path: root/include/token_authorization_middleware.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/token_authorization_middleware.hpp')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/include/token_authorization_middleware.hpp b/include/token_authorization_middleware.hpp
index 2d1edcda16..eebd4f0c3d 100644
--- a/include/token_authorization_middleware.hpp
+++ b/include/token_authorization_middleware.hpp
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
#pragma once
+#include <base64.hpp>
+#include <pam_authenticate.hpp>
+#include <webassets.hpp>
+#include <random>
+#include <crow/app.h>
#include <crow/http_request.h>
#include <crow/http_response.h>
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
-#include <base64.hpp>
-#include <pam_authenticate.hpp>
namespace crow {
+namespace TokenAuthorization {
struct User {};
using random_bytes_engine =
- std::independent_bits_engine<std::default_random_engine, CHAR_BIT,
- unsigned char>;
-template <class AuthenticationFunction>
-struct TokenAuthorization {
- private:
- random_bytes_engine rbe;
+ std::independent_bits_engine<std::random_device, CHAR_BIT, unsigned char>;
+class Middleware {
- struct context {
- // std::string auth_token;
+ Middleware() {
+ for (auto& route : crow::webassets::routes) {
+ allowed_routes.emplace(route);
+ }
+ allowed_routes.emplace("/login");
- TokenAuthorization(){};
+ struct context {};
void before_handle(crow::request& req, response& res, context& ctx) {
auto return_unauthorized = [&req, &res]() {
@@ -34,100 +34,64 @@ struct TokenAuthorization {
- auto return_bad_request = [&req, &res]() {
- res.code = 400;
- res.end();
- };
- auto return_internal_error = [&req, &res]() {
- res.code = 500;
- res.end();
- };
- if (req.url == "/" || boost::starts_with(req.url, "/static/")) {
+ if (allowed_routes.find(req.url.c_str()) != allowed_routes.end()) {
// TODO this is total hackery to allow the login page to work before the
// user is authenticated. Also, it will be quite slow for all pages
// instead of a one time hit for the whitelist entries. Ideally, this
- // should be
- // done in the url router handler, with tagged routes for the whitelist
- // entries. Another option would be to whitelist a minimal for based page
- // that didn't load the full angular UI until after login
- return;
- }
- if (req.url == "/login") {
- if (req.method != HTTPMethod::POST) {
- return_unauthorized();
- return;
- } else {
- std::string username;
- std::string password;
- try {
- auto login_credentials = nlohmann::json::parse(req.body);
- username = login_credentials["username"];
- password = login_credentials["password"];
- } catch (...) {
- return_bad_request();
- return;
- }
- auto p = AuthenticationFunction();
- if (p.authenticate(username, password)) {
- nlohmann::json x;
- std::string token('a', 20);
- // TODO(ed) for some reason clang-tidy finds a divide by zero error in
- // cstdlibc here commented out for now. Needs investigation
- std::generate(std::begin(token), std::end(token),
- std::ref(rbe)); // NOLINT
- std::string encoded_token;
- base64::base64_encode(token, encoded_token);
- // ctx.auth_token = encoded_token;
- this->auth_token2.insert(encoded_token);
- nlohmann::json ret{{"token", encoded_token}};
- res.write(ret.dump());
- res.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json");
- res.end();
- } else {
+ // should be done in the url router handler, with tagged routes for the
+ // whitelist entries. Another option would be to whitelist a minimal form
+ // based page that didn't load the full angular UI until after login
+ } else {
+ // Normal, non login, non static file request
+ // Check for an authorization header, reject if not present
+ std::string auth_key;
+ if (req.headers.count("Authorization") == 1) {
+ std::string auth_header = req.get_header_value("Authorization");
+ // If the user is attempting any kind of auth other than token, reject
+ if (!boost::starts_with(auth_header, "Token ")) {
+ auth_key = auth_header.substr(6);
+ } else {
+ int count = req.headers.count("Cookie");
+ if (count == 1) {
+ auto& cookie_value = req.get_header_value("Cookie");
+ auto start_index = cookie_value.find("SESSION=");
+ if (start_index != std::string::npos) {
+ start_index += 8;
+ auto end_index = cookie_value.find(";", start_index);
+ if (end_index == std::string::npos) {
+ end_index = cookie_value.size() - 1;
+ }
+ auth_key =
+ cookie_value.substr(start_index, end_index - start_index + 1);
+ }
+ }
- } else { // Normal, non login, non static file request
- // Check to make sure we're logged in
- if (this->auth_token2.empty()) {
- return_unauthorized();
- return;
- }
- // Check for an authorization header, reject if not present
- if (req.headers.count("Authorization") != 1) {
- return_unauthorized();
+ if (auth_key.empty()) {
+ res.code = 400;
+ res.end();
+ std::cout << "auth_key=" << auth_key << "\n";
- std::string auth_header = req.get_header_value("Authorization");
- // If the user is attempting any kind of auth other than token, reject
- if (!boost::starts_with(auth_header, "Token ")) {
- return_unauthorized();
- return;
+ for (auto& token : this->auth_tokens) {
+ std::cout << "token=" << token << "\n";
- std::string auth_key = auth_header.substr(6);
// TODO(ed), use span here instead of constructing a new string
- if (this->auth_token2.find(auth_key) == this->auth_token2.end()) {
+ if (this->auth_tokens.find(auth_key) == this->auth_tokens.end()) {
if (req.url == "/logout") {
- this->auth_token2.erase(auth_key);
+ this->auth_tokens.erase(auth_key);
res.code = 200;
// else let the request continue unharmed
@@ -136,9 +100,128 @@ struct TokenAuthorization {
// Do nothing
- private:
- boost::container::flat_set<std::string> auth_token2;
+ boost::container::flat_set<std::string> auth_tokens;
+ boost::container::flat_set<std::string> allowed_routes;
+ random_bytes_engine rbe;
-using TokenAuthorizationMiddleware = TokenAuthorization<PamAuthenticator>;
-} \ No newline at end of file
+// TODO(ed) see if there is a better way to allow middlewares to request routes.
