path: root/include
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-06-19Drop the boost 1.7 related dependencyManojkiran Eda2-10/+0
- There are few pieces in the code, that depends on boost 1.71 & 1.70 library. - Now, that bmcweb is moving towards 1.73, we can safely remove those dependencies. Tested By: - Compiled in all sdks & unittests passed. Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <> Change-Id: I9ac6a002bf389afcad0ddb92f2e0205043ddb347
2020-06-17Fetch the ClientIP during session creationSunitha Harish1-12/+19
This commit saves the IP Address of the client from where the session was created. - This is not a user supplied value. The BMC will internally pull the IP address from the incoming create-session request. - It should also be noted that ClientIP will not change if the same session token is used from some other IP address for further management of the BMC. Tested by: 1. Create session 2. Display the Session details with GET command to check the IP from where the session is created/updated. GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/<id> { "": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/<id>", "@odata.type": "#Session.v1_0_2.Session", "Description": "Manager User Session", "Id": "<id>", "Name": "User Session", "Oem": { "OpenBMC": { "@odata.type": "#OemSession.v1_0_0.Session", "ClientOriginIP": "<ip address>" } }, "UserName": "root" } 3. Redfish validator is run successfully. Signed-off-by: Sunitha Harish <> Change-Id: I0076f260f50a991600ec060c72f3e46fb9a9cbb8
2020-06-17Lock Management : Add Support for Mutltiple HMC'sManojkiran Eda1-6/+5
- The Lock Structure already had the HMC-ID field which stores the corresponding unique Identifier that tells us which HMC has acquired the Lock. - Now, that the Know you client functionality is up, we can leverage the clientId field in the bmcweb session store to fill the lock structure with the corresponding hmc identifier. NOTE : Also note that a Single HMC can have mutliple session that can acquire different locks, So when the ownership of any lock is tied up to its cliendId as well as the SessionId. - Release Lock call on any Transaction ID can only be successful if the transactionID of corresponding lock has the complete owner-ship as per the NOTE mentioned above. Tested By: 1. CREATE Session with Client ID as mentioned below: '{"UserName":"root", "Password":"0penBmc", "Oem":{"OpenBMC" : {"ClientID":<unique id>}}}' 2. Make sure the GetLockList of the above session populates the CliendID field as per data mentioned in the login Request. 3. Release Lock on transaction ID with same HMC-ID but with different sessionID's should be successful only when both the HMC-ID(mapped to X-Auth tokens in the session store) & Session ID(from the session store) of the ReleaseLock request matches with the ownwership of the lock pertaining to the transaction ID in the request. Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <> Change-Id: I60161bea6007782a397fc60f19d44c2211d4cf7f
2020-06-17Session creation : Get and Set Oem ClientIDSunitha Harish1-6/+19
This commit implements handling the OemSession ClientID parameter for the IBM management console. Each session gets a random generated unique Id (Resource Id); but this Id is not a parameter that the client can set to a well known identifier. This Oem parameter ClientID is the string which the client can supply to uniquely identify itself among other sessions in the BMC. This is a read-only property which shall be passed in only during the session creation. 1. Create session by supplying the ClientID Oem parameter 2. Display the ClientID associated with the session 3. Persist the ClientID across BMC reboot Tested by: ============ 1. POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions -d '{"UserName":"root", "Password":<>, "Oem":{"OpenBMC" : {"ClientID":"<client unique id>"}}}' 2. GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/<id> { "": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/<id>", "@odata.type": "#Session.v1_0_2.Session", "Description": "Manager User Session", "Id": "<id>", "Name": "User Session", "Oem": { "OpenBMC": { "@odata.type": "#OemSession.v1_0_0.Session", "ClientID": "<client unique id>" } }, "UserName": "root" } 3. Verified the session creation works fine without the Oem parameters. 4. Redfish validator Signed-off-by: Sunitha Harish <> Change-Id: Ia740a610e3974dc3781bcee702c74ded9903944a
2020-06-11Remove include experimental/filesystemGunnar Mills1-1/+0
