From 344ee4f1bf840776df32f14b6a28c7d07473f05d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Spinler Date: Wed, 29 May 2019 12:11:14 -0500 Subject: Swift: Fix syntax error in gpio_defs.json Add a missing comma. (From meta-ibm rev: 3ea8d6e97d452bd77b51e081e880b8e211211efc) Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler Change-Id: I9b9f25767b47a4f48a2653c7ba7a88cf1d4bb779 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/swift/gpio_defs.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/swift/gpio_defs.json b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/swift/gpio_defs.json index 83332db61..83143b0f4 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/swift/gpio_defs.json +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/swift/gpio_defs.json @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ "name": "POWER_BUTTON", "pin": "I3", "direction": "both" - } + }, { "name": "AIR_WATER_N", "pin": "B5", -- cgit v1.2.3 From ca5c2e5cb1edc4f26b4557978466eef6e5bbc597 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Spinler Date: Wed, 29 May 2019 14:52:41 -0500 Subject: Swift: Fix BMC VPD path Fix the EEPROM path to match what is on the real hardware. (From meta-ibm rev: 8396c6dfc1da6cfe7594e50999f947e5af9dd9c7) Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler Change-Id: Ibd8fc6aae43aadbf242498ba82f3c0660121d6fa Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/vpd/openpower-fru-vpd_%.bbappend | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/vpd/openpower-fru-vpd_%.bbappend b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/vpd/openpower-fru-vpd_%.bbappend index 530950328..3fc3d487e 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/vpd/openpower-fru-vpd_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/vpd/openpower-fru-vpd_%.bbappend @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ do_install_append_witherspoon() { do_install_append_swift() { DEST=${D}${inventory_envdir} - printf "\nEEPROM=/sys/devices/platform/ahb/ahb:apb/ahb:apb:bus@1e78a000/1e78a400.i2c-bus/i2c-08/08-0051/eeprom" >> ${DEST}/inventory + printf "\nEEPROM=/sys/devices/platform/ahb/ahb:apb/ahb:apb:bus@1e78a000/1e78a340.i2c-bus/i2c-8/8-0051/eeprom" >> ${DEST}/inventory } -- cgit v1.2.3 From 818fe5feb6b473daf17845617b75240b20935fbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Wang Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 18:16:19 +0800 Subject: on5263m5: set layer compatability to thud&warrior (From meta-inspur rev: 92714432cefa85eec0d76da5ef6a40b884869d6e) Signed-off-by: John Wang Change-Id: I62d42717772b12aa0246cb59f7db480a6441ff8c Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/layer.conf | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/layer.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/layer.conf index 93db95c5c..b2ef63d20 100644 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/layer.conf +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/layer.conf @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \ BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "on5263m5-layer" BBFILE_PATTERN_on5263m5-layer = "" BBFILE_PRIORITY_on5263m5-layer = "5" -LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_on5263m5-layer = "sumo" +LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_on5263m5-layer = "thud warrior" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 702cb7b62c96a179095ce0afe17d6e3ac1c205e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brad Bishop Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 14:22:15 -0400 Subject: meta-lenovo: add subtree Brad Bishop (1): Initial commit Lisa Liu (2): meta-lenovo: commit lenovo configuration files meta-lenovo: common: react to features removal Change-Id: I10e7d4599ee2e0a071e6b70520c129f17ba35d63 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-lenovo/COPYING.BSD | 11 ++ meta-lenovo/COPYING.GPL | 127 +++++++++++++++++++++ meta-lenovo/COPYING.MIT | 20 ++++ meta-lenovo/LICENSE | 14 +++ meta-lenovo/ | 1 + meta-lenovo/conf/layer.conf | 18 +++ meta-lenovo/conf/machine/include/ | 14 +++ .../packagegroups/ | 58 ++++++++++ 8 files changed, 263 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/COPYING.BSD create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/COPYING.GPL create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/COPYING.MIT create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/LICENSE create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/ create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/conf/layer.conf create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/conf/machine/include/ create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-common/recipes-lenovo/packagegroups/ diff --git a/meta-lenovo/COPYING.BSD b/meta-lenovo/COPYING.BSD new file mode 100644 index 000000000..513ea9922 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/COPYING.BSD @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Copyright © 2019-present Lenovo + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + +3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/meta-lenovo/COPYING.GPL b/meta-lenovo/COPYING.GPL new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9cd1233c --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/COPYING.GPL @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE +Version 2, June 1991 + +Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA + +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies +of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +Preamble +The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. + +When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + +To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + +For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + +We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software. + +Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations. + +Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + +The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. + +TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION +0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + +1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + +2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + +a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. +b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. +c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. + +3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + +a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, +b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, +c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + +4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + +5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. + +6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. + +7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. + +8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + +9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + +10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + +NO WARRANTY + +11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + +12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + +END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS +How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs +If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + +To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + +one line to give the program's name and an idea of what it does. +Copyright (C) yyyy name of author + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + +Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author +Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details +type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome +to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' +for details. +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + +Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright +interest in the program `Gnomovision' +(which makes passes at compilers) written +by James Hacker. + +signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1989 +Ty Coon, President of Vice +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. + diff --git a/meta-lenovo/COPYING.MIT b/meta-lenovo/COPYING.MIT new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96449462b --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/COPYING.MIT @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +Copyright © 2019 – present Lenovo + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. + diff --git a/meta-lenovo/LICENSE b/meta-lenovo/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b182e4019 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +Different components of meta-lenovo are under different licenses (a mix +of MIT, GPL version 2 and BSD-3 license). Please see: + +COPYING.GPL +COPYING.MIT +COPYING.BSD + +All metadata is license under an MIT licensed unless otherwise stated. Source code included in tree for individual recipes is under the LICENSE stated in +the associated recipe (.bb file) unless otherwise stated. + +License information for any other files is either explicitly stated +or defaults to BSD license. + +The software code or recipe (.bb file) developed by Lenovo in the meta-lenovo folder, the licenses use BSD license. diff --git a/meta-lenovo/ b/meta-lenovo/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..723fde2d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +# meta-lenovo \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/meta-lenovo/conf/layer.conf b/meta-lenovo/conf/layer.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30d2bbc8e --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/conf/layer.conf @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#"Copyright ? 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + + +# We have a conf and classes directory, add to BBPATH +BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" + +# We have recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES +BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/meta-common/recipes-*/*/*.bb \ + ${LAYERDIR}/meta-common/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend" + +BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "lenovo-layer" +BBFILE_PATTERN_lenovo-layer = "" +LAYERVERSION_lenovo-layer = "1" +LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_lenovo-layer = "thud warrior" + +# Provide a variable that points the base of the lenovo layer. +LENOVOBASE = '${@os.path.normpath("${LAYERDIR}/")}' diff --git a/meta-lenovo/conf/machine/include/ b/meta-lenovo/conf/machine/include/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ae182a76 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/conf/machine/include/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#"Copyright ? 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +OBMC_MACHINE_FEATURES += "\ + obmc-phosphor-fan-mgmt \ + obmc-phosphor-chassis-mgmt \ + obmc-phosphor-flash-mgmt \ + obmc-host-ipmi \ + obmc-host-state-mgmt \ + obmc-chassis-state-mgmt \ + obmc-bmc-state-mgmt \ + " + +VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_skeleton_workbook = "${MACHINE}-config" diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-common/recipes-lenovo/packagegroups/ b/meta-lenovo/meta-common/recipes-lenovo/packagegroups/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9defef22a --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-common/recipes-lenovo/packagegroups/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +#"Copyright ? 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +SUMMARY = "OpenBMC for Lenovo - Applications" +PR = "r1" + +inherit packagegroup + +PROVIDES = "${PACKAGES}" +PACKAGES = " \ + ${PN}-chassis \ + ${PN}-fans \ + ${PN}-flash \ + ${PN}-system \ + " + +PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-chassis-mgmt" +PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-fan-mgmt" +PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-flash-mgmt" +PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-system-mgmt" + +RPROVIDES_${PN}-chassis += "virtual-obmc-chassis-mgmt" +RPROVIDES_${PN}-fans += "virtual-obmc-fan-mgmt" +RPROVIDES_${PN}-flash += "virtual-obmc-flash-mgmt" +RPROVIDES_${PN}-system += "virtual-obmc-system-mgmt" + +SUMMARY_${PN}-chassis = "Lenovo Chassis" +RDEPENDS_${PN}-chassis = " \ + obmc-control-chassis \ + obmc-op-control-power \ + lenovo-powerctrl \ + " + +SUMMARY_${PN}-fans = "Lenovo Fans" +RDEPENDS_${PN}-fans = " \ + obmc-control-fan \ + " + +SUMMARY_${PN}-flash = "Lenovo Flash" +RDEPENDS_${PN}-flash = " \ + obmc-flash-bmc \ + obmc-mgr-download \ + obmc-control-bmc \ + " + +SUMMARY_${PN}-system = "Lenovo System" +RDEPENDS_${PN}-system = " \ + ipmitool \ + tree \ + obmc-pydevtools \ + spitools \ + bmcweb \ + entity-manager \ + phosphor-webui \ + google-ipmi-sys \ + phosphor-ipmi-ethstats \ + uart-routing \ + " -- cgit v1.2.3 From e7ee97f59b12561dc5b0dfbaa990d19e2ca794cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 15:32:00 +0000 Subject: phosphor-host-ipmid: srcrev bump db2e8c4572..33298af179 Vernon Mauery (1): Add sdbusplus::asio::connection pointer to ipmi::Context (From meta-phosphor rev: 4c39c7e1f641d9932f18c886795bf7015a38522c) Change-Id: Ie9fff2044ff1e728bbf5a811eb02af685ccb2440 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 04ffdfd04..6d1dbf477 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=fa818a259cbed7ce8bc2a22d35a464fc" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "db2e8c45727ba98e26778b8c754b92e093e6921c" +SRCREV = "33298af179718bf6da82634101578eff39b4a9ae" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 9b982ba358347f3df316cb676b70b9908538b6a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 20:32:02 +0000 Subject: bmcweb: srcrev bump c72aa4757b..57bff08a75 James Feist (1): Update fan added / removed to use string Jennifer Lee (1): [Redfish] Fixed PATCH behavior of IndicatorLED in ComputerSystem Santosh Puranik (1): Fix DBUS Name For BootSource Cd (From meta-phosphor rev: e30d57564194642c7927653a3a4ad323ef2ff773) Change-Id: Ic8d463ac9bef09d43c081daa3b80b81dfcc507cb Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ index 30da37c49..796a34a1c 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "c72aa4757b57da6e4dae2325b7d0570c6be3d89b" +SRCREV = "57bff08a75362a05d36354918195c5b7c82006f1" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From f0c8a61ec4827f03acd13a91e571743df700a9ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 22:02:30 +0000 Subject: phosphor-ipmi-flash: srcrev bump 615c69ef59..0079d8985b Patrick Venture (21): test: firmware verificationCompleted: commit test: firmware verificationStarted: additional stat() bmc: verificationCompleted::close(success) test: firmware updatePending: initial empty test bmc: firmware updatePending: getBlobIds bmc: firmware updatePending: open(blob) bmc: firmware updatePending: close(session) test: firmware updatePending: writeMeta(session) bmc: firmware updatePending: write(session) test: firmware updatePending: read(session) bmc: firmware updatePending: stat(blob) bmc: firmware updatePending: stat(session) bmc: firmware updatePending: commit(session) test: firmware updateStarted: empty and cleanup test: firmware updateStarted: open(blob) test: firmware updateStarted: getBlobIds() test: firmware updateStarted: stat(blob) test: firmware updateStarted: writeMeta(session) test: firmware updateStarted: write(session) test: firmware updateStarted: read(session) bmc: firmware updateStarted: commit(session) (From meta-phosphor rev: 38532ce9fc258e0cd5d4037fea6bfff67d7fafee) Change-Id: I2ccc4d0e5f4d321ae581c582fcbe633d2cf5dfa2 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index ccea00c88..119ac1640 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-tests --disable-build-host-tool" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "615c69ef597a044c0d3e7747d9603263f8e462dc" +SRCREV = "0079d8985b56b134497fc261d0f74359e0c4cb8f" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/lib*${SOLIBS}" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/blob-ipmid/lib*${SOLIBS}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From ec19abbd449b6646b2d5af6e1b7211e7eb507859 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 22:01:33 +0000 Subject: sdeventplus: srcrev bump 8ec59e6242..e19c3cf649 William A. Kennington III (3): autotools: Remove sdevent: Support getting userdata sdevent: Support source destroy callbacks (From meta-phosphor rev: d4572fb81b0642530a97024f0daab0dec164a13c) Change-Id: Ib8b61d7b53cce788c50430a2916aef7470f4aa9e Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/sdeventplus/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/sdeventplus/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/sdeventplus/ index 2f2ce3568..60dabc7b7 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/sdeventplus/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/sdeventplus/ @@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ EXTRA_OEMESON = " \ " SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "8ec59e6242c3c4752033ea69270e4edb2cd4caec" +SRCREV = "e19c3cf6493d068d600db959de44a00a8097bbf5" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2082172143a71865fe5a06e5e6fb9b54d17be1a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 22:01:47 +0000 Subject: stdplus: srcrev bump 97e394714e..8f1700e7ab William A. Kennington III (1): autotools: Remove (From meta-phosphor rev: a8e6b965e2ab9e108e3f1e1be9f73fa8270e4adf) Change-Id: I30c32d312aabc3ce2f8ff02280cb4cf2577ebbc2 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/stdplus/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/stdplus/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/stdplus/ index 845b96ebc..3eaa31d16 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/stdplus/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/stdplus/ @@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ EXTRA_OEMESON = " \ " SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "97e394714ec7e88b13b2675c859c1ef56771ad24" +SRCREV = "8f1700e7ab886ed602c371265ff2c653a2deb485" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 1bc215859a1d6366b0d13a3ca10df5ea0c37cf26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 00:32:25 +0000 Subject: dbus-sensors: srcrev bump 7b18b1e029..58b2b53e6f Cheng C Yang (1): Implement PSU Event (From meta-phosphor rev: df1235064061d5909188c0e1af2b48b9c28e2fd7) Change-Id: I84edd1ac52a3dba7347afcd4a57ff7326d456bc6 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ index 6e9ed8ef6..7a5eee4d6 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SUMMARY = "dbus-sensors" DESCRIPTION = "Dbus Sensor Services Configured from D-Bus" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "7b18b1e0298c6237b4b775dbe15bcd0cec7fdf07" +SRCREV = "58b2b53e6f065bfb2b470d8f616d3fef67179fcb" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 5be4710a278899f28abd846946649a2fd0c06278 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 08:43:29 +0000 Subject: entity-manager: srcrev bump 16a02f2848..4c55239523 Yuan Li (1): Change 8-bit address to 7-bit for SAS module. (From meta-phosphor rev: bf55dd8a816344f0b117c36ca3d98dd948ce33b6) Change-Id: If5ca272228cb4ef7bebe03611eb3c89498466a4c Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ index c6a25437f..920ef8a9b 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ DESCRIPTION = "Entity Manager provides d-bus configuration data \ and configures system sensors" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "16a02f28484e8fdf94c7949a3084adc89f023413" +SRCREV = "4c552395239dfbc6bc625d4a5ac1b4d61759ed0f" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" -- cgit v1.2.3 From ac0a4acdf51d7d4d3ca774083b3eea5b19ab8646 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 14:01:50 +0000 Subject: phosphor-certificate-manager: srcrev bump 13bf74e448..15647204a6 Deepak Kodihalli (1): Propose Devender as a maintainer (From meta-phosphor rev: 7a583a1cce05bd12c3696dc5829ed3cf9b547480) Change-Id: I7277d1b562c13e5fd286a0aab496b9c8d7375aa3 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../recipes-phosphor/certificate/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ index 377c0f1b3..62f5cb31f 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=86d3f3a95c324c9479bd8986968f4327" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "13bf74e4486df30fb70b9dbb040277bcdf50e0ec" +SRCREV = "15647204a62e504a83d46e37449237374a14cad1" inherit autotools \ pkgconfig \ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 56194d28fb80e83566cc4129ae6814f625b3c82f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 15:42:42 +0000 Subject: phosphor-webui: srcrev bump 6a3b3b2cdd..5bd1dec7fd Yoshie Muranaka (1): Change button styles from rounded to straight corners (From meta-phosphor rev: c9d3a6d32f40a504dcd499c2dfc1769692d81ec0) Change-Id: I5ae89f2cdacac7fbd16d9855f63e3b7dbca51423 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/webui/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/webui/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/webui/ index 59b00a885..89f4e24c9 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/webui/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/webui/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "6a3b3b2cdd8e92265997fe66f6c8489caf1dd403" +SRCREV = "5bd1dec7fdc8f6a3a20e6c23dc491b3d31392bc5" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" DEPENDS_prepend = "nodejs-native " -- cgit v1.2.3 From a3880f83ebac9864e22183789d015d93d3547234 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 17:52:13 +0000 Subject: phosphor-ipmi-blobs: srcrev bump 00d5f0de56..826e17355d Patrick Venture (1): README: add calling contract details (From meta-phosphor rev: 98db763a2c85e9c97bbf6c0edb4ccf480bb53d10) Change-Id: Ic01984df63e03b4fb8f9e5342d0e14b3dd3c5519 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 350083e6e..3b504e1c0 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ DEPENDS += "ipmi-blob-tool" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "00d5f0de56f3e453be37c2ffc45418fb406396a2" +SRCREV = "826e17355db0a575e0ad60e25bf82480ac711135" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/lib*${SOLIBS}" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/host-ipmid/lib*${SOLIBS}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 5c14d4e09bf6ee6a2bf594bbf7b596c1a26721e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 13:41:54 +0000 Subject: phosphor-bmc-code-mgmt: srcrev bump d5b8f75c2f..a013560f96 Jayashankar Padath (1): Code Update: ApplyTime software manager support Add new service force-reboot.service This adds a new service, force-reboot.service to meta-phosphor layer which initiates a bmc reboot when ApplyTime value is immediate. Reboot is only carried out after the reboot-guard-disable.service and activation process got completed successfully. (From meta-phosphor rev: f7e8258b053f55a753396be8d9dcad1d555c4c04) Change-Id: I31725a151c2d36f94e46b93c06d189fe43526c1e Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/classes/phosphor-software-manager-ubi-fs.bbclass | 1 + meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/flash/ | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/classes/phosphor-software-manager-ubi-fs.bbclass b/meta-phosphor/classes/phosphor-software-manager-ubi-fs.bbclass index fe9d1a5d3..6b0a78ec0 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/classes/phosphor-software-manager-ubi-fs.bbclass +++ b/meta-phosphor/classes/phosphor-software-manager-ubi-fs.bbclass @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ SYSTEMD_SERVICE_phosphor-software-manager-updater-ubi += " \ obmc-flash-bmc-mirroruboot.service \ reboot-guard-enable.service \ reboot-guard-disable.service \ + force-reboot.service \ usr-local.mount \ " diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/flash/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/flash/ index 5731f787f..bdc16038a 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/flash/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/flash/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "d5b8f75c2f93d19d16411f0846d8ecd331d59562" +SRCREV = "a013560f96a9ee5c2db4e1778c7dcee199c3acf1" -- cgit v1.2.3 From a081fd6d86708f1700282b5544779e1fe491da0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2019 20:32:41 +0000 Subject: phosphor-watchdog: srcrev bump 47a9ec4ee9..9062ed11e4 William A. Kennington III (1): autotools: Remove (From meta-phosphor rev: 315ef52cf7eac893097cfbf67e8db0afbe035418) Change-Id: I61da85c05d062e877b1f5ccc40c0df4713066a41 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/ index 0b63dccb2..f791d68b4 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ DEPENDS += "phosphor-logging" DEPENDS += "systemd" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "47a9ec4ee9b05a9794a09d16762e3ef7318c5489" +SRCREV = "9062ed11e4b2cd96cf96d09ff99d1734b96a1780" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" EXTRA_OEMESON = " \ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 80be49b7026f2473128604283289703332d39356 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adriana Kobylak Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 12:12:11 -0500 Subject: openpower-software-manager-ubi: install obmc-flash-bios into bin OpenBMC executables should be installed in bin, reference: The systemd service files for the openpower updater still run: "ExecStart=/usr/bin/env obmc-flash-bios" so this change does not affect them. A subsequent commit will change them to point to bin. Tested: Verified obmc-flash-bios was in /usr/bin/ in the BMC and that a PNOR code update was successful. (From meta-openpower rev: 200786912b557fdb9c254474d6732deea00979ab) Change-Id: I00dd1f210aad03be1010b7c27b4a9cc898352e00 Signed-off-by: Adriana Kobylak Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-openpower/classes/openpower-software-manager-ubi.bbclass | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-openpower/classes/openpower-software-manager-ubi.bbclass b/meta-openpower/classes/openpower-software-manager-ubi.bbclass index ae6c3880b..5b60384f1 100644 --- a/meta-openpower/classes/openpower-software-manager-ubi.bbclass +++ b/meta-openpower/classes/openpower-software-manager-ubi.bbclass @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ SRC_URI += "file://obmc-flash-bios" PACKAGECONFIG_append = " ubifs_layout" do_install_append() { - install -d ${D}${sbindir} - install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/obmc-flash-bios ${D}${sbindir}/obmc-flash-bios + install -d ${D}${bindir} + install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/obmc-flash-bios ${D}${bindir}/obmc-flash-bios } SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} += " \ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 17f25adb7eaf6ad7252a8d1be260a628708258e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 16:04:31 +0930 Subject: u-boot-aspeed: Add MX66L1G45G flash chip Adriana Kobylak (1): aspeed/flash: Add MX66L1G45G chip (From meta-aspeed rev: 32422e0ec2c05d0940448992ecbdd9d5d89c7407) Change-Id: Ie976e6210c99521423d17873237cd80b59e50f43 Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-aspeed/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-aspeed/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ index 261c1a425..5a1432c0b 100644 --- a/meta-aspeed/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ +++ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ PE = "1" # We use the revision in order to avoid having to fetch it from the # repo during parse -SRCREV = "cc6c5bef00ebbac0b37f9a406913ca17ff9c56b5" +SRCREV = "3b6b2ba4d9ae12516ab5f75f119ebe0e85bad0b4" UBRANCH = "v2016.07-aspeed-openbmc" SRC_URI = "git://;branch=${UBRANCH};protocol=https" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 91c92cca2395ea39caa0b54d59bed12ad1d03582 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Mon, 27 May 2019 13:38:25 +0930 Subject: linux-aspeed: Move to 5.1.6 This includes security and bug fixes from the 5.1.6 stable release. (From meta-aspeed rev: cb93206488f791d96259409d2508d0d4fa793ce5) Change-Id: Ief05719fa2ce4b34c8288f4c2b6bc63943787157 Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ index e432eed9e..606c2fd2d 100644 --- a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ +++ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ KBRANCH ?= "dev-5.1" -LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.5" +LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.6" -SRCREV="42a312b1b9fe4c0acfe812e7e5d6ff43cf81bb0f" +SRCREV="5da4e5d27ab4917d0202363838fe55b48011bf3e" require -- cgit v1.2.3 From d2e7538ef9e4fae2bf6f801f1c7f49411579bf7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 15:58:15 +0930 Subject: linux-aspeed: Vensin, aspeed-video fixes Alexander Filippov (1): ARM: dts: aspeed: Add YADRO VESNIN BMC Jae Hyun Yoo (2): media: aspeed: remove source buffer allocation before mode detection media: aspeed: use different delays for triggering VE H/W reset (From meta-aspeed rev: 0741eb2bdf9d839d780e1c45d202c3cfd7622646) Change-Id: Ifef4fce604794dbc0b619ec72c1c76f0d372a445 Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ index 606c2fd2d..cecdab7ec 100644 --- a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ +++ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ KBRANCH ?= "dev-5.1" LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.6" -SRCREV="5da4e5d27ab4917d0202363838fe55b48011bf3e" +SRCREV="2f501353091b588cea899285683b3cc2d8068eda" require -- cgit v1.2.3 From 89bd384d4518e0d45bf7e103a789c6638c2fc22d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexander Filippov Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 11:07:30 +0300 Subject: meta-openpower: Set unique BMC hostname To prevent hostnames conflicts this service appends to the default hostname a Serial Number retrieved from Inventory Manager. This operation is executed only at the first boot or after a factory reset. This will be skipped if hostname is manually configured to a non default value. (From meta-openpower rev: 55281dffb43c4c59a5fce24727627fa3de1498fe) Change-Id: I9c3aa7c19cf595a599baab71b2af49defb4b8c76 Signed-off-by: Alexander Filippov Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../first-boot-set-hostname.service | 13 ++++++ .../ | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++ .../network/ | 22 +++++++++++ 3 files changed, 81 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-hostname/first-boot-set-hostname.service create mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-hostname/ create mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/ diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-hostname/first-boot-set-hostname.service b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-hostname/first-boot-set-hostname.service new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce59b3377 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-hostname/first-boot-set-hostname.service @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[Unit] +Description=Init BMC Hostname +Wants=mapper-wait@-xyz-openbmc_project-inventory.service +After=mapper-wait@-xyz-openbmc_project-inventory.service + +[Service] +ExecStart=/usr/bin/ +Type=oneshot +RemainAfterExit=Yes + +[Install] + diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-hostname/ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-hostname/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..541523760 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-hostname/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +#!/bin/sh -eu + +show_error() { + echo "$@" >&2 +} + +sync_hostname() { + MAPPER_IFACE='xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper' + MAPPER_PATH='/xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper' + INVENTORY_PATH='/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory' + BMC_ITEM_IFACE='xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Bmc' + + BMC_ITEM_PATH=$(busctl --no-pager --verbose call \ + ${MAPPER_IFACE} \ + ${MAPPER_PATH} \ + ${MAPPER_IFACE} \ + GetSubTree sias \ + ${INVENTORY_PATH} 0 1 ${BMC_ITEM_IFACE} \ + 2>/dev/null | grep ${INVENTORY_PATH} || true) + + # ' STRING "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/bmc";' + BMC_ITEM_PATH=${BMC_ITEM_PATH#*\"} + BMC_ITEM_PATH=${BMC_ITEM_PATH%\"*} + + BMC_ITEM_SERVICE=$(mapper get-service \ + ${BMC_ITEM_PATH} 2>/dev/null || true) + + if [[ -z "${BMC_ITEM_SERVICE}" ]]; then + echo "No BMC item found in the Inventory. Is VPD EEPROM empty?" >&2 + return + fi + + BMC_SN=$(busctl get-property ${BMC_ITEM_SERVICE} \ + ${BMC_ITEM_PATH} \ + ${BMC_ITEM_IFACE} SerialNumber) + # 's "002B0DH1000"' + BMC_SN=${BMC_SN#*\"} + BMC_SN=${BMC_SN%\"*} + + hostnamectl set-hostname {MACHINE}-${BMC_SN} +} + +[ "$(hostname)" = "{MACHINE}" ] && sync_hostname + +systemctl disable first-boot-set-hostname.service + diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e9fdd66f --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/network/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +SUMMARY = "Init BMC Hostname" +DESCRIPTION = "Setup BMC Unique hostname" +PR = "r1" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${OPENPOWERBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" + +inherit allarch systemd + +RDEPENDS_${PN} = "${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_base-utils}" + +SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "first-boot-set-hostname.service" + +SRC_URI = "file://${PN}.sh file://${PN}.service" + +S = "${WORKDIR}" +do_install() { + sed "s/{MACHINE}/${MACHINE}/" -i ${PN}.sh + install -d ${D}${bindir} ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir} + install ${PN}.sh ${D}${bindir}/ + install -m 644 ${PN}.service ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/ +} + -- cgit v1.2.3 From d9a0653bbf00b04b2443a863c4d78155c4c00fda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 13:30:40 +0000 Subject: witherspoon-pfault-analysis: srcrev bump 9c7897ce91..03c19db6a8 Brandon Wyman (7): Use YAML for UCD definitions Fill in example YAML file based on Witherspoon Update script and template to parse index and path Update to get RailNames from parsing YAML Update to get GPIConfigs from parsing YAML Update to get GPIOAnalysis from parsing YAML Add YAML and error function for MEM_GOODx faults (From meta-ibm rev: a97929f0835cb2d4106e63ca7ddc33ce72f3f7aa) Change-Id: I83a10984a83916107f864d7c54209c1f1ab4f367 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../recipes-phosphor/power/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/ index 00b703d63..db7c16e5d 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/ +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${S}/LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "9c7897ce9176bf954e7e6b9a50d07c71e4035242" +SRCREV = "03c19db6a8f72d7f5408667a7daf915d82190efc" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 3b208e233dfef700303b855a519f8fec60929bac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Spinler Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 16:20:28 -0500 Subject: Swift: Bump MRW version Pick up a change that assigns types to the panel and VRM cards so can find them when looking for VPD. (From meta-ibm rev: 318efca67822aa625b6868bcb08508e7695c5bf3) Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler Change-Id: I26537326fb1fe0e653d3c7c470710c8a93cafb5e Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/swift.conf | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/swift.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/swift.conf index 6b5b7ce4c..bca1ed3f9 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/swift.conf +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/swift.conf @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "${KMACHINE}-bmc-opp-${MACHINE}.dtb" PHOSPHOR_MRW_LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" PHOSPHOR_MRW_LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e" PHOSPHOR_MRW_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" -PHOSPHOR_MRW_REV = "661fdc993683bd40df4e5f11463ba51da702c55b" +PHOSPHOR_MRW_REV = "7880e778af3fca75f46aa3e94f7e9971a6ddbb1f" # 128MB flash size FLASH_SIZE = "131072" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 3c0e00389281e4d31d4df436bfe7ef0b893f418c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 13:51:35 +0000 Subject: phosphor-certificate-manager: srcrev bump 15647204a6..f46827128c Marri Devender Rao (3): Pass flag to skip restart of units for certificate object Return Certificate Signing Request(CSR) contents Add Generate Key and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) (From meta-phosphor rev: 079aafc015cb9f58ddecfc7968ed2743c81f80d5) Change-Id: I34c03dc26bb5f7cf496148a7284e6acd689ee1fb Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../recipes-phosphor/certificate/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ index 62f5cb31f..0e6306875 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=86d3f3a95c324c9479bd8986968f4327" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "15647204a62e504a83d46e37449237374a14cad1" +SRCREV = "f46827128c0b53aac50e08db772ffe48c9987c65" inherit autotools \ pkgconfig \ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 4a10fd2b7dea620419a7bc725a83d2aaa1e6604a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 14:02:35 +0000 Subject: phosphor-user-manager: srcrev bump fef578960f..59dba4435d Ratan Gupta (2): phosphor-ldap-conf: handle "InterfaceAdded" signal on the ldap cert object phosphor-ldap-conf: handle "PropertiesChanged" signal on the ldap cert object Ravi Teja (2): User Mgr: Update GetUserInfo to read ldap user privilege UserMgr: Fix ldap config persistance issue (From meta-phosphor rev: c3c16d3bf6674836ed1181863eba62f067061c04) Change-Id: I054d305946afa9e9800002fb6a328bbed43963eb Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/users/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/users/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/users/ index db9d3bdee..e91c8d840 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/users/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/users/ @@ -39,5 +39,5 @@ DBUS_SERVICE_phosphor-ldap = " \ xyz.openbmc_project.LDAP.PrivilegeMapper.service \ " SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "fef578960f632abacc5cd615b2bedfb3ab9ebb90" +SRCREV = "59dba4435d0d553369790e8936d7eb43251ff302" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 8503ce99c605992a33dfdb5c3c2523511cc43f3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 17:42:07 +0000 Subject: phosphor-host-ipmid: srcrev bump 33298af179..a3dd7661d1 Vernon Mauery (1): unpack static assert on unsupported types (From meta-phosphor rev: 99edfb4e6155da1b0f65d507d2b9d63865f1fc0d) Change-Id: If6e7254a4299d2bb50d9292e5106940b83216728 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 6d1dbf477..23bfc473b 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=fa818a259cbed7ce8bc2a22d35a464fc" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "33298af179718bf6da82634101578eff39b4a9ae" +SRCREV = "a3dd7661d18aeb47bbad271f40cc23efb5dea8b5" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 4e2228b270caa689465fa8982b3481f245b4d19e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 21:32:00 +0000 Subject: phosphor-ipmi-flash: srcrev bump 0079d8985b..254b4cf554 Patrick Venture (9): bmc: firmware updateStarted: stat(session) test: firmware updateCompleted: initial empty file README: Add link to ipmi_flash state machine doc bmc: firmware updateCompleted: open(blob) bmc: firmware updateCompleted: stat(session) merge Verification and Update statuses test: firmware updateCompleted: stat(blob) test: firmware updateCompleted: writeMeta(session) test: firmware updateCompleted: write(session) (From meta-phosphor rev: 51efbf8bcc8c284a3cca74d74a9728674478a09f) Change-Id: I1a2f3d924c5a13abf6bb788975486fff89c05aba Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 119ac1640..b329f8a03 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-tests --disable-build-host-tool" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "0079d8985b56b134497fc261d0f74359e0c4cb8f" +SRCREV = "254b4cf554ddb929b7e3f519fc7cb886491b423a" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/lib*${SOLIBS}" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/blob-ipmid/lib*${SOLIBS}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From bab20941c451d79aa6bdd3cbad89edb45e7cc18c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 20:41:54 +0000 Subject: ipmi-blob-tool: srcrev bump ef5e09252d..958f1ce952 Patrick Venture (1): ipmi: pull the netfn and command into parameters (From meta-phosphor rev: 8b444c60fd2923b7568c1488c674cf71538cf02d) Change-Id: I53bbe05bae4abc680cb0e505b8ddeb0c3234fc49 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 30b540b7d..bb16749a9 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-tests" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "ef5e09252dba451acda30e53e8f5b28f08eac0cb" +SRCREV = "958f1ce952849300ebfd30cc04ce86937d3bc718" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 728c9e5e5a10bbd020b30955e3260ee939c0dedf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Wang Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 08:49:38 +0800 Subject: meta-inspur: Move recipes under meta-common Since meta-common is an x86 platform related meta, it would cause ambiguity if other platform related machines are created. In order to avoid ambiguity, recipses under meta-common are moved to meta-on5263m5, the meta-common folder is deleted. Tested: export TEMPLATECONF=meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf source openbmc-env bitbake obmc-phosphor-image Build successfully (From meta-inspur rev: 295f5c5f6fbec43e8d5727e9a50dcba58e951cbd) Signed-off-by: John Wang Change-Id: Iffacaf8131ec83362ec453a51818f6901f1f80e5 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-inspur/conf/layer.conf | 8 ++-- meta-inspur/conf/machine/include/ | 21 ---------- .../recipes-inspur/inspur-uuid/ | 27 ------------ .../packagegroups/ | 46 --------------------- meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/layer.conf | 4 +- .../meta-on5263m5/conf/machine/on5263m5.conf | 8 +++- .../recipes-inspur/inspur-uuid/ | 27 ++++++++++++ .../packagegroups/ | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++ .../skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json | 47 --------------------- .../skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend | 1 - .../recipes-phosphor/workbook/ | 38 ----------------- .../workbook/on5263m5-config/ | 48 ---------------------- 12 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 meta-inspur/conf/machine/include/ delete mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-common/recipes-inspur/inspur-uuid/ delete mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-common/recipes-inspur/packagegroups/ create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-inspur/inspur-uuid/ create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-inspur/packagegroups/ delete mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json delete mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend delete mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/workbook/ delete mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/workbook/on5263m5-config/ diff --git a/meta-inspur/conf/layer.conf b/meta-inspur/conf/layer.conf index 16f6f2a7b..3ba10679e 100644 --- a/meta-inspur/conf/layer.conf +++ b/meta-inspur/conf/layer.conf @@ -2,13 +2,11 @@ BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" # We have recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES -BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/meta-common/recipes-*/*/*.bb \ - ${LAYERDIR}/meta-common/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend" +BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \ + ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend" BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "inspur-layer" -BBFILE_PATTERN_inspur-layer = "" -LAYERVERSION_inspur-layer = "1" +BBFILE_PATTERN_inspur-layer = "^${LAYERDIR}/" LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_inspur-layer = "thud warrior" INSPURBASE = '${@os.path.normpath("${LAYERDIR}/")}' - diff --git a/meta-inspur/conf/machine/include/ b/meta-inspur/conf/machine/include/ deleted file mode 100644 index d90a01ad2..000000000 --- a/meta-inspur/conf/machine/include/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -OBMC_MACHINE_FEATURES += "\ - obmc-phosphor-fan-mgmt \ - obmc-phosphor-chassis-mgmt \ - obmc-phosphor-flash-mgmt \ - obmc-host-ipmi \ - obmc-host-ctl \ - obmc-host-state-mgmt \ - obmc-chassis-state-mgmt \ - obmc-bmc-state-mgmt \ - " - -VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_skeleton_workbook = "${MACHINE}-config" - -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-chassis-mgmt = "packagegroup-inspur-apps" -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-fan-mgmt = "packagegroup-inspur-apps" -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-flash-mgmt = "packagegroup-inspur-apps" -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-system-mgmt = "packagegroup-inspur-apps" -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-host-ctl ?= "obmc-op-control-host" -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-inventory-data ?= "${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_skeleton_workbook}" -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-host-ipmi-hw = "phosphor-ipmi-kcs" -#PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-gpio-monitor ?= "phosphor-gpio-monitor" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-common/recipes-inspur/inspur-uuid/ b/meta-inspur/meta-common/recipes-inspur/inspur-uuid/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2174da950..000000000 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-common/recipes-inspur/inspur-uuid/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -SUMMARY = "Inspur Identify LED Controller daemon" -DESCRIPTION = "Daemon to trigger actions on a inspur identify LED" - -PR = "r1" -PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" -LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e" - -inherit autotools pkgconfig -inherit systemd - -DEPENDS += "autoconf-archive-native" -DEPENDS += "sdbusplus" -DEPENDS += "sdeventplus" -DEPENDS += "phosphor-dbus-interfaces" -DEPENDS += "phosphor-logging" -DEPENDS += "gpioplus" - - -SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} += "xyz.openbmc_project.inspur.identify_led.controller.service" - -SRC_URI = "git://" - -PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "703633f2e81ba4d59eef74910c019e91d2bac63c" - -S = "${WORKDIR}/git" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-common/recipes-inspur/packagegroups/ b/meta-inspur/meta-common/recipes-inspur/packagegroups/ deleted file mode 100644 index 517b9eb77..000000000 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-common/recipes-inspur/packagegroups/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -SUMMARY = "OpenBMC for Inspur - Applications" -PR = "r1" - -inherit packagegroup - -PROVIDES = "${PACKAGES}" -PACKAGES = " \ - ${PN}-chassis \ - ${PN}-fans \ - ${PN}-flash \ - ${PN}-system \ - " - -PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-chassis-mgmt" -PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-fan-mgmt" -PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-flash-mgmt" -PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-system-mgmt" - -RPROVIDES_${PN}-chassis += "virtual-obmc-chassis-mgmt" -RPROVIDES_${PN}-fans += "virtual-obmc-fan-mgmt" -RPROVIDES_${PN}-flash += "virtual-obmc-flash-mgmt" -RPROVIDES_${PN}-system += "virtual-obmc-system-mgmt" - -SUMMARY_${PN}-chassis = "Inspur Chassis" -RDEPENDS_${PN}-chassis = " \ - obmc-control-chassis \ - obmc-op-control-power \ - obmc-host-failure-reboots \ - " - -SUMMARY_${PN}-fans = "Inspur Fans" -RDEPENDS_${PN}-fans = "" - -SUMMARY_${PN}-flash = "Inspur Flash" -RDEPENDS_${PN}-flash = " \ - obmc-flash-bmc \ - obmc-mgr-download \ - obmc-control-bmc \ - " - -SUMMARY_${PN}-system = "Inspur System" -RDEPENDS_${PN}-system = " \ - bmcweb \ - entity-manager \ - phosphor-webui \ - " diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/layer.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/layer.conf index b2ef63d20..b49d300bf 100644 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/layer.conf +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/layer.conf @@ -6,7 +6,5 @@ BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \ ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend" BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "on5263m5-layer" -BBFILE_PATTERN_on5263m5-layer = "" -BBFILE_PRIORITY_on5263m5-layer = "5" +BBFILE_PATTERN_on5263m5-layer = "^${LAYERDIR}/" LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_on5263m5-layer = "thud warrior" - diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/machine/on5263m5.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/machine/on5263m5.conf index ba8ce1067..1c217913e 100644 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/machine/on5263m5.conf +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/conf/machine/on5263m5.conf @@ -3,10 +3,14 @@ KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "${KMACHINE}-bmc-inspur-${MACHINE}.dtb" require conf/machine/include/ require conf/machine/include/ -require conf/machine/include/ + +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-chassis-mgmt = "packagegroup-inspur-apps" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-fan-mgmt = "packagegroup-inspur-apps" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-flash-mgmt = "packagegroup-inspur-apps" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-system-mgmt = "packagegroup-inspur-apps" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-host-ipmi-hw = "phosphor-ipmi-kcs" UBOOT_MACHINE = "ast_g5_phy_config" FLASH_SIZE = "32768" -VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_skeleton_workbook = "${MACHINE}-config" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-inspur/inspur-uuid/ b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-inspur/inspur-uuid/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2174da950 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-inspur/inspur-uuid/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +SUMMARY = "Inspur Identify LED Controller daemon" +DESCRIPTION = "Daemon to trigger actions on a inspur identify LED" + +PR = "r1" +PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e" + +inherit autotools pkgconfig +inherit systemd + +DEPENDS += "autoconf-archive-native" +DEPENDS += "sdbusplus" +DEPENDS += "sdeventplus" +DEPENDS += "phosphor-dbus-interfaces" +DEPENDS += "phosphor-logging" +DEPENDS += "gpioplus" + + +SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} += "xyz.openbmc_project.inspur.identify_led.controller.service" + +SRC_URI = "git://" + +PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" +SRCREV = "703633f2e81ba4d59eef74910c019e91d2bac63c" + +S = "${WORKDIR}/git" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-inspur/packagegroups/ b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-inspur/packagegroups/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..517b9eb77 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-inspur/packagegroups/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +SUMMARY = "OpenBMC for Inspur - Applications" +PR = "r1" + +inherit packagegroup + +PROVIDES = "${PACKAGES}" +PACKAGES = " \ + ${PN}-chassis \ + ${PN}-fans \ + ${PN}-flash \ + ${PN}-system \ + " + +PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-chassis-mgmt" +PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-fan-mgmt" +PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-flash-mgmt" +PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-system-mgmt" + +RPROVIDES_${PN}-chassis += "virtual-obmc-chassis-mgmt" +RPROVIDES_${PN}-fans += "virtual-obmc-fan-mgmt" +RPROVIDES_${PN}-flash += "virtual-obmc-flash-mgmt" +RPROVIDES_${PN}-system += "virtual-obmc-system-mgmt" + +SUMMARY_${PN}-chassis = "Inspur Chassis" +RDEPENDS_${PN}-chassis = " \ + obmc-control-chassis \ + obmc-op-control-power \ + obmc-host-failure-reboots \ + " + +SUMMARY_${PN}-fans = "Inspur Fans" +RDEPENDS_${PN}-fans = "" + +SUMMARY_${PN}-flash = "Inspur Flash" +RDEPENDS_${PN}-flash = " \ + obmc-flash-bmc \ + obmc-mgr-download \ + obmc-control-bmc \ + " + +SUMMARY_${PN}-system = "Inspur System" +RDEPENDS_${PN}-system = " \ + bmcweb \ + entity-manager \ + phosphor-webui \ + " diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json deleted file mode 100644 index b02709ec2..000000000 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -{ - "gpio_configs": { - - "power_config": { - "power_good_in": "PGOOD", - "power_up_outs": [ - {"name": "POWER_UP_PIN", "polarity": true} - ], - "reset_outs": [ - {"name": "RESET_OUT", "polarity": false} - ] - } - }, - - "gpio_definitions": [ - { - "name": "PGOOD", - "pin": "AB3", - "direction": "in" - }, - { - "name": "POWER_BUTTON", - "pin": "E2", - "direction": "both" - }, - { - "name": "POWER_UP_PIN", - "pin": "E3", - "direction": "out" - }, - { - "name": "RESET_BUTTON", - "pin": "E0", - "direction": "both" - }, - { - "name": "RESET_OUT", - "pin": "E1", - "direction": "out" - }, - { - "name": "ID_BUTTON", - "pin": "S6", - "direction": "both" - } - ] -} diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend deleted file mode 100644 index 72d991c7e..000000000 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/workbook/ b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/workbook/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1b6e926b9..000000000 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/workbook/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -SUMMARY = "Inspur On5263 board wiring" -DESCRIPTION = "Board wiring information for the On5263 system." -PR = "r1" -LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" -LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${INSPURBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" - -inherit allarch -inherit setuptools -inherit pythonnative - -PROVIDES += "virtual/obmc-inventory-data" -RPROVIDES_${PN} += "virtual-obmc-inventory-data" - -DEPENDS += "python" - -S = "${WORKDIR}" -SRC_URI += "file://" - -# the following is unnecessary. -python() { - machine = d.getVar('MACHINE', True).capitalize() + '.py' - d.setVar('_config_in_skeleton', machine) -} - -do_make_setup() { - cp ${S}/${_config_in_skeleton} \ - ${S}/ - cat < ${S}/ -from distutils.core import setup - -setup(name='${BPN}', - version='${PR}', - py_modules=['obmc_system_config'], - ) -EOF -} - -addtask make_setup after do_patch before do_configure diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/workbook/on5263m5-config/ b/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/workbook/on5263m5-config/ deleted file mode 100644 index ca7cb2098..000000000 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-on5263m5/recipes-phosphor/workbook/on5263m5-config/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -## System states -## state can change to next state in 2 ways: -## - a process emits a GotoSystemState signal with state name to goto -## - objects specified in EXIT_STATE_DEPEND have started -SYSTEM_STATES = [ - 'BASE_APPS', - 'BMC_STARTING', - 'BMC_READY', - 'HOST_POWERING_ON', - 'HOST_POWERED_ON', - 'HOST_BOOTING', - 'HOST_BOOTED', - 'HOST_POWERED_OFF', -] - -EXIT_STATE_DEPEND = { - 'BASE_APPS' : { - '/xyz/openbmc_poroject/sensors': 0, - }, - 'BMC_STARTING' : { - '/xyz/openbmc_project/control/chassis0': 0, - }, -} - -FRU_INSTANCES = {} - -# I believe these numbers need to match the yaml file used to create the c++ ipmi map. -# the devices have types, but I don't believe that factors in here, I think these are -# just unique IDs. -ID_LOOKUP = { - 'FRU' : {}, - # The number at the end needs to match the FRU ID. - # - # The parameter for it is of type 'y' (unsigned 8-bit integer) presumably decimal? - 'FRU_STR' : {}, - 'SENSOR' : {}, - 'GPIO_PRESENT' : {} -} - -GPIO_CONFIG = {} -HWMON_CONFIG = {} -GPIO_CONFIGS = {} - -# Miscellaneous non-poll sensor with system specific properties. -# The sensor id is the same as those defined in ID_LOOKUP['SENSOR']. -MISC_SENSORS = {} - -# vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 -- cgit v1.2.3 From 988b28b864d09591032b145b278f5f30ceb97c16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Wang Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 17:46:44 +0800 Subject: meta-inspur: Add meta-fp5280g2 machine layer FP5280G2 is an openpower machine with onboard ast2500. Tested: Built fp5280g2 and verified the bmc-image is generated (From meta-inspur rev: c6e214b8172b7cbf5567f081902a87fe52d50050) Signed-off-by: John Wang Change-Id: I95b49aaf8b0ad861901406d6c6cddde27a5b2dc1 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../meta-fp5280g2/conf/bblayers.conf.sample | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++ meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/conf-notes.txt | 2 ++ .../conf/distro/openbmc-fp5280g2.conf | 1 + meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/layer.conf | 10 +++++++ meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/local.conf.sample | 17 ++++++++++++ .../meta-fp5280g2/conf/machine/fp5280g2.conf | 11 ++++++++ .../linux/linux-aspeed/fp5280g2/fp5280g2.cfg | 2 ++ .../recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend | 3 +++ .../recipes-phosphor/host/p9-host-start.bbappend | 1 + 9 files changed, 78 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/bblayers.conf.sample create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/conf-notes.txt create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/distro/openbmc-fp5280g2.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/layer.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/local.conf.sample create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/machine/fp5280g2.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/fp5280g2/fp5280g2.cfg create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/host/p9-host-start.bbappend diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/bblayers.conf.sample b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/bblayers.conf.sample new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85de97268 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/bblayers.conf.sample @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# LAYER_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf +# changes incompatibly +LCONF_VERSION = "8" + +BBPATH = "${TOPDIR}" +BBFILES ?= "" + +BBLAYERS ?= " \ + ##OEROOT##/meta \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-networking \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-perl \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-python \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-phosphor \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-aspeed \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openpower \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-inspur \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2\ + " +BBLAYERS_NON_REMOVABLE ?= " \ + ##OEROOT##/meta \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-networking \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-perl \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-python \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-phosphor \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-aspeed \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openpower \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-inspur \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2 \ + " diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/conf-notes.txt b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/conf-notes.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b3c01a55 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/conf-notes.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Common targets are: + obmc-phosphor-image diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/distro/openbmc-fp5280g2.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/distro/openbmc-fp5280g2.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2570a9a19 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/distro/openbmc-fp5280g2.conf @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +require conf/distro/openbmc-openpower.conf diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/layer.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/layer.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56da4ba91 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/layer.conf @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# We have a conf and classes directory, add to BBPATH +BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" + +# We have recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES +BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \ + ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend" + +BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "fp5280g2-layer" +BBFILE_PATTERN_fp5280g2-layer := "^${LAYERDIR}/" +LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_fp5280g2-layer = "thud warrior" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/local.conf.sample b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/local.conf.sample new file mode 100644 index 000000000..189fcb3d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/local.conf.sample @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +MACHINE ??= "fp5280g2" +DISTRO ?= "openbmc-fp5280g2" +PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_rpm" +SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS_append ?= " *" +EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks" +USER_CLASSES ?= "buildstats image-mklibs image-prelink" +PATCHRESOLVE = "noop" +BB_DISKMON_DIRS = "\ + STOPTASKS,${TMPDIR},1G,100K \ + STOPTASKS,${DL_DIR},1G,100K \ + STOPTASKS,${SSTATE_DIR},1G,100K \ + STOPTASKS,/tmp,100M,100K \ + ABORT,${TMPDIR},100M,1K \ + ABORT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \ + ABORT,${SSTATE_DIR},100M,1K \ + ABORT,/tmp,10M,1K" +CONF_VERSION = "1" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/machine/fp5280g2.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/machine/fp5280g2.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e754bc1f --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/conf/machine/fp5280g2.conf @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +KMACHINE = "aspeed" +KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "${KMACHINE}-bmc-inspur-${MACHINE}.dtb" + +UBOOT_MACHINE = "ast_g5_ncsi_config" + +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/p9-vcs-workaround = '' + +require conf/machine/include/ +require conf/machine/include/ +require conf/machine/include/ +require conf/machine/include/ diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/fp5280g2/fp5280g2.cfg b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/fp5280g2/fp5280g2.cfg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8217a18a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/fp5280g2/fp5280g2.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +CONFIG_SENSORS_TMP421=y +CONFIG_SENSORS_EMC1403=y diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d2288fe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" + +SRC_URI_append_fp5280g2 = " file://fp5280g2.cfg" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/host/p9-host-start.bbappend b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/host/p9-host-start.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2c59c5f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/host/p9-host-start.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +RDEPENDS_${PN}_remove_fp5280g2 = "p9-vcs-workaround" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 586584d50487ea70777ad0c8b906ea4c9c6df42e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Wang Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 16:11:56 +0800 Subject: meta-inspur: Add MAINTAINERS file (From meta-inspur rev: 072b7d4889bce9c967bbde393334bd63e13052bd) Signed-off-by: John Wang Change-Id: I93cdd9470db20ebc800aaf5ece95721d295b8f9c Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-inspur/MAINTAINERS | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-inspur/MAINTAINERS diff --git a/meta-inspur/MAINTAINERS b/meta-inspur/MAINTAINERS new file mode 100644 index 000000000..af86b18f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/MAINTAINERS @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +How to use this list: + Find the most specific section entry (described below) that matches where + your change lives and add the reviewers (R) and maintainers (M) as + reviewers. You can use the same method to track down who knows a particular + code base best. + + Your change/query may span multiple entries; that is okay. + + If you do not find an entry that describes your request at all, someone + forgot to update this list; please at least file an issue or send an email + to a maintainer, but preferably you should just update this document. + +Description of section entries: + + Section entries are structured according to the following scheme: + + X: NAME + X: ... + . + . + . + + Where REPO_NAME is the name of the repository within the OpenBMC GitHub + organization; FILE_PATH is a file path within the repository, possibly with + wildcards; X is a tag of one of the following types: + + M: Denotes maintainer; has fields NAME ; + if omitted from an entry, assume one of the maintainers from the + MAINTAINERS entry. + R: Denotes reviewer; has fields NAME ; + these people are to be added as reviewers for a change matching the repo + path. + F: Denotes forked from an external repository; has fields URL. + + Line comments are to be denoted "# SOME COMMENT" (typical shell style + comment); it is important to follow the correct syntax and semantics as we + may want to use automated tools with this file in the future. + + A change cannot be added to an OpenBMC repository without a MAINTAINER's + approval; thus, a MAINTAINER should always be listed as a reviewer. + +START OF MAINTAINERS LIST +------------------------- + +M: John Wang +R: George Liu +R: Lei Yu -- cgit v1.2.3 From 09cf2972d8aaf4a84f0d7999c07d5e7e3ed4ee65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 23:31:32 +0000 Subject: sdbusplus: srcrev bump 66ef099b5a..c14699f63e James Feist (1): asio: Allow mutable lambdas + small cleanup (From meta-phosphor rev: dc517d8f0de04806775021926e982527e26762eb) Change-Id: I81983da204f4fcc9728d05a1d0e3965ddbd70099 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/sdbusplus/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/sdbusplus/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/sdbusplus/ index fbdda9bbd..c92f76cf8 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/sdbusplus/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-extended/sdbusplus/ @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ DEPENDS_append_class-native = " \ " SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "66ef099b5a77315bb531300dfcc81a53867cd5fa" +SRCREV = "c14699f63e909ed6d8599e65503ee9c1e3a104d6" PACKAGECONFIG ??