# # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # import re import filecmp import shutil from oe.rootfs import Rootfs from oe.manifest import Manifest from oe.utils import execute_pre_post_process from oe.package_manager.ipk.manifest import PkgManifest from oe.package_manager.ipk import OpkgPM class DpkgOpkgRootfs(Rootfs): def __init__(self, d, progress_reporter=None, logcatcher=None): super(DpkgOpkgRootfs, self).__init__(d, progress_reporter, logcatcher) def _get_pkgs_postinsts(self, status_file): def _get_pkg_depends_list(pkg_depends): pkg_depends_list = [] # filter version requirements like libc (>= 1.1) for dep in pkg_depends.split(', '): m_dep = re.match(r"^(.*) \(.*\)$", dep) if m_dep: dep = m_dep.group(1) pkg_depends_list.append(dep) return pkg_depends_list pkgs = {} pkg_name = "" pkg_status_match = False pkg_depends = "" with open(status_file) as status: data = status.read() status.close() for line in data.split('\n'): m_pkg = re.match(r"^Package: (.*)", line) m_status = re.match(r"^Status:.*unpacked", line) m_depends = re.match(r"^Depends: (.*)", line) #Only one of m_pkg, m_status or m_depends is not None at time #If m_pkg is not None, we started a new package if m_pkg is not None: #Get Package name pkg_name = m_pkg.group(1) #Make sure we reset other variables pkg_status_match = False pkg_depends = "" elif m_status is not None: #New status matched pkg_status_match = True elif m_depends is not None: #New depends macthed pkg_depends = m_depends.group(1) else: pass #Now check if we can process package depends and postinst if "" != pkg_name and pkg_status_match: pkgs[pkg_name] = _get_pkg_depends_list(pkg_depends) else: #Not enough information pass # remove package dependencies not in postinsts pkg_names = list(pkgs.keys()) for pkg_name in pkg_names: deps = pkgs[pkg_name][:] for d in deps: if d not in pkg_names: pkgs[pkg_name].remove(d) return pkgs def _get_delayed_postinsts_common(self, status_file): def _dep_resolve(graph, node, resolved, seen): seen.append(node) for edge in graph[node]: if edge not in resolved: if edge in seen: raise RuntimeError("Packages %s and %s have " \ "a circular dependency in postinsts scripts." \ % (node, edge)) _dep_resolve(graph, edge, resolved, seen) resolved.append(node) pkg_list = [] pkgs = None if not self.d.getVar('PACKAGE_INSTALL').strip(): bb.note("Building empty image") else: pkgs = self._get_pkgs_postinsts(status_file) if pkgs: root = "__packagegroup_postinst__" pkgs[root] = list(pkgs.keys()) _dep_resolve(pkgs, root, pkg_list, []) pkg_list.remove(root) if len(pkg_list) == 0: return None return pkg_list def _save_postinsts_common(self, dst_postinst_dir, src_postinst_dir): if bb.utils.contains("IMAGE_FEATURES", "package-management", True, False, self.d): return num = 0 for p in self._get_delayed_postinsts(): bb.utils.mkdirhier(dst_postinst_dir) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(src_postinst_dir, p + ".postinst")): shutil.copy(os.path.join(src_postinst_dir, p + ".postinst"), os.path.join(dst_postinst_dir, "%03d-%s" % (num, p))) num += 1 class PkgRootfs(DpkgOpkgRootfs): def __init__(self, d, manifest_dir, progress_reporter=None, logcatcher=None): super(PkgRootfs, self).