AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2023-06-13Add Status information for Power SupplyGeorge Liu2-8/+85
This commit is to add PowerSupply State/Health status according to the Redfish PowerSupply schema. If the `xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item` interface does not exist, the state status property is set to default "Present". If the `xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus` interface does not exist, the health status property is set to default "OK". ref: Code that updates the OperationalStatus for all the inventory \ 3fb026386546cfd288ab4f86156c9aa0ffa145d6/ibm_vpd_app.cpp#L620 Tested: Validator passes curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/ PowerSupplies/powersupply0 { "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/PowerSubsystem/ PowerSupplies/powersupply0", "@odata.type": "#PowerSupply.v1_5_0.PowerSupply", "Id": "powersupply0", "Name": "powersupply0", "Status": { "Health": "OK" "State": "Enabled" } } Signed-off-by: George Liu <> Change-Id: I121b665a4e605024644cc7c9392f88a71703481e Signed-off-by: Lakshmi Yadlapati <>
2023-06-13chassis: Pass ec by referenceWilly Tu1-1/+1
Remove passing ec by value for getProperty. Change-Id: I9070ca7035fead14faa236eb1b17937ffe13045b Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <>
2023-06-13Add content type check in the update serviceNinad Palsule1-15/+31
The content type check is required in the update service. This may be a security issue. The correct content types to update service are multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream. The multipart content type was missing from the contentTypes array which is added in this drop. Added couple of test cases. Tested: 1) Make sure that update service content type application/octet-stream are working correctly. $ curl -k -H 'X-Auth-Token: THIbp1G0DiNVj3JrCZMf' -H 'Content-Type: \ application/octet-stream' -X POST \ -T ./obmc-phosphor-image-everest.ext4.mmc.tar \ https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update { "": "/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/0", "@odata.type": "#Task.v1_4_3.Task", "Id": "0", "TaskState": "Running", "TaskStatus": "OK" 2) Make sure that update service content type multipart/form-data are working correctly. $ curl -k -H 'X-Auth-Token: Vc7KBgM6z3uMs1G7uVqu' \ -H Content-Type:multipart/form-data \ -F 'UpdateParameters={"Targets":["/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc"], \ "@Redfish.OperationApplyTime":"Immediate"};type=application/json'\ -F 'UpdateFile=@obmc-phosphor-image-p10bmc.ext4.mmc.tar; \ type=application/octet-stream' \ https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update { "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [ { "@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message", "Message": "The request completed successfully.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "Base.1.16.0.Success", "MessageSeverity": "OK", "Resolution": "None" } ], "": "/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/0", "@odata.type": "#Task.v1_4_3.Task", "Id": "0", "TaskState": "Running", "TaskStatus": "OK" 3) Make sure that command fails when content type is missing. $ curl -k -H 'X-Auth-Token: vH3B88sh323sfy0YG8eN' -H Content-Type: \ -X POST -T ./obmc-phosphor-image-everest.ext4.mmc.tar \ https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update Bad Request [INFO "http_connection.hpp":201] Request: 0x177f920 HTTP/1.1 POST \ /redfish/v1/UpdateService/update | [DEBUG "update_service.hpp":687] doPost: contentType= [DEBUG "update_service.hpp":692] Bad content type specified: 4) Make sure that command fails when wrong cotent type specified. $ curl -k -H 'X-Auth-Token: OQzODMaR0G29AjpD2YmT' -H 'Content-Type: \ application/octet-json' -X POST \ -T ./obmc-phosphor-image-everest.ext4.mmc.tar \ https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update Bad Request [INFO "http_connection.hpp":201] Request: 0x17a69d0 HTTP/1.1 POST \ /redfish/v1/UpdateService/update | [DEBUG "update_service.hpp":687] doPost: contentType=application/octet-json [DEBUG "update_service.hpp":720] Bad content type specified: application/octet-json 5) Make sure that command fails when header is not specified. $ curl -k -H 'X-Auth-Token: Z1AEXg075qGKi0xISu6o' -X POST \ -T ./obmc-phosphor-image-everest.ext4.mmc.tar \ https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update Bad Request [INFO "http_connection.hpp":201] Request: 0x17a69d0 HTTP/1.1 \ POST /redfish/v1/UpdateService/update | [DEBUG "update_service.hpp":687] doPost: contentType= [DEBUG "update_service.hpp":692] Bad content type specified: Change-Id: I48b709b6219debfed9ff60dd46ab87652e5a1fe5 Signed-off-by: Ninad Palsule <>
2023-06-12storage: add support for multiple storagesWilly Tu2-18/+195
Updated Storage resource to `#Storage.v1_9_1.Storage` to support the change. Follow the Swordfish spec to setup the Storage relationship[1]. There will now be two Storage Collection `/redfish/v1/Stroage` and `/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage`. The storage in `/Storage` will be treated as a subsystem and only link to the `/Systems/system/Storage` under `Links/StorageServices` resource. The `/Storage` won't contain Drives or StorageControllers. Tested: Passed Redfish Validator for related resources. ``` *** /redfish/v1/Storage/storage_1 INFO - Type (Storage.v1_7_1.Storage), GET SUCCESS (time: 0) WARNING - StorageControllers: The given property is deprecated: This property has been deprecated in favor of Controllers to allow for storage controllers to be represented as their own resources. INFO - Attempt 1 of /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis0/Drives/drive0 INFO - Response Time for GET to /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis_0/Drives/drive_0: 0.07591272401623428 seconds. INFO - PASS INFO - ``` Chassis ``` wget -qO- http://localhost:80/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis0 { "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis0", "@odata.type": "#Chassis.v1_14_0.Chassis", "Id": "chassis0", "Links": { "Storage": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/storage0" } ], "Storage@odata.count": 1 }, "Name": "chassis0", }} ``` Storage Collection ``` wget -qO- http://localhost:80/redfish/v1/Storage { "": "/redfish/v1/Storage", "@odata.type": "#StorageCollection.StorageCollection", "Members": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Storage/storage0" } ], "Members@odata.count": 1, "Name": "Storage Collection" } wget -qO- http://localhost:80/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage", "@odata.type": "#StorageCollection.StorageCollection", "Members": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/storage0" } ], "Members@odata.count": 1, "Name": "Storage Collection" } ``` Storage ``` wget -qO- http://localhost:80/redfish/v1/Storage/storage0 { "": "/redfish/v1/Storage/storage0", "@odata.type": "#Storage.v1_9_1.Storage", "Id": "storage0", "Links": { "StorageServices": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/storage0" } ], "StorageServices@odata.count": 1 }, "Name": "Storage", "Status": { "State": "Enabled" } } wget -qO- http://localhost:80/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/storage0 { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/storage0", "@odata.type": "#Storage.v1_9_1.Storage", "Drives": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis0/Drives/drive0" } ], "Drives@odata.count": 1, "Id": "storage0", "Name": "Storage",[1] "Status": { "Health": "OK", "HealthRollup": "OK", "State": "Enabled" }, "StorageControllers": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/storage0#/StorageControllers/0", "@odata.type": "#Storage.v1_7_0.StorageController", "MemberId": "controller", "Name": "controller", "Status": { "Health": "OK", "HealthRollup": "OK", "State": "Enabled" } } ] } ``` [1] Change-Id: Ib81b68e7f61b817d4dfa4ed2f27afd6e74e8ce58 Signed-off-by: Tom Tung <> Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <> Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-12Break out storage methodsEd Tanous1-228/+248