= "libsdbusplus transaction" PACKAGECONFIG[libsdbusplus] = "--enable-libsdbusplus,--disable-libsdbusplus,systemd,libsystemd" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 9bf83c80212c268d8d0c3b255cbaad9626bd2902 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 20:31:57 +0000 Subject: phosphor-ipmi-flash: srcrev bump 254b4cf554..1d66fe6ee6 Patrick Venture (3): s/struct blobs::BlobMeta/blobs::BlobMeta/g test: firmware updateCompleted: commit(session) merge Verification and Update Interfaces (From meta-phosphor rev: 7ef25155d9ffb40842300d105c06942fecbfb5cf) Change-Id: Ib4de2d2e45dca9e8bbe58f76612df5ba758c7912 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index b329f8a03..43a59ca42 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-tests --disable-build-host-tool" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "254b4cf554ddb929b7e3f519fc7cb886491b423a" +SRCREV = "1d66fe6ee6805d682e0b6be4b177b58b8acbade2" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/lib*${SOLIBS}" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/blob-ipmid/lib*${SOLIBS}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 31ea32d3953358fa63c97b5e5e0d22cf5dd23cfb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeremy Kerr Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 09:38:04 +0800 Subject: phosphor: use standard proxy settings for phosphor-webui recipe The current phosphor-webui compile stage needs to connect to the npm registry. In build environments that use a proxy (specified by the `http_proxy`) setting, this fails. Although the current recipe provides proxy arguments through the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, not many other download tools use this (wget and curl do not). Since the lower-case version needs to be set anyway (for wget), use that instead of requiring both http_proxy and HTTP_PROXY. Tested: phosphor-webui's do_compile target works with only http{,s}_proxy set (From meta-phosphor rev: 0a4689a724565cf04db0844ba56771dc6b9469cc) Fixes: Change-Id: I4091bfec0ce948e23a5648544900fd416c333965 Signed-off-by: Jeremy Kerr Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/webui/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/webui/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/webui/ index 89f4e24c9..5d36313c9 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/webui/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/webui/ @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/www/*" do_compile () { cd ${S} rm -rf node_modules - npm --loglevel info --proxy=${HTTP_PROXY} --https-proxy=${HTTPS_PROXY} install + npm --loglevel info --proxy=${http_proxy} --https-proxy=${https_proxy} install npm run-script build } -- cgit v1.2.3 From 275b604ffd65b5c7622dc974067ab0cfc5b73c35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matthew Barth Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 13:30:53 -0500 Subject: swift: Add tmp275 ambient sensor Swift has 3 ambient temperature sensors, the tmp275 will be labeled as `ambient0` and initially use the same warn/crit temperature configurations as Witherspoon. Tested: Built image that contained the config file (From meta-ibm rev: 51daebff52005f4cf40fa5a4bf8c5f779bb6c997) Change-Id: Iebb780c517a41ec64e5ad99ebf41c401faab90e9 Signed-off-by: Matthew Barth Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/tmp275@48.conf | 5 +++++ .../recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend | 1 + 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/tmp275@48.conf diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/tmp275@48.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/tmp275@48.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef2b46d53 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/tmp275@48.conf @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "ambient0" +WARNHI_temp1 = "25000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "35000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend index 75e7655af..8ebf37eb0 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ CHIPS_append_witherspoon = " \ CHIPS_append_swift = " \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@440/tmp275@4a \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@440/tmp275@48 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/tmp275@48 \ " ITEMSFMT = "ahb/apb/{0}.conf" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 797085a61036f546e29829f0738e8fa06f9c0c26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matthew Barth Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 13:39:52 -0500 Subject: swift: Add dps310 ambient sensor Swift has 3 ambient temperature sensors, the dps310 will be labeled as `ambient1` and initially use the same warn/crit temperature configurations as Witherspoon. Tested: Built image that contained the config file (From meta-ibm rev: b86d99ad97152a5932f0e53a3a80a422e421437b) Change-Id: Ibd7a11b9203d6ec82b500874d6d38a3e762e4173 Signed-off-by: Matthew Barth Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/dps310@76.conf | 5 +++++ .../recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend | 1 + 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/dps310@76.conf diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/dps310@76.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/dps310@76.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d685863f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/dps310@76.conf @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "ambient1" +WARNHI_temp1 = "25000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "35000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend index 8ebf37eb0..c5d75a788 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ CHIPS_append_swift = " \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@440/tmp275@4a \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@440/tmp275@48 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/tmp275@48 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/dps310@76 \ " ITEMSFMT = "ahb/apb/{0}.conf" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 6052e32ec45ff3f32ae2d96c4dfd89b1e7d5bb3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matthew Barth Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 13:44:13 -0500 Subject: swift: Add si7021a20 ambient sensor Swift has 3 ambient temperature sensors, the si7021a20 will be labeled as `ambient2` and initially use the same warn/crit temperature configurations as Witherspoon. Tested: Built image that contained the config file (From meta-ibm rev: 44d15151813b30aeb9f93cf4afb2818be2ed0b70) Change-Id: Ie5e538d270ab27cd1ebd4979c79038c1b18bb1db Signed-off-by: Matthew Barth Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/si7021a20@20.conf | 5 +++++ .../recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend | 1 + 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/si7021a20@20.conf diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/si7021a20@20.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/si7021a20@20.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8a729067 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/si7021a20@20.conf @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "ambient2" +WARNHI_temp1 = "25000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "35000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend index c5d75a788..dfd992b60 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ CHIPS_append_swift = " \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@440/tmp275@48 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/tmp275@48 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/dps310@76 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/si7021a20@20 \ " ITEMSFMT = "ahb/apb/{0}.conf" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 466193732b3fe99986982f5ca444fb221d0b970d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matthew Barth Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 16:27:24 -0500 Subject: swift: Add CP0 ir35219 and ir35221 sensors On processor 0 in Swift, an IR35219 is used for the VDD vrm and IR35221s are used for the VDN & VCS vrms and VIO vrm.. Initially the same warn/crit configuration values as Witherspoon will be used. Tested: Built image that contained the config files (From meta-ibm rev: e21e2d20610744cfbf1d96345e0781ae3a47159d) Change-Id: I94b687e77f988442e9b6a7f5583608be01a793c8 Signed-off-by: Matthew Barth Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35219@70.conf | 23 +++++++++++ .../apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@71.conf | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++ .../apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@72.conf | 23 +++++++++++ .../sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend | 3 ++ 4 files changed, 96 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35219@70.conf create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@71.conf create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@72.conf diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35219@70.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35219@70.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d2f2ef2a --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35219@70.conf @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +qLABEL_temp1 = "p0_vdd_temp" +WARNHI_temp1 = "80000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "85000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" + +LABEL_curr2 = "p0_vdd_current" +WARNLO_curr2 = "0" +CRITLO_curr2 = "0" +WARNHI_curr2 = "320000" +CRITHI_curr2 = "360000" + +LABEL_in2 = "p0_vdd_voltage" +WARNLO_in2 = "0" +CRITLO_in2 = "0" +WARNHI_in2 = "1150" +CRITHI_in2 = "1300" + +LABEL_power2 = "p0_vdd_power" +WARNLO_power2 = "0" +CRITLO_power2 = "0" +WARNHI_power2 = "270000000" +CRITHI_power2 = "290000000" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@71.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@71.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca7793722 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@71.conf @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "p0_vdn_temp" +WARNHI_temp1 = "80000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "85000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" + +LABEL_curr2 = "p0_vdn_current" +WARNLO_curr2 = "0" +CRITLO_curr2 = "0" +WARNHI_curr2 = "80000" +CRITHI_curr2 = "110000" + +LABEL_in2 = "p0_vdn_voltage" +WARNLO_in2 = "0" +CRITLO_in2 = "0" +WARNHI_in2 = "1100" +CRITHI_in2 = "1300" + +LABEL_power2 = "p0_vdn_power" +WARNLO_power2 = "0" +CRITLO_power2 = "0" +WARNHI_power2 = "88000000" +CRITHI_power2 = "121000000" + +LABEL_temp2 = "p0_vcs_temp" +WARNHI_temp2 = "80000" +WARNLO_temp2 = "0" +CRITHI_temp2 = "85000" +CRITLO_temp2 = "0" + +LABEL_curr3 = "p0_vcs_current" +WARNLO_curr3 = "0" +CRITLO_curr3 = "0" +WARNHI_curr3 = "20000" +CRITHI_curr3 = "25000" + +LABEL_in3 = "p0_vcs_voltage" +WARNLO_in3 = "0" +CRITLO_in3 = "0" +WARNHI_in3 = "1150" +CRITHI_in3 = "1300" + +LABEL_power3 = "p0_vcs_power" +WARNLO_power3 = "0" +CRITLO_power3 = "0" +WARNHI_power3 = "20000000" +CRITHI_power3 = "25000000" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@72.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@72.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7b6b356a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@72.conf @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "p0_vio_temp" +WARNHI_temp1 = "80000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "85000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" + +LABEL_curr2 = "p0_vio_current" +WARNLO_curr2 = "0" +CRITLO_curr2 = "0" +WARNHI_curr2 = "80000" +CRITHI_curr2 = "110000" + +LABEL_in2 = "p0_vio_voltage" +WARNLO_in2 = "0" +CRITLO_in2 = "0" +WARNHI_in2 = "1100" +CRITHI_in2 = "1300" + +LABEL_power2 = "p0_vio_power" +WARNLO_power2 = "0" +CRITLO_power2 = "0" +WARNHI_power2 = "88000000" +CRITHI_power2 = "121000000" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend index dfd992b60..b54acff07 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend @@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ CHIPS_append_swift = " \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/tmp275@48 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/dps310@76 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@300/si7021a20@20 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35219@70 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@71 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@72 \ " ITEMSFMT = "ahb/apb/{0}.conf" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 999ce88a6d235b4fad994b7668e0902ae274057a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matthew Barth Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 16:37:16 -0500 Subject: swift: Add CP1 ir35219 and ir35221 sensors On processor 1 in Swift, an IR35219 is used for the VDD vrm and IR35221s are used for the VDN & VCS vrms and VIO vrm. Initially the same warn/crit configuration values as Witherspoon will be used. Tested: Built image that contained the config files (From meta-ibm rev: a296aa3c0ad4278c060c66c4ca4c1ed5913cfe06) Change-Id: I961c12469c550d36ec03bc5f249fe46019d1c5d1 Signed-off-by: Matthew Barth Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35219@70.conf | 23 +++++++++++ .../apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@71.conf | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++ .../apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@72.conf | 23 +++++++++++ .../sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend | 3 ++ 4 files changed, 96 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35219@70.conf create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@71.conf create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@72.conf diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35219@70.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35219@70.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e0c63d34 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35219@70.conf @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "p1_vdd_temp" +WARNHI_temp1 = "80000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "85000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" + +LABEL_curr2 = "p1_vdd_current" +WARNLO_curr2 = "0" +CRITLO_curr2 = "0" +WARNHI_curr2 = "320000" +CRITHI_curr2 = "360000" + +LABEL_in2 = "p1_vdd_voltage" +WARNLO_in2 = "0" +CRITLO_in2 = "0" +WARNHI_in2 = "1150" +CRITHI_in2 = "1300" + +LABEL_power2 = "p1_vdd_power" +WARNLO_power2 = "0" +CRITLO_power2 = "0" +WARNHI_power2 = "270000000" +CRITHI_power2 = "290000000" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@71.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@71.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..836eef63b --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@71.conf @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "p1_vdn_temp" +WARNHI_temp1 = "80000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "85000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" + +LABEL_curr2 = "p1_vdn_current" +WARNLO_curr2 = "0" +CRITLO_curr2 = "0" +WARNHI_curr2 = "80000" +CRITHI_curr2 = "110000" + +LABEL_in2 = "p1_vdn_voltage" +WARNLO_in2 = "0" +CRITLO_in2 = "0" +WARNHI_in2 = "1100" +CRITHI_in2 = "1300" + +LABEL_power2 = "p1_vdn_power" +WARNLO_power2 = "0" +CRITLO_power2 = "0" +WARNHI_power2 = "88000000" +CRITHI_power2 = "121000000" + +LABEL_temp2 = "p1_vcs_temp" +WARNHI_temp2 = "80000" +WARNLO_temp2 = "0" +CRITHI_temp2 = "85000" +CRITLO_temp2 = "0" + +LABEL_curr3 = "p1_vcs_current" +WARNLO_curr3 = "0" +CRITLO_curr3 = "0" +WARNHI_curr3 = "20000" +CRITHI_curr3 = "25000" + +LABEL_in3 = "p1_vcs_voltage" +WARNLO_in3 = "0" +CRITLO_in3 = "0" +WARNHI_in3 = "1150" +CRITHI_in3 = "1300" + +LABEL_power3 = "p1_vcs_power" +WARNLO_power3 = "0" +CRITLO_power3 = "0" +WARNHI_power3 = "20000000" +CRITHI_power3 = "25000000" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@72.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@72.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..213f64845 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@72.conf @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "p1_vio_temp" +WARNHI_temp1 = "80000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "85000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" + +LABEL_curr2 = "p1_vio_current" +WARNLO_curr2 = "0" +CRITLO_curr2 = "0" +WARNHI_curr2 = "80000" +CRITHI_curr2 = "110000" + +LABEL_in2 = "p1_vio_voltage" +WARNLO_in2 = "0" +CRITLO_in2 = "0" +WARNHI_in2 = "1100" +CRITHI_in2 = "1300" + +LABEL_power2 = "p1_vio_power" +WARNLO_power2 = "0" +CRITLO_power2 = "0" +WARNHI_power2 = "88000000" +CRITHI_power2 = "121000000" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend index b54acff07..0861025f6 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend @@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ CHIPS_append_swift = " \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35219@70 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@71 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@380/ir35221@72 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35219@70 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@71 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@3c0/ir35221@72 \ " ITEMSFMT = "ahb/apb/{0}.conf" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 3a2e1c72653f627175d0e51f0870eb107582a283 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 01:21:12 +0000 Subject: openpower-pnor-code-mgmt: srcrev bump 2b2d2298f5..b8cb0cc9d9 Adriana Kobylak (1): Remove deprecated is_method_error code (From meta-openpower rev: 2e7a543ad44f24499387d0041b10ba2ca4714f04) Change-Id: Iecb86d2d6b9b829b6d555e48065ab70d79e2571b Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/flash/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/flash/ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/flash/ index d8ae1cf98..84647bc38 100644 --- a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/flash/ +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/flash/ @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "2b2d2298f5c6e9e596ed3ae84326a6ae804c46a4" +SRCREV = "b8cb0cc9d9b3253df47bf019a8f028f01110f9ab" DBUS_SERVICE_${PN} += "org.open_power.Software.Host.Updater.service" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 9fcbcb12379cdbb284c583f2d98fdb235d7dbfca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 17:21:48 +0000 Subject: phosphor-pid-control: srcrev bump 375f7098c2..98b704e179 James Feist (1): Add Fan Redundancy Support Kun Yi (1): docs: Add a small guide for thermal tuning (From meta-phosphor rev: 5e457ebaec191fff7638cbf7f6ce3defed7497fa) Change-Id: I6edb83b11b184ab0be38ae06baa64f6ad1a74d6f Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/fans/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/fans/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/fans/ index 171c1c42e..eebae1442 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/fans/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/fans/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ inherit obmc-phosphor-ipmiprovider-symlink S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "375f7098c232d38adcaab99b2f3ee561ded8c256" +SRCREV = "98b704e179f12d987179fe6b0ea6234d1bace48f" # Each platform will need a service file that starts # at an appropriate time per system. For instance, if -- cgit v1.2.3 From 7785a1964ada2b4de19e9ff9d746201f10662fc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 16:01:56 +0000 Subject: bmcweb: srcrev bump 57bff08a75..028f7ebc66 Eddie James (1): Add basic PowerControl and PowerLimit properties (From meta-phosphor rev: 957c2656677af29cf778a5db7df1e07f491e27ad) Change-Id: I5f55dbc28d126e246cc7a7021f4bdf9b81e3b734 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ index 796a34a1c..d33dd6818 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "57bff08a75362a05d36354918195c5b7c82006f1" +SRCREV = "028f7ebc6626f6b95251ce52a9ed9ed053e48a3e" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From a775f2c945f9138d0a366bb737205e766fba795b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 18:41:41 +0000 Subject: entity-manager: srcrev bump 4c55239523..0073354294 Jae Hyun Yoo (1): Change CPU inventory name (From meta-phosphor rev: c8add0f12c5819e46ce9ea5266a973b467dbd656) Change-Id: Ib8b0bc952b37666ae9f74dd87d6d03d4619d7683 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ index 920ef8a9b..55f6996c5 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ DESCRIPTION = "Entity Manager provides d-bus configuration data \ and configures system sensors" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "4c552395239dfbc6bc625d4a5ac1b4d61759ed0f" +SRCREV = "0073354294c7526c1d71b846f9e52d4e9dcfefa4" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 64217f900748c66c7852e5dc73c23fe7aca24704 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 20:52:08 +0000 Subject: phosphor-ipmi-flash: srcrev bump 1d66fe6ee6..d816b23b95 Patrick Venture (6): test: firmware updateCompleted: read(session) test: firmware updateCompleted: getBlobIds() bmc: firmware updateCompleted: close(session) bmc: simplify ::open() bmc: simplify ::close() bmc: drop unused Session::State (From meta-phosphor rev: 3f3fa0af2f7ca14e31f606b66c4eeb1037261751) Change-Id: I4d654736550df157b13c8879907cff96cbc0f618 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 43a59ca42..e3728fd1b 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-tests --disable-build-host-tool" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "1d66fe6ee6805d682e0b6be4b177b58b8acbade2" +SRCREV = "d816b23b955a7b575fba0a08540eb46ee02919af" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/lib*${SOLIBS}" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/blob-ipmid/lib*${SOLIBS}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 4b6b2f1936cd53f798f765607bdd7d6a10f87150 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:52:10 +0000 Subject: phosphor-host-ipmid: srcrev bump a3dd7661d1..ea1c401c4b Vernon Mauery (1): Modify Get Device ID to use Context::bus (From meta-phosphor rev: f027fb48b77a5e8c7aae7a7d334e3bc6db64d500) Change-Id: Ie02c7057d4da5f25173b572e80f94bac5ad1ca97 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 23bfc473b..f2f0d01d9 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=fa818a259cbed7ce8bc2a22d35a464fc" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "a3dd7661d18aeb47bbad271f40cc23efb5dea8b5" +SRCREV = "ea1c401c4bac43d6070bf7d515df08f8bf57c0a2" -- cgit v1.2.3 From b5fa9d9a26c2aa36e4e71ee862c600b7bb16ca77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 23:41:53 +0000 Subject: bmcweb: srcrev bump 028f7ebc66..d62cec731d James Feist (1): Add inventory added and removed to registry (From meta-phosphor rev: 11e6c22e16bb1c7b1108bda0862da1481be6b6d7) Change-Id: I18897268f596accd89df1b45199f9d9975631d8a Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ index d33dd6818..e9b0469d1 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "028f7ebc6626f6b95251ce52a9ed9ed053e48a3e" +SRCREV = "d62cec731dcb533b3fecb08ba115dbf713539681" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 83b1ee801019e3fcda7eae2178383a0d4d30085f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 00:11:40 +0000 Subject: entity-manager: srcrev bump 0073354294..683ff83b9c Jason M. Bills (1): Remove power control GPIOs from the board configuration (From meta-phosphor rev: c8d47f3fa1a5d0ba526de8d36357eba4d3cc3f72) Change-Id: I738fd884514d2e4f250a30f75de14761bec96729 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ index 55f6996c5..69b9d5d99 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ DESCRIPTION = "Entity Manager provides d-bus configuration data \ and configures system sensors" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "0073354294c7526c1d71b846f9e52d4e9dcfefa4" +SRCREV = "683ff83b9cfe0ec3d9683f7220bd40ef77dbfe96" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 52f5d012b4e874cdcd86ad5c8355bf517ec299e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Wang Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 16:13:24 +0800 Subject: fp5280g2: Add ds3232 & pca953x kernel config CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS3232 is depended by "dallas,ds3232". CONFIG_GPIO_PCA953X is depended by "nxp,pca9555". Tested: Built fp5280g2 successfully and manually verified via `bitbake -c menuconfig linux-aspeed` (From meta-inspur rev: a79eb50fea9f49097d289652afe6ec15ed2051db) Signed-off-by: John Wang Change-Id: I5b9c970d02fe587ef39a9a5d6f92b76de4334190 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/fp5280g2/fp5280g2.cfg | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/fp5280g2/fp5280g2.cfg b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/fp5280g2/fp5280g2.cfg index 8217a18a7..587dc57d1 100644 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/fp5280g2/fp5280g2.cfg +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/fp5280g2/fp5280g2.cfg @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ CONFIG_SENSORS_TMP421=y CONFIG_SENSORS_EMC1403=y +CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS3232=y +CONFIG_GPIO_PCA953X=y -- cgit v1.2.3 From f8d8ab180ea4fbad76d439ce048018edf9d6d84e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Wang Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 09:17:43 +0800 Subject: fp5280g2: Add GPIO JSON These GPIOs are used by the code in skeleton Tested: Built fp5280g2 and checked rootfs for the config file (From meta-inspur rev: b23e21c84ba5c7eb4184f51679f8aedb86300965) Signed-off-by: John Wang Change-Id: I831f0cceb58447c6e96a422b47f8d299f9d06695 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++ .../skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend | 1 + 2 files changed, 43 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0809fe6d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +{ + "gpio_configs": { + + "power_config": { + "power_good_in": "CPLD_BMC_SYS_PWROK", + "power_up_outs": [ + { "name": "BMC_CPLD_SOFTWARE_PG_N", "polarity": false}, + { "name": "BMC_CPLD_SYS_PWRON", "polarity": false} + ], + "reset_outs": [ + ] + } + }, + + "gpio_definitions": [ + { + "name": "BMC_CPLD_SOFTWARE_PG_N", + "pin": "J3", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "BMC_CPLD_SYS_PWRON", + "pin": "AA7", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "CPLD_BMC_SYS_PWROK", + "pin": "AA1", + "direction": "in" + }, + { + "name": "POWER_BUTTON", + "pin": "AA6", + "direction": "both" + }, + { + "name": "RESET_BUTTON", + "pin": "AB0", + "direction": "both" + } + ] +} diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27e7cf9cf --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_fp5280g2 := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 113d86a6b204cad21af098619fab4f54abdf5f8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Wang Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 10:00:41 +0800 Subject: fp5280g2: Add Mailbox Daemon Tested: Built fp5280g2,checked that mboxd ran successfully and fp5280g2 could boot host. (From meta-inspur rev: 49c9e7ea09b81174f21091a9d0108a9f7cc2d9e8) Signed-off-by: John Wang Change-Id: I63f868f7cedcab661e3e47a342574ebe2842b044 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend | 1 + meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/mboxd/mboxd_%.bbappend | 1 + 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/mboxd/mboxd_%.bbappend diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78819fde1 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +OBMC_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL_append_fp5280g2 = " mboxd" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/mboxd/mboxd_%.bbappend b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/mboxd/mboxd_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6a7b0ca3 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/mboxd/mboxd_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +MBOXD_FLASH_SIZE_fp5280g2 = "64M" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 4a9c9be89ec0e12941692705b80ed78f2a9d93b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 14:32:15 +0000 Subject: phosphor-ipmi-flash: srcrev bump d816b23b95..14713becef Patrick Venture (1): tools: open and commit() on updateBlobId (From meta-phosphor rev: 6c47cc4178a156279e03bae4ff812e2722446a93) Change-Id: I22c487ad2f540b770d90783eb5d586d53634d237 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index e3728fd1b..59ee58d35 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-tests --disable-build-host-tool" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "d816b23b955a7b575fba0a08540eb46ee02919af" +SRCREV = "14713becef822c418cac3ee6a3c4d6e4d4ae40d8" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/lib*${SOLIBS}" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/blob-ipmid/lib*${SOLIBS}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 265b1faa12c5eedad7f4422d4388da23d56001d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 12:01:53 +0000 Subject: phosphor-dbus-interfaces: srcrev bump 57b878d048..1f0e2ce6e1 Cheng C Yang (1): Add D-Bus interface for Cold Redundancy. (From meta-phosphor rev: a428d5115d68c30d4b767b205ca2717f53a8ac3f) Change-Id: Ib393d70a0394ecba5cbadb81c8819fb78b497149 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/dbus/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/dbus/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/dbus/ index 9a6c036e4..25e49ba34 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/dbus/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/dbus/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ DEPENDS += "autoconf-archive-native" DEPENDS += "sdbus++-native" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "57b878d048f929643276f1bf7fdf750abc4bde8b" +SRCREV = "1f0e2ce6e1cb78a59a0015b160816b71156b03c6" DEPENDS_remove_class-native = "sdbus++-native" DEPENDS_remove_class-nativesdk = "sdbus++-native" -- cgit v1.2.3 From f6ecce4e4fb631382aad4076e7d8c3bf3ce43b69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 15:22:21 +0000 Subject: bmcweb: srcrev bump d62cec731d..0a86febd7f Richard Marian Thomaiyar (1): bmcweb: Fix sensor name identification method (From meta-phosphor rev: 9dc2c395ff65dde09eb319f35bbc22b8f37dc5be) Change-Id: Ib654d6a81d9f12bbc5158a1ad7cd1568dc8d6a76 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ index e9b0469d1..2eda20d9f 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "d62cec731dcb533b3fecb08ba115dbf713539681" +SRCREV = "0a86febd7fda49d692666ab4ddd9efccf352c4d8" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 7e49fbf228523778ee7d76128f9faa1e026822f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 21:02:02 +0000 Subject: bmcweb: srcrev bump 0a86febd7f..32bee76c18 Alpana Kumari (1): Support Processors and its collection for ProcessorType Accelerator Ravi Teja (1): Redfish(Network): Add support for IPv6Addresses and IPv6StaticAddresses (From meta-phosphor rev: e355052d9856ac26938dc6c5e41db0207b833942) Change-Id: I85b6d164e0c17abd7d652a18ad4b17da82064100 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ index 2eda20d9f..e34af9c7e 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "0a86febd7fda49d692666ab4ddd9efccf352c4d8" +SRCREV = "32bee76c18d4731657a7d75034ea0450e53c21f0" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 37b36fb8a7a97caa4a54e2cd420af74ae01fb119 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 21:22:29 +0000 Subject: phosphor-ipmi-flash: srcrev bump 14713becef..f81199536d Patrick Venture (3): test: firmware notYetStarted: open(tarball) README: typo fix s/differnet/different/ bmc: use c++11 compatible lambda search (From meta-phosphor rev: aec4454b94b21b34c37af67d6eb6ddc7eada10c4) Change-Id: Iab2ce110503068408e77435818775be51acf427e Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 59ee58d35..3fb8abaac 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-tests --disable-build-host-tool" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "14713becef822c418cac3ee6a3c4d6e4d4ae40d8" +SRCREV = "f81199536da0fb0da92fcdf47d455c9d1af6098f" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/lib*${SOLIBS}" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/blob-ipmid/lib*${SOLIBS}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2b981f511bd11d338eee493388502bf0fa011f41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 01:21:47 +0000 Subject: entity-manager: srcrev bump 683ff83b9c..99fa42789a Qiang XU (1): Change GPIO configurations for Multi Node ID (From meta-phosphor rev: 0b2daf0edacd98705ee698fabad1a2d39b09bae5) Change-Id: I156842874886f6389f525848b3e5a4b0bdfa9a6f Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ index 69b9d5d99..a13d53afa 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ DESCRIPTION = "Entity Manager provides d-bus configuration data \ and configures system sensors" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "683ff83b9cfe0ec3d9683f7220bd40ef77dbfe96" +SRCREV = "99fa42789ac8d048cc9f2881fbe2c175c5e4e087" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" -- cgit v1.2.3 From b3e70cbeedd63610b8ced3317afe88aa11a252c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 14:42:37 +0000 Subject: phosphor-hwmon: srcrev bump 5c014d2bb7..d0ce7925d7 Matthew Barth (1): Emit signal and remove sensors from dbus (From meta-phosphor rev: 0736b07dc9d34537ad0de6f397778df74a88e7a6) Change-Id: I530d52fda048f6ab63b18d05cc355080b746de88 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ index e8977d153..de38de08c 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ SRC_URI += "file://70-hwmon.rules" SRC_URI += "file://70-iio.rules" SRC_URI += "file://" -SRCREV = "5c014d2bb76f6f6d51aecf31bea95cb9ed9b1953" +SRCREV = "d0ce7925d77c56c142f64b2c6ae55f0020c06ba8" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From c431d9a43a75e8a05530e2865a705c821ab2d11d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 14:22:37 +0000 Subject: phosphor-user-manager: srcrev bump 59dba4435d..75b5a6fc4c manojkiraneda (2): phosphor-ldap-conf: handle "InterfaceAdded" signal on the ca-cert object Change the nslcd configuration based on CertificateString Property (From meta-phosphor rev: 596611235eec0ad0de48ed42a8f37d53badffbcd) Change-Id: I7f257405f305a2f32f604b9216fdb1bc5da3ea25 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/users/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/users/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/users/ index e91c8d840..2e4533d61 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/users/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/users/ @@ -39,5 +39,5 @@ DBUS_SERVICE_phosphor-ldap = " \ xyz.openbmc_project.LDAP.PrivilegeMapper.service \ " SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "59dba4435d0d553369790e8936d7eb43251ff302" +SRCREV = "75b5a6fc4c0c06f43623fe0e746fd55e667dceb3" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From c5e25120b44b807afec14fa98e42f48d41b09785 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 20:12:14 +0000 Subject: bmcweb: srcrev bump 32bee76c18..4d2849acfe Jayanth Othayoth (1): Fix for Certificate Signature validation failure (From meta-phosphor rev: 088135f1019fb34e97bcd973a4db57c1b8180b0c) Change-Id: I138856628277d50f468dd84985a8d0118e794885 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ index e34af9c7e..5ce2b256a 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "32bee76c18d4731657a7d75034ea0450e53c21f0" +SRCREV = "4d2849acfe1fc24e4c28878f765580b9e96ad36e" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 40ac01ae4a7a4a1552d945f956ec0a5ec7f06bce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 07:42:08 +0000 Subject: phosphor-host-ipmid: srcrev bump ea1c401c4b..02650d5302 Ayushi Smriti (1): User-mgmt: Add IPMI user pam authenticate check API (From meta-phosphor rev: b51a354c9227201cd31cb53cfb8de1c98eec0a56) Change-Id: I3363abd1fc4f8e62b5fa1f7849b1f52a328e128a Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index f2f0d01d9..b1e329cca 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=fa818a259cbed7ce8bc2a22d35a464fc" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "ea1c401c4bac43d6070bf7d515df08f8bf57c0a2" +SRCREV = "02650d53027326ed9b24a58b23596a74e5456654" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 9da324f4146f2539f20fb13f583e31dd5c698269 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tony Lee Date: Fri, 24 May 2019 13:26:26 +0800 Subject: meta-quanta: gsj :Override default settings of TimeOwner and TimeSyncMethod in gsj. - Set default TimeOwner to "Host" - Set default TimeSyncMethod to "Manual" (From meta-quanta rev: 5b11c82db0edf49711a8e81af12efb579b2c64fd) Signed-off-by: Tony Lee Change-Id: Id9ed58fd24d064f798d8e01b2239dfdc516c4d00 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../phosphor-settings-manager/time-default.override.yml | 12 ++++++++++++ .../settings/phosphor-settings-manager_%.bbappend | 2 ++ 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager/time-default.override.yml create mode 100644 meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager_%.bbappend diff --git a/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager/time-default.override.yml b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager/time-default.override.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..abb1316c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager/time-default.override.yml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +--- +/xyz/openbmc_project/time/owner: + - Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Time.Owner + Properties: + TimeOwner: + Default: Owner::Owners::Host + +/xyz/openbmc_project/time/sync_method: + - Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Time.Synchronization + Properties: + TimeSyncMethod: + Default: Synchronization::Method::Manual diff --git a/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager_%.bbappend b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da834423f --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_gsj := "${THISDIR}/${BPN}:" +SRC_URI_append_gsj = " file://time-default.override.yml" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 04db1213ea7e9f5d69bbc4b44fdd77769f698a13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 11:26:33 +0930 Subject: linux-aspeed: Move to 5.1.7 This includes security and bug fixes from the 5.1.7 stable release. (From meta-aspeed rev: 7106f127ea35b485066176178b06bcf8490f5ddb) Change-Id: I362b575dc184ac0d425c5b30fc3495fde53effae Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ index cecdab7ec..1ad0278ec 100644 --- a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ +++ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ KBRANCH ?= "dev-5.1" -LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.6" +LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.7" -SRCREV="2f501353091b588cea899285683b3cc2d8068eda" +SRCREV="a17b8ac585d7faa27799f425fa4326c7a1e7ae71" require -- cgit v1.2.3 From a85957f5206a400b65818d51bd3f89279ce26f3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Oshri Alkoby (NTIL)" Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2019 00:00:10 +0200 Subject: meta-nuvoton: generate full flash image. Nuvoton's full flash image includes also a bootloader called Bootblock, and headers for it and for the u-boot. Generating headers and merging the Bootblock and the u-boot are being done by Nuvoton's binary generator tool (Bingo), which uses external paramteres from XML files for that. (From meta-nuvoton rev: 07a65b5a1cd4576367697ae5400482517e53d2d7) Change-Id: Iad274d6e0b42b96d5500bdb709e450c0c978338a Signed-off-by: Oshri Alkoby (NTIL) Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-nuvoton/conf/machine/include/ | 11 + .../images/files/BootBlockAndHeader_EB.xml | 276 +++++++++++++++++++++ .../recipes-bsp/images/files/UbootHeader_EB.xml | 194 +++++++++++++++ .../images/files/mergedBootBlockAndUboot.xml | 35 +++ .../recipes-bsp/images/ | 20 ++ .../recipes-bsp/images/ | 19 ++ 6 files changed, 555 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/BootBlockAndHeader_EB.xml create mode 100644 meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/UbootHeader_EB.xml create mode 100644 meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/mergedBootBlockAndUboot.xml create mode 100644 meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/ create mode 100644 meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/ diff --git a/meta-nuvoton/conf/machine/include/ b/meta-nuvoton/conf/machine/include/ index 3d8847dc4..0a154678d 100644 --- a/meta-nuvoton/conf/machine/include/ +++ b/meta-nuvoton/conf/machine/include/ @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ UBOOT_MACHINE ?= "PolegSVB_config" UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT ?= "0x00008000" UBOOT_LOADADDRESS ?= "0x00008000" +FLASH_UBOOT_OFFSET = "0" +FLASH_UBOOT_ENV_OFFSET = "1024" +FLASH_KERNEL_OFFSET = "2048" +FLASH_UBI_OFFSET = "${FLASH_KERNEL_OFFSET}" +FLASH_ROFS_OFFSET = "7680" +FLASH_RWFS_OFFSET = "30720" + +# UBI volume sizes in KB unless otherwise noted. +FLASH_UBI_RWFS_SIZE = "6144" +FLASH_UBI_RWFS_TXT_SIZE = "6MiB" + DEFAULTTUNE ?= "arm7a-novfp" SERIAL_CONSOLES = "115200;ttyS3" diff --git a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/BootBlockAndHeader_EB.xml b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/BootBlockAndHeader_EB.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03deb3026 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/BootBlockAndHeader_EB.xml @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ + + + + + + + + 0 + 0xFF + + + + + StartTag + + 0 + 0x8 + + 0x50 0x07 0x55 0xAA 0x54 0x4F 0x4F 0x42 + + + + + DestAddr + + 0x140 + 0x4 + + 0xFFFD5E00 + + + + + CodeSize + + 0x144 + 0x4 + + Poleg_bootblock.bin + + + + + Code + + 0x200 + Poleg_bootblock.bin + + Poleg_bootblock.bin + + + + + + FIU0_DRD_CFG_Set + + 0x108 + 0x4 + + 0x030011BB + + + + + FIU_Clk_Divider + + 0x10C + 0x1 + + 4 + + + + + Version + + 0x148 + 0x4 + + 0x0201 + + + + + BOARD_VENDOR + + 0x14C + 0x4 + + 100 + + + + + BOARD_TYPE + + 0x150 + 0x4 + + 0x02 + + + + + + MC_FREQ_IN_MHZ + + 0x11C + 0x2 + + 800 + + + + CPU_FREQ_IN_MHZ + + 0x154 + 0x2 + + 800 + + + + + MC_CONFIG + + 0x156 + 0x1 + + 0x00 + + + + + HOST_IF + + 0x157 + 0x1 + + 0x00 + + + + + SECURITY_LEVEL_T + + 0x15C + 0x1 + + 0xFF + + + + + SECURITY_REVOKE_KEYS + + 0x1D7 + 0x1 + + 0x00 + + + + + SECURITY_LOG + + 0x1D8 + 0x4 + + 0x090000 + + + + SECURITY_LOG_SIZE + + 0x1DC + 0x4 + + 0x3000 + + + + + + HOLE0 + + 0x1E0 + 0x4 + + 0x0A0000 + + + + HOLE0_SIZE + + 0x1E4 + 0x4 + + 0xF70000 + + + + + HOLE1 + + 0x1E8 + 0x4 + + 0 + + + + HOLE1_SIZE + + 0x1EC + 0x4 + + 0 + + + + + + HOLE2 + + 0x1F0 + 0x4 + + 0xFFFFFFFF + + + + HOLE2_SIZE + + 0x1F4 + 0x4 + + 0 + + + + + HOLE3 + + 0x1F8 + 0x4 + + 0 + + + + HOLE3_SIZE + + 0x1FC + 0x4 + + 0 + + + diff --git a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/UbootHeader_EB.xml b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/UbootHeader_EB.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e648599b --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/UbootHeader_EB.xml @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ + + + + + + + + 0 + 0xFF + + + + + StartTag + + 0 + 0x8 + + 0x55 0x42 0x4F 0x4F 0x54 0x42 0x4C 0x4B + + + + + DestAddr + + 0x140 + 0x4 + + 0x8000 + + + + + CodeSize + + 0x144 + 0x4 + + u-boot.bin + + + + + Code + + 0x200 + u-boot.bin + + u-boot.bin + + + + + + FIU0_DRD_CFG_Set + + 0x108 + 0x4 + + 0x030111BC + + + + + FIU0_Clk_Divider + + 0x10C + 0x1 + + 0 + + + + + fiu0_cs1_en + + 0x10D + 0x1 + + 0x0 + + + + + fiu0_cs2_en + + 0x10E + 0x1 + + 0x0 + + + + + fiu0_cs3_en + + 0x10F + 0x1 + + 0x0 + + + + + + FIU3_DRD_CFG_Set + + 0x110 + 0x4 + + 0x0 + + + + + + FIU3_DWR_CFG_Set + + 0x114 + 0x4 + + 0x0 + + + + + FIU3_Clk_Divider + + 0x118 + 0x1 + + 0x0 + + + + + + fiu3_cs1_en + + 0x119 + 0x1 + + 0x0 + + + + + fiu3_cs2_en + + 0x11A + 0x1 + + 0x0 + + + + + fiu3_cs3_en + + 0x11B + 0x1 + + 0x0 + + + + + Version + + 0x148 + 0x4 + + 0 + + + + + + FIU0_DWR_CFG_Set + + 0x14C + 0x4 + + 0x03001102 + + + + diff --git a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/mergedBootBlockAndUboot.xml b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/mergedBootBlockAndUboot.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03529dcac --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/files/mergedBootBlockAndUboot.xml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + + + + + + + + 0 + 0xFF + + + + BootBlock + + 0 + Poleg_bootblock.bin.full + + Poleg_bootblock.bin.full + + + + u-boot + + Poleg_bootblock.bin.full + u-boot.bin.full + + u-boot.bin.full + + + diff --git a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ce19433c --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263" + +SRC_URI += "git://" +SRC_URI += "file://BootBlockAndHeader_EB.xml" +SRC_URI += "file://UbootHeader_EB.xml" +SRC_URI += "file://mergedBootBlockAndUboot.xml" + +SRCREV = "4f102ff7851da9fd11965857edd1b3046c187b7a" + +S = "${WORKDIR}/git" + +do_install () { + + install -d "${D}${bindir}" + install deliverables/linux/Release/bingo ${D}${bindir} + install ${WORKDIR}/*.xml ${D}${bindir} +} + +inherit native diff --git a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85b80708d --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +LICENSE = "CLOSED" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "" + +SRCREV = "10.09.05" +FILENAME = "Poleg_bootblock.bin" + +SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=git" +SRC_URI[md5sum] = "cf8daa5f4636ed1ff952618e435af028" + +S = "${WORKDIR}/git" + +inherit deploy + +do_deploy () { + install -d ${DEPLOYDIR} + install -m 644 ${FILENAME} ${DEPLOYDIR}/ +} + +addtask deploy before do_build after do_compile -- cgit v1.2.3 From c81a6309cda26015506f7cede4358584b38b8a8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 16:00:11 +0930 Subject: linux-nuvoton: 5.1.6 stable updates, Qanta GSJ This adds the Quanta GSJ NPCM730-based BMC and updates to the latest 5.1 stable tree. Fran Hsu (4): ARM: dts: nuvoton: Add NPCM730 common device tree ARM: dts: nuvoton: Add Quanta GSJ BMC pinctrl ARM: dts: nuvoton: Add Quanta GSJ BMC Device Tree. ARM: dts: nuvoton: Add GPIOs and LEDs to GSJ device tree Tomer Maimon (1): dts: npcm750: modify SPI partition label names (From meta-nuvoton rev: c1e7672e39ca3f347da7c50a3a2d277594b6e7a6) Change-Id: I91e0f19c36d6edda4717bd4346bee3f233712d5e Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/ index b0c34a71f..94828eb55 100644 --- a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/ +++ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ KBRANCH ?= "dev-5.1" -LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1" +LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.6" -SRCREV="f869c3d0aad419af31719d2eaf6b2e42a6d68109" +SRCREV="2f501353091b588cea899285683b3cc2d8068eda" require -- cgit v1.2.3 From 7535cdb0de0cc40c133f5f70e87af27c4ad43ac0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 11:28:10 +0930 Subject: linux-nuvoton: 5.1.7 stable update, NPCM EDAC driver Enable EDAC in the kernel configuration. George Hung (2): dt-binding: edac: add NPCM ECC documentation edac: npcm: Add Nuvoton NPCM7xx EDAC driver (From meta-nuvoton rev: 382bd93faee564833cce0670ec458d76db6dbde5) Change-Id: I1627b91fa4464063f15b7a49b54829809594b3d4 Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-nuvoton/defconfig | 4 ++++ meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/ | 4 ++-- 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-nuvoton/defconfig b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-nuvoton/defconfig index e5b6cdf43..207ec6691 100644 --- a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-nuvoton/defconfig +++ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-nuvoton/defconfig @@ -99,7 +99,11 @@ CONFIG_USB_EDM_KBD_MOUSE=m CONFIG_MMC=y CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI=y CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_NPCM750=y +CONFIG_EDAC=y +# CONFIG_EDAC_LEGACY_SYSFS is not set +CONFIG_EDAC_NPCM7XX=y CONFIG_IIO=y +CONFIG_RAS=y CONFIG_NPCM_ADC=y CONFIG_IIO_MUX=y CONFIG_MUX_MMIO=y diff --git a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/ index 94828eb55..aaef9bca8 100644 --- a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/ +++ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-kernel/linux/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ KBRANCH ?= "dev-5.1" -LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.6" +LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.7" -SRCREV="2f501353091b588cea899285683b3cc2d8068eda" +SRCREV="a17b8ac585d7faa27799f425fa4326c7a1e7ae71" require -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2f2914d3ac6dd55e831c0e312399dc0fea72f4b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 11:11:59 +0000 Subject: phosphor-gpio-monitor: srcrev bump 64c8fcb651..206f004098 Anthony Wilson (1): gpio-presence: Support for multiple iface assocs (From meta-phosphor rev: e5037692dcee84bcc2c52cbcd5d0df281b19887a) Change-Id: I8ffcbdbf04509729901dd4283cee8dc98a53cabf Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/gpio/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/gpio/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/gpio/ index c2f611de6..683a5aca0 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/gpio/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/gpio/ @@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ FILES_${PN}-monitor += "${bindir}/phosphor-gpio-util" FILES_${PN}-presence += "${bindir}/phosphor-gpio-presence" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "64c8fcb65192c7b2abc92c1161038467eb98f667" +SRCREV = "206f0040985e27a0651a9164d7958bf347142a31" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 3acedc59bd134f8a207e9f4fac4f7f5f8a4a0363 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: James Feist Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 11:58:40 -0700 Subject: libgpiod: Enable CXX Headers Add CXX to packageconfig and change the devtools to RDEPEND on libgpiod-tools instead as they are the actual tools. Without changing it to the tools when we enable cxx the tools do not by default get installed by Yocto. Tested: gpioinfo still functioned properly on BMC, and was able to bitbake package using CXX headers for dbus-sensors. (From meta-phosphor rev: 76d4c46294c83ea0240a319b4e74c06b57dc51c1) Change-Id: I5143130bbfbe97f8af4818231d502f36f88fe4ae Signed-off-by: James Feist Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/ | 2 +- meta-phosphor/recipes-support/libgpiod/libgpiod_%.bbappend | 1 + 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 meta-phosphor/recipes-support/libgpiod/libgpiod_%.bbappend diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/ index 238ee293e..fdec305f5 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/ @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ RDEPENDS_${PN}-extrasdev = " \ SUMMARY_${PN}-extrasdevtools = "Development tools" RDEPENDS_${PN}-extrasdevtools = " \ - libgpiod \ + libgpiod-tools \ " # Use the fan control package group for applications diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-support/libgpiod/libgpiod_%.bbappend b/meta-phosphor/recipes-support/libgpiod/libgpiod_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ee1845d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-support/libgpiod/libgpiod_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +PACKAGECONFIG += " cxx" -- cgit v1.2.3 From a3da798b07bf9fe5ed6e9099e8fc0b73c2c78dcb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: James Feist Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 16:25:37 -0700 Subject: dbussensors: add libgpiod depends Upcoming changes are moving away from sysfs to gpio character device. This is needed to use the character device. Tested: review 22115 builds (From meta-phosphor rev: 4a5ee87f5b6f99e4fb88119f276d969faf20ccdb) Change-Id: I23ad69a84712d97c1d6c2e51b68ccac1b0d3747f Signed-off-by: James Feist Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ index 7a5eee4d6..098155dcc 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} += " xyz.openbmc_project.ipmbsensor.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} += " xyz.openbmc_project.intrusionsensor.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} += " xyz.openbmc_project.psusensor.service" -DEPENDS = "boost nlohmann-json sdbusplus i2c-tools" +DEPENDS = "boost nlohmann-json sdbusplus i2c-tools libgpiod" inherit cmake systemd S = "${WORKDIR}/git/" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 9a393799b9428d85e67331b2a32a5dd26c97d77e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Samuel Jiang Date: Thu, 23 May 2019 14:59:35 +0800 Subject: meta-gsj: quanta-nvme-powerctrl: add shared script Add shared nvme_powerctrl_library script for mantain function It could be easy review steps with specification. (From meta-quanta rev: a9607d7703020f46598b28a4d1cea7be6997b47a) Change-Id: I7d7471005d253a3a0cca6bbcc083d0bfcf7efbc6 Signed-off-by: Samuel Jiang Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../files/ | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++ .../quanta-nvme-powerctrl/ | 6 ++- 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ diff --git a/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3737aacc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +U2_PRESENT=( 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 ) +POWER_U2=( 195 196 202 199 198 197 127 126 ) +PWRGD_U2=( 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 ) +RST_BMC_U2=( 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ) +PLUGGED=0 +I2C_BUS=8 +CHIP_ADDR=0x68 +CLOCK_GEN_VALUE=$(i2cget -y $I2C_BUS $CHIP_ADDR 0 i 2|cut -f3 -d' ') + +function set_gpio_direction() +{ + #$1 gpio pin, $2 'in','high','low' + echo $2 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$1/direction +} + +function read_gpio_input() +{ + #$1 read input gpio pin + echo $(cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio$1/value) +} + +function enable_nvme_power() +{ + set_gpio_direction "${POWER_U2[$1]}" "high" + sleep 0.04 + check_powergood $1 +} + +function check_powergood() +{ + if [ $(read_gpio_input ${PWRGD_U2[$1]}) == 1 ];then + sleep 0.005 + update_clock_gen_chip_register $1 1 + sleep 0.1 + set_gpio_direction "${RST_BMC_U2[$1]}" "high" + else + disable_nvme_power $1 + fi +} + +function disable_nvme_power() +{ + set_gpio_direction "${RST_BMC_U2[$1]}" "low" + sleep 0.1 + update_clock_gen_chip_register $1 0 + sleep 0.005 + set_gpio_direction "${POWER_U2[$1]}" "low" +} + +function update_clock_gen_chip_register(){ + #$1 nvme slot number, $2 enable/disable + update_value=$(printf '%x\n' "$((0x01 <<$1))") + if [ $2 -eq 1 ];then + CLOCK_GEN_VALUE=$(printf '0x%x\n' \ + "$(($CLOCK_GEN_VALUE | 0x$update_value))") + else + CLOCK_GEN_VALUE=$(printf '0x%x\n' \ + "$(($CLOCK_GEN_VALUE & ~0x$update_value))") + fi + i2cset -y $I2C_BUS $CHIP_ADDR 0 $CLOCK_GEN_VALUE s +} diff --git a/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/ b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/ index 8d0aa8c72..ada2a6a36 100644 --- a/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/ +++ b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/ @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bash" SRC_URI += "file:// \ file:// \ + file:// \ file://nvme_gpio.service \ file://nvme_powermanager.service \ " @@ -23,9 +24,12 @@ do_install () { install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}${bindir}/ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}${bindir}/ + install -d ${D}${libexecdir} + install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}${libexecdir}/ + install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/nvme_gpio.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system - install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/nvme_powermanager.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system + install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/nvme_powermanager.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system } SYSTEMD_PACKAGES = "${PN}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From efc4e1d65b2f08847b7ac961dde18904173b396f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Samuel Jiang Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2019 14:43:23 +0800 Subject: meta-gsj: quanta-nvme-powerctrl: Update package process Update quanata-nvme-powerctrl process and delete two duplication function and variable 1. Dump input pin information because of confirming HW signal. 2. HW POWER_U2 default is output high. If detect SSD is plugged, don't need to initialize POWER_U2 again. 3. Add RST_BMC_U2 steps, check PWRGD_U2 is fine, wait 100ms then st RST_BMC_U2 high. 1. Add RST_BMC_U2 steps, check PWRGD_U2 is fine, wait 100ms then set RST_BMC_U2 high. 2. Independent package for power control delete nvme_main DBus property trigger and tranfer led trigger to nvem_main package. (From meta-quanta rev: e689ff4990c9d76bb54c89f37831d23ff31993d2) Change-Id: Idb1faff9f30785c5cc168adfe18173ea93e7a146 Signed-off-by: Samuel Jiang Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ | 78 ++++++++++---------- .../files/ | 82 ++++++++-------------- 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ index 2ea02ef8d..71116fbe9 100644 --- a/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ +++ b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ @@ -1,60 +1,58 @@ #!/bin/bash +source /usr/libexec/ + function set_gpio() { #$1 gpio pin echo $1 > /sys/class/gpio/export } -function set_gpio_direction(){ - #$1 gpio pin, $2 'in','high','low' - echo $2 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$1/direction -} - -function read_gpio_input(){ - #$1 read input gpio pin - cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio$1/value -} - -function read_present_set_related_power(){ - #$1 read present gpio, $2 output power gpio,$3 output direction - var=$(cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio$1/value) - # present 0 is plugged,present 1 is removal - if [ "$var" == "0" ];then - set_gpio_direction $2 "high" - else - set_gpio_direction $2 "low" - fi -} - +echo "Read Clock Gen Value is: $CLOCK_GEN_VALUE" -## Initial U2_PRESNET_N -U2_PRESENT=( 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 ) -for i in "${U2_PRESENT[@]}"; -do - set_gpio $i; - set_gpio_direction $i 'in'; +## Initial U2_PRESENT_N +for i in ${!U2_PRESENT[@]}; +do + set_gpio ${U2_PRESENT[$i]}; + set_gpio_direction ${U2_PRESENT[$i]} 'in'; + echo "Read $i SSD present: $(read_gpio_input ${U2_PRESENT[$i]})" done ## Initial POWER_U2_EN -POWER_U2=( 195 196 202 199 198 197 127 126 ) -for i in "${POWER_U2[@]}"; +for i in ${!POWER_U2[@]}; do - set_gpio $i; + set_gpio ${POWER_U2[$i]}; done ## Initial PWRGD_U2 -PWRGD_U2=( 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 ) -for i in "${PWRGD_U2[@]}"; -do - set_gpio $i; - set_gpio_direction $i 'in'; +for i in ${!PWRGD_U2[@]}; +do + set_gpio ${PWRGD_U2[$i]}; + set_gpio_direction ${PWRGD_U2[$i]} 'in'; + echo "Read $i SSD Power Good: $(read_gpio_input ${PWRGD_U2[$i]})" done -### Initial SSD Power reference U2_PRESNET_N -for i in {0..7}; +## Initial RST_BMC_U2 +for i in ${!RST_BMC_U2[@]}; do - read_present_set_related_power "${U2_PRESENT[$i]}" "${POWER_U2[$i]}"; -done + set_gpio ${RST_BMC_U2[$i]}; +done +### Initial related Power by Present +for i in {0..7}; +do + update_value=$(printf '%x\n' "$((0x01 <<$i))") + if [ $(read_gpio_input ${U2_PRESENT[$i]}) == $PLUGGED ];then + CLOCK_GEN_VALUE=$(printf '0x%x\n' \ + "$(($CLOCK_GEN_VALUE | 0x$update_value))") + else + set_gpio_direction "${RST_BMC_U2[$1]}" "low" + set_gpio_direction "${POWER_U2[$1]}" "low" + + CLOCK_GEN_VALUE=$(printf '0x%x\n' \ + "$(($CLOCK_GEN_VALUE & ~0x$update_value))") + fi +done +i2cset -y $I2C_BUS $CHIP_ADDR 0 $CLOCK_GEN_VALUE s +echo "Read Clock Gen Value again is: $CLOCK_GEN_VALUE" -exit 0; \ No newline at end of file +exit 0; diff --git a/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ index 91beec566..753c6c4cf 100644 --- a/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ +++ b/meta-quanta/meta-gsj/recipes-gsj/quanta-nvme-powerctrl/files/ @@ -1,73 +1,47 @@ #!/bin/bash +source /usr/libexec/ U2_PRESENT_STATUS=( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) -U2_PRESENT=( 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 ) -POWER_U2=( 195 196 202 199 198 197 127 126 ) -PWRGD_U2=( 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 ) - -function set_gpio_direction(){ - #$1 gpio pin, $2 'in','high','low' - echo $2 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$1/direction -} - -function read_present_set_related_power(){ - #$1 read present number, $2 output power gpio - var="${U2_PRESENT_STATUS[$1]}" - # present 0 is plugged,present 1 is removal - if [ "$var" == "0" ];then - set_gpio_direction $2 "high" - else - set_gpio_direction $2 "low" - fi -} - -function update_u2_status(){ - #$1 read present gpio - var=$(cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio$2/value) - U2_PRESENT_STATUS[$1]="$var" +function recovery_power() +{ + set_gpio_direction "${POWER_U2[$1]}" "low" + sleep 0.2 + set_gpio_direction "${POWER_U2[$1]}" "high" + sleep 0.2 + check_powergood $1 } -function check_present_and_powergood(){ - #$2 present gpio, $3 powergood gpio - present=$(cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio$2/value) - pwrgd=$(cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio$3/value) - path=`expr $1` - if [ "$present" -eq 0 ] && [ "$pwrgd" -eq 1 ];then - busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.nvme.manager /xyz/openbmc_project/nvme/$path xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item Present b true - else - busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.nvme.manager /xyz/openbmc_project/nvme/$path xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item Present b false - if [ "$present" -eq "$pwrgd" ];then - #set fault led - busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.LED.GroupManager /xyz/openbmc_project/led/groups/led\_u2\_$1\_fault xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Group Asserted b true - else - busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.LED.GroupManager /xyz/openbmc_project/led/groups/led\_u2\_$1\_fault xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Group Asserted b false - fi - - fi - - -} ##Initial U2 present status for i in {0..7}; -do - update_u2_status $i "${U2_PRESENT[$i]}" +do + U2_PRESENT_STATUS[$i]=$(read_gpio_input ${U2_PRESENT[$i]}) done - ## Loop while while : do for i in {0..7}; do - ## 1 scend scan all loop + ## 1 second scan all loop sleep 0.125 - read=$(cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio${U2_PRESENT[$i]}/value) - if [ "${U2_PRESENT_STATUS[$1]}" != read ];then - update_u2_status $i "${U2_PRESENT[$i]}" - read_present_set_related_power $i "${POWER_U2[$i]}" - check_present_and_powergood $i "${U2_PRESENT[$i]}" "${POWER_U2[$i]}" - fi + read_present=$(read_gpio_input ${U2_PRESENT[$i]}) + if [ "$read_present" != "${U2_PRESENT_STATUS[$i]}" ];then + U2_PRESENT_STATUS[$i]="$read_present" + if [ "$read_present" == $PLUGGED ];then + echo "NVME $i Enable Power" + enable_nvme_power $i + else + echo "NVME $i Disable Power" + disable_nvme_power $i + fi + else + if [ "${U2_PRESENT_STATUS[$i]}" == $PLUGGED ] && + [ $(read_gpio_input ${PWRGD_U2[$i]}) == 0 ];then + echo "NVME $i Recovery Power" + recovery_power $i + fi + fi done done -- cgit v1.2.3 From 80971f382416d1b111310d8ca88a31d9360edbee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Spinler Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 13:26:07 -0500 Subject: Swift: Run power-workarounds after PGOOD On swift, the VRMs that touches can't communicate until the system has been powered on. Rearrange the services to make this happen. (From meta-ibm rev: b5980e57561bc2f161bd61965551c1a3e1323131) Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler Change-Id: I0ac7fb6adaa0de18feb525259f991e99c147e244 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../chassis/avsbus-control/avsbus-disable@.service | 16 ---------------- .../chassis/avsbus-control/power-workarounds@.service | 16 ---------------- .../chassis/avsbus-control/swift/avsbus-disable@.service | 14 ++++++++++++++ .../avsbus-control/swift/power-workarounds@.service | 16 ++++++++++++++++ .../avsbus-control/witherspoon/avsbus-disable@.service | 16 ++++++++++++++++ .../witherspoon/power-workarounds@.service | 16 ++++++++++++++++ .../pseq-monitor-pgood.service | 13 ------------- .../swift/pseq-monitor-pgood.service | 11 +++++++++++ .../witherspoon/pseq-monitor-pgood.service | 13 +++++++++++++ 9 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/avsbus-disable@.service delete mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/power-workarounds@.service create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/avsbus-disable@.service create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/power-workarounds@.service create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/witherspoon/avsbus-disable@.service create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/witherspoon/power-workarounds@.service delete mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/pseq-monitor-pgood.service create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/swift/pseq-monitor-pgood.service create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/witherspoon/pseq-monitor-pgood.service diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/avsbus-disable@.service b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/avsbus-disable@.service deleted file mode 100644 index 859f42883..000000000 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/avsbus-disable@.service +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[Unit] -Description=Disable the AVS bus on the VRMs -Wants=power-workarounds@%i.service -After=power-workarounds@%i.service -Before=vrm-control@%i.service -ConditionPathExists=!/run/openbmc/chassis@%i-on - -[Service] -ExecStart=/usr/bin/env -Type=oneshot -RemainAfterExit=yes - -[Install] diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/power-workarounds@.service b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/power-workarounds@.service deleted file mode 100644 index 74d8e4bfc..000000000 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/power-workarounds@.service +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[Unit] -Description=Perform power workarounds on VRMs -Wants=ir35221-on-unbind@%i.service -After=ir35221-on-unbind@%i.service -Before=avsbus-disable@%i.service -ConditionPathExists=!/run/openbmc/chassis@%i-on - -[Service] -ExecStart=/usr/bin/env -Type=oneshot -RemainAfterExit=yes - -[Install] diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/avsbus-disable@.service b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/avsbus-disable@.service new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fbab180ce --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/avsbus-disable@.service @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +[Unit] +Description=Disable the AVS bus on the VRMs +Before=vrm-control@%i.service +ConditionPathExists=!/run/openbmc/chassis@%i-on + +[Service] +ExecStart=/usr/bin/env +Type=oneshot +RemainAfterExit=yes + +[Install] diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/power-workarounds@.service b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/power-workarounds@.service new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0926e033b --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/power-workarounds@.service @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +[Unit] +Description=Perform power workarounds on VRMs after PGOOD is up +ConditionPathExists=!/run/openbmc/chassis@%i-on + +[Service] +ExecStart=/usr/bin/ +Type=oneshot +RemainAfterExit=yes + +[Install] diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/witherspoon/avsbus-disable@.service b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/witherspoon/avsbus-disable@.service new file mode 100644 index 000000000..859f42883 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/witherspoon/avsbus-disable@.service @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +[Unit] +Description=Disable the AVS bus on the VRMs +Wants=power-workarounds@%i.service +After=power-workarounds@%i.service +Before=vrm-control@%i.service +ConditionPathExists=!