path: root/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3/
diff options
authorDave Cobbley <>2018-08-14 20:05:37 +0300
committerBrad Bishop <>2018-08-23 04:26:31 +0300
commiteb8dc40360f0cfef56fb6947cc817a547d6d9bc6 (patch)
treede291a73dc37168da6370e2cf16c347d1eba9df8 /poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3/
parent9c3cf826d853102535ead04cebc2d6023eff3032 (diff)
[Subtree] Removing import-layers directory
As part of the move to subtrees, need to bring all the import layers content to the top level. Change-Id: I4a163d10898cbc6e11c27f776f60e1a470049d8f Signed-off-by: Dave Cobbley <> Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
Diffstat (limited to 'poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3/')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3/ b/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f944f9b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3/
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+# This script is used as a bitbake task to create a new python manifest
+# $ bitbake python -c create_manifest
+# Our goal is to keep python-core as small as posible and add other python
+# packages only when the user needs them, hence why we split upstream python
+# into several packages.
+# In a very simplistic way what this does is:
+# Launch python and see specifically what is required for it to run at a minimum
+# Go through the python-manifest file and launch a separate task for every single
+# one of the files on each package, this task will check what was required for that
+# specific module to run, these modules will be called dependencies.
+# The output of such task will be a list of the modules or dependencies that were
+# found for that file.
+# Such output will be parsed by this script, we will look for each dependency on the
+# manifest and if we find that another package already includes it, then we will add
+# that package as an RDEPENDS to the package we are currently checking; in case we dont
+# find the current dependency on any other package we will add it to the current package
+# as part of FILES.
+# This way we will create a new manifest from the data structure that was built during
+# this process, ont this new manifest each package will contain specifically only
+# what it needs to run.
+# There are some caveats which we try to deal with, such as repeated files on different
+# packages, packages that include folders, wildcards, and special packages.
+# Its also important to note that this method only works for python files, and shared
+# libraries. Static libraries, header files and binaries need to be dealt with manually.
+# This script differs from its python2 version mostly on how shared libraries are handled
+# The manifest file for python3 has an extra field which contains the cached files for
+# each package.
+# Tha method to handle cached files does not work when a module includes a folder which
+# itself contains the pycache folder, gladly this is almost never the case.
+# Author: Alejandro Enedino Hernandez Samaniego "aehs29" <>
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import json
+import os
+# Hack to get native python search path (for folders), not fond of it but it works for now
+for p in sys.path:
+ if pivot in p:
+ nativelibfolder=p[:p.find(pivot)+len(pivot)]
+# Empty dict to hold the whole manifest
+new_manifest = {}
+# Check for repeated files, folders and wildcards
+def isFolder(value):
+ if os.path.isdir(value.replace('${libdir}',nativelibfolder+'/usr/lib')) or os.path.isdir(value.replace('${libdir}',nativelibfolder+'/usr/lib64')) or os.path.isdir(value.replace('${libdir}',nativelibfolder+'/usr/lib32')):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def isCached(item):
+ if '__pycache__' in item:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+# Read existing JSON manifest
+with open('python3-manifest.json') as manifest:
+ old_manifest=json.load(manifest)
+# First pass to get core-package functionality, because we base everything on the fact that core is actually working
+# Not exactly the same so it should not be a function
+print ('Getting dependencies for package: core')
+# Special call to check for core package
+output = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '', 'python-core-package']).decode('utf8')
+for item in output.split():
+ # We append it so it doesnt hurt what we currently have:
+ if isCached(item):
+ if item not in old_manifest['core']['cached']:
+ # We use the same data structure since its the one which will be used to check
+ # dependencies for other packages
+ old_manifest['core']['cached'].append(item)
+ else:
+ if item not in old_manifest['core']['files']:
+ # We use the same data structure since its the one which will be used to check
+ # dependencies for other packages
+ old_manifest['core']['files'].append(item)
+for value in old_manifest['core']['files']:
+ # Ignore folders, since we don't import those, difficult to handle multilib
+ if isFolder(value):
+ # Pass it directly
+ if isCached(value):
+ if value not in old_manifest['core']['cached']:
+ old_manifest['core']['cached'].append(value)
+ else:
+ if value not in old_manifest['core']['files']:
+ old_manifest['core']['files'].append(value)
+ continue
+ # Ignore binaries, since we don't import those, assume it was added correctly (manually)
+ if '${bindir}' in value:
+ # Pass it directly
+ if value not in old_manifest['core']['files']:
+ old_manifest['core']['files'].append(value)
+ continue
+ # Ignore empty values
+ if value == '':
+ continue
+ if '${includedir}' in value:
+ if value not in old_manifest['core']['files']:
+ old_manifest['core']['files'].append(value)
+ continue
+ # Get module name , shouldnt be affected by libdir/bindir
+ value = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(value)))[0]
+ # Launch separate task for each module for deterministic behavior
+ # Each module will only import what is necessary for it to work in specific
+ print ('Getting dependencies for module: %s' % value)
+ output = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '', '%s' % value]).decode('utf8')
+ print ('The following dependencies were found for module %s:\n' % value)
+ print (output)
+ for item in output.split():
+ # We append it so it doesnt hurt what we currently have:
+ if isCached(item):
+ if item not in old_manifest['core']['cached']:
+ # We use the same data structure since its the one which will be used to check
+ # dependencies for other packages
+ old_manifest['core']['cached'].append(item)
+ else:
+ if item not in old_manifest['core']['files']:
+ # We use the same data structure since its the one which will be used to check
+ # dependencies for other packages
+ old_manifest['core']['files'].append(item)
+# We check which packages include folders
+for key in old_manifest:
+ for value in old_manifest[key]['files']:
+ # Ignore folders, since we don't import those, difficult to handle multilib
+ if isFolder(value):
+ print ('%s is a folder' % value)
+ if key not in hasfolders:
+ hasfolders.append(key)
+ if value not in allfolders:
+ allfolders.append(value)
+for key in old_manifest:
+ # Use an empty dict as data structure to hold data for each package and fill it up
+ new_manifest[key]={}
+ new_manifest[key]['files']=[]
+ new_manifest[key]['rdepends']=[]
+ # All packages should depend on core
+ if key != 'core':
+ new_manifest[key]['rdepends'].append('core')
+ new_manifest[key]['cached']=[]
+ else:
+ new_manifest[key]['cached']=old_manifest[key]['cached']
+ new_manifest[key]['summary']=old_manifest[key]['summary']
+ # Handle special cases, we assume that when they were manually added
+ # to the manifest we knew what we were doing.
+ print('\n')
+ print('--------------------------')
+ print ('Handling package %s' % key)
+ print('--------------------------')
+ special_packages=['misc', 'modules', 'dev']
+ if key in special_packages or 'staticdev' in key:
+ print('Passing %s package directly' % key)
+ new_manifest[key]=old_manifest[key]
+ continue
+ for value in old_manifest[key]['files']:
+ # We already handled core on the first pass
+ if key == 'core':
+ new_manifest[key]['files'].append(value)
+ continue
+ # Ignore folders, since we don't import those, difficult to handle multilib
+ if isFolder(value):
+ # Pass folders directly
+ new_manifest[key]['files'].append(value)
+ # Ignore binaries, since we don't import those
+ if '${bindir}' in value:
+ # Pass it directly to the new manifest data structure
+ if value not in new_manifest[key]['files']:
+ new_manifest[key]['files'].append(value)
+ continue
+ # Ignore empty values
+ if value == '':
+ continue
+ if '${includedir}' in value:
+ if value not in new_manifest[key]['files']:
+ new_manifest[key]['files'].append(value)
+ continue
+ # Get module name , shouldnt be affected by libdir/bindir
+ # We need to check if the imported module comes from another (e.g. sqlite3.dump)
+ path,value = os.path.split(value)
+ path = os.path.basename(path)
+ value = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(value))[0]
+ # If this condition is met, it means we need to import it from another module
+ # or its the folder itself (e.g. unittest)
+ if path == key:
+ if value:
+ value = path + '.' + value
+ else:
+ value = path
+ # Launch separate task for each module for deterministic behavior
+ # Each module will only import what is necessary for it to work in specific
+ print ('\nGetting dependencies for module: %s' % value)
+ output = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '', '%s' % value]).decode('utf8')
+ # We can print dependencies for debugging purposes
+ print ('The following dependencies were found for module %s:\n' % value)
+ print (output)
+ # Output will have all dependencies
+ reportFILES = []
+ reportRDEPS = []
+ for item in output.split():
+ # Warning: This first part is ugly
+ # One of the dependencies that was found, could be inside of one of the folders included by another package
+ # We need to check if this happens so we can add the package containing the folder as an rdependency
+ # e.g. Folder encodings contained in codecs
+ # This would be solved if no packages included any folders
+ # This can be done in two ways:
+ # 1 - We assume that if we take out the filename from the path we would get
+ # the folder string, then we would check if folder string is in the list of folders
+ # This would not work if a package contains a folder which contains another folder
+ # e.g. path/folder1/folder2/filename folder_string= path/folder1/folder2
+ # folder_string would not match any value contained in the list of folders
+ #
+ # 2 - We do it the other way around, checking if the folder is contained in the path
+ # e.g. path/folder1/folder2/filename folder_string= path/folder1/folder2
+ # is folder_string inside path/folder1/folder2/filename?,
+ # Yes, it works, but we waste a couple of milliseconds.