Change-Id: I2128e223f6c2d07d5c8e5a865921468a7510faf2 Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-12Require content-type by defaultEd Tanous1-1/+1
Per the input-validation rules that we follow[1], we should ALWAYS be checking to see that there's a valid content type. Change the default. Tested: Only a default change, code compiles. [1] Change-Id: I4cd58a5d2fb0a49671fc5ec0398010036c743591 Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-12query: Fix default expand level with delegatedWilly Tu3-47/+100
With delegate expand, the default expand level is -= `queryCapabilities.canDelegateExpandLevel`. This creates an overlap of expand process between delegate expand vs. default expand. With query.expandLevel = 2 -> query.expandLevel = 1 and delegated.expandLevel = 1. Both delegated and default expand will try to only expand of level one instead of level 2 for the default. The code in stated that the level with "" + other property is treated as a seperate level. So with `query.expandLevel = 1` it just loop through the id that was already expanded and is noop. Tested: Before: /redfish/v1/Chassis/BMC/Sensors?$expand=.($levels=2) returns the same result as level=1. Needs level=3 to expand to the next level. The RelatedItem in here doesn't get expanded with level=2. ``` wget -qO- 'http://localhost:80/redfish/v1/Chassis/BMC/Sensors?$expand=.($levels=1)' ... { "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/BMC/Sensors/temperature_DIMMXX", "@odata.type": "#Sensor.v1_2_0.Sensor", "Id": "temperature_DIMMXX", "Name": "DIMMXX", "Reading": 30.0, "ReadingRangeMax": 127.0, "ReadingRangeMin": -128.0, "ReadingType": "Temperature", "ReadingUnits": "Cel", "RelatedItem": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Memory/dimmXX" } ], "Status": { "Health": "OK", "State": "Enabled" }, "Thresholds": { "LowerCaution": { "Reading": null }, "LowerCritical": { "Reading": null }, "UpperCaution": { "Reading": 93.0 }, "UpperCritical": { "Reading": 95.0 } } } ], "Members@odata.count": 242, "Name": "Sensors" } ``` After: level=2 was able to expand to the next level. Change-Id: I542177a94a33f8df7afbb68837f3a53b86140c86 Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <>
2023-06-09Fix hack on Set-CookieEd Tanous4-22/+20
This is one that I couldn't figure out for a while. Turns out that fields has both a set() and an insert() method. Whereas set() replaces, insert() appends, which is what we want in this case. This allows us to call the actual methods several times, instead of essentially string injecting our own code, which should make it clearer. At the same time, there was one unit test that was structured such that it was using addHeader to clear a header, so this commit adds an explicit "clearHeader()" method, so we can be explicit. Tested: Logging into the webui in chrome (which uses POST /login) shows: 401 with no cookie header if the incorrect password is used 200 with 2 Set-Cookie headers set: Set-Cookie: SESSION=<session tag>; SameSite=Strict; Secure; HttpOnly Set-Cookie: XSRF-TOKEN=<token tag>; SameSite=Strict; Secure Change-Id: I9b87a48ea6ba892fc08e66940563dea86edb9a65 Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-09Break up router into separate filesEd Tanous8-761/+866
The router is a giant behemoth. Start breaking it down into pieces. Tested: Redfish service validator passes. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I9d04f53a58ffce3ecbd88dded1aa6e9648d2a762
2023-06-09Fix Error log entries to WarningMyung Bae3-4/+5
Some logging entries are categorized as ERROR, but they would better be as WARNING. 1) ``` $ curl -k -X GET https://${bmc}:18080/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/LogServices/Dump/Entries/INVALID { .... "code": "Base.1.13.0.InternalError", "message": "The request failed due to an internal service error. The service is still operational." } }% (2023-06-01 23:29:40) [ERROR "log_services.hpp":665] Can't find Dump Entry (2023-06-01 23:29:40) [CRITICAL "error_messages.cpp":282] Internal Error \ ../../../../../../../../../bmcweb/redfish-core/lib/log_services.hpp(666:36) \ `redfish::getDumpEntryById(const std::shared_ptr<bmcweb::AsyncResp>&, const std::string&, \ const std::string&)::<lambda(const boost::system::error_code&, const dbus::utility::ManagedObjectType&)>`: ``` 2) ``` $ curl -k -X GET https://${bmc}:18080/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/INVALID (2023-05-31 15:03:38) [ERROR "update_service.hpp":1010] Input swID X1cd6ce5fZ not found! ``` Tested: - Set bmcweb-logging=error to obtain Error or higher logs - Run the above commands and watch out logs - Redfish validator passed and see whether there are unexpected error or higher level logs Change-Id: I5f14eedd68fd3454cdf2a5b2f34442a7718e718a Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <>
2023-06-09Consistently name AsyncResp variablesEd Tanous17-961/+1012
In about half of our code, AsyncResp objects take the name asyncResp, and in the other half they take the name aResp. While the difference between them is negligeble and arbitrary, having two naming conventions makes it more difficult to do automated changes over time via grep. This commit was generated automtatically with the command: git grep -l 'aResp' | xargs sed -i 's|aResp|asyncResp|g' Tested: Code compiles. Change-Id: Id363437b6a78f51e91cbf60aa0a0c2286f36a037 Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-09Remove unused includeEd Tanous1-1/+0
This code has never used strands. Tested: Code compiles Change-Id: I59a204fe3f3a26b2a9a8ede990335c58889fb7e6 Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-09POST EthernetInterfaceCollection for VLANJiaqing Zhao1-0/+128
With EthernetInterface 1.9.0, creation of VLAN interface is done by POST EthernetInterfaceCollection. This patch implements the POST handler to do so. Tested: * With valid RelatedInterfaces and VLANId provided, new VLAN interface is successfully created. * Creating VLAN over another VLAN or non-existent interface returns error. * Creating an existing VLAN returns ResourceAlreadyExists error. * Invalid RelatedInterfaces links are rejected. Change-Id: I6b1064193eccf7ec487b43139a73d9932b6eea84 Signed-off-by: Jiaqing Zhao <> Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-09Implement DELETE EthernetInterface for VLANJiaqing Zhao1-0/+54
After using EthernetInterface to represent a VLAN interface, DELETE handler is required for deleting VLAN interfaces. Tested: * VLAN interfaces can be deleted successfully via DELETE request. * Deleting a physical interface returns ResourceCannotBeDeleted error. * Deleting a non-existent interface returns ResourceNotFound error. Change-Id: Ib22063eb3ddea0614c390ba83d4e6af29d007165 Signed-off-by: Jiaqing Zhao <> Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-09Expose VLAN interfaces as EthernetInterfaceJiaqing Zhao2-10/+36