/run/openbmc/chassis@%i-on + +[Service] +ExecStart=/usr/bin/env +Type=oneshot +RemainAfterExit=yes + +[Install] diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/witherspoon/power-workarounds@.service b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/witherspoon/power-workarounds@.service new file mode 100644 index 000000000..74d8e4bfc --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/witherspoon/power-workarounds@.service @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +[Unit] +Description=Perform power workarounds on VRMs +Wants=ir35221-on-unbind@%i.service +After=ir35221-on-unbind@%i.service +Before=avsbus-disable@%i.service +ConditionPathExists=!/run/openbmc/chassis@%i-on + +[Service] +ExecStart=/usr/bin/env +Type=oneshot +RemainAfterExit=yes + +[Install] diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/pseq-monitor-pgood.service b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/pseq-monitor-pgood.service deleted file mode 100644 index 458c5e6d7..000000000 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/pseq-monitor-pgood.service +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -[Unit] -Description=Power Sequencer Power-on Monitor -Wants=op-power-start@0.service -After=op-power-start@0.service -Wants=power-workarounds@0.service -After=power-workarounds@0.service -ConditionPathExists=!/run/openbmc/chassis@0-on - -[Service] -Type=oneshot -ExecStart=/usr/bin/env pseq-monitor -a pgood-monitor -i 5000 -SyslogIdentifier=pseq-monitor diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/swift/pseq-monitor-pgood.service b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/swift/pseq-monitor-pgood.service new file mode 100644 index 000000000..206fc6602 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/swift/pseq-monitor-pgood.service @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[Unit] +Description=Power Sequencer Power-on Monitor +Wants=op-power-start@0.service +After=op-power-start@0.service +ConditionPathExists=!/run/openbmc/chassis@0-on + +[Service] +Type=oneshot +ExecStart=/usr/bin/env pseq-monitor -a pgood-monitor -i 5000 +SyslogIdentifier=pseq-monitor diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/witherspoon/pseq-monitor-pgood.service b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/witherspoon/pseq-monitor-pgood.service new file mode 100644 index 000000000..458c5e6d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/witherspoon/pseq-monitor-pgood.service @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[Unit] +Description=Power Sequencer Power-on Monitor +Wants=op-power-start@0.service +After=op-power-start@0.service +Wants=power-workarounds@0.service +After=power-workarounds@0.service +ConditionPathExists=!/run/openbmc/chassis@0-on + +[Service] +Type=oneshot +ExecStart=/usr/bin/env pseq-monitor -a pgood-monitor -i 5000 +SyslogIdentifier=pseq-monitor -- cgit v1.2.3 From c238c70a8fe8dac352e21361b8b452537dada0fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Spinler Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 13:27:37 -0500 Subject: Swift: run through dos2unix It had the '^M' which which prevented the BMC from running it. (From meta-ibm rev: 06b094f1a87a61da756323ce5ea3e75d6f4c709f) Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler Change-Id: I42dfc1a8d3af5c8f949003775b3076218de9035a Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../chassis/avsbus-control/swift/ | 36 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/ index 1228ff945..61d8516bc 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/ +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/chassis/avsbus-control/swift/ @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# For each AVSBus attached rail go back to using VOUT_COMMAND (PMBus voltage) -# instead of AVSBus and do *not* update VOUT_COMMAND with last voltage sent via -# AVSBus. This should be run after power-down. This is platform specific -# settings that must be updated/removed if not Swift. - -i2cset -y 9 0x70 0x00 0x00 b # VDD 0 - PAGE set -i2cset -y 9 0x70 0x01 0x80 b # VDD 0 -i2cset -y 9 0x71 0x00 0x01 b # VCS 0 - PAGE set -i2cset -y 9 0x71 0x01 0x80 b # VCS 0 -i2cset -y 9 0x71 0x00 0x00 b # VDN 0 - PAGE set -i2cset -y 9 0x71 0x01 0x80 b # VDN 0 -i2cset -y 10 0x70 0x00 0x00 b # VDD 1 - PAGE set -i2cset -y 10 0x70 0x01 0x80 b # VDD 1 -i2cset -y 10 0x71 0x00 0x01 b # VCS 1 - PAGE set -i2cset -y 10 0x71 0x01 0x80 b # VCS 1 -i2cset -y 10 0x71 0x00 0x00 b # VDN 1 - PAGE set -i2cset -y 10 0x71 0x01 0x80 b # VDN 1 +#!/bin/sh +# For each AVSBus attached rail go back to using VOUT_COMMAND (PMBus voltage) +# instead of AVSBus and do *not* update VOUT_COMMAND with last voltage sent via +# AVSBus. This should be run after power-down. This is platform specific +# settings that must be updated/removed if not Swift. + +i2cset -y 9 0x70 0x00 0x00 b # VDD 0 - PAGE set +i2cset -y 9 0x70 0x01 0x80 b # VDD 0 +i2cset -y 9 0x71 0x00 0x01 b # VCS 0 - PAGE set +i2cset -y 9 0x71 0x01 0x80 b # VCS 0 +i2cset -y 9 0x71 0x00 0x00 b # VDN 0 - PAGE set +i2cset -y 9 0x71 0x01 0x80 b # VDN 0 +i2cset -y 10 0x70 0x00 0x00 b # VDD 1 - PAGE set +i2cset -y 10 0x70 0x01 0x80 b # VDD 1 +i2cset -y 10 0x71 0x00 0x01 b # VCS 1 - PAGE set +i2cset -y 10 0x71 0x01 0x80 b # VCS 1 +i2cset -y 10 0x71 0x00 0x00 b # VDN 1 - PAGE set +i2cset -y 10 0x71 0x01 0x80 b # VDN 1 -- cgit v1.2.3 From 59eb5950c73dcd14cb4ba0b4dffc235da96b05b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Spinler Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 13:31:07 -0500 Subject: Swift: Fix UCD90160 device path More than 1 directory in the path is dependent on the I2C bus. (From meta-ibm rev: dc4b6022d75a5ed50588c71f1890f5cb7df0dcd4) Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler Change-Id: Iec2026ab941e735e684b939bca40482a7c603150 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../recipes-phosphor/power/power-sequencer/swift/ucd90160.yaml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/power-sequencer/swift/ucd90160.yaml b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/power-sequencer/swift/ucd90160.yaml index 494d0a034..66f8a92b6 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/power-sequencer/swift/ucd90160.yaml +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/power-sequencer/swift/ucd90160.yaml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Device: index: 0 # Linux sysfs path for this power sequencer (0xC8 8-bit address) - path: /sys/devices/platform/ahb/ahb:apb/ahb:apb:bus@1e78a000/1e78a400.i2c-bus/i2c-8/8-0064 + path: /sys/devices/platform/ahb/ahb:apb/ahb:apb:bus@1e78a000/1e78a340.i2c-bus/i2c-8/8-0064 RailNames: - "12.0V" - "3.3V" -- cgit v1.2.3 From d70af95b1f6ad22b42f1177a1d79a3e333672c9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Spinler Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 13:33:06 -0500 Subject: Swift: Swap power supply I2C bus addresses. The top supply, PS0, is 0x68, and PS1 is 0x69. (From meta-ibm rev: c4df414e0284f1859ff1c709eb84eace6d848e87) Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler Change-Id: I4a9f38830f86b18932a918119bafaf1f5bd5d72a Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../obmc/power-supply-monitor/power-supply-monitor-0.conf | 4 ++-- .../obmc/power-supply-monitor/power-supply-monitor-1.conf | 4 ++-- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/obmc/power-supply-monitor/power-supply-monitor-0.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/obmc/power-supply-monitor/power-supply-monitor-0.conf index 207eb503f..167e605d0 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/obmc/power-supply-monitor/power-supply-monitor-0.conf +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/obmc/power-supply-monitor/power-supply-monitor-0.conf @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -DEVPATH=/sys/bus/i2c/devices/3-0069 +DEVPATH=/sys/bus/i2c/devices/3-0068 INSTANCE=0 INVENTORY=/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0 NUM_HISTORY_RECORDS=120 SYNC_GPIO_PATH=/dev/gpiochip0 -SYNC_GPIO_NUM=105 \ No newline at end of file +SYNC_GPIO_NUM=105 diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/obmc/power-supply-monitor/power-supply-monitor-1.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/obmc/power-supply-monitor/power-supply-monitor-1.conf index 73efd450d..faa5adec6 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/obmc/power-supply-monitor/power-supply-monitor-1.conf +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/power/witherspoon-pfault-analysis/obmc/power-supply-monitor/power-supply-monitor-1.conf @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -DEVPATH=/sys/bus/i2c/devices/3-0068 +DEVPATH=/sys/bus/i2c/devices/3-0069 INSTANCE=1 INVENTORY=/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1 NUM_HISTORY_RECORDS=120 SYNC_GPIO_PATH=/dev/gpiochip0 -SYNC_GPIO_NUM=105 \ No newline at end of file +SYNC_GPIO_NUM=105 -- cgit v1.2.3 From 612b4ee36e080dc3e2f58ae0f1abf782ee80b669 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lisa Liu Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2019 17:50:58 +0800 Subject: meta-lenovo: hr630: Add hr630 platform hr630 is a Lenovo platform. Add machine to repo. kernel device tree of Lenovo is being reviewed, so aspeed-bmc-lenovo-hr630.dts has not been merged yet. (From meta-lenovo rev: 460c31a424e0ee831933f61ecb55f60a0c9ba38f) Signed-off-by: Lisa Liu Change-Id: I1577775ea92fd8dbc9ab5b3f2b045ef04e524dc6 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/bblayers.conf.sample | 22 +++++++++++++++++++ meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/conf-notes.txt | 5 +++++ .../meta-hr630/conf/distro/openbmc-hr630.conf | 7 ++++++ meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/layer.conf | 14 ++++++++++++ meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/local.conf.sample | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++ meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/machine/hr630.conf | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 96 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/bblayers.conf.sample create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/conf-notes.txt create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/distro/openbmc-hr630.conf create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/layer.conf create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/local.conf.sample create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/machine/hr630.conf diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/bblayers.conf.sample b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/bblayers.conf.sample new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5ecfeada5 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/bblayers.conf.sample @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +# LAYER_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf +# changes incompatibly +LCONF_VERSION = "8" + +BBPATH = "${TOPDIR}" +BBFILES ?= "" + +BBLAYERS ?= " \ + ##OEROOT##/meta \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-networking \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-python \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-phosphor \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-aspeed \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-x86 \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-google \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-lenovo \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630 \ +" diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/conf-notes.txt b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/conf-notes.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0087e2a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/conf-notes.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +Common targets are: + obmc-phosphor-image diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/distro/openbmc-hr630.conf b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/distro/openbmc-hr630.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f736653df --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/distro/openbmc-hr630.conf @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +require conf/distro/include/ + +DISTRO_NAME = "Lenovo Hr630 OpenBMC" +DISTRO_VERSION = "0.1.2" diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/layer.conf b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/layer.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2cec8b572 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/layer.conf @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +# We have a conf and classes directory, add to BBPATH +BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" + +# We have recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES +BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \ + ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend" + +BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "hr630-layer" +BBFILE_PATTERN_hr630-layer = "" +BBFILE_PRIORITY_hr630-layer = "5" +LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_hr630-layer = "thud warrior" diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/local.conf.sample b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/local.conf.sample new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e24b3ff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/local.conf.sample @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." +MACHINE ??= "hr630" +DISTRO ?= "openbmc-hr630" +PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_rpm" +SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS_append ?= " *" +EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks" +USER_CLASSES ?= "buildstats image-mklibs image-prelink" +PATCHRESOLVE = "noop" +BB_DISKMON_DIRS = "\ + STOPTASKS,${TMPDIR},1G,100K \ + STOPTASKS,${DL_DIR},1G,100K \ + STOPTASKS,${SSTATE_DIR},1G,100K \ + STOPTASKS,/tmp,100M,100K \ + ABORT,${TMPDIR},100M,1K \ + ABORT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \ + ABORT,${SSTATE_DIR},100M,1K \ + ABORT,/tmp,10M,1K" +CONF_VERSION = "1" +INHERIT += "extrausers" +EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS = " \ + usermod -p '\$1\$UGMqyqdG\$FZiylVFmRRfl9Z0Ue8G7e/' root; \ + " diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/machine/hr630.conf b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/machine/hr630.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..04080de3d --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/conf/machine/hr630.conf @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +KMACHINE = "aspeed" +KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "${KMACHINE}-bmc-lenovo-${MACHINE}.dtb" + +UBOOT_MACHINE = "ast_g5_phy_config" + +require conf/machine/include/ +require conf/machine/include/ +require conf/machine/include/ + +FLASH_SIZE = "32768" + +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-host-ipmi-hw = "phosphor-ipmi-kcs" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-led-manager-config-native = "hr630-led-manager-config-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-ipmi-sensor-inventory = "hr630-ipmi-sensor-inventory-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-read-inventory = "hr630-ipmi-fru-read-inventory-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-inventory = "hr630-ipmi-inventory-map-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-properties = "hr630-ipmi-fru-properties-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-chassis-mgmt = "packagegroup-lenovo-apps" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-fan-mgmt = "packagegroup-lenovo-apps" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-flash-mgmt = "packagegroup-lenovo-apps" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-system-mgmt = "packagegroup-lenovo-apps" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-inventory-data ?= "${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_skeleton_workbook}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2b2c4b7ac73f163383e80b3390e95b0bf50826ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lisa Liu Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2019 19:28:58 +0800 Subject: meta-lenovo: network: Disable link-local IP address auto configuration Add --disable-link-local-autoconfiguration flag for auto-configure. Tested: Check IP address in debug console by ifconfig to see real IP address. (From meta-lenovo rev: f6ec76794761cf29d70c56788570400b7c16fcee) Signed-off-by: Lisa Liu Change-Id: I05a10baa1071cd6d93e0a2bcf317c95187bf7539 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/network/phosphor-network_%.bbappend | 6 ++++++ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/network/phosphor-network_%.bbappend diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/network/phosphor-network_%.bbappend b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/network/phosphor-network_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac2c4ccd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/network/phosphor-network_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_hr630 := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" + +EXTRA_OECONF_append_hr630 = "--disable-link-local-autoconfiguration" -- cgit v1.2.3 From ad842dfcc84b53f3c25c44d18d0c2134865297a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lisa Liu Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 15:07:49 +0800 Subject: meta-lenovo: hr630: add kernel configurations Add kernel configurations. Tested: Build Lenovo hr630 image and load on the target hardware, ensure that BMC boots to console. (From meta-lenovo rev: 5c27e5f9f7504fc9b9c9567f2ff0ca6d3a9e7eed) Signed-off-by: Lisa Liu Change-Id: I32d845b4990d7769e3ddc1b57301c778cfb265f6 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/hr630.cfg | 16 ++++++++++++++++ .../recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend | 5 +++++ 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/hr630.cfg create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/hr630.cfg b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/hr630.cfg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f8d07b5e --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/hr630.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +//"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +//Licensed under GPL v2, see COPYING file for details." + +CONFIG_I2C_MUX=y +CONFIG_I2C_MUX_PCA9541=y +CONFIG_I2C_MUX_PCA954x=y +CONFIG_SENSORS_ASPEED=y +CONFIG_SENSORS_TMP421=y +CONFIG_ASPEED_ADC=y +CONFIG_SENSORS_IIO_HWMON=y +CONFIG_I2C_SLAVE=y +CONFIG_PMBUS=y +CONFIG_SPI=y +CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX31790=y +CONFIG_EEPROM_AT24=y +CONFIG_DEVMEM=y diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d4d8b818a --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_hr630 := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" +SRC_URI_append_hr630 = " file://hr630.cfg" -- cgit v1.2.3 From a467ecf27af2fd2d23387425a1c5fc4c4195c59e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lisa Liu Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2019 19:46:30 +0800 Subject: meta-lenovo: hr630: Initial led yaml file equipped with hr630 platform Add heartbeat and fault led in yaml file. (From meta-lenovo rev: 8a7b9b0a15f36b6ecbd47442b7095f9d43639e79) Signed-off-by: Lisa Liu Change-Id: I87418b92d988ba92dd4a4a33e1484d2e42fceca9 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../leds/ | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++ .../leds/hr630-led-manager-config/led.yaml | 14 ++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 35 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/leds/ create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/leds/hr630-led-manager-config/led.yaml diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/leds/ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/leds/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3efa3d6d --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/leds/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo" + +SUMMARY = "Phosphor LED Group Management for hr630" +PR = "r1" +LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${LENOVOBASE}/COPYING.BSD;md5=efc72ac5d37ea632ccf0001f56126210" + +inherit native +inherit obmc-phosphor-utils + +PROVIDES += "virtual/phosphor-led-manager-config-native" + +SRC_URI += "file://led.yaml" +S = "${WORKDIR}" + +# Copies example led layout yaml file +do_install() { + SRC=${S} + DEST=${D}${datadir}/phosphor-led-manager + install -D ${SRC}/led.yaml ${DEST}/led.yaml +} diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/leds/hr630-led-manager-config/led.yaml b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/leds/hr630-led-manager-config/led.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b8b9ff620 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/leds/hr630-led-manager-config/led.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +bmc_booted: + heartbeat: + Action: 'Blink' + DutyOn: 50 + Period: 1000 + +enclosure_fault: + fault: + Action: 'On' + DutyOn: 50 + Period: 0 -- cgit v1.2.3 From dd8980644df62c22512de9430751263de7bbd16f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lisa Liu Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2019 13:09:53 +0800 Subject: meta-lenovo: hr630: Add sensor configs temperature sensors inlet and outlet of tmp75, adc voltage sensors and fan-tach sensors. Tested: Build it in hr630 image, load on hr630 platform, make sure it could show these sensors correctly with command: ipmitool sdr list. (From meta-lenovo rev: 8cd1949d5b4c66682baf951bb8c060320032ad0b) Signed-off-by: Lisa Liu Change-Id: Idfd89ea40642130daddbb9e8c0384004c076638a Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@40/tmp75@4e.conf | 8 ++++++ .../ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@80/tmp75@4d.conf | 8 ++++++ .../ahb/apb/pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000.conf | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++ .../phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon.conf | 25 ++++++++++++++++ .../sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend | 18 ++++++++++++ 5 files changed, 92 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@40/tmp75@4e.conf create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@80/tmp75@4d.conf create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000.conf create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon.conf create mode 100644 meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@40/tmp75@4e.conf b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@40/tmp75@4e.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef316c193 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@40/tmp75@4e.conf @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +LABEL_temp1 = "inlet" +WARNHI_temp1 = "60000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "70000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@80/tmp75@4d.conf b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@80/tmp75@4d.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98ed39b49 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@80/tmp75@4d.conf @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +LABEL_temp1 = "outlet" +WARNHI_temp1 = "60000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "70000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000.conf b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d91006d54 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000.conf @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +# hr630x has 14 fan ports +LABEL_fan1 = "fan1" +LABEL_fan2 = "fan2" +LABEL_fan3 = "fan3" +LABEL_fan4 = "fan4" +LABEL_fan5 = "fan5" +LABEL_fan6 = "fan6" +LABEL_fan7 = "fan7" +LABEL_fan8 = "fan8" +LABEL_fan9 = "fan9" +LABEL_fan10 = "fan10" +LABEL_fan11 = "fan11" +LABEL_fan12 = "fan12" +LABEL_fan13 = "fan13" +LABEL_fan14 = "fan14" + +PWM_TARGET_fan1 = "1" +PWM_TARGET_fan2 = "1" +PWM_TARGET_fan3 = "2" +PWM_TARGET_fan4 = "2" +PWM_TARGET_fan5 = "3" +PWM_TARGET_fan6 = "3" +PWM_TARGET_fan7 = "4" +PWM_TARGET_fan8 = "4" +PWM_TARGET_fan9 = "5" +PWM_TARGET_fan10 = "5" +PWM_TARGET_fan11 = "6" +PWM_TARGET_fan12 = "6" +PWM_TARGET_fan13 = "7" +PWM_TARGET_fan14 = "7" diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon.conf b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..299d23698 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon.conf @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +LABEL_in1=P12V_AUX +GAIN_in1=8.90 +LABEL_in2=P5V_AUX +GAIN_in2=3.68 +LABEL_in3=P3V3_AUX +GAIN_in3=2.47 +LABEL_in4=P1V8_PCH_AUX +GAIN_in4=1.50 +LABEL_in5=PVNN_PCH_AUX +LABEL_in6=P1V05_PCH_AUX +LABEL_in7=P1V2_DDR_BMC +LABEL_in8=P1V15_BMC +LABEL_in9=PVCCIO_CPU2 +LABEL_in10=PVCCIO_CPU1 +LABEL_in11=P12V_STBY +GAIN_in11=8.90 +LABEL_in12=P12V +GAIN_in12=8.90 +LABEL_in13=P5V +GAIN_in13=3.68 +LABEL_in14=P3V3 +GAIN_in14=2.47 diff --git a/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..507954d49 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-lenovo/meta-hr630/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#"Copyright (c) 2019-present Lenovo +#Licensed under BSD-3, see COPYING.BSD file for details." + +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_hr630 := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" +EXTRA_OECONF_append_hr630 = " --enable-negative-errno-on-fail" + +CHIPS = " \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@40/tmp75@4e \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@80/tmp75@4d \ + pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000 \ + " +ITEMSFMT = "ahb/apb/{0}.conf" + +ITEMS = "${@compose_list(d, 'ITEMSFMT', 'CHIPS')}" +ITEMS += "iio-hwmon.conf" + +ENVS = "obmc/hwmon/{0}" +SYSTEMD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE_${PN}_append_hr630 := "${@compose_list(d, 'ENVS', 'ITEMS')}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 4aad338a9e65b5d3e73278420cfd90e7348194de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anthony Wilson Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 17:33:30 -0500 Subject: gpio-presence: Add extra-iface param to service exec With the addition of a new parameter in the phosphor-gpio-presence app, this addition to the service exec file ensures any additional interfaces specified in the appropriate config files are passed to said app. phosphor-gpio-presence: srcrev bump 64c8fcb651..206f004098 Anthony Wilson (1): gpio-presence: Support for multiple iface assocs (From meta-phosphor rev: da2632a84ad78b4b0ff97bd3648a4a165cccbcd7) Signed-off-by: Anthony Wilson Change-Id: Ie5c1c970f4f90b12e46284dede4091862b8ca6f5 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../gpio/phosphor-gpio-monitor/phosphor-gpio-presence@.service | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/gpio/phosphor-gpio-monitor/phosphor-gpio-presence@.service b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/gpio/phosphor-gpio-monitor/phosphor-gpio-presence@.service index acb6af748..a92f82c87 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/gpio/phosphor-gpio-monitor/phosphor-gpio-presence@.service +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/gpio/phosphor-gpio-monitor/phosphor-gpio-presence@.service @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ConditionPathExists={envfiledir}/obmc/gpio/phosphor-power-supply-%i.conf [Service] EnvironmentFile={envfiledir}/obmc/gpio/phosphor-power-supply-%i.conf -ExecStart=/usr/bin/env phosphor-gpio-presence --path=${{DEVPATH}} --inventory=${{INVENTORY}} --key=${{KEY}} --name=${{NAME}} --drivers=${{DRIVERS}} +ExecStart=/usr/bin/env phosphor-gpio-presence --path=${{DEVPATH}} --inventory=${{INVENTORY}} --key=${{KEY}} --name=${{NAME}} --drivers=${{DRIVERS}} --extra-ifaces=${{EXTRA_IFACES}} SyslogIdentifier=phosphor-gpio-presence [Install] -- cgit v1.2.3 From 3dd0280902f092ec7330d96a34d983123aa4c7c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 18:02:38 +0000 Subject: dbus-sensors: srcrev bump 58b2b53e6f..9f16b4bea8 James Feist (4): cpusensor: detect if cpu is available adcsensor: Add CPU presence checking Follow up on Todo, move path out of base sensor Add Hysteresis support (From meta-phosphor rev: 04564d9a8e751c5dbf077dfa66b99461b04e0b34) Change-Id: Iede48bfc8984fa39d669f885ff58395e922c0171 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ index 098155dcc..f0d6abaaa 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SUMMARY = "dbus-sensors" DESCRIPTION = "Dbus Sensor Services Configured from D-Bus" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "58b2b53e6f065bfb2b470d8f616d3fef67179fcb" +SRCREV = "9f16b4bea861dee5146ffad3536ca29954d7db2b" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From fdee6230bdcc8eb7aefaa223eb82969cf3787523 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brad Bishop Date: Wed, 29 May 2019 15:58:36 -0400 Subject: meta-ibm: romulus: drop channel.yaml These files aren't used by ipmid anymore, so drop. See host-ipmid change 41ac50530a for details. (From meta-ibm rev: dfd8a072958aa531a41d7fbb190675c66b75e15c) Change-Id: I3aaab61c24fa0a4167cb04b60e577c1761605887 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/channel.yaml | 4 ---- .../recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host_%.bbappend | 8 -------- 2 files changed, 12 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/channel.yaml delete mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host_%.bbappend diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/channel.yaml b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/channel.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 627f4965f..000000000 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/channel.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -# Channel Number (must be unique) is the key -1: - # ifName the ethernet device name (used in the dbus path) - ifName: eth0 diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host_%.bbappend b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host_%.bbappend deleted file mode 100644 index 378dab4d3..000000000 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host_%.bbappend +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_romulus := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" -SRC_URI_append_romulus = " \ - file://channel.yaml \ - " - -EXTRA_OECONF_append_romulus = " \ - CHANNEL_YAML_GEN=${WORKDIR}/channel.yaml \ - " -- cgit v1.2.3 From 87bb9014b3df6d9bae12f68d98cc61baf90f2d9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Wang Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 10:10:01 +0800 Subject: fp5280g2: Enable host UART VGA output This allows the machine to have the host UART output rendered to a framebuffer and output on the BMC's graphics device up until the host loads it's PCIe VGA driver. Tested: Built and ran on a fp5280g2,saw that the host UART output displayed on the monitor. (From meta-inspur rev: 89bd7c2a383d1318ef885c50f9cc4ee5b2af1174) Signed-off-by: John Wang Change-Id: Ib7c37a750b508aee314e1b3360733fe8b3eef311 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend index 78819fde1..a19860e12 100644 --- a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend @@ -1 +1 @@ -OBMC_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL_append_fp5280g2 = " mboxd" +OBMC_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL_append_fp5280g2 = " mboxd liberation-fonts uart-render-controller" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 6c6aa8edcf41bb79792e29ac188aeca11d939894 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 21:51:43 +0000 Subject: entity-manager: srcrev bump 99fa42789a..3e5e41fb89 Vijay Khemka (3): ADC Scale factor update for FBTP Add stepwise FSC configurations for FBTP Add DTS critical offset (From meta-phosphor rev: db2ff3cae90948b53fc49ca972af661e642bffb8) Change-Id: Ifb0b37c65a711fe9d844ab46668088c4f7e49bf7 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ index a13d53afa..4a9d15648 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ DESCRIPTION = "Entity Manager provides d-bus configuration data \ and configures system sensors" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "99fa42789ac8d048cc9f2881fbe2c175c5e4e087" +SRCREV = "3e5e41fb89b91234ef043df1137c8984f9cafdc4" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 7ad06a91714a4a894bd3e04031b4f282a58079ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 21:52:29 +0000 Subject: dbus-sensors: srcrev bump 9f16b4bea8..86dea2b5fe Vijay Khemka (1): cpusensor: Add thresold offset (From meta-phosphor rev: ecca2828f5b7e415d36f93afb829fe1c31450c03) Change-Id: I314dbdcf89f3fd9fb1a7b3aa9e634ac3ece1f6a5 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ index f0d6abaaa..71b32e194 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SUMMARY = "dbus-sensors" DESCRIPTION = "Dbus Sensor Services Configured from D-Bus" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "9f16b4bea861dee5146ffad3536ca29954d7db2b" +SRCREV = "86dea2b5fe33da6cb62049ef03bfcd046517ded9" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From e809ed7c0513bc5ef105f4b782ff27f6690d2807 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 12:21:46 +0000 Subject: phosphor-certificate-manager: srcrev bump f46827128c..dec5877c7e Marri Devender Rao (1): Fix subject property value is set with certificate string (From meta-phosphor rev: a37d0de134fb4dcf01568fdcdb68ef035936d771) Change-Id: I4e77f1525ed738464c2a2139fb897474113ed7a5 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../recipes-phosphor/certificate/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ index 0e6306875..239dbbd6b 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/certificate/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=86d3f3a95c324c9479bd8986968f4327" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "f46827128c0b53aac50e08db772ffe48c9987c65" +SRCREV = "dec5877c7e1219299042671cdf82589a081d583f" inherit autotools \ pkgconfig \ -- cgit v1.2.3 From e342ce51e1b0f090ff2459b33c3152134ebd2a22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 15:02:07 +0000 Subject: bmcweb: srcrev bump 4d2849acfe..6ca6ac12e6 Johnathan Mantey (1): Redfish: Correct PATCH for IPv6 static addresses (From meta-phosphor rev: 4e9ecc031e0af0fbf57a322c3d5694248a032c90) Change-Id: Idca7a798b5e654cb905090e6d17d7403e2205029 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ index 5ce2b256a..7f59ca3c6 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "4d2849acfe1fc24e4c28878f765580b9e96ad36e" +SRCREV = "6ca6ac12e62bd8bfbdb9a24bbfded4a138a1150a" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From fbf06d432bd03bc59db6dceb777687777fff5fbd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 16:11:54 +0000 Subject: entity-manager: srcrev bump 3e5e41fb89..15c49902cf James Feist (3): Update Variant Visitors Enhance device added / removed log message Add thresholds for Exit Air Temp Sensor (From meta-phosphor rev: b5b6c63135a09ac2927014a217cac01ea95fcd07) Change-Id: Ifea6a825cb8f0733c2c51d7f4c9cb5fc7b20676b Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ index 4a9d15648..0a9746259 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ DESCRIPTION = "Entity Manager provides d-bus configuration data \ and configures system sensors" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "3e5e41fb89b91234ef043df1137c8984f9cafdc4" +SRCREV = "15c49902cf030a91a5b4bd325d185ee74b760359" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 6b0ff120bd74483254c2b5e0dc490de091c26d7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Oshri Alkoby (NTIL)" Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 00:47:47 +0300 Subject: meta-phosphor: nuvoton-layer: generate full flash image. Nuvoton's full flash image includes also a bootloader called Bootblock, and headers for it and for the u-boot. Generating headers and merging the Bootblock and the u-boot are being done by Nuvoton's binary generator tool (Bingo), which uses external paramteres from XML files for that. (From meta-phosphor rev: 13cc41f61207bcf06a9daab552c66b05120aa379) Signed-off-by: Oshri Alkoby (NTIL) Change-Id: Ic95719e83d5a4c998b20d3ece70893ea34106a06 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 70 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-phosphor/nuvoton-layer/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend diff --git a/meta-phosphor/nuvoton-layer/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend b/meta-phosphor/nuvoton-layer/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e60401e89 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-phosphor/nuvoton-layer/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +EXTRA_DEPENDS = "" + +EXTRA_DEPENDS_npcm7xx = " \ + npcm7xx-bootblock:do_deploy \ + npcm7xx-bingo-native:do_populate_sysroot \ + " + +UBOOT_BINARY := "u-boot.${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" + +BOOTBLOCK = "Poleg_bootblock.bin" + + +FULL_SUFFIX = "full" +MERGED_SUFFIX = "merged" + +UBOOT_SUFFIX_append_npcm7xx = ".${MERGED_SUFFIX}" + + +do_prepare_bootloaders() { + +} + + +# Prepare the Bootblock and U-Boot images using npcm7xx-bingo + +do_prepare_bootloaders_npcm7xx() { + + currdir=`pwd` + cd ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} + + bingo ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/${bindir}/BootBlockAndHeader_EB.xml \ + -o ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${BOOTBLOCK}.${FULL_SUFFIX} + + bingo ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/${bindir}/UbootHeader_EB.xml \ + -o ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${UBOOT_BINARY}.${FULL_SUFFIX} + + bingo ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/${bindir}/mergedBootBlockAndUboot.xml \ + -o ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${UBOOT_BINARY}.${MERGED_SUFFIX} + + cd $currdir +} + + +do_prepare_bootloaders[depends] += "${EXTRA_DEPENDS}" + + +addtask do_prepare_bootloaders before do_generate_static after do_generate_rwfs_static + + +# Include the full bootblock and u-boot in the final static image + +python do_generate_static_append_npcm7xx() { + + _append_image(os.path.join(d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE', True), + 'u-boot.%s' % d.getVar('UBOOT_SUFFIX',True)), + int(d.getVar('FLASH_UBOOT_OFFSET', True)), + int(d.getVar('FLASH_KERNEL_OFFSET', True))) +} + +do_make_ubi_append_npcm7xx() { + + # Concatenate the uboot and ubi partitions + dd bs=1k conv=notrunc seek=${FLASH_UBOOT_OFFSET} \ + if=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/u-boot.${UBOOT_SUFFIX} \ + of=${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}.ubi.mtd +} + +do_make_ubi[depends] += "${PN}:do_prepare_bootloaders" +do_generate_ubi_tar[depends] += "${PN}:do_prepare_bootloaders" +do_generate_static_tar[depends] += "${PN}:do_prepare_bootloaders" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2b5a779bfa0b93f7e35bb40762a7314fdb4877f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "William A. Kennington III" Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 13:36:54 -0700 Subject: phosphor-ipmi-host: Remove HostIpmi requirement We have systems that have no host present, but require the use of the network ipmi functionality. This requirement doesn't work for these systems since they don't have a host transfer mechanism. This doesn't change the ordering requirements of the services. (From meta-phosphor rev: 484aa1574f390c9a32ba3a31fb5518d94058d7d9) Change-Id: I455b7dad4aecda64b0bc05c0349b011e0e8885d3 Signed-off-by: William A. Kennington III Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/phosphor-ipmi-host.service | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/phosphor-ipmi-host.service b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/phosphor-ipmi-host.service index 62687d68c..ab898313a 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/phosphor-ipmi-host.service +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/phosphor-ipmi-host.service @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ Wants=mapper-wait@-xyz-openbmc_project-control-host0-restriction_mode.service After=mapper-wait@-xyz-openbmc_project-control-host0-restriction_mode.service Wants=clear-once.service After=clear-once.service -Requires=org.openbmc.HostIpmi.service After=org.openbmc.HostIpmi.service [Service] -- cgit v1.2.3 From a7900a460a2bd716e55e839aa68381324896aac3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 17:32:22 +0000 Subject: dbus-sensors: srcrev bump 86dea2b5fe..15266a96d7 Cheng C Yang (1): Correct association of PSU PWM Sensor (From meta-phosphor rev: 4fcfd1a32290cad390561e2659a877e8d58785b2) Change-Id: I95e4811c01ae682829cf4a9e8c415c816c08dfa6 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ index 71b32e194..c5062701f 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SUMMARY = "dbus-sensors" DESCRIPTION = "Dbus Sensor Services Configured from D-Bus" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "86dea2b5fe33da6cb62049ef03bfcd046517ded9" +SRCREV = "15266a96d758d4dbc1d3095e652ae083b24732c7" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From a33d550ab04bdeb23732ecc9280f6d8a1996dc4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Lakshminarayana R. Kammath" Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 02:17:30 -0500 Subject: Add a recipe for hostboot-debug-tools. This is a work in progress - at the moment this recipe doesn't do anything beyond ensuring the dependencies are installed. Tested : Verified. Perl executable and dependent libs available in debug tarball. (From meta-openpower rev: d252fd06a3bd282e4c80a6c961070acc2bfb3242) Signed-off-by: Lakshminarayana R. Kammath Change-Id: Iaee4127714bf9ccc5571bfea95d56f4d30add240 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../hostboot/ | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-devtools/hostboot/ diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-devtools/hostboot/ b/meta-openpower/recipes-devtools/hostboot/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f1265bda6 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-devtools/hostboot/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +SUMMARY = "Recipe for enabling hostboot-debug-tools" +DESCRIPTION = "Support to enable running hostboot-debug-tools" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +PR = "r1" + +inherit allarch + +RDEPENDS_${PN} = " \ + perl perl-module-pod-text perl-module-lib \ + perl-module-constant \ + perl-module-errno perl-module-fcntl \ + perl-module-file-basename perl-module-file-copy \ + perl-module-file-find perl-module-file-glob \ + perl-module-file-path perl-module-file-spec \ + perl-module-file-temp perl-module-getopt-long \ + perl-module-re perl-module-text-wrap \ + perl-module-posix perl-module-bigint \ + perl-module-integer \ + " + +ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2cec924fb3ea90c2c7dee314126ae87da1c1f57d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matthew Barth Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 15:56:24 -0500 Subject: swif: Add CP0/CP1 OCC sensors Create Swift's OCC sensors initially using the same thresholds as they were on Witherspoon. Swift has 12 dimms/proc with 2 temp sensors per dimm. Also there are 2 GPUs/proc. Tested: Built image that contained the config files (From meta-ibm rev: 2bd366ab4bd4b9e085b70d46f07f5f1acdd35790) Change-Id: Ia381c561f283c4d542e0035534375fa14c493278 Signed-off-by: Matthew Barth Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../00--00--00--06/sbefifo1-dev0/occ-hwmon.1.conf | 436 +++++++++++++++++++++ .../01--01--00--06/sbefifo2-dev0/occ-hwmon.2.conf | 366 +++++++++++++++++ .../sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend | 14 +- 3 files changed, 809 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00--00/00--00--00--06/sbefifo1-dev0/occ-hwmon.1.conf create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00--00/00--00--00--0a/fsi1/slave@01--00/01--01--00--06/sbefifo2-dev0/occ-hwmon.2.conf diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00--00/00--00--00--06/sbefifo1-dev0/occ-hwmon.1.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00--00/00--00--00--06/sbefifo1-dev0/occ-hwmon.1.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5582e9dbf --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00--00/00--00--00--06/sbefifo1-dev0/occ-hwmon.1.conf @@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ +MODE_temp1 = "label" +MODE_temp2 = "label" +MODE_temp3 = "label" +MODE_temp4 = "label" +MODE_temp5 = "label" +MODE_temp6 = "label" +MODE_temp7 = "label" +MODE_temp8 = "label" +MODE_temp9 = "label" +MODE_temp10 = "label" +MODE_temp11 = "label" +MODE_temp12 = "label" +MODE_temp13 = "label" +MODE_temp14 = "label" +MODE_temp15 = "label" +MODE_temp16 = "label" +MODE_temp17 = "label" +MODE_temp18 = "label" +MODE_temp19 = "label" +MODE_temp20 = "label" +MODE_temp21 = "label" +MODE_temp22 = "label" +MODE_temp23 = "label" +MODE_temp24 = "label" +MODE_temp25 = "label" +MODE_temp26 = "label" +MODE_temp27 = "label" +MODE_temp28 = "label" +MODE_temp29 = "label" +MODE_temp30 = "label" +MODE_temp31 = "label" +MODE_temp32 = "label" +MODE_temp33 = "label" +MODE_temp34 = "label" +MODE_temp35 = "label" +MODE_temp36 = "label" +MODE_temp37 = "label" +MODE_temp38 = "label" +MODE_temp39 = "label" +MODE_temp40 = "label" +MODE_temp41 = "label" +MODE_temp42 = "label" +MODE_temp43 = "label" +MODE_temp44 = "label" +MODE_temp45 = "label" +MODE_temp46 = "label" +MODE_temp47 = "label" +MODE_temp48 = "label" +MODE_temp49 = "label" +MODE_temp50 = "label" +MODE_temp51 = "label" +MODE_temp52 = "label" + +MODE_power1 = "label" +MODE_power2 = "label" +MODE_power3 = "label" +MODE_power4 = "label" +MODE_power5 = "label" +MODE_power6 = "label" +MODE_power7 = "label" +MODE_power8 = "label" +MODE_power9 = "label" +MODE_power10 = "label" +MODE_power11 = "label" +MODE_power12 = "label" +MODE_power13 = "label" +MODE_power14 = "label" +MODE_power15 = "label" + +REMOVERCS = "11" + +LABEL_temp17 = "p0_core0_temp" +WARNHI_temp17 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp17 = "0" +CRITHI_temp17 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp17 = "0" + +LABEL_temp20 = "p0_core1_temp" +WARNHI_temp20 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp20 = "0" +CRITHI_temp20 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp20 = "0" + +LABEL_temp23 = "p0_core2_temp" +WARNHI_temp23 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp23 = "0" +CRITHI_temp23 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp23 = "0" + +LABEL_temp26 = "p0_core3_temp" +WARNHI_temp26 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp26 = "0" +CRITHI_temp26 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp26 = "0" + +LABEL_temp29 = "p0_core4_temp" +WARNHI_temp29 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp29 = "0" +CRITHI_temp29 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp29 = "0" + +LABEL_temp32 = "p0_core5_temp" +WARNHI_temp32 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp32 = "0" +CRITHI_temp32 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp32 = "0" + +LABEL_temp35 = "p0_core6_temp" +WARNHI_temp35 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp35 = "0" +CRITHI_temp35 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp35 = "0" + +LABEL_temp38 = "p0_core7_temp" +WARNHI_temp38 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp38 = "0" +CRITHI_temp38 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp38 = "0" + +LABEL_temp41 = "p0_core8_temp" +WARNHI_temp41 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp41 = "0" +CRITHI_temp41 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp41 = "0" + +LABEL_temp44 = "p0_core9_temp" +WARNHI_temp44 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp44 = "0" +CRITHI_temp44 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp44 = "0" + +LABEL_temp47 = "p0_core10_temp" +WARNHI_temp47 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp47 = "0" +CRITHI_temp47 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp47 = "0" + +LABEL_temp50 = "p0_core11_temp" +WARNHI_temp50 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp50 = "0" +CRITHI_temp50 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp50 = "0" + +LABEL_temp53 = "p0_core12_temp" +WARNHI_temp53 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp53 = "0" +CRITHI_temp53 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp53 = "0" + +LABEL_temp56 = "p0_core13_temp" +WARNHI_temp56 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp56 = "0" +CRITHI_temp56 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp56 = "0" + +LABEL_temp59 = "p0_core14_temp" +WARNHI_temp59 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp59 = "0" +CRITHI_temp59 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp59 = "0" + +LABEL_temp62 = "p0_core15_temp" +WARNHI_temp62 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp62 = "0" +CRITHI_temp62 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp62 = "0" + +LABEL_temp65 = "p0_core16_temp" +WARNHI_temp65 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp65 = "0" +CRITHI_temp65 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp65 = "0" + +LABEL_temp68 = "p0_core17_temp" +WARNHI_temp68 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp68 = "0" +CRITHI_temp68 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp68 = "0" + +LABEL_temp71 = "p0_core18_temp" +WARNHI_temp71 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp71 = "0" +CRITHI_temp71 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp71 = "0" + +LABEL_temp74 = "p0_core19_temp" +WARNHI_temp74 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp74 = "0" +CRITHI_temp74 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp74 = "0" + +LABEL_temp77 = "p0_core20_temp" +WARNHI_temp77 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp77 = "0" +CRITHI_temp77 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp77 = "0" + +LABEL_temp80 = "p0_core21_temp" +WARNHI_temp80 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp80 = "0" +CRITHI_temp80 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp80 = "0" + +LABEL_temp83 = "p0_core22_temp" +WARNHI_temp83 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp83 = "0" +CRITHI_temp83 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp83 = "0" + +LABEL_temp86 = "p0_core23_temp" +WARNHI_temp86 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp86 = "0" +CRITHI_temp86 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp86 = "0" + +LABEL_temp165 = "dimm0_temp0" +WARNHI_temp165 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp165 = "0" +CRITHI_temp165 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp165 = "0" + +LABEL_temp166 = "dimm0_temp1" +WARNHI_temp166 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp166 = "0" +CRITHI_temp166 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp166 = "0" + +LABEL_temp168 = "dimm1_temp0" +WARNHI_temp168 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp168 = "0" +CRITHI_temp168 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp168 = "0" + +LABEL_temp169 = "dimm1_temp1" +WARNHI_temp169 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp169 = "0" +CRITHI_temp169 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp169 = "0" + +LABEL_temp171 = "dimm2_temp0" +WARNHI_temp171 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp171 = "0" +CRITHI_temp171 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp171 = "0" + +LABEL_temp172 = "dimm2_temp1" +WARNHI_temp172 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp172 = "0" +CRITHI_temp172 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp172 = "0" + +LABEL_temp174 = "dimm3_temp0" +WARNHI_temp174 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp174 = "0" +CRITHI_temp174 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp174 = "0" + +LABEL_temp175 = "dimm3_temp1" +WARNHI_temp175 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp175 = "0" +CRITHI_temp175 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp175 = "0" + +LABEL_temp177 = "dimm4_temp0" +WARNHI_temp177 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp177 = "0" +CRITHI_temp177 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp177 = "0" + +LABEL_temp178 = "dimm4_temp1" +WARNHI_temp178 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp178 = "0" +CRITHI_temp178 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp178 = "0" + +LABEL_temp180 = "dimm5_temp0" +WARNHI_temp180 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp180 = "0" +CRITHI_temp180 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp180 = "0" + +LABEL_temp181 = "dimm5_temp1" +WARNHI_temp181 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp181 = "0" +CRITHI_temp181 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp181 = "0" + +LABEL_temp183 = "dimm6_temp0" +WARNHI_temp183 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp183 = "0" +CRITHI_temp183 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp183 = "0" + +LABEL_temp184 = "dimm6_temp1" +WARNHI_temp184 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp184 = "0" +CRITHI_temp184 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp184 = "0" + +LABEL_temp186 = "dimm7_temp0" +WARNHI_temp186 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp186 = "0" +CRITHI_temp186 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp186 = "0" + +LABEL_temp187 = "dimm7_temp1" +WARNHI_temp187 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp187 = "0" +CRITHI_temp187 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp187 = "0" + +LABEL_temp189 = "dimm8_temp0" +WARNHI_temp189 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp189 = "0" +CRITHI_temp189 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp189 = "0" + +LABEL_temp190 = "dimm8_temp1" +WARNHI_temp190 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp190 = "0" +CRITHI_temp190 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp190 = "0" + +LABEL_temp192 = "dimm9_temp0" +WARNHI_temp192 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp192 = "0" +CRITHI_temp192 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp192 = "0" + +LABEL_temp193 = "dimm9_temp1" +WARNHI_temp193 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp193 = "0" +CRITHI_temp193 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp193 = "0" + +LABEL_temp195 = "dimm10_temp0" +WARNHI_temp195 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp195 = "0" +CRITHI_temp195 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp195 = "0" + +LABEL_temp196 = "dimm10_temp1" +WARNHI_temp196 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp196 = "0" +CRITHI_temp196 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp196 = "0" + +LABEL_temp198 = "dimm11_temp0" +WARNHI_temp198 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp198 = "0" +CRITHI_temp198 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp198 = "0" + +LABEL_temp199 = "dimm11_temp1" +WARNHI_temp199 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp199 = "0" +CRITHI_temp199 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp199 = "0" + +LABEL_temp237 = "gpu0_core_temp" +WARNHI_temp237 = "76000" +WARNLO_temp237 = "0" +CRITHI_temp237 = "81000" +CRITLO_temp237 = "0" + +LABEL_temp238 = "gpu0_mem_temp" +WARNHI_temp238 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp238 = "0" +CRITHI_temp238 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp238 = "0" + +LABEL_temp240 = "gpu1_core_temp" +WARNHI_temp240 = "76000" +WARNLO_temp240 = "0" +CRITHI_temp240 = "81000" +CRITLO_temp240 = "0" + +LABEL_temp241 = "gpu1_mem_temp" +WARNHI_temp241 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp241 = "0" +CRITHI_temp241 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp241 = "0" + +LABEL_power0_22_0 = "total_power" +WARNHI_power0_22_0 = "3050000000" +WARNLO_power0_22_0 = "0" +CRITHI_power0_22_0 = "3100000000" +CRITLO_power0_22_0 = "0" + +LABEL_power0_5_2 = "p0_power" +WARNHI_power0_5_2 = "250000000" +WARNLO_power0_5_2 = "0" +CRITHI_power0_5_2 = "300000000" +CRITLO_power0_5_2 = "0" + +LABEL_power0_6_3 = "p1_power" +WARNHI_power0_6_3 = "250000000" +WARNLO_power0_6_3 = "0" +CRITHI_power0_6_3 = "300000000" +CRITLO_power0_6_3 = "0" + +LABEL_power0_9_4 = "p0_io_power" +WARNHI_power0_9_4 = "80000000" +WARNLO_power0_9_4 = "0" +CRITHI_power0_9_4 = "100000000" +CRITLO_power0_9_4 = "0" + +LABEL_power0_10_5 = "p1_io_power" +WARNHI_power0_10_5 = "80000000" +WARNLO_power0_10_5 = "0" +CRITHI_power0_10_5 = "100000000" +CRITLO_power0_10_5 = "0" + +LABEL_power0_1_6 = "p0_mem_power" +WARNHI_power0_1_6 = "250000000" +WARNLO_power0_1_6 = "0" +CRITHI_power0_1_6 = "300000000" +CRITLO_power0_1_6 = "0" + +LABEL_power0_2_7 = "p1_mem_power" +WARNHI_power0_2_7 = "250000000" +WARNLO_power0_2_7 = "0" +CRITHI_power0_2_7 = "300000000" +CRITLO_power0_2_7 = "0" + +LABEL_power0_18_14 = "fan_disk_power" +WARNHI_power0_18_14 = "375000000" +WARNLO_power0_18_14 = "0" +CRITHI_power0_18_14 = "400000000" +CRITLO_power0_18_14 = "0" + +LABEL_power0_13_15 = "io_power" +WARNHI_power0_13_15 = "128000000" +WARNLO_power0_13_15 = "0" +CRITHI_power0_13_15 = "150000000" +CRITLO_power0_13_15 = "0" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00--00/00--00--00--0a/fsi1/slave@01--00/01--01--00--06/sbefifo2-dev0/occ-hwmon.2.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00--00/00--00--00--0a/fsi1/slave@01--00/01--01--00--06/sbefifo2-dev0/occ-hwmon.2.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1cc4afb71 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00--00/00--00--00--0a/fsi1/slave@01--00/01--01--00--06/sbefifo2-dev0/occ-hwmon.2.conf @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +MODE_temp1 = "label" +MODE_temp2 = "label" +MODE_temp3 = "label" +MODE_temp4 = "label" +MODE_temp5 = "label" +MODE_temp6 = "label" +MODE_temp7 = "label" +MODE_temp8 = "label" +MODE_temp9 = "label" +MODE_temp10 = "label" +MODE_temp11 = "label" +MODE_temp12 = "label" +MODE_temp13 = "label" +MODE_temp14 = "label" +MODE_temp15 = "label" +MODE_temp16 = "label" +MODE_temp17 = "label" +MODE_temp18 = "label" +MODE_temp19 = "label" +MODE_temp20 = "label" +MODE_temp21 = "label" +MODE_temp22 = "label" +MODE_temp23 = "label" +MODE_temp24 = "label" +MODE_temp25 = "label" +MODE_temp26 = "label" +MODE_temp27 = "label" +MODE_temp28 = "label" +MODE_temp29 = "label" +MODE_temp30 = "label" +MODE_temp31 = "label" +MODE_temp32 = "label" +MODE_temp33 = "label" +MODE_temp34 = "label" +MODE_temp35 = "label" +MODE_temp36 = "label" +MODE_temp37 = "label" +MODE_temp38 = "label" +MODE_temp39 = "label" +MODE_temp40 = "label" +MODE_temp41 = "label" +MODE_temp42 = "label" +MODE_temp43 = "label" +MODE_temp44 = "label" +MODE_temp45 = "label" +MODE_temp46 = "label" +MODE_temp47 = "label" +MODE_temp48 = "label" +MODE_temp49 = "label" +MODE_temp50 = "label" +MODE_temp51 = "label" +MODE_temp52 = "label" + +REMOVERCS = "11" + +LABEL_temp91 = "p1_core0_temp" +WARNHI_temp91 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp91 = "0" +CRITHI_temp91 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp91 = "0" + +LABEL_temp94 = "p1_core1_temp" +WARNHI_temp94 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp94 = "0" +CRITHI_temp94 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp94 = "0" + +LABEL_temp97 = "p1_core2_temp" +WARNHI_temp97 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp97 = "0" +CRITHI_temp97 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp97 = "0" + +LABEL_temp100 = "p1_core3_temp" +WARNHI_temp100 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp100 = "0" +CRITHI_temp100 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp100 = "0" + +LABEL_temp103 = "p1_core4_temp" +WARNHI_temp103 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp103 = "0" +CRITHI_temp103 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp103 = "0" + +LABEL_temp106 = "p1_core5_temp" +WARNHI_temp106 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp106 = "0" +CRITHI_temp106 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp106 = "0" + +LABEL_temp109 = "p1_core6_temp" +WARNHI_temp109 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp109 = "0" +CRITHI_temp109 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp109 = "0" + +LABEL_temp112 = "p1_core7_temp" +WARNHI_temp112 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp112 = "0" +CRITHI_temp112 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp112 = "0" + +LABEL_temp115 = "p1_core8_temp" +WARNHI_temp115 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp115 = "0" +CRITHI_temp115 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp115 = "0" + +LABEL_temp118 = "p1_core9_temp" +WARNHI_temp118 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp118 = "0" +CRITHI_temp118 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp118 = "0" + +LABEL_temp121 = "p1_core10_temp" +WARNHI_temp121 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp121 = "0" +CRITHI_temp121 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp121 = "0" + +LABEL_temp124 = "p1_core11_temp" +WARNHI_temp124 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp124 = "0" +CRITHI_temp124 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp124 = "0" + +LABEL_temp127 = "p1_core12_temp" +WARNHI_temp127 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp127 = "0" +CRITHI_temp127 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp127 = "0" + +LABEL_temp130 = "p1_core13_temp" +WARNHI_temp130 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp130 = "0" +CRITHI_temp130 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp130 = "0" + +LABEL_temp133 = "p1_core14_temp" +WARNHI_temp133 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp133 = "0" +CRITHI_temp133 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp133 = "0" + +LABEL_temp136 = "p1_core15_temp" +WARNHI_temp136 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp136 = "0" +CRITHI_temp136 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp136 = "0" + +LABEL_temp139 = "p1_core16_temp" +WARNHI_temp139 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp139 = "0" +CRITHI_temp139 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp139 = "0" + +LABEL_temp142 = "p1_core17_temp" +WARNHI_temp142 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp142 = "0" +CRITHI_temp142 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp142 = "0" + +LABEL_temp145 = "p1_core18_temp" +WARNHI_temp145 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp145 = "0" +CRITHI_temp145 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp145 = "0" + +LABEL_temp148 = "p1_core19_temp" +WARNHI_temp148 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp148 = "0" +CRITHI_temp148 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp148 = "0" + +LABEL_temp151 = "p1_core20_temp" +WARNHI_temp151 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp151 = "0" +CRITHI_temp151 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp151 = "0" + +LABEL_temp154 = "p1_core21_temp" +WARNHI_temp154 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp154 = "0" +CRITHI_temp154 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp154 = "0" + +LABEL_temp157 = "p1_core22_temp" +WARNHI_temp157 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp157 = "0" +CRITHI_temp157 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp157 = "0" + +LABEL_temp160 = "p1_core23_temp" +WARNHI_temp160 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp160 = "0" +CRITHI_temp160 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp160 = "0" + +LABEL_temp201 = "dimm12_temp0" +WARNHI_temp201 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp201 = "0" +CRITHI_temp201 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp201 = "0" + +LABEL_temp202 = "dimm12_temp1" +WARNHI_temp202 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp202 = "0" +CRITHI_temp202 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp202 = "0" + +LABEL_temp204 = "dimm13_temp0" +WARNHI_temp204 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp204 = "0" +CRITHI_temp204 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp204 = "0" + +LABEL_temp205 = "dimm13_temp1" +WARNHI_temp205 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp205 = "0" +CRITHI_temp205 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp205 = "0" + +LABEL_temp207 = "dimm14_temp0" +WARNHI_temp207 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp207 = "0" +CRITHI_temp207 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp207 = "0" + +LABEL_temp208 = "dimm14_temp1" +WARNHI_temp208 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp208 = "0" +CRITHI_temp208 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp208 = "0" + +LABEL_temp210 = "dimm15_temp0" +WARNHI_temp210 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp210 = "0" +CRITHI_temp210 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp210 = "0" + +LABEL_temp211 = "dimm15_temp1" +WARNHI_temp211 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp211 = "0" +CRITHI_temp211 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp211 = "0" + +LABEL_temp213 = "dimm16_temp0" +WARNHI_temp213 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp213 = "0" +CRITHI_temp213 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp213 = "0" + +LABEL_temp214 = "dimm16_temp1" +WARNHI_temp214 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp214 = "0" +CRITHI_temp214 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp214 = "0" + +LABEL_temp216 = "dimm17_temp0" +WARNHI_temp216 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp216 = "0" +CRITHI_temp216 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp216 = "0" + +LABEL_temp217 = "dimm17_temp1" +WARNHI_temp217 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp217 = "0" +CRITHI_temp217 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp217 = "0" + +LABEL_temp219 = "dimm18_temp0" +WARNHI_temp219 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp219 = "0" +CRITHI_temp219 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp219 = "0" + +LABEL_temp220 = "dimm18_temp1" +WARNHI_temp220 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp220 = "0" +CRITHI_temp220 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp220 = "0" + +LABEL_temp222 = "dimm19_temp0" +WARNHI_temp222 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp222 = "0" +CRITHI_temp222 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp222 = "0" + +LABEL_temp223 = "dimm19_temp1" +WARNHI_temp223 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp223 = "0" +CRITHI_temp223 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp223 = "0" + +LABEL_temp225 = "dimm20_temp0" +WARNHI_temp225 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp225 = "0" +CRITHI_temp225 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp225 = "0" + +LABEL_temp226 = "dimm20_temp1" +WARNHI_temp226 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp226 = "0" +CRITHI_temp226 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp226 = "0" + +LABEL_temp228 = "dimm21_temp0" +WARNHI_temp228 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp228 = "0" +CRITHI_temp228 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp228 = "0" + +LABEL_temp229 = "dimm21_temp1" +WARNHI_temp229 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp229 = "0" +CRITHI_temp229 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp229 = "0" + +LABEL_temp231 = "dimm22_temp0" +WARNHI_temp231 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp231 = "0" +CRITHI_temp231 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp231 = "0" + +LABEL_temp232 = "dimm22_temp1" +WARNHI_temp232 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp232 = "0" +CRITHI_temp232 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp232 = "0" + +LABEL_temp234 = "dimm23_temp0" +WARNHI_temp234 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp234 = "0" +CRITHI_temp234 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp234 = "0" + +LABEL_temp235 = "dimm23_temp1" +WARNHI_temp235 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp235 = "0" +CRITHI_temp235 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp235 = "0" + +LABEL_temp243 = "gpu2_core_temp" +WARNHI_temp243 = "76000" +WARNLO_temp243 = "0" +CRITHI_temp243 = "81000" +CRITLO_temp243 = "0" + +LABEL_temp244 = "gpu2_mem_temp" +WARNHI_temp244 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp244 = "0" +CRITHI_temp244 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp244 = "0" + +LABEL_temp246 = "gpu3_core_temp" +WARNHI_temp246 = "76000" +WARNLO_temp246 = "0" +CRITHI_temp246 = "81000" +CRITLO_temp246 = "0" + +LABEL_temp247 = "gpu3_mem_temp" +WARNHI_temp247 = "78000" +WARNLO_temp247 = "0" +CRITHI_temp247 = "83000" +CRITLO_temp247 = "0" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend index 0861025f6..c1089ff73 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend @@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ CHIPS_append_swift = " \ ITEMSFMT = "ahb/apb/{0}.conf" ITEMS = "${@compose_list(d, 'ITEMSFMT', 'CHIPS')}" -OCCS_witherspoon = " \ - 00--00--00--06/sbefifo1-dev0/occ-hwmon.1 \ - 00--00--00--0a/fsi1/slave@01--00/01--01--00--06/sbefifo2-dev0/occ-hwmon.2 \ - " -OCCSFMT_witherspoon = "devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00--00/{0}.conf" -OCCITEMS_witherspoon = "${@compose_list(d, 'OCCSFMT_witherspoon', 'OCCS_witherspoon')}" +OCCS = " \ + 00--00--00--06/sbefifo1-dev0/occ-hwmon.1 \ + 00--00--00--0a/fsi1/slave@01--00/01--01--00--06/sbefifo2-dev0/occ-hwmon.2 \ + " +OCCSFMT = "devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00--00/{0}.conf" +OCCITEMS = "${@compose_list(d, 'OCCSFMT', 'OCCS')}" ENVS = "obmc/hwmon/{0}" SYSTEMD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE_${PN} += "${@compose_list(d, 'ENVS', 'ITEMS')}" -SYSTEMD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE_${PN}_append_witherspoon = " ${@compose_list(d, 'ENVS', 'OCCITEMS_witherspoon')}" +SYSTEMD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE_${PN}_append = " ${@compose_list(d, 'ENVS', 'OCCITEMS')}" SYSTEMD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE_max31785-msl += "obmc/hwmon-max31785/max31785.conf" SYSTEMD_LINK_max31785-msl += "../${MACHINE}.service" -- cgit v1.2.3 From d405e5e9346b72c01ccc359d4cc10ee3fcb8971f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matthew Barth Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 09:47:52 -0500 Subject: swif: Add power supply sensors Initially configure Swift's power supply sensors as they were on Witherspoon. Keep the config files separate between systems as they will be different due to differences between the power supplies used. Tested: Built Swift image that contained the config files Built Witherspoon image that still contained the config files (From meta-ibm rev: d8d27673f1b277db83859408842619ae24606235) Change-Id: I64d893c6c5dbea0e4d4a592042b17d6bad5b4596 Signed-off-by: Matthew Barth Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@68.conf | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++ .../bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@69.conf | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++ .../sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend | 4 ++-- 3 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@68.conf create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@69.conf diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@68.