__init__(d, progress_reporter, logcatcher) self.log_check_regex = '(exit 1|Collected errors)' self.manifest = PkgManifest(d, manifest_dir) self.opkg_conf = self.d.getVar("IPKGCONF_TARGET") self.pkg_archs = self.d.getVar("ALL_MULTILIB_PACKAGE_ARCHS") self.inc_opkg_image_gen = self.d.getVar('INC_IPK_IMAGE_GEN') or "" if self._remove_old_rootfs(): bb.utils.remove(self.image_rootfs, True) self.pm = OpkgPM(d, self.image_rootfs, self.opkg_conf, self.pkg_archs) else: self.pm = OpkgPM(d, self.image_rootfs, self.opkg_conf, self.pkg_archs) self.pm.recover_packaging_data() bb.utils.remove(self.d.getVar('MULTILIB_TEMP_ROOTFS'), True) def _prelink_file(self, root_dir, filename): bb.note('prelink %s in %s' % (filename, root_dir)) prelink_cfg = oe.path.join(root_dir, self.d.expand('${sysconfdir}/prelink.conf')) if not os.path.exists(prelink_cfg): shutil.copy(self.d.expand('${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${sysconfdir_native}/prelink.conf'), prelink_cfg) cmd_prelink = self.d.expand('${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${sbindir_native}/prelink') self._exec_shell_cmd([cmd_prelink, '--root', root_dir, '-amR', '-N', '-c', self.d.expand('${sysconfdir}/prelink.conf')]) ''' Compare two files with the same key twice to see if they are equal. If they are not equal, it means they are duplicated and come from different packages. 1st: Comapre them directly; 2nd: While incremental image creation is enabled, one of the files could be probaly prelinked in the previous image creation and the file has been changed, so we need to prelink the other one and compare them. ''' def _file_equal(self, key, f1, f2): # Both of them are not prelinked if filecmp.cmp(f1, f2): return True if bb.data.inherits_class('image-prelink', self.d): if self.image_rootfs not in f1: self._prelink_file(f1.replace(key, ''), f1) if self.image_rootfs not in f2: self._prelink_file(f2.replace(key, ''), f2) # Both of them are prelinked if filecmp.cmp(f1, f2): return True # Not equal return False """ This function was reused from the old implementation. See commit: "image.bbclass: Added variables for multilib support." by Lianhao Lu. """ def _multilib_sanity_test(self, dirs): allow_replace = self.d.getVar("MULTILIBRE_ALLOW_REP") if allow_replace is None: allow_replace = "" allow_rep = re.compile(re.sub(r"\|$", r"", allow_replace)) error_prompt = "Multilib check error:" files = {} for dir in dirs: for root, subfolders, subfiles in os.walk(dir): for file in subfiles: item = os.path.join(root, file) key = str(os.path.join("/", os.path.relpath(item, dir))) valid = True if key in files: #check whether the file is allow to replace if allow_rep.match(key): valid = True else: if os.path.exists(files[key]) and \ os.path.exists(item) and \ not self._file_equal(key, files[key], item): valid = False bb.fatal("%s duplicate files %s %s is not the same\n" % (error_prompt, item, files[key])) #pass the check, add to list if valid: files[key] = item def _multilib_test_install(self, pkgs): ml_temp = self.d.getVar("MULTILIB_TEMP_ROOTFS") bb.utils.mkdirhier(ml_temp) dirs = [self.image_rootfs] for variant in self.d.getVar("MULTILIB_VARIANTS").split(): ml_target_rootfs = os.path.join(ml_temp, variant) bb.utils.remove(ml_target_rootfs, True) ml_opkg_conf = os.path.join(ml_temp, variant + "-" + os.path.basename(self.opkg_conf)) ml_pm = OpkgPM(self.d, ml_target_rootfs, ml_opkg_conf, self.pkg_archs, prepare_index=False) ml_pm.update() ml_pm.install(pkgs) dirs.append(ml_target_rootfs) self._multilib_sanity_test(dirs) ''' While ipk incremental image generation is enabled, it will remove the unneeded pkgs by comparing the old full manifest in previous existing image and the new full manifest in the current image. ''' def _remove_extra_packages(self, pkgs_initial_install): if self.inc_opkg_image_gen == "1": # Parse full manifest in previous existing image creation session old_full_manifest = self.manifest.parse_full_manifest() # Create full manifest for the current image session, the old one # will be replaced by the new one. self.manifest.create_full(self.pm) # Parse