In OpenBMC, VLAN is a virtual interface that has its own configuration like IP address. Redfish schema 2021.2+ also suggests using individual EthernetInterface to show VLAN information. This patch exposes VLAN interfaces as EthernetInterface for configuring them. Now bmcweb also shows BMC VLAN interfaces under /redfish/v1/Managers /bmc/EthernetInterfaces. Fixes bmcweb issue #79 (Unable configure IP on VLAN interface via redfish). Tested: * Both physical and VLAN interfaces are now in the interface collection * Only VLAN interfaces have the VLAN property and RelatedInterfaces property pointing to its parent interface * IP address of both physical and VLAN interfaces can be modified by PATCH request successfully * Redfish validator passed Change-Id: I608892275cfbef4af8e7a03a10d67a9c2fa3ff53 Signed-off-by: Jiaqing Zhao <> Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-08ethernet: Bump EthernetInterface schema 1.6.0 -> 1.9.0Jiaqing Zhao2-4/+2
After removing all usages of VLanNetworkInterface that deprecated in EthernetInterface 1.7.0, time to bump it to 1.9.0 for implementing the new API design. Tested: Redfish validator passed. Change-Id: Ia89d56a1325918c23ce54c9b8c0dde4342e32764 Signed-off-by: Jiaqing Zhao <>
2023-06-08Remove usage of deprecated VLanNetworkInterfaceJiaqing Zhao9-1068/+0
In Redfish Schema (DSP2046) 2022.3 introduces EthernetInterface 1.9.0 that allows creating VLAN interface by POST EthernetInterface [1] instead of using the deprecated VLanNetworkInterface. This patch removes all current usage of VLanNetworkInterface. This patchest (topic:redfish-ethernet-1.9) introduces breaking API changes to current VLAN management features. All deprecated VLAN APIs are removed, VLAN interfaces will be managed in the same way as the EthernetInterface Resource, except they can be created or deleted. Since webui-vue has not implemented anything related to VLAN yet, it is not impacted. Solves the issue mentioned in 188cb6294105 ("ethernet: Bump EthernetInterface schema 1.4.1 -> 1.6.0") [1] Tested: Redfish validator passed on a board with VLAN interface. No VLAN interface is exposed in Redfish. Change-Id: I9b243a5bb0f07642aa60bc13a622e862f62ee871 Signed-off-by: Jiaqing Zhao <>
2023-06-08storage: Support new StorageControllerWilly Tu2-149/+245
Move Storage to v1.13.0. The Storage schema moved StorageControllers to its own resource + collection and deprecated the existing StorageControllers property in Storage. A link to the collection has been added in Storage instead. The StorageController and StorageControllerCollection are added based on the old resource as specified in Added the new StorageController to remove the deprecated `Storage/StorageControllers`. This will have the same functionility as the existing StorageController with the exception that HealthPopulate is not supported right now. There will be no customer impact (other than Health resource). The clients will now need to get the StorageController collection and then Storagecontroller instead of directly from Storage. Tested: RedfishValidator passed for Storage ``` *** /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage INFO - Attempt 1 of /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage INFO - Response Time for GET to /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage: 0.04373445897363126 seconds. INFO - Type (StorageCollection.StorageCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0:00:00.044128) INFO - Attempt 1 of /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1 INFO - Response Time for GET to /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1: 0.3353928590659052 seconds. INFO - PASS INFO - *** /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1 INFO - Type (Storage.v1_13_0.Storage), GET SUCCESS (time: 0:00:00.335720) *** /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers INFO - Type (StorageControllerCollection.StorageControllerCollection), GET SUCCESS (time: 0:00:00.046414) INFO - Attempt 1 of /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers/cpld INFO - Response Time for GET to /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers/cpld: 0.05196243803948164 seconds. INFO - Attempt 1 of /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers/morristown INFO - Response Time for GET to /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers/morristown: 0.05082511808723211 seconds. INFO - PASS INFO - ... *** /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers/controller_0 INFO - Type (StorageController.v1_6_0.StorageController), GET SUCCESS (time: 0:00:00.052223) INFO - PASS INFO - *** /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers/controller_1 INFO - Type (StorageController.v1_6_0.StorageController), GET SUCCESS (time: 0:00:00.051165) INFO - PASS INFO - ``` ``` wget -qO - http://localhost:80/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers", "@odata.type": "#StorageControllerCollection.StorageControllerCollection", "Members": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers/controller_0" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers/controller_1" } ], "Members@odata.count": 2, "Name": "Storage Controller Collection" } ``` ``` wget -qO - http://localhost:80/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers/controller_1 { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/1/Controllers/controller_1", "@odata.type": "#StorageController.v1_6_0.StorageController", "Id": "cpld", "Name": "cpld", "Status": { "State": "Enabled" } } ``` Change-Id: I1c171514d5613f93d283d764ffb69b16dc3ba74d Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <>
2023-06-08hex_units: Fix Werror=conversionWilly Tu2-4/+4
Convert all types to uint8_t to not hit the conversion warning. Change-Id: Ia535ca0a2f4045cbde06a2f8f8eaad9570a0f4a5 Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <> Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-08Remove urlEncodeEd Tanous4-28/+13
All new uses should be using boost::urls::url now. This was the last usage. Tested: Logged into webui, and observed the correct URL behavior. In browser window /foobar Forwarded to /?next=/foobar#/login Which is correct. Note, this is different behavior slightly than before. It was found that the URI precedence goes query string THEN fragment, rather than the other way around that we had it. This was flagged when moving over to boost url structures. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: Ifb354537d71a43c531d7d380dd889cf646731e39
2023-06-08Remove unused const-castEd Tanous1-2/+1
std::string::data now has a non-const variation in c++20. This allows us to remove a NOLINT and follow the standard. Tested: Login succeeds. Change-Id: Ie49932fae8efa90afe1a238f7059924747300521 Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-07Add AccountTypes in POST Accounts serviceNinad Palsule1-10/+61
