path: root/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes')
6 files changed, 817 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/image_types_intel_pfr.bbclass b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/image_types_intel_pfr.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e36e4d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/image_types_intel_pfr.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+inherit obmc-phosphor-full-fitimage
+inherit image_types_phosphor_auto
+DEPENDS += "obmc-intel-pfr-image-native python3-native intel-blocksign-native"
+require recipes-core/os-release/
+IMAGE_TYPES += "intel-pfr"
+IMAGE_TYPEDEP_intel-pfr = "mtd-auto"
+IMAGE_TYPES_MASKED += "intel-pfr"
+# PFR images directory
+# PFR image generation script directory
+# PFR image config directory
+PFR_CFG_DIR = "${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${datadir}/pfrconfig"
+# Refer flash map in manifest.json for the addresses offset
+PFM_OFFSET = "0x80000"
+# 0x80000/1024 = 0x200 or 512, 1K Page size.
+RC_IMAGE_OFFSET = "0x02a00000"
+# RC_IMAGE_PAGE= 0x02a00000/1024 = 0xA800 or 43008
+RC_IMAGE_PAGE = "43008"
+do_image_pfr () {
+ bbplain "Generating Intel PFR compliant BMC image"
+ bbplain "Build Version = ${build_version}"
+ bbplain "Build Number = ${build_number}"
+ bbplain "Build Hash = ${build_hash}"
+ mkdir -p "${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}"
+ cd "${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}"
+ # python script that does the creating PFM, BMC compressed and unsigned images from BMC 128MB raw binary file.
+ ${PFR_SCRIPT_DIR}/ ${PFR_CFG_DIR}/pfr_manifest.json ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/image-mtd ${build_version} ${build_number} ${build_hash}
+ # sign the PFM region
+ ${PFR_SCRIPT_DIR}/blocksign -c ${PFR_CFG_DIR}/pfm_config.xml -o ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pfm_signed.bin ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pfm.bin
+ # Add the signed PFM to rom image
+ dd bs=1k conv=notrunc seek=${PFM_OFFSET_PAGE} if=${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pfm_signed.bin of=${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/image-mtd-pfr
+ # Create unsigned BMC update capsule - append with 1. pfm_signed, 2. pbc, 3. bmc compressed
+ dd if=${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pfm_signed.bin bs=1k >> ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_unsigned_cap.bin
+ dd if=${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pbc.bin bs=1k >> ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_unsigned_cap.bin
+ dd if=${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_compressed.bin bs=1k >> ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_unsigned_cap.bin
+ # Sign the BMC update capsule
+ ${PFR_SCRIPT_DIR}/blocksign -c ${PFR_CFG_DIR}/bmc_config.xml -o ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_signed_cap.bin ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_unsigned_cap.bin
+ # Add the signed bmc update capsule to full rom image @ 0x2a00000
+ dd bs=1k conv=notrunc seek=${RC_IMAGE_PAGE} if=${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_signed_cap.bin of=${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/image-mtd-pfr
+ # Append date and time to all the PFR images
+ mv ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pfm_signed.bin ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pfm_signed-${DATETIME}.bin
+ mv ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pfm.bin ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pfm-${DATETIME}.bin
+ mv ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pbc.bin ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/pbc-${DATETIME}.bin
+ mv ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_compressed.bin ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_compressed-${DATETIME}.bin
+ mv ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_unsigned_cap.bin ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_unsigned_cap-${DATETIME}.bin
+ mv ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_signed_cap.bin ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/bmc_signed_cap-${DATETIME}.bin
+ mv ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/image-mtd-pfr ${PFR_IMAGES_DIR}/image-mtd-pfr-${DATETIME}.bin
+do_image_pfr[vardepsexclude] += "DATETIME"
+do_image_pfr[vardeps] += "IPMI_MAJOR IPMI_MINOR IPMI_AUX13 IPMI_AUX14 IPMI_AUX15 IPMI_AUX16"
+do_image_pfr[depends] += " \
+ obmc-intel-pfr-image-native:do_populate_sysroot \
+ intel-blocksign-native:do_populate_sysroot \
+ "
+python() {
+ types = d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES', True).split()
+ if 'intel-pfr' in types:
+ bld_ver1 = d.getVar('IPMI_MAJOR', True)
+ bld_ver1 = int(bld_ver1) << 8
+ bld_ver2 = d.getVar('IPMI_MINOR', True)
+ bld_ver2 = int(bld_ver2)
+ bld_ver = bld_ver1 | bld_ver2
+ d.setVar('build_version', str(bld_ver))
+ bld_num = d.getVar('IPMI_AUX13', True)
+ d.setVar('build_number', bld_num)
+ bld_hash1 = d.getVar('IPMI_AUX14', True)
+ bld_hash2 = d.getVar('IPMI_AUX15', True)
+ bld_hash3 = d.getVar('IPMI_AUX16', True)
+ bld_hash1 = int(bld_hash1, 16)
+ bld_hash2 = int(bld_hash2, 16)
+ bld_hash3 = int(bld_hash3, 16)
+ bld_hash = bld_hash3 << 16
+ bld_hash |= bld_hash2 << 8
+ bld_hash |= bld_hash1
+ d.setVar('build_hash', str(bld_hash))
+ task, depends_on_task, task_depends_on, d )
+ 'do_image_pfr',
+ 'do_build',
+ 'do_generate_auto', d)
diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/image_types_phosphor_auto.bbclass b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/image_types_phosphor_auto.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f90a19c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/image_types_phosphor_auto.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Base image class extension, inlined into every image.
