path: root/
diff options
authorPrzemyslaw Czarnowski <>2022-02-14 12:26:50 +0300
committerGitHub <>2022-02-14 12:26:50 +0300
commit1fb7beae5e97aadf8471ae7b6e07f5c2e5f33c78 (patch)
treefc905cdb67494c5b7b59cb21465483f6d0464b31 /
parent6df74a76eeacc5240d36fa7e62717cd1cdd238a7 (diff)
Switch the build system to meson
Due to requirements from community, new projects have to be built with meson. To unify with other projects some additional warnings has been enabled, so appropriate code updates has been implemented. This commit makes both meson and CMake available to simplyfy transition in openbmc. CMake support will be removed after switching to meson in openbmc will be accepted. Tested: Compiled and smoke tested. Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Czarnowski <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad24d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ 'virtual-media',
+ 'cpp',
+ default_options: [
+ 'warning_level=3',
+ 'werror=true',
+ 'cpp_std=c++20',
+ 'cpp_rtti=false',
+ ],
+ license: 'Apache-2.0',
+ version: '0.1',
+if get_option('cpp_std') != 'c++20'
+ error('This project requires c++20 support')
+cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
+build = get_option('buildtype')
+optimization = get_option('optimization')
+summary('Build Type',build, section : 'Build Info')
+summary('Optimization',optimization, section : 'Build Info')
+#remove debug information for minsize buildtype
+if(get_option('buildtype') == 'minsize')
+ add_project_arguments('-DNDEBUG', language : 'cpp')
+#Disable lto when compiling with no optimization
+if(get_option('optimization') == '0')
+ add_project_arguments('-fno-lto', language: 'cpp')
+ message('Disabling lto & its supported features as optimization is disabled')
+incdir = include_directories('src')
+ cxx.get_supported_arguments([
+ '-Wold-style-cast',
+ '-Wcast-align',
+ '-Wunused',
+ '-Wunused-parameter',
+ '-Wconversion',
+ '-Wsign-conversion',
+ '-Wno-attributes',
+ ]),
+ language: 'cpp'
+# temporarily disable those flags until async dbus fixes are not merged
+# See for status
+ cxx.get_supported_arguments([
+ '-Wno-missing-field-initializers',
+ '-Wno-unused-parameter',
+ '-Wno-unused',
+ ]),
+ language: 'cpp'
+if (cxx.get_id() == 'clang' and cxx.version().version_compare('>9.0'))
+ cxx.get_supported_arguments([
+ '-Weverything',
+ '-Wno-c++98-compat',
+ '-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic',
+ '-Wno-global-constructors',
+ '-Wno-exit-time-destructors',
+ '-Wno-shadow',
+ '-Wno-used-but-marked-unused',
+ '-Wno-documentation-unknown-command',
+ '-Wno-weak-vtables',
+ '-Wno-documentation',
+ '-Wno-padded',
+ '-Wcovered-switch-default',
+ '-Wcomma',
+ '-Wextra-semi',
+ '-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant',
+ '-Wswitch-enum',
+ '-Wnull-dereference',
+ '-Wdouble-promotion',
+ '-Wformat=2',
+ ]),
+ language:'cpp')
+if (cxx.get_id() == 'gcc' and cxx.version().version_compare('>8.0'))
+ add_project_arguments(
+ cxx.get_supported_arguments([
+ '-Wduplicated-cond',
+ '-Wduplicated-branches',
+ '-Wlogical-op',
+ '-Wnull-dereference',
+ '-Wdouble-promotion',
+ '-Wformat=2',
+ ]),
+ language:'cpp')
+ if (get_option('buildtype') != 'plain')
+ if (get_option('b_lto') == true and get_option('optimization')!='0')
+#Reduce the binary size by removing unnecessary
+#dynamic symbol table entries
+ add_project_arguments(
+ cxx.get_supported_arguments([
+ '-fno-fat-lto-objects',
+ '-fvisibility=hidden',
+ '-fvisibility-inlines-hidden'
+ ]),
+ language: 'cpp')
+ if cxx.has_link_argument('-Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL')
+ add_project_link_arguments('-Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL', language: 'cpp')
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+security_flags = [
+## Add security flags for builds of type 'release','debugoptimized' and 'minsize'
+if not (get_option('buildtype') == 'plain' or get_option('buildtype').startswith('debug'))
+ add_project_arguments(
+ cxx.get_supported_arguments([
+ security_flags
+ ]),
+ language: 'cpp')
+systemd = dependency('systemd')
+udev = dependency('udev')
+# this will add appopriate udev library linkage to executable.
+udev_lib_dep = declare_dependency(link_args: ['-ludev'])
+if cxx.has_header('nlohmann/json.hpp')
+ nlohmann_json = declare_dependency()
+ nlohmann_json_proj = subproject('nlohmann', required: true)
+ nlohmann_json = nlohmann_json_proj.get_variable('nlohmann_json_dep')
+ nlohmann_json = nlohmann_json.as_system('system')
+sdbusplus = dependency('sdbusplus', required: false)
+if not sdbusplus.found()
+ sdbusplus_proj = subproject('sdbusplus', required: true)
+ sdbusplus = sdbusplus_proj.get_variable('sdbusplus_dep')
+ sdbusplus = sdbusplus.as_system('system')
+boost = dependency('boost',
+ modules: ['coroutine', 'iostreams', 'filesystem',
+ 'program_options', 'regex', 'system'],
+ version: '>=1.77',
+ fallback : ['boost', 'boost_dep'],
+ static: false,
+ required: true)
+language : 'cpp')
+systemd_system_unit_dir = systemd.get_pkgconfig_variable(
+ 'systemdsystemunitdir'
+configure_file(input: 'xyz.openbmc_project.VirtualMedia.service',
+ output: 'xyz.openbmc_project.VirtualMedia.service',
+ install_dir: systemd_system_unit_dir,
+ copy: true,
+ install: true)
+configure_file(input : 'tmpfiles.d/virtual-media.conf',
+ output : 'virtual-media.conf',
+ copy : true,
+ install_dir: '/etc/tmpfiles.d',
+ install : true)
+configure_file(input : 'virtual-media.json',
+ output : 'virtual-media.json',
+ copy : true,
+ install_dir: '/etc/',
+ install : true)
+srcfiles_app = [ 'src/main.cpp',
+ 'src/resources.cpp',
+ 'src/state/activating_state.cpp',
+ ]
+bindir = get_option('prefix') + '/' +get_option('bindir')
+if get_option('legacy-mode').enabled()
+ add_project_arguments(
+ cxx.get_supported_arguments([
+ language: 'cpp')
+ srcfiles_app,
+ dependencies: [ systemd, boost, udev, udev_lib_dep,
+ sdbusplus, nlohmann_json,
+ ],
+ include_directories: incdir,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir:bindir)
+#Tests are placed in the tests folder, with it's own
+if (get_option('tests').enabled())
+ subdir('tests')