This drop adds support to specify AccountTypes at the time of user creation. Made sure that HostConsole is only supported for user with administrator role. Testing: $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["HostConsole"]}' { "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [ { "@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message", "Message": "The resource has been created successfully.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "Base.1.13.0.Created", "MessageSeverity": "OK", "Resolution": "None." } ] } $ curl -k https://root:0penBmc@bmc1:443/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/user99 { "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/user99", "@odata.type": "#ManagerAccount.v1_7_0.ManagerAccount", "AccountTypes": [ "HostConsole" ], "Description": "User Account", "Enabled": true, "Id": "user99", "Links": { "Role": { "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Administrator" } }, "Locked": false, "Locked@Redfish.AllowableValues": [ "false" ], "Name": "User Account", "Password": null, "PasswordChangeRequired": false, "RoleId": "Administrator", "StrictAccountTypes": true, "UserName": "user99" } Also ran following testcases: $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["HostConsole"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Operator", "AccountTypes": ["HostConsole"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "ReadOnly", "AccountTypes": ["HostConsole"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["ManagerConsole"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["Redfish"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["WebUI"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["IPMI"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["Redfish", "IPMI", "HostConsole", "ManagerConsole", "WebUI"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["Redfish", "HostConsole", "ManagerConsole", "WebUI"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["Redfish", "ManagerConsole", "WebUI"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["Redfish", "HostConsole", "WebUI"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Administrator", "AccountTypes": ["IPMI", "HostConsole", "ManagerConsole"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "Operator", "AccountTypes": ["Redfish", "ManagerConsole", "WebUI"]}' $ curl -k -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts -d '{"UserName": "user99", "Password": "0penBmc0", "RoleId": "ReadOnly", "AccountTypes": ["Redfish", "ManagerConsole", "WebUI"]}' Change-Id: I19ff994e712bcfaf827a5f8dd02a752a6ab92214 Signed-off-by: Ninad Palsule <>
2023-06-07PATCH userGroups Information ("AccountTypes")Abhishek Patel2-16/+143
This commit enhances the redfish API to set and unset userGroups information for each user account. Users with ConfigureUsers level privilege can patch (Set and Unset) AccountTypes of each user role. In addition, a user with "ConfigureSelf" level privilege can only set or Update their password. "Redfish" is always enabled in each user role. However, "ConfigureUsers" can disable other user redfish services. But if "ConfigureUsers" try to disable its redfish service, that generates an error. In this commit, users can enable and disable "redfish", "ssh", "hostconsole" and "ipmi" services from each user where ssh is a special case. The 'web' group does not control access to the web interface, and doesn't appear to do anything. The 'redfish' in the UserGroups is mapped to both Redfish and WebUI AccountTypes. To enable redfish User Group both of these account types should be specified, and none to disable it. Tested: Testing was done using curl command with ConfigureUsers and ConfigureSelf. $ curl -k -X PATCH https://$bmc:18080/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/webuser -d '{"AccountTypes": ["Redfish", "WebUI", "ManagerConsole", "HostConsole"]}' { "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [ { "@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message", "Message": "The request completed successfully.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "Base.1.13.0.Success", "MessageSeverity": "OK", "Resolution": "None" } ] } Also ran following cases: $ curl -k -X PATCH https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/user99 -d '{"AccountTypes": ["HostConsole"]}' $ curl -k -X PATCH https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/user99 -d '{"AccountTypes": ["IPMI"]}' $ curl -k -X PATCH https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/user99 -d '{"AccountTypes": ["Redfish", "WebUI"]}' $ curl -k -X PATCH https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/user99 -d '{"AccountTypes": ["ManagerConsole"]}' $ curl -k -X PATCH https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/user99 -d '{"AccountTypes": ["Redfish", "IPMI", "HostConsole", "ManagerConsole", "WebUI"]}' { "error": { "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [ { "@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message", "Message": "There are insufficient privileges for the account or credentials associated with the current session to perform the requested operation.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "Base.1.13.0.InsufficientPrivilege", "MessageSeverity": "Critical", "Resolution": "Either abandon the operation or change the associated access rights and resubmit the request if the operation failed." } ], "code": "Base.1.13.0.InsufficientPrivilege", "message": "There are insufficient privileges for the account or credentials associated with the current session to perform the requested operation." } $ curl -k -H 'X-Auth-Token: IpnCBj1Lozh53Jhzxu7T' -X PATCH https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/user999 -d '{"Password":"0penBmc123"}' { "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [ { "@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message", "Message": "The request completed successfully.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "Base.1.13.0.Success", "MessageSeverity": "OK", "Resolution": "None" } ] Signed-off-by: Ninad Palsule <> Signed-off-by: Abhishek Patel <> Change-Id: I1a0344ca45556b820bb77c3dcb459f27eb032501 Signed-off-by: Shantappa Teekappanavar <>
2023-06-06bmc-ready: provide special error return on BMCNotReadyAndrew Geissler2-25/+86
A new feature has been proposed[1] and implemented[2] which can be optionally enabled on a system to not allow a chassis or host power on operation when the BMC is not in a "Ready" state. In those situations, if a power on operation is requested, the D-Bus error response will be a specific BMCNotReady error. In those situations, respond to the user with a more targeted error asking them to retry in 10 seconds. The 10s retry is based on my experience with OpenBMC based systems, the longest time between bmcweb being up and running and BMC Ready is around 30s. Tested: - Enabled BMC Ready feature, manually put BMC in NotReady state, and requested a: ``` /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Actions/Chassis.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "PowerCycle"}' ``` - Confirmed new response message: ``` "Message": "The service is temporarily unavailable. Retry in 10 seconds." ``` - Stopped Chassis state service and verified expected "internal service error" on same request - Ran similar test with Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset API - Confirmed good paths still worked as expected [1]: [2]: Change-Id: I6a6e5774c96b4f37c794ba49a5e06d3e51156d09 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
2023-06-06Remove extra characterEd Tanous1-1/+1
This extra quote snuch into the comment somehow. Fix it. Change-Id: I5aa14e1f43b1de9cabda006f7f9727d611c5aea3 Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-06Fix meson warningEd Tanous1-5/+5
