path: root/http/utility.h
diff options
authorEd Tanous <>2019-10-11 01:39:33 +0300
committerEd Tanous <>2019-10-18 19:20:11 +0300
commitc94ad49bc747e7a7170287b9f4c859e3638cf432 (patch)
tree17ca83806e5b546f20c3478862fe1aa699e2ae22 /http/utility.h
parent789771dda22c256afa9e46ffe4c859bb87532af1 (diff)
Make references to crow less obvious
Recently, a number of people in the community have made the (admittedly easy) mistake that we use a significant portion of crow. Today, we use crow for the router, and the "app" structure, and even those have been significantly modified to meet the bmc needs. All other components have been replaced with Boost beast. This commit removes the crow mentions from the Readme, and moves the crow folder to "http" to camouflage it a little. No code content has changed. Tested: Code compiles. No functional change made to any executable code. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: Iceb57b26306cc8bdcfc77f3874246338864fd118
Diffstat (limited to 'http/utility.h')
1 files changed, 753 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/http/utility.h b/http/utility.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d08d548f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/http/utility.h
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <functional>
+#include <regex>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+namespace crow
+namespace black_magic
+struct OutOfRange
+ OutOfRange(unsigned /*pos*/, unsigned /*length*/)
+ {
+ }
+constexpr unsigned requiresInRange(unsigned i, unsigned len)
+ return i >= len ? throw OutOfRange(i, len) : i;
+class ConstStr
+ const char* const beginPtr;
+ unsigned sizeUint;
+ public:
+ template <unsigned N>
+ constexpr ConstStr(const char (&arr)[N]) : beginPtr(arr), sizeUint(N - 1)
+ {
+ static_assert(N >= 1, "not a string literal");
+ }
+ constexpr char operator[](unsigned i) const
+ {
+ return requiresInRange(i, sizeUint), beginPtr[i];
+ }
+ constexpr operator const char*() const
+ {
+ return beginPtr;
+ }
+ constexpr const char* begin() const
+ {
+ return beginPtr;
+ }
+ constexpr const char* end() const
+ {
+ return beginPtr + sizeUint;
+ }
+ constexpr unsigned size() const
+ {
+ return sizeUint;
+ }
+constexpr unsigned findClosingTag(ConstStr s, unsigned p)
+ return s[p] == '>' ? p : findClosingTag(s, p + 1);
+constexpr bool isValid(ConstStr s, unsigned i = 0, int f = 0)
+ return i == s.size()
+ ? f == 0
+ : f < 0 || f >= 2
+ ? false
+ : s[i] == '<' ? isValid(s, i + 1, f + 1)
+ : s[i] == '>' ? isValid(s, i + 1, f - 1)
+ : isValid(s, i + 1, f);
+constexpr bool isEquP(const char* a, const char* b, unsigned n)
+ return *a == 0 && *b == 0 && n == 0
+ ? true
+ : (*a == 0 || *b == 0)
+ ? false
+ : n == 0 ? true
+ : *a != *b ? false : isEquP(a + 1, b + 1, n - 1);
+constexpr bool isEquN(ConstStr a, unsigned ai, ConstStr b, unsigned bi,
+ unsigned n)
+ return ai + n > a.size() || bi + n > b.size()
+ ? false
+ : n == 0 ? true
+ : a[ai] != b[bi] ? false
+ : isEquN(a, ai + 1, b, bi + 1, n - 1);
+constexpr bool isInt(ConstStr s, unsigned i)
+ return isEquN(s, i, "<int>", 0, 5);
+constexpr bool isUint(ConstStr s, unsigned i)
+ return isEquN(s, i, "<uint>", 0, 6);
+constexpr bool isFloat(ConstStr s, unsigned i)
+ return isEquN(s, i, "<float>", 0, 7) || isEquN(s, i, "<double>", 0, 8);
+constexpr bool isStr(ConstStr s, unsigned i)
+ return isEquN(s, i, "<str>", 0, 5) || isEquN(s, i, "<string>", 0, 8);
+constexpr bool isPath(ConstStr s, unsigned i)
+ return isEquN(s, i, "<path>", 0, 6);
+template <typename T> struct parameter_tag
+ static const int value = 0;
+ template <> struct parameter_tag<t> \
+ { \
+ static const int value = i; \
+ }