This include is no longer needed. Tested: bmcweb built. Change-Id: Id754779cc8340678f03b8841abee807c90b959ff Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <>
2020-06-11clang-format: update to latest from docs repoGunnar Mills19-385/+395
This is from openbmc/docs/style/cpp/.clang-format Other OpenBMC repos are doing the same. Tested: Built and validator passed. Change-Id: Ief26c755c9ce012823e16a506342b0547a53517a Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <>
2020-06-09Add unit test for the lock managementmanojkiraneda1-26/+34
- The idea behind this commit is to enable the unit test for the lock management algorithm, and below are the unit test cases that are written: Testedby: [----------] 20 tests from locktest [ RUN ] locktest.ValidationGoodTestCase [ OK ] locktest.ValidationGoodTestCase (3 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.ValidationBadTestWithLocktype [ OK ] locktest.ValidationBadTestWithLocktype (1 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.ValidationBadTestWithlockFlags [ OK ] locktest.ValidationBadTestWithlockFlags (0 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.ValidationBadTestWithSegmentlength [ OK ] locktest.ValidationBadTestWithSegmentlength (1 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.MultiRequestWithoutConflict [ OK ] locktest.MultiRequestWithoutConflict (3 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.MultiRequestWithConflictduetoSameSegmentLength [ OK ] locktest.MultiRequestWithConflictduetoSameSegmentLength (2 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.MultiRequestWithoutConflictduetoDifferentSegmentData [ OK ] locktest.MultiRequestWithoutConflictduetoDifferentSegmentData (1 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.MultiRequestWithConflictduetoSameSegmentData [ OK ] locktest.MultiRequestWithConflictduetoSameSegmentData (2 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.MultiRequestWithoutConflictduetoDifferentSegmentLength [ OK ] locktest.MultiRequestWithoutConflictduetoDifferentSegmentLength (1 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.MultiRequestWithoutConflictduetoReadLocktype [ OK ] locktest.MultiRequestWithoutConflictduetoReadLocktype (1 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.MultiRequestWithoutConflictduetoReadLocktypeAndLockall [ OK ] locktest.MultiRequestWithoutConflictduetoReadLocktypeAndLockall (2 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.RequestConflictedWithLockTableEntries [ OK ] locktest.RequestConflictedWithLockTableEntries (6 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.RequestNotConflictedWithLockTableEntries [ OK ] locktest.RequestNotConflictedWithLockTableEntries (3 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.TestGenerateTransactionIDFunction [ OK ] locktest.TestGenerateTransactionIDFunction (1 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.ValidateTransactionIDsGoodTestCase [ OK ] locktest.ValidateTransactionIDsGoodTestCase (3 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.ValidateTransactionIDsBadTestCase [ OK ] locktest.ValidateTransactionIDsBadTestCase (2 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.ValidateisItMyLockGoodTestCase [ OK ] locktest.ValidateisItMyLockGoodTestCase (2 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.ValidateisItMyLockBadTestCase [ OK ] locktest.ValidateisItMyLockBadTestCase (2 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.ValidateSessionIDForGetlocklistBadTestCase [ OK ] locktest.ValidateSessionIDForGetlocklistBadTestCase (3 ms) [ RUN ] locktest.ValidateSessionIDForGetlocklistGoodTestCase [ OK ] locktest.ValidateSessionIDForGetlocklistGoodTestCase (3 ms) [----------] 20 tests from locktest (82 ms total) Signed-off-by: manojkiraneda <> Change-Id: Id274ee356adfa7ba03da02d83b609d37c8c99f8d
2020-05-28Redfish:Call InitiateOffload with parameter OffloadUriRavi Teja1-1/+1
InitiateOffload dbus method modified to accept OffloadUri parameter. Signed-off-by: Ravi Teja <> Change-Id: I522699072744a836d795b4b6ff3a3feb640b0d0e
2020-05-28Redfish:Dump offload handler implementation using nbd-proxyraviteja-b1-0/+305
This handler transfers data between nbd-client and nbd-server. basically it invokes nbd-proxy and reads data from socket and writes on to nbd-client and vice-versa Change-Id: I429393a5e056647333bf4e148c0df2a5695b2a47 Signed-off-by: Ravi Teja <>
2020-05-20Implement Redfish PasswordChangeRequiredJoseph Reynolds2-9/+29
