path: root/
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1 files changed, 50 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f43cdfdf94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+## Why does bmcweb use so many headers? My build times are slow!##
+TL; DR, History
+bmcweb at one point was a crow-based project. Evidence of this can still be
+seen in the http/.hpp files that still contain references to the crow
+namespaces. Crow makes heavy use of headers and template meta programming, and
+doesn't ship any cpp or implementation files, choosing to put everything in
+include once headers. As bmcweb evolved, it needed more capabilities, so the
+core was ported to Boost Beast, and what remains has very little similarity to
+crow anymore. Boost::beast at the time we ported took the same opinion,
+relying on header files and almost no implementation compile units. A large
+amount of the compile time is taken up in boost::beast template instantiations,
+specifically for boost::beast::http::message (ie Request and Response).
+The initial solution that gets proposed is to just move everything as it exists
+to separate compile units, making no other changes. This has been proposed and
+implemented 3-4 times in the project, the latest of which is below. The intent
+of this document is largely to save effort for the next person, so they can at
+least start from the existing prior attempts.
+Moving to cpp files without handling any architecture has the net result of
+making total compilation slower, not faster, as the slowest-to-compile parts end
+up getting compiled multiple times, then the duplicates deleted at link time.
+This isn't great for the end result.
+To actually effect the result that we'd like to see from multiple compile units,
+there have been proposed a few ideas might provide some relief;
+- Moving the Request and Response containers to opaque structures, so a majority
+ of code only needs to #include the interface, not any of the template code.
+ Doing this exposed a number of mediocre practices in the route handlers,
+ where routes made copies of requests/responses, relied on APIs that should've
+ been internal, and other practices that make this migration less
+ straightforward, but is still being pursued by maintainers over time.
+- Moving the internals of Request/Response/Connection to rely on something like
+ [http::proto]( which, written by the
+ same author as boost::beast, claims to have significant reduction in compile
+ time templates, and might not require abstracting the Request/Response
+ objects.
+- Reduce the bmcweb binary size to the point where link time optimization is not
+ required for most usages. About half of the bmcweb build time is spent doing
+ link time optimization, which, as of this time is required to keep bmcweb code
+ small enough to deploy on an actual BMCs (See for details).
+ One could theoretically determine the source of where LTO decreases the binary
+ size the most, and ensure that those were all in the same compile unit, such
+ that they got optimized without requiring LTO.