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@68.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2fadbdec0 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@68.conf @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +LABEL_in1="ps0_input_voltage" +WARNHI_in1="290000" +WARNLO_in1="200000" +CRITHI_in1="300000" +CRITLO_in1="180000" + +LABEL_in2="ps0_output_voltage" +WARNHI_in2="12700" +WARNLO_in2="0" +CRITHI_in2="13000" +CRITLO_in2="0" + +LABEL_curr1="ps0_output_current" +WARNHI_curr1="170000" +WARNLO_curr1="0" +CRITHI_curr1="180000" +CRITLO_curr1="0" + +LABEL_power1="ps0_input_power" +WARNHI_power1="2350000000" +WARNLO_power1="0" +CRITHI_power1="2500000000" +CRITLO_power1="0" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@69.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@69.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e463b517c --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/swift/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@69.conf @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +LABEL_in1="ps1_input_voltage" +WARNHI_in1="290000" +WARNLO_in1="200000" +CRITHI_in1="300000" +CRITLO_in1="180000" + +LABEL_in2="ps1_output_voltage" +WARNHI_in2="12700" +WARNLO_in2="0" +CRITHI_in2="13000" +CRITLO_in2="0" + +LABEL_curr1="ps1_output_current" +WARNHI_curr1="170000" +WARNLO_curr1="0" +CRITHI_curr1="180000" +CRITLO_curr1="0" + +LABEL_power1="ps1_input_power" +WARNHI_power1="2350000000" +WARNLO_power1="0" +CRITHI_power1="2500000000" +CRITLO_power1="0" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend index c1089ff73..993ca281f 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ SRC_URI += " \ CHIPS = " \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/max31785@52_air \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/max31785@52_water \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@68 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@69 \ " CHIPS_append_witherspoon = " \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/bmp280@77 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/dps310@76 \ - bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@68 \ - bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@100/power-supply@69 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@140/ir35221@70 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@140/ir35221@71 \ bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@180/ir35221@70 \ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 7bcc93cfc1bb55f85e3088ff02baaeb4d44d2c62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adriana Kobylak Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 09:48:37 -0500 Subject: swift.conf: Build an ext4 image Build an ext4 image for swift to be used in its eMMC chip. Tested: An ext4 image was built in addition to the current ubi ones. (From meta-ibm rev: 59bef037b63a73626434bfbfa22e1a53ca7133cd) Change-Id: I102b821754e2dd4998797f29bb935bd69324e8a3 Signed-off-by: Adriana Kobylak Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/swift.conf | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/swift.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/swift.conf index bca1ed3f9..077d0b558 100644 --- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/swift.conf +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/swift.conf @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ require conf/machine/witherspoon.conf +IMAGE_FSTYPES += "ext4" + KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "${KMACHINE}-bmc-opp-${MACHINE}.dtb" PHOSPHOR_MRW_LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" -- cgit v1.2.3 From d70e7e81bfd44553f425fd828c0231ae3b14b4d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexander Filippov Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 15:45:26 +0300 Subject: setup: Use config name instead layer name Allows user to pass a config name instead of a layer name. This can be extremely useful for layers, which contain several configs. E.g. to build firmware for swift you can call: ``` . setup swift bitbake obmc-phosphor-image ``` Change-Id: I397a53b0cc135f622e4b3dc712ff93f6a0c10b8a Signed-off-by: Alexander Filippov --- setup | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/setup b/setup index a1b3cc182..09329cda1 100755 --- a/setup +++ b/setup @@ -24,24 +24,28 @@ fi machine() { local target=$1 local build_dir=$2 - local mfg mach realmach - for mfg in meta-*; do - for mach in $mfg/meta-*; do - if [ -d "$mach" -a -d "$mach/conf/machine" ]; then - realmach=${mach##*meta-} - # If a target is specified, then check for a match, - # otherwise just list what we've discovered - if [ -n "$target" ]; then - if [ "$realmach" = "$target" ]; then - echo Machine $target is $mach - TEMPLATECONF="$mach/conf" source oe-init-build-env $build_dir - return - fi - else - echo "$realmach" + local cfg name tmpl + for cfg in meta-*/meta-*/conf/machine/*.conf; do + name=${cfg##*/} + name=${name%.conf} + tmpl=${cfg%/machine/*.conf} + # If a target is specified, then check for a match, + # otherwise just list what we've discovered + if [ -n "$target" ]; then + if [ "${name}" = "${target}" ]; then + echo "Machine ${target} found in ${tmpl%/conf}" + TEMPLATECONF="${tmpl}" source \ + oe-init-build-env ${build_dir} + + if [ "$(cat conf/templateconf.cfg)" = "${tmpl}" ]; then + sed "s/^\(MACHINE\s*[?:]*\s*=\s*\).*$/\1${target}/" \ + -i conf/local.conf fi + return fi - done + else + echo "${name}" + fi done [ -n "$target" ] && echo "No such machine!" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 79f0a0018e570d84c8b840ae00c14b0e3e3eaca9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 01:22:00 +0000 Subject: bmcweb: srcrev bump 6ca6ac12e6..d22c8396f0 Jason M. Bills (1): Update supported ResetTypes and actions (From meta-phosphor rev: ab434039d188f9ac5a21f0fa96dbdbd7ed36666c) Change-Id: I948b4fb6beddcd493491490e76b2292743c90ad8 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ index 7f59ca3c6..5aafeab26 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "6ca6ac12e62bd8bfbdb9a24bbfded4a138a1150a" +SRCREV = "d22c8396f0bcec4488d0c98eae3092384b3a5929" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 5b5e47fb84dc6c2888cae670895cb532b7ba3d5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 01:22:22 +0000 Subject: phosphor-host-ipmid: srcrev bump 02650d5302..c419680b29 Richard Marian Thomaiyar (1): user_mgmt: Fix error message with file name (From meta-phosphor rev: c2e9ac97928e8a97646bb1d3fca9441afc6cac46) Change-Id: I06b4c259319454bc9e5a827c32632541977fa5ce Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index b1e329cca..09e634505 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=fa818a259cbed7ce8bc2a22d35a464fc" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "02650d53027326ed9b24a58b23596a74e5456654" +SRCREV = "c419680b2905f5ed559a6eed43387cdc827125af" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 13aa51428afab3cec7c81460616619e26df2358c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 13:22:43 +0000 Subject: phosphor-debug-collector: srcrev bump fa180596fe..5ba7176ca2 Marri Devender Rao (1): Fix dreport os-release script point to a symbolic link (From meta-phosphor rev: 9e088796df3d7063c7e891c691c0a52cf684d6bb) Change-Id: I3724598a40bf84a873b13f2313f679f5d81b2658 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/logging/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/logging/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/logging/ index 81b7f4536..fc74af106 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/logging/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/logging/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ RDEPENDS_${PN} += " \ S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "fa180596fe2a3c6fe65e48055e02e0c3e4ef5977" +SRCREV = "5ba7176ca2755080e35daba0b5417386abf17f6d" do_install() { install -d ${D}${bindir} -- cgit v1.2.3 From 8915589951b66b95db448a6c9e8328d4c4446e7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 11:25:01 +0930 Subject: linux-aspeed: Add PCA953X driver to defconfig This is used by the Swift system. (From meta-aspeed rev: 27b8161d02b6a37c4822a2f9eb26f94fcbe82dca) Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Change-Id: I68ccf9a25befa874634cfbe076ab300801d2f70b Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/aspeed-g5/defconfig | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/aspeed-g5/defconfig b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/aspeed-g5/defconfig index 1452eec6c..adb9c0766 100755 --- a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/aspeed-g5/defconfig +++ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/aspeed-g5/defconfig @@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ CONFIG_I2C_FSI=y CONFIG_GPIOLIB=y CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS=y CONFIG_GPIO_ASPEED=y +CONFIG_GPIO_PCA953X=y +CONFIG_GPIO_PCA953X_IRQ=y CONFIG_W1=y CONFIG_W1_MASTER_GPIO=y CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_THERM=y -- cgit v1.2.3 From 4806df5a0cc6536ecf694f16dade6577758f1d87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 11:26:33 +0930 Subject: linux-aspeed: Move to 5.1.9 This includes security and bug fixes from the 5.1.8 and 5.1.9 stable releases. (From meta-aspeed rev: c774792b8c027409f945f030e286164e8d567f44) Change-Id: Ibb858660e66746122f0d59c237cc60e3fa87e5e4 Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ index 1ad0278ec..e0a6f4e07 100644 --- a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ +++ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ KBRANCH ?= "dev-5.1" -LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.7" +LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.9" -SRCREV="a17b8ac585d7faa27799f425fa4326c7a1e7ae71" +SRCREV="620eb1d3094d52c7e6b55b729de967ba1fc85bd9" require -- cgit v1.2.3 From 1c510169922752bc447a2ea63ff51d08280f6ec9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ed Tanous Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 14:35:33 -0700 Subject: include bmcweb-cert-config the same as bmcweb bmcweb Redfish certificate service in this review: Will require phosphor-bmcweb-cert-config to function correctly. Move the location that this is included to ensure that they are included together. Tested: built image with aformentioned patch. observed that GET /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol/HTTPS/Certificates/1 no longer throws 500 errors on image types that are not exactly obmc-phosphor-image targets. (From meta-phosphor rev: 80c1e1a4a052f23e05d87d9dce0aa57d9627005e) Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous Change-Id: I98cd1b07fb6b3050ac3c95609fbbcdc71943a7bd Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/images/ | 3 --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/ | 1 + 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/images/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/images/ index 70cde265a..eb82b3845 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/images/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/images/ @@ -4,6 +4,3 @@ IMAGE_LINGUAS = "" inherit obmc-phosphor-image -OBMC_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL_append = "\ - phosphor-bmcweb-cert-config \ - " diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/ index fdec305f5..175b37862 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/ @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ RDEPENDS_${PN}-chassis-state-mgmt = " \ SUMMARY_${PN}-extras = "Extra features" RDEPENDS_${PN}-extras = " \ bmcweb \ + phosphor-bmcweb-cert-config \ obmc-ikvm \ phosphor-dbus-monitor \ phosphor-systemd-policy \ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 34d8abb2815b29e425a51232069270ce4701badb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brad Bishop Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 18:29:14 -0400 Subject: meta-phosphor: ipmi: fru: remove unused dependency Remove the ipmi-fru-hostfw dependency from phosphor-ipmi-fru. It isn't used. Remove the todo that refers to the dependency. The TODO suggests some refactoring but it probably doesn't make sense to push the hostfw abstraction all the way out to the IPMI FRU parser - this is already being accomplished elsewhere with simpler schemes than the one suggested. (From meta-phosphor rev: 02826baeea9bb63317e4ebeff67b7f4db029c19c) Change-Id: Ia5223be36908307179852e767f58732e7e8bf11b Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 8 -------- 1 file changed, 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index e11235609..d79078a1b 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ inherit pythonnative require ${PN}.inc DEPENDS += " \ - virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-hostfw-config\ virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-inventory \ virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-properties \ systemd \ @@ -36,13 +35,6 @@ FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/lib*${SOLIBS}" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/host-ipmid/lib*${SOLIBS}" FILES_${PN}-dev_append = " ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/lib*${SOLIBSDEV} ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/*.la" -# TODO: Fix the the ipmi-fru-parser code generator to handle split -# host firmware / inventory YAML and replace the OECONF below with: -# -# EXTRA_OECONF += "INVENTORY_YAML=${inventory_datadir}/config.yaml" -# EXTRA_OECONF += "HOSTFW_YAML=${hostfw_datadir}/config.yaml" -# -# For now the generator requires them to already be combined so we have: EXTRA_OECONF = " \ YAML_GEN=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${config_datadir}/config.yaml \ PROP_YAML=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${properties_datadir}/extra-properties.yaml \ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 885cdb22af2114827007315634f5e0a2d8e984eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brad Bishop Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 22:23:25 -0400 Subject: meta-phosphor: ipmid: remove POWER_READING_SENSOR /usr/share/ipmi-providers/power_reading.json is the ipmid default anyway, so there isn't any point in setting it explicitly. (From meta-phosphor rev: 0f6fbb63bb52af49d0075838417c4184e065aae8) Change-Id: I7d3696255e71c7c2ee2b2f33efb77dda6b0b5a87 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 0654cfeb0..1438eaaae 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ EXTRA_OECONF = " \ INVSENSOR_YAML_GEN=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${sensor_datadir}/invsensor.yaml \ FRU_YAML_GEN=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${config_datadir}/fru_config.yaml \ ENTITY_YAML_GEN=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${sensor_datadir}/entity.yaml \ - POWER_READING_SENSOR=${datadir}/ipmi-providers/power_reading.json\ " S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 45059b1cd8cf2f79e278718b6d507d9c27b1da65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kwliu Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 11:24:07 +0800 Subject: meta-evb-nuvoton: evb-npcm750: add warrior compatibility Set compatibility to thud and warrior. (From meta-evb rev: 4d85a858915070372700be7905c397379030d595) Signed-off-by: kwliu Change-Id: I5de64963f205ffd5f9e56937f2fccab6cced1138 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/conf/layer.conf | 2 +- meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/meta-evb-npcm750/conf/layer.conf | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/conf/layer.conf b/meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/conf/layer.conf index 10cb886a8..6617b5fbe 100644 --- a/meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/conf/layer.conf +++ b/meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/conf/layer.conf @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "evb-nuvoton" BBFILE_PATTERN_evb-nuvoton = "" -LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_evb-nuvoton = "thud" +LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_evb-nuvoton = "thud warrior" diff --git a/meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/meta-evb-npcm750/conf/layer.conf b/meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/meta-evb-npcm750/conf/layer.conf index ae210ebab..51398d012 100644 --- a/meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/meta-evb-npcm750/conf/layer.conf +++ b/meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/meta-evb-npcm750/conf/layer.conf @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "evb-npcm750" BBFILE_PATTERN_evb-npcm750 = "" -LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_evb-npcm750 = "thud" +LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_evb-npcm750 = "thud warrior" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 10bb85303a49723a58ce0718937684d73aa0ee8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brad Bishop Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 16:55:57 -0400 Subject: meta-ibm: romulus: new YAML config recipe YAML configuration files exist scattered throughout the OpenBMC tree and how they are used is controlled with layers dependencies of virtuals and preferred providers. Most of the time the above scheme is very difficult to comprehend. This patch continues a re-thinking of that approach towards a more centralized scheme. Specifically this patch implements a single YAML config recipe for the Romulus systems. The logic contained in the recipe was pulled from all over the OpenBMC tree - the ability to comprehend how the different YAML files are generated and consumed should be greatly eased. One notable detail - unlike the upstream recipes, romulus-yaml-config is a target recipe and as such enables MACHINE based overrides. YAML files were copied from different locations in the tree, and run through a styling application (pyyaml dump(load(yaml))): romulus-ipmi-fru-properties-native:extra-properties.yaml -> romulus-yaml-config:romulus-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml romulus-ipmi-fru-read-inventory-native:config.yaml -> romulus-yaml-config:romulus-ipmi-fru.yaml romulus-ipmi-fru-read-bmc-inventory-native:bmc-fru-config.yaml -> romulus-yaml-config:romulus-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml romulus-ipmi-inventory-sel-native:sel-config.yaml -> romulus-yaml-config:romulus-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml romulus-ipmi-sensor-inventory-native:config.yaml -> romulus-yaml-config:romulus-ipmi-sensors.yaml (From meta-ibm rev: 67b17f7aa658b71908de47aa0b0814530da36259) Change-Id: I3953274db23f9ccf8cb74d3962e797bf935d61a8 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../configuration/ | 38 + .../romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru-bmc.yaml | 27 + .../romulus-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml | 140 + .../romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru.yaml | 536 +++ .../romulus-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml | 340 ++ .../romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-sensors.yaml | 3560 ++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 4641 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru-bmc.yaml create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru.yaml create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-sensors.yaml diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2f609eec --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +SUMMARY = "YAML configuration for Romulus" +PR = "r1" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${IBMBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" + +inherit allarch + +SRC_URI = " \ + file://romulus-ipmi-fru.yaml \ + file://romulus-ipmi-fru-bmc.yaml \ + file://romulus-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml \ + file://romulus-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml \ + file://romulus-ipmi-sensors.yaml \ + " + +S = "${WORKDIR}" + +do_install() { + cat romulus-ipmi-fru.yaml romulus-ipmi-fru-bmc.yaml > fru-read.yaml + + install -m 0644 -D romulus-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-extra-properties.yaml + install -m 0644 -D fru-read.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-fru-read.yaml + install -m 0644 -D romulus-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml + install -m 0644 -D romulus-ipmi-sensors.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-sensors.yaml +} + +FILES_${PN}-dev = " \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-extra-properties.yaml \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-fru-read.yaml \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-sensors.yaml \ + " + +ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru-bmc.yaml b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru-bmc.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c48f50200 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru-bmc.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +50: + /system/chassis/motherboard/fan0: + entityID: 29 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Product Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +51: + /system/chassis/motherboard/fan1: + entityID: 29 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Product Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +52: + /system/chassis/motherboard/fan2: + entityID: 29 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Product Name + IPMIFruSection: Product diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a4eab8a6d --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +/system: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru.yaml b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..901914c15 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-fru.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,536 @@ +1: + /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0: + entityID: 3 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2 + IPMIFruSection: Board + IPMIFruValueDelimiter: 58 + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +2: + /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1: + entityID: 3 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2 + IPMIFruSection: Board + IPMIFruValueDelimiter: 58 + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board + Value: false +3: + /system: + entityID: 7 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Chassis + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Chassis + /system/chassis/motherboard: + entityID: 7 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +4: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +5: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +6: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +7: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +8: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 5 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +9: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 6 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +10: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 7 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +11: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 8 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +12: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 9 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +13: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 10 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +14: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 11 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +15: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 12 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +16: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 13 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +17: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 14 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +18: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 15 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +19: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 16 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f96f87c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 2 + sensorID: 144 + sensorType: 18 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard: + eventReadingType: 3 + offset: 0 + sensorID: 140 + sensorType: 199 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 8 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 43 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 44 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 53 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 54 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 55 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 56 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 57 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 58 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 59 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 60 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 61 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 62 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 45 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 63 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 64 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 65 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 66 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 46 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 47 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 48 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 49 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 50 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 51 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 52 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 9 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 67 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 68 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 77 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 78 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 79 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 80 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 81 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 82 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 83 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 84 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 85 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 86 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 69 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 87 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 88 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 89 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 90 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 70 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 71 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 72 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 73 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 74 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 75 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 8 + sensorID: 76 + sensorType: 7 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 11 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 12 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 21 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 22 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 23 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 24 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 25 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 26 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 13 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 14 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 15 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 16 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 17 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 18 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 19 + sensorType: 12 +/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9: + eventReadingType: 111 + offset: 4 + sensorID: 20 + sensorType: 12 diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-sensors.yaml b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-sensors.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3d6a664eb --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-romulus/recipes-phosphor/configuration/romulus-yaml-config/romulus-ipmi-sensors.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3560 @@ +2: + entityID: 34 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress: + BootProgress: + Offsets: + 0: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.Unspecified + type: string + 1: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.MemoryInit + type: string + 3: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.SecondaryProcInit + type: string + 7: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.PCIInit + type: string + 19: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.OSStart + type: string + 20: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.MotherboardInit + type: string + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0 + readingType: eventdata2 + sensorNamePattern: nameProperty + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 15 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties +3: + entityID: 210 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + org.open_power.OCC.Status: + OccActive: + Offsets: + 0: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + 1: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /org/open_power/control/occ0 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 9 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties +4: + entityID: 210 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + org.open_power.OCC.Status: + OccActive: + Offsets: + 0: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + 1: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /org/open_power/control/occ1 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 9 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties +8: + entityID: 3 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +9: + entityID: 3 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +11: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +12: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +13: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +14: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +15: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 5 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +16: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 6 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +17: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 7 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +18: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 8 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +19: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 9 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +20: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 10 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +21: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 11 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +22: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 12 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +23: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 13 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +24: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 14 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +25: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 15 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +26: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 16 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +27: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 17 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm0_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +28: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 18 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm1_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +29: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 25 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm2_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +30: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 26 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm3_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +31: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 27 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm4_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +32: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 28 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm5_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +33: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 29 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm6_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +34: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 30 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm7_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +35: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 31 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm8_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +36: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 32 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm9_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +37: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 19 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm10_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +38: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 20 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm11_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +39: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 21 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm12_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +40: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 22 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm13_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +41: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 23 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm14_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +42: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 24 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm15_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +43: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +44: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +45: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +46: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +47: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 5 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +48: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 6 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +49: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 7 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +50: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 8 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +51: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 9 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +52: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 10 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +53: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 11 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +54: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 12 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +55: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 13 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +56: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 14 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +57: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 15 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +58: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 16 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +59: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 17 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +60: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 18 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +61: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 19 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +62: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 20 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +63: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 21 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +64: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 22 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +65: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 23 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +66: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 24 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +67: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 25 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +68: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 26 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +69: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 27 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +70: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 28 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +71: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 29 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +72: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 30 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +73: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 31 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +74: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 32 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +75: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 33 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +76: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 34 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +77: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 35 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +78: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 36 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +79: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 37 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +80: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 38 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +81: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 39 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +82: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 40 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +83: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 41 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +84: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 42 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +85: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 43 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +86: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 44 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +87: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 45 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +88: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 46 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +89: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 47 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +90: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 48 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +91: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 49 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core0_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +92: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 50 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core1_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +93: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 51 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core2_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +94: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 52 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core3_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +95: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 53 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core4_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +96: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 54 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core5_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +97: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 55 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core6_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +98: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 56 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core7_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +99: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 57 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core8_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +100: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 58 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core9_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +101: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 59 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core10_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +102: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 60 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core11_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +103: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 61 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core12_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +104: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 62 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core13_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +105: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 63 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core14_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +106: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 64 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core15_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +107: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 65 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core16_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +108: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 66 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core17_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +109: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 67 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core18_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +110: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 68 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core19_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +111: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 69 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core20_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +112: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 70 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core21_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +113: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 71 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core22_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +114: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 72 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core23_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +115: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 73 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core0_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +116: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 74 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core1_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +117: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 75 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core2_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +118: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 76 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core3_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +119: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 77 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core4_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +120: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 78 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core5_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +121: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 79 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core6_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +122: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 80 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core7_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +123: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 81 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core8_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +124: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 82 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core9_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +125: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 83 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core10_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +126: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 84 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core11_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +127: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 85 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core12_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +128: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 86 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core13_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +129: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 87 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core14_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +130: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 88 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core15_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +131: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 89 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core16_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +132: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 90 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core17_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +133: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 91 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core18_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +134: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 92 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core19_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +135: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 93 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core20_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +136: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 94 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core21_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +137: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 95 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core22_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +138: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 96 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core23_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +139: + entityID: 34 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.RebootAttempts: + AttemptsLeft: + Offsets: + 255: + type: uint32_t + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0 + readingType: readingAssertion + sensorNamePattern: nameProperty + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 195 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties +145: + entityID: 35 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status: + OperatingSystemState: + Offsets: + 1: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.CBoot + type: string + 2: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.PXEBoot + type: string + 3: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.DiagBoot + type: string + 4: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.CDROMBoot + type: string + 5: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.ROMBoot + type: string + 6: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.BootComplete + type: string + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameProperty + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 31 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties -- cgit v1.2.3 From 6e56e3bd2a4acc56eb79a4276e5b637f247d91fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brad Bishop Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 16:40:39 -0400 Subject: meta-ibm: palmetto: new YAML config recipe YAML configuration files exist scattered throughout the OpenBMC tree and how they are used is controlled with layers dependencies of virtuals and preferred providers. Most of the time the above scheme is very difficult to comprehend. This patch continues a re-thinking of that approach towards a more centralized scheme. Specifically this patch implements a single YAML config recipe for the Palmetto systems. The logic contained in the recipe was pulled from all over the OpenBMC tree - the ability to comprehend how the different YAML files are generated and consumed should be greatly eased. One notable detail - unlike the upstream recipes, palmetto-yaml-config is a target recipe and as such enables MACHINE based overrides. YAML files were copied from different locations in the tree, and run through a styling application (pyyaml dump(load(yaml))): phosphor-ipmi-fru-properties-native:extra-properties.yaml -> palmetto-yaml-config:palmetto-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml phosphor-ipmi-sensor-inventory-native:config.yaml -> palmetto-yaml-config:palmetto-ipmi-sensors.yaml phosphor-ipmi-inventory-map-native:config.yaml -> palmetto-yaml-config:palmetto-ipmi-fru.yaml (From meta-ibm rev: 70eb689af4a1b27d5cdcca1acdff8d27329c6808) Change-Id: I0f26e60db3caf66cbb2ec6d2ad0a053617eee50e Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../configuration/ | 31 + .../palmetto-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml | 63 ++ .../palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-fru.yaml | 219 ++++ .../palmetto-ipmi-sensors.yaml | 1082 ++++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 1395 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-fru.yaml create mode 100644 meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-sensors.yaml diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ b/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..743b51fa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +SUMMARY = "YAML configuration for Palmetto" +PR = "r1" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${IBMBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" + +inherit allarch + +SRC_URI = " \ + file://palmetto-ipmi-fru.yaml \ + file://palmetto-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml \ + file://palmetto-ipmi-sensors.yaml \ + " + +S = "${WORKDIR}" + +do_install() { + install -m 0644 -D palmetto-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-extra-properties.yaml + install -m 0644 -D palmetto-ipmi-fru.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-fru-read.yaml + install -m 0644 -D palmetto-ipmi-sensors.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-sensors.yaml +} + +FILES_${PN}-dev = " \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-extra-properties.yaml \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-fru-read.yaml \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-sensors.yaml \ + " + +ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1" diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml b/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920ca9425 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/system: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +/system/chassis/motherboard/membuf0: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-fru.yaml b/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-fru.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c36d0baa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-fru.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +1: + /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0: + entityID: 3 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2 + IPMIFruSection: Board + IPMIFruValueDelimiter: 58 + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +2: + /system/chassis: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Chassis + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Chassis + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +3: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +4: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +5: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +6: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product +14: + /system/chassis/motherboard: + entityID: 7 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +15: + /system: + entityID: 25 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-sensors.yaml b/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-sensors.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..372ad2dbb --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/recipes-phosphor/configuration/palmetto-yaml-config/palmetto-ipmi-sensors.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1082 @@ +5: + entityID: 34 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress: + BootProgress: + Offsets: + 0: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.Unspecified + type: string + 1: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.MemoryInit + type: string + 3: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.SecondaryProcInit + type: string + 7: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.PCIInit + type: string + 19: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.OSStart + type: string + 20: + set: xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.MotherboardInit + type: string + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0 + readingType: eventdata2 + sensorNamePattern: nameProperty + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 15 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties +8: + entityID: 210 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + org.open_power.OCC.Status: + OccActive: + Offsets: + 0: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + 1: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /org/open_power/control/occ0 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 9 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties +9: + entityID: 34 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.RebootAttempts: + AttemptsLeft: + Offsets: + 255: + type: uint32_t + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0 + readingType: readingAssertion + sensorNamePattern: nameProperty + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 195 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties +30: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +31: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +32: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +33: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 4: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 6: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 12 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +34: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +35: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +36: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +37: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +38: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 5 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +39: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 6 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +40: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 7 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +41: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 8 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +42: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 9 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +43: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 10 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +44: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 11 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +45: + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 12 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + skipOn: deassert + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameParentLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +47: + entityID: 3 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: + Offsets: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus: + Functional: + Offsets: + 8: + assert: false + deassert: true + type: bool + Prereqs: + 7: + assert: true + deassert: false + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 7 + serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager +50: + entityID: 35 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status: + OperatingSystemState: + Offsets: + 1: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.CBoot + type: string + 2: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.PXEBoot + type: string + 3: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.DiagBoot + type: string + 4: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.CDROMBoot + type: string + 5: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.ROMBoot + type: string + 6: + assert: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.BootComplete + type: string + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0 + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameProperty + sensorReadingType: 111 + sensorType: 31 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties +101: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 209 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/centaur0_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +102: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 5 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm0_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +103: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 6 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm1_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +104: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 7 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm2_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +105: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 8 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm3_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +106: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 13 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core0_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +107: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 19 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core1_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +108: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 20 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core2_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +109: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 21 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core3_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +110: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 22 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core4_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +111: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 23 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core5_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +112: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 24 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core6_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +113: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 14 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core7_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +114: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 15 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core8_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +115: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 16 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core9_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +116: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 17 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core10_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +117: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 208 + entityInstance: 18 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 1 + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + offsetB: -127 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/core11_temp + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -3 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 1 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC +131: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 10 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 2 + offsetB: 0 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_power + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -6 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 8 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Watts +132: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 10 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 2 + offsetB: 0 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_pcie_power + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -6 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 8 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Watts +133: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 10 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 2 + offsetB: 0 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_io_power + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -6 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 8 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Watts +135: + bExp: 0 + entityID: 10 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value: + Value: + Offsets: + 255: + type: int64_t + multiplierM: 2 + offsetB: 0 + path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/centaur0_power + rExp: 0 + readingType: readingData + scale: -6 + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + sensorReadingType: 1 + sensorType: 8 + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties + unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Watts -- cgit v1.2.3 From 38384acde147c69982cfbf11550b17d0decb7150 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brad Bishop Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 15:49:54 -0400 Subject: meta-openpower: new YAML configuration recipe YAML configuration files exist scattered throughout the OpenBMC tree and how they are used is controlled with layers dependencies of virtuals and preferred providers. Most of the time the above scheme is very difficult to comprehend. This patch begins a re-thinking of that approach towards a more centralized scheme. Specifically, a number of YAML files that can be shared across OpenPOWER systems (in practice they are only used in the ACx22/Witherspoon layer) are copied (and run through pyyaml yaml.dump(yaml.load(fd)) for style purposes) to a single recipe: hostboot-inventory-config-native:config.yaml -> openpower-yaml-config:ipmi-hostboot-fru-mrw.yaml openpower-ipmi-oem-sensor-inventory-mrw:openpower-config.yaml -> openpower-yaml-config:ipmi-occ-active-sensor-mrw.yaml openpower-yaml-config:ipmi-hostboot-volatile-sensor-mrw.yaml phosphor-ipmi-fru-properties-mrw-native:config.yaml -> openpower-yaml-config:ipmi-fru-properties-mrw.yaml Notably these YAML files are installed to the target sysroot rather than the native sysroot, which enables MACHINE derived overrides. This new recipe enables the deprecation of: hostboot-inventory-config-native openpower-ipmi-oem-sensor-inventory-mrw-native phosphor-ipmi-fru-properties-mrw-native and all the virtuals and PREFERRED_PROVIDERS associated with those recipes, once any layers using these YAML configuration files are updated to obtain them via openpower-yaml-config. That will greatly reduce comprehensional complexity. (From meta-openpower rev: 31f20185c231ccab0d9faaa80b2281195066b1e5) Change-Id: I1fd0c64c03c77006a7858a4ed773b84e6b34c312 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../configuration/ | 35 ++++++ .../ipmi-fru-properties-mrw.yaml | 37 ++++++ .../ipmi-hostboot-fru-mrw.yaml | 130 +++++++++++++++++++++ .../ipmi-hostboot-volatile-sensor-mrw.yaml | 16 +++ .../ipmi-occ-active-sensor-mrw.yaml | 17 +++ 5 files changed, 235 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ create mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-fru-properties-mrw.yaml create mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-hostboot-fru-mrw.yaml create mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-hostboot-volatile-sensor-mrw.yaml create mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-occ-active-sensor-mrw.yaml diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52ac769ab --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +SUMMARY = "Shared OpenPOWER configuration" +PR = "r1" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${OPENPOWERBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" + +inherit allarch + +SRC_URI = " \ + file://ipmi-fru-properties-mrw.yaml \ + file://ipmi-hostboot-fru-mrw.yaml \ + file://ipmi-hostboot-volatile-sensor-mrw.yaml \ + file://ipmi-occ-active-sensor-mrw.yaml \ + " + +S = "${WORKDIR}" + +do_install() { + install -m 0644 -D ipmi-fru-properties-mrw.