This implements the Redfish PasswordChangeRequired handling. See section "Password change required handling" in the 1.9.1 spec: These portions of the spec are implemented: - Authenticatation with a correct but expired password creates a session: - The session is restricted to the ConfigureSelf privilege which allows a user to change their own password (via GET and PATCH Password for their own account). Support for the ConfigureSelf privilege is already in BMCWeb. - The session object has the PasswordChangeRequired message. - All other operations respond with http status code 403 Forbidden and include the PasswordChangeRequired message. - The ManagerAccount (URI /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/USER) PasswordChangeRequired property is implemented for local accounts but not present for remote accounts. This has the following additional behavior: The PasswordChangeRequired property is updated at the start of each new REST operation, even within an existing session. This behavior implements a "dynamic" PasswordChangeRequired handling that responds to changes to the underlying "password expired" status. Specifically: - Sessions restricted by the PasswordChangeRequired handling lose that restriction when the underlying account password is changed. - Sessions become subject to the PasswordChangeRequired handling restrictions whenever the underlying account password expires. - The mechanism is to check if the password is expired at the start of every new REST API operation, effectively updating the ManagerAccount PasswordChangeRequired property each time. This makes BMCWeb responsive to changes in the underlying account due to other activity on the BMC. Notes: 1. Note that when an account password status is changed (for example, the password becomes expired or is changed) and that account has active sessions, those sessions remain. They are not deleted. Any current operations are allowed to complete. Subsequent operations with that session pick up the new password status. 2. This does not implement OWASP recommendations which call for sessions to be dropped when there is a significant change to the underlying account. For example, when the password is changed, the password becomes expired, or when the account's Role changes. OWASP's recommendation is due to the session fixation vulnerability. See the OWASP Session Management Cheat Sheet section "Renew the Session ID After Any Privilege Level Change": BMCWeb protects against session fixation vulnerabilities because it always regenerates new session IDs when successful authentication creates a new session. 3. Users authenticating via mTLS are not subject to the PasswordChangeRequired behavior because mTLS takes precedence over password-based authentication. Tested: 0. Setup: - The `passwd --expire USERNAME` command was used to expire passwords. The `chage USER` command was also used. - The following were used to change the password: Redfish API, passwd command, and the SSH password change dialog. - Tested the following via Basic Auth, /login, and Redfish login (except where Basic Auth does not create a persistent session). - Only local user account were tested. - Did not test authentication via mTLS or with LDAP users. 1. When the password is not expired, authentication behaves as usual for both correct and incorrect passwords. 2. When the password is incorrect and expired, authentication fails as usual. 3. When the password is correct but expired: A. A session is created and has the PasswordChangeRequired message. B. That session cannot access resources that require Login privilege and the 403 message contains the PasswordChangeRequired message. C. That session can be used to GET the user's account, PATCH the Password, and DELETE the session object. D. The account PasswordChangeRequired reports true. 4. While a session is established, try expiring and changing (unexpiring) the password using various mechanisms. Ensure both the session object and the ManagerAccount PasswordChangeRequired property report the correct condition, and ensure PasswordChangeRequired handling (restricting operations to ConfigureSelf when PasswordChangeRequired is true) is applied correctly. Signed-off-by: Joseph Reynolds <> Change-Id: Iedc61dea8f949e4b182e14dc189de02d1f74d3e8
2020-05-15AcquireLock : ResourceID Endianness ChangesManojkiran Eda1-3/+13