NOTICE: Future-deprecated features used: * 0.64.0: {'copy arg in configure_file'} Port to the new version of this, which is install_data. Tested: Meson configure no longer throws the above warning. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I9c4d91c3c45bc52dde69ca34d7fc686e2e6c0d74
2023-06-06Change nlohmann to nlohmann_jsonEd Tanous3-5/+13
c9374ff613b6836010877f8083e75657abc78343 Was recently checked in that adds subproject files for nlohmann. It opted for the name "nlohmann" when the upstream project installs itself as "nlohmann_json". This mismatch causes a yocto build failure. Fix it. Tested: Code compiles Change-Id: I2df5f473a61172593e9a1045fc5a229e06e3afc2 Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-06Remove this->Ed Tanous2-4/+4
this-> is redundant when operating within a class member scope. We should aim to be consistent. This change was done automatically with sed replace Tested: Code compiles Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: If791e83e0bd5f84031e65156b7ea082ded8e158c
2023-06-06Add support for multiple consolesNinad Palsule3-25/+94
This drop adds support for multiple consoles. The following changes are made to achieve this. - Kept the "/console0" route for backward compatibility - Added a new route "/console/<str>" to support multiple consoles. All new consoles must use this route string. Testing: - Make sure that old console path /console0 is working. [INFO "http_connection.hpp":209] Request: 0x1bc2e60 HTTP/1.1 GET /console0 [DEBUG "routing.hpp":1240] Matched rule (upgrade) '/console0' 1 / 2 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":212] Connection 0x1bdb67c opened [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":241] Console Object path = /xyz/openbmc_project/console/default service = xyz.openbmc_project.Console.default Request target = /console0 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":198] Console web socket path: /console0 Console unix FD: 12 duped FD: 13 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":82] Reading from socket [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":162] Remove connection 0x1bdb67c from obmc console - Make sure that new path for default console working [INFO "http_connection.hpp":209] Request: 0x1bd76a8 HTTP/1.1 GET /console/default [DEBUG "routing.hpp":1240] Matched rule (upgrade) '/console/<str>' 1 / 2 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":212] Connection 0x1baf82c opened [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":241] Console Object path = /xyz/openbmc_project/console/default service = xyz.openbmc_project.Console.default Request target = /console/default [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":198] Console web socket path: /console/default Console unix FD: 12 duped FD: 13 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":82] Reading from socket [INFO "obmc_console.hpp":154] Closing websocket. Reason: [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":162] Remove connection 0x1baf82c from obmc console - Make sure that path for hypervisor console is working. [INFO "http_connection.hpp":209] Request: 0x1bc2e60 HTTP/1.1 GET /console/hypervisor [DEBUG "routing.hpp":1240] Matched rule (upgrade) '/console/<str>' 1 / 2 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":212] Connection 0x1bc5234 opened [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":241] Console Object path = /xyz/openbmc_project/console/hypervisor service = xyz.openbmc_project.Console.hypervisor Request target = /console/hypervisor [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":198] Console web socket path: /console/hypervisor Console unix FD: 12 duped FD: 13 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":82] Reading from socket [INFO "obmc_console.hpp":154] Closing websocket. Reason: [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":162] Remove connection 0x1bc5234 from obmc console - Make sure that bad console path is failing properly due to DBUS error. [INFO "http_connection.hpp":209] Request: 0x1bd76a8 HTTP/1.1 GET /console/badconsoleid [DEBUG "routing.hpp":1240] Matched rule (upgrade) '/console/<str>' 1 / 2 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":212] Connection 0x1bdb67c opened [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":241] Console Object path = /xyz/openbmc_project/console/badconsoleid service = xyz.openbmc_project.Console.badconsoleid Request target = /console/badconsoleid [ERROR "obmc_console.hpp":174] Failed to call console Connect() method DBUS error: No route to host Change-Id: I9b617bc51e3ddc605dd7f4d213c805d05d2cfead Signed-off-by: Ninad Palsule <> Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-05Break out serializer into its own cpp fileEd Tanous4-630/+578
This commit is entirely just moving code, such that not all compile units need to pull in the full html serializer. Tested: Unit tests pass. Pretty good coverage. Redfish service validator passes. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: Ifaebe9534c0693dc678fd994517563b89aca0cc5
2023-06-05Add SSE style subscription support to eventserviceAppaRao Puli6-37/+154
This commit adds the SSE style eventservice subscription style event Using this, end user can subscribe for Redfish event logs using GET on SSE uris from browser. Tested: - From Browser did GET on above SSE URI and generated some Redfish event logs(power cycle) and saw redfish event logs streaming on browser. - After SSE registration, Check Subscription collections and GET on individual subscription and saw desired response. - Ran RedfishValidation and its passed. Change-Id: I7f4b7a34974080739c4ba968ed570489af0474de Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli <> Signed-off-by: P Dheeraj Srujan Kumar <> Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-05Subproject nlohmann and tinyxml2Ed Tanous1-7/+12
Like the other dependencies, we should support auto download of these packages through subproject. Tested: meson build ninja -C build Succeeded when tinyxml2 and nlohmann were not installed on the host system. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: Iad3769c6d8377f6eff78c34b98ca80da5e4fa187
2023-06-05Implement HEAD for metricsEd Tanous1-3/+44
These got missed in the initial patchset. Add them Tested: At the end of the series. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I120986fb0afc34d5e0572d2cc2e1d8ff6994ee3c
2023-06-05Break out metric report definition getEd Tanous1-22/+25
In the same way we're doing other places. Tested: THe last commit of the series will be tested. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I177e61dd3741f3885516a2f645a7039d274786cb
2023-06-02Move getPCIeDeviceList to pcie_utilLakshmi Yadlapati3-42/+78
Currently, getPCIeDeviceList is only used by systems.hpp to obtain the list of PCIe devices. However, there are plans to use this function in other parts of the PCIe code as well. To better organize our code and make the function more reusable, this commit moves getPCIeDeviceList to pcie_util.hpp, a common location for PCIe-related utilities. Tested: ''' curl -k https://$bmc/redfish/v1/Systems/system { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system", "@odata.type": "#ComputerSystem.v1_16_0.ComputerSystem", "Actions": { "#ComputerSystem.Reset": { "@Redfish.ActionInfo": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/ResetActionInfo", "target": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset" } }, ..... ..... "PCIeDevices": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/dp0_drive2" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/dp0_drive3" }, ..... ..... { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/pcie_card0" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/pcie_card1" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/pcie_card10" }, ..... { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/pcie_card9" } ], "PCIeDevices@odata.count": 20, ..... ..... ''' Change-Id: I3aaa5b55e8574929154ffd743db53da6fbaeb75d Signed-off-by: Lakshmi Yadlapati <>