+# Phosphor image types
+# New image types based on DTS partition information
+inherit logging
+# Image composition
+FLASH_FULL_IMAGE ?= "fitImage-rootfs-${MACHINE}.bin"
+IMAGE_BASETYPE ?= "squashfs-xz"
+IMAGE_TYPES += "mtd-auto"
+IMAGE_TYPES_MASKED += "mtd-auto"
+# Flash characteristics in KB unless otherwise noted
+python() {
+ types = d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES', True).split()
+ # TODO: find partition list in DTS
+ d.setVar('FLASH_UBOOT_OFFSET', str(0))
+ if 'intel-pfr' in types:
+ d.setVar('FLASH_SIZE', str(128*1024))
+ else:
+ d.setVar('FLASH_SIZE', str(64*1024))
+ DTB_FULL_FIT_IMAGE_OFFSETS = [0x80000, 0x2480000]
+ d.setVar('FLASH_RUNTIME_OFFSETS', ' '.join(
+ [str(int(x/1024)) for x in DTB_FULL_FIT_IMAGE_OFFSETS]
+ )
+ )
+mk_nor_image() {
+ image_dst="$1"
+ image_size_kb=$2
+ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k count=$image_size_kb \
+ | tr '\000' '\377' > $image_dst
+do_generate_auto() {
+ bbdebug 1 "do_generate_auto IMAGE_TYPES=${IMAGE_TYPES} size=${FLASH_SIZE}KB (${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_NAME}.auto.mtd)"
+ # Assemble the flash image
+ mk_nor_image ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}.auto.mtd ${FLASH_SIZE}
+ dd bs=1k conv=notrunc seek=${FLASH_UBOOT_OFFSET} \
+ of=${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}.auto.mtd
+ dd bs=1k conv=notrunc seek=${OFFSET} \
+ of=${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}.auto.mtd
+ done
+ ln ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}.auto.mtd \
+ ln -sf ${IMAGE_NAME}.auto.mtd ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/image-mtd
+do_generate_auto[dirs] = "${S}/auto"
+do_generate_auto[depends] += " \
+ ${PN}:do_image_${@d.getVar('IMAGE_BASETYPE', True).replace('-', '_')} \
+ virtual/kernel:do_deploy \
+ u-boot:do_populate_sysroot \
+ "
+python() {
+ types = d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES', True).split()
+ if 'mtd-auto' in types:
+ task, depends_on_task, task_depends_on, d )
+ 'do_generate_auto',
+ 'do_build',
+ 'do_image_complete', d)
diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-full-fitimage.bbclass b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-full-fitimage.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26c895951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-full-fitimage.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+inherit uboot-sign logging
+DEPENDS += "u-boot-mkimage-native"
+SIGNING_KEY ?= "${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${datadir}/OpenBMC.priv"
+INSECURE_KEY = "${@'${SIGNING_KEY}' == '${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${datadir}/OpenBMC.priv'}"
+SIGNING_KEY_DEPENDS = "${@oe.utils.conditional('INSECURE_KEY', 'True', 'phosphor-insecure-signing-key-native:do_populate_sysroot', '', d)}"
+DEPS = " ${PN}:do_image_${@d.getVar('IMAGE_BASETYPE', True).replace('-', '_')} \
+ virtual/kernel:do_deploy \
+ u-boot:do_populate_sysroot "
+# Options for the device tree compiler passed to mkimage '-D' feature:
+# Emit the fitImage ITS header
+# $1 ... .its filename
+fitimage_emit_fit_header() {
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+/ {
+ description = "U-Boot fitImage for ${DISTRO_NAME}/${PV}/${MACHINE}";
