# # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # """Helper module for GPG signing""" import os import bb import oe.utils import subprocess import shlex class LocalSigner(object): """Class for handling local (on the build host) signing""" def __init__(self, d): self.gpg_bin = d.getVar('GPG_BIN') or \ bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), 'gpg') self.gpg_cmd = [self.gpg_bin] self.gpg_agent_bin = bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), "gpg-agent") # Without this we see "Cannot allocate memory" errors when running processes in parallel # It needs to be set for any gpg command since any agent launched can stick around in memory # and this parameter must be set. if self.gpg_agent_bin: self.gpg_cmd += ["--agent-program=%s|--auto-expand-secmem" % (self.gpg_agent_bin)] self.gpg_path = d.getVar('GPG_PATH') self.rpm_bin = bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), "rpmsign") self.gpg_version = self.get_gpg_version() def export_pubkey(self, output_file, keyid, armor=True): """Export GPG public key to a file""" cmd = self.gpg_cmd + ["--no-permission-warning", "--batch", "--yes", "--export", "-o", output_file] if self.gpg_path: cmd += ["--homedir", self.gpg_path] if armor: cmd += ["--armor"] cmd += [keyid] subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def sign_rpms(self, files, keyid, passphrase, digest, sign_chunk, fsk=None, fsk_password=None): """Sign RPM files""" cmd = self.rpm_bin + " --addsign --define '_gpg_name %s' " % keyid gpg_args = '--no-permission-warning --batch --passphrase=%s --agent-program=%s|--auto-expand-secmem' % (passphrase, self.gpg_agent_bin) if self.gpg_version > (2,1,): gpg_args += ' --pinentry-mode=loopback' cmd += "--define '_gpg_sign_cmd_extra_args %s' " % gpg_args cmd += "--define '_binary_filedigest_algorithm %s' " % digest if self.gpg_bin: cmd += "--define '__gpg %s' " % self.gpg_bin if self.gpg_path: cmd += "--define '_gpg_path %s' " % self.gpg_path if fsk: cmd += "--signfiles --fskpath %s " % fsk if fsk_password: cmd += "--define '_file_signing_key_password %s' " % fsk_password # Sign in chunks for i in range(0, len(files), sign_chunk): subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(cmd + ' '.join(files[i:i+sign_chunk])), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def detach_sign(self, input_file, keyid, passphrase_file, passphrase=None, armor=True): """Create a detached signature of a file""" if passphrase_file and passphrase: raise Exception("You should use either passphrase_file of passphrase, not both") cmd = self.gpg_cmd + ['--detach-sign', '--no-permission-warning', '--batch', '--no-tty', '--yes', '--passphrase-fd', '0', '-u', keyid] if self.gpg_path: cmd += ['--homedir', self.gpg_path] if armor: cmd += ['--armor'] #gpg > 2.1 supports password pipes only through the loopback interface #gpg < 2.1 errors out if given unknown parameters if self.gpg_version > (2,1,): cmd += ['--pinentry-mode', 'loopback'] cmd += [input_file] try: if passphrase_file: with open(passphrase_file) as fobj: passphrase = fobj.readline(); job = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (_, stderr) = job.communicate(passphrase.encode("utf-8")) if job.returncode: bb.fatal("GPG exited with code %d: %s" % (job.returncode, stderr.decode("utf-8"))) except IOError as e: bb.error("IO error (%s): %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) raise Exception("Failed to sign '%s'" % input_file) except OSError as e: bb.error("OS error (%s): %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) raise Exception("Failed to sign '%s" % input_file) def get_gpg_version(self): """Return the gpg version as a tuple of ints""" try: cmd = self.gpg_cmd + ["--version", "--no-permission-warning"] ver_str = subprocess.check_output(cmd).split()[2].decode("utf-8") return tuple([int(i) for i in ver_str.split("-")[0].split('.')]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: bb.fatal("Could not get gpg version: %s" % e) def verify(self, sig_file): """Verify signature""" cmd = self.gpg_cmd + [" --verify", "--no-permission-warning"] if self.gpg_path: cmd += ["--homedir", self.gpg_path] cmd += [sig_file] status = subprocess.call(cmd) ret = False if status else True return ret def get_signer(d, backend): """Get signer object for the specified backend""" # Use local signing by default if backend == 'local': return LocalSigner(d) else: bb.fatal("Unsupported signing backend '%s'" % backend)