+ inFolders=False
+ for folder in allfolders:
+ if folder in item:
+ inFolders = True # Did we find a folder?
+ folderFound = False # Second flag to break inner for
+ # Loop only through packages which contain folders
+ for keyfolder in hasfolders:
+ if (folderFound == False):
+ #print('Checking folder %s on package %s' % (item,keyfolder))
+ for file_folder in old_manifest[keyfolder]['files'] or file_folder in old_manifest[keyfolder]['cached']:
+ if file_folder==folder:
+ print ('%s folder found in %s' % (folder, keyfolder))
+ folderFound = True
+ if keyfolder not in new_manifest[key]['rdepends'] and keyfolder != key:
+ new_manifest[key]['rdepends'].append(keyfolder)
+ else:
+ break
+ # A folder was found so we're done with this item, we can go on
+ if inFolders:
+ continue
+ # We might already have it on the dictionary since it could depend on a (previously checked) module
+ if item not in new_manifest[key]['files'] and item not in new_manifest[key]['cached']:
+ # Handle core as a special package, we already did it so we pass it to NEW data structure directly
+ if key=='core':
+ print('Adding %s to %s FILES' % (item, key))
+ if item.endswith('*'):
+ wildcards.append(item)
+ if isCached(item):
+ new_manifest[key]['cached'].append(item)
+ else:
+ new_manifest[key]['files'].append(item)
+ # Check for repeated files
+ if item not in allfiles:
+ allfiles.append(item)
+ else:
+ repeated.append(item)
+ else:
+ # Check if this dependency is already contained on another package, so we add it
+ # as an RDEPENDS, or if its not, it means it should be contained on the current
+ # package, so we should add it to FILES
+ for newkey in old_manifest:
+ # Debug
+ #print('Checking %s ' % item + ' in %s' % newkey)
+ if item in old_manifest[newkey]['files'] or item in old_manifest[newkey]['cached']:
+ # Since were nesting, we need to check its not the same key
+ if(newkey!=key):
+ if newkey not in new_manifest[key]['rdepends']:
+ # Add it to the new manifest data struct
+ reportRDEPS.append('Adding %s to %s RDEPENDS, because it contains %s\n' % (newkey, key, item))
+ new_manifest[key]['rdepends'].append(newkey)
+ break
+ else:
+ # A module shouldn't contain itself (${libdir}/python3/sqlite3 shouldnt be on sqlite3 files)
+ if os.path.basename(item) != key:
+ reportFILES.append(('Adding %s to %s FILES\n' % (item, key)))
+ # Since it wasnt found on another package, its not an RDEP, so add it to FILES for this package
+ if isCached(item):
+ new_manifest[key]['cached'].append(item)
+ else:
+ new_manifest[key]['files'].append(item)
+ if item.endswith('*'):
+ wildcards.append(item)
+ if item not in allfiles:
+ allfiles.append(item)
+ else:
+ repeated.append(item)
+ print('\n')
+ print('#################################')
+ print('Summary for module %s' % value)
+ print('FILES found for module %s:' % value)
+ print(''.join(reportFILES))
+ print('RDEPENDS found for module %s:' % value)
+ print(''.join(reportRDEPS))
+ print('#################################')
+print ('The following files are repeated (contained in more than one package), please check which package should get it:')
+print (repeated)
+print('The following files contain wildcards, please check they are necessary')
+print('The following files contain folders, please check they are necessary')
+# Sort it just so it looks nicer
+for key in new_manifest:
+ new_manifest[key]['files'].sort()
+ new_manifest[key]['cached'].sort()
+ new_manifest[key]['rdepends'].sort()
+# Create the manifest from the data structure that was built
+with open('','w') as outfile:
+ json.dump(new_manifest,outfile,sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+ outfile.write('\n')