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+# Emit the fitImage section bits
+# $1 ... .its filename
+# $2 ... Section bit type: imagestart - image section start
+# confstart - configuration section start
+# sectend - section end
+# fitend - fitimage end
+fitimage_emit_section_maint() {
+ case $2 in
+ imagestart)
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ images {
+ ;;
+ confstart)
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ configurations {
+ ;;
+ sectend)
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ };
+ ;;
+ fitend)
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Emit the fitImage ITS kernel section
+# $1 ... .its filename
+# $2 ... Image counter
+# $3 ... Path to kernel image
+# $4 ... Compression type
+# $5 ... Hash type
+fitimage_emit_section_kernel() {
+ kernel_csum="${5}"
+ if [ -n "${kernel_csum}" ]; then
+ hash_blk=$(cat << EOF
+ hash@1 {
+ algo = "${kernel_csum}";
+ };
+ )
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${UBOOT_ENTRYSYMBOL}" ]; then
+ ENTRYPOINT=`${HOST_PREFIX}nm vmlinux | \
+ awk '$3=="${UBOOT_ENTRYSYMBOL}" {print "0x"$1;exit}'`
+ fi
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ kernel@${2} {
+ description = "Linux kernel";
+ data = /incbin/("${3}");
+ type = "kernel";
+ arch = "${UBOOT_ARCH}";
+ os = "linux";
+ compression = "${4}";
+ load = <${UBOOT_LOADADDRESS}>;
+ entry = <${ENTRYPOINT}>;
+ ${hash_blk}
+ };
+# Emit the fitImage ITS DTB section
+# $1 ... .its filename
+# $2 ... Image counter
+# $3 ... Path to DTB image
+# $4 ... Hash type
+fitimage_emit_section_dtb() {
+ dtb_csum="${4}"
+ if [ -n "${dtb_csum}" ]; then
+ hash_blk=$(cat << EOF
+ hash@1 {
+ algo = "${dtb_csum}";
+ };
+ )
+ fi
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ fdt@${2} {
+ description = "Flattened Device Tree blob";
+ data = /incbin/("${3}");
+ type = "flat_dt";
+ arch = "${UBOOT_ARCH}";
+ compression = "none";
+ ${hash_blk}
+ };
+# Emit the fitImage ITS setup section
+# $1 ... .its filename
+# $2 ... Image counter
+# $3 ... Path to setup image
+# $4 ... Hash type
+fitimage_emit_section_setup() {
+ setup_csum="${4}"
+ if [ -n "${setup_csum}" ]; then
+ hash_blk=$(cat << EOF
+ hash@1 {
+ algo = "${setup_csum}";
+ };
+ )
+ fi
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ setup@${2} {
+ description = "Linux setup.bin";
+ data = /incbin/("${3}");
+ type = "x86_setup";
+ arch = "${UBOOT_ARCH}";
+ os = "linux";
+ compression = "none";
+ load = <0x00090000>;
+ entry = <0x00090000>;
+ ${hash_blk}
+ };
+# Emit the fitImage ITS ramdisk section
+# $1 ... .its filename
+# $2 ... Image counter
+# $3 ... Path to ramdisk image
+# $4 ... Hash type
+fitimage_emit_section_ramdisk() {
+ ramdisk_csum="${4}"
+ if [ -n "${ramdisk_csum}" ]; then
+ hash_blk=$(cat << EOF
+ hash@1 {
+ algo = "${ramdisk_csum}";
+ };
+ )
+ fi
+ ramdisk_ctype="none"
+ ramdisk_loadline=""
+ ramdisk_entryline=""
+ if [ -n "${UBOOT_RD_LOADADDRESS}" ]; then
+ ramdisk_loadline="load = <${UBOOT_RD_LOADADDRESS}>;"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${UBOOT_RD_ENTRYPOINT}" ]; then
+ ramdisk_entryline="entry = <${UBOOT_RD_ENTRYPOINT}>;"
+ fi
+ case $3 in
+ *.gz)
+ ramdisk_ctype="gzip"
+ ;;
+ *.bz2)
+ ramdisk_ctype="bzip2"
+ ;;
+ *.lzma)
+ ramdisk_ctype="lzma"
+ ;;
+ *.lzo)
+ ramdisk_ctype="lzo"
+ ;;
+ *.lz4)