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-fru-properties-mrw.yaml + install -m 0644 -D ipmi-hostboot-fru-mrw.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-hostboot-fru-mrw.yaml + install -m 0644 -D ipmi-hostboot-volatile-sensor-mrw.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-hostboot-volatile-sensor-mrw.yaml + install -m 0644 -D ipmi-occ-active-sensor-mrw.yaml \ + ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-occ-active-sensor-mrw.yaml +} + +FILES_${PN}-dev = " \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-fru-properties-mrw.yaml \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-hostboot-fru-mrw.yaml \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-hostboot-volatile-sensor-mrw.yaml \ + ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-occ-active-sensor-mrw.yaml \ + " + +ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1" diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-fru-properties-mrw.yaml b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-fru-properties-mrw.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e80a9942 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-fru-properties-mrw.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# A template for generating extra-properties.yaml for ipmi-fru-parser, from the +# MRW with +DIMM: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'false' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'false' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +NODE: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'false' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'false' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +PROC: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'false' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'false' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +SYS: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'false' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'false' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' +TPM: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable: + Cached: 'false' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable: + FieldReplaceable: 'true' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + Present: 'true' diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-hostboot-fru-mrw.yaml b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-hostboot-fru-mrw.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3f6a73989 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-hostboot-fru-mrw.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +DIMM: + EntityID: 32 + Interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Dimm: +MEMBUFF: + EntityID: 8 + Interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.MemoryBuffer: +NODE: + AssociatedTypes: + - SYS + EntityID: 7 + Interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Board: +PROC: + EntityID: 3 + Interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2 + IPMIFruSection: Board + IPMIFruValueDelimiter: '58' + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Cpu: +SYS: + EntityID: 7 + Interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Chassis + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Chassis + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.System: +TPM: + EntityID: 176 + Interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Tpm: diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-hostboot-volatile-sensor-mrw.yaml b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-hostboot-volatile-sensor-mrw.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1fcf935f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-hostboot-volatile-sensor-mrw.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +hb_volatile_sensor: + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Object.Enable: + Enabled: + Offsets: + 0: + assert: false + type: bool + 1: + assert: true + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + path: /org/open_power/control/volatile + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-occ-active-sensor-mrw.yaml b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-occ-active-sensor-mrw.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5470c42da --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/configuration/openpower-yaml-config/ipmi-occ-active-sensor-mrw.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +occ_active_sensor: + interfaces: + org.open_power.OCC.Status: + OccActive: + Offsets: + 0: + assert: 'false' + deassert: 'true' + type: bool + 1: + assert: 'true' + deassert: 'false' + type: bool + mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read + readingType: assertion + sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf + serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties -- cgit v1.2.3 From 6bf59f3f876d3a8b70f7acc8f1255f16f73450b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 16:33:33 +0930 Subject: pdbg: Bump version to 2.1 Upstream changes: - libpdbg API clean-up - Path based targetting - POWER8 sreset fixes - gdbserver (From meta-openpower rev: b04dd8356006348552b41a81994404299af52a4d) Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Change-Id: I625ef7adceb7b0086c424dfe764ed442528e6a16 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-openpower/recipes-bsp/pdbg/ | 15 --------------- meta-openpower/recipes-bsp/pdbg/ | 15 +++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-bsp/pdbg/ create mode 100644 meta-openpower/recipes-bsp/pdbg/ diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-bsp/pdbg/ b/meta-openpower/recipes-bsp/pdbg/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8c1232c56..000000000 --- a/meta-openpower/recipes-bsp/pdbg/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -SUMMARY = "PowerPC FSI Debugger" -DESCRIPTION = "pdbg allows JTAG-like debugging of the host POWER processors" -LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" -LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${S}/COPYING;md5=3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57" - -PV = "2.0+git${SRCPV}" - -SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "854c4c5facff43af9e0fe5d7062b58f631987b0b" - -DEPENDS += "dtc-native" - -S = "${WORKDIR}/git" - -inherit autotools diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-bsp/pdbg/ b/meta-openpower/recipes-bsp/pdbg/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b4f15f82d --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-bsp/pdbg/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +SUMMARY = "PowerPC FSI Debugger" +DESCRIPTION = "pdbg allows JTAG-like debugging of the host POWER processors" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${S}/COPYING;md5=3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57" + +PV = "2.1+git${SRCPV}" + +SRC_URI += "git://" +SRCREV = "2463be165d7eaa50b648c343e410d851edfb70ce" + +DEPENDS += "dtc-native" + +S = "${WORKDIR}/git" + +inherit autotools -- cgit v1.2.3 From f396c2810f75c7a726e6db3aab6f7ecac8ad7011 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 16:54:09 +0930 Subject: u-boot-aspeed: Add W25M512JV flash chip Hongwei Zhang (1): aspeed/flash: add winbond SPI support (From meta-aspeed rev: d2b5ec7b57fc02081b0912adb0a6b60a496aef8a) Change-Id: Id9db8daa9f5df2b16951bc02a4ea9d4d389b3ed7 Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-aspeed/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-aspeed/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ index 5a1432c0b..7e400b7ad 100644 --- a/meta-aspeed/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ +++ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ PE = "1" # We use the revision in order to avoid having to fetch it from the # repo during parse -SRCREV = "3b6b2ba4d9ae12516ab5f75f119ebe0e85bad0b4" +SRCREV = "59428fe010c4c95261e88b737a847643f2682a6b" UBRANCH = "v2016.07-aspeed-openbmc" SRC_URI = "git://;branch=${UBRANCH};protocol=https" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 409e35c78350f8ad496ed3576e9a7d87675235ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:39:14 +0930 Subject: linux-aspeed: FSI i2c, sbefifo, video, dps301 Eddie James (2): fsi: sbefifo: Don't fail operations when in SBE IPL state iio: dps310: Add pressure sensing capability Jae Hyun Yoo (1): media: aspeed: add a workaround to fix a silicon bug Joel Stanley (1): iio: dps310: Add changes following upstreaming Oliver O'Halloran (1): i2c: fsi: Create busses for all ports (From meta-aspeed rev: cb57f16315255438fd265816a31f607698913f49) Change-Id: I40c252f3d003faa8354b58fd0c693dfa31f57354 Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ index e0a6f4e07..73333d36f 100644 --- a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ +++ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ KBRANCH ?= "dev-5.1" LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.9" -SRCREV="620eb1d3094d52c7e6b55b729de967ba1fc85bd9" +SRCREV="fca6d01fd142c5513ecbc1b7435097131856c033" require -- cgit v1.2.3 From 1c65850bff2d16b6790d956b9c6f2a6a7a76022b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 17:12:06 +0000 Subject: bmcweb: srcrev bump d22c8396f0..7e27d83281 Johnathan Mantey (2): Redfish: Correctly identify IPv4 LinkLocal vs. LinkGlobal Redfish: Remove the IPv4 AddressOrigin read-only element Marri Devender Rao (1): Redfish: Add certificate service to manage HTTPS certificates Zbigniew Kurzynski (1): Updating Roles to version 1.2.1 to be in compliance with PSMEv2.4 specification. (From meta-phosphor rev: d11ffe527ee5bc2e54557a6086be3ac1d9921c2c) Change-Id: Ibac126066b45791aa9cd47886de57c0ab167ee64 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ index 5aafeab26..442b93cc3 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "d22c8396f0bcec4488d0c98eae3092384b3a5929" +SRCREV = "7e27d832812fa32630a805c7fd752ec5ed80d28e" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From fee4187da774de694d46ca5e65294099461e0030 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brad Bishop Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 22:57:35 -0400 Subject: meta-phosphor: ipmid: enable EXTRA_OECONF override Set the whitelist with the post-parse append operator, so ipmid bbappends can set EXTRA_OECONF directly. A simple example illustrates how this helps: BAR = "def" FOO = "abc ${BAR} foo.bbappend: FOO = "zyx" FOO would be "zyx" But if one has: BAR = "def" FOO = "abc" FOO_append = " ${BAR}" foo.bbappend: FOO = "zyx" FOO would be "zyx def" This is because bitbake parses recipes and bbappends in multiple passes - the second pass is when things like the _append operator and inline python are evaluated. for more reading: (From meta-phosphor rev: bb60cffd406a8a413be0ce70b65d9b3447c95bbf) Change-Id: I2c9a4eaf65c815ebdf18ff158de75448837872b4 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 1438eaaae..314b70fd3 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -71,12 +71,14 @@ WHITELIST_CONF = " \ ${S}/host-ipmid-whitelist.conf \ " EXTRA_OECONF = " \ - WHITELIST_CONF="${WHITELIST_CONF}" \ SENSOR_YAML_GEN=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${sensor_datadir}/sensor.yaml \ INVSENSOR_YAML_GEN=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${sensor_datadir}/invsensor.yaml \ FRU_YAML_GEN=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${config_datadir}/fru_config.yaml \ ENTITY_YAML_GEN=${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${sensor_datadir}/entity.yaml \ " +EXTRA_OECONF_append = " \ + WHITELIST_CONF="${WHITELIST_CONF}" \ + " S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From a69d1f8f496784587a7b0f2db56f42757ca70f38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 06:31:36 +0000 Subject: phosphor-networkd: srcrev bump 0283b39bd3..7bcaccfdae William A. Kennington III (1): makefile: Get rid of unneeded include prepends (From meta-phosphor rev: 0d52b0cf5a8721996c3aebe832dd08ed167a8ec5) Change-Id: If91d0c84b26ce821b0cef891b89f1808704e4309 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/classes/phosphor-networkd-rev.bbclass | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/classes/phosphor-networkd-rev.bbclass b/meta-phosphor/classes/phosphor-networkd-rev.bbclass index 8dabafcad..e0fda775f 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/classes/phosphor-networkd-rev.bbclass +++ b/meta-phosphor/classes/phosphor-networkd-rev.bbclass @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "0283b39bd3c758313842be52bf76f6222e0425b6" +SRCREV = "7bcaccfdae8f161c6677211e298c5570460f08a5" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 8554d047f9371f6fe179c462eba7dc25820c957d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 20:52:06 +0000 Subject: bmcweb: srcrev bump 7e27d83281..286b9118a3 Johnathan Mantey (1): Redfish: Remove "state" response content from PATCH commands (From meta-phosphor rev: 1475f5cd1860a0c1d3521fe0637c7f992f23f084) Change-Id: Ibbcaa6e55a94301df82bcd551ebf1c29c88ed959 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ index 442b93cc3..4cbac906b 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "7e27d832812fa32630a805c7fd752ec5ed80d28e" +SRCREV = "286b9118a35ba8c212972b9c30a257ee41c5d7d2" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 0ada7c808607de269aa1e59cd50d903f838fb040 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 20:52:26 +0000 Subject: phosphor-ipmi-flash: srcrev bump f81199536d..7a5dcd8c21 Patrick Venture (2): tools: update status debug message bugfix: build: treat strings as variables (From meta-phosphor rev: 2483dc656c1a8b68734ee0f1926620037987283d) Change-Id: If112472bd2a34d9fd61785efb988933c50b3b4a4 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 3fb8abaac..69b10a11f 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-tests --disable-build-host-tool" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "f81199536da0fb0da92fcdf47d455c9d1af6098f" +SRCREV = "7a5dcd8c213972b5abc6e05c663d37cf004bda7f" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/ipmid-providers/lib*${SOLIBS}" FILES_${PN}_append = " ${libdir}/blob-ipmid/lib*${SOLIBS}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From c2cf5cd2c96bf9f2a12ef11ddb15921768c60b9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 12:12:18 +0000 Subject: phosphor-host-ipmid: srcrev bump c419680b29..2a5d8d1ffe Brad Bishop (1): autotools: fix broken out of tree builds (From meta-phosphor rev: 9a7abf5bfb98dd48aed5c8717152963581bded0f) Change-Id: I0e974d58840e1fab461f176325bac05ac6db0325 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ index 09e634505..d148d4c6e 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=fa818a259cbed7ce8bc2a22d35a464fc" SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "c419680b2905f5ed559a6eed43387cdc827125af" +SRCREV = "2a5d8d1ffeabb0484e52b591bb43bfa886d45731" -- cgit v1.2.3 From d74a47d9af60c43ad045b983cbfd4db518b776cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Stanley Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 21:47:26 +0930 Subject: linux-aspeed: New machines: Inspur fp5280g2, Facebook YAMP John Wang (1): ARM: dts: aspeed: Add Inspur fp5280g2 BMC machine Tao Ren (1): ARM: dts: aspeed: Add Facebook YAMP BMC (From meta-aspeed rev: 6c800dad240d943c5b92f054525de3bc15bdd857) Change-Id: Ifb3c2d707a1a319a2f932b914e06ecd10a880a1e Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ index 73333d36f..0086dee73 100644 --- a/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ +++ b/meta-aspeed/recipes-kernel/linux/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ KBRANCH ?= "dev-5.1" LINUX_VERSION ?= "5.1.9" -SRCREV="fca6d01fd142c5513ecbc1b7435097131856c033" +SRCREV="fa272957f698f24b90db374fe31a977f1a286c24" require -- cgit v1.2.3 From c9ed720bc2866798691af342289c4b5d03203d33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brad Bishop Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 12:33:18 -0400 Subject: meta-yadro: add subtree Alexander Filippov (4): Initial commit meta-yadro: Initial version of meta-vesnin layer meta-yadro: Add readme files meta-vesnin: Use VESNIN DTS from kernel repo Change-Id: Ifa6f1ad3890af4800d27a76fb709e8f8d91295df Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-yadro/.gitignore | 0 meta-yadro/COPYING.MIT | 17 + meta-yadro/COPYING.apache-2.0 | 175 + meta-yadro/LICENSE | 12 + meta-yadro/MAINTAINERS | 47 + meta-yadro/ | 9 + meta-yadro/conf/layer.conf | 11 + meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/ | 7 + meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/bblayers.conf.sample | 31 + meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/conf-notes.txt | 2 + meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/layer.conf | 10 + meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/local.conf.sample | 238 ++ meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/machine/vesnin.conf | 23 + .../0001-vesnin-dts-add-mbox-and-lpc_host.patch | 38 + .../0002-vesnin-remap-aspeed-uart.patch | 41 + .../recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/vesnin.cfg | 10 + .../recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend | 6 + .../images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend | 1 + .../initfs/obmc-phosphor-initfs.bbappend | 5 + .../ipmi/ | 23 + .../ipmi/ | 25 + .../ipmi/vesnin-ipmi-inventory-map/config.yaml | 4417 ++++++++++++++++++++ .../leds/ | 19 + .../leds/vesnin-led-manager-config/led.yaml | 40 + .../recipes-phosphor/mboxd/mboxd_%.bbappend | 1 + .../network/first-boot-set-mac_%.bbappend | 1 + .../recipes-phosphor/occ/files/occ_sensor.yaml | 12 + .../occ/openpower-occ-control_%.bbappend | 1 + .../ | 18 + .../packagegroups/packagegroup-obmc-apps.bbappend | 1 + .../skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json | 131 + .../skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend | 1 + ...ace-ColdFire-FSI-with-plain-FSI-over-GPIO.patch | 358 ++ .../skeleton/obmc-op-control-host_%.bbappend | 2 + 34 files changed, 5733 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-yadro/.gitignore create mode 100644 meta-yadro/COPYING.MIT create mode 100644 meta-yadro/COPYING.apache-2.0 create mode 100644 meta-yadro/LICENSE create mode 100644 meta-yadro/MAINTAINERS create mode 100644 meta-yadro/ create mode 100644 meta-yadro/conf/layer.conf create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/ create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/bblayers.conf.sample create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/conf-notes.txt create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/layer.conf create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/local.conf.sample create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/machine/vesnin.conf create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0001-vesnin-dts-add-mbox-and-lpc_host.patch create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0002-vesnin-remap-aspeed-uart.patch create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/vesnin.cfg create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/initfs/obmc-phosphor-initfs.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/vesnin-ipmi-inventory-map/config.yaml create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/leds/ create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/leds/vesnin-led-manager-config/led.yaml create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/mboxd/mboxd_%.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-mac_%.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/files/occ_sensor.yaml create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/openpower-occ-control_%.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/ create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/packagegroup-obmc-apps.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-op-control-host/0001-Replace-ColdFire-FSI-with-plain-FSI-over-GPIO.patch create mode 100644 meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-op-control-host_%.bbappend diff --git a/meta-yadro/.gitignore b/meta-yadro/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/meta-yadro/COPYING.MIT b/meta-yadro/COPYING.MIT new file mode 100644 index 000000000..89de35479 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/COPYING.MIT @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/meta-yadro/COPYING.apache-2.0 b/meta-yadro/COPYING.apache-2.0 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..67db85882 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/COPYING.apache-2.0 @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ + + Apache License + Version 2.0, January 2004 + + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + + 1. Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. diff --git a/meta-yadro/LICENSE b/meta-yadro/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71e099a01 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +Different components of meta-yadro are under different licenses (a mix +of MIT and Apache-2.0). Please see: + +COPYING.Apache-2.0 +COPYING.MIT (MIT) + +All metadata is MIT licensed unless otherwise stated. Source code +included in tree for individual recipes is under the LICENSE stated in +the associated recipe (.bb file) unless otherwise stated. + +License information for any other files is either explicitly stated +or defaults to Apache-2.0. diff --git a/meta-yadro/MAINTAINERS b/meta-yadro/MAINTAINERS new file mode 100644 index 000000000..276d9ea4a --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/MAINTAINERS @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +How to use this list: + Find the most specific section entry (described below) that matches where + your change lives and add the reviewers (R) and maintainers (M) as + reviewers. You can use the same method to track down who knows a particular + code base best. + + Your change/query may span multiple entries; that is okay. + + If you do not find an entry that describes your request at all, someone + forgot to update this list; please at least file an issue or send an email + to a maintainer, but preferably you should just update this document. + +Description of section entries: + + Section entries are structured according to the following scheme: + + X: NAME + X: ... + . + . + . + + Where REPO_NAME is the name of the repository within the OpenBMC GitHub + organization; FILE_PATH is a file path within the repository, possibly with + wildcards; X is a tag of one of the following types: + + M: Denotes maintainer; has fields NAME ; + if omitted from an entry, assume one of the maintainers from the + MAINTAINERS entry. + R: Denotes reviewer; has fields NAME ; + these people are to be added as reviewers for a change matching the repo + path. + F: Denotes forked from an external repository; has fields URL. + + Line comments are to be denoted "# SOME COMMENT" (typical shell style + comment); it is important to follow the correct syntax and semantics as we + may want to use automated tools with this file in the future. + + A change cannot be added to an OpenBMC repository without a MAINTAINER's + approval; thus, a MAINTAINER should always be listed as a reviewer. + +START OF MAINTAINERS LIST +------------------------- + +M: Alexander Filippov +M: Alexander Amelkin +R: Artem Senichev diff --git a/meta-yadro/ b/meta-yadro/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de7366f61 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# YADRO + +YADRO is a technology company committed to influencing the way enterprises +address their IT transformation challenges and offering game-changing products +with outstanding quality. Powered by a team of knowledgeable talents combining a +wide range of experience gained through the years of contribution to the success +of leading technology companies. + + diff --git a/meta-yadro/conf/layer.conf b/meta-yadro/conf/layer.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7feac4c21 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/conf/layer.conf @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# We have a conf and classes directory, add to BBPATH +BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" + +BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "yadro-layer" +BBFILE_PATTERN_yadro-layer = "^${LAYERDIR}/" +BBFILE_PATTERN_IGNORE_EMPTY_yadro-layer = "1" + +LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_yadro-layer = "thud warrior" + +# Provide a variable that points the base of the yadro layer. +YADROBASE = '${@os.path.normpath("${LAYERDIR}/")}' diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa0f56cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# VESNIN SERVER + +The world's first OpenPOWER enterprise class high performance server designed +for data intensive applications with outstanding footprint. Four-socket server +supporting up to 48 POWER8 cores and 8 TB memory in ultra dense 2U form factor. + + diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/bblayers.conf.sample b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/bblayers.conf.sample new file mode 100644 index 000000000..379cc954c --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/bblayers.conf.sample @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# LAYER_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf +# changes incompatibly +LCONF_VERSION = "8" + +BBPATH = "${TOPDIR}" +BBFILES ?= "" + +BBLAYERS ?= " \ + ##OEROOT##/meta \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-networking \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-perl \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-python \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-phosphor \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-aspeed \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openpower \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-yadro \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin \ + " +BBLAYERS_NON_REMOVABLE ?= " \ + ##OEROOT##/meta \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-networking \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-perl \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openembedded/meta-python \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-phosphor \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-aspeed \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-openpower \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-yadro \ + ##OEROOT##/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin \ + " diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/conf-notes.txt b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/conf-notes.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b3c01a55 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/conf-notes.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Common targets are: + obmc-phosphor-image diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/layer.conf b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/layer.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8e7890d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/layer.conf @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# We have a conf and classes directory, add to BBPATH +BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" + +# We have recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES +BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \ + ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend" + +BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "vesnin-layer" +BBFILE_PATTERN_vesnin-layer = "^${LAYERDIR}/" +LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_vesnin-layer = "thud warrior" diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/local.conf.sample b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/local.conf.sample new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06f24dc5a --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/local.conf.sample @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +# +# This file is your local configuration file and is where all local user settings +# are placed. The comments in this file give some guide to the options a new user +# to the system might want to change but pretty much any configuration option can +# be set in this file. More adventurous users can look at local.conf.extended +# which contains other examples of configuration which can be placed in this file +# but new users likely won't need any of them initially. +# +# Lines starting with the '#' character are commented out and in some cases the +# default values are provided as comments to show people example syntax. Enabling +# the option is a question of removing the # character and making any change to the +# variable as required. + +# +# Machine Selection +# +# You need to select a specific machine to target the build with. There are a selection +# of emulated machines available which can boot and run in the QEMU emulator: +# +#MACHINE ?= "qemuarm" +#MACHINE ?= "qemuarm64" +#MACHINE ?= "qemumips" +#MACHINE ?= "qemuppc" +#MACHINE ?= "qemux86" +#MACHINE ?= "qemux86-64" +# +# There are also the following hardware board target machines included for +# demonstration purposes: +# +#MACHINE ?= "beaglebone" +#MACHINE ?= "genericx86" +#MACHINE ?= "genericx86-64" +#MACHINE ?= "mpc8315e-rdb" +#MACHINE ?= "edgerouter" +# +# This sets the default machine to be qemux86 if no other machine is selected: +MACHINE ??= "vesnin" + +# +# Where to place downloads +# +# During a first build the system will download many different source code tarballs +# from various upstream projects. This can take a while, particularly if your network +# connection is slow. These are all stored in DL_DIR. When wiping and rebuilding you +# can preserve this directory to speed up this part of subsequent builds. This directory +# is safe to share between multiple builds on the same machine too. +# +# The default is a downloads directory under TOPDIR which is the build directory. +# +#DL_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/downloads" + +# +# Where to place shared-state files +# +# BitBake has the capability to accelerate builds based on previously built output. +# This is done using "shared state" files which can be thought of as cache objects +# and this option determines where those files are placed. +# +# You can wipe out TMPDIR leaving this directory intact and the build would regenerate +# from these files if no changes were made to the configuration. If changes were made +# to the configuration, only shared state files where the state was still valid would +# be used (done using checksums). +# +# The default is a sstate-cache directory under TOPDIR. +# +#SSTATE_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/sstate-cache" + +# +# Where to place the build output +# +# This option specifies where the bulk of the building work should be done and +# where BitBake should place its temporary files and output. Keep in mind that +# this includes the extraction and compilation of many applications and the toolchain +# which can use Gigabytes of hard disk space. +# +# The default is a tmp directory under TOPDIR. +# +#TMPDIR = "${TOPDIR}/tmp" + +# +# Default policy config +# +# The distribution setting controls which policy settings are used as defaults. +# The default value is fine for general Yocto project use, at least initially. +# Ultimately when creating custom policy, people will likely end up subclassing +# these defaults. +# +DISTRO ?= "openbmc-openpower" +# As an example of a subclass there is a "bleeding" edge policy configuration +# where many versions are set to the absolute latest code from the upstream +# source control systems. This is just mentioned here as an example, its not +# useful to most new users. +# DISTRO ?= "poky-bleeding" + +# +# Package Management configuration +# +# This variable lists which packaging formats to enable. Multiple package backends +# can be enabled at once and the first item listed in the variable will be used +# to generate the root filesystems. +# Options are: +# - 'package_deb' for debian style deb files +# - 'package_ipk' for ipk files are used by opkg (a debian style embedded package manager) +# - 'package_rpm' for rpm style packages +# E.g.: PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_rpm package_deb package_ipk" +# We default to rpm: +PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_rpm" + +# +# SDK/ADT target architecture +# +# This variable specifies the architecture to build SDK/ADT items for and means +# you can build the SDK packages for architectures other than the machine you are +# running the build on (i.e. building i686 packages on an x86_64 host). +# Supported values are i686 and x86_64 +#SDKMACHINE ?= "i686" + +SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS_append ?= " RedHatEnterpriseWorkstation-6.*" + +# +# Extra image configuration defaults +# +# The EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES variable allows extra packages to be added to the generated +# images. Some of these options are added to certain image types automatically. The +# variable can contain the following options: +# "dbg-pkgs" - add -dbg packages for all installed packages +# (adds symbol information for debugging/profiling) +# "dev-pkgs" - add -dev packages for all installed packages +# (useful if you want to develop against libs in the image) +# "ptest-pkgs" - add -ptest packages for all ptest-enabled packages +# (useful if you want to run the package test suites) +# "tools-sdk" - add development tools (gcc, make, pkgconfig etc.) +# "tools-debug" - add debugging tools (gdb, strace) +# "eclipse-debug" - add Eclipse remote debugging support +# "tools-profile" - add profiling tools (oprofile, exmap, lttng, valgrind) +# "tools-testapps" - add useful testing tools (ts_print, aplay, arecord etc.) +# "debug-tweaks" - make an image suitable for development +# e.g. ssh root access has a blank password +# There are other application targets that can be used here too, see +# meta/classes/image.bbclass and meta/classes/core-image.bbclass for more details. +# We default to enabling the debugging tweaks. +EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks" + +# +# Additional image features +# +# The following is a list of additional classes to use when building images which +# enable extra features. Some available options which can be included in this variable +# are: +# - 'buildstats' collect build statistics +# - 'image-mklibs' to reduce shared library files size for an image +# - 'image-prelink' in order to prelink the filesystem image +# - 'image-swab' to perform host system intrusion detection +# NOTE: if listing mklibs & prelink both, then make sure mklibs is before prelink +# NOTE: mklibs also needs to be explicitly enabled for a given image, see local.conf.extended +USER_CLASSES ?= "buildstats image-mklibs image-prelink" + +# +# Runtime testing of images +# +# The build system can test booting virtual machine images under qemu (an emulator) +# after any root filesystems are created and run tests against those images. To +# enable this uncomment this line. See classes/testimage(-auto).bbclass for +# further details. +#TEST_IMAGE = "1" +# +# Interactive shell configuration +# +# Under certain circumstances the system may need input from you and to do this it +# can launch an interactive shell. It needs to do this since the build is +# multithreaded and needs to be able to handle the case where more than one parallel +# process may require the user's attention. The default is iterate over the available +# terminal types to find one that works. +# +# Examples of the occasions this may happen are when resolving patches which cannot +# be applied, to use the devshell or the kernel menuconfig +# +# Supported values are auto, gnome, xfce, rxvt, screen, konsole (KDE 3.x only), none +# Note: currently, Konsole support only works for KDE 3.x due to the way +# newer Konsole versions behave +#OE_TERMINAL = "auto" +# By default disable interactive patch resolution (tasks will just fail instead): +PATCHRESOLVE = "noop" + +# +# Disk Space Monitoring during the build +# +# Monitor the disk space during the build. If there is less that 1GB of space or less +# than 100K inodes in any key build location (TMPDIR, DL_DIR, SSTATE_DIR), gracefully +# shutdown the build. If there is less that 100MB or 1K inodes, perform a hard abort +# of the build. The reason for this is that running completely out of space can corrupt +# files and damages the build in ways which may not be easily recoverable. +# It's necessary to monitor /tmp, if there is no space left the build will fail +# with very exotic errors. +BB_DISKMON_DIRS = "\ + STOPTASKS,${TMPDIR},1G,100K \ + STOPTASKS,${DL_DIR},1G,100K \ + STOPTASKS,${SSTATE_DIR},1G,100K \ + STOPTASKS,/tmp,100M,100K \ + ABORT,${TMPDIR},100M,1K \ + ABORT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \ + ABORT,${SSTATE_DIR},100M,1K \ + ABORT,/tmp,10M,1K" + +# +# Shared-state files from other locations +# +# As mentioned above, shared state files are prebuilt cache data objects which can +# used to accelerate build time. This variable can be used to configure the system +# to search other mirror locations for these objects before it builds the data itself. +# +# This can be a filesystem directory, or a remote url such as http or ftp. These +# would contain the sstate-cache results from previous builds (possibly from other +# machines). This variable works like fetcher MIRRORS/PREMIRRORS and points to the +# cache locations to check for the shared objects. +# NOTE: if the mirror uses the same structure as SSTATE_DIR, you need to add PATH +# at the end as shown in the examples below. This will be substituted with the +# correct path within the directory structure. +#SSTATE_MIRRORS ?= "\ +#file://.* http://someserver.tld/share/sstate/PATH;downloadfilename=PATH \n \ +#file://.* file:///some/local/dir/sstate/PATH" + + +# +# Qemu configuration +# +# By default qemu will build with a builtin VNC server where graphical output can be +# seen. The two lines below enable the SDL backend too. This assumes there is a +# libsdl library available on your build system. +PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qemu-native = " sdl" +PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-nativesdk-qemu = " sdl" +#ASSUME_PROVIDED += "libsdl-native" + + +# CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/ changes incompatibly and is used to +# track the version of this file when it was generated. This can safely be ignored if +# this doesn't mean anything to you. +CONF_VERSION = "1" diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/machine/vesnin.conf b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/machine/vesnin.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc448de86 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/conf/machine/vesnin.conf @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +KMACHINE = "aspeed" +KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "${KMACHINE}-bmc-opp-${MACHINE}.dtb" + +require conf/machine/include/ +require conf/machine/include/ +require conf/machine/include/ +require conf/machine/include/ + +UBOOT_MACHINE_vesnin = "ast_g4_ncsi_config" +UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT = "0x40008000" +UBOOT_LOADADDRESS = "0x40008000" + +FLASH_SIZE = "32768" + +SERIAL_CONSOLES = "115200;ttyS2 115200;ttyS4" + +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-inventory = "vesnin-ipmi-inventory-map-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-read-inventory = "vesnin-ipmi-inventory-map-read-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-led-manager-config-native = "vesnin-led-manager-config-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/openpower-fru-properties = "vesnin-openpower-fru-properties-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/openpower-fru-vpd-layout = "vesnin-openpower-fru-vpd-layout-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/openpower-fru-inventory = "vesnin-openpower-fru-inventory-native" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/openpower-occ-control-config-native = "vesnin-openpower-occ-control-config-native" diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0001-vesnin-dts-add-mbox-and-lpc_host.patch b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0001-vesnin-dts-add-mbox-and-lpc_host.patch new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba03640d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0001-vesnin-dts-add-mbox-and-lpc_host.patch @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +From 229cd43c240a8395ac6ed684a5eee7a0586f9724 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Filippov +Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 14:12:00 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] vesnin: dts: add mbox and lpc_host + +These nodes were removed from our DTS by the ask of Andrew Jeffery as +its are not upstreamed yet. But its are still required to start the +host. + +Signed-off-by: Alexander Filippov +--- + arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-opp-vesnin.dts | 10 ++++++++++ + 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-opp-vesnin.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-opp-vesnin.dts +index 0b9e29c3212e..20f07f5bb4f4 100644 +--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-opp-vesnin.dts ++++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-opp-vesnin.dts +@@ -120,6 +120,16 @@ + status = "okay"; + }; + ++&lpc_host { ++ sio_regs: regs { ++ compatible = "aspeed,bmc-misc"; ++ }; ++}; ++ ++&mbox { ++ status = "okay"; ++}; ++ + &uart3 { + status = "okay"; + pinctrl-names = "default"; +-- +2.20.1 + diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0002-vesnin-remap-aspeed-uart.patch b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0002-vesnin-remap-aspeed-uart.patch new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb286691d --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0002-vesnin-remap-aspeed-uart.patch @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +From 85027d94696464269ae77702ead788a14fc8305f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Filippov +Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 17:46:28 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] vesnin: remap aspeed-uart + +Remaps UART2 <-> UART3 + +Signed-off-by: Alexander Filippov +--- + drivers/misc/aspeed-lpc-ctrl.c | 8 ++++++++ + 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/drivers/misc/aspeed-lpc-ctrl.c b/drivers/misc/aspeed-lpc-ctrl.c +index 332210e06e98..ce5138474130 100644 +--- a/drivers/misc/aspeed-lpc-ctrl.c ++++ b/drivers/misc/aspeed-lpc-ctrl.c +@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ + + #define HICR7 0x8 + #define HICR8 0xc ++#define HICRA 0x1c + + struct aspeed_lpc_ctrl { + struct miscdevice miscdev; +@@ -274,6 +275,13 @@ static int aspeed_lpc_ctrl_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) + goto err; + } + ++ /* Switch UART2 to IO3 and UART3 to IO2 */ ++ rc = regmap_write(lpc_ctrl->regmap, HICRA, 0x00C80108); ++ if (rc) { ++ dev_err(dev, "Unable to switch UART 2<->3\n"); ++ goto err; ++ } ++ + return 0; + + err: +-- +2.20.1 + diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/vesnin.cfg b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/vesnin.cfg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..59a232127 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/vesnin.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +CONFIG_EEPROM_AT24=y +CONFIG_SENSORS_LM75=y +CONFIG_SENSORS_W83795=y +CONFIG_SENSORS_PMBUS=y +CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307_HWMON=y + +CONFIG_FSI=n +CONFIG_FSI_MASTER_HUB=n +CONFIG_FSI_MASTER_AST_CF=n +CONFIG_FSI_SCOM=n diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a8925301 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" +SRC_URI_append_vesnin = "\ + file://vesnin.cfg \ + file://0001-vesnin-dts-add-mbox-and-lpc_host.patch \ + file://0002-vesnin-remap-aspeed-uart.patch \ +" diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..36c136893 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/images/obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +OBMC_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL_append = " mboxd first-boot-set-mac" diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/initfs/obmc-phosphor-initfs.bbappend b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/initfs/obmc-phosphor-initfs.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e79e4831 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/initfs/obmc-phosphor-initfs.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +RDEPENDS_${PN}_remove += " cf-fsi-firmware " + +do_install_append() { + echo "/etc/hostname" >> ${D}/whitelist +} diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..efea9368a --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +SUMMARY = "Vesnin IPMI to DBus Inventory mapping." +PR = "r1" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${YADROBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" + +inherit native +inherit phosphor-ipmi-fru + +SRC_URI += "file://config.yaml" + +PROVIDES += "virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-inventory" + +S = "${WORKDIR}" + +do_install() { + # TODO: install this to inventory_datadir + # after ipmi-fru-parser untangles the host + # firmware config from the machine inventory. + DEST=${D}${config_datadir} + + install -d ${DEST} + install config.yaml ${DEST} +} diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e4d3bd509 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +SUMMARY = "Vesnin IPMI to DBus Inventory mapping." +PR = "r1" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${YADROBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" + +inherit native +inherit phosphor-ipmi-host + +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/vesnin-ipmi-inventory-map:" + +SRC_URI += "file://config.yaml" + +PROVIDES += "virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-read-inventory" + +S = "${WORKDIR}" + +do_install() { + # TODO: install this to inventory_datadir + # after ipmi-fru-parser untangles the host + # firmware config from the machine inventory. + DEST=${D}${config_datadir} + + install -d ${DEST} + install config.yaml ${DEST} +} diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/vesnin-ipmi-inventory-map/config.yaml b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/vesnin-ipmi-inventory-map/config.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..26c7831b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/vesnin-ipmi-inventory-map/config.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,4417 @@ +0: + /system/chassis/bmc: + entityID: 6 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +1: + /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0: + entityID: 3 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2 + IPMIFruSection: Board + IPMIFruValueDelimiter: 58 + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +2: + /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1: + entityID: 3 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2 + IPMIFruSection: Board + IPMIFruValueDelimiter: 58 + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board + Value: False +3: + /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu2: + entityID: 3 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2 + IPMIFruSection: Board + IPMIFruValueDelimiter: 58 + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board + Value: False +4: + /system/chassis/motherboard/cpu3: + entityID: 3 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2 + IPMIFruSection: Board + IPMIFruValueDelimiter: 58 + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board + Value: False +5: + /system/chassis/motherboard: + entityID: 7 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Chassis + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board + /system: + entityID: 25 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Chassis + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Chassis + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board +6: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf1: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +7: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf0: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +8: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf5: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +9: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf4: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +10: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf9: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 5 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +11: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf8: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 6 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +12: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf13: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 7 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +13: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf12: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 8 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +14: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf17: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 9 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +15: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf16: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 10 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +16: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf21: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 11 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +17: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf20: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 12 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +18: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf25: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 13 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +19: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf24: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 14 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +20: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf29: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 15 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +21: + /system/chassis/motherboard/membuf28: + entityID: 23 + entityInstance: 16 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Board + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Board + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Board + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Board +22: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +23: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +24: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +25: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +26: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 5 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +27: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 6 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +28: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 7 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +29: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 8 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +30: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 9 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +31: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 10 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +32: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 11 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +33: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 12 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +34: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 13 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +35: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 14 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +36: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 15 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +37: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 16 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +38: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm16: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 17 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +39: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm17: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 18 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +40: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm18: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 19 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +41: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm19: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 20 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +42: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm20: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 21 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +43: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm21: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 22 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version +44: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm22: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 23 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +45: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm23: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 24 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +46: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm24: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 25 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +47: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm25: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 26 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +48: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm26: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 27 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +49: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm27: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 28 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +50: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm28: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 29 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +51: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm29: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 30 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +52: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm30: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 31 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +53: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm31: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 32 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +54: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm40: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 33 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +55: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm41: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 34 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +56: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm42: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 35 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +57: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm43: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 36 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +58: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm44: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 37 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +59: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm45: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 38 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +60: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm46: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 39 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +61: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm47: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 40 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +62: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm32: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 41 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +63: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm33: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 42 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +64: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm34: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 43 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +65: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm35: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 44 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +66: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm36: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 45 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +67: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm37: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 46 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +68: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm38: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 47 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +69: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm39: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 48 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +70: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm48: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 49 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +71: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm49: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 50 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +72: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm50: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 51 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +73: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm51: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 52 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +74: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm52: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 53 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +75: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm53: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 54 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +76: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm54: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 55 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +77: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm55: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 56 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +78: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm56: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 57 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +79: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm57: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 58 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +80: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm58: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 59 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +81: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm59: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 60 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +82: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm60: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 61 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +83: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm61: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 62 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +84: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm62: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 63 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +85: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm63: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 64 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +86: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm72: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 65 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +87: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm73: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 66 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +88: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm74: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 67 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +89: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm75: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 68 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +90: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm76: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 69 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +91: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm77: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 70 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +92: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm78: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 71 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +93: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm79: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 72 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +94: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm64: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 73 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +95: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm65: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 74 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +96: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm66: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 75 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +97: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm67: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 76 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +98: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm68: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 77 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +99: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm69: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 78 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +100: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm70: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 79 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +101: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm71: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 80 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +102: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm80: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 81 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +103: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm81: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 82 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +104: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm82: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 83 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +105: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm83: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 84 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +106: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm84: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 85 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +107: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm85: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 86 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +108: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm86: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 87 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +109: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm87: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 88 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +110: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm88: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 89 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +111: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm89: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 90 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +112: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm90: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 91 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +113: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm91: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 92 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +114: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm92: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 93 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +115: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm93: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 94 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +116: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm94: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 95 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +117: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm95: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 96 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +118: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm104: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 97 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +119: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm105: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 98 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +120: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm106: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 99 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +121: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm107: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 100 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +122: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm108: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 101 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +123: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm109: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 102 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +124: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm110: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 103 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +125: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm111: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 104 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +126: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm96: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 105 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +127: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm97: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 106 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +128: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm98: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 107 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +129: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm99: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 108 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +130: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm100: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 109 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +131: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm101: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 110 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +132: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm102: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 111 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +133: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm103: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 112 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +134: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm112: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 113 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +135: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm113: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 114 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +136: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm114: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 115 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +137: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm115: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 116 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +138: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm116: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 117 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +139: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm117: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 118 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +140: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm118: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 119 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +141: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm119: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 120 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +142: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm120: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 121 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +143: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm121: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 122 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +144: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm122: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 123 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +145: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm123: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 124 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +146: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm124: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 125 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +147: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm125: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 126 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +148: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm126: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 127 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +149: + /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm127: + entityID: 32 + entityInstance: 128 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + +150: + /system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0: + entityID: 19 + entityInstance: 0 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + /system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0/info: + entityID: 19 + entityInstance: 0 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.MultiRecord.PowerSupply: + Data: + IPMIFruProperty: PowerSupply + IPMIFruSection: MultiRecord + /system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0/dc_output: + entityID: 19 + entityInstance: 0 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.MultiRecord.DcOutput: + Data: + IPMIFruProperty: DcOutput + IPMIFruSection: MultiRecord + +151: + /system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1: + entityID: 19 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + SerialNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Part Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + BuildDate: + IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + /system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1/info: + entityID: 19 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.MultiRecord.PowerSupply: + Data: + IPMIFruProperty: PowerSupply + IPMIFruSection: MultiRecord + /system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1/dc_output: + entityID: 19 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.MultiRecord.DcOutput: + Data: + IPMIFruProperty: DcOutput + IPMIFruSection: MultiRecord + +152: + /system/chassis/motherboard/fan0: + entityID: 29 + entityInstance: 0 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + +153: + /system/chassis/motherboard/fan1: + entityID: 29 + entityInstance: 1 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + +154: + /system/chassis/motherboard/fan2: + entityID: 29 + entityInstance: 2 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + +155: + /system/chassis/motherboard/fan3: + entityID: 29 + entityInstance: 3 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + +156: + /system/chassis/motherboard/fan4: + entityID: 29 + entityInstance: 4 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset: + Manufacturer: + IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer + IPMIFruSection: Product + PartNumber: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + Model: + IPMIFruProperty: Model Number + IPMIFruSection: Product + +254: + /system/chassis/motherboard/opfw: + entityID: 34 + entityInstance: 0 + interfaces: + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item: + PrettyName: + IPMIFruProperty: Name + IPMIFruSection: Product + xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision: + Version: + IPMIFruProperty: Version + IPMIFruSection: Product diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/leds/ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/leds/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..51a2f0b07 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/leds/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +SUMMARY = "Phosphor LED Group Management for Vesnin" +PR = "r1" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${YADROBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" + +inherit native +inherit obmc-phosphor-utils + +PROVIDES += "virtual/phosphor-led-manager-config-native" + +SRC_URI += "file://led.yaml" +S = "${WORKDIR}" + +# Copies example led layout yaml file +do_install() { + SRC=${S} + DEST=${D}${datadir}/phosphor-led-manager + install -D ${SRC}/led.yaml ${DEST}/led.yaml +} diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/leds/vesnin-led-manager-config/led.yaml b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/leds/vesnin-led-manager-config/led.