#pragma once #include "logger.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace udev { #include struct udev; struct udev_monitor; struct udev_device; struct udevDeleter { void operator()(udev* desc) const { udev_unref(desc); } }; struct monitorDeleter { void operator()(udev_monitor* desc) const { udev_monitor_unref(desc); }; }; struct deviceDeleter { void operator()(udev_device* desc) const { udev_device_unref(desc); }; }; } // namespace udev #define NBD_DISCONNECT _IO(0xab, 8) #define NBD_CLEAR_SOCK _IO(0xab, 4) class NBDDevice { public: enum Value : uint8_t // This is explicite not a class to avoid naming like // NBDDevice::Device::nbd0 { nbd0 = 0, nbd1 = 1, nbd2 = 2, nbd3 = 3, nbd4 = 4, nbd5 = 5, nbd6 = 6, nbd7 = 7, nbd8 = 8, nbd9 = 9, nbd10 = 10, unknown = 0xFF }; NBDDevice() = default; NBDDevice(Value v) : value(v){}; explicit NBDDevice(const char* nbdName) { if (nbdName != nullptr) { const auto iter = std::find(nameMatching.cbegin(), nameMatching.cend(), nbdName); if (iter != nameMatching.cend()) { value = static_cast( std::distance(nameMatching.cbegin(), iter)); } } } NBDDevice(const NBDDevice&) = default; NBDDevice(NBDDevice&&) = default; NBDDevice& operator=(const NBDDevice&) = default; NBDDevice& operator=(NBDDevice&&) = default; bool operator==(const NBDDevice& rhs) const { return value == rhs.value; } bool operator!=(const NBDDevice& rhs) const { return value != rhs.value; } bool operator<(const NBDDevice& rhs) const { return value < rhs.value; } explicit operator bool() { return (value != unknown); } bool isReady() const { if (value == unknown) { return false; } int fd = open(to_path().c_str(), O_EXCL); if (fd < 0) { return false; } close(fd); return true; } void disconnect() const { if (value == unknown) { return; } int fd = open(to_path().c_str(), O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { LogMsg(Logger::Error, "Couldn't open device ", to_path().c_str()); return; } if (ioctl(fd, NBD_DISCONNECT) < 0) { LogMsg(Logger::Info, "Ioctl failed: \n"); } if (ioctl(fd, NBD_CLEAR_SOCK) < 0) { LogMsg(Logger::Info, "Ioctl failed: \n"); } close(fd); } std::string to_string() const { if (value == unknown) { return ""; } return nameMatching[static_cast(value)]; } fs::path to_path() const { if (value == unknown) { return fs::path(); } return fs::path("/dev") / fs::path(nameMatching[static_cast(value)]); } private: Value value = unknown; static const inline std::vector nameMatching = { "nbd0", "nbd1", "nbd2", "nbd3", "nbd4", "nbd5", "nbd6", "nbd7", "nbd8", "nbd9", "nbd10"}; }; enum class StateChange { notMonitored, unknown, removed, inserted }; class DeviceMonitor { public: DeviceMonitor(boost::asio::io_context& ioc) : ioc(ioc), monitorSd(ioc) { udev = std::unique_ptr(udev::udev_new()); if (!udev) { throw std::system_error(EFAULT, std::generic_category(), "Unable to create uDev handler."); } monitor = std::unique_ptr( udev::udev_monitor_new_from_netlink(udev.get(), "kernel")); if (!monitor) { throw std::system_error(EFAULT, std::generic_category(), "Unable to create uDev Monitor handler."); } int rc = udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype( monitor.get(), "block", "disk"); if (rc) { throw std::system_error(EFAULT, std::generic_category(), "Could not apply filters."); } rc = udev_monitor_enable_receiving(monitor.get()); if (rc) { throw std::system_error(EFAULT, std::generic_category(), "Enable receiving failed."); } monitorSd.assign(udev_monitor_get_fd(monitor.get())); } DeviceMonitor(const DeviceMonitor&) = delete; DeviceMonitor(DeviceMonitor&&) = delete; DeviceMonitor& operator=(const DeviceMonitor&) = delete; DeviceMonitor& operator=(DeviceMonitor&&) = delete; template void run(DeviceChangeStateCb callback) { boost::asio::spawn(ioc, [this, callback](boost::asio::yield_context yield) { boost::system::error_code ec; while (1) { monitorSd.async_wait( boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor::wait_read, yield[ec]); std::unique_ptr device = std::unique_ptr( udev::udev_monitor_receive_device(monitor.get())); if (device) { const char* devAction = udev_device_get_action(device.get()); if (devAction == nullptr) { LogMsg(Logger::Error, "[DeviceMonitor]: Received NULL action."); continue; } if (strcmp(devAction, "change") != 0) { continue; } const char* sysname = udev_device_get_sysname(device.get()); if (sysname == nullptr) { LogMsg(Logger::Error, "[DeviceMonitor]: Received NULL sysname."); continue; } NBDDevice nbdDevice(sysname); if (!nbdDevice) { continue; } auto monitoredDevice = devices.find(nbdDevice); if (monitoredDevice == devices.cend()) { continue; } const char* sizeStr = udev_device_get_sysattr_value(device.get(), "size"); if (sizeStr == nullptr) { LogMsg(Logger::Error, "[DeviceMonitor]: Received NULL size."); continue; } uint64_t size = 0; try { size = std::stoul(sizeStr, 0, 0); } catch (const std::exception& e) { LogMsg(Logger::Error, "[DeviceMonitor]: Could not convert " "size " "to integer."); continue; } if (size > 0 && monitoredDevice->second != StateChange::inserted) { LogMsg(Logger::Info, "[DeviceMonitor]: ", nbdDevice.to_path(), " inserted."); monitoredDevice->second = StateChange::inserted; callback(nbdDevice, StateChange::inserted); } else if (size == 0 && monitoredDevice->second != StateChange::removed) { LogMsg(Logger::Info, "[DeviceMonitor]: ", nbdDevice.to_path(), " removed."); monitoredDevice->second = StateChange::removed; callback(nbdDevice, StateChange::removed); } } } }); } void addDevice(const NBDDevice& device) { LogMsg(Logger::Info, "[DeviceMonitor]: watch on ", device.to_path()); devices.insert( std::pair(device, StateChange::unknown)); } StateChange getState(const NBDDevice& device) { auto monitoredDevice = devices.find(device); if (monitoredDevice != devices.cend()) { return monitoredDevice->second; } return StateChange::notMonitored; } private: boost::asio::io_context& ioc; boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor monitorSd; std::unique_ptr udev; std::unique_ptr monitor; boost::container::flat_map devices; }; class Process : public std::enable_shared_from_this { public: Process(boost::asio::io_context& ioc, std::string_view name, const std::string& app, const NBDDevice& dev) : ioc(ioc), pipe(ioc), name(name), app(app), dev(dev) { } template bool spawn(const std::vector& args, ExitCb&& onExit) { std::error_code ec; LogMsg(Logger::Debug, "[Process]: Spawning ", app, " (", args, ")"); child = boost::process::child( app, boost::process::args(args), (boost::process::std_out & boost::process::std_err) > pipe, ec, ioc); if (ec) { LogMsg(Logger::Error, "[Process]: Error while creating child process: ", ec); return false; } boost::asio::spawn(ioc, [this, self = shared_from_this(), onExit = std::move(onExit)]( boost::asio::yield_context yield) { boost::system::error_code bec; std::string line; boost::asio::dynamic_string_buffer buffer{line}; LogMsg(Logger::Info, "[Process]: Start reading console from nbd-client"); while (1) { auto x = boost::asio::async_read_until(pipe, std::move(buffer), '\n', yield[bec]); auto lineBegin = line.begin(); while (lineBegin != line.end()) { auto lineEnd = find(lineBegin, line.end(), '\n'); LogMsg(Logger::Info, "[Process]: (", name, ") ", std::string(lineBegin, lineEnd)); if (lineEnd == line.end()) { break; } lineBegin = lineEnd + 1; } buffer.consume(x); if (bec) { LogMsg(Logger::Info, "[Process]: (", name, ") Loop Error: ", bec); break; } } LogMsg(Logger::Info, "[Process]: Exiting from COUT Loop"); // The process shall be dead, or almost here, give it a chance LogMsg(Logger::Debug, "[Process]: Waiting process to finish normally"); boost::asio::steady_timer timer(ioc); int32_t waitCnt = 20; while (child.running() && waitCnt > 0) { boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; timer.expires_from_now(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); timer.async_wait(yield[ignored_ec]); waitCnt--; } if (child.running()) { child.terminate(); } child.wait(); LogMsg(Logger::Info, "[Process]: running: ", child.running(), " EC: ", child.exit_code(), " Native: ", child.native_exit_code()); onExit(child.exit_code()); }); return true; } template void stop(OnTerminateCb&& onTerminate) { boost::asio::spawn(ioc, [this, self = shared_from_this(), onTerminate = std::move(onTerminate)]( boost::asio::yield_context yield) { // The Good dev.disconnect(); // The Ugly (but required) boost::asio::steady_timer timer(ioc); int32_t waitCnt = 20; while (child.running() && waitCnt > 0) { boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; timer.expires_from_now(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); timer.async_wait(yield[ignored_ec]); waitCnt--; } if (child.running()) { LogMsg(Logger::Info, "[Process] Terminate if process doesnt " "want to exit nicely"); child.terminate(); onTerminate(); } }); } std::string application() { return app; } private: boost::asio::io_context& ioc; boost::process::child child; boost::process::async_pipe pipe; std::string name; std::string app; const NBDDevice& dev; }; class FsHelper { protected: static bool echoToFile(const fs::path& fname, const std::string& content) { std::ofstream fileWriter; fileWriter.exceptions(std::ofstream::failbit | std::ofstream::badbit); fileWriter.open(fname, std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fileWriter << content << std::endl; // Make sure for new line and flush fileWriter.close(); LogMsg(Logger::Debug, "echo ", content, " > ", fname); return true; } }; struct UsbGadget : private FsHelper { private: static const std::string getGadgetDirPrefix() { const std::string gadgetDirPrefix = "/sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/mass-storage-"; return gadgetDirPrefix; } public: static int32_t configure(const std::string& name, const NBDDevice& nbd, StateChange change, const bool rw = false) { return configure(name, nbd.to_path(), change, rw); } static int32_t configure(const std::string& name, const fs::path& path, StateChange change, const bool rw = false) { LogMsg(Logger::Info, "[App]: Configure USB Gadget (name=", name, ", path=", path, ", State=", static_cast(change), ")"); bool success = true; std::error_code ec; if (change == StateChange::unknown) { LogMsg(Logger::Critical, "[App]: Change to unknown state is not possible"); return -1; } const fs::path gadgetDir = getGadgetDirPrefix() + name; const fs::path funcMassStorageDir = gadgetDir / "functions/mass_storage.usb0"; const fs::path stringsDir = gadgetDir / "strings/0x409"; const fs::path configDir = gadgetDir / "configs/c.1"; const fs::path massStorageDir = configDir / "mass_storage.usb0"; const fs::path configStringsDir = configDir / "strings/0x409"; if (change == StateChange::inserted) { try { fs::create_directories(gadgetDir); echoToFile(gadgetDir / "idVendor", "0x1d6b"); echoToFile(gadgetDir / "idProduct", "0x0104"); fs::create_directories(stringsDir); echoToFile(stringsDir / "manufacturer", "OpenBMC"); echoToFile(stringsDir / "product", "Virtual Media Device"); fs::create_directories(configStringsDir); echoToFile(configStringsDir / "configuration", "config 1"); fs::create_directories(funcMassStorageDir); fs::create_directories(funcMassStorageDir / "lun.0"); fs::create_directory_symlink(funcMassStorageDir, massStorageDir); echoToFile(funcMassStorageDir / "lun.0/removable", "1"); echoToFile(funcMassStorageDir / "lun.0/ro", rw ? "0" : "1"); echoToFile(funcMassStorageDir / "lun.0/cdrom", "0"); echoToFile(funcMassStorageDir / "lun.0/file", path); for (const auto& port : fs::directory_iterator( "/sys/bus/platform/devices/1e6a0000.usb-vhub")) { if (fs::is_directory(port) && !fs::is_symlink(port) && !fs::exists(port.path() / "gadget/suspended")) { const std::string portId = port.path().filename(); LogMsg(Logger::Debug, "Use port : ", port.path().filename()); echoToFile(gadgetDir / "UDC", portId); return 0; } } } catch (fs::filesystem_error& e) { // Got error perform cleanup LogMsg(Logger::Error, "[App]: UsbGadget: ", e.what()); success = false; } catch (std::ofstream::failure& e) { // Got error perform cleanup LogMsg(Logger::Error, "[App]: UsbGadget: ", e.what()); success = false; } } // StateChange: unknown, notMonitored, inserted were handler // earlier. We'll get here only for removed, or cleanup echoToFile(gadgetDir / "UDC", ""); const std::array dirs = { massStorageDir.c_str(), funcMassStorageDir.c_str(), configStringsDir.c_str(), configDir.c_str(), stringsDir.c_str(), gadgetDir.c_str()}; for (const char* dir : dirs) { fs::remove(dir, ec); if (ec) { success = false; LogMsg(Logger::Error, "[App]: UsbGadget ", ec.message()); } } if (success) { return 0; } return -1; } static std::optional getStats(const std::string& name) { const fs::path statsPath = getGadgetDirPrefix() + name + "/functions/mass_storage.usb0/lun.0/stats"; std::ifstream ifs(statsPath); if (!ifs.is_open()) { LogMsg(Logger::Error, name, "Failed to open ", statsPath); return {}; } return std::string{std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs), std::istreambuf_iterator()}; } static bool isConfigured(const std::string& name) { const fs::path gadgetDir = getGadgetDirPrefix() + name; if (!fs::exists(gadgetDir)) { return false; } return true; } }; class UdevGadget : private FsHelper { public: // Workaround for HSD18020136609: Can not mount image using Virtual media // and CIFS protocol // This force-triggers udev change events for nbd[0-3] devices, which // prevents from disconnection on first mount event after reboot. The actual // rootcause is related with kernel changes that occured between 5.10.67 and // 5.14.11. This lead will continue to be investigated in order to provide // proper fix. static void forceUdevChange() { std::string changeStr = "change"; echoToFile("/sys/block/nbd0/uevent", changeStr); echoToFile("/sys/block/nbd1/uevent", changeStr); echoToFile("/sys/block/nbd2/uevent", changeStr); echoToFile("/sys/block/nbd3/uevent", changeStr); } };