2023-06-02Remove duplicated stringValueTooLongEd Tanous2-30/+0
This prototype got added twice, once with int as a value, and once with size_t. This builds fine in 64 bit, but in 32 bit, fails. Tested: Code compiles Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: Ie3de779330d768cdd84d5647d242d5fe447d2a85
2023-06-01Server-sent-event fixesEd Tanous6-176/+68
This makes several changes to server-sent events to allow it to merge to master. The routing system has been removed in leiu of using content-type eventstream detection. Timers have been added to the sse connections, and sse connections now rely on async_wait, rather than a full read. Tested: WIP Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: Id0ff0ebc2b3a795b3dba008e440556a9fdd882c2
2023-06-01Add Server-Sent-Event supportV-Sanjana5-4/+477
Server-Sent-Event is a standard describing how servers can initiate data transmission towards clients once an initial client connection has been established. Unlike websockets (which are bidirectional), Server-Sent-Events(SSE) are unidirectional and commonly used to send message updates or continuous data streams to a browser client. This is base patch for adding Server-Sent-Events routing support to bmcweb. Redfish EventService SSE style subscription uses SSE route for sending the Events/MetricReports to client which establishes the connection. Tested this patch with along with EventService SSE support patches and verified the functionalty on browser. Tested: - Tested using follow-up patches on top which adds support for Redfish EventService SSE style subscription and observed events are getting sent periodically. - Created SSE subscription from the browser by visiting https://<BMC IP>/redfish/v1/EventService/SSE Change-Id: I36956565cbba30c2007852c9471f477f6d1736e9 Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli <> Signed-off-by: P Dheeraj Srujan Kumar <> Signed-off-by: V-Sanjana <>
2023-06-01Input parameter validation for Event SubscriptionAppaRao Puli3-0/+92
User input must be validated to avoid the out-of-memory issue. This commit adds the size check on input parameters such as Context, Destination and Header field while create or update the EventDestination. Added a generic error message "PropertySizeExceeded" in message registry which is used as response when size limit is exceeded. Tested - Validated using POST on Event Subscription. - When Context, Destination and Headers were too long, received a error message denoting the same. Change-Id: Ibab847ce0c99f445a76e6d3aee8074428bb7d30f Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli <> Signed-off-by: Ayushi Smriti <> Signed-off-by: P Dheeraj Srujan Kumar <> Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-01Update base registriesEd Tanous3-118/+301
Update Base registry to 1.16.0, and Resource Event registry to 1.3.0 Patch was generated automatically. Tested: Code builds. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: Ie9c15a657459cf7ec7fa5b4bf89460049fbce554
2023-06-01chassis: consistently log error on internal failsAndrew Geissler1-5/+7
Debugging internalError responses from bmcweb has been a consistent pain point for us. It does help to at least have the boost error code logged to the journal. Ensure the error code is logged to the journal consistently within the chassis file. If this commit makes sense to the maintainers then I will work on making this consistent in other files at a later date. Tested: - Verified it compiled and one of the error paths traced the appropriate boost error code. Change-Id: I76b7644bc18e76fff69595fb5f1bc23d257563e9 Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
2023-06-01Simplify obmc console buffersEd Tanous1-11/+15
Backpressure on incoming bytes helps both to simplify the layering of the console, as well as prevent some cases of OOM crashes. Similar to what we did with nbd_proxy, move obmc console over to the new sendEx interface, allowing for backpressure, and fixed size std::array buffers. Tested: Made sure single console can see the data. Made sure two consoles can see the data. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I63d142fc5e8f8a734f3a7b8d0aa3f0d8c263d5ba
2023-06-01Rename option and enable it by defaultEd Tanous2-10/+9
I jumped the gun a little on merging this. This commit moves the health-populate option to be called redfish-health-populate and disables it by default Tested: Code compiles Change-Id: I9b2ffef828ec912e011d5d82fbfeaae5fb66ff2a Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-01Fix bmcweb coredump by Non-existent PCIeFunctionIdMyung Bae1-2/+8
When a non-existent PCIeFunctionId is queried, bmcweb returns the success but with the incorrect output. ``` curl -k -X GET https://${bmc}:18080/redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/pcie_card1/PCIeFunctions/12 { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/pcie_card1/PCIeFunctions/12", "@odata.type": "#PCIeFunction.v1_2_3.PCIeFunction", "FunctionId": 12, "Id": "12", "Links": { "PCIeDevice": { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/pcie_card1" } }, "Name": "PCIe Function" }% ``` This should be resulted as ``` "@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message", "Message": "The requested resource of type PCIeFunction named '12' was not found.", ``` Change-Id: If6a1453e3e549e07b6961ff80ebf37b0537e2b7c Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <> Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-06-01Replace atoiEd Tanous1-11/+15
Atoi has the potential to cause crashes if users request non-integer pcie function numbers. Replace with functional code. Tested: WIP Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I6742ff6b69e6df4a4afae26610effa01f2450b1b
2023-06-01Fix NotFound Sensors to report as 404Myung Bae1-2/+8
Sensors that are not found are incorrectly reported as internal Server error and its logging is done as Error. . It will be changed to 404 - Not found and its logging will be WARNING. ``` redfishtool raw GET -r ${bmc} -u admin -p 0penBmc0 -S Always /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_PCIE_1_Temp_invalid redfishtool: Transport: Response Error: status_code: 500 -- Internal Server Error redfishtool: raw: Error getting response curl -k -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_PCIE_1_Temp_invalid { "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_PCIE_1_Temp_invalid", "error": { "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [ { "@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message", "Message": "The request failed due to an internal service error. The service is still operational.