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3330e25ea --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/leds/vesnin-led-manager-config/led.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +BmcBooted: + heartbeat: + Action: 'Blink' + DutyOn: 50 + Period: 1000 + alarm_yel: + Action: 'On' + Priority: 'Blink' +PowerOn: +PgoodTimeout: + power_red: + Action: 'On' + Priority: 'On' +HostQuiesced: + alarm_red: + Action: 'On' + Priority: 'Blink' +Overheat: + alarm_red: + Action: 'Blink' + DutyOn: 50 + Period: 1000 + Priority: 'Blink' +PsuSmbalert: + alarm_yel: + Action: 'Blink' + DutyOn: 50 + Period: 1000 + Priority: 'Blink' +EnclosureIdentify: + id_blue: + Action: 'Blink' + Priority: 'On' +FruFault: + alarm_yel: + Action: 'Blink' + DutyOn: 50 + Period: 200 + Priority: 'Blink' + diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/mboxd/mboxd_%.bbappend b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/mboxd/mboxd_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b6248a46 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/mboxd/mboxd_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +MBOXD_FLASH_SIZE = "64M" diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-mac_%.bbappend b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-mac_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..29d23c8c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/network/first-boot-set-mac_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} += "first-boot-set-mac@eth0.service" diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/files/occ_sensor.yaml b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/files/occ_sensor.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97fd3f76c --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/files/occ_sensor.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +- Instance: 0 + SensorID: 0x08 + SensorName: occ0 +- Instance: 1 + SensorID: 0x09 + SensorName: occ1 +- Instance: 6 + SensorID: 0x06 + SensorName: occ2 +- Instance: 7 + SensorID: 0x07 + SensorName: occ3 diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/openpower-occ-control_%.bbappend b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/openpower-occ-control_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a7aa8c5e --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/openpower-occ-control_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +EXTRA_OECONF_append = " --enable-i2c-occ" diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2db6c3661 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/occ/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +SUMMARY = "Vesnin OCC Control sensor IDs" +PR = "r1" +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${YADROBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" + +inherit native +inherit openpower-occ-control + +PROVIDES += "virtual/openpower-occ-control-config-native" + +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" +SRC_URI += "file://occ_sensor.yaml" + +S = "${WORKDIR}" +do_install() { + install -d ${YAML_DEST}/ + install ${S}/occ_sensor.yaml ${YAML_DEST}/ +} diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/packagegroup-obmc-apps.bbappend b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/packagegroup-obmc-apps.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5b837abc --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/packagegroup-obmc-apps.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +RDEPENDS_${PN}-inventory += "openpower-occ-control" diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..75b0480bd --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf/gpio_defs.json @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +{ + "gpio_configs": { + "power_config": { + "power_good_in": "SYS_PWROK_BUFF", + "power_up_outs": [ + {"name": "BMC_POWER_UP", "polarity": false} + ], + "reset_outs": [ + {"name": "CM1_OE_R_N", "polarity": true}, + {"name": "BMC_CP0_RESET_N", "polarity": false} + ], + "pci_reset_outs": [ + {"name": "PEX8718_DEVICES_RESET_N", "polarity": false, "hold": true} + ] + } + }, + + "gpio_definitions": [ + { + "name": "BMC_POWER_UP", + "pin": "E1", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "SYS_PWROK_BUFF", + "pin": "E6", + "direction": "in" + }, + { + "name": "BMC_WD_CLEAR_PULSE_N", + "pin": "N4", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "CM1_OE_R_N", + "pin": "Q6", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "BMC_CP0_RESET_N", + "pin": "O2", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "PSU_PG", + "pin": "J2", + "direction": "in" + }, + { + "name": "PEX8718_DEVICES_RESET_N", + "pin": "B6", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "CP0_DEVICES_RESET_N", + "pin": "N3", + "direction": "in" + }, + { + "name": "CP1_DEVICES_RESET_N", + "pin": "N5", + "direction": "in" + }, + { + "name": "CP2_DEVICES_RESET_N", + "pin": "P0", + "direction": "in" + }, + + { + "name": "CP3_DEVICES_RESET_N", + "pin": "P1", + "direction": "in" + }, + { + "name": "IDBTN", + "pin": "Q7", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "POWER_BUTTON", + "pin": "E0", + "direction": "both" + }, + { + "name": "RESET_BUTTON", + "pin": "E2", + "direction": "both" + }, + { + "name": "CHECKSTOP", + "pin": "P5", + "direction": "falling" + }, + { + "name": "PS0_PRES_N", + "pin": "P7", + "direction": "in" + }, + { + "name": "PS1_PRES_N", + "pin": "N0", + "direction": "in" + }, + { + "name": "FSI_DATA", + "pin": "A5", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "FSI_CLK", + "pin": "A4", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "FSI_ENABLE", + "pin": "E5", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "CRONUS_SEL", + "pin": "A6", + "direction": "out" + }, + { + "name": "CP0_FSI0_DATA_EN", + "pin": "H6", + "direction": "out" + } + ] +} diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72d991c7e --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-libobmc-intf_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-op-control-host/0001-Replace-ColdFire-FSI-with-plain-FSI-over-GPIO.patch b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-op-control-host/0001-Replace-ColdFire-FSI-with-plain-FSI-over-GPIO.patch new file mode 100644 index 000000000..33b1bb32f --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-op-control-host/0001-Replace-ColdFire-FSI-with-plain-FSI-over-GPIO.patch @@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ +From b6b1cda6a526bad8c7f50aa4427bedbc6e539a4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Artem Senichev +Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 10:31:59 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Replace ColdFire FSI with plain FSI-over-GPIO + +Workaround to fix ColdFire FSI performance issue: + +Current implementation based on an old version of skeleton +(revision 517b35ed92ad2c0df5e048711c175bacb632f6d0), mostly it's +a copy-paste of op-hostctl module. + +Signed-off-by: Artem Senichev +Signed-off-by: Alexander Filippov +--- + control_host_obj.c | 259 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------- + 1 file changed, 152 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/control_host_obj.c b/control_host_obj.c +index 27f7fc7..ca45182 100644 +--- a/control_host_obj.c ++++ b/control_host_obj.c +@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ + #include + #include + #include +-#include +- + #include + #include ++#include ++#include + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + static const gchar* dbus_object_path = "/org/openbmc/control"; +@@ -17,36 +17,31 @@ static const gchar* dbus_name = "org.openbmc.control.Host"; + + static GDBusObjectManagerServer *manager = NULL; + +-#define PPC_BIT32(bit) (0x80000000UL >> (bit)) +- +-#define FSI_EXTERNAL_MODE_PATH "/sys/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/external_mode" +-#define FSI_SCAN_PATH "/sys/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/rescan" +- +-/* TODO: Change this over to the cfam path once the cfam chardev patches have landed */ +-#define FSI_RAW_PATH "/sys/devices/platform/gpio-fsi/fsi0/slave@00:00/raw" +- +-#define FSI_SCAN_DELAY_US 10000 ++static GPIO* fsi_data; ++static GPIO* fsi_clk; ++static GPIO* fsi_enable; ++static GPIO* cronus_sel; ++static size_t num_optionals; ++static GPIO* optionals; ++static gboolean* optional_pols; + +-/* Attention registers */ +-#define FSI_A_SI1S 0x081c +-#define TRUE_MASK 0x100d +-#define INTERRUPT_STATUS_REG 0x100b ++/* Bit bang patterns */ + +-/* SBE boot register and values */ +-#define SBE_VITAL 0x281c +-#define SBE_WARMSTART PPC_BIT32(0) +-#define SBE_HW_TRIGGER PPC_BIT32(2) +-#define SBE_UPDATE_1ST_NIBBLE PPC_BIT32(3) +-#define SBE_IMAGE_SELECT PPC_BIT32(8) +-#define SBE_UPDATE_3RD_NIBBLE PPC_BIT32(11) ++//putcfam pu 281c 30000000 -p0 (Primary Side Select) ++static const char* primary = "000011111111110101111000111001100111111111111111111111111111101111111111"; ++//putcfam pu 281c B0000000 -p0 ++static const char* go = "000011111111110101111000111000100111111111111111111111111111101101111111"; ++//putcfam pu 0x281c 30900000 (Golden Side Select) ++static const char* golden = "000011111111110101111000111001100111101101111111111111111111101001111111"; + +-/* Once the side is selected and attention bits are set, this starts the SBE */ +-#define START_SBE (SBE_WARMSTART | SBE_HW_TRIGGER | SBE_UPDATE_1ST_NIBBLE) ++/* Setup attentions */ ++//putcfam pu 0x081C 20000000 ++static const char* attnA = "000011111111111101111110001001101111111111111111111111111111110001111111"; ++//putcfam pu 0x100D 40000000 ++static const char* attnB = "000011111111111011111100101001011111111111111111111111111111110001111111"; ++//putcfam pu 0x100B FFFFFFFF ++static const char* attnC = "000011111111111011111101001000000000000000000000000000000000001011111111"; + +-/* Primary is first side. Golden is second side */ +-#define PRIMARY_SIDE (SBE_HW_TRIGGER | SBE_UPDATE_1ST_NIBBLE) +-#define GOLDEN_SIDE (SBE_HW_TRIGGER | SBE_UPDATE_1ST_NIBBLE | \ +- SBE_IMAGE_SELECT | SBE_UPDATE_3RD_NIBBLE) + + static gboolean + on_init(Control *control, +@@ -57,126 +52,147 @@ on_init(Control *control, + return TRUE; + } + +-static gint +-fsi_putcfam(int fd, uint64_t addr64, uint32_t val_host) ++int gpio_clock_cycle(GPIO* gpio, int num_clks) + { +- int rc; +- uint32_t val = htobe32(val_host); +- /* Map FSI to FSI_BYTE, as the 'raw' kernel interface expects this */ +- uint32_t addr = (addr64 & 0x7ffc00) | ((addr64 & 0x3ff) << 2); +- +- rc = lseek(fd, addr, SEEK_SET); +- if (rc < 0) { +- g_print("ERROR HostControl: cfam seek failed (0x%08x): %s\n", addr, +- strerror(errno)); +- return errno; +- }; +- +- rc = write(fd, &val, sizeof(val)); +- if (rc < 0) { +- g_print("ERROR HostControl: cfam write failed: %s\n", +- strerror(errno)); +- return errno; +- } +- +- return 0; ++ g_assert(gpio != NULL); ++ int i = 0; ++ int r = GPIO_OK; ++ for (i = 0; i < num_clks; i++) ++ { ++ if (gpio_write(gpio, 0) == -1) ++ { ++ r = GPIO_WRITE_ERROR; ++ break; ++ } ++ if (gpio_write(gpio, 1) == -1) ++ { ++ r = GPIO_WRITE_ERROR; ++ break; ++ } ++ } ++ ++ return r; + } + +-static int fsi_rescan(void) ++int ++fsi_bitbang(const char* pattern) + { +- char *one = "1"; +- int fd, rc; +- +- fd = open(FSI_SCAN_PATH, O_WRONLY); +- if (fd < 0) { +- g_print("ERROR HostControl: Failed to open path '%s': %s\n", +- FSI_SCAN_PATH, strerror(errno)); +- return errno; +- } +- rc = write(fd, one, sizeof(one)); +- close(fd); +- if (rc < 0) { +- g_print("ERROR HostControl: Failed to perform FSI scan: %s\n", +- strerror(errno)); +- return errno; ++ int rc=GPIO_OK; ++ int i; ++ for(i=0;iname = g_strdup("FSI_DATA"); // GPIO struct has non-const char pointer ++ fsi_clk = malloc(sizeof(GPIO)); ++ fsi_clk->name = g_strdup("FSI_CLK"); ++ fsi_enable = malloc(sizeof(GPIO)); ++ fsi_enable->name = g_strdup("FSI_ENABLE"); ++ cronus_sel = malloc(sizeof(GPIO)); ++ cronus_sel->name = g_strdup("CRONUS_SEL"); ++ ++ // WARNING: This portion of the hardcode is usable only with VESNIN. ++ // For the upstream, it should be rewritten for reading this data from the ++ // JSON file. ++ num_optionals = 1; ++ optionals = malloc(sizeof(GPIO)); ++ optionals->name = g_strdup("CP0_FSI0_DATA_EN"); ++ optional_pols = malloc(sizeof(gboolean)); ++ optional_pols[0] = TRUE; ++ ++ gpio_get_params(fsi_data); ++ gpio_get_params(fsi_clk); ++ gpio_get_params(fsi_enable); ++ gpio_get_params(cronus_sel); ++ for (int i = 0; i < num_optionals; ++i) { ++ gpio_get_params(&optionals[i]); ++ } + } + + static void +-- +2.20.1 + diff --git a/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-op-control-host_%.bbappend b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-op-control-host_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..068edeac8 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-yadro/meta-vesnin/recipes-phosphor/skeleton/obmc-op-control-host_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" +SRC_URI += "file://0001-Replace-ColdFire-FSI-with-plain-FSI-over-GPIO.patch" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 583a76e0c99759343367b04a4c54e6374a15254f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 20:42:01 +0000 Subject: phosphor-pid-control: srcrev bump 98b704e179..2192a6daef Patrick Venture (2): README: formatting cleanup README: cleanup and split out oem-ipmi details (From meta-phosphor rev: 2c62efc94a4c1cb42f8ca7739d9769e6655b6c65) Change-Id: I87dfde2ac883be9126a7b211e8b7e80cba6fa0b0 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/fans/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/fans/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/fans/ index eebae1442..9b204fe04 100644 --- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/fans/ +++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/fans/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ inherit obmc-phosphor-ipmiprovider-symlink S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "98b704e179f12d987179fe6b0ea6234d1bace48f" +SRCREV = "2192a6daefe48055e063861b3a33a6c2d91ddf40" # Each platform will need a service file that starts # at an appropriate time per system. For instance, if -- cgit v1.2.3 From b5b5bc1cdd2bc663942f36a041f2b50730868a2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexander Filippov Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 11:56:55 +0300 Subject: setup: Add the missing quotes Fixes: d70e7e81bfd44553f425f (setup: Use config name instead layer name) Change-Id: Iee4a49f31bfbe137532f9be30277857d408cf7d5 Signed-off-by: Alexander Filippov --- setup | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/setup b/setup index 09329cda1..fb06ba629 100755 --- a/setup +++ b/setup @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ machine() { oe-init-build-env ${build_dir} if [ "$(cat conf/templateconf.cfg)" = "${tmpl}" ]; then - sed "s/^\(MACHINE\s*[?:]*\s*=\s*\).*$/\1${target}/" \ + sed "s/^\(MACHINE\s*[?:]*\s*=\s*\).*$/\1\"${target}\"/" \ -i conf/local.conf fi return -- cgit v1.2.3 From 54ca2d0421360f9182b7c535766aa9e455595adb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: George Liu Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 09:33:14 +0800 Subject: fp5280g2: Add sensor configs temperature sensors inlet and outlet of tmp112, adc voltage sensors and fan-tach sensors. Tested: Built fp5280g2 board and loaded on the target hardware successfully and manually verified via DBUS interface. (From meta-inspur rev: f3c4afcb935e605f727e0552842e418db4eef6fc) Signed-off-by: George Liu Change-Id: I231d14195bffac5451c98bfbabc4ecd836aead67 Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@0/tmp112@4a.conf | 5 + .../i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@1/tmp112@4a.conf | 5 + .../i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@2/tmp112@4a.conf | 5 + .../ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@48.conf | 5 + .../ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@49.conf | 5 + .../ahb/apb/pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000.conf | 17 ++++ .../obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon-battery.conf | 9 ++ .../phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon.conf | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++ .../sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend | 19 ++++ 9 files changed, 179 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@0/tmp112@4a.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@1/tmp112@4a.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@2/tmp112@4a.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@48.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@49.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon-battery.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon.conf create mode 100644 meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@0/tmp112@4a.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@0/tmp112@4a.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3f0260bfe --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@0/tmp112@4a.conf @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "psu_inlet" +WARNHI_temp1 = "63000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "65000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@1/tmp112@4a.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@1/tmp112@4a.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7390e7747 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@1/tmp112@4a.conf @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "ocp_zone" +WARNHI_temp1 = "63000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "65000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@2/tmp112@4a.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@2/tmp112@4a.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..642b3d83d --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@2/tmp112@4a.conf @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "bmc_zone" +WARNHI_temp1 = "120000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "125000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@48.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@48.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4189ab342 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@48.conf @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "inlet" +WARNHI_temp1 = "40000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "42000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@49.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@49.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..615a1cbc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@49.conf @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +LABEL_temp1 = "outlet" +WARNHI_temp1 = "68000" +WARNLO_temp1 = "0" +CRITHI_temp1 = "70000" +CRITLO_temp1 = "0" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8835411fb --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/ahb/apb/pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000.conf @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +LABEL_fan1 = "fan0_0" +LABEL_fan2 = "fan0_1" +LABEL_fan3 = "fan1_0" +LABEL_fan4 = "fan1_1" +LABEL_fan5 = "fan2_0" +LABEL_fan6 = "fan2_1" +LABEL_fan7 = "fan3_0" +LABEL_fan8 = "fan3_1" + +PWM_TARGET_fan1 = "1" +PWM_TARGET_fan2 = "1" +PWM_TARGET_fan3 = "2" +PWM_TARGET_fan4 = "2" +PWM_TARGET_fan5 = "3" +PWM_TARGET_fan6 = "3" +PWM_TARGET_fan7 = "4" +PWM_TARGET_fan8 = "4" diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon-battery.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon-battery.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ef4a957b --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon-battery.conf @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +LABEL_in1=p3v_bat +GAIN_in1=3.00 +MINVALUE_in1=2300 +MAXVALUE_in1=5500 +# The battery read is controlled by S5 +GPIOCHIP_in1=0 +GPIO_in1=149 +# Sleep in microseconds (stored into a uint64_t) +INTERVAL=86400000000 diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon.conf b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon.conf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..09a32d36a --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon/obmc/hwmon/iio-hwmon.conf @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +LABEL_in1=P3V3 +GAIN_in1=2.47 +WARNHI_in1=3531 +WARNLO_in1=3069 +CRITHI_in1=3630 +CRITLO_in1=2970 +MINVALUE_in1=3135 +MAXVALUE_in1=3465 +LABEL_in2=P5V +GAIN_in2=4.30 +WARNHI_in2=5350 +WARNLO_in2=4650 +CRITHI_in2=5500 +CRITLO_in2=4500 +MINVALUE_in2=4750 +MAXVALUE_in2=5250 +LABEL_in3=P12V +GAIN_in3=9.22 +WARNHI_in3=12840 +WARNLO_in3=11160 +CRITHI_in3=13200 +CRITLO_in3=10800 +MINVALUE_in3=11400 +MAXVALUE_in3=12600 +LABEL_in4=PVDD_CPU0 +WARNHI_in4=1177 +WARNLO_in4=558 +CRITHI_in4=1210 +CRITLO_in4=540 +MINVALUE_in4=600 +MAXVALUE_in4=1100 +LABEL_in5=PVDD_CPU1 +WARNHI_in5=1177 +WARNLO_in5=558 +CRITHI_in5=1210 +CRITLO_in5=540 +MINVALUE_in5=600 +MAXVALUE_in5=1100 +LABEL_in6=PVCS_CPU0 +WARNHI_in6=1177 +WARNLO_in6=893 +CRITHI_in6=1210 +CRITLO_in6=864 +MINVALUE_in6=960 +MAXVALUE_in6=1100 +LABEL_in7=PVCS_CPU1 +WARNHI_in7=1177 +WARNLO_in7=893 +CRITHI_in7=1210 +CRITLO_in7=864 +MINVALUE_in7=960 +MAXVALUE_in7=1100 +LABEL_in8=PVDN_CPU0 +WARNHI_in8=1177 +WARNLO_in8=605 +CRITHI_in8=1210 +CRITLO_in8=585 +MINVALUE_in8=650 +MAXVALUE_in8=1100 +LABEL_in9=PVDN_CPU1 +WARNHI_in9=1177 +WARNLO_in9=605 +CRITHI_in9=1210 +CRITLO_in9=585 +MINVALUE_in9=650 +MAXVALUE_in9=1100 +LABEL_in10=PVIO_CPU0 +WARNHI_in10=1124 +WARNLO_in10=977 +CRITHI_in10=1155 +CRITLO_in10=945 +MINVALUE_in10=998 +MAXVALUE_in10=1103 +LABEL_in11=PVIO_CPU1 +WARNHI_in11=1124 +WARNLO_in11=977 +CRITHI_in11=1155 +CRITLO_in11=945 +MINVALUE_in11=998 +MAXVALUE_in11=1103 +LABEL_in12=PVDDQ_CPU0_CH01 +WARNHI_in12=1284 +WARNLO_in12=1116 +CRITHI_in12=1320 +CRITLO_in12=1080 +MINVALUE_in12=1140 +MAXVALUE_in12=1260 +LABEL_in13=PVDDQ_CPU0_CH67 +WARNHI_in13=1284 +WARNLO_in13=1116 +CRITHI_in13=1320 +CRITLO_in13=1080 +MINVALUE_in13=1140 +MAXVALUE_in13=1260 +LABEL_in14=PVDDQ_CPU1_CH01 +WARNHI_in14=1284 +WARNLO_in14=1116 +CRITHI_in14=1320 +CRITLO_in14=1080 +MINVALUE_in14=1140 +MAXVALUE_in14=1260 +LABEL_in15=PVDDQ_CPU1_CH67 +WARNHI_in15=1284 +WARNLO_in15=1116 +CRITHI_in15=1320 +CRITLO_in15=1080 +MINVALUE_in15=1140 +MAXVALUE_in15=1260 + diff --git a/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2aeb2c6c --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-inspur/meta-fp5280g2/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" + +EXTRA_OECONF_append_fp5280g2= " --enable-negative-errno-on-fail" + +CHIPS = " \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@48 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/tmp112@49 \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@0/tmp112@4a \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@1/tmp112@4a \ + bus@1e78a000/i2c-bus@c0/i2c-switch@70/i2c@2/tmp112@4a \ + pwm-tacho-controller@1e786000 \ + " +ITEMSFMT = "ahb/apb/{0}.conf" + +ITEMS = "${@compose_list(d, 'ITEMSFMT', 'CHIPS')}" +ITEMS += "iio-hwmon.conf iio-hwmon-battery.conf" + +ENVS = "obmc/hwmon/{0}" +SYSTEMD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE_${PN} += "${@compose_list(d, 'ENVS', 'ITEMS')}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From e791d7e3247b6891f17eb40c474b4e64a07ac2ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 08:45:08 -0500 Subject: Fix bmcweb append in openpower Tested: Booted up Romulus in QEMU and verified the following: - bmcweb started without error - Redfish command to view dbus event logs worked (From meta-openpower rev: 3169d777af83bc2e8ede83d28168c20155924d2a) Change-Id: I03828b46b83721e7e63d2a2670c113ffd08a51ce Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/bmcweb/bmcweb_%.bbappend | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/bmcweb/bmcweb_%.bbappend b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/bmcweb/bmcweb_%.bbappend index 0765ddffb..1035bf169 100644 --- a/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/bmcweb/bmcweb_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openpower/recipes-phosphor/bmcweb/bmcweb_%.bbappend @@ -1 +1 @@ -EXTRA_OECMAKE_df-openpower += "-DBMCWEB_ENABLE_REDFISH_DBUS_LOG_ENTRIES=ON" +EXTRA_OECMAKE_append_df-openpower = " -DBMCWEB_ENABLE_REDFISH_DBUS_LOG_ENTRIES=ON" -- cgit v1.2.3 From b311d5182252f1cbab2c08d054a5e8defb688bb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 01:00:56 +0000 Subject: intel-dbus-interfaces: srcrev bump 2b8f89f587..b5f2dd444c Chen,Yugang (1): Add NMI source Property Richard Marian Thomaiyar (1): intel-dbus-intf: Adding Richard as maintainer (From meta-intel rev: 06cb787fb6134565a61f953900a21ab2bc5203c2) Change-Id: I40f72d927f5bbb6633cf79c1a2fd2586e78bfb4d Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- .../meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-intel/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/ b/meta-intel/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/ index d91edde40..76fb67dc3 100644 --- a/meta-intel/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/ +++ b/meta-intel/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ DEPENDS += "autoconf-archive-native" DEPENDS += "sdbus++-native" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "2b8f89f5876c5a97a34cdf922729d4283d5f2627" +SRCREV = "b5f2dd444c5d3808d005452417e4ae2ea28624ff" DEPENDS_remove_class-native = "sdbus++-native" DEPENDS_remove_class-nativesdk = "sdbus++-native" -- cgit v1.2.3 From f3b2f5e9e3e0fe093d5ab1e3dcdede0aa3000450 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Geissler Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 16:20:57 +0000 Subject: intel-ipmi-oem: srcrev bump b1cc61d2a0..529d415fec Deepak Kumar Sahu (1): SmbiosMdrv2Handler: Move MDRII_DATA_START, MDRII_DATA_DONE to new API. Jason M. Bills (5): Add hooks to route BIOS events to Redfish Add a default message for IPMI SEL entries added by command Print default values for invalid system SEL entries Fix IPMI SEL sensor numbers Return current BMC time for the Get SEL Time command Vernon Mauery (2): remove extra build stuff from externalproject Add Restore Configuration command jayaprakash Mutyala (1): smbiosmdrv2handler: move mdr2 Agent status and send data info offer to new API (From meta-intel rev: bf5c48c830a56f4c54112829502ebcf484ce13af) Change-Id: Ib8bd219ef00515e11e5df3b7c8b0247e65aaf813 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop --- meta-intel/meta-common/recipes-intel/ipmi/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/meta-intel/meta-common/recipes-intel/ipmi/ b/meta-intel/meta-common/recipes-intel/ipmi/ index 139be0251..abbb06c81 100755 --- a/meta-intel/meta-common/recipes-intel/ipmi/ +++ b/meta-intel/meta-common/recipes-intel/ipmi/ @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=a6a4edad4aed50f39a66d098d74b265b" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "b1cc61d2a0f0d36169915349476e96b006d058a5" +SRCREV = "529d415fec12ae7b8981f1a4806722552ad67ebf" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2c7e8f4ce61f2e0407c37e98e22bbb13e562b414 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ed Tanous Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 15:53:56 -0700 Subject: Update to internal 6-18-19 Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous --- meta-openbmc-mods/conf/machine/include/ | 2 +- .../0001-arm-dts-add-DTS-for-Intel-platforms.patch | 4 +- .../linux/linux-aspeed/intel-ast2500.cfg | 2 - .../entity-manager/CYP-baseboard.json | 21 +- .../entity-manager/FCXXPDBASSMBL_PDB.json | 2 +- .../entity-manager/OPB2RH-Chassis.json | 36 +- .../entity-manager/TNP-baseboard.json | 118 +- .../configuration/entity-manager/WC-Baseboard.json | 8 + .../configuration/entity-manager/WP-Baseboard.json | 17 +- .../recipes-phosphor/workbook/ | 2 +- .../classes/obmc-phosphor-image-common.bbclass | 1 - ...t-for-128MB-Macronix-spi-flash-MX66L1G45G.patch | 28 - ...17-Enable-Macronix-and-Micron-SPI-support.patch | 54 - ...-for-Macronix-and-Micron-1Gbits-SPI-flash.patch | 73 -- .../files/0022-KCS-driver-support-in-uBoot.patch | 45 +- ...I-command-handler-implementation-in-uboot.patch | 29 +- ...IPMI-commands-and-flash-support-in-u-boot.patch | 1271 ++++++++++++++++++++ .../recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-aspeed_%.bbappend | 19 +- .../u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils-aspeed_%.bbappend | 51 +- .../recipes-core/at-scale-debug/ | 2 +- .../files/ | 4 +- .../recipes-core/crashdump/ | 2 +- .../recipes-core/ipmi/intel-ipmi-oem_%.bbappend | 2 +- .../recipes-core/os-release/os-release.bbappend | 1 - .../recipes-core/peci-pcie/ | 2 +- .../systemd/systemd/systemd-time-wait-sync.service | 36 + .../systemd/systemd/systemd-timesyncd.service | 53 + .../recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend | 5 + .../sdbusplus/sdbusplus_%.bbappend | 2 +- .../recipes-intel/psu-manager/ | 26 + .../recipes-intel/smbios/ | 2 +- .../recipes-intel/smbios/ | 2 +- .../0052-drivers-jtag-Add-JTAG-core-driver.patch | 64 +- ...dd-Aspeed-SoC-24xx-and-25xx-families-JTAG.patch | 62 +- ...-Documentation-jtag-Add-ABI-documentation.patch | 32 +- ...d-remove-source-buffer-allocation-before-.patch | 75 -- ...d-use-different-delays-for-triggering-VE-.patch | 60 - ...eed-add-a-workaround-to-fix-a-silicon-bug.patch | 68 -- ...-aspeed-fix-master-pending-state-handling.patch | 55 + ...c-aspeed-add-buffer-mode-transfer-support.patch | 770 ++++++++++++ .../recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend | 5 +- .../configuration/entity-manager_%.bbappend | 2 +- | 57 + .../dbus/phosphor-dbus-interfaces_%.bbappend | 3 +- .../fans/phosphor-pid-control_%.bbappend | 2 +- .../recipes-phosphor/gpiodaemon/ | 2 +- .../recipes-phosphor/interfaces/bmcweb_%.bbappend | 2 +- ...he-pre-timeout-interrupt-in-dbus-property.patch | 140 +++ .../ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host_%.bbappend | 3 +- .../ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-kcs/99-ipmi-kcs.rules | 2 + .../ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-kcs_%.bbappend | 11 +- .../ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-net_%.bbappend | 2 +- .../multi-node-manager/ | 2 +- .../sensors/dbus-sensors_%.bbappend | 2 +- .../recipes-phosphor/settings/ | 20 + .../special-mode-mgr/ | 4 +- .../srvcfg-manager/ | 2 +- .../recipes-phosphor/system/ | 2 +- .../users/phosphor-user-manager_%.bbappend | 2 +- ...-log-support-for-IPMI-watchdog-pre-timeou.patch | 48 + .../watchdog/phosphor-watchdog_%.bbappend | 1 + .../webui/phosphor-webui_%.bbappend | 2 +- .../meta-wolfpass/conf/local.conf.sample | 2 - 63 files changed, 2842 insertions(+), 584 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0016-Add-support-for-128MB-Macronix-spi-flash-MX66L1G45G.patch delete mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0017-Enable-Macronix-and-Micron-SPI-support.patch delete mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0018-Add-support-for-Macronix-and-Micron-1Gbits-SPI-flash.patch create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0029-FFUJ-FW-IPMI-commands-and-flash-support-in-u-boot.patch mode change 120000 => 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils-aspeed_%.bbappend create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/systemd-time-wait-sync.service create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/systemd-timesyncd.service create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/psu-manager/ delete mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0059-media-aspeed-remove-source-buffer-allocation-before-.patch delete mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0060-media-aspeed-use-different-delays-for-triggering-VE-.patch delete mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0062-media-aspeed-add-a-workaround-to-fix-a-silicon-bug.patch create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0065-i2c-aspeed-fix-master-pending-state-handling.patch create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0066-i2c-aspeed-add-buffer-mode-transfer-support.patch create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/0024-Add-the-pre-timeout-interrupt-defined-in-IPMI-spec.patch create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/0063-Save-the-pre-timeout-interrupt-in-dbus-property.patch create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-kcs/99-ipmi-kcs.rules create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/settings/ create mode 100644 meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/phosphor-watchdog/0003-Add-redfish-log-support-for-IPMI-watchdog-pre-timeou.patch diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/conf/machine/include/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/conf/machine/include/ index 236ccb768..588a71bbf 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/conf/machine/include/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/conf/machine/include/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-chassis-mgmt = "packagegroup-intel-apps" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-fan-mgmt = "packagegroup-intel-apps" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-flash-mgmt = "packagegroup-intel-apps" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-system-mgmt = "packagegroup-intel-apps" -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-host-ctl ?= "obmc-op-control-host" +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-host-ctl ?= "" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-inventory-data = "entity-manager" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-led-manager-config-native ?= "intel-led-manager-config-native" #PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/obmc-gpio-monitor ?= "phosphor-gpio-monitor" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0001-arm-dts-add-DTS-for-Intel-platforms.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0001-arm-dts-add-DTS-for-Intel-platforms.patch index 978489110..88a9c5624 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0001-arm-dts-add-DTS-for-Intel-platforms.patch +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0001-arm-dts-add-DTS-for-Intel-platforms.patch @@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ index 0000000..421699c + /*C0-C7*/ "","","","","","","","", + /*D0-D7*/ "","","","","","","","", + /*E0-E7*/ "RESET_BUTTON","RESET_OUT","POWER_BUTTON","POWER_OUT","","","","", -+ /*F0-F7*/ "","","","","","","","", -+ /*G0-G7*/ "","","","","","","","", ++ /*F0-F7*/ "","","","","CPU_ERR0","CPU_ERR1","","", ++ /*G0-G7*/ "CPU_ERR2","CPU_CATERR","","","","","","", + /*H0-H7*/ "","","","","","","","", + /*I0-I7*/ "","","","","","","","", + /*J0-J7*/ "","","","","","","","", diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/intel-ast2500.cfg b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/intel-ast2500.cfg index 480d4cc18..155ba3ae4 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/intel-ast2500.cfg +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/intel-ast2500.cfg @@ -52,9 +52,7 @@ CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_MASS_STORAGE=y CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_FS=y CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_HID=y CONFIG_ASPEED_UART_ROUTING=y -CONFIG_DEVMEM=y CONFIG_ASPEED_VGA_SHAREDMEM=y -CONFIG_DEVMEM_BOOTPARAM=n CONFIG_PWM=y CONFIG_PWM_FTTMR010=y CONFIG_INPUT_MISC=y diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/CYP-baseboard.json b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/CYP-baseboard.json index 271881706..2bbaa0238 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/CYP-baseboard.json +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/CYP-baseboard.json @@ -289,8 +289,9 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 9, - "Name": "PVCCIN_CPU1", + "Name": "PVCCIN_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", "ScaleFactor": 0.7505, "Thresholds": [ @@ -322,8 +323,9 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 10, - "Name": "PVDQ_ABCD_CPU0", + "Name": "PVDQ_ABCD_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", "Thresholds": [ { @@ -354,8 +356,9 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 11, - "Name": "PVDQ_EFGH_CPU0", + "Name": "PVDQ_EFGH_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", "Thresholds": [ { @@ -386,8 +389,9 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 12, - "Name": "PVDQ_ABCD_CPU1", + "Name": "PVDQ_ABCD_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", "Thresholds": [ { @@ -418,8 +422,9 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 13, - "Name": "PVDQ_EFGH_CPU1", + "Name": "PVDQ_EFGH_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", "Thresholds": [ { @@ -450,8 +455,9 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 14, - "Name": "PVCCIO_CPU0", + "Name": "PVCCIO_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", "Thresholds": [ { @@ -482,8 +488,9 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 15, - "Name": "PVCCIO_CPU1", + "Name": "PVCCIO_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", "Thresholds": [ { diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/FCXXPDBASSMBL_PDB.json b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/FCXXPDBASSMBL_PDB.json index 22f8b1c6d..84ff6f12f 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/FCXXPDBASSMBL_PDB.json +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/FCXXPDBASSMBL_PDB.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "Address": "0x18", "Bus": "$bus", "Name": "Multi Node Presence Detector", - "Type": "MultiNode" + "Type": "MultiNodePresence" }, { "Address": "0x48", diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/OPB2RH-Chassis.json 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Chassis", @@ -16,4 +46,4 @@ "PartNumber": "R1234", "SerialNumber": "12345" } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/TNP-baseboard.json b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/TNP-baseboard.json index 75cd39719..39e101e77 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/TNP-baseboard.json +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/TNP-baseboard.json @@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 8, "Name": "PVCCIN_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -258,6 +259,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 9, "Name": "PVCCIN_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -291,6 +293,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 14, "Name": "PVCCIO_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -323,6 +326,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 15, "Name": "PVCCIO_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -355,6 +359,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 10, "Name": "PVDQ_ABCD_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -387,6 +392,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 12, "Name": "PVDQ_ABCD_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -419,6 +425,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 11, "Name": "PVDQ_EFGH_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -451,6 +458,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 13, "Name": "PVDQ_EFGH_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -1679,14 +1687,12 @@ "Type": "IpmbSensor" }, { - "BindGpioNodeID": "Node ID GPIO 0", - "Name": "Multi Node ID 0", - "Type": "MultiNode" - }, - { - "BindGpioNodeID": "Node ID GPIO 1", - "Name": "Multi Node ID 1", - "Type": "MultiNode" + "GpioPins": [ + 27, + 26 + ], + "Name": "Multi Node ID", + "Type": "MultiNodeID" }, { "Address": "0x71", @@ -1700,52 +1706,6 @@ "Name": "M.2 Mux", "Type": "PCA9543Mux" }, - { - "Address": "0x30", - "Bus": 0, - "CpuID": 1, - "Name": "Xeon CPU 1", - "Thresholds": [ - { - "Direction": "greater than", - "Label": "DIMM", - "Name": "upper critical", - "Severity": 1, - "Value": 99 - }, - { - "Direction": "greater than", - "Label": "DIMM", - "Name": "upper non critical", - "Severity": 0, - "Value": 89 - } - ], - "Type": "XeonCPU" - }, - { - "Address": "0x31", - "Bus": 0, - "CpuID": 2, - "Name": "Xeon CPU 2", - "Thresholds": [ - { - "Direction": "greater than", - "Label": "DIMM", - "Name": "upper critical", - "Severity": 1, - "Value": 99 - }, - { - "Direction": "greater than", - "Label": "DIMM", - "Name": "upper non critical", - "Severity": 0, - "Value": 89 - } - ], - "Type": "XeonCPU" - }, { "Address": "0x4E", "Bus": 6, @@ -1809,16 +1769,62 @@ } ], "Type": "TMP75" + }, + { + "Address": "0x30", + "Bus": 0, + "CpuID": 1, + "Name": "CPU 1", + "Thresholds": [ + { + "Direction": "greater than", + "Label": "DIMM", + "Name": "upper critical", + "Severity": 1, + "Value": 99 + }, + { + "Direction": "greater than", + "Label": "DIMM", + "Name": "upper non critical", + "Severity": 0, + "Value": 89 + } + ], + "Type": "XeonCPU" + }, + { + "Address": "0x31", + "Bus": 0, + "CpuID": 2, + "Name": "CPU 2", + "Thresholds": [ + { + "Direction": "greater than", + "Label": "DIMM", + "Name": "upper critical", + "Severity": 1, + "Value": 99 + }, + { + "Direction": "greater than", + "Label": "DIMM", + "Name": "upper non critical", + "Severity": 0, + "Value": 89 + } + ], + "Type": "XeonCPU" } ], "Name": "TNP Baseboard", "Probe": "xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice({'PRODUCT_PRODUCT_NAME': '.*TNP'})", - "Type": "Board", "ProductId": 153, + "Type": "Board", "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset": { "Manufacturer": "$PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER", "Model": "$PRODUCT_PRODUCT_NAME", "PartNumber": "$PRODUCT_PART_NUMBER", "SerialNumber": "$PRODUCT_SERIAL_NUMBER" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/WC-Baseboard.json b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/WC-Baseboard.json index 982dade40..ce98132d6 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/WC-Baseboard.json +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/WC-Baseboard.json @@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 8, "Name": "PVCCIN_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -228,6 +229,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 9, "Name": "PVCCIN_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -261,6 +263,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 14, "Name": "PVCCIO_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -293,6 +296,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 15, "Name": "PVCCIO_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -325,6 +329,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 10, "Name": "PVDQ_ABC_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -357,6 +362,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 12, "Name": "PVDQ_ABC_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -389,6 +395,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 11, "Name": "PVDQ_DEF_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -421,6 +428,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 13, "Name": "PVDQ_DEF_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/WP-Baseboard.json b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/WP-Baseboard.json index bdf6b7d9c..923924a0b 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/WP-Baseboard.json +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager/WP-Baseboard.json @@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 8, "Name": "PVCCIN_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -228,6 +229,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 9, "Name": "PVCCIN_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -261,6 +263,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 14, "Name": "PVCCIO_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -293,6 +296,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 15, "Name": "PVCCIO_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -325,6 +329,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 10, "Name": "PVDQ_ABC_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -357,6 +362,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 12, "Name": "PVDQ_ABC_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -389,6 +395,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 1, "Index": 11, "Name": "PVDQ_DEF_CPU1", "PowerState": "On", @@ -421,6 +428,7 @@ "Type": "ADC" }, { + "CPURequired": 2, "Index": 13, "Name": "PVDQ_DEF_CPU2", "PowerState": "On", @@ -654,13 +662,6 @@ "Polarity": "Low", "Type": "Gpio" }, - { - "Direction": "Input", - "Index": 40, - "Name": "NMI Input", - "Polarity": "Low", - "Type": "Gpio" - }, { "Direction": "Input", "Index": 49, @@ -2030,4 +2031,4 @@ "PartNumber": "$PRODUCT_PART_NUMBER", "SerialNumber": "$PRODUCT_SERIAL_NUMBER" } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/workbook/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/workbook/ index c91053536..ead62f47e 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/workbook/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-ast2500/recipes-phosphor/workbook/ @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ inherit config-in-skeleton LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${INTELBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" SRCREV = "946064239016e38cd1cc346047b1d26960c06cdb" -SKELETON_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh;branch=intel" +SKELETON_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh;branch=intel" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-image-common.bbclass b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-image-common.bbclass index 1520cb7b9..4ad3b2b92 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-image-common.bbclass +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/classes/obmc-phosphor-image-common.bbclass @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \ dtoverlay \ entity-manager \ ipmitool \ - ipmi-providers \ intel-ipmi-oem \ phosphor-ipmi-ipmb \ phosphor-node-manager-proxy \ diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0016-Add-support-for-128MB-Macronix-spi-flash-MX66L1G45G.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0016-Add-support-for-128MB-Macronix-spi-flash-MX66L1G45G.patch deleted file mode 100644 index cc1e56fdb..000000000 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0016-Add-support-for-128MB-Macronix-spi-flash-MX66L1G45G.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -From 8992df8f3a0f5fc16ec41ad6dd7a5a13e6f94d32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Vernon Mauery -Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2018 16:13:15 -0800 -Subject: [PATCH] Add support for 128MB Macronix spi flash MX66L1G45G - -This will enable u-boot support for the Macronix MX66L1G45G part. - -Change-Id: I5edc69357a8b1607c5c44e53bed3eddf38fdc0be -Signed-off-by: Vernon Mauery ---- - drivers/mtd/spi/sf_params.c | 1 + - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) - -diff --git a/drivers/mtd/spi/sf_params.c b/drivers/mtd/spi/sf_params.c -index c577d9ed6c..d2a96efe48 100644 ---- a/drivers/mtd/spi/sf_params.c -+++ b/drivers/mtd/spi/sf_params.c -@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ const struct spi_flash_params spi_flash_params_table[] = { - {"MX25L12805", 0xc22018, 0x0, 64 * 1024, 256, RD_FULL, WR_QPP}, - {"MX25L25635F", 0xc22019, 0x0, 64 * 1024, 512, RD_FULL, WR_QPP}, - {"MX25L51235F", 0xc2201a, 0x0, 64 * 1024, 1024, RD_FULL, WR_QPP}, -+ {"MX66L1G45G", 0xc2201b, 0x0, 64 * 1024, 2048, RD_FULL, SECT_4K|WR_QPP}, - {"MX25L12855E", 0xc22618, 0x0, 64 * 1024, 256, RD_FULL, WR_QPP}, - #endif - #ifdef CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_SPANSION /* SPANSION */ --- -2.17.1 - diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0017-Enable-Macronix-and-Micron-SPI-support.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0017-Enable-Macronix-and-Micron-SPI-support.patch deleted file mode 100644 index b26803c95..000000000 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0017-Enable-Macronix-and-Micron-SPI-support.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -From 8415002a2e77a41831b3064dae264f60996ac88a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Jae Hyun Yoo -Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 15:07:09 -0800 -Subject: [PATCH] Enable Macronix and Micron SPI support - -This commit enables Macronix and Micron SPI support. - -Signed-off-by: Jae Hyun Yoo ---- - configs/ast_g5_ncsi_2boot_defconfig | 2 ++ - configs/ast_g5_ncsi_defconfig | 2 ++ - configs/ast_g5_phy_defconfig | 2 ++ - 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+) - -diff --git a/configs/ast_g5_ncsi_2boot_defconfig b/configs/ast_g5_ncsi_2boot_defconfig -index d5b7894a9e00..abceed817615 100644 ---- a/configs/ast_g5_ncsi_2boot_defconfig -+++ b/configs/ast_g5_ncsi_2boot_defconfig -@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ CONFIG_FIT_VERBOSE=y - CONFIG_HUSH_PARSER=y - CONFIG_OF_LIBFDT=y - CONFIG_SPI_FLASH=y -+CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_MACRONIX=y -+CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_STMICRO=y - CONFIG_SYS_NS16550=y - CONFIG_FIRMWARE_2ND_BOOT=y - CONFIG_AUTOBOOT=y -diff --git a/configs/ast_g5_ncsi_defconfig b/configs/ast_g5_ncsi_defconfig -index 9481e5fb6e9d..3f504a325649 100644 ---- a/configs/ast_g5_ncsi_defconfig -+++ b/configs/ast_g5_ncsi_defconfig -@@ -10,5 +10,7 @@ CONFIG_FIT_VERBOSE=y - CONFIG_HUSH_PARSER=y - CONFIG_OF_LIBFDT=y - CONFIG_SPI_FLASH=y -+CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_MACRONIX=y -+CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_STMICRO=y - CONFIG_SYS_NS16550=y - CONFIG_USE_IRQ=y -diff --git a/configs/ast_g5_phy_defconfig b/configs/ast_g5_phy_defconfig -index 4aefcf49e880..8f0919043376 100644 ---- a/configs/ast_g5_phy_defconfig -+++ b/configs/ast_g5_phy_defconfig -@@ -11,5 +11,7 @@ CONFIG_FIT_VERBOSE=y - CONFIG_HUSH_PARSER=y - CONFIG_OF_LIBFDT=y - CONFIG_SPI_FLASH=y -+CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_MACRONIX=y -+CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_STMICRO=y - CONFIG_SYS_NS16550=y - CONFIG_USE_IRQ=y --- -2.7.4 - diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0018-Add-support-for-Macronix-and-Micron-1Gbits-SPI-flash.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0018-Add-support-for-Macronix-and-Micron-1Gbits-SPI-flash.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 2ed297a96..000000000 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0018-Add-support-for-Macronix-and-Micron-1Gbits-SPI-flash.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -From 0039c15251a7fcf60154d59933a11d9e17b04d5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Jae Hyun Yoo -Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 18:49:04 -0800 -Subject: [PATCH] Add support for Macronix and Micron 1Gbits SPI flash - -Quick fix to support Macronix and Micron 1Gbits SPI. - -Signed-off-by: Jae Hyun Yoo ---- - arch/arm/mach-aspeed/flash.c | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- - 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-aspeed/flash.c b/arch/arm/mach-aspeed/flash.c -index dece4315d755..2a31b6503a22 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-aspeed/flash.c -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-aspeed/flash.c -@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ flash_info_t flash_info[CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS]; /* FLASH chips info */ - #define MX25L12805D 0x1820C2 - #define MX25L25635E 0x1920C2 - #define MX66L51235F 0x1A20C2 -+#define MX66L1G45G 0x1B20C2 - #define SST25VF016B 0x4125bf - #define SST25VF064C 0x4b25bf - #define SST25VF040B 0x8d25bf -@@ -978,6 +979,35 @@ static ulong flash_get_size (ulong base, flash_info_t *info) - #endif - break; - -+ case MX66L1G45G: -+ erase_region_size = 0x10000; -+ info->readcmd = 0x0b; -+ info->dualport = 0; -+ info->dummybyte = 1; -+ info->buffersize = 256; -+ WriteClk = 50; -+ EraseClk = 20; -+ ReadClk = 50; -+#if 1 -+ info->sector_count = 2048; -+ info->size = 0x4000000; -+ info->address32 = 1; -+#if defined(CONFIG_FLASH_SPIx2_Dummy) -+ info->readcmd = 0xbb; -+ info->dummybyte = 1; -+ info->dualport = 1; -+ info->iomode = IOMODEx2_dummy; -+#elif defined(CONFIG_FLASH_SPIx4_Dummy) -+ info->readcmd = 0xeb; -+ info->dummybyte = 3; -+ info->dualport = 0; -+ info->iomode = IOMODEx4_dummy; -+ info->quadport = 1; -+ info->dummydata = 0xaa; -+#endif -+#endif -+ break; -+ - case MX25L12805D: - info->sector_count = 256; - info->size = 0x1000000; -@@ -1093,7 +1123,8 @@ static ulong flash_get_size (ulong base, flash_info_t *info) - info->readcmd = 0x0b; - info->dualport = 0; - info->dummybyte = 1; -- info->buffersize = 1; -+ info->buffersize = 256; -+ info->address32 = 1; - WriteClk = 50; - EraseClk = 25; - ReadClk = 50; --- -2.7.4 - diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0022-KCS-driver-support-in-uBoot.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0022-KCS-driver-support-in-uBoot.patch index 79028d2a1..c79b2f2dc 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0022-KCS-driver-support-in-uBoot.patch +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0022-KCS-driver-support-in-uBoot.patch @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -From 16209364c27a0cb7e2b7fdd445942f68e9180263 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From b11377c73c85bdee1975402084c3760b70cc99c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: AppaRao Puli Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 14:28:05 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] KCS driver support in uBoot @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli --- board/aspeed/ast-g5/Makefile | 1 + board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-intel.c | 3 + - board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c | 425 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.h | 114 ++++++++++ - 4 files changed, 543 insertions(+) + board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c | 420 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.h | 112 ++++++++++ + 4 files changed, 536 insertions(+) create mode 100644 board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c create mode 100644 board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.h @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ index 9022433..05972b9 100644 obj-y += ast-g5-timer.o +obj-y += ast-g5-kcs.o diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-intel.c b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-intel.c -index f810a40..f9955c7 100644 +index 409b1a7..41d41ea 100644 --- a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-intel.c +++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-intel.c @@ -437,6 +437,7 @@ static void pwm_init(void) @@ -66,16 +66,15 @@ index f810a40..f9955c7 100644 } diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..f983b4a +index 0000000..7bff26f --- /dev/null +++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c -@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@ +@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation + +#include "ast-g5-kcs.h" + -+#define DEBUG_KCS_ENABLED 0 +#ifdef DEBUG_KCS_ENABLED +#define DBG_KCS printf +#else @@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ index 0000000..f983b4a + } + + /* very unlike code hits here. */ -+ printf("ERROR: %s error. ChannelNo: %d\n", __func__, channel_num); ++ DBG_KCS("ERROR: %s error. ChannelNo: %d\n", __func__, channel_num); + BUG(); +} + @@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ index 0000000..f983b4a + struct kcs_packet *kcs_pkt = NULL; + + kcs_pkt = get_kcs_packet(channel_num); -+ printf("ERROR: KCS communication aborted (Channel:%d, Error:%d)\n", ++ DBG_KCS("ERROR: KCS communication aborted (Channel:%d, Error:%d)\n", + channel_num, kcs_pkt->error); + set_kcs_state(channel_num, KCS_STATE_ERROR); + read_data(channel_num); @@ -176,6 +175,7 @@ index 0000000..f983b4a +static void process_kcs_request(u16 channel_num) +{ + struct kcs_packet *kcs_pkt = NULL; ++ int i; + + kcs_pkt = get_kcs_packet(channel_num); + if (!kcs_pkt->read_req_done) @@ -184,8 +184,6 @@ index 0000000..f983b4a + DBG_KCS("%s:- chan:%d\n", __func__, channel_num); + +#ifdef DEBUG_KCS_ENABLED -+ int i; -+ + DBG_KCS("Request data(Len:%d): ", kcs_pkt->data_in_idx); + for (i = 0; i < kcs_pkt->data_in_idx; i++) + DBG_KCS(" 0x%02x", kcs_pkt->data_in[i]); @@ -240,8 +238,6 @@ index 0000000..f983b4a + struct kcs_packet *kcs_pkt = NULL; + + kcs_pkt = get_kcs_packet(channel_num); -+ DBG_KCS("%s:- chan:%d, kcs_pkt->phase:%d\n", __func__, channel_num, -+ kcs_pkt->phase); + + switch (kcs_pkt->phase) { + case KCS_PHASE_WRITE_START: @@ -326,7 +322,6 @@ index 0000000..f983b4a + write_data(channel_num, ZERO_DATA); + + u16 cmd = read_data(channel_num); -+ DBG_KCS("%s:- chan:%d, cmd:0x%02x\n", __func__, channel_num, cmd); + switch (cmd) { + case KCS_CTRL_CODE_WRITE_START: + init_kcs_packet(channel_num); @@ -497,10 +492,10 @@ index 0000000..f983b4a +} diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.h b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.h new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..52b5097 +index 0000000..bb697c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.h -@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation */ + @@ -515,8 +510,8 @@ index 0000000..52b5097 +/* KCS channel addresses */ +#define KCS_CHANNEL1_ADDR 0xCA0 +#define KCS_CHANNEL2_ADDR 0xCA8 -+#define KCS_CHANNEL3_ADDR 0xCA2 -+#define KCS_CHANNEL4_ADDR 0xCB2 ++#define KCS_CHANNEL3_ADDR 0xCA2 /* KCS SMS */ ++#define KCS_CHANNEL4_ADDR 0xCA4 /* KCS SMM */ + +#define ZERO_DATA 0x00 + @@ -539,6 +534,11 @@ index 0000000..52b5097 +#define LPC_STR1 0x3C /* Status Register 1 */ +#define LPC_STR2 0x40 /* Status Register 2 */ +#define LPC_STR3 0x44 /* Status Register 3 */ ++#define LPC_HICRB 0x100 /* Host Interface Control Register B */ ++#define LPC_LADR4 0x110 /* LPC channel #4 Address Register */ ++#define LPC_IDR4 0x114 /* Input Data Register 4 */ ++#define LPC_ODR4 0x118 /* Output Data Register 4 */ ++#define LPC_STR4 0x11C /* Status Data Register 4 */ + +/* LPC Bits */ +#define BIT_LADR12AS BIT(7) /* Channel Address selection */ @@ -549,15 +549,8 @@ index 0000000..52b5097 +#define BIT_LPC2E BIT(6) /* Enable LPC channel #2 */ +#define BIT_LPC3E BIT(7) /* Enable LPC channel #2 */ +#define BIT_KCSENBL BIT(2) /* Enable KCS interface in Channel #3 */ -+ -+/* mapped to lpc-host@80 IO space */ -+#define LPC_HICRB 0x080 +#define BIT_IBFIE4 BIT(1) +#define BIT_LPC4E BIT(0) -+#define LPC_LADR4 0x090 -+#define LPC_IDR4 0x094 /* Input Data Register 4 */ -+#define LPC_ODR4 0x098 /* Output Data Register 4 */ -+#define LPC_STR4 0x09c /* Status Data Register 4 */ + +#define BIT_STATUS_OBF BIT(0) /* Output Data Register full #1/#2/#3 */ +#define BIT_STATUS_IBF BIT(1) /* Input Data Register full #1/#2/#3 */ diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0024-IPMI-command-handler-implementation-in-uboot.