+ ramdisk_ctype="lz4"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ ramdisk@${2} {
+ description = "${INITRAMFS_IMAGE}";
+ data = /incbin/("${3}");
+ type = "ramdisk";
+ arch = "${UBOOT_ARCH}";
+ os = "linux";
+ compression = "${ramdisk_ctype}";
+ ${ramdisk_loadline}
+ ${ramdisk_entryline}
+ ${hash_blk}
+ };
+# Emit the fitImage ITS configuration section
+# $1 ... .its filename
+# $2 ... Linux kernel ID
+# $3 ... DTB image name
+# $4 ... ramdisk ID
+# $5 ... config ID
+# $6 ... default flag
+# $7 ... Hash type
+fitimage_emit_section_config() {
+ conf_csum="${7}"
+ if [ -n "${conf_csum}" ]; then
+ hash_blk=$(cat << EOF
+ hash@1 {
+ algo = "${conf_csum}";
+ };
+ )
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE}" ] ; then
+ conf_sign_keyname="${UBOOT_SIGN_KEYNAME}"
+ fi
+ # Test if we have any DTBs at all
+ conf_desc="Linux kernel"
+ kernel_line="kernel = \"kernel@${2}\";"
+ fdt_line=""
+ ramdisk_line=""
+ setup_line=""
+ default_line=""
+ if [ -n "${3}" ]; then
+ conf_desc="${conf_desc}, FDT blob"
+ fdt_line="fdt = \"fdt@${3}\";"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${4}" ]; then
+ conf_desc="${conf_desc}, ramdisk"
+ ramdisk_line="ramdisk = \"ramdisk@${4}\";"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${5}" ]; then
+ conf_desc="${conf_desc}, setup"
+ setup_line="setup = \"setup@${5}\";"
+ fi
+ if [ "${6}" = "1" ]; then
+ default_line="default = \"conf@${3}\";"
+ fi
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ ${default_line}
+ conf@${3} {
+ description = "${6} ${conf_desc}";
+ ${kernel_line}
+ ${fdt_line}
+ ${ramdisk_line}
+ ${setup_line}
+ ${hash_blk}
+ if [ ! -z "${conf_sign_keyname}" ] ; then
+ sign_line="sign-images = \"kernel\""
+ if [ -n "${3}" ]; then
+ sign_line="${sign_line}, \"fdt\""
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${4}" ]; then
+ sign_line="${sign_line}, \"ramdisk\""
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${5}" ]; then
+ sign_line="${sign_line}, \"setup\""
+ fi
+ sign_line="${sign_line};"
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ signature@1 {
+ algo = "${conf_csum},rsa2048";
+ key-name-hint = "${conf_sign_keyname}";
+ ${sign_line}
+ };
+ fi
+ cat << EOF >> ${1}
+ };
+# Assemble fitImage
+# $1 ... .its filename
+# $2 ... fitImage name
+# $3 ... include rootfs
+fitimage_assemble() {
+ kernelcount=1
+ dtbcount=""
+ DTBS=""
+ ramdiskcount=${3}
+ setupcount=""
+ #hash_type="sha256"
+ hash_type=""
+ rm -f ${1} ${2}
+ #
+ # Step 0: find the kernel image in the deploy/images/$machine dir
+ #
+ KIMG=""
+ for KTYPE in zImage bzImage vmlinuz; do
+ if [ -e "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${ktype}" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -z "${KIMG}" ]; then
+ bbdebug 1 "Failed to find kernel image to pack into full fitimage"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fitimage_emit_fit_header ${1}
+ #
+ # Step 1: Prepare a kernel image section.
+ #
+ fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} imagestart
+ fitimage_emit_section_kernel ${1} "${kernelcount}" "${KIMG}" "none" "${hash_type}"
+ #
+ # Step 2: Prepare a DTB image section
+ #
+ if [ -n "${KERNEL_DEVICETREE}" ]; then
+ dtbcount=1
+ if echo ${DTB} | grep -q '/dts/'; then
+ bberror "${DTB} contains the full path to the the dts file, but only the dtb name should be used."