full manifest in current image creation session new_full_manifest = self.manifest.parse_full_manifest() pkg_to_remove = list() for pkg in old_full_manifest: if pkg not in new_full_manifest: pkg_to_remove.append(pkg) if pkg_to_remove != []: bb.note('decremental removed: %s' % ' '.join(pkg_to_remove)) self.pm.remove(pkg_to_remove) ''' Compare with previous existing image creation, if some conditions triggered, the previous old image should be removed. The conditions include any of 'PACKAGE_EXCLUDE, NO_RECOMMENDATIONS and BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS' has been changed. ''' def _remove_old_rootfs(self): if self.inc_opkg_image_gen != "1": return True vars_list_file = self.d.expand('${T}/vars_list') old_vars_list = "" if os.path.exists(vars_list_file): old_vars_list = open(vars_list_file, 'r+').read() new_vars_list = '%s:%s:%s\n' % \ ((self.d.getVar('BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS') or '').strip(), (self.d.getVar('NO_RECOMMENDATIONS') or '').strip(), (self.d.getVar('PACKAGE_EXCLUDE') or '').strip()) open(vars_list_file, 'w+').write(new_vars_list) if old_vars_list != new_vars_list: return True return False def _create(self): pkgs_to_install = self.manifest.parse_initial_manifest() opkg_pre_process_cmds = self.d.getVar('OPKG_PREPROCESS_COMMANDS') opkg_post_process_cmds = self.d.getVar('OPKG_POSTPROCESS_COMMANDS') # update PM index files self.pm.write_index() execute_pre_post_process(self.d, opkg_pre_process_cmds) if self.progress_reporter: self.progress_reporter.next_stage() # Steps are a bit different in order, skip next self.progress_reporter.next_stage() self.pm.update() if self.progress_reporter: self.progress_reporter.next_stage() if self.inc_opkg_image_gen == "1": self._remove_extra_packages(pkgs_to_install) if self.progress_reporter: self.progress_reporter.next_stage() for pkg_type in self.install_order: if pkg_type in pkgs_to_install: # For multilib, we perform a sanity test before final install # If sanity test fails, it will automatically do a bb.fatal() # and the installation will stop if pkg_type == Manifest.PKG_TYPE_MULTILIB: self._multilib_test_install(pkgs_to_install[pkg_type]) self.pm.install(pkgs_to_install[pkg_type], [False, True][pkg_type == Manifest.PKG_TYPE_ATTEMPT_ONLY]) if self.progress_reporter: self.progress_reporter.next_stage() self.pm.install_complementary() if self.progress_reporter: self.progress_reporter.next_stage() opkg_lib_dir = self.d.getVar('OPKGLIBDIR') opkg_dir = os.path.join(opkg_lib_dir, 'opkg') self._setup_dbg_rootfs([opkg_dir]) execute_pre_post_process(self.d, opkg_post_process_cmds) if self.inc_opkg_image_gen == "1": self.pm.backup_packaging_data() if self.progress_reporter: self.progress_reporter.next_stage() @staticmethod def _depends_list(): return ['IPKGCONF_SDK', 'IPK_FEED_URIS', 'DEPLOY_DIR_IPK', 'IPKGCONF_TARGET', 'INC_IPK_IMAGE_GEN', 'OPKG_ARGS', 'OPKGLIBDIR', 'OPKG_PREPROCESS_COMMANDS', 'OPKG_POSTPROCESS_COMMANDS', 'OPKGLIBDIR'] def _get_delayed_postinsts(self): status_file = os.path.join(self.image_rootfs, self.d.getVar('OPKGLIBDIR').strip('/'), "opkg", "status") return self._get_delayed_postinsts_common(status_file) def _save_postinsts(self): dst_postinst_dir = self.d.expand("${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${sysconfdir}/ipk-postinsts") src_postinst_dir = self.d.expand("${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${OPKGLIBDIR}/opkg/info") return self._save_postinsts_common(dst_postinst_dir, src_postinst_dir) def _log_check(self): self._log_check_warn() self._log_check_error() def _cleanup(self): self.pm.remove_lists()