+BMCWEB_INTERNAL_PARAMETER_TAG(unsigned long long, 2);
+template <typename... Args> struct compute_parameter_tag_from_args_list;
+template <> struct compute_parameter_tag_from_args_list<>
+ static const int value = 0;
+template <typename Arg, typename... Args>
+struct compute_parameter_tag_from_args_list<Arg, Args...>
+ static const int subValue =
+ compute_parameter_tag_from_args_list<Args...>::value;
+ static const int value =
+ parameter_tag<typename std::decay<Arg>::type>::value
+ ? subValue * 6 +
+ parameter_tag<typename std::decay<Arg>::type>::value
+ : subValue;
+static inline bool isParameterTagCompatible(uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
+ if (a == 0)
+ {
+ return b == 0;
+ }
+ if (b == 0)
+ {
+ return a == 0;
+ }
+ uint64_t sa = a % 6;
+ uint64_t sb = a % 6;
+ if (sa == 5)
+ {
+ sa = 4;
+ }
+ if (sb == 5)
+ {
+ sb = 4;
+ }
+ if (sa != sb)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return isParameterTagCompatible(a / 6, b / 6);
+static inline unsigned findClosingTagRuntime(const char* s, unsigned p)
+ return s[p] == 0 ? throw std::runtime_error("unmatched tag <")
+ : s[p] == '>' ? p : findClosingTagRuntime(s, p + 1);
+static inline uint64_t getParameterTagRuntime(const char* s, unsigned p = 0)
+ return s[p] == 0
+ ? 0
+ : s[p] == '<'
+ ? (std::strncmp(s + p, "<int>", 5) == 0
+ ? getParameterTagRuntime(
+ s, findClosingTagRuntime(s, p)) *
+ 6 +
+ 1
+ : std::strncmp(s + p, "<uint>", 6) == 0
+ ? getParameterTagRuntime(
+ s, findClosingTagRuntime(s, p)) *
+ 6 +
+ 2
+ : (std::strncmp(s + p, "<float>", 7) == 0 ||
+ std::strncmp(s + p, "<double>", 8) == 0)
+ ? getParameterTagRuntime(
+ s, findClosingTagRuntime(s, p)) *
+ 6 +
+ 3
+ : (std::strncmp(s + p, "<str>", 5) ==
+ 0 ||
+ std::strncmp(s + p, "<string>", 8) ==
+ 0)
+ ? getParameterTagRuntime(
+ s, findClosingTagRuntime(
+ s, p)) *
+ 6 +
+ 4
+ : std::strncmp(s + p, "<path>",
+ 6) == 0
+ ? getParameterTagRuntime(
+ s,
+ findClosingTagRuntime(
+ s, p)) *
+ 6 +
+ 5
+ : throw std::runtime_error(
+ "invalid parameter "
+ "type"))
+ : getParameterTagRuntime(s, p + 1);
+constexpr uint64_t get_parameter_tag(ConstStr s, unsigned p = 0)
+ return p == s.size()
+ ? 0
+ : s[p] == '<'
+ ? (isInt(s, p)
+ ? get_parameter_tag(s, findClosingTag(s, p)) * 6 + 1
+ : isUint(s, p)
+ ? get_parameter_tag(s, findClosingTag(s, p)) *
+ 6 +
+ 2
+ : isFloat(s, p)
+ ? get_parameter_tag(
+ s, findClosingTag(s, p)) *
+ 6 +
+ 3
+ : isStr(s, p)
+ ? get_parameter_tag(
+ s, findClosingTag(s, p)) *
+ 6 +
+ 4
+ : isPath(s, p)
+ ? get_parameter_tag(
+ s, findClosingTag(
+ s, p)) *
+ 6 +
+ 5
+ : throw std::runtime_error(
+ "invalid parameter "
+ "type"))
+ : get_parameter_tag(s, p + 1);
+template <typename... T> struct S
+ template <typename U> using push = S<U, T...>;
+ template <typename U> using push_back = S<T..., U>;
+ template <template <typename... Args> class U> using rebind = U<T...>;
+template <typename F, typename Set> struct CallHelper;
+template <typename F, typename... Args> struct CallHelper<F, S<Args...>>
+ template <typename F1, typename... Args1,
+ typename = decltype(std::declval<F1>()(std::declval<Args1>()...))>
+ static char __test(int);
+ template <typename...> static int __test(...);
+ static constexpr bool value = sizeof(__test<F, Args...>(0)) == sizeof(char);
+template <uint64_t N> struct SingleTagToType
+template <> struct SingleTagToType<1>
+ using type = int64_t;
+template <> struct SingleTagToType<2>
+ using type = uint64_t;
+template <> struct SingleTagToType<3>
+ using type = double;
+template <> struct SingleTagToType<4>
+ using type = std::string;
+template <> struct SingleTagToType<5>
+ using type = std::string;
+template <uint64_t Tag> struct Arguments