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0024-IPMI-command-handler-implementation-in-uboot.patch index 47cb56062..9096b09b2 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0024-IPMI-command-handler-implementation-in-uboot.patch +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0024-IPMI-command-handler-implementation-in-uboot.patch @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -From d770ea7a30742339b0692858847838dd2a738aeb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From 50d3a7264fc0ecdd61ae1686839b19091b124e8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: AppaRao Puli -Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2019 17:53:21 +0530 +Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 00:19:16 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] IPMI command handler implementation in uboot IPMI command handler implemtation in uBoot. @@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ Change-Id: I18b205bc45c34f7c4ef16adc29fa5bd494624ceb Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli --- board/aspeed/ast-g5/Makefile | 1 + - board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c | 78 +++++++++++++----------- + board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c | 77 +++++++++++++----------- board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.c | 118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.h | 40 +++++++++++++ - 4 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) + 4 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) create mode 100644 board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.c create mode 100644 board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.h @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ index 05972b9..f28fcfe 100644 obj-y += ast-g5-kcs.o +obj-y += ipmi-handler.o diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c -index f983b4a..05b1cc2 100644 +index 7bff26f..98bf69b 100644 --- a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c +++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ast-g5-kcs.c @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ @@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ index f983b4a..05b1cc2 100644 -#include "ast-g5-kcs.h" +#include "ipmi-handler.h" - #define DEBUG_KCS_ENABLED 0 #ifdef DEBUG_KCS_ENABLED -@@ -10,11 +10,6 @@ + #define DBG_KCS printf +@@ -9,11 +9,6 @@ #define DBG_KCS(...) #endif @@ -63,22 +63,15 @@ index f983b4a..05b1cc2 100644 #define KCS_CHANNEL_NO_3 3 static const u16 enabled_kcs_channel[] = { KCS_CHANNEL_NO_3 }; -@@ -104,13 +99,13 @@ static void init_kcs_packet(u16 channel_num) +@@ -103,6 +98,7 @@ static void init_kcs_packet(u16 channel_num) static void process_kcs_request(u16 channel_num) { struct kcs_packet *kcs_pkt = NULL; + struct ipmi_cmd_data ipmi_data; - - kcs_pkt = get_kcs_packet(channel_num); - if (!kcs_pkt->read_req_done) - return; - - DBG_KCS("%s:- chan:%d\n", __func__, channel_num); -- - #ifdef DEBUG_KCS_ENABLED int i; -@@ -119,37 +114,49 @@ static void process_kcs_request(u16 channel_num) + kcs_pkt = get_kcs_packet(channel_num); +@@ -117,37 +113,49 @@ static void process_kcs_request(u16 channel_num) DBG_KCS(" 0x%02x", kcs_pkt->data_in[i]); DBG_KCS("\n"); #endif @@ -156,7 +149,7 @@ index f983b4a..05b1cc2 100644 #ifdef DEBUG_KCS_ENABLED DBG_KCS("Response data(Len:%d): ", kcs_pkt->data_out_len); -@@ -158,6 +165,7 @@ static void process_kcs_request(u16 channel_num) +@@ -156,6 +164,7 @@ static void process_kcs_request(u16 channel_num) DBG_KCS("\n"); #endif diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0029-FFUJ-FW-IPMI-commands-and-flash-support-in-u-boot.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0029-FFUJ-FW-IPMI-commands-and-flash-support-in-u-boot.patch new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00dbd68da --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0029-FFUJ-FW-IPMI-commands-and-flash-support-in-u-boot.patch @@ -0,0 +1,1271 @@ +From bd4a64d7ea394d0b418d491699853112229f098e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: AppaRao Puli +Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 00:53:04 +0530 +Subject: [PATCH] FFUJ: FW IPMI commands and flash support in u-boot + +Firmware update and OEM ipmi commands implementation +for supporting Force Firmware Update Jumper(FFUJ) +mode. Also added support to update the fit images +in FFUJ mode. + +Firmware update commands: +1) Get BMC Execution Context(0x23) +2) Get Firmware Update Random Number(0x26) +3) Set Firmware Update Mode(0x27) +4) Exit Firmware Update Mode(0x28) +5) Set/Get Firmware Update Control(0x29) +6) Get Firmware Update status(0x2A) +7) Set Firmware Update Options(0x2B) +8) Firmware Image Write(0x2C) + +OEM Commands: +1) Get Buffer Size(0x66) + +Tested: + - Used cmdtool.efi to test the individual commands + implementation and negative cases. + - Used debug fwpiaupd.efi tool for validating Firmware + image transfer via KCS and flashing. + +Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli +--- + arch/arm/include/asm/arch-aspeed/ast-g5-intel.h | 1 + + board/aspeed/ast-g5/Makefile | 2 + + board/aspeed/ast-g5/fw-update.c | 486 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + board/aspeed/ast-g5/fw-update.h | 50 +++ + board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-fwupd.c | 402 ++++++++++++++++++++ + board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-fwupd.h | 81 ++++ + board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.c | 66 +++- + board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.h | 3 +- + common/autoboot.c | 11 + + configs/ast_g5_phy_defconfig | 1 + + 10 files changed, 1091 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 board/aspeed/ast-g5/fw-update.c + create mode 100644 board/aspeed/ast-g5/fw-update.h + create mode 100644 board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-fwupd.c + create mode 100644 board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-fwupd.h + +diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-aspeed/ast-g5-intel.h b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-aspeed/ast-g5-intel.h +index cd9a099..a88521a 100644 +--- a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-aspeed/ast-g5-intel.h ++++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-aspeed/ast-g5-intel.h +@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ + + #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__ + int intel_force_firmware_jumper_enabled(void); ++void start_fw_update_loop(void); + #endif + + #endif /* __AST_INTEL_G5_H__ */ +diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/Makefile b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/Makefile +index f28fcfe..0b2d936 100644 +--- a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/Makefile ++++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/Makefile +@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ obj-y += ast-g5-gpio.o + obj-y += ast-g5-timer.o + obj-y += ast-g5-kcs.o + obj-y += ipmi-handler.o ++obj-y += ipmi-fwupd.o ++obj-y += fw-update.o +diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/fw-update.c b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/fw-update.c +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000..9923993 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/fw-update.c +@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@ ++// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ ++// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation ++ ++#include ++#include ++#include ++ ++#include "fw-update.h" ++ ++#define BOOTCMD_BOOTM_STR "bootm " ++#define RANDOM_NUM_TIMEOUT 30 /* in seconds */ ++#define WAIT_STATE_TIMEOUT 10000 /* 10 seconds */ ++ ++#define PROTECT_OFF 0 ++#define PROTECT_ON 1 ++ ++extern struct fwupd_global_setting g_fwupd_settings; ++extern u32 g_write_addr; ++ ++bool g_fwupd_settings_lock = false; ++unsigned long long etime; ++ ++bool fwupd_settings_trylock(void) ++{ ++ if (g_fwupd_settings_lock) ++ return false; ++ ++ g_fwupd_settings_lock = true; ++ return g_fwupd_settings_lock; ++} ++ ++void fwupd_settings_unlock(void) ++{ ++ g_fwupd_settings_lock = false; ++} ++ ++u8 get_active_boot_image(void) ++{ ++ char *bootcmd = getenv("bootcmd"); ++ char *start = strstr(bootcmd, BOOTCMD_BOOTM_STR); ++ u8 boot_image = PRIMARY_IMAGE; ++ ++ if (start) { ++ ulong boot_addr = simple_strtoul( ++ (start + strlen(BOOTCMD_BOOTM_STR)), NULL, 16); ++ if (boot_addr == SECONDARY_FITIMAGE_START_ADDR) ++ return SECONDARY_IMAGE; ++ } ++ return boot_image; ++} ++ ++static ulong get_flash_image_address(void) ++{ ++ char *bootcmd = getenv("bootcmd"); ++ char *start = strstr(bootcmd, BOOTCMD_BOOTM_STR); ++ ulong boot_addr = PRIMARY_FITIMAGE_START_ADDR; ++ ++ if (start) { ++ boot_addr = simple_strtoul((start + strlen(BOOTCMD_BOOTM_STR)), ++ NULL, 16); ++ /* We update in backup region and set the bootcmd accordingly */ ++ if (boot_addr == PRIMARY_FITIMAGE_START_ADDR) ++ boot_addr = SECONDARY_FITIMAGE_START_ADDR; ++ else ++ boot_addr = PRIMARY_FITIMAGE_START_ADDR; ++ } ++ ++ return boot_addr; ++} ++ ++static void update_processing_status(u8 status, u8 percent) ++{ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) ++ return; ++ ++ g_fwupd_settings.processing_status = status; ++ g_fwupd_settings.percentage_completion = percent; ++ ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++ return; ++} ++ ++static void reset_all_settings(void) ++{ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) ++ return; ++ ++ memset(&g_fwupd_settings, 0, sizeof(g_fwupd_settings)); ++ g_fwupd_settings.fwupd_mode_active = false; ++ g_fwupd_settings.start_update = false; ++ ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++} ++ ++unsigned int get_seed(void) ++{ ++ char seed_str[] = { "INTEL" }; ++ unsigned int seed; ++ ++ for (int i = 0; i < strlen(seed_str); i++) ++ seed += (seed_str[i] << (i * 8)); ++ ++ return seed; ++} ++ ++int generate_random_number(void) ++{ ++ srand(get_seed()); ++ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) { ++ printf("%s(): Lock failed\n", __func__); ++ return -1; ++ } ++ for (int i = 0; i < RAND_NUMBER_SIZE; i++) ++ g_fwupd_settings.rand_num[i] = (u8)(rand() & 0xFF); ++ ++ g_fwupd_settings.random_number_valid = true; ++ ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++ ++ /* Random number should be cleared after 30sec timeout */ ++ etime = endtick(RANDOM_NUM_TIMEOUT); ++ ++ return 0; ++} ++ ++static int sect_roundb(ulong *addr) ++{ ++ flash_info_t *info; ++ ulong bank, sector_end_addr; ++ char found; ++ int i; ++ ++ /* find the end addr of the sector where the *addr is */ ++ found = 0; ++ for (bank = 0; bank < CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS && !found; ++bank) { ++ info = &flash_info[bank]; ++ for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count && !found; ++i) { ++ /* get the end address of the sector */ ++ if (i == info->sector_count - 1) { ++ sector_end_addr = ++ info->start[0] + info->size - 1; ++ } else { ++ sector_end_addr = info->start[i + 1] - 1; ++ } ++ ++ if (*addr <= sector_end_addr && ++ *addr >= info->start[i]) { ++ found = 1; ++ /* adjust *addr if necessary */ ++ if (*addr < sector_end_addr) ++ *addr = sector_end_addr; ++ } /* sector */ ++ } /* bank */ ++ } ++ if (!found) { ++ /* error, address not in flash */ ++ printf("Error: end address (0x%08lx) not in flash!\n", *addr); ++ return 1; ++ } ++ ++ return 0; ++} ++ ++static int fill_flash_sect_ranges(ulong addr_first, ulong addr_last, ++ int *s_first, int *s_last, int *s_count) ++{ ++ flash_info_t *info; ++ ulong bank; ++ int rcode = 0; ++ ++ *s_count = 0; ++ ++ for (bank = 0; bank < CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS; ++bank) { ++ s_first[bank] = -1; /* first sector to erase */ ++ s_last[bank] = -1; /* last sector to erase */ ++ } ++ ++ for (bank = 0, info = &flash_info[0]; ++ (bank < CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS) && (addr_first <= addr_last); ++ ++bank, ++info) { ++ ulong b_end; ++ int sect; ++ short s_end; ++ ++ if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) ++ continue; ++ ++ b_end = info->start[0] + info->size - 1; /* bank end addr */ ++ s_end = info->sector_count - 1; /* last sector */ ++ ++ for (sect = 0; sect < info->sector_count; ++sect) { ++ ulong end; /* last address in current sect */ ++ ++ end = (sect == s_end) ? b_end : ++ info->start[sect + 1] - 1; ++ ++ if (addr_first > end) ++ continue; ++ if (addr_last < info->start[sect]) ++ continue; ++ ++ if (addr_first == info->start[sect]) ++ s_first[bank] = sect; ++ if (addr_last == end) ++ s_last[bank] = sect; ++ } ++ if (s_first[bank] >= 0) { ++ if (s_last[bank] < 0) { ++ if (addr_last > b_end) { ++ s_last[bank] = s_end; ++ } else { ++ printf("Error: end address not on sector boundary\n"); ++ rcode = 1; ++ break; ++ } ++ } ++ if (s_last[bank] < s_first[bank]) { ++ printf("Error: end sector precedes start sector\n"); ++ rcode = 1; ++ break; ++ } ++ sect = s_last[bank]; ++ addr_first = (sect == s_end) ? b_end + 1 : ++ info->start[sect + 1]; ++ (*s_count) += s_last[bank] - s_first[bank] + 1; ++ } else if (addr_first >= info->start[0] && addr_first < b_end) { ++ printf("Error: start address not on sector boundary\n"); ++ rcode = 1; ++ break; ++ } else if (s_last[bank] >= 0) { ++ printf("Error: cannot span across banks when they are mapped in reverse order\n"); ++ rcode = 1; ++ break; ++ } ++ } ++ ++ return rcode; ++} ++ ++static int protect_flash_sector(int state, ulong addr_first, ulong addr_last) ++{ ++ flash_info_t *info; ++ ulong bank; ++ int s_first[CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS], ++ s_last[CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS]; ++ int protected = 0; ++ int planned; ++ int rcode, i; ++ ++ rcode = fill_flash_sect_ranges(addr_first, addr_last, s_first, s_last, ++ &planned); ++ ++ if (planned && (rcode == 0)) { ++ for (bank = 0, info = &flash_info[0]; ++ bank < CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS; ++bank, ++info) { ++ if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) ++ continue; ++ ++ if (s_first[bank] >= 0 && ++ s_first[bank] <= s_last[bank]) { ++ debug("%sProtecting sectors %d..%d in bank %ld\n", ++ state ? "" : "Un-", s_first[bank], ++ s_last[bank], bank + 1); ++ protected ++ += s_last[bank] - s_first[bank] + 1; ++ for (i = s_first[bank]; i <= s_last[bank]; ++i) ++ info->protect[i] = state; ++ } ++ } ++ printf("%sProtected %d sectors\n", state ? "" : "Un-", ++ protected); ++ } else if (rcode == 0) { ++ printf("Error: start and/or end address not on sector boundary\n"); ++ rcode = 1; ++ } ++ ++ return rcode; ++} ++ ++static int erase_flash_sector(ulong addr_first, ulong addr_last) ++{ ++ flash_info_t *info; ++ ulong bank; ++ int s_first[CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS]; ++ int s_last[CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS]; ++ int erased = 0; ++ int planned; ++ int rcode = 0; ++ ++ rcode = fill_flash_sect_ranges(addr_first, addr_last, s_first, s_last, ++ &planned); ++ ++ if (planned && (rcode == 0)) { ++ for (bank = 0, info = &flash_info[0]; ++ (bank < CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS) && (rcode == 0); ++ ++bank, ++info) { ++ if (s_first[bank] >= 0) { ++ erased += s_last[bank] - s_first[bank] + 1; ++ debug("Erase Flash from 0x%08lx to 0x%08lx " ++ "in Bank # %ld ", ++ info->start[s_first[bank]], ++ (s_last[bank] == info->sector_count) ? ++ info->start[0] + info->size - 1 : ++ info->start[s_last[bank] + 1] - 1, ++ bank + 1); ++ rcode = flash_erase(info, s_first[bank], ++ s_last[bank]); ++ } ++ } ++ if (rcode == 0) ++ printf("Erased %d sectors\n", erased); ++ } else if (rcode == 0) { ++ printf("Error: start and/or end address not on sector boundary\n"); ++ rcode = 1; ++ } ++ ++ return rcode; ++} ++ ++static int verify_image(void) ++{ ++ ulong src_addr = IMAGE_LOAD_RAM_ADDR; ++ void *hdr = (void *)src_addr; ++ ++ printf("\n## Checking Image at 0x%08lx ...\n", src_addr); ++ /* AT the moment, we only support FIT image flash */ ++ switch (genimg_get_format(hdr)) { ++ case IMAGE_FORMAT_FIT: ++ printf(" FIT image found\n"); ++ if (!fit_check_format(hdr)) { ++ printf("Bad FIT image format!\n"); ++ return -1; ++ } ++ ++ if (!fit_all_image_verify(hdr)) { ++ printf("Bad hash in FIT image!\n"); ++ return -1; ++ } ++ break; ++ default: ++ printf("Unknown image format!\n"); ++ return -1; ++ } ++ ++ return 0; ++} ++ ++static int flash_image(void) ++{ ++ int rcode; ++ ulong max_size = MAX_FITIMAGE_SIZE; ++ ulong src_addr = IMAGE_LOAD_RAM_ADDR; ++ ulong addr_first = get_flash_image_address(); ++ ulong addr_last = addr_first + max_size - 1; ++ ++ if ((g_write_addr > max_size) || (g_write_addr == 0)) { ++ printf("ERROR: %s(): Invalid file uploaded. filesize(0x%08x)\n", ++ __func__, g_write_addr); ++ return -1; ++ } ++ ++ if (sect_roundb(&addr_last) > 0) { ++ printf("ERROR: %s(): sect_roundb failed\n", __func__); ++ return -1; ++ } ++ ++ if (addr_first >= addr_last) { ++ printf("ERROR: %s(): addr_first(0x%08lx) >= addr_last(0x%08lx)\n", ++ __func__, addr_first, addr_last); ++ return -1; ++ } ++ ++ /* Hack: To update the percentage update, ++ * treat logical division as below. ++ * Image verify - 10% ++ * Unprotecting flash sectors - 10% ++ * Erase flash sectors - 40% ++ * Copy to flash - 40% */ ++ ++ /* Unprotect the flash sectors */ ++ rcode = protect_flash_sector(PROTECT_OFF, addr_first, addr_last); ++ if (rcode != 0) { ++ printf("%s(): Protecting flash sector failed(%d).\n", __func__, ++ rcode); ++ return -1; ++ } ++ update_processing_status(IMG_PROGRAMMING, 20); ++ ++ /* erase flash sectors */ ++ rcode = erase_flash_sector(addr_first, addr_last); ++ if (rcode != 0) { ++ printf("%s(): Erasing flash sector failed(%d).\n", __func__, ++ rcode); ++ return -1; ++ } ++ update_processing_status(IMG_PROGRAMMING, 60); ++ ++ /* write to flash area */ ++ printf("Copy to Flash... "); ++ rcode = flash_write((char *)src_addr, addr_first, g_write_addr * 1); ++ if (rcode != 0) { ++ printf("%s(): Flash copy failed(%d).\n", __func__, rcode); ++ flash_perror(rcode); ++ return -1; ++ } ++ printf("done\n"); ++ return 0; ++} ++ ++void start_fw_update_loop(void) ++{ ++ int rc; ++ ulong boot_addr; ++ char boot_cmd[20]; ++ ++ while (1) { ++ if (g_fwupd_settings.random_number_valid) { ++ /* Random number should be cleared after 30seconds */ ++ if (get_ticks() >= etime) { ++ printf("Clearing random number\n"); ++ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) ++ continue; ++ memcpy(g_fwupd_settings.rand_num, 0, ++ RAND_NUMBER_SIZE); ++ g_fwupd_settings.random_number_valid = false; ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++ } ++ } ++ ++ if (g_fwupd_settings.start_update) { ++ update_processing_status(IMG_VALIDATING, 0); ++ ++ rc = verify_image(); ++ if (rc != 0) { ++ update_processing_status(UPDATE_ERROR, 100); ++ /* Adding delay to make consumer gets status */ ++ mdelay(WAIT_STATE_TIMEOUT); ++ ++ reset_all_settings(); ++ continue; ++ } ++ ++ update_processing_status(IMG_PROGRAMMING, 10); ++ ++ rc = flash_image(); ++ if (rc == 0) { ++ /* Update successful, change the boot command */ ++ boot_addr = get_flash_image_address(); ++ snprintf(boot_cmd, sizeof(boot_cmd), ++ "bootm %08x", boot_addr); ++ setenv("bootcmd", boot_cmd); ++ saveenv(); ++ ++ update_processing_status(UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL, ++ 100); ++ } else { ++ update_processing_status(UPDATE_ERROR, 100); ++ } ++ ++ /* Adding delay to make sure consumer gets status */ ++ mdelay(WAIT_STATE_TIMEOUT); ++ ++ reset_all_settings(); ++ ++ /* Reset BMC */ ++ do_reset(NULL, 0, 0, NULL); ++ } ++ mdelay(WAIT_STATE_TIMEOUT); ++ } ++ ++ return; ++} ++ ++#if 1 /* Debug purpose */ ++int do_fwupd(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *const argv[]) ++{ ++ if (argc != 1) ++ return 1; ++ ++ start_fw_update_loop(); ++ return 0; ++} ++U_BOOT_CMD(fwupd, 1, 0, do_fwupd, "Start Firmware update process", ""); ++#endif +diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/fw-update.h b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/fw-update.h +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000..ed033ad +--- /dev/null ++++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/fw-update.h +@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ ++// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 ++// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation ++ ++#include ++ ++/* SPI flash map */ ++#define MAX_FITIMAGE_SIZE 0x1B80000 ++#define PRIMARY_FITIMAGE_START_ADDR 0x20080000 ++#define SECONDARY_FITIMAGE_START_ADDR 0x22480000 ++#define IMAGE_LOAD_RAM_ADDR 0x83000000 ++ ++#define MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH 256 ++#define RAND_NUMBER_SIZE 8 ++ ++enum boot_image { ++ PRIMARY_IMAGE = 0x01, ++ SECONDARY_IMAGE = 0x02 ++}; ++ ++enum update_status { ++ INITIALIZING = 0, ++ IDLE, ++ IMG_DOWNLOADING, ++ IMG_VALIDATING, ++ IMG_PROGRAMMING, ++ UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL, ++ UPDATE_ERROR = 0x0F, ++ UPDATE_FORBIDDEN = 0x80, ++ AC_CYCLE_REQUIRED = 0x83 ++}; ++ ++struct fwupd_global_setting { ++ bool fwupd_mode_active; ++ bool start_update; ++ bool random_number_valid; ++ u8 ctrl_state; ++ u8 options_mask; ++ u8 options_value; ++ u8 processing_status; ++ u8 percentage_completion; ++ u8 integrity_check_status; ++ u8 filename_len; ++ u8 filename[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; ++ u8 rand_num[RAND_NUMBER_SIZE]; ++}; ++ ++bool fwupd_settings_trylock(void); ++void fwupd_settings_unlock(void); ++u8 get_active_boot_image(void); ++int generate_random_number(void); +diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-fwupd.c b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-fwupd.c +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000..3eba056 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-fwupd.c +@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ ++// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 ++// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation ++ ++#include "ipmi-fwupd.h" ++ ++struct fwupd_global_setting g_fwupd_settings; ++u32 g_write_addr = 0; ++ ++u16 fwupd_get_execution_ctx(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) ++{ ++ int booting_image = 0x01; ++ struct fwupd_get_exe_ctx_res *result = ++ (struct fwupd_get_exe_ctx_res *)res; ++ ++ /* Get active image location(primary/secondary) */ ++ booting_image = get_active_boot_image(); ++ result->patition_ptr = booting_image; ++ result->exection_ctx = 0x11; /* Forced Firmware Update mode */ ++ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_OK; ++ return sizeof(struct fwupd_get_exe_ctx_res); ++} ++u16 fwupd_get_rand_number(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) ++{ ++ struct fwupd_rand_num_res *result = (struct fwupd_rand_num_res *)res; ++ ++ if (req_len != 0) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request length\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* Check is critical operation is going on */ ++ if (g_fwupd_settings.start_update) { ++ printf("%s(): Update in progress.\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* Check is it already in fwupdate mode */ ++ if (g_fwupd_settings.fwupd_mode_active) { ++ printf("%s(): Already in firmware update mode\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (generate_random_number() != 0) { ++ printf("%s(): Random number generation failed\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_OK; ++ memcpy(result->rand_num, g_fwupd_settings.rand_num, RAND_NUMBER_SIZE); ++ ++ return sizeof(struct fwupd_rand_num_res); ++} ++ ++u16 fwupd_enter_update_mode(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) ++{ ++ struct fwupd_set_update_mode_res *result = ++ (struct fwupd_set_update_mode_res *)res; ++ ++ if (req_len != RAND_NUMBER_SIZE) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request length\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* Check is critical operation is going on */ ++ if (g_fwupd_settings.start_update) { ++ printf("%s(): Update in progress.\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* Check is it already in fwupdate mode */ ++ if (g_fwupd_settings.fwupd_mode_active) { ++ printf("%s(): Already in firmware update mode\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* This command should excute within 30 seconds ++ * after random number generation. */ ++ if (!g_fwupd_settings.random_number_valid) { ++ printf("%s(): No valid random number exist.\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_CODE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* Validate the key to enter this mode */ ++ for (int i = 0; i < RAND_NUMBER_SIZE; i++) { ++ if (req[i] != g_fwupd_settings.rand_num[i]) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid key entered\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_CODE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ } ++ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) { ++ printf("%s(): Lock failed\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ /* Reset all the settings */ ++ memset(&g_fwupd_settings, 0, sizeof(g_fwupd_settings)); ++ g_fwupd_settings.fwupd_mode_active = true; ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_OK; ++ ++ return sizeof(struct fwupd_set_update_mode_res); ++} ++ ++u16 fwupd_exit_update_mode(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) ++{ ++ struct fwupd_exit_update_mode_res *result = ++ (struct fwupd_exit_update_mode_res *)res; ++ ++ if (req_len != 0) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request length\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (!g_fwupd_settings.fwupd_mode_active) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid command entered\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) { ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ g_fwupd_settings.fwupd_mode_active = false; ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_OK; ++ ++ return sizeof(struct fwupd_exit_update_mode_res); ++} ++u16 fwupd_set_options(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) ++{ ++ struct fwupd_options_req *options_req = (struct fwupd_options_req *)req; ++ struct fwupd_options_res *result = (struct fwupd_options_res *)res; ++ ++ if (req_len < 2) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request length\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* Check is critical operation is going on */ ++ if (g_fwupd_settings.start_update) { ++ printf("%s(): Update in progress.\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* Setting any reserved bits will result the command being rejected */ ++ if (((options_req->options_mask & 0xF0) != 0) || ++ ((options_req->options_value & 0xF0) != 0)) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_FIELD; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) { ++ printf("%s(): Lock failed\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ g_fwupd_settings.options_mask = options_req->options_mask; ++ g_fwupd_settings.options_value = options_req->options_value; ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_OK; ++ result->options_value = (g_fwupd_settings.options_mask & ++ g_fwupd_settings.options_value); ++ ++ return sizeof(struct fwupd_options_res); ++} ++ ++u16 fwupd_set_get_control(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) ++{ ++ struct fwupd_control_req *ctrl_req = (struct fwupd_control_req *)req; ++ struct fwupd_control_res *result = (struct fwupd_control_res *)res; ++ ++ if (req_len < 1) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request length\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* Check is critical operation is going on */ ++ if (g_fwupd_settings.start_update) { ++ printf("%s(): Update in progress.\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if ((ctrl_req->ctrl_state == SET_FW_FILENAME) && (req_len < 3)) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request data\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } else if ((ctrl_req->ctrl_state != SET_FW_FILENAME) && ++ (req_len != 1)) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request data\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if ((!g_fwupd_settings.fwupd_mode_active) && ++ (ctrl_req->ctrl_state != GET_CTRL_STATE)) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request. Control State: %d.\n", __func__, ++ ctrl_req->ctrl_state); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ switch (ctrl_req->ctrl_state) { ++ case GET_CTRL_STATE: ++ break; ++ case IMG_TRANSFER_START: ++ if ((g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state & ++ IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_START)) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = ++ IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) { ++ printf("%s(): Lock failed\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ g_fwupd_settings.processing_status = IMG_DOWNLOADING; ++ /* Reset control state during start */ ++ g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state = 0x00; ++ g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state |= IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_START; ++ /* Set current write address to ZERO */ ++ g_write_addr = 0x00; ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++ break; ++ case IMG_TRANSFER_END: ++ if (!(g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state & ++ IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_START)) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = ++ IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) { ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ g_fwupd_settings.start_update = true; ++ g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state |= IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_END; ++ ++ g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state &= ~(IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_START | ++ IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_ABORT); ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++ break; ++ case IMG_TRANSFER_ABORT: ++ if (!(g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state & ++ IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_START)) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = ++ IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) { ++ printf("%s(): Lock failed\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ g_fwupd_settings.processing_status = UPDATE_ERROR; ++ g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state |= IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_ABORT; ++ g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state &= ~(IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_START | ++ IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_END); ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++ break; ++ case SET_FW_FILENAME: ++ /* Not supporting now */ ++ if (ctrl_req->filename_len > sizeof(ctrl_req->filename)) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_FIELD; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (!(g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state & ++ IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_START)) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = ++ IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (!fwupd_settings_trylock()) { ++ printf("%s(): Lock failed\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ g_fwupd_settings.filename_len = ctrl_req->filename_len; ++ strncpy(g_fwupd_settings.filename, ctrl_req->filename, ++ ctrl_req->filename_len); ++ fwupd_settings_unlock(); ++ /* TODO: Used for TFTP update but not implemented yet. */ ++ /* TODO: Verify image and write to flash */ ++ break; ++ case USB_DEV_ATTACH: ++ /* Not supporting now */ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ case USB_DEV_DETACH: ++ /* Not supporting now */ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ break; ++ default: ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_FIELD; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_OK; ++ result->curr_state = g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state; ++ return sizeof(struct fwupd_control_res); ++} ++u16 fwupd_get_update_status(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) ++{ ++ struct fwupd_get_update_status_res *result = ++ (struct fwupd_get_update_status_res *)res; ++ ++ if (req_len != 0) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request length\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ result->processing_status = g_fwupd_settings.processing_status; ++ result->percent_completion = g_fwupd_settings.percentage_completion; ++ result->check_status = 0; ++ /* We don't support error code messages cmd(0x0EH) in uboot.*/ ++ result->error_code = 0; ++ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_OK; ++ ++ return sizeof(struct fwupd_get_update_status_res); ++} ++ ++u16 fwupd_image_write(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) ++{ ++ struct fwupd_image_write_res *result = ++ (struct fwupd_image_write_res *)res; ++ ++ if (req_len < 1) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request length\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* Check is critical operation is going on */ ++ if (g_fwupd_settings.start_update) { ++ printf("%s(): Update in progress.\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (!g_fwupd_settings.fwupd_mode_active) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if (!(g_fwupd_settings.ctrl_state & IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_START)) { ++ printf("%s(): Invalid request\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ if ((g_write_addr + req_len) > MAX_FITIMAGE_SIZE) { ++ printf("%s(): Request length exceeded max size\n", __func__); ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ u8 *mem_addr = (u8 *)((u32)IMAGE_LOAD_RAM_ADDR + g_write_addr); ++ ++ memcpy(mem_addr, req, req_len); ++ g_write_addr += req_len; ++ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_OK; ++ result->no_of_bytes_written = (u8)req_len; ++ ++ return sizeof(struct fwupd_image_write_res); ++} +diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-fwupd.h b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-fwupd.h +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000..e490f6b +--- /dev/null ++++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-fwupd.h +@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ ++// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 ++// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation ++ ++#include "ipmi-handler.h" ++#include "fw-update.h" ++ ++enum control_state { ++ GET_CTRL_STATE = 0, ++ IMG_TRANSFER_START, ++ IMG_TRANSFER_END, ++ IMG_TRANSFER_ABORT, ++ SET_FW_FILENAME, ++ USB_DEV_ATTACH, ++ USB_DEV_DETACH ++}; ++enum control_state_bit { ++ IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_START = (0x01 << 0), ++ IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_END = (0x01 << 1), ++ IMG_TRANSFER_CTRL_BIT_ABORT = (0x01 << 2), ++ USB_CTRL_BIT_ATTACH = (0x01 << 3) ++}; ++enum update_options_bit { ++ NO_DOWN_REVISION = 0, ++ DEFER_BMC_RESET = 1, ++ SHA32_INTEGRITY_CHECK = 2, ++ CRC32_INTEGRITY_CHECK = 3 ++}; ++ ++struct fwupd_get_exe_ctx_res { ++ u8 completion_code; ++ u8 exection_ctx; ++ u8 patition_ptr; ++}; ++struct fwupd_rand_num_res { ++ u8 completion_code; ++ u8 rand_num[RAND_NUMBER_SIZE]; ++}; ++struct fwupd_set_update_mode_res { ++ u8 completion_code; ++}; ++struct fwupd_exit_update_mode_res { ++ u8 completion_code; ++}; ++struct fwupd_options_req { ++ u8 options_mask; ++ u8 options_value; ++ u8 integrity_check_value[32]; ++}; ++struct fwupd_options_res { ++ u8 completion_code; ++ u8 options_value; ++}; ++struct fwupd_control_req { ++ u8 ctrl_state; ++ u8 filename_len; ++ u8 filename[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; ++}; ++struct fwupd_control_res { ++ u8 completion_code; ++ u8 curr_state; ++}; ++struct fwupd_get_update_status_res { ++ u8 completion_code; ++ u8 processing_status; ++ u8 percent_completion; ++ u8 check_status; ++ u8 error_code; ++}; ++struct fwupd_image_write_res { ++ u8 completion_code; ++ u8 no_of_bytes_written; ++}; ++ ++u16 fwupd_get_execution_ctx(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res); ++u16 fwupd_get_rand_number(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res); ++u16 fwupd_enter_update_mode(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res); ++u16 fwupd_exit_update_mode(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res); ++u16 fwupd_set_options(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res); ++u16 fwupd_set_get_control(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res); ++u16 fwupd_get_update_status(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res); ++u16 fwupd_image_write(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res); +diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.c b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.c +index 9cccee9..5e78546 100644 +--- a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.c ++++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.c +@@ -1,18 +1,37 @@ +- + // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 + // Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation + +-#include "ipmi-handler.h" ++#include "ipmi-fwupd.h" + + /* IPMI network function codes */ + #define NETFN_APP 0x06 ++#define NETFN_FIRMWARE 0x08 ++#define NETFN_INTEL_OEM 0x30 + + /* IPMI command codes */ +-#define CMD_GET_DEV_ID 0x01 +-#define CMD_GET_SELF_TEST_RESULTS 0x04 ++#define CMD_APP_GET_DEV_ID 0x01 ++#define CMD_APP_GET_SELF_TEST_RESULTS 0x04 ++#define CMD_FWUPD_GET_EXECUTION_CTX 0x23 ++#define CMD_FWUPD_GET_RANDOM_NUMBER 0x26 ++#define CMD_FWUPD_SET_UPDATE_MODE 0x27 ++#define CMD_FWUPD_EXIT_UPDATE_MODE 0x28 ++#define CMD_FWUPD_CONTROL_GET_SET 0x29 ++#define CMD_FWUPD_GET_UPDATE_STATUS 0x2A ++#define CMD_FWUPD_SET_OPTIONS 0x2B ++#define CMD_FWUPD_IMAGE_WRITE 0x2C ++#define CMD_INTL_OEM_GET_BUFFER_SIZE 0x66 ++ ++#define MAX_KCS_BUF_SIZE 1020 /* (0xFF * 4) */ ++#define MAX_IPMB_BUF_SIZE 1020 /* (0xFF * 4) */ + + typedef u16 (*fun_handler)(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res); + ++struct ipmi_cmd_table { ++ u8 net_fun; ++ u8 cmd; ++ fun_handler process_cmd; ++}; ++ + struct get_dev_id { + u8 completion_code; + u8 dev_id; +@@ -29,11 +48,10 @@ struct self_test_res { + u8 completion_code; + u8 res_byte[2]; + }; +- +-struct ipmi_cmd_table { +- u8 net_fun; +- u8 cmd; +- fun_handler process_cmd; ++struct intc_get_buf_size_res { ++ u8 completion_code; ++ u8 kcs_size; ++ u8 ipmb_size; + }; + + static u16 get_device_id(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) +@@ -84,10 +102,36 @@ static u16 get_self_test_result(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) + + return sizeof(struct self_test_res); + } ++static u16 intel_get_buffer_size(u8 *req, u16 req_len, u8 *res) ++{ ++ struct intc_get_buf_size_res *result = ++ (struct intc_get_buf_size_res *)res; ++ ++ if (req_len != 0) { ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; ++ return sizeof(result->completion_code); ++ } ++ ++ /* Size is multiples of four bytes */ ++ result->completion_code = IPMI_CC_OK; ++ result->kcs_size = MAX_KCS_BUF_SIZE / 4; ++ result->ipmb_size = MAX_IPMB_BUF_SIZE / 4; ++ ++ return sizeof(struct intc_get_buf_size_res); ++} + + const struct ipmi_cmd_table cmd_info[] = { +- { NETFN_APP, CMD_GET_DEV_ID, get_device_id }, +- { NETFN_APP, CMD_GET_SELF_TEST_RESULTS, get_self_test_result } ++ { NETFN_APP, CMD_APP_GET_DEV_ID, get_device_id }, ++ { NETFN_APP, CMD_APP_GET_SELF_TEST_RESULTS, get_self_test_result }, ++ { NETFN_FIRMWARE, CMD_FWUPD_GET_EXECUTION_CTX, fwupd_get_execution_ctx }, ++ { NETFN_FIRMWARE, CMD_FWUPD_GET_RANDOM_NUMBER, fwupd_get_rand_number }, ++ { NETFN_FIRMWARE, CMD_FWUPD_SET_UPDATE_MODE, fwupd_enter_update_mode }, ++ { NETFN_FIRMWARE, CMD_FWUPD_EXIT_UPDATE_MODE, fwupd_exit_update_mode }, ++ { NETFN_FIRMWARE, CMD_FWUPD_CONTROL_GET_SET, fwupd_set_get_control }, ++ { NETFN_FIRMWARE, CMD_FWUPD_GET_UPDATE_STATUS, fwupd_get_update_status }, ++ { NETFN_FIRMWARE, CMD_FWUPD_SET_OPTIONS, fwupd_set_options }, ++ { NETFN_FIRMWARE, CMD_FWUPD_IMAGE_WRITE, fwupd_image_write }, ++ { NETFN_INTEL_OEM, CMD_INTL_OEM_GET_BUFFER_SIZE, intel_get_buffer_size } + }; + + #define CMD_TABLE_SIZE ARRAY_SIZE(cmd_info) +diff --git a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.h b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.h +index 9d46d9b..8eea930 100644 +--- a/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.h ++++ b/board/aspeed/ast-g5/ipmi-handler.h +@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ +- + /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ + /* Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation */ + +@@ -6,12 +5,14 @@ + + /* IPMI completion codes */ + #define IPMI_CC_OK 0x00 ++#define IPMI_CC_INVALID_CODE 0x80 + #define IPMI_CC_NODE_BUSY 0xC0 + #define IPMI_CC_INVALID_CMD 0xC1 + #define IPMI_CC_INVALID_CMD_LUN 0xC2 + #define IPMI_CC_OUT_OF_SPACE 0xC4 + #define IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH 0xC7 + #define IPMI_CC_INVALID_DATA_FIELD 0xCC ++#define IPMI_CC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STATE 0xD5 + #define IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED 0xFF + + /* BMC IPMB LUNs */ +diff --git a/common/autoboot.c b/common/autoboot.c +index d66c0fa..45a600e 100644 +--- a/common/autoboot.c ++++ b/common/autoboot.c +@@ -349,6 +349,17 @@ void autoboot_command(const char *s) + { + debug("### main_loop: bootcmd=\"%s\"\n", s ? s : ""); + ++#ifdef AST_G5_INTEL ++ /* TODO: Make run_command_list as non-blocking(blocked by getc()) ++ * and make main u-boot loop to check both keyboard inputs as well ++ * as start_update firmware flags during FFUJ. ++ * This will make sure debug mode intact during FFUJ. ++ */ ++ if (intel_force_firmware_jumper_enabled()) { ++ start_fw_update_loop(); ++ } ++#endif ++ + if (stored_bootdelay != -1 && s && !abortboot(stored_bootdelay)) { + #if defined(CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYED) && !defined(CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYED_CTRLC) + int prev = disable_ctrlc(1); /* disable Control C checking */ +diff --git a/configs/ast_g5_phy_defconfig b/configs/ast_g5_phy_defconfig +index 47d9563..f070494 100644 +--- a/configs/ast_g5_phy_defconfig ++++ b/configs/ast_g5_phy_defconfig +@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@ CONFIG_SYS_NS16550=y + CONFIG_USE_IRQ=y + CONFIG_CMD_I2C=y + CONFIG_SYS_I2C_AST=y ++CONFIG_LIB_RAND=y +-- +2.7.4 + diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-aspeed_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-aspeed_%.bbappend index 798e43295..acac46d70 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-aspeed_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-aspeed_%.bbappend @@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ SRC_URI_append_intel-ast2500 = " \ file://0013-aspeed-Add-Pwm-Driver.patch \ file://0014-Keep-interrupts-enabled-until-last-second.patch \ file://0015-Rewrite-memmove-to-optimize-on-word-transfers.patch \ - file://0016-Add-support-for-128MB-Macronix-spi-flash-MX66L1G45G.patch \ - file://0017-Enable-Macronix-and-Micron-SPI-support.patch \ - file://0018-Add-support-for-Macronix-and-Micron-1Gbits-SPI-flash.patch \ file://0019-u-boot-full-platform-reset-espi-oob-ready.patch \ file://0020-Enable-PCIe-L1-support.patch \ file://0020-Add-system-reset-status-support.patch \ @@ -33,11 +30,21 @@ SRC_URI_append_intel-ast2500 = " \ file://0026-Aspeed-I2C-support-in-U-Boot.patch \ file://0027-CPLD-u-boot-commands-support-for-PFR.patch \ file://0028-Enabling-uart1-uart2-in-u-boot-for-BIOS-messages.patch \ + file://0029-FFUJ-FW-IPMI-commands-and-flash-support-in-u-boot.patch \ " SRC_URI_append_intel-ast2500 += "${@bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_TYPE', 'pfr', 'file://0022-u-boot-env-change-for-PFR-image.patch', '', d)}" require recipes-core/os-release/ -BUILD_CFLAGS_append = " -DVER_MAJOR=${IPMI_MAJOR} -DVER_MINOR=${IPMI_MINOR}" -BUILD_CFLAGS_append += " -DVER_AUX13=${IPMI_AUX13} -DVER_AUX14=${IPMI_AUX14}" -BUILD_CFLAGS_append += " -DVER_AUX15=${IPMI_AUX15} -DVER_AUX16=${IPMI_AUX16}" +python do_version () { + with open(d.expand('${S}/board/aspeed/ast-g5/intel-version.h'), 'w') as f: + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_MAJOR ${IPMI_MAJOR}\n')) + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_MINOR ${IPMI_MINOR}\n')) + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_AUX13 ${IPMI_AUX13}\n')) + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_AUX14 ${IPMI_AUX14}\n')) + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_AUX15 ${IPMI_AUX15}\n')) + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_AUX16 ${IPMI_AUX16}\n')) +} + +do_version[vardepsexclude] = "IPMI_MAJOR IPMI_MINOR IPMI_AUX13 IPMI_AUX14 IPMI_AUX15 IPMI_AUX16 PRODUCT_GENERATION VERSION VERSION_ID BUILD_ID" +addtask do_version after do_configure before do_compile diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils-aspeed_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils-aspeed_%.bbappend deleted file mode 120000 index 742334ade..000000000 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils-aspeed_%.bbappend +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -u-boot-aspeed_%.bbappend \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils-aspeed_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils-aspeed_%.bbappend new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acac46d70 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-fw-utils-aspeed_%.bbappend @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +FILESEXTRAPATHS_append_intel-ast2500:= "${THISDIR}/files:" + +# the meta-phosphor layer adds this patch, which conflicts +# with the intel layout for environment +SRC_URI_remove_intel-ast2500 = " file://0001-configs-ast-Add-redundnant-env.patch" + +SRC_URI_append_intel-ast2500 = " \ + file://0001-flash-use-readX-writeX-not-udelay.patch \ + file://0002-intel-layout-environment-addr.patch \ + file://0004-Make-sure-debug-uart-is-using-24MHz-clock-source.patch \ + file://0005-enable-passthrough-in-uboot.patch \ + file://0006-Add-Aspeed-g5-interrupt-support.patch \ + file://0007-Add-espi-support.patch \ + file://0008-add-sgio-support-for-port80-snoop-post-LEDs.patch \ + file://0009-Add-basic-GPIO-support.patch \ + file://0010-Update-Force-Firmware-Update-Jumper-to-use-new-gpio.patch \ + file://0011-Add-basic-timer-support-for-Aspeed-g5-in-U-Boot.patch \ + file://0012-Add-status-and-ID-LED-support.patch \ + file://0013-aspeed-Add-Pwm-Driver.patch \ + file://0014-Keep-interrupts-enabled-until-last-second.patch \ + file://0015-Rewrite-memmove-to-optimize-on-word-transfers.patch \ + file://0019-u-boot-full-platform-reset-espi-oob-ready.patch \ + file://0020-Enable-PCIe-L1-support.patch \ + file://0020-Add-system-reset-status-support.patch \ + file://0021-Config-host-uart-clock-source-using-environment-vari.patch \ + file://0022-KCS-driver-support-in-uBoot.patch \ + file://0023-Add-TPM-enable-pulse-triggering.patch \ + file://0024-IPMI-command-handler-implementation-in-uboot.patch \ + file://0025-Manufacturing-mode-physical-presence-detection.patch \ + file://0026-Aspeed-I2C-support-in-U-Boot.patch \ + file://0027-CPLD-u-boot-commands-support-for-PFR.patch \ + file://0028-Enabling-uart1-uart2-in-u-boot-for-BIOS-messages.patch \ + file://0029-FFUJ-FW-IPMI-commands-and-flash-support-in-u-boot.patch \ + " +SRC_URI_append_intel-ast2500 += "${@bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_TYPE', 'pfr', 'file://0022-u-boot-env-change-for-PFR-image.patch', '', d)}" + +require recipes-core/os-release/ + +python do_version () { + with open(d.expand('${S}/board/aspeed/ast-g5/intel-version.h'), 'w') as f: + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_MAJOR ${IPMI_MAJOR}\n')) + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_MINOR ${IPMI_MINOR}\n')) + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_AUX13 ${IPMI_AUX13}\n')) + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_AUX14 ${IPMI_AUX14}\n')) + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_AUX15 ${IPMI_AUX15}\n')) + f.write(d.expand('#define VER_AUX16 ${IPMI_AUX16}\n')) +} + +do_version[vardepsexclude] = "IPMI_MAJOR IPMI_MINOR IPMI_AUX13 IPMI_AUX14 IPMI_AUX15 IPMI_AUX16 PRODUCT_GENERATION VERSION VERSION_ID BUILD_ID" +addtask do_version after do_configure before do_compile diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/at-scale-debug/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/at-scale-debug/ index fda0716c5..37ad5667f 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/at-scale-debug/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/at-scale-debug/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ do_configure[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_shared_workdir" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" -SRCREV = "0536b8cc3591a310ab36d145540811c728f8ef60" +SRCREV = "3369d2e81f7e5e4bcb5d9e14bcecea7ae5da07fb" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} += "" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/at-scale-debug/files/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/at-scale-debug/files/ index 65d83b4c4..744982703 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/at-scale-debug/files/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/at-scale-debug/files/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ [Unit] Description=Intel BMC At Scale Debug [Service] Restart=always @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ Type=simple SyslogIdentifier=asd [Install] diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/crashdump/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/crashdump/ index a1c53389d..8f876cc9c 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/crashdump/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/crashdump/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ LICENSE = "CLOSED" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" -SRCREV = "0536b8cc3591a310ab36d145540811c728f8ef60" +SRCREV = "3369d2e81f7e5e4bcb5d9e14bcecea7ae5da07fb" S = "${WORKDIR}/git/crashdump" PACKAGES += "libpeci" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/ipmi/intel-ipmi-oem_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/ipmi/intel-ipmi-oem_%.bbappend index 22568dba2..70533e540 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/ipmi/intel-ipmi-oem_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/ipmi/intel-ipmi-oem_%.bbappend @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "53870d7308e374df0c0382e3208ff1567a160947" +SRCREV = "ba9c1765f5edc2f0891e012f33b3059a0dbd7ff1" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/os-release/os-release.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/os-release/os-release.bbappend index 059931ed2..a47d923f8 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/os-release/os-release.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/os-release/os-release.bbappend @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ python do_compile_append () { # Ensure the git commands run every time bitbake is invoked. BB_DONT_CACHE = "1" -do_compile[nostamp]="1" # Make os-release available to other recipes. SYSROOT_DIRS_append = " ${sysconfdir}" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/peci-pcie/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/peci-pcie/ index d66a14281..5061e1e56 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/peci-pcie/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/peci-pcie/ @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" DEPENDS = "boost sdbusplus crashdump" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "0536b8cc3591a310ab36d145540811c728f8ef60" +SRCREV = "3369d2e81f7e5e4bcb5d9e14bcecea7ae5da07fb" S = "${WORKDIR}/git/peci_pcie" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/systemd-time-wait-sync.service b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/systemd-time-wait-sync.service new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f71aea39d --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/systemd-time-wait-sync.service @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ +# +# This file is part of systemd. +# +# systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. + +[Unit] +Description=Wait Until Kernel Time Synchronized +Documentation=man:systemd-time-wait-sync.service(8) + +# Note that this tool doesn't need CAP_SYS_TIME itself, but it's primary +# usecase is to run in conjunction with a local NTP service such as +# systemd-timesyncd.service, which is conditioned this way. There might be +# niche usecases where running this service independently is desired, but let's +# make this all "just work" for the general case, and leave it to local +# modifications to make it work in the remaining cases. + +ConditionCapability=CAP_SYS_TIME +ConditionVirtualization=!container + +DefaultDependencies=no + +[Service] +Type=oneshot +ExecStart=/lib/systemd/systemd-time-wait-sync +TimeoutStartSec=10 +RemainAfterExit=yes + +[Install] diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/systemd-timesyncd.service b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/systemd-timesyncd.service new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a5fffbb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/systemd-timesyncd.service @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ +# +# This file is part of systemd. +# +# systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. + +[Unit] +Description=Network Time Synchronization +Documentation=man:systemd-timesyncd.service(8) +ConditionCapability=CAP_SYS_TIME +ConditionVirtualization=!container +DefaultDependencies=no +After=systemd-remount-fs.service systemd-sysusers.service var.mount + +[Service] +AmbientCapabilities=CAP_SYS_TIME +CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_SYS_TIME +ExecStart=!!/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd +LockPersonality=yes +MemoryDenyWriteExecute=yes +NoNewPrivileges=yes +PrivateDevices=yes +PrivateTmp=yes +ProtectControlGroups=yes +ProtectHome=yes +ProtectHostname=yes +ProtectKernelModules=yes +ProtectKernelTunables=yes +ProtectSystem=strict +Restart=always +RestartSec=0 +RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_UNIX AF_INET AF_INET6 +RestrictNamespaces=yes +RestrictRealtime=yes +RestrictSUIDSGID=yes +RuntimeDirectory=systemd/timesync +StateDirectory=systemd/timesync +SystemCallArchitectures=native +SystemCallErrorNumber=EPERM +SystemCallFilter=@system-service @clock +Type=notify +User=systemd-timesync +WatchdogSec=3min + +[Install] +Alias=dbus-org.freedesktop.timesync1.service diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend index ef7ac20e2..3e5adf7ce 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend @@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" SRC_URI += "file://000-ro-rootfs-tmpfile-defaults.patch \ file://0001-Modfiy-system.conf-DefaultTimeoutStopSec.patch \ + file://systemd-time-wait-sync.service \ " USERADD_PACKAGES_remove = "${PN}-journal-gateway ${PN}-journal-upload ${PN}-journal-remote" + +do_install_append(){ + cp -f ${WORKDIR}/systemd-time-wait-sync.service ${D}/lib/systemd/system/ +} diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-extended/sdbusplus/sdbusplus_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-extended/sdbusplus/sdbusplus_%.bbappend index b174f271e..af5fa8b05 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-extended/sdbusplus/sdbusplus_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-extended/sdbusplus/sdbusplus_%.bbappend @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ #SRC_URI += "git://" -SRCREV = "c14699f63e909ed6d8599e65503ee9c1e3a104d6" +SRCREV = "f8bbf17c3db879359b0984b40250e4db3d274be1" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/psu-manager/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/psu-manager/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..24a8c668b --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/psu-manager/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +SUMMARY = "Power supply manager for Intel based platform" +DESCRIPTION = "Power supply manager which include PSU Cold Redundancy service" + +SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh;nobranch=1" +SRCREV = "fe33964c744f871f3e024dd8d0b6ffba67394c30" + +S = "${WORKDIR}/git/psu-manager/" + +PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" + +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${S}/LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e" + +inherit cmake +inherit systemd + +SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} += "cold-redundancy.service" + +DEPENDS += " \ + systemd \ + sdbusplus \ + phosphor-dbus-interfaces \ + phosphor-logging \ + boost \ + i2c-tools \ + " diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/smbios/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/smbios/ index 64645da2b..c37ea66e1 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/smbios/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/smbios/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SUMMARY = "SMBIOS MDR version 1 service for Intel based platform" DESCRIPTION = "SMBIOS MDR version 1 service for Intel based platfrom" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" -SRCREV = "9d2d365a79591ec21b54ecde957263f1ba1d8391" +SRCREV = "4373d99e1edcbb4c7233abde3a5e53690693007b" S = "${WORKDIR}/git/services/smbios/" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/smbios/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/smbios/ index 175d5edf9..a41cdb50b 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/smbios/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-intel/smbios/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SUMMARY = "SMBIOS MDR version 2 service for Intel based platform" DESCRIPTION = "SMBIOS MDR version 2 service for Intel based platfrom" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" -SRCREV = "9d2d365a79591ec21b54ecde957263f1ba1d8391" +SRCREV = "4373d99e1edcbb4c7233abde3a5e53690693007b" S = "${WORKDIR}/git/services/smbios-mdrv2/" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0052-drivers-jtag-Add-JTAG-core-driver.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0052-drivers-jtag-Add-JTAG-core-driver.patch index 7ba94a7bc..6c9d46d9d 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0052-drivers-jtag-Add-JTAG-core-driver.patch +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0052-drivers-jtag-Add-JTAG-core-driver.patch @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ From 0b8b93851bb79e70e91159f310afd4b56084977f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Corona, Ernesto" -Date: Mon, 6 May 2019 10:05:51 -0800 +Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 07:37:39 -0800 Subject: [PATCH v29 1/6] drivers: jtag: Add JTAG core driver JTAG class driver provide infrastructure to support hardware/software @@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ Comments pointed by Steven Filary the driver is not in use to allow other HW to own the JTAG bus. Remove SCU register accesses. This register controls the JTAG controller mode (master/slave). +- Fix static analysis issues +- Add support for multichain. Set tap state and xfer operations now include + two tap state arguments: current state and end state. v27->v28 Comments pointed by Steven Filary @@ -253,10 +256,10 @@ Comments pointed by Tobias Klauser drivers/Makefile | 1 + drivers/jtag/Kconfig | 17 +++ drivers/jtag/Makefile | 1 + - drivers/jtag/jtag.c | 314 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + drivers/jtag/jtag.c | 321 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ include/linux/jtag.h | 47 +++++++ - include/uapi/linux/jtag.h | 208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 7 files changed, 589 insertions(+) + include/uapi/linux/jtag.h | 214 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 7 files changed, 602 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/jtag/Kconfig create mode 100644 drivers/jtag/Makefile create mode 100644 drivers/jtag/jtag.c @@ -317,7 +320,7 @@ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47503a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/jtag/jtag.c -@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only +// Copyright (c) 2018 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved. +// Copyright (c) 2018 Oleksandr Shamray @@ -353,7 +356,7 @@ index 0000000..47503a1 +static long jtag_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) +{ + struct jtag *jtag = file->private_data; -+ struct jtag_end_tap_state endstate; ++ struct jtag_tap_state tapstate; + struct jtag_xfer xfer; + struct bitbang_packet bitbang; + struct tck_bitbang *bitbang_data; @@ -392,17 +395,20 @@ index 0000000..47503a1 + break; + + case JTAG_SIOCSTATE: -+ if (copy_from_user(&endstate, (const void __user *)arg, -+ sizeof(struct jtag_end_tap_state))) ++ if (copy_from_user(&tapstate, (const void __user *)arg, ++ sizeof(struct jtag_tap_state))) + return -EFAULT; + -+ if (endstate.endstate > JTAG_STATE_UPDATEIR) ++ if (tapstate.from > JTAG_STATE_CURRENT) + return -EINVAL; + -+ if (endstate.reset > JTAG_FORCE_RESET) ++ if (tapstate.endstate > JTAG_STATE_CURRENT) + return -EINVAL; + -+ err = jtag->ops->status_set(jtag, &endstate); ++ if (tapstate.reset > JTAG_FORCE_RESET) ++ return -EINVAL; ++ ++ err = jtag->ops->status_set(jtag, &tapstate); + break; + + case JTAG_IOCXFER: @@ -419,7 +425,10 @@ index 0000000..47503a1 + if (xfer.direction > JTAG_READ_WRITE_XFER) + return -EINVAL; + -+ if (xfer.endstate > JTAG_STATE_UPDATEIR) ++ if (xfer.from > JTAG_STATE_CURRENT) ++ return -EINVAL; ++ ++ if (xfer.endstate > JTAG_STATE_CURRENT) + return -EINVAL; + + data_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(xfer.length, BITS_PER_BYTE); @@ -607,7 +616,8 @@ index 0000000..47503a1 + struct jtag **ptr; + int ret; + -+ ptr = devres_alloc(devm_jtag_unregister, sizeof(*ptr), GFP_KERNEL); ++ ptr = devres_alloc(devm_jtag_unregister, sizeof(struct jtag *), ++ GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ptr) + return -ENOMEM; + @@ -669,7 +679,7 @@ index 0000000..4153c90 + int (*freq_get)(struct jtag *jtag, u32 *freq); + int (*freq_set)(struct jtag *jtag, u32 freq); + int (*status_get)(struct jtag *jtag, u32 *state); -+ int (*status_set)(struct jtag *jtag, struct jtag_end_tap_state *endst); ++ int (*status_set)(struct jtag *jtag, struct jtag_tap_state *endst); + int (*xfer)(struct jtag *jtag, struct jtag_xfer *xfer, u8 *xfer_data); + int (*mode_set)(struct jtag *jtag, struct jtag_mode *jtag_mode); + int (*bitbang)(struct jtag *jtag, struct bitbang_packet *bitbang, @@ -690,7 +700,7 @@ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f9e195 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/uapi/linux/jtag.h -@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* Copyright (c) 2018 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2018 Oleksandr Shamray */ @@ -732,7 +742,7 @@ index 0000000..3f9e195 +#define JTAG_XFER_SW_MODE 0 + +/** -+ * enum jtag_endstate: ++ * enum jtag_tapstate: + * + * @JTAG_STATE_TLRESET: JTAG state machine Test Logic Reset state + * @JTAG_STATE_IDLE: JTAG state machine IDLE state @@ -750,8 +760,9 @@ index 0000000..3f9e195 + * @JTAG_STATE_PAUSEIR: JTAG state machine PAUSE_IR state + * @JTAG_STATE_EXIT2IR: JTAG state machine EXIT-2 IR state + * @JTAG_STATE_UPDATEIR: JTAG state machine UPDATE IR state ++ * @JTAG_STATE_CURRENT: JTAG current state, saved by driver + */ -+enum jtag_endstate { ++enum jtag_tapstate { + JTAG_STATE_TLRESET, + JTAG_STATE_IDLE, + JTAG_STATE_SELECTDR, @@ -767,7 +778,8 @@ index 0000000..3f9e195 + JTAG_STATE_EXIT1IR, + JTAG_STATE_PAUSEIR, + JTAG_STATE_EXIT2IR, -+ JTAG_STATE_UPDATEIR ++ JTAG_STATE_UPDATEIR, ++ JTAG_STATE_CURRENT +}; + +/** @@ -806,7 +818,7 @@ index 0000000..3f9e195 +}; + +/** -+ * struct jtag_end_tap_state - forces JTAG state machine to go into a TAPC ++ * struct jtag_tap_state - forces JTAG state machine to go into a TAPC + * state + * + * @reset: 0 - run IDLE/PAUSE from current state @@ -816,8 +828,9 @@ index 0000000..3f9e195 + * + * Structure provide interface to JTAG device for JTAG set state execution. + */ -+struct jtag_end_tap_state { ++struct jtag_tap_state { + __u8 reset; ++ __u8 from; + __u8 endstate; + __u8 tck; +}; @@ -827,15 +840,18 @@ index 0000000..3f9e195 + * + * @type: transfer type + * @direction: xfer direction -+ * @length: xfer bits len ++ * @from: xfer current state ++ * @endstate: xfer end state ++ * @padding: xfer padding ++ * @length: xfer bits length + * @tdio : xfer data array -+ * @endir: xfer end state + * + * Structure provide interface to JTAG device for JTAG SDR/SIR xfer execution. + */ +struct jtag_xfer { + __u8 type; + __u8 direction; ++ __u8 from; + __u8 endstate; + __u8 padding; + __u32 length; @@ -890,11 +906,11 @@ index 0000000..3f9e195 +/* ioctl interface */ +#define __JTAG_IOCTL_MAGIC 0xb2 + -+#define JTAG_SIOCSTATE _IOW(__JTAG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 0, struct jtag_end_tap_state) ++#define JTAG_SIOCSTATE _IOW(__JTAG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 0, struct jtag_tap_state) +#define JTAG_SIOCFREQ _IOW(__JTAG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 1, unsigned int) +#define JTAG_GIOCFREQ _IOR(__JTAG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 2, unsigned int) +#define JTAG_IOCXFER _IOWR(__JTAG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 3, struct jtag_xfer) -+#define JTAG_GIOCSTATUS _IOWR(__JTAG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 4, enum jtag_endstate) ++#define JTAG_GIOCSTATUS _IOWR(__JTAG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 4, enum jtag_tapstate) +#define JTAG_SIOCMODE _IOW(__JTAG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 5, unsigned int) +#define JTAG_IOCBITBANG _IOW(__JTAG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 6, unsigned int) + diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0053-Add-Aspeed-SoC-24xx-and-25xx-families-JTAG.