- HMC constructs the resourceID with the First Segment data in the First Byte of the resourceID from the MSB position. - As BMC is a Little Endian machine, and we need to convert the endian-ness before processing the resourceID. Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <> Change-Id: Ieb0b0f8083c4c2cbd2b19477507e67378d5704ba
2020-05-15Implement ReleaseAll Locks functionalityManojkiran Eda2-16/+39
- This commit implements the release all locks functionality as a part of ReleaseLock API. - The existing ReleaseLock API is modified in such a way that based on it can do the following things: 1. Release the locks which are corresponding to a set of transactionID's(provided as input & `Type:Transaction`) 2. Release all the locks which are corrsponding to a particular session(where `Type:Session`) Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <> Change-Id: I89f847bcb85912d4d9f85587ffbf782da885393a
2020-05-14Remove the locks associated with the sessionRatan Gupta3-30/+83
This commit does the following => makes the lock class singleton. => during session timeout erase the locks associated with the session. => Erase the locks when the session is explicitly deleted on a user request. We need to find a different way of calculating session timeout currently session timeout gets calculated when the request comes to BMC. TODO: We need some module which keeps looking at the sessions in certain time interval and earse the session if it is timeout, It is useful in the case where there is resources which gets free after session timeout. It may happen that client gets the session, obtain cerain resources on that session and never sends any request, in that case session timeout will never occur for that session. Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <> Change-Id: Ic9962f761fc84a03747a90bd951ea36eb8962455
2020-05-13Change the allowed host configuration file sizeRatan Gupta1-2/+4
Change the max file size to 500KB Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <> Change-Id: I4abd33b8a8ec0fe240f55bb5f3a27d25656ee40d
2020-05-07Persist the lock tableSunitha Harish1-1/+107
This commit persists the lock table whenever there is a change in the lock table during the aquire lock or release lock. This commit also restores the locks during start of the bmcweb as locks are tied up with the session which aquired the lock. TestedBy: Created sessions and acquired multiple locks. Restart the bmcweb service. Verified that the locks are persisted per session Signed-off-by: Sunitha Harish <> Change-Id: I081f61922e7c0c24db12efc4d446cdd641856279
2020-05-01Implement GetLockList function in Lock Servicemanojkiraneda2-7/+102
- This commit implements the GetLockList rest API, by which any external client(with admin privelege) can get a list of locks obtained by providing the list of sessionID's as input. TestedBy: 1. Get the session ID from the Session Service curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_tokens" -X GET https://<ip>/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/ { "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#SessionCollection.SessionCollection", "": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/", "@odata.type": "#SessionCollection.SessionCollection", "Description": "Session Collection", "Members": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/qM4D0VfZt3" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/bjYCiBSCIh" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/LkfHvJFggY" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/6RKP0aN5Gi" } ], "Members@odata.count": 4, "Name": "Session Collection" } 2. Use the GetLockList API to obtain the locks owned by a particular session. curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token:$bmc_tokens" -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"SessionIDs": ["qM4D0VfZt3","bjYCiBSCIh"]}' { "Records": [ { "HMCID": "hmc-id", "LockType": "Read", "ResourceID": 256, "SegmentFlags": [ { "LockFlag": "LockSame", "SegmentLength": 3 }, { "LockFlag": "DontLock", "SegmentLength": 4 } ], "SessionID": "qM4D0VfZt3", "TransactionID": 1 } ] } Signed-off-by: manojkiraneda <> Change-Id: I9375e2927938ab682df06ef60c823b279a7efead
2020-04-28Implement Release Lock in Lock Servicemanojkiraneda2-5/+220