+ using subarguments = typename Arguments<Tag / 6>::type;
+ using type = typename subarguments::template push<
+ typename SingleTagToType<Tag % 6>::type>;
+template <> struct Arguments<0>
+ using type = S<>;
+template <typename... T> struct LastElementType
+ using type =
+ typename std::tuple_element<sizeof...(T) - 1, std::tuple<T...>>::type;
+template <> struct LastElementType<>
+// from
+template <class T> using Invoke = typename T::type;
+template <unsigned...> struct Seq
+ using type = Seq;
+template <class S1, class S2> struct concat;
+template <unsigned... I1, unsigned... I2>
+struct concat<Seq<I1...>, Seq<I2...>> : Seq<I1..., (sizeof...(I1) + I2)...>
+template <class S1, class S2> using Concat = Invoke<concat<S1, S2>>;
+template <size_t N> struct gen_seq;
+template <size_t N> using GenSeq = Invoke<gen_seq<N>>;
+template <size_t N> struct gen_seq : Concat<GenSeq<N / 2>, GenSeq<N - N / 2>>
+template <> struct gen_seq<0> : Seq<>
+template <> struct gen_seq<1> : Seq<0>
+template <typename Seq, typename Tuple> struct PopBackHelper;
+template <unsigned... N, typename Tuple> struct PopBackHelper<Seq<N...>, Tuple>
+ template <template <typename... Args> class U>
+ using rebind = U<typename std::tuple_element<N, Tuple>::type...>;
+template <typename... T>
+struct PopBack //: public PopBackHelper<typename
+ // gen_seq<sizeof...(T)-1>::type, std::tuple<T...>>
+ template <template <typename... Args> class U>
+ using rebind =
+ typename PopBackHelper<typename gen_seq<sizeof...(T) - 1UL>::type,
+ std::tuple<T...>>::template rebind<U>;
+template <> struct PopBack<>
+ template <template <typename... Args> class U> using rebind = U<>;
+// from
+template <typename Tp, typename... List> struct Contains : std::true_type
+template <typename Tp, typename Head, typename... Rest>
+struct Contains<Tp, Head, Rest...>
+ : std::conditional<std::is_same<Tp, Head>::value, std::true_type,
+ Contains<Tp, Rest...>>::type
+template <typename Tp> struct Contains<Tp> : std::false_type
+template <typename T> struct EmptyContext
+template <typename T> struct promote
+ using type = T;
+ template <> struct promote<t1> \
+ { \
+ using type = t2; \
+ }
+BMCWEB_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(long long, int64_t);
+BMCWEB_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(unsigned char, uint64_t);
+BMCWEB_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(unsigned short, uint64_t);
+BMCWEB_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(unsigned int, uint64_t);
+BMCWEB_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(unsigned long, uint64_t);
+BMCWEB_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(unsigned long long, uint64_t);
+template <typename T> using promote_t = typename promote<T>::type;
+} // namespace black_magic
+namespace detail
+template <class T, std::size_t N, class... Args>
+struct GetIndexOfElementFromTupleByTypeImpl
+ static constexpr std::size_t value = N;
+template <class T, std::size_t N, class... Args>
+struct GetIndexOfElementFromTupleByTypeImpl<T, N, T, Args...>
+ static constexpr std::size_t value = N;
+template <class T, std::size_t N, class U, class... Args>
+struct GetIndexOfElementFromTupleByTypeImpl<T, N, U, Args...>
+ static constexpr std::size_t value =
+ GetIndexOfElementFromTupleByTypeImpl<T, N + 1, Args...>::value;
+} // namespace detail
+namespace utility
+template <class T, class... Args> T& getElementByType(std::tuple<Args...>& t)
+ return std::get<
+ detail::GetIndexOfElementFromTupleByTypeImpl<T, 0, Args...>::value>(t);
+template <typename T> struct function_traits;
+template <typename T>
+struct function_traits : public function_traits<decltype(&T::operator())>
+ using parent_t = function_traits<decltype(&T::operator())>;
