# ASPEED AST2600 devices can use Aspeed's utility 'socsec' # to sign the SPL (pubkey written to OTP region) # The variables below carry default values to the spl_sign() # function below. SOCSEC_SIGN_ENABLE ?= "0" SOCSEC_SIGN_KEY ?= "" SOCSEC_SIGN_SOC ?= "2600" SOCSEC_SIGN_ALGO ?= "RSA4096_SHA512" SOCSEC_SIGN_HELPER ?= "" # u-boot-aspeed-sdk commit '2c3b53489c ast2600: Modify SPL SRAM layout' # changes the SDRAM layout so that the verification region does NOT # intersects the stack. The parameter below can be used to instruct # socsec to work in either mode (ommitting it throws a warning), but # newer (post v00.03.03) u-boot-aspeed-sdk need this set to false SOCSEC_SIGN_EXTRA_OPTS ?= "--stack_intersects_verification_region=false" DEPENDS += '${@oe.utils.conditional("SOCSEC_SIGN_ENABLE", "1", " socsec-native", "", d)}' # Signs the SPL binary with a pre-established key sign_spl_helper() { signing_helper_args="" if [ "${SOC_FAMILY}" != "aspeed-g6" ] ; then echo "Warning: SPL signing is only supported on AST2600 boards" elif [ ! -e "${SOCSEC_SIGN_KEY}" ] ; then echo "Warning: Invalid socsec signing key - SPL verified boot won't be available" else rm -f ${SPL_BINARY}.staged if [ -n "${SOCSEC_SIGN_HELPER}" ] ; then signing_helper_args="--signing_helper ${SOCSEC_SIGN_HELPER}" fi socsec make_secure_bl1_image \ --soc ${SOCSEC_SIGN_SOC} \ --algorithm ${SOCSEC_SIGN_ALGO} \ --rsa_sign_key ${SOCSEC_SIGN_KEY} \ --bl1_image ${DEPLOYDIR}/${SPL_IMAGE} \ ${signing_helper_args} \ ${SOCSEC_SIGN_EXTRA_OPTS} \ --output ${SPL_BINARY}.staged cp -f ${SPL_BINARY}.staged ${B}/${CONFIG_B_PATH}/${SPL_BINARY} mv -f ${SPL_BINARY}.staged ${DEPLOYDIR}/${SPL_IMAGE} fi } sign_spl() { mkdir -p ${DEPLOYDIR} if [ -n "${UBOOT_CONFIG}" ]; then for config in ${UBOOT_MACHINE}; do CONFIG_B_PATH="${config}" cd ${B}/${config} sign_spl_helper done else CONFIG_B_PATH="" cd ${B} sign_spl_helper fi } do_deploy_append() { if [ "${SOCSEC_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "1" -a -n "${SPL_BINARY}" ] ; then sign_spl fi }