[Unit] Description=mapper subtree-remove %I Wants=obmc-mapper.target After=obmc-mapper.target [Service] # We are using a Type=simple service instead of the normal Type=oneshot # since Type=oneshot can't have Restart= lines # https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/2582 # Unfortunately Type=oneshot services halt any services which order after # the oneshot on the completion of ExecStart= lines. For Type=simple, the # halting is only until ExecStartPre lines have completed and ExecStart has # begun executing. Since we want to wait for the `mapper wait` process to # finish, it must be an ExecStartPre. All Type=simple services require an # ExecStart so we use `true` as a placeholder to satisfy the requirement. Type=simple RemainAfterExit=no Restart=on-failure TimeoutStartSec=infinity ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/env mapper subtree-remove %I ExecStart=/usr/bin/env true SyslogIdentifier=mapper