+ static const size_t arity = parent_t::arity;
+ using result_type = typename parent_t::result_type;
+ template <size_t i> using arg = typename parent_t::template arg<i>;
+template <typename ClassType, typename r, typename... Args>
+struct function_traits<r (ClassType::*)(Args...) const>
+ static const size_t arity = sizeof...(Args);
+ using result_type = r;
+ template <size_t i>
+ using arg = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
+template <typename ClassType, typename r, typename... Args>
+struct function_traits<r (ClassType::*)(Args...)>
+ static const size_t arity = sizeof...(Args);
+ using result_type = r;
+ template <size_t i>
+ using arg = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
+template <typename r, typename... Args>
+struct function_traits<std::function<r(Args...)>>
+ static const size_t arity = sizeof...(Args);
+ using result_type = r;
+ template <size_t i>
+ using arg = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
+inline static std::string base64encode(
+ const char* data, size_t size,
+ const char* key =
+ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")
+ std::string ret;
+ ret.resize((size + 2) / 3 * 4);
+ auto it = ret.begin();
+ while (size >= 3)
+ {
+ *it++ = key[(static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xFC) >> 2];
+ unsigned char h = static_cast<unsigned char>(
+ (static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x03u) << 4u);
+ *it++ = key[h | ((static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xF0) >> 4)];
+ h = static_cast<unsigned char>(
+ (static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x0F) << 2u);
+ *it++ = key[h | ((static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xC0) >> 6)];
+ *it++ = key[static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x3F];
+ size -= 3;
+ }
+ if (size == 1)
+ {
+ *it++ = key[(static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xFC) >> 2];
+ unsigned char h = static_cast<unsigned char>(
+ (static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x03) << 4u);
+ *it++ = key[h];
+ *it++ = '=';
+ *it++ = '=';
+ }
+ else if (size == 2)
+ {
+ *it++ = key[(static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xFC) >> 2];
+ unsigned char h = static_cast<unsigned char>(
+ (static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x03) << 4u);
+ *it++ = key[h | ((static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xF0) >> 4)];
+ h = static_cast<unsigned char>(
+ (static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x0F) << 2u);
+ *it++ = key[h];
+ *it++ = '=';
+ }
+ return ret;
+inline static std::string base64encodeUrlsafe(const char* data, size_t size)
+ return base64encode(
+ data, size,
+ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_");
+// TODO this is temporary and should be deleted once base64 is refactored out of
+// crow
+inline bool base64Decode(const std::string_view input, std::string& output)
+ static const char nop = static_cast<char>(-1);
+ // See note on encoding_data[] in above function
+ static const char decodingData[] = {
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, 62, nop, nop, nop, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
+ 60, 61, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
+ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
+ 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, 26,
+ 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
+ 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop,
+ nop, nop, nop, nop};
+ size_t inputLength = input.size();
+ // allocate space for output string
+ output.clear();
+ output.reserve(((inputLength + 2) / 3) * 4);
+ // for each 4-bytes sequence from the input, extract 4 6-bits sequences by
+ // droping first two bits
+ // and regenerate into 3 8-bits sequences
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < inputLength; i++)
+ {
+ char base64code0;
+ char base64code1;
+ char base64code2 = 0; // initialized to 0 to suppress warnings
+ char base64code3;
+ base64code0 = decodingData[static_cast<int>(input[i])]; // NOLINT
+ if (base64code0 == nop)
+ { // non base64 character
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!(++i < inputLength))
+ { // we need at least two input bytes for first
+ // byte output
+ return false;
+ }
+ base64code1 = decodingData[static_cast<int>(input[i])]; // NOLINT
+ if (base64code1 == nop)
+ { // non base64 character
+ return false;
+ }
+ output +=
+ static_cast<char>((base64code0 << 2) | ((base64code1 >> 4) & 0x3));
+ if (++i < inputLength)
+ {
+ char c = input[i];
+ if (c == '=')
+ { // padding , end of input
+ return (base64code1 & 0x0f) == 0;
+ }
+ base64code2 = decodingData[static_cast<int>(input[i])]; // NOLINT
+ if (base64code2 == nop)
+ { // non base64 character
+ return false;
+ }
+ output += static_cast<char>(((base64code1 << 4) & 0xf0) |
+ ((base64code2 >> 2) & 0x0f));
+ }
+ if (++i < inputLength)
+ {
+ char c = input[i];
+ if (c == '=')
+ { // padding , end of input
+ return (base64code2 & 0x03) == 0;
+ }
+ base64code3 = decodingData[static_cast<int>(input[i])]; // NOLINT
+ if (base64code3 == nop)
+ { // non base64 character
+ return false;
+ }
+ output +=
+ static_cast<char>((((base64code2 << 6) & 0xc0) | base64code3));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+inline void escapeHtml(std::string& data)
+ std::string buffer;
+ // less than 5% of characters should be larger, so reserve a buffer of the
+ // right size
+ buffer.reserve(data.size() * 11 / 10);
+ for (size_t pos = 0; pos != data.size(); ++pos)
+ {
+ switch (data[pos])
+ {
+ case '&':
+ buffer.append("&amp;");
+ break;
+ case '\"':
+ buffer.append("&quot;");
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ buffer.append("&apos;");
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ buffer.append("&lt;");
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ buffer.append("&gt;");
+ break;
+ default:
+ buffer.append(&data[pos], 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ data.swap(buffer);
+inline void convertToLinks(std::string& s)
+ const static std::regex r{"(&quot;@odata\\.((id)|(Context))&quot;[ \\n]*:[ "
+ "\\n]*)(&quot;((?!&quot;).*)&quot;)"};
+ s = std::regex_replace(s, r, "$1<a href=\"$6\">$5</a>");
+ const static std::regex nextLink{
+ "(&quot;Members@odata\\.((nextLink))&quot;[ \\n]*:[ "
+ "\\n]*)(&quot;((?!&quot;).*)&quot;)"};
+ s = std::regex_replace(s, nextLink, "$1<a href=\"$5\">$4</a>");
+ const static std::regex uri{"(&quot;((Uri))&quot;[ \\n]*:[ "
+ "\\n]*)(&quot;((?!&quot;).*)&quot;)"};
+ s = std::regex_replace(s, uri, "$1<a href=\"$5\">$4</a>");
+ * Method returns Date Time information according to requested format
+ *
+ * @param[in] time time in second since the Epoch
+ *
+ * @return Date Time according to requested format
+ */
+inline std::string getDateTime(const std::time_t& time)
+ std::array<char, 128> dateTime;
+ std::string redfishDateTime("0000-00-00T00:00:00Z00:00");
+ if (std::strftime(dateTime.begin(), dateTime.size(), "%FT%T%z",
+ std::localtime(&time)))
+ {
+ // insert the colon required by the ISO 8601 standard
+ redfishDateTime = std::string(;
+ redfishDateTime.insert(redfishDateTime.end() - 2, ':');
+ }
+ return redfishDateTime;
+inline std::string dateTimeNow()
+ std::time_t time = std::time(nullptr);
+ return getDateTime(time);
+} // namespace utility
+} // namespace crow