListVersion = _String()
+ comment = _String()
+ creators = _StringList()
+class SPDXExternalDocumentRef(SPDXObject):
+ externalDocumentId = _String()
+ spdxDocument = _String()
+ checksum = _Object(SPDXChecksum)
+class SPDXExtractedLicensingInfo(SPDXObject):
+ name = _String()
+ comment = _String()
+ licenseId = _String()
+ extractedText = _String()
+class SPDXDocument(SPDXObject):
+ spdxVersion = _String(default="SPDX-" + SPDX_VERSION)
+ dataLicense = _String(default="CC0-1.0")
+ SPDXID = _String(default="SPDXRef-DOCUMENT")
+ name = _String()
+ documentNamespace = _String()
+ creationInfo = _Object(SPDXCreationInfo)
+ packages = _ObjectList(SPDXPackage)
+ files = _ObjectList(SPDXFile)
+ relationships = _ObjectList(SPDXRelationship)
+ externalDocumentRefs = _ObjectList(SPDXExternalDocumentRef)
+ hasExtractedLicensingInfos = _ObjectList(SPDXExtractedLicensingInfo)
+ def __init__(self, **d):
+ super().__init__(**d)
+ def to_json(self, f, *, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None):
+ class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+ def default(self, o):
+ if isinstance(o, SPDXObject):
+ return o.serializer()
+ return super().default(o)
+ sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+ for chunk in Encoder(
+ sort_keys=sort_keys,
+ indent=indent,
+ separators=separators,
+ ).iterencode(self):
+ chunk = chunk.encode("utf-8")
+ f.write(chunk)
+ sha1.update(chunk)
+ return sha1.hexdigest()
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, f):
+ return cls(**json.load(f))
+ def add_relationship(self, _from, relationship, _to, *, comment=None):
+ if isinstance(_from, SPDXObject):
+ from_spdxid = _from.SPDXID
+ else:
+ from_spdxid = _from
+ if isinstance(_to, SPDXObject):
+ to_spdxid = _to.SPDXID
+ else:
+ to_spdxid = _to
+ r = SPDXRelationship(
+ spdxElementId=from_spdxid,
+ relatedSpdxElement=to_spdxid,
+ relationshipType=relationship,
+ )
+ if comment is not None:
+ r.comment = comment
+ self.relationships.append(r)
+ def find_by_spdxid(self, spdxid):
+ for o in itertools.chain(self.packages, self.files):
+ if o.SPDXID == spdxid:
+ return o
+ return None
+ def find_external_document_ref(self, namespace):
+ for r in self.externalDocumentRefs:
+ if r.spdxDocument == namespace:
+ return r
+ return None
diff --git a/poky/meta/lib/oe/ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
index 78cdf878f..0c3b4589c 100644
--- a/poky/meta/lib/oe/
+++ b/poky/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ class SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHashMixIn(object):
self.unlockedrecipes = (data.getVar("SIGGEN_UNLOCKED_RECIPES") or
self.unlockedrecipes = { k: "" for k in self.unlockedrecipes }
- self.buildarch = data.getVar('BUILD_ARCH')
self._internal = False
@@ -147,13 +146,6 @@ class SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHashMixIn(object):
return super(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash, self).dump_sigs(dataCache, options)
- def prep_taskhash(self, tid, deps, dataCaches):
- super().prep_taskhash(tid, deps, dataCaches)
- if hasattr(self, "extramethod"):
- (mc, _, _, fn) = bb.runqueue.split_tid_mcfn(tid)
- inherits = " ".join(dataCaches[mc].inherits[fn])
- if inherits.find("/native.bbclass") != -1 or inherits.find("/cross.bbclass") != -1:
- self.extramethod[tid] = ":" + self.buildarch
def get_taskhash(self, tid, deps, dataCaches):
if tid in self.lockedhashes:
@@ -478,6 +470,8 @@ def OEOuthashBasic(path, sigfile, task, d):
import stat
import pwd
import grp
+ import re
+ import fnmatch
def update_hash(s):
s = s.encode('utf-8')
@@ -487,16 +481,29 @@ def OEOuthashBasic(path, sigfile, task, d):
h = hashlib.sha256()
prev_dir = os.getcwd()
+ corebase = d.getVar("COREBASE")
+ tmpdir = d.getVar("TMPDIR")
include_owners = os.environ.get('PSEUDO_DISABLED') == '0'
if "package_write_" in task or task == "package_qa":
include_owners = False
include_timestamps = False
+ include_root = True
if task == "package":
include_timestamps = d.getVar('BUILD_REPRODUCIBLE_BINARIES') == '1'
+ include_root = False
extra_content = d.getVar('HASHEQUIV_HASH_VERSION')
+ filemaps = {}
+ for m in (d.getVar('SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_FILEMAP') or '').split():
+ entry = m.split(":")
+ if len(entry) != 3 or entry[0] != task:
+ continue
+ filemaps.setdefault(entry[1], [])
+ filemaps[entry[1]].append(entry[2])
+ basepath = os.path.normpath(path)
if extra_content:
@@ -578,8 +585,13 @@ def OEOuthashBasic(path, sigfile, task, d):
update_hash(" " * 9)
+ filterfile = False
+ for entry in filemaps:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, entry):
+ filterfile = True
update_hash(" ")
- if stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode):
+ if stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode) and not filterfile:
update_hash("%10d" % s.st_size)
update_hash(" " * 10)
@@ -588,9 +600,24 @@ def OEOuthashBasic(path, sigfile, task, d):
fh = hashlib.sha256()
if stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode):
# Hash file contents
- with open(path, 'rb') as d:
- for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
+ if filterfile:
+ # Need to ignore paths in crossscripts and postinst-useradd files.
+ with open(path, 'rb') as d:
+ chunk =
+ chunk = chunk.replace(bytes(basepath, encoding='utf8'), b'')
+ for entry in filemaps:
+ if not fnmatch.fnmatch(path, entry):
+ continue
+ for r in filemaps[entry]:
+ if r.startswith("regex-"):
+ chunk = re.sub(bytes(r[6:], encoding='utf8'), b'', chunk)
+ else:
+ chunk = chunk.replace(bytes(r, encoding='utf8'), b'')
+ else:
+ with open(path, 'rb') as d:
+ for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
+ fh.update(chunk)
update_hash(" " * len(fh.hexdigest()))
@@ -603,7 +630,8 @@ def OEOuthashBasic(path, sigfile, task, d):
# Process this directory and all its child files
- process(root)
+ if include_root or root != ".":
+ process(root)
for f in files:
if f == 'fixmepath':