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "Base.1.13.0.InternalError", "MessageSeverity": "Critical", "Resolution": "Resubmit the request. If the problem persists, consider resetting the service." } ], "code": "Base.1.13.0.InternalError", "message": "The request failed due to an internal service error. The service is still operational." } }% ``` Its logging is ``` redfishtool: Transport: Response Error: status_code: 500 -- Internal Server Error(2023-05-31 15:16:43) [CRITICAL "error_messages.cpp":282] Internal Error ../../../../../../../../../bmcweb/redfish-core/lib/sensors.hpp(2928:36) `redfish::sensors::handleSensorGet(App&, const crow::Request&, const std::shared_ptr<bmcweb::AsyncResp>&, const std::string&, const std::string&)::<lambda(const boost::system::error_code&, const dbus::utility::MapperGetObject&)>`: (2023-05-31 15:16:43) [ERROR "sensors.hpp":2929] Sensor getSensorPaths resp_handler: Dbus error generic:5 ``` The expected behavior will be ``` redfishtool raw GET -r ${bmc} -u admin -p 0penBmc0 -S Always /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_PCIE_1_Temp_invalid redfishtool: Transport: Response Error: status_code: 404 -- Not Found curl -k -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_PCIE_1_Temp_invalid { "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/temperature_PCIE_1_Temp_invalid", "error": { "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [ { "@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message", "Message": "The requested resource of type temperature_PCIE_1_Temp_invalid named 'Sensor' was not found.", "MessageArgs": [ "temperature_PCIE_1_Temp_invalid", "Sensor" ], "MessageId": "Base.1.13.0.ResourceNotFound", "MessageSeverity": "Critical", "Resolution": "Provide a valid resource identifier and resubmit the request." } ], "code": "Base.1.13.0.ResourceNotFound", "message": "The requested resource of type temperature_PCIE_1_Temp_invalid named 'Sensor' was not found." } }% ``` Its logging will be: ``` (2023-05-31 20:17:55) [WARNING "sensors.hpp":2928] Sensor not found from getSensorPaths ``` Change-Id: I5a51c1b5c0125b5396068311602964d4e249e297 Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <>
2023-05-31Disabled processor and memory summary statusNinad Palsule4-42/+83
Redfish deprecated the Processor/Memory Summary Status (state, health, healthrollup) attributes. Please refer to redfish spec for more details: Initially I tried to fix the summary status issues, ( But later it was decided that we should also remove these attributes from the bmcweb code. Here is a link to discussion on discord: This drop hides these attributes under defined BMCWEB_ENABLE_PROC_MEM_STATUS. This option is disabled by default. These attributes will be permanently removed from code in 1Q 2024 (in 8-9 months). Testing: - Redfish validator passed excepted couple of failures but those are failing without my changes too. - Make sure that summary status for memory and processor is not seen in the output. Without fix: ------------ ''' $ curl -s -k https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Systems/system ..... "MemorySummary": { "Status": { "Health": "OK", "HealthRollup": "OK", "State": "Enabled" }, "TotalSystemMemoryGiB": 256 }, ..... "ProcessorSummary": { "CoreCount": 20, "Count": 4, "Status": { "Health": "OK", "HealthRollup": "OK", "State": "Enabled" } }, ..... '''' With fix: --------- ''' "MemorySummary": { "TotalSystemMemoryGiB": 256 }, ..... "ProcessorSummary": { "CoreCount": 20, "Count": 4 }, ..... '''' - Turned on BMCWEB_ALLOW_DEPRECATED_PROC_MEM_STATUS flag and made sure that properties are shown again. Change-Id: I1e0ee386bd4f365599afcf46e5d587285af635ad Signed-off-by: Ninad Palsule <> Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
2023-05-31health: Add option to disable health-populateWilly Tu10-76/+134
The Health populate calls GetManagedObjects at `/` which can take a lot of time. Add the option to disable to improve performance if it is not needed. Tested: ``` $ meson build -Dhealth-populate=disabled ... User defined options backend : ninja health-populate : disabled ``` Build passed. Health Status removed. Some resource still create HealthPopulate, but does not populate. It will require further refactoring to clean it out. Testing on `/redfish/v1/Chassis?$expand=.($levels=1)` On 14 chassis, from about 2.5 seconds to 400 ms. :) Before: ``` Getting times for chassis Getting good line count with wget -q -O- localhost:80/redfish/v1/Chassis?$expand=.($levels=1) Line count: 980 17:05:56: real 0m2.908s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.030s 17:05:59: real 0m2.414s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:03: real 0m3.410s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.020s 17:05:09: real 0m2.372s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:13: real 0m3.407s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:19: real 0m2.420s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:23: real 0m3.463s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:29: real 0m2.414s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:33: real 0m2.843s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:38: real 0m2.512s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.020s 17:05:42: real 0m2.474s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:47: real 0m2.557s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:52: real 0m2.439s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:56: real 0m3.127s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:01: real 0m2.563s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:06: real 0m2.392s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.020s 17:05:10: real 0m2.405s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:15: real 0m2.514s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:19: real 0m2.809s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:24: real 0m2.944s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:29: real 0m2.537s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:34: real 0m3.290s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:39: real 0m2.601s user 0m0.040s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:43: real 0m2.398s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.040s 17:05:48: real 0m2.664s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.020s 17:05:53: real 0m2.323s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:57: real 0m3.033s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:02: real 0m3.243s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:07: real 0m2.604s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:12: real 0m2.813s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:17: real 0m2.325s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:21: real 0m2.577s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:26: real 0m2.882s user 0m0.030s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:31: real 0m2.572s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.020s 17:05:35: real 0m2.678s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:40: real 0m2.656s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:45: real 0m2.921s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:49: real 0m2.723s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.020s 17:05:54: real 0m2.910s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 17:05:59: real 0m2.601s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 17:05:04: real 0m2.615s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s ``` After: ``` Getting times for chassis Getting good line count with wget -q -O- localhost:80/redfish/v1/Chassis?$expand=.