#!/bin/bash # get fan state by d-bus command function get_fan_state() { get_property_path='xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical CriticalAlarmLow' fan_state="$(busctl get-property $1 $2 $get_property_path | awk '{print $2}')" echo "$fan_state" } # set fan pwm by d-bus command function set_fan_value() { set_property_path='xyz.openbmc_project.Control.FanPwm' busctl set-property $1 $2 $set_property_path Target t 255 } fan_tach_path=( '/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/Fan0_0_RPM' '/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/Fan0_1_RPM' '/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/Fan1_0_RPM' '/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/Fan1_1_RPM' '/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/Fan2_0_RPM' '/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/Fan2_1_RPM' ) check_fail_flag=0 current_fan_state=() while true; do hwmon_path="$(mapper get-service ${fan_tach_path[0]})" for i in ${!fan_tach_path[@]}; do current_fan_state[$i%2]=$(get_fan_state $hwmon_path ${fan_tach_path[$i]}) #Compare state of dual rotors with CriticalAlarmLow to check if fan fail if [ ${#current_fan_state[@]} -eq 2 ];then if [ "${current_fan_state[0]}" == "true" ] && \ [ "${current_fan_state[1]}" == "true" ] ;then if [ $check_fail_flag -eq 0 ];then systemctl stop phosphor-pid-control for j in ${!fan_tach_path[@]}; do #If fan fail is detect, set other fan rpm to pwm 255. set_fan_value $hwmon_path ${fan_tach_path[$j]} check_fail_flag=1 done fi current_fan_state=() break fi current_fan_state=() fi #fans are going to normal. if [ $i -eq $((${#fan_tach_path[@]}-1)) ] && [ $check_fail_flag -eq 1 ]; then check_fail_flag=0 systemctl restart phosphor-pid-control fi done sleep 2 done