- This commit implements the Release Lock rest API, so that any external client(having admin-privelege) can release the locks owned by it. Tested By: 1.curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token:$bmc_tokens" -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "Request" :[ { "LockType":"Read", "SegmentFlags": [ {"LockFlag":"LockSame","SegmentLength":3}, {"LockFlag":"DontLock","SegmentLength":4} ], "ResourceID": 256 } ] }' https://<ip>/ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.AcquireLock { "TransactionID": 1 } 2.curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token:$bmc_tokens" -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "Request" :[ { "LockType":"Read", "SegmentFlags": [ {"LockFlag":"LockSame","SegmentLength":3}, {"LockFlag":"DontLock","SegmentLength":4} ], "ResourceID": 256 } ] }' https://<ip>/ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.AcquireLock { "TransactionID": 2 } 3. Try releasing the lock owned by it curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token:$bmc_tokens" -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"TransactionIDs": [1]}' https://<ip>/ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.ReleaseLock 4. Try releasing the lock, which is not owned by the same session curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token:$bmc_tokens" -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"TransactionIDs": [2]}' { "Record": { "HMCID": "hmc-id", "LockType": "Read", "ResourceID": 256, "SegmentFlags": [ { "LockFlag": "LockSame", "SegmentLength": 3 }, { "LockFlag": "DontLock", "SegmentLength": 4 } ], "SessionID": "qM4D0VfZt3", "TransactionID": 2 } } Signed-off-by: manojkiraneda <> Change-Id: I5d75d44ce805358b25dc293db4dc0f44f4317c06
2020-04-22Implement Acquire Lock Function in Lock Servicemanojkiraneda2-0/+585
- This commit implements the rest API by which any external client(Ex: Hardware Management Console) can request for a single/multiple locks as per the design specification mentioned in `docs/designs/management-console/` Tested By: 1. curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token:$bmc_tokens" -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "Request" :[ { "LockType":"Read", "SegmentFlags": [ {"LockFlag":"LockSame","SegmentLength":3}, {"LockFlag":"DontLock","SegmentLength":4} ], "ResourceID": 256 } ] }' https://<ip>/ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.AcquireLock 2.curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token:$bmc_tokens" -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "Request" :[ { "LockType":"Read", "SegmentFlags": [ {"LockFlag":"LockAll","SegmentLength":2}, {"LockFlag":"DontLock","SegmentLength":1} ], "ResourceID": 234 }, { "LockType" : "Read", "SegmentFlags": [ {"LockFlag":"DontLock","SegmentLength":2}, {"LockFlag":"DontLock","SegmentLength":1} ], "ResourceID": 234 } ]}' https://<ip>/ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.AcquireLock Signed-off-by: manojkiraneda <> Change-Id: Ia173878702afe7c00160b7935d6a03099b7df622
2020-04-17Use CPRNG for session secrets generationJames Feist1-4/+59
std::random_device is not a cryptographically secure algorithm. Switch to RAND_bytes instead. Tested: Login and logout works as expected Change-Id: If24fa6c3a0652c011bc50ae611b180f342d68433 Signed-off-by: James Feist <>
2020-04-15Add CSRF check into websocketsJames Feist2-0/+2
This adds CSRF check into websockets to avoid attacks on websockets. Tested: Could no longer use crosssite scripting to open websocket. KVM and SOL still work once web-ui changes are updated Change-Id: I325079ae3d4db2701671564dff733e034d2670d6 Signed-off-by: James Feist <>
2020-04-09Implement lock service introspectRatan Gupta1-0/+23
This will list down the actions implemented by the Lock Service. TestedBy: curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_tokens" -X GET https://<ip>:443/ibm/v1/HMC/LockService { "Actions": { "#LockService.AcquireLock": { "target": "/ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.AcquireLock" }, "#LockService.GetLockList": { "target": "/ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.GetLockList" }, "#LockService.ReleaseLock": { "target": "/ibm/v1/HMC/LockService/Actions/LockService.ReleaseLock" } } } Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <> Change-Id: Ifeb53c06c4ff80676c892f1e64518469a3aeb239
2020-04-09Implement config file collectionRatan Gupta1-2/+59
This commit list the config files and implements the action to delete all the config files TestedBy: List config files: curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_tokens" -X GET https://<ip>:443/ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles Delete all the config files: curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_tokens" -X POST https://<ip>:443/ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/Actions/FileCollection.DeleteAll Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <> Change-Id: I1a32906709ba32c8bd5328d8eb983705f8a3a6cd