+ DTB=`basename ${DTB} | sed 's,\.dts$,.dtb,g'`
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "${DTB_PATH}" ]; then
+ bbwarn "${DTB_PATH} does not exist"
+ continue
+ fi
+ DTB=$(echo "${DTB}" | tr '/' '_')
+ DTBS="${DTBS} ${DTB}"
+ fitimage_emit_section_dtb ${1} ${DTB} ${DTB_PATH} "${hash_type}"
+ done
+ fi
+ #
+ # Step 3: Prepare a setup section. (For x86)
+ #
+ if [ -e arch/${ARCH}/boot/setup.bin ]; then
+ setupcount=1
+ fitimage_emit_section_setup ${1} "${setupcount}" arch/${ARCH}/boot/setup.bin "${hash_type}"
+ fi
+ #
+ # Step 4: Prepare a ramdisk section.
+ #
+ if [ "x${ramdiskcount}" = "x1" ] ; then
+ bbdebug 1 "searching for requested rootfs"
+ # Find and use the first initramfs image archive type we find
+ for img in squashfs-lz4 squashfs-xz squashfs cpio.lz4 cpio.lzo cpio.lzma cpio.xz cpio.gz cpio; do
+ initramfs_path="${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_BASENAME}-${MACHINE}.${img}"
+ bbdebug 1 "looking for ${initramfs_path}"
+ if [ -e "${initramfs_path}" ]; then
+ bbdebug 1 "Found ${initramfs_path}"
+ fitimage_emit_section_ramdisk ${1} "${ramdiskcount}" "${initramfs_path}" "${hash_type}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} sectend
+ # Force the first Kernel and DTB in the default config
+ kernelcount=1
+ if [ -n "${dtbcount}" ]; then
+ dtbcount=1
+ fi
+ #
+ # Step 5: Prepare a configurations section
+ #
+ fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} confstart
+ if [ -n "${DTBS}" ]; then
+ i=1
+ for DTB in ${DTBS}; do
+ fitimage_emit_section_config ${1} "${kernelcount}" "${DTB}" "${ramdiskcount}" "${setupcount}" "`expr ${i} = ${dtbcount}`" "${hash_type}"
+ i=`expr ${i} + 1`
+ done
+ fi
+ fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} sectend
+ fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} fitend
+ #
+ # Step 6: Assemble the image
+ #
+ uboot-mkimage \
+ ${@'-D "${UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS}"' if len('${UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS}') else ''} \
+ -f ${1} ${2}
+ #
+ # Step 7: Sign the image and add public key to U-Boot dtb
+ #
+ if [ "x${UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "x1" ] ; then
+ uboot-mkimage \
+ ${@'-D "${UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS}"' if len('${UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS}') else ''} \
+ -F -k "${UBOOT_SIGN_KEYDIR}" \
+ -r ${2}
+ fi
+python do_generate_phosphor_manifest() {
+ import os.path
+ b = d.getVar('B', True)
+ manifest_filename = os.path.join(b, "MANIFEST")
+ version = do_get_version(d)
+ with open(manifest_filename, 'w') as fd:
+ fd.write('purpose=xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.BMC\n')
+ fd.write('version={}\n'.format(version.strip('"')))
+ fd.write('KeyType={}\n'.format("OpenBMC"))
+ fd.write('HashType=RSA-SHA256\n')
+def get_pubkey_type(d):
+ return os.listdir(get_pubkey_basedir(d))[0]
+def get_pubkey_path(d):
+ return os.path.join(
+ get_pubkey_basedir(d),
+ get_pubkey_type(d),
+ 'publickey')
+python do_copy_signing_pubkey() {
+ with open(get_pubkey_path(d), 'r') as read_fd:
+ with open('publickey', 'w') as write_fd:
+ write_fd.write(
+do_copy_signing_pubkey[dirs] = "${S}"
+do_copy_signing_pubkey[depends] += " \
+ phosphor-image-signing:do_populate_sysroot \
+ "
+do_image_fitimage_rootfs() {
+ bbdebug 1 "check for rootfs phosphor fitimage"
+ cd ${B}
+ bbdebug 1 "building rootfs phosphor fitimage"
+ fitimage_assemble fitImage-rootfs-${MACHINE}-${DATETIME}.its \
+ fitImage-rootfs-${MACHINE}-${DATETIME}.bin 1
+ for SFX in its bin; do
+ SRC="fitImage-rootfs-${MACHINE}-${DATETIME}.${SFX}"
+ SYM="fitImage-rootfs-${MACHINE}.${SFX}"
+ if [ -e "${B}/${SRC}" ]; then
+ install -m 0644 "${B}/${SRC}" "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${SRC}"
+ ln -sf "${SRC}" "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${SYM}"
+ fi
+ done
+ ln -sf "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/fitImage-rootfs-${MACHINE}.bin" "image-runtime"
+ # build a tarball with the right parts: MANIFEST, signatures, etc.