($levels=1) Line count: 980 16:04:43: real 0m0.188s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:43: real 0m0.195s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:45: real 0m0.219s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:48: real 0m0.226s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:50: real 0m0.208s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:52: real 0m0.226s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:54: real 0m0.419s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:57: real 0m0.222s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.020s 16:04:59: real 0m0.194s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:01: real 0m0.191s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:04: real 0m0.276s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.020s 16:04:06: real 0m0.183s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:08: real 0m0.193s user 0m0.040s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:10: real 0m0.406s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:13: real 0m0.317s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:15: real 0m0.442s user 0m0.005s sys 0m0.005s 16:04:18: real 0m0.226s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:20: real 0m0.217s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:22: real 0m0.200s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.030s 16:04:24: real 0m0.423s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:27: real 0m0.203s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:29: real 0m0.433s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:31: real 0m0.318s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:34: real 0m1.206s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:37: real 0m0.403s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.020s 16:04:39: real 0m0.353s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:42: real 0m0.291s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.030s 16:04:44: real 0m0.742s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:47: real 0m0.369s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:49: real 0m0.215s user 0m0.020s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:52: real 0m0.204s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:54: real 0m0.418s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:56: real 0m0.215s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:58: real 0m0.202s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:01: real 0m0.202s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:03: real 0m0.212s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.000s 16:04:05: real 0m0.694s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:08: real 0m0.201s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:10: real 0m0.230s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.020s 16:04:12: real 0m0.206s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s 16:04:15: real 0m0.446s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.010s ``` Change-Id: I90b242e2cd24973420de871fedf9793dd1e310f3 Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <>
2023-05-31Introduce ConsoleHandler class under obmc_consoleNinad Palsule1-143/+159
Added new ConsoleHandler class to prepare for the multiple consoles support. All global fields are moved to the ConsoleHandler class and a new global map added to remember the ConsoleHandler for each console path. There is single ConsoleHandler per connection so we don't need session map per route. There is a limit added for max number of connection allowed to avoid any service attacks. Testing: - Make sure that single console works fine and data is seen on the console. - Make sure that multiple consoles of type host console are created and data is seen on all consoles. Also using traces made sure that new handlers are destroyed. Traces: Traces shows that multiple consoles active and later destroyed. [INFO "http_connection.hpp":209] Request: 0x24bb790 HTTP/1.1 GET /console0 [DEBUG "routing.hpp":1240] Matched rule (upgrade) '/console0' 1 / 2 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":238] Connection 0x24eb424 opened [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":150] Obmc handler 0x24c18fc added 1 for path 0x24eb424 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":257] Console Object path = /xyz/openbmc_project/console/default service = xyz.openbmc_project.Console.default Request target = /console0 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":224] Console web socket path: /console0 Console unix FD: 13 duped FD: 14 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":44] Outbuffer empty. Bailing out [INFO "http_connection.hpp":209] Request: 0x265d740 HTTP/1.1 GET /console0 [DEBUG "routing.hpp":1240] Matched rule (upgrade) '/console0' 1 / 2 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":238] Connection 0x2661de4 opened [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":150] Obmc handler 0x25e69ac added 1 for path 0x2661de4 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":257] Console Object path = /xyz/openbmc_project/console/default service = xyz.openbmc_project.Console.default Request target = /console0 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":224] Console web socket path: /console0 Console unix FD: 19 duped FD: 20 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":44] Outbuffer empty. Bailing out [INFO "http_connection.hpp":209] Request: 0x265d740 HTTP/1.1 GET /console0 [DEBUG "routing.hpp":1240] Matched rule (upgrade) '/console0' 1 / 2 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":238] Connection 0x25f1fdc opened [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":150] Obmc handler 0x26ff22c added 1 for path 0x25f1fdc [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":257] Console Object path = /xyz/openbmc_project/console/default service = xyz.openbmc_project.Console.default Request target = /console0 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":224] Console web socket path: /console0 Console unix FD: 19 duped FD: 21 [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":44] Outbuffer empty. Bailing out [INFO "obmc_console.hpp":177] Closing websocket. Reason: [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":184] Remove connection 0x25f1fdc from obmc handler 0x26ff22c for path /console0 [INFO "obmc_console.hpp":177] Closing websocket. Reason: [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":184] Remove connection 0x2661de4 from obmc handler 0x25e69ac for path /console0 [INFO "obmc_console.hpp":177] Closing websocket. Reason: [DEBUG "obmc_console.hpp":184] Remove connection 0x24eb424 from obmc handler 0x24c18fc for path /console0 Change-Id: I77a58a3a186e87611219aed90b221f9b8be7fa2f Signed-off-by: Ninad Palsule <>
2023-05-30Allow async resolver to be optionalEd Tanous9-50/+99
This commit adds a meson option to allow selecting which dns resolver bmcweb uses. There are use cases, like Open Compute Project Inband Management Agent, that would require not using dbus, which would require us to fall back to the asio resolver. This commit makes the existing asio resolver constructor, and async_resolve methods match the equivalents in asio (which we intended to do anyway), then adds a macro and configure option for being able to select which resolver backend to rely on. Tested: Code can now compile without sdbusplus. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I3220214367179f131a60082bdfaf7e725d35c125