2020-04-09Read and Delete config files through REST interfaceasmithakarun1-52/+106
This commit supports Read, Delete the config files through REST interface. Test-by: 1. Read a save area file: curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_token" -X GET https://${bmc}/ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/<filename> 2. Delete a save area file: curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_token" -X DELETE https://${bmc}/ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/<filename> Signed-off-by: Asmitha Karunanithi <> Change-Id: Id326b516e84e93c68d2260f5372e6e7f123a0e87 Signed-off-by: Sunitha Harish <>
2020-04-09Save-area file upload to BMCSunitha Harish1-0/+144
This change includes: 1. New compiler option for the IBM management console specific functionalities 2. New REST path handler for the IBM path /ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles 3. Save-Area file Upload through REST interface PUT command Tested by : curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_token" -X PUT https://${bmc}/ibm/v1/Host/ConfigFiles/<filename> --data-binary "@<filepath>" Signed-off-by: Sunitha Harish <> Change-Id: I939938009b2de447aea9af5bb3c53bdb845c4084
2020-04-08Rest service root implementationRatan Gupta1-0/+34
This commit introduces the following => Service root implementation => compiler option for the IBM management console specific functionalities TestedBy: curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_token" -X GET https://${bmc}/ibm/v1 Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <> Change-Id: I2dcb8eee0b69b1723e0cc3d980a5846b3519e7d9
2020-04-01minor fix: Add missing res.end()AppaRao Puli1-0/+1
Add missing res.end() to avoid the hang/timeout. Tested: Enabled DBUS and unit tested specified code and observed no hang. Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli <> Change-Id: I29457b9cebea4e2699c8227a46d1d5e06578a5bf
2020-03-09Remove RSA comments and variable namesVernon Mauery1-11/+8
In code that is clearly working with EC keys, but once was used for RSA keys, remove the incorrectly named RSA names and comments to reduce confusion. Change-Id: Ide6909bb80fea18bfc51bd3376ae8a51be6baa05 Signed-off-by: Vernon Mauery <>
2020-03-09Change the default EC key to secp384r1Vernon Mauery1-1/+1
prime256v1 is okay for now, but secp384r1 is more future-proof (gives us a couple more years) and in this case does not really have any drawbacks. Tested: Checked to see that a new secp384r1 key is generated on first boot and the generate CSR redfish option works. Change-Id: I334fc56db3dd55058a4c6780f8966bcc48d8f816 Signed-off-by: Vernon Mauery <>
2020-03-05Permission check for virtual media proxy modePrzemyslaw Czarnowski1-63/+133
This patch enables checking of user permission for proxy mode, as start of this kind service is not triggered by redfish (which has permission check by default). Permission check is done in .onopen handler of websocket. For this reason another dbus call for user privileges is added to verify if user has "ConfigureManager" privilege. I have chosen this approach, as generic privilege check for all websockets introduces significant changes in connection upgrade flow which makes implementaion vague and caused some memory issues difficult to track down. It is worth noting that other websockets (eg. kvm) uses .required() function to set privilege but this information is lost during connection upgrade and is not checked anywhere in upgrade flow. Tested: Manual tests with opening websockets via web browser and dedicated nbd proxy utility. For users with/without appropriate permissions. Single request and burst of requests has been tested as well. Change-Id: I2a56bec606fa0e5f3d4232e48794c9055bf6095e Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Czarnowski <>
2020-03-03Adding new types to simplify access to ManagedObjectType.Zbigniew Kurzynski1-5/+6
Current implementation of the ManagedObjectType is quite complicate, it has a lot of nested elements and those it is hard to access them. These new definitions makes the definition more readable and used in code will improve operations on nested types of the ManagedObjectType. Tests: This change is just a definition and does not requires additional tests. Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Kurzynski <> Change-Id: Icadd57653262009e60e3b4391607d22fa4b7be6b