+ # create a directory for the tarball
+ mkdir -p "${B}/img"
+ cd "${B}/img"
+ # add symlinks for the contents
+ ln -sf "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/u-boot.${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" "image-u-boot"
+ ln -sf "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/fitImage-rootfs-${MACHINE}.bin" "image-runtime"
+ # add the manifest
+ bbdebug 1 "Manifest file: ${B}/MANIFEST"
+ ln -sf ${B}/MANIFEST .
+ # touch the required files to minimize change
+ touch image-kernel image-rofs image-rwfs
+ tar -h -cvf "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${PN}-image-update-${MACHINE}-${DATETIME}.tar" MANIFEST image-u-boot image-runtime image-kernel image-rofs image-rwfs
+ # make a symlink
+ ln -sf "${PN}-image-update-${MACHINE}-${DATETIME}.tar" "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/image-update-${MACHINE}"
+ ln -sf "image-update-${MACHINE}" "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/image-update"
+do_image_fitimage_rootfs[vardepsexclude] = "DATETIME"
+do_image_fitimage_rootfs[depends] += " ${DEPS}"
+addtask do_image_fitimage_rootfs before do_generate_auto after do_image_complete
+addtask do_generate_phosphor_manifest before do_image_fitimage_rootfs after do_image_complete
diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-image-common.bbclass b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-image-common.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8775c8145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-image-common.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+inherit obmc-phosphor-image
+inherit systemd-watchdog
+IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \
+ bmcweb \
+ dbus-broker \
+ dtc \
+ entity-manager \
+ ipmitool \
+ intel-ipmi-oem \
+ phosphor-ipmi-ipmb \
+ phosphor-node-manager-proxy \
+ dbus-sensors \
+ phosphor-webui \
+ rest-dbus-static \
+ phosphor-pid-control \
+ phosphor-host-postd \
+ phosphor-certificate-manager \
+ phosphor-sel-logger \
+ smbios-mdrv1 \
+ smbios-mdrv2 \
+ obmc-ikvm \
+ system-watchdog \
+ frb2-watchdog \
+ srvcfg-manager \
+ callback-manager \
+ post-code-manager \
+ preinit-mounts \
+ mtd-utils-ubifs \
+ special-mode-mgr \
+ rsyslog \
+ static-mac-addr \
+ phosphor-u-boot-mgr \
+ prov-mode-mgr \
+ ac-boot-check \
+ host-error-monitor \
+ beepcode-mgr \
+ psu-manager \
+ kernel-panic-check \
+ id-led-off \
+ "
+IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "${@bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_FSTYPES', 'intel-pfr', 'intel-pfr-manager', '', d)}"
+# this package was flagged as a security risk
+IMAGE_INSTALL_remove += " lrzsz"
diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-image-dev.bbclass b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-image-dev.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a1ac3f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-image-dev.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \
+ mtd-util \
+ io-app \
+ intel-fw-update \
+ lpc-cmds \
+ beeper-test \
+ "
diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/systemd-watchdog.bbclass b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/systemd-watchdog.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20b77d1be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/systemd-watchdog.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+add_watchdog_confs() {
+ interval=10 # minutes
+ count=5 # allowed reboots
+ for service in $(ls $D/lib/systemd/system | grep -o ".*service"); do
+ if [[ "$service" == *"mapper-wait"* ]]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ "$service" = "system-watchdog.service" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if cat $D/lib/systemd/system/${service} | grep oneshot > /dev/null; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ folder="$D/etc/systemd/system/${service}.d"
+ mkdir -p "${folder}"
+ fname="${folder}/watchdog.conf"
+ echo "[Unit]" > ${fname}
+ echo "OnFailure=watchdog-reset.service" >> ${fname}
+ echo "[Service]" >> "${fname}"
+ echo "StartLimitInterval=${interval}min" >> "${fname}"
+ echo "StartLimitBurst=${count}" >> "${fname}"
+ done
+ROOTFS_POSTINSTALL_COMMAND += "add_watchdog_confs"