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0053-Add-Aspeed-SoC-24xx-and-25xx-families-JTAG.patch index d5d43f31b..94722d6c4 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0053-Add-Aspeed-SoC-24xx-and-25xx-families-JTAG.patch +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0053-Add-Aspeed-SoC-24xx-and-25xx-families-JTAG.patch @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ From 817a43d1b1e197e7eff43492599469bbc23bf0fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Corona, Ernesto" -Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 11:18:13 -0800 +Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 08:22:09 -0800 Subject: [PATCH v29 2/6] Add Aspeed SoC 24xx and 25xx families JTAG master driver @@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ Comments pointed by Steven Filary (master/slave). - Encansulate dev_dgb message into DEBUG_JTAG macros to improve driver's JTAG performace. +- Add support for multichain. Set tap state and xfer operations now include + two tap state arguments: current state and end state. v27->v28 Comments pointed by Steven Filary @@ -198,8 +200,8 @@ Comments pointed by kbuild test robot --- drivers/jtag/Kconfig | 14 + drivers/jtag/Makefile | 1 + - drivers/jtag/jtag-aspeed.c | 1040 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 3 files changed, 1055 insertions(+) + drivers/jtag/jtag-aspeed.c | 1050 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 1065 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/jtag/jtag-aspeed.c diff --git a/drivers/jtag/Kconfig b/drivers/jtag/Kconfig @@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d41a66 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/jtag/jtag-aspeed.c -@@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@ +@@ -0,0 +1,1050 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +// Copyright (c) 2018 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved. +// Copyright (c) 2018 Oleksandr Shamray @@ -327,6 +329,7 @@ index 0000000..1d41a66 +#define WAIT_ITERATIONS 75 + +/*#define USE_INTERRUPTS*/ ++/*#define DEBUG_JTAG*/ + +static const char * const regnames[] = { + [ASPEED_JTAG_DATA] = "ASPEED_JTAG_DATA", @@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ index 0000000..1d41a66 + void __iomem *reg_base; + struct device *dev; + struct clk *pclk; -+ enum jtag_endstate status; ++ enum jtag_tapstate status; + int irq; + struct reset_control *rst; + u32 flag; @@ -480,10 +483,12 @@ index 0000000..1d41a66 + {0x0b, 4}, {0x0b, 5}, {0x2b, 6}, {0x00, 0} }, +}; + ++#ifdef DEBUG_JTAG +static char *end_status_str[] = { + "tlr", "idle", "selDR", "capDR", "sDR", "ex1DR", "pDR", "ex2DR", + "updDR", "selIR", "capIR", "sIR", "ex1IR", "pIR", "ex2IR", "updIR" +}; ++#endif + +static u32 aspeed_jtag_read(struct aspeed_jtag *aspeed_jtag, u32 reg) +{ @@ -776,24 +781,29 @@ index 0000000..1d41a66 +} + +static void aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state(struct aspeed_jtag *aspeed_jtag, -+ enum jtag_endstate endstate) ++ enum jtag_tapstate from_state, ++ enum jtag_tapstate end_state) +{ + int i = 0; -+ enum jtag_endstate from, to; ++ enum jtag_tapstate from, to; ++ ++ from = from_state; ++ to = end_state; ++ ++ if (from == JTAG_STATE_CURRENT) ++ from = aspeed_jtag->status; + -+ from = aspeed_jtag->status; -+ to = endstate; + for (i = 0; i < _tms_cycle_lookup[from][to].count; i++) + aspeed_jtag_tck_cycle(aspeed_jtag, + ((_tms_cycle_lookup[from][to].tmsbits >> i) & 0x1), 0); -+ aspeed_jtag->status = endstate; ++ aspeed_jtag->status = end_state; +} + -+static void aspeed_jtag_end_tap_state_sw(struct aspeed_jtag *aspeed_jtag, -+ struct jtag_end_tap_state *endstate) ++static void aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state_sw(struct aspeed_jtag *aspeed_jtag, ++ struct jtag_tap_state *tapstate) +{ + /* SW mode from curent tap state -> to end_state */ -+ if (endstate->reset) { ++ if (tapstate->reset) { + int i = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < ASPEED_JTAG_RESET_CNTR; i++) @@ -801,26 +811,27 @@ index 0000000..1d41a66 + aspeed_jtag->status = JTAG_STATE_TLRESET; + } + -+ aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state(aspeed_jtag, endstate->endstate); ++ aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state(aspeed_jtag, tapstate->from, ++ tapstate->endstate); +} + +static int aspeed_jtag_status_set(struct jtag *jtag, -+ struct jtag_end_tap_state *endstate) ++ struct jtag_tap_state *tapstate) +{ + struct aspeed_jtag *aspeed_jtag = jtag_priv(jtag); + +#ifdef DEBUG_JTAG + dev_dbg(aspeed_jtag->dev, "Set TAP state: %s\n", -+ end_status_str[endstate->endstate]); ++ end_status_str[tapstate->endstate]); +#endif + + if (!(aspeed_jtag->mode & JTAG_XFER_HW_MODE)) { -+ aspeed_jtag_end_tap_state_sw(aspeed_jtag, endstate); ++ aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state_sw(aspeed_jtag, tapstate); + return 0; + } + + /* x TMS high + 1 TMS low */ -+ if (endstate->reset) { ++ if (tapstate->reset) { + /* Disable sw mode */ + aspeed_jtag_write(aspeed_jtag, 0, ASPEED_JTAG_SW); + mdelay(1); @@ -851,9 +862,11 @@ index 0000000..1d41a66 +#endif + + if (xfer->type == JTAG_SIR_XFER) -+ aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state(aspeed_jtag, JTAG_STATE_SHIFTIR); ++ aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state(aspeed_jtag, xfer->from, ++ JTAG_STATE_SHIFTIR); + else -+ aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state(aspeed_jtag, JTAG_STATE_SHIFTDR); ++ aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state(aspeed_jtag, xfer->from, ++ JTAG_STATE_SHIFTDR); + + tdi = ASPEED_JTAG_GET_TDI(xfer->direction, data[index]); + data[index] = 0; @@ -889,7 +902,8 @@ index 0000000..1d41a66 + ASPEED_JTAG_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE); + aspeed_jtag->status = (xfer->type == JTAG_SIR_XFER) ? + JTAG_STATE_EXIT1IR : JTAG_STATE_EXIT1DR; -+ aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state(aspeed_jtag, xfer->endstate); ++ aspeed_jtag_set_tap_state(aspeed_jtag, aspeed_jtag->status, ++ xfer->endstate); + } +} + @@ -916,8 +930,7 @@ index 0000000..1d41a66 + +static int aspeed_jtag_xfer_push_data_last(struct aspeed_jtag *aspeed_jtag, + enum jtag_xfer_type type, -+ u32 shift_bits, -+ enum jtag_endstate endstate) ++ u32 shift_bits) +{ + int res = 0; + @@ -1014,8 +1027,7 @@ index 0000000..1d41a66 + if (aspeed_jtag_xfer_push_data_last( + aspeed_jtag, + xfer->type, -+ shift_bits, -+ xfer->endstate) != 0) { ++ shift_bits) != 0) { + return -EFAULT; + } + } else { diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0055-Documentation-jtag-Add-ABI-documentation.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0055-Documentation-jtag-Add-ABI-documentation.patch index af641ffe2..b91311d94 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0055-Documentation-jtag-Add-ABI-documentation.patch +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0055-Documentation-jtag-Add-ABI-documentation.patch @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ Comments pointed by Pavel Machek --- Documentation/ABI/testing/jtag-dev | 23 +++++++ Documentation/jtag/overview | 27 ++++++++ - Documentation/jtag/transactions | 138 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 3 files changed, 188 insertions(+) + Documentation/jtag/transactions | 145 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 195 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Documentation/ABI/testing/jtag-dev create mode 100644 Documentation/jtag/overview create mode 100644 Documentation/jtag/transactions @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76fd0b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/jtag/transactions -@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +The JTAG API +============= + @@ -204,8 +204,9 @@ index 0000000..76fd0b1 +------ +Force JTAG state machine to go into a TAPC state + -+struct jtag_end_tap_state { ++struct jtag_tap_state { + __u8 reset; ++ __u8 from; + __u8 endstate; + __u8 tck; +}; @@ -217,21 +218,22 @@ index 0000000..76fd0b1 +tck: clock counter + +Example: -+ struct jtag_end_tap_state end_state; ++ struct jtag_tap_state tap_state; + -+ end_state.endstate = JTAG_STATE_IDLE; -+ end_state.reset = 0; -+ end_state.tck = data_p->tck; ++ tap_state.from = JTAG_STATE_TLRESET; ++ tap_state.endstate = JTAG_STATE_IDLE; ++ tap_state.reset = 0; ++ tap_state.tck = data_p->tck; + usleep(25 * 1000); -+ ioctl(jtag_fd, JTAG_SIOCSTATE, &end_state); ++ ioctl(jtag_fd, JTAG_SIOCSTATE, &tap_state); + +JTAG_GIOCSTATUS +------ +Get JTAG TAPC machine state + + unsigned int jtag_fd; -+ jtag_endstate endstate; -+ ioctl(jtag_fd, JTAG_GIOCSTATUS, &endstate); ++ jtag_tapstate tapstate; ++ ioctl(jtag_fd, JTAG_GIOCSTATUS, &tapstate); + +JTAG_IOCXFER +------ @@ -240,6 +242,7 @@ index 0000000..76fd0b1 +struct jtag_xfer { + __u8 type; + __u8 direction; ++ __u8 from; + __u8 endstate; + __u8 padding; + __u32 length; @@ -250,8 +253,11 @@ index 0000000..76fd0b1 +direction: xfer direction - JTAG_READ_XFER/JTAG_WRITE_XFER/JTAG_READ_WRITE_XFER +length: xfer data length in bits +tdio : xfer data array ++from: xfer from state can be current JTAG tap state saved by the driver ++ JTAG_STATE_CURRENT or in a multichain environment any state listed in ++ jtag_tapstate struct saved by your multichain controller software. +endstate: xfer end state after transaction finish -+ can be: any state listed in jtag_endstate struct ++ can be: any state listed in jtag_tapstate struct + +Example: + struct jtag_xfer xfer; @@ -261,6 +267,7 @@ index 0000000..76fd0b1 + xfer.type = JTAG_SDR_XFER; + xfer.tdio = (__u64)buf; + xfer.length = buf_len; ++ xfer.from = JTAG_STATE_TLRESET; + xfer.endstate = JTAG_STATE_IDLE; + + if (is_read) @@ -300,4 +307,3 @@ index 0000000..76fd0b1 + tdo1 = bitbang_data[1].tdo; -- 2.7.4 - diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0059-media-aspeed-remove-source-buffer-allocation-before-.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0059-media-aspeed-remove-source-buffer-allocation-before-.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 41bf4fb55..000000000 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0059-media-aspeed-remove-source-buffer-allocation-before-.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -From 28aa61a720d2db812d66b2b59681ba184771ff3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Jae Hyun Yoo -Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 16:00:28 -0700 -Subject: [PATCH] media: aspeed: remove source buffer allocation before mode - detection - -Mode detection doesn't require source buffer allocation so this -commit removes that. - -Signed-off-by: Jae Hyun Yoo ---- - drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c | 37 +++++------------------------------ - 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c b/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c -index 1bb863b32836..fed51fd22ce2 100644 ---- a/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c -+++ b/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c -@@ -733,27 +733,6 @@ static void aspeed_video_get_resolution(struct aspeed_video *video) - det->height = MIN_HEIGHT; - video->v4l2_input_status = V4L2_IN_ST_NO_SIGNAL; - -- /* -- * Since we need max buffer size for detection, free the second source -- * buffer first. -- */ -- if (video->srcs[1].size) -- aspeed_video_free_buf(video, &video->srcs[1]); -- -- if (video->srcs[0].size < VE_MAX_SRC_BUFFER_SIZE) { -- if (video->srcs[0].size) -- aspeed_video_free_buf(video, &video->srcs[0]); -- -- if (!aspeed_video_alloc_buf(video, &video->srcs[0], -- VE_MAX_SRC_BUFFER_SIZE)) { -- dev_err(video->dev, -- "Failed to allocate source buffers\n"); -- return; -- } -- } -- -- aspeed_video_write(video, VE_SRC0_ADDR, video->srcs[0].dma); -- - do { - if (tries) { - set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); -@@ -873,20 +852,14 @@ static void aspeed_video_set_resolution(struct aspeed_video *video) - - size *= 4; - -- if (size == video->srcs[0].size / 2) { -- aspeed_video_write(video, VE_SRC1_ADDR, -- video->srcs[0].dma + size); -- } else if (size == video->srcs[0].size) { -- if (!aspeed_video_alloc_buf(video, &video->srcs[1], size)) -- goto err_mem; -- -- aspeed_video_write(video, VE_SRC1_ADDR, video->srcs[1].dma); -- } else { -- aspeed_video_free_buf(video, &video->srcs[0]); -+ if (size != video->srcs[0].size) { -+ if (video->srcs[0].size) -+ aspeed_video_free_buf(video, &video->srcs[0]); -+ if (video->srcs[1].size) -+ aspeed_video_free_buf(video, &video->srcs[1]); - - if (!aspeed_video_alloc_buf(video, &video->srcs[0], size)) - goto err_mem; -- - if (!aspeed_video_alloc_buf(video, &video->srcs[1], size)) - goto err_mem; - --- -2.7.4 - diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0060-media-aspeed-use-different-delays-for-triggering-VE-.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0060-media-aspeed-use-different-delays-for-triggering-VE-.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 3e158c628..000000000 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0060-media-aspeed-use-different-delays-for-triggering-VE-.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -From 431c7974302fad5ae835adb46d3c8fa4034c845a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Jae Hyun Yoo -Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 16:06:56 -0700 -Subject: [PATCH 2/4] media: aspeed: use different delays for triggering VE H/W - reset - -In case of watchdog timeout detected while doing mode detection, -it's better triggering video engine hardware reset immediately so -this commit fixes code for the case. Other than the case, it will -trigger video engine hardware reset after RESOLUTION_CHANGE_DELAY. - -Signed-off-by: Jae Hyun Yoo ---- - drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c | 9 +++++---- - 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c b/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c -index ee1f87a08c7c..b8540cc7848d 100644 ---- a/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c -+++ b/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c -@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ static void aspeed_video_bufs_done(struct aspeed_video *video, - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&video->lock, flags); - } - --static void aspeed_video_irq_res_change(struct aspeed_video *video) -+static void aspeed_video_irq_res_change(struct aspeed_video *video, ulong delay) - { - spin_lock(&video->lock); - dev_dbg(video->dev, "Resolution changed; resetting\n"); -@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ static void aspeed_video_irq_res_change(struct aspeed_video *video) - spin_unlock(&video->lock); - aspeed_video_bufs_done(video, VB2_BUF_STATE_ERROR); - -- schedule_delayed_work(&video->res_work, RESOLUTION_CHANGE_DELAY); -+ schedule_delayed_work(&video->res_work, delay); - } - - static irqreturn_t aspeed_video_irq(int irq, void *arg) -@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ static irqreturn_t aspeed_video_irq(int irq, void *arg) - * re-initialize - */ - if (sts & VE_INTERRUPT_MODE_DETECT_WD) { -- aspeed_video_irq_res_change(video); -+ aspeed_video_irq_res_change(video, 0); - return IRQ_HANDLED; - } - -@@ -565,7 +565,8 @@ static irqreturn_t aspeed_video_irq(int irq, void *arg) - * Signal acquired while NOT doing resolution - * detection; reset the engine and re-initialize - */ -- aspeed_video_irq_res_change(video); -+ aspeed_video_irq_res_change(video, -+ RESOLUTION_CHANGE_DELAY); - return IRQ_HANDLED; - } - } --- -2.21.0 - diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0062-media-aspeed-add-a-workaround-to-fix-a-silicon-bug.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0062-media-aspeed-add-a-workaround-to-fix-a-silicon-bug.patch deleted file mode 100644 index a10963572..000000000 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0062-media-aspeed-add-a-workaround-to-fix-a-silicon-bug.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -From fa386f96691ed8501949daf5129667b72723a55e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Jae Hyun Yoo -Date: Thu, 23 May 2019 14:33:03 -0700 -Subject: [PATCH] media: aspeed: add a workaround to fix a silicon bug - -AST2500 silicon revision A1 and A2 have a silicon bug which causes -extremly long capturing time on specific resolutions (1680 width). -To fix the bug, this commit adjusts the capturing window register -setting to 1728 if detected width is 1680. The compression window -register setting will be kept as the original width so output -result will be the same. - -Signed-off-by: Jae Hyun Yoo ---- - drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++------- - 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c b/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c -index 67d6380d4ef3..f58f44eab588 100644 ---- a/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c -+++ b/drivers/media/platform/aspeed-video.c -@@ -826,8 +826,29 @@ static void aspeed_video_set_resolution(struct aspeed_video *video) - struct v4l2_bt_timings *act = &video->active_timings; - unsigned int size = act->width * act->height; - -+ /* Set capture/compression frame sizes */ - aspeed_video_calc_compressed_size(video, size); - -+ if (video->active_timings.width == 1680) { -+ /* -+ * This is a workaround to fix a silicon bug on A1 and A2 -+ * revisions. Since it doesn't break capturing operation of -+ * other revisions, use it for all revisions without checking -+ * the revision ID. It picked 1728 which is a very next -+ * 64-pixels aligned value to 1680 to minimize memory bandwidth -+ * and to get better access speed from video engine. -+ */ -+ aspeed_video_write(video, VE_CAP_WINDOW, -+ 1728 << 16 | act->height); -+ size += (1728 - 1680) * video->active_timings.height; -+ } else { -+ aspeed_video_write(video, VE_CAP_WINDOW, -+ act->width << 16 | act->height); -+ } -+ aspeed_video_write(video, VE_COMP_WINDOW, -+ act->width << 16 | act->height); -+ aspeed_video_write(video, VE_SRC_SCANLINE_OFFSET, act->width * 4); -+ - /* Don't use direct mode below 1024 x 768 (irqs don't fire) */ - if (size < DIRECT_FETCH_THRESHOLD) { - aspeed_video_write(video, VE_TGS_0, -@@ -844,13 +865,6 @@ static void aspeed_video_set_resolution(struct aspeed_video *video) - aspeed_video_update(video, VE_CTRL, 0, VE_CTRL_DIRECT_FETCH); - } - -- /* Set capture/compression frame sizes */ -- aspeed_video_write(video, VE_CAP_WINDOW, -- act->width << 16 | act->height); -- aspeed_video_write(video, VE_COMP_WINDOW, -- act->width << 16 | act->height); -- aspeed_video_write(video, VE_SRC_SCANLINE_OFFSET, act->width * 4); -- - size *= 4; - - if (size != video->srcs[0].size) { --- -2.7.4 - diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0065-i2c-aspeed-fix-master-pending-state-handling.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0065-i2c-aspeed-fix-master-pending-state-handling.patch new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a86d5b25 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0065-i2c-aspeed-fix-master-pending-state-handling.patch @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +From 50221ac92816333efcf961c5f22f8b9ffdccb31b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Jae Hyun Yoo +Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 14:59:53 -0700 +Subject: [PATCH] i2c: aspeed: fix master pending state handling + +In case of a master pending state, it should not trigger the master +command because this H/W is sharing the same byte buffer for slave +and master operation, so this commit fixes the issue with making +the master command triggering happens when the state goes to active +state. + +Signed-off-by: Jae Hyun Yoo +--- + drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c | 9 +++++---- + 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c b/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c +index f96160e01a69..64bc68eaa88f 100644 +--- a/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c ++++ b/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c +@@ -384,18 +384,19 @@ static void aspeed_i2c_do_start(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus) + struct i2c_msg *msg = &bus->msgs[bus->msgs_index]; + u8 slave_addr = i2c_8bit_addr_from_msg(msg); + +- bus->master_state = ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_START; +- + #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_I2C_SLAVE) + /* + * If it's requested in the middle of a slave session, set the master + * state to 'pending' then H/W will continue handling this master + * command when the bus comes back to the idle state. + */ +- if (bus->slave_state != ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_INACTIVE) ++ if (bus->slave_state != ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_INACTIVE) { + bus->master_state = ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_PENDING; ++ return; ++ } + #endif /* CONFIG_I2C_SLAVE */ + ++ bus->master_state = ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_START; + bus->buf_index = 0; + + if (msg->flags & I2C_M_RD) { +@@ -480,7 +481,7 @@ static u32 aspeed_i2c_master_irq(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus, u32 irq_status) + if (bus->slave_state != ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_INACTIVE) + goto out_no_complete; + +- bus->master_state = ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_START; ++ aspeed_i2c_do_start(bus); + } + #endif /* CONFIG_I2C_SLAVE */ + +-- +2.7.4 + diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0066-i2c-aspeed-add-buffer-mode-transfer-support.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0066-i2c-aspeed-add-buffer-mode-transfer-support.patch new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9480daeff --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed/0066-i2c-aspeed-add-buffer-mode-transfer-support.patch @@ -0,0 +1,770 @@ +From efb710a6b3a39f28b988af717eefc1b72c4c43bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Jae Hyun Yoo +Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 15:07:08 -0700 +Subject: [PATCH] i2c: aspeed: add buffer mode transfer support + +Byte mode currently this driver uses makes lots of interrupt call +which isn't good for performance and it makes the driver very +timing sensitive. To improve performance of the driver, this commit +adds buffer mode transfer support which uses I2C SRAM buffer +instead of using a single byte buffer. + +AST2400: +It has 2 KBytes (256 Bytes x 8 pages) of I2C SRAM buffer pool from +0x1e78a800 to 0x1e78afff that can be used for all busses with +buffer pool manipulation. To simplify implementation for supporting +both AST2400 and AST2500, it assigns each 128 Bytes per bus without +using buffer pool manipulation so total 1792 Bytes of I2C SRAM +buffer will used. + +AST2500: +It has 16 Bytes of individual I2C SRAM buffer per each bus and its +range is from 0x1e78a200 to 0x1e78a2df, so it doesn't have 'buffer +page selection' bit field in the Function control register, and +neither 'base address pointer' bit field in the Pool buffer control +register it has. To simplify implementation for supporting both +AST2400 and AST2500, it writes zeros on those register bit fields +but it's okay because it does nothing in AST2500. + +It provides buffer based master and slave data transfer. + +Signed-off-by: Jae Hyun Yoo +--- + arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-g4.dtsi | 42 ++++-- + arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-g5.dtsi | 42 ++++-- + drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c | 262 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- + drivers/irqchip/irq-aspeed-i2c-ic.c | 8 ++ + 4 files changed, 301 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-g4.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-g4.dtsi +index 47a5029f5bdb..c1c125add9fa 100644 +--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-g4.dtsi ++++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-g4.dtsi +@@ -482,7 +482,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x40 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x40 0x40>, <0x800 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -498,7 +499,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x80 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x80 0x40>, <0x880 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -514,7 +516,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0xc0 0x40>; ++ reg = <0xc0 0x40>, <0x900 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -531,7 +534,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x100 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x100 0x40>, <0x980 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -548,7 +552,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x140 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x140 0x40>, <0xa00 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -565,7 +570,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x180 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x180 0x40>, <0xa80 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -582,7 +588,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x1c0 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x1c0 0x40>, <0xb00 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -599,7 +606,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x300 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x300 0x40>, <0xb80 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -616,7 +624,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x340 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x340 0x40>, <0xc00 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -633,7 +642,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x380 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x380 0x40>, <0xc80 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -650,7 +660,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x3c0 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x3c0 0x40>, <0xd00 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -667,7 +678,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x400 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x400 0x40>, <0xd80 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -684,7 +696,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x440 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x440 0x40>, <0xe00 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -701,7 +714,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x480 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x480 0x40>, <0xe80 0x80>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-g5.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-g5.dtsi +index 9d5ed9499b1f..662249bc15f9 100644 +--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-g5.dtsi ++++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-g5.dtsi +@@ -599,7 +599,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x40 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x40 0x40>, <0x200 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -615,7 +616,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x80 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x80 0x40>, <0x210 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -631,7 +633,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0xc0 0x40>; ++ reg = <0xc0 0x40>, <0x220 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -648,7 +651,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x100 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x100 0x40>, <0x230 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -665,7 +669,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x140 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x140 0x40>, <0x240 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -682,7 +687,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x180 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x180 0x40>, <0x250 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -699,7 +705,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x1c0 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x1c0 0x40>, <0x260 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -716,7 +723,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x300 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x300 0x40>, <0x270 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -733,7 +741,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x340 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x340 0x40>, <0x280 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -750,7 +759,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x380 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x380 0x40>, <0x290 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -767,7 +777,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x3c0 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x3c0 0x40>, <0x2a0 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -784,7 +795,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x400 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x400 0x40>, <0x2b0 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -801,7 +813,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x440 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x440 0x40>, <0x2c0 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +@@ -818,7 +831,8 @@ + #size-cells = <0>; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + +- reg = <0x480 0x40>; ++ reg = <0x480 0x40>, <0x2d0 0x10>; ++ reg-names = "bus-regs", "buf"; + compatible = "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-bus"; + clocks = <&syscon ASPEED_CLK_APB>; + resets = <&syscon ASPEED_RESET_I2C>; +diff --git a/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c b/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c +index 64bc68eaa88f..b21a4c87853e 100644 +--- a/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c ++++ b/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c +@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + */ + ++#include + #include + #include + #include +@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ + #define ASPEED_I2C_INTR_STS_REG 0x10 + #define ASPEED_I2C_CMD_REG 0x14 + #define ASPEED_I2C_DEV_ADDR_REG 0x18 ++#define ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG 0x1c + #define ASPEED_I2C_BYTE_BUF_REG 0x20 + + /* Global Register Definition */ +@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ + + /* Device Register Definition */ + /* 0x00 : I2CD Function Control Register */ ++#define ASPEED_I2CD_BUFFER_PAGE_SEL_MASK GENMASK(22, 20) + #define ASPEED_I2CD_MULTI_MASTER_DIS BIT(15) + #define ASPEED_I2CD_SDA_DRIVE_1T_EN BIT(8) + #define ASPEED_I2CD_M_SDA_DRIVE_1T_EN BIT(7) +@@ -107,6 +110,8 @@ + #define ASPEED_I2CD_BUS_RECOVER_CMD BIT(11) + + /* Command Bit */ ++#define ASPEED_I2CD_RX_BUFF_ENABLE BIT(7) ++#define ASPEED_I2CD_TX_BUFF_ENABLE BIT(6) + #define ASPEED_I2CD_M_STOP_CMD BIT(5) + #define ASPEED_I2CD_M_S_RX_CMD_LAST BIT(4) + #define ASPEED_I2CD_M_RX_CMD BIT(3) +@@ -117,6 +122,13 @@ + /* 0x18 : I2CD Slave Device Address Register */ + #define ASPEED_I2CD_DEV_ADDR_MASK GENMASK(6, 0) + ++/* 0x1c : I2CD Buffer Control Register */ ++/* Use 8-bits or 6-bits wide bit fileds to support both AST2400 and AST2500 */ ++#define ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_RX_COUNT_MASK GENMASK(31, 24) ++#define ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_RX_SIZE_MASK GENMASK(23, 16) ++#define ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_TX_COUNT_MASK GENMASK(15, 8) ++#define ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_OFFSET_MASK GENMASK(5, 0) ++ + enum aspeed_i2c_master_state { + ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_INACTIVE, + ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_PENDING, +@@ -164,6 +176,11 @@ struct aspeed_i2c_bus { + int master_xfer_result; + /* Multi-master */ + bool multi_master; ++ /* Buffer/DMA mode */ ++ void __iomem *buf_base; ++ size_t buf_size; ++ u8 buf_offset; ++ u8 buf_page; + #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_I2C_SLAVE) + struct i2c_client *slave; + enum aspeed_i2c_slave_state slave_state; +@@ -260,6 +277,7 @@ static u32 aspeed_i2c_slave_irq(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus, u32 irq_status) + { + u32 command, irq_handled = 0; + struct i2c_client *slave = bus->slave; ++ int i, len; + u8 value; + + if (!slave) +@@ -288,7 +306,11 @@ static u32 aspeed_i2c_slave_irq(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus, u32 irq_status) + + /* Slave was sent something. */ + if (irq_status & ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_RX_DONE) { +- value = readl(bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BYTE_BUF_REG) >> 8; ++ if (bus->buf_base && ++ bus->slave_state == ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_RECEIVED) ++ value = readb(bus->buf_base); ++ else ++ value = readl(bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BYTE_BUF_REG) >> 8; + /* Handle address frame. */ + if (bus->slave_state == ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_START) { + if (value & 0x1) +@@ -318,6 +340,18 @@ static u32 aspeed_i2c_slave_irq(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus, u32 irq_status) + + /* Slave was asked to stop. */ + if (irq_status & ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_NORMAL_STOP) { ++ if (bus->buf_base && ++ bus->slave_state == ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_RECEIVED) { ++ len = FIELD_GET(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_RX_COUNT_MASK, ++ readl(bus->base + ++ ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG)); ++ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ++ value = readb(bus->buf_base + i); ++ i2c_slave_event(slave, ++ I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_RECEIVED, ++ &value); ++ } ++ } + irq_handled |= ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_NORMAL_STOP; + bus->slave_state = ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_STOP; + } +@@ -350,6 +384,15 @@ static u32 aspeed_i2c_slave_irq(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus, u32 irq_status) + case ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_REQUESTED: + bus->slave_state = ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_RECEIVED; + i2c_slave_event(slave, I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_REQUESTED, &value); ++ if (bus->buf_base) { ++ writel(FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_RX_SIZE_MASK, ++ bus->buf_size - 1) | ++ FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_OFFSET_MASK, ++ bus->buf_offset), ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG); ++ writel(ASPEED_I2CD_RX_BUFF_ENABLE, ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_CMD_REG); ++ } + break; + case ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_GCALL_REQUESTED: + bus->slave_state = ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_RECEIVED; +@@ -357,6 +400,24 @@ static u32 aspeed_i2c_slave_irq(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus, u32 irq_status) + break; + case ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_RECEIVED: + i2c_slave_event(slave, I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_RECEIVED, &value); ++ if (bus->buf_base) { ++ len = FIELD_GET(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_RX_COUNT_MASK, ++ readl(bus->base + ++ ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG)); ++ for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { ++ value = readb(bus->buf_base + i); ++ i2c_slave_event(slave, ++ I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_RECEIVED, ++ &value); ++ } ++ writel(FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_RX_SIZE_MASK, ++ bus->buf_size - 1) | ++ FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_OFFSET_MASK, ++ bus->buf_offset), ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG); ++ writel(ASPEED_I2CD_RX_BUFF_ENABLE, ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_CMD_REG); ++ } + break; + case ASPEED_I2C_SLAVE_STOP: + i2c_slave_event(slave, I2C_SLAVE_STOP, &value); +@@ -383,6 +444,8 @@ static void aspeed_i2c_do_start(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus) + u32 command = ASPEED_I2CD_M_START_CMD | ASPEED_I2CD_M_TX_CMD; + struct i2c_msg *msg = &bus->msgs[bus->msgs_index]; + u8 slave_addr = i2c_8bit_addr_from_msg(msg); ++ u8 wbuf[4]; ++ int len; + + #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_I2C_SLAVE) + /* +@@ -401,12 +464,66 @@ static void aspeed_i2c_do_start(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus) + + if (msg->flags & I2C_M_RD) { + command |= ASPEED_I2CD_M_RX_CMD; +- /* Need to let the hardware know to NACK after RX. */ +- if (msg->len == 1 && !(msg->flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN)) +- command |= ASPEED_I2CD_M_S_RX_CMD_LAST; ++ ++ if (bus->buf_base && !(msg->flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN)) { ++ command |= ASPEED_I2CD_TX_BUFF_ENABLE | ++ ASPEED_I2CD_RX_BUFF_ENABLE; ++ ++ wbuf[0] = slave_addr; ++ writel(*(u32 *)wbuf, bus->buf_base); ++ ++ if (msg->len > bus->buf_size) { ++ len = bus->buf_size; ++ } else { ++ len = msg->len; ++ command |= ASPEED_I2CD_M_S_RX_CMD_LAST; ++ } ++ ++ writel(FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_RX_SIZE_MASK, ++ len - 1) | ++ FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_TX_COUNT_MASK, 0) | ++ FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_OFFSET_MASK, ++ bus->buf_offset), ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG); ++ } else { ++ /* Need to let the hardware know to NACK after RX. */ ++ if (msg->len == 1 && !(msg->flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN)) ++ command |= ASPEED_I2CD_M_S_RX_CMD_LAST; ++ } ++ } else { ++ if (bus->buf_base) { ++ int i; ++ ++ command |= ASPEED_I2CD_TX_BUFF_ENABLE; ++ ++ if (msg->len + 1 > bus->buf_size) ++ len = bus->buf_size; ++ else ++ len = msg->len + 1; ++ ++ wbuf[0] = slave_addr; ++ for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { ++ wbuf[i % 4] = msg->buf[i - 1]; ++ if (i % 4 == 3) ++ writel(*(u32 *)wbuf, ++ bus->buf_base + i - 3); ++ } ++ if (--i % 4 != 3) ++ writel(*(u32 *)wbuf, ++ bus->buf_base + i - (i % 4)); ++ ++ bus->buf_index = len - 1; ++ ++ writel(FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_TX_COUNT_MASK, ++ len - 1) | ++ FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_OFFSET_MASK, ++ bus->buf_offset), ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG); ++ } + } + +- writel(slave_addr, bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BYTE_BUF_REG); ++ if (!(command & ASPEED_I2CD_TX_BUFF_ENABLE)) ++ writel(slave_addr, bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BYTE_BUF_REG); + writel(command, bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_CMD_REG); + } + +@@ -441,12 +558,22 @@ static int aspeed_i2c_is_irq_error(u32 irq_status) + return 0; + } + ++static inline int aspeed_i2c_is_tx_error(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus) ++{ ++ if (FIELD_GET(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_TX_COUNT_MASK, ++ readl(bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG)) != ++ bus->buf_size - 1) ++ return -EIO; ++ ++ return 0; ++} ++ + static u32 aspeed_i2c_master_irq(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus, u32 irq_status) + { + u32 irq_handled = 0, command = 0; + struct i2c_msg *msg; + u8 recv_byte; +- int ret; ++ int ret, len; + + if (irq_status & ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_BUS_RECOVER_DONE) { + bus->master_state = ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_INACTIVE; +@@ -559,11 +686,46 @@ static u32 aspeed_i2c_master_irq(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus, u32 irq_status) + /* fall through */ + case ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_TX_FIRST: + if (bus->buf_index < msg->len) { ++ if (bus->buf_base) { ++ u8 wbuf[4]; ++ int i; ++ ++ if (unlikely(aspeed_i2c_is_tx_error(bus))) ++ goto error_and_stop; ++ ++ if (msg->len - bus->buf_index > bus->buf_size) ++ len = bus->buf_size; ++ else ++ len = msg->len - bus->buf_index; ++ ++ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ++ wbuf[i % 4] = msg->buf[bus->buf_index ++ + i]; ++ if (i % 4 == 3) ++ writel(*(u32 *)wbuf, ++ bus->buf_base + i - 3); ++ } ++ if (--i % 4 != 3) ++ writel(*(u32 *)wbuf, ++ bus->buf_base + i - (i % 4)); ++ ++ bus->buf_index += len; ++ ++ writel(FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_TX_COUNT_MASK, ++ len - 1) | ++ FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_OFFSET_MASK, ++ bus->buf_offset), ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG); ++ writel(ASPEED_I2CD_TX_BUFF_ENABLE | ++ ASPEED_I2CD_M_TX_CMD, ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_CMD_REG); ++ } else { ++ writel(msg->buf[bus->buf_index++], ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BYTE_BUF_REG); ++ writel(ASPEED_I2CD_M_TX_CMD, ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_CMD_REG); ++ } + bus->master_state = ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_TX; +- writel(msg->buf[bus->buf_index++], +- bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BYTE_BUF_REG); +- writel(ASPEED_I2CD_M_TX_CMD, +- bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_CMD_REG); + } else { + aspeed_i2c_next_msg_or_stop(bus); + } +@@ -580,25 +742,57 @@ static u32 aspeed_i2c_master_irq(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus, u32 irq_status) + } + irq_handled |= ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_RX_DONE; + +- recv_byte = readl(bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BYTE_BUF_REG) >> 8; +- msg->buf[bus->buf_index++] = recv_byte; +- +- if (msg->flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN) { +- if (unlikely(recv_byte > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)) { +- bus->cmd_err = -EPROTO; +- aspeed_i2c_do_stop(bus); +- goto out_no_complete; ++ if (bus->buf_base && !(msg->flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN)) { ++ len = FIELD_GET(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_RX_COUNT_MASK, ++ readl(bus->base + ++ ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG)); ++ memcpy_fromio(msg->buf + bus->buf_index, ++ bus->buf_base, len); ++ bus->buf_index += len; ++ } else { ++ recv_byte = readl(bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BYTE_BUF_REG) ++ >> 8; ++ msg->buf[bus->buf_index++] = recv_byte; ++ ++ if (msg->flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN) { ++ if (unlikely(recv_byte > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)) { ++ bus->cmd_err = -EPROTO; ++ aspeed_i2c_do_stop(bus); ++ goto out_no_complete; ++ } ++ msg->len = recv_byte + ++ ((msg->flags & I2C_CLIENT_PEC) ? ++ 2 : 1); ++ msg->flags &= ~I2C_M_RECV_LEN; + } +- msg->len = recv_byte + +- ((msg->flags & I2C_CLIENT_PEC) ? 2 : 1); +- msg->flags &= ~I2C_M_RECV_LEN; + } + + if (bus->buf_index < msg->len) { +- bus->master_state = ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_RX; + command = ASPEED_I2CD_M_RX_CMD; +- if (bus->buf_index + 1 == msg->len) +- command |= ASPEED_I2CD_M_S_RX_CMD_LAST; ++ bus->master_state = ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_RX; ++ if (bus->buf_base) { ++ command |= ASPEED_I2CD_RX_BUFF_ENABLE; ++ ++ if (msg->len - bus->buf_index > ++ bus->buf_size) { ++ len = bus->buf_size; ++ } else { ++ len = msg->len - bus->buf_index; ++ command |= ASPEED_I2CD_M_S_RX_CMD_LAST; ++ } ++ ++ writel(FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_RX_SIZE_MASK, ++ len - 1) | ++ FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_TX_COUNT_MASK, ++ 0) | ++ FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_OFFSET_MASK, ++ bus->buf_offset), ++ bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_BUF_CTRL_REG); ++ ++ } else { ++ if (bus->buf_index + 1 == msg->len) ++ command |= ASPEED_I2CD_M_S_RX_CMD_LAST; ++ } + writel(command, bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_CMD_REG); + } else { + aspeed_i2c_next_msg_or_stop(bus); +@@ -948,6 +1142,9 @@ static int aspeed_i2c_init(struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus, + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + ++ fun_ctrl_reg |= FIELD_PREP(ASPEED_I2CD_BUFFER_PAGE_SEL_MASK, ++ bus->buf_page); ++ + if (of_property_read_bool(pdev->dev.of_node, "multi-master")) + bus->multi_master = true; + else +@@ -1010,17 +1207,32 @@ static int aspeed_i2c_probe_bus(struct platform_device *pdev) + struct aspeed_i2c_bus *bus; + struct clk *parent_clk; + struct resource *res; ++ void __iomem *gc_reg; + int irq, ret; + + bus = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*bus), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!bus) + return -ENOMEM; + +- res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); ++ res = platform_get_resource_byname(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, "bus-regs"); + bus->base = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res); + if (IS_ERR(bus->base)) + return PTR_ERR(bus->base); + ++ res = platform_get_resource_byname(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, "buf"); ++ bus->buf_base = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res); ++ if (IS_ERR(bus->buf_base) || resource_size(res) < 2) { ++ bus->buf_base = NULL; ++ } else { ++ bus->buf_size = resource_size(res); ++ if (of_device_is_compatible(pdev->dev.of_node, ++ "aspeed,ast2400-i2c-bus")) { ++ bus->buf_page = (res->start >> 8) & GENMASK(3, 0) - 8; ++ bus->buf_offset = (res->start >> 2) & ++ ASPEED_I2CD_BUF_OFFSET_MASK; ++ } ++ } ++ + parent_clk = devm_clk_get(&pdev->dev, NULL); + if (IS_ERR(parent_clk)) + return PTR_ERR(parent_clk); +diff --git a/drivers/irqchip/irq-aspeed-i2c-ic.c b/drivers/irqchip/irq-aspeed-i2c-ic.c +index f20200af0992..99985b22a9fa 100644 +--- a/drivers/irqchip/irq-aspeed-i2c-ic.c ++++ b/drivers/irqchip/irq-aspeed-i2c-ic.c +@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ + #include + #include + ++/* I2C Global Control Register (AST2500) */ ++#define ASPEED_I2C_GLOBAL_CTRL_REG 0xc ++#define ASPEED_I2C_SRAM_BUFFER_EN BIT(0) + + #define ASPEED_I2C_IC_NUM_BUS 14 + +@@ -100,6 +103,11 @@ static int __init aspeed_i2c_ic_of_init(struct device_node *node, + irq_set_chained_handler_and_data(i2c_ic->parent_irq, + aspeed_i2c_ic_irq_handler, i2c_ic); + ++ /* Enable I2C SRAM buffer in case of AST2500 */ ++ if (of_device_is_compatible(node, "aspeed,ast2500-i2c-ic")) ++ writel(ASPEED_I2C_SRAM_BUFFER_EN, ++ i2c_ic->base + ASPEED_I2C_GLOBAL_CTRL_REG); ++ + pr_info("i2c controller registered, irq %d\n", i2c_ic->parent_irq); + + return 0; +-- +2.7.4 + diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend index 7ae4b5e64..ed5be3455 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-aspeed_%.bbappend @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ SRC_URI += " \ file://0056-Documentation-jtag-Add-JTAG-core-driver-ioctl-number.patch \ file://0057-drivers-jtag-Add-JTAG-core-driver-Maintainers.patch \ file://0058-i2c-aspeed-add-general-call-support.patch \ - file://0059-media-aspeed-remove-source-buffer-allocation-before-.patch \ - file://0060-media-aspeed-use-different-delays-for-triggering-VE-.patch \ - file://0062-media-aspeed-add-a-workaround-to-fix-a-silicon-bug.patch \ + file://0065-i2c-aspeed-fix-master-pending-state-handling.patch \ + file://0066-i2c-aspeed-add-buffer-mode-transfer-support.patch \ " diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager_%.bbappend index e773da3cd..8b9da74f0 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/configuration/entity-manager_%.bbappend @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # this is here just to bump faster than upstream SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "683ff83b9cfe0ec3d9683f7220bd40ef77dbfe96" +SRCREV = "15c49902cf030a91a5b4bd325d185ee74b760359" FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/0024-Add-the-pre-timeout-interrupt-defined-in-IPMI-spec.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/0024-Add-the-pre-timeout-interrupt-defined-in-IPMI-spec.patch new file mode 100644 index 000000000..67fa59090 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/0024-Add-the-pre-timeout-interrupt-defined-in-IPMI-spec.patch @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +From 6e9a19c43acac7d4254910906329d98d7b59085a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Ren Yu +Date: Fri, 24 May 2019 14:55:10 +0800 +Subject: [PATCH] Add the pre-timeout interrupt defined in IPMI spec + +The IPMI watchdog pre-timeout interrupt is used to set the different +pre-timeout interrupt source. Add them as a dbus property, +IPMI set/get watchdog commands will use it. + +Signed-off-by: Ren Yu +--- + xyz/openbmc_project/State/Watchdog.interface.yaml | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++ + 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Watchdog.interface.yaml b/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Watchdog.interface.yaml +index 2fc47d8..6dfa9b9 100644 +--- a/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Watchdog.interface.yaml ++++ b/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Watchdog.interface.yaml +@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ properties: + description: > + The action the watchdog should perform when it expires. + default: 'HardReset' ++ - name: PreTimeoutInterrupt ++ type: enum[self.PreTimeoutInterruptAction] ++ description: > ++ The BMC generates the selected interrupt before the timer expires. ++ default: 'None' + - name: Interval + type: uint64 + description: > +@@ -73,6 +78,23 @@ enumerations: + description: > + Perform a power cycle of the system. + ++ - name: PreTimeoutInterruptAction ++ description: > ++ The type of PreTimeout Interrupt. ++ values: ++ - name: 'None' ++ description: > ++ Do nothing. ++ - name: 'SMI' ++ description: > ++ SMI. ++ - name: 'NMI' ++ description: > ++ NMI / Diagnostic Interrupt. ++ - name: 'MI' ++ description: > ++ Messaging Interrupt. ++ + - name: TimerUse + description: > + The type of timer use. +-- +2.7.4 + diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/phosphor-dbus-interfaces_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/phosphor-dbus-interfaces_%.bbappend index 94eff8ac7..89b8da753 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/phosphor-dbus-interfaces_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/dbus/phosphor-dbus-interfaces_%.bbappend @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "57b878d048f929643276f1bf7fdf750abc4bde8b" +SRCREV = "1f0e2ce6e1cb78a59a0015b160816b71156b03c6" FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" @@ -18,4 +18,5 @@ SRC_URI += "file://0002-Modify-Dbus-for-IPv6.patch \ file://0021-Add-interface-suppot-for-provisioning-modes.patch \ file://0022-Add-chassis-power-cycle-and-reset-to-Chassis-State.patch \ file://0023-Add-host-interrupt-to-the-Host-State.patch \ + file://0024-Add-the-pre-timeout-interrupt-defined-in-IPMI-spec.patch \ " diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/fans/phosphor-pid-control_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/fans/phosphor-pid-control_%.bbappend index 1ce94dca4..e1ec04ff6 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/fans/phosphor-pid-control_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/fans/phosphor-pid-control_%.bbappend @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "phosphor-pid-control.service" EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-configure-dbus=yes" SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "98b704e179f12d987179fe6b0ea6234d1bace48f" +SRCREV = "1dad21b935b8359806de9a9cc3aa7b7463cc8df3" FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/swampd ${bindir}/setsensor" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/gpiodaemon/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/gpiodaemon/ index e24245525..cef2fdcaa 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/gpiodaemon/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/gpiodaemon/ @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" -SRCREV = "9d2d365a79591ec21b54ecde957263f1ba1d8391" +SRCREV = "4373d99e1edcbb4c7233abde3a5e53690693007b" inherit cmake systemd SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "gpiodaemon.service" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/bmcweb_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/bmcweb_%.bbappend index 6ac05b61d..3f870103b 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/bmcweb_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/interfaces/bmcweb_%.bbappend @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "d62cec731dcb533b3fecb08ba115dbf713539681" +SRCREV = "fa1a5a38551bd1b9f04ad2d4f9fea2e5ade5cc4c" FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/0063-Save-the-pre-timeout-interrupt-in-dbus-property.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/0063-Save-the-pre-timeout-interrupt-in-dbus-property.patch new file mode 100644 index 000000000..685e7c39d --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host/0063-Save-the-pre-timeout-interrupt-in-dbus-property.patch @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +From d9c89943d7b0aa00ee99b7c11278ac272a47a790 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Ren Yu +Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 17:11:17 +0800 +Subject: [PATCH] Save the pre-timeout interrupt in dbus property + +Get the watchdog pre-timeout interrupt value from ipmi watchdog set command, +and store it into dbus property. + +Tested: +Config IPMI watchdog: BIOS FRB2 Power Cycle after 1 seconds: +ipmitool raw 0x06 0x24 0x01 0x13 0x0 0x2 0xa 0x00 +Start watchdog: +Ipmitool mc watchdog reset +Check the watchdog pre-timeout interrupt in below: +https://BMCIP/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries + +Signed-off-by: Ren Yu +--- + app/watchdog.cpp | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + app/watchdog_service.cpp | 6 ++++++ + app/watchdog_service.hpp | 9 +++++++++ + 3 files changed, 62 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/app/watchdog.cpp b/app/watchdog.cpp +index 2ffaae3..e9b7a9c 100644 +--- a/app/watchdog.cpp ++++ b/app/watchdog.cpp +@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ ipmi::RspType<> ipmiAppResetWatchdogTimer() + + static constexpr uint8_t wd_dont_stop = 0x1 << 6; + static constexpr uint8_t wd_timeout_action_mask = 0x3; ++static constexpr uint8_t wdPreTimeoutInterruptMask = 0x3; + + static constexpr uint8_t wdTimerUseMask = 0x7; + static constexpr uint8_t wdTimerUseResTimer1 = 0x0; +@@ -130,6 +131,45 @@ WatchdogService::Action ipmiActionToWdAction(IpmiAction ipmi_action) + } + } + ++enum class IpmiPreTimeoutInterrupt : uint8_t ++{ ++ None = 0x0, ++ SMI = 0x1, ++ NMI = 0x2, ++ MI = 0x3, ++}; ++/** @brief Converts an IPMI Watchdog PreTimeoutInterrupt to DBUS defined action ++ * @param[in] ipmi_action The IPMI Watchdog PreTimeoutInterrupt ++ * @return The Watchdog PreTimeoutInterrupt that the ipmi_action maps to ++ */ ++WatchdogService::PreTimeoutInterruptAction ipmiPreTimeoutInterruptToWdAction( ++ IpmiPreTimeoutInterrupt ipmiPreTimeOutInterrupt) ++{ ++ switch (ipmiPreTimeOutInterrupt) ++ { ++ case IpmiPreTimeoutInterrupt::None: ++ { ++ return WatchdogService::PreTimeoutInterruptAction::None; ++ } ++ case IpmiPreTimeoutInterrupt::SMI: ++ { ++ return WatchdogService::PreTimeoutInterruptAction::SMI; ++ } ++ case IpmiPreTimeoutInterrupt::NMI: ++ { ++ return WatchdogService::PreTimeoutInterruptAction::NMI; ++ } ++ case IpmiPreTimeoutInterrupt::MI: ++ { ++ return WatchdogService::PreTimeoutInterruptAction::MI; ++ } ++ default: ++ { ++ throw std::domain_error("IPMI PreTimeoutInterrupt is invalid"); ++ } ++ } ++} ++ + enum class IpmiTimerUse : uint8_t + { + Reserved = 0x0, +@@ -257,6 +297,13 @@ ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_watchdog_set(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, + // Mark as initialized so that future resets behave correctly + wd_service.setInitialized(true); + ++ // pretimeOutAction ++ const auto ipmiPreTimeoutInterrupt = ++ static_cast((req.timer_action >> 4) & ++ wdPreTimeoutInterruptMask); ++ wd_service.setPreTimeoutInterrupt( ++ ipmiPreTimeoutInterruptToWdAction(ipmiPreTimeoutInterrupt)); ++ + lastCallSuccessful = true; + return IPMI_CC_OK; + } +diff --git a/app/watchdog_service.cpp b/app/watchdog_service.cpp +index 77663b4..0c4ea28 100644 +--- a/app/watchdog_service.cpp ++++ b/app/watchdog_service.cpp +@@ -203,3 +203,9 @@ void WatchdogService::setTimeRemaining(uint64_t timeRemaining) + { + setProperty("TimeRemaining", timeRemaining); + } ++ ++void WatchdogService::setPreTimeoutInterrupt( ++ PreTimeoutInterruptAction preTimeoutInterrupt) ++{ ++ setProperty("PreTimeoutInterrupt", convertForMessage(preTimeoutInterrupt)); ++} +\ No newline at end of file +diff --git a/app/watchdog_service.hpp b/app/watchdog_service.hpp +index ed64a3c..b550f37 100644 +--- a/app/watchdog_service.hpp ++++ b/app/watchdog_service.hpp +@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ class WatchdogService + + using Action = + sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::State::server::Watchdog::Action; ++ using PreTimeoutInterruptAction = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::State:: ++ server::Watchdog::PreTimeoutInterruptAction; + using TimerUse = + sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::State::server::Watchdog::TimerUse; + +@@ -99,6 +101,13 @@ class WatchdogService + */ + void setTimeRemaining(uint64_t timeRemaining); + ++ /** @brief Sets the value of the PreTimeoutInterrupt property on the host ++ * watchdog ++ * ++ * @param[in] PreTimeoutInterrupt - The new PreTimeoutInterrupt value ++ */ ++ void setPreTimeoutInterrupt(PreTimeoutInterruptAction preTimeoutInterrupt); ++ + private: + /** @brief sdbusplus handle */ + sdbusplus::bus::bus bus; +-- +2.7.4 + diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host_%.bbappend index 3509ebfd6..a6a142ec8 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host_%.bbappend @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" # TODO: This should be removed, once up-stream bump up # issue is resolved #SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "ea1c401c4bac43d6070bf7d515df08f8bf57c0a2" +SRCREV = "0b979b61c12ffe6ab8a27acf8ad2a0165d687195" SRC_URI += "file://phosphor-ipmi-host.service \ file://0009-IPv6-Network-changes.patch \ @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ SRC_URI += "file://phosphor-ipmi-host.service \ file://0060-Move-Get-SOL-config-parameter-to-host-ipmid.patch \ file://0061-Use-xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis-for-IPMI-chass.patch \ file://0062-Update-IPMI-Chassis-Control-command.patch \ + file://0063-Save-the-pre-timeout-interrupt-in-dbus-property.patch \ " # remove the softpoweroff service since we do not need it diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-kcs/99-ipmi-kcs.rules b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-kcs/99-ipmi-kcs.rules new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a64b58db --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-kcs/99-ipmi-kcs.rules @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +KERNEL=="ipmi-kcs3", SYMLINK+="ipmi_kcs3" +KERNEL=="ipmi-kcs4", SYMLINK+="ipmi_kcs4" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-kcs_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-kcs_%.bbappend index e3d397f06..140d1b302 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-kcs_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-kcs_%.bbappend @@ -4,9 +4,18 @@ FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" # Default kcs device is ipmi-kcs3; this is SMS. # Add SMM kcs device instance -SMM_DEVICE = "ipmi-kcs4" + +# Replace the '-' to '_', since Dbus object/interface names do not allow '-'. +KCS_DEVICE = "ipmi_kcs3" +SMM_DEVICE = "ipmi_kcs4" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN}_append = " ${PN}@${SMM_DEVICE}.service " SRC_URI = "git://" SRCREV = "2cdc49585235a6557c9cbb6c8b75c064fc02681a" +SRC_URI += "file://99-ipmi-kcs.rules" + +do_install_append() { + install -d ${D}${base_libdir}/udev/rules.d + install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/99-ipmi-kcs.rules ${D}${base_libdir}/udev/rules.d/ +} diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-net_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-net_%.bbappend index 9f5e3fa6f..214bea189 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-net_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-net_%.bbappend @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ inherit useradd # TODO: This should be removed, once up-stream bump up # issue is resolved #SRC_URI += "git://" -#SRCREV = "052b7cf37411a1bb69af1e6ce541a16021fffa9f" +#SRCREV = "b31e969504645f653b58b676d56b01d632dc395c" USERADD_PACKAGES = "${PN}" # add a group called ipmi diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/multi-node-manager/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/multi-node-manager/ index 31b9e9338..65f578338 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/multi-node-manager/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/multi-node-manager/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SUMMARY = "Multi node manager" DESCRIPTION = "Daemon to handle chassis level shared resources on multi-node platform" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" -SRCREV = "8a34c017e04dd8f327aff127f64855f6132bd318" +SRCREV = "6a4cd36c0d46df11bdcd3b897bcc9c87e549a076" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/sensors/dbus-sensors_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/sensors/dbus-sensors_%.bbappend index 996f11b42..ca3c2eba0 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/sensors/dbus-sensors_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/sensors/dbus-sensors_%.bbappend @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -SRCREV = "930fcde3c8776c02f2a3d969d05608e2155eb159" +SRCREV = "52497fd0fbd8adfe099a99f23515cd0341898e2e" SRC_URI = "git://" DEPENDS_append = " libgpiod" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/settings/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/settings/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aadb48fbf --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/settings/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +SUMMARY = "Settings" + +SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" +SRCREV = "4373d99e1edcbb4c7233abde3a5e53690693007b" +PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" + +LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" +LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${INTELBASE}/COPYING.apache-2.0;md5=34400b68072d710fecd0a2940a0d1658" + +SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "settings.service" + +DEPENDS = "boost \ + nlohmann-json \ + sdbusplus" + +S = "${WORKDIR}/git/settings" +inherit cmake systemd + +EXTRA_OECMAKE = "-DYOCTO=1" + diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/special-mode-mgr/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/special-mode-mgr/ index 503f3875a..99cac7931 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/special-mode-mgr/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/special-mode-mgr/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ S = "${WORKDIR}/git/special-mode-mgr" LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e" -SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh;nobranch=1" -SRCREV = "ec8f1c06be71d6059c82fd442475420286f5dbcd" +SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" +SRCREV = "4373d99e1edcbb4c7233abde3a5e53690693007b" inherit cmake systemd SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "specialmodemgr.service" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/srvcfg-manager/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/srvcfg-manager/ index 878de75bb..52ebdfd88 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/srvcfg-manager/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/srvcfg-manager/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh" -SRCREV = "9d2d365a79591ec21b54ecde957263f1ba1d8391" +SRCREV = "4373d99e1edcbb4c7233abde3a5e53690693007b" inherit cmake systemd SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "srvcfg-manager.service" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/system/ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/system/ index 4bef0fd0e..e272fdc96 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/system/ +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/system/ @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ inherit cmake systemd DEPENDS = "boost sdbusplus" PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}" -SRCREV = "9d2d365a79591ec21b54ecde957263f1ba1d8391" +SRCREV = "4373d99e1edcbb4c7233abde3a5e53690693007b" S = "${WORKDIR}/git/callback-manager" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/users/phosphor-user-manager_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/users/phosphor-user-manager_%.bbappend index 0cb531e60..2cc081433 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/users/phosphor-user-manager_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/users/phosphor-user-manager_%.bbappend @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" #SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "59dba4435d0d553369790e8936d7eb43251ff302" +SRCREV = "75b5a6fc4c0c06f43623fe0e746fd55e667dceb3" SRC_URI += " \ diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/phosphor-watchdog/0003-Add-redfish-log-support-for-IPMI-watchdog-pre-timeou.patch b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/phosphor-watchdog/0003-Add-redfish-log-support-for-IPMI-watchdog-pre-timeou.patch new file mode 100644 index 000000000..309a8c646 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/phosphor-watchdog/0003-Add-redfish-log-support-for-IPMI-watchdog-pre-timeou.patch @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +From 46e8e4fe6cb48145152e37380a4064c8957d2ff7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Ren Yu +Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 17:04:10 +0800 +Subject: [PATCH] Add redfish log support for IPMI watchdog pre-timeout + interrupt + +Tested: +Config IPMI watchdog: BIOS FRB2 Power Cycle after 1 seconds: +ipmitool raw 0x06 0x24 0x01 0x13 0x0 0x2 0xa 0x00 +Start watchdog: +Ipmitool mc watchdog reset +Check the redfish logs in 1 seconds: +https://BMCIP/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries + +Signed-off-by: Ren Yu +--- + watchdog.cpp | 8 ++++++++ + 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/watchdog.cpp b/watchdog.cpp +index d893237..5062049 100644 +--- a/watchdog.cpp ++++ b/watchdog.cpp +@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ uint64_t Watchdog::timeRemaining(uint64_t value) + // Optional callback function on timer expiration + void Watchdog::timeOutHandler() + { ++ PreTimeoutInterruptAction preTimeoutInterruptAction = preTimeoutInterrupt(); ++ + Action action = expireAction(); + if (!this->enabled()) + { +@@ -117,6 +119,12 @@ void Watchdog::timeOutHandler() + "REDFISH_MESSAGE_ARGS=%s", + convertForMessage(action).c_str(), NULL); + ++ sd_journal_send("MESSAGE=IPMIWatchdog: Pre Timed out Interrupt=%s", ++ convertForMessage(preTimeoutInterruptAction).c_str(), ++ "PRIORITY=%i", LOG_INFO, "REDFISH_MESSAGE_ID=%s", ++ "OpenBMC.0.1.IPMIWatchdog", "REDFISH_MESSAGE_ARGS=%s", ++ convertForMessage(preTimeoutInterruptAction).c_str(), NULL); ++ + expiredTimerUse(currentTimerUse()); + + auto target = actionTargetMap.find(action); +-- +2.7.4 + diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/phosphor-watchdog_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/phosphor-watchdog_%.bbappend index d9c047461..c117102ee 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/phosphor-watchdog_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/watchdog/phosphor-watchdog_%.bbappend @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ FILESEXTRAPATHS_append := ":${THISDIR}/${PN}" SRC_URI += "file://0001-Add-redfish-log-support-for-IPMI-watchdog-timeout-ac.patch \ file://0002-Add-restart-cause-support.patch \ + file://0003-Add-redfish-log-support-for-IPMI-watchdog-pre-timeou.patch \ " # Remove the override to keep service running after DC cycle diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/webui/phosphor-webui_%.bbappend b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/webui/phosphor-webui_%.bbappend index e6e329d06..f4b054acf 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/webui/phosphor-webui_%.bbappend +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-common/recipes-phosphor/webui/phosphor-webui_%.bbappend @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ FILESEXTRAPATHS_append := ":${THISDIR}/${PN}" #SRC_URI = "git://" -SRCREV = "5bd1dec7fdc8f6a3a20e6c23dc491b3d31392bc5" +SRCREV = "e4ae854c217344b4f35717e922083a253f43bfa0" SRC_URI += "file://0004-Implement-force-boot-to-bios-in-server-power-control.patch" diff --git a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-wolfpass/conf/local.conf.sample b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-wolfpass/conf/local.conf.sample index 49ffc117f..31b18a76e 100644 --- a/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-wolfpass/conf/local.conf.sample +++ b/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-wolfpass/conf/local.conf.sample @@ -18,5 +18,3 @@ BB_DISKMON_DIRS = "\ ABORT,/tmp,10M,1K" CONF_VERSION = "3" #BB_NUMBER_THREADS = "70" - -#INHERIT += "cve-check" -- cgit v1.2.3