" Vim plugin file " Purpose: Create a template for new bbappend file " Author: Joshua Watt " Copyright: Copyright (C) 2017 Joshua Watt " " This file is licensed under the MIT license, see COPYING.MIT in " this source distribution for the terms. " if &compatible || v:version < 600 || exists("b:loaded_bitbake_plugin") finish endif fun! NewBBAppendTemplate() if line2byte(line('$') + 1) != -1 return endif let l:paste = &paste set nopaste " New bbappend template 0 put ='FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := \"${THISDIR}/${PN}:\"' 2 if paste == 1 set paste endif endfun if !exists("g:bb_create_on_empty") let g:bb_create_on_empty = 1 endif " disable in case of vimdiff if v:progname =~ "vimdiff" let g:bb_create_on_empty = 0 endif augroup NewBBAppend au BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.bbappend \ if g:bb_create_on_empty | \ call NewBBAppendTemplate() | \ endif augroup END