# Virtual Media This component allows users to remotely mount ISO/IMG drive images through BMC to Server HOST. The Remote drive is visible in HOST as USB storage device. This can be used to access regular files or even be used to install OS on bare metal system. # Glossary | Key | Description | |-------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Proxy mode | Redirection mode that works directly from browser and uses JS/HTML5 to communicate over Secure Websockets directly to HTTPs endpoint hosted on BMC | | Legacy mode | Redirection is initiated from browser using Redfish defined Virtual Media schemas, BMC connects to an external CIFS/HTTPs image pointed during initialization | | NBD | Network Block Device | | USB Gadget | Part of Linux kernel that makes emulation of certain USB device classes possible through USB "On-The-Go" | | | | # Capabilities This application is implementation of Virtual Media proposed in OpenBMC design docs `[1]`. * Allows to redirect images directly from browser or connects directly to an external CIFS/HTTPs resource * Exposes Redfish schema and allows mounting external CIFS/HTTPs images * Exposes WSS Websocket to initialize Proxy mode connection * Defines DBus API in order to expose configuration and do actions on the service * Inherits default Redfish and bmcweb authentication and privileges mechanism * Supports multiple and simultaneous connections in both legacy and proxy mode # How to build ## System/runtime dependencies In order to allow Virtual Media service work some dependencies are needed running: * nbd-client (kernel support with nbd-client installed) `[2]` * NBDKit (part of libguestfs) `[3]` * USB Gadget (enabled in kernel) `[4]` * samba (kernel part, must be enabled) `[5]` ## Compilation dependencies * CMake >= 3.5 [https://cmake.org](CMake) * UDEV devel Udev development packages are needed to perform polling of ndb block device properties * boost >= 1.69 Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries [https://www.boost.org](Boost.org) Besides generic boost features, the following libraries has to be enabled: - boost_coroutines - boost_context * nlohmann-json Nlohmann-Json is a JSON manipulation library written in modern C++ [Nlohmann-Json library](https://github.com/nlohmann/json) * systemd devel Used for DBus access as sdbusplus dependency * sdbusplus C++ library for interacting with D-Bus, built on top of the sd-bus library from systemd [https://github.com/openbmc/sdbusplus](Sdbusplus library) Note: When not found in the environment sdbusplus and nlohmann will be automatically downloaded by CMake. ## Build procedure VM is compiled with use of standard CMake flow: ``` > mkdir build && cd build > cmake .. && make ``` ### Compilation options * `YOCTO_DEPENDENCIES` - use this option to compile in yocto environment. Mainly uses existing dependencies instead of downloading * `VM_USE_VALGRIND` - can be used to debug coroutines with valgrind * `VM_VERBOSE_NBDKIT_LOGS` - in order to debug nbdkit, this will add `--verbose` flag when spawning nbdkit instance. * `LEGACY_MODE_ENABLED` - (turned on by default) this will enable Legacy mode * `CUSTOM_DBUS_PATH` - helpful to use with remote dbus. To use any of the above use `cmake -DFLAG=VALUE` syntax. # References 1. [OpenBMC Virtual Media design](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/designs/virtual-media.md) 2. [Network Block Device](https://sourceforge.net/projects/nbd/) 3. [nbdkit - toolkit for creating NBD servers](https://libguestfs.org/nbdkit.1.html) 4. [USB Gadget API for Linux](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.17/driver-api/usb/gadget.html) 5. [Samba - Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix](https://www.samba.org/)