2020-02-20Fix KVM page to display the KVM sessionJohnathan Mantey1-1/+1
Launching a KVM session on the KVM page stopped working. The websocket connection request began returning connection failure error codes. This change fixes the asynchronous connection request to allow it to succeed, and in turn display the KVM session. Tested: Connect to BMC using Chrome (FC31), selected Control->KVM sidebar. Witnessed the KVM session started, and interacted with the SUT while it was in UEFI. Connect to BMC using Chrome (Windows 10), selected Control->KVM sidebar. Witnessed the KVM session started, and interacted with the SUT while it was in UEFI. Events performed from the Windows browser were duplicated in the FC31 browser. Change-Id: Ib3721990dce2e2ba71235371d903fbf508075077 Signed-off-by: Johnathan Mantey <>
2020-02-03Remove IBM specific variable nameEd Tanous1-5/+7
Considering that the webui is no longer an "IBM" specific entity, and is now the standard for the project, there's no need for this variable to call it out explicitly. Update comment and variable name to be more correct. Tested: No functional change, only comments. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I2169876c38ccd558a3cfcfc61637720bd290b3ee
2020-01-30Enhance return value from pamAuthenticateUserJoseph Reynolds2-21/+22
This enhances the return value from the pamAuthenticateUser function so callers can articulate PAM error codes like PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD which means the credentials are correct, but the password must be changed. Tested: Yes, scenarios via both Redfish login and Basic Auth: - correct username and password, password is not expired - correct username and password, password is expired - correct username and incorrect password, password is not expired - correct username and incorrect password, password is expired - non-existent user (passsword is not relevant) Signed-off-by: Joseph Reynolds <> Change-Id: I1114d6c9cc591fb0a1853cb4edea32ad22f7b015
2020-01-02nbd-proxy closing fixesIwona Winiarska1-18/+22
This commit fixes: - handling of virtual media unmount method - cancels unix socket async accept upon early websocket closing (reproduction with rapid start/stop button pressing or closing websocket just after negotation msg from NBD server) Tested: - unmount method via WebUI - unix socket accept cancellation - modified NBD server to close websocket after sending negotation message & rapid start/stop button pressing Signed-off-by: Iwona Winiarska <> Signed-off-by: Jan Sowinski <> Change-Id: Ibcbb87a7e35cfbee8c8b4686f64c9090c66f0c17
2019-12-19Turning ON the mutual TLSZbigniew Kurzynski1-1/+1
This commit sets the mutual TLS option to ON by default. Core mTLS implementation was accepted under this commit: where by default the mTLS was disabled. Tested: Manual tests were made to verify if this option turns the mTLS ON. Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Kurzynski <> Change-Id: I3bc5f5453d4c4df1cd7ecb0b8868423285b6ab83
2019-12-18Remove #include of selfEd Tanous1-1/+0
Through one of the refactors, webserver_common.hpp picked up an include to itself, presumably when code was moved. This doesn't cause any ill effects, but is cruft that can be cleaned up. Tested: Code compiles. No functional change to verify. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: Ie901baa3cfd88decdbecbad01c6b577d92d2441b
2019-12-17Fix authorization for LDAP usersRAJESWARAN THILLAIGOVINDAN1-244/+0
Modified the code to make an asynchronous call to GetUserInfo to get the user role for authorization. For local users, DBus matches are used to store user role map hot in memory. Hence, bmcweb has to know whether a user is a local user or LDAP user to get the role. To avoid this, removed the existing DBus matches and modified the code to call GetUserInfo to get the role of local users as well as LDAP users. Tested: - Created a local user having admin privilege and verified that he is able to restart the system /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulRestart"}' - Created a local user having user privilege and verified that he is unauthorized to restart the system /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulRestart"}' - Created a remote user having admin privilege and verified that he is able to restart the system /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulRestart"}' - Created a remote user having user privilege and verified that he is unauthorized to restart the system /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulRestart"}' - Tested Redfish ConfigureSelf privilege Signed-off-by: RAJESWARAN THILLAIGOVINDAN <> Change-Id: Ic3e46a0c0aff2cf456c98048350e58e302011c57