+// Possibly an init function on first construction?
+template <typename... Middlewares>
+void request_routes(Crow<Middlewares...>& app) {
+ static_assert(black_magic::contains<TokenAuthorization::Middleware,
+ Middlewares...>::value,
+ "TokenAuthorization middleware must be enabled in app to use "
+ "auth routes");
+ CROW_ROUTE(app, "/login")
+ .methods(
+ "POST"_method)([&](const crow::request& req, crow::response& res) {
+ std::string content_type;
+ auto content_type_it = req.headers.find("content-type");
+ if (content_type_it != req.headers.end()) {
+ content_type = content_type_it->second;
+ boost::algorithm::to_lower(content_type);
+ }
+ std::string username;
+ std::string password;
+ bool looks_like_ibm = false;
+ // Check if auth was provided by a payload
+ if (content_type == "application/json") {
+ try {
+ auto login_credentials = nlohmann::json::parse(req.body);
+ // check for username/password in the root object
+ // THis method is how intel APIs authenticate
+ auto user_it = login_credentials.find("username");
+ auto pass_it = login_credentials.find("password");
+ if (user_it != login_credentials.end() &&
+ pass_it != login_credentials.end()) {
+ username = user_it->get<const std::string>();
+ password = pass_it->get<const std::string>();
+ } else {
+ // Openbmc appears to push a data object that contains the same
+ // keys (username and password), attempt to use that
+ auto data_it = login_credentials.find("data");
+ if (data_it != login_credentials.end()) {
+ // Some apis produce an array of value ["username", "password"]
+ if (data_it->is_array()) {
+ if (data_it->size() == 2) {
+ username = (*data_it)[0].get<const std::string>();
+ password = (*data_it)[1].get<const std::string>();
+ looks_like_ibm = true;
+ }
+ } else if (data_it->is_object()) {
+ auto user_it = data_it->find("username");
+ auto pass_it = data_it->find("password");
+ if (user_it != data_it->end() && pass_it != data_it->end()) {
+ username = user_it->get<const std::string>();
+ password = pass_it->get<const std::string>();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (...) {
+ // TODO(ed) figure out how to not throw on a bad json parse
+ res.code = 400;
+ res.end();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // check if auth was provided as a query string
+ auto user_it = req.headers.find("username");
+ auto pass_it = req.headers.find("password");
+ if (user_it != req.headers.end() && pass_it != req.headers.end()) {
+ username = user_it->second;
+ password = pass_it->second;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!username.empty() && !password.empty()) {
+ if (!pam_authenticate_user(username, password)) {
+ res.code = 401;
+ } else {
+ // THis should be a multiple of 3 to make sure that base64 doesn't
+ // end with an equals sign at the end. we could strip it off
+ // afterward
+ std::string token(30, 'a');
+ // TODO(ed) for some reason clang-tidy finds a divide by zero
+ // error in cstdlibc here commented out for now.
+ // Needs investigation
+ auto& m = app.template get_middleware<Middleware>();
+ std::generate(std::begin(token), std::end(token),
+ std::ref(m.rbe)); // NOLINT
+ std::string encoded_token;
+ if (!base64::base64_encode(token, encoded_token)) {
+ res.code = 500;
+ } else {
+ m.auth_tokens.insert(encoded_token);
+ if (looks_like_ibm) {
+ // IBM requires a very specific login structure, and doesn't
+ // actually look at the status code. TODO(ed).... Fix that
+ // upstream
+ nlohmann::json ret{
+ {"data", "User '" + username + "' logged in"},
+ {"message", "200 OK"},
+ {"status", "ok"}};
+ res.add_header(
+ "Set-Cookie",
+ "SESSION=" + encoded_token + "; Secure; HttpOnly");
+ res.write(ret.dump());
+ } else {
+ // if content type is json, assume json token
+ nlohmann::json ret{{"token", encoded_token}};
+ res.write(ret.dump());
+ res.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ res.code = 400;
+ }
+ res.end();
+ });
+} // namespaec TokenAuthorization
+} // namespace crow \ No newline at end of file