2019-12-16Fixing mTLS switchesZbigniew Kurzynski1-0/+7
This commit is a fix for revert: The mTLS will work only when: * Compilation flag BMCWEB_ENABLE_MUTUAL_TLS_AUTHENTICATION is enabled and, * AccountService->Oem->OpenBMC->AuthMethods->TLS is set and, * at least one certificate is uploaded to TrustStore. To enforce a new mTLS settings after switching AuthMethods->TLS all awaiting for acceptance connections are dropped. In case of authorized mTLS requests a cookie with XSRF-TOKEN entry and SESSION is added to response. It will force the X-XSRF-TOKEN challenge in case of applications supporting cookies like web browsers. Also some minor log messages changes were made in this commit. Tested: validator_service run with status: 'Validation has succeeded'. Tests were made with Chrome browser Version 78.0.3904.108. The certificate popup appears only when mTLS is enabled in CMake, the TLS option is set and at least one CA certificate is present. In other cases mTLS is not active and there is no popup for certs. Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Kurzynski <> Change-Id: I778b848b767356b60386694f802a89b3c1f6cb14
2019-12-12Change PAM service_name for password changesJoseph Reynolds1-1/+1
BMCWeb was using the "passwd" command PAM configuration settings when changing the password. This changes it to use PAM service_name="webserver", the same name it already uses for PAM authentication and account management functions. Doing so allows the BMC system administrator to provide separate PAM config files for the "passwd" command and BMCWeb's password changing function, and for these activities to be correctly identified in the system logs. Here is a sample incorrect log message (truncated & wrapped): bmcweb[353]: pam_warn(passwd:chauthtok): function=[pam_sm_chauthtok] flags=0xc000 service=[passwd] terminal=[<unknown>] user=[testuser] ruser=[<unknown>] rhost=[<unknown>] The "service" should be "webserver". Tested: yes, password change successful Change-Id: I593f42c8f0494df967fb498fb4dd66fa4168596b Signed-off-by: Joseph Reynolds <>
2019-12-10Revert "Fix authorization for LDAP users"James Feist1-0/+244
This reverts commit 5e931ae994307babe6c3520cbaca6a7139acc81d. Reason for revert: Causing build failures /bmcweb/redfish-core/include/node.hpp: In member function ‘bool redfish::Node::isAllowedWithoutConfigureSelf(const crow::Request&)’: /bmcweb/redfish-core/include/node.hpp:182:36: error: ‘crow::persistent_data::UserRoleMap’ has not been declared crow::persistent_data::UserRoleMap::getInstance().getUserRole( When 900f949773795141266271107219ea019f2839cd was merged first this patch was not successfully rebased. Change-Id: I947d96362c7dadea5572888468a11fac5ee361d4 Signed-off-by: James Feist <>
2019-12-09Fix authorization for LDAP usersRAJESWARAN THILLAIGOVINDAN1-244/+0
Modified the code to make an asynchronous call to GetUserInfo to get the user role for authorization. For local users, DBus matches are used to store user role map hot in memory. Hence, bmcweb has to know whether a user is a local user or LDAP user to get the role. To avoid this, removed the existing DBus matches and modified the code to call GetUserInfo to get the role of local users as well as LDAP users. Tested: - Created a local user having admin privilege and verified that he is able to restart the system /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulRestart"}' - Created a local user having user privilege and verified that he is unauthorized to restart the system /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulRestart"}' - Created a remote user having admin privilege and verified that he is able to restart the system /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulRestart"}' - Created a remote user having user privilege and verified that he is unauthorized to restart the system /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulRestart"}' Signed-off-by: RAJESWARAN THILLAIGOVINDAN <> Change-Id: Ifd813e1af4dfcb7aeaba18e04b6c9767d2a5e95a
2019-11-21Fix a namespace closing commentEd Tanous1-1/+1
Comment was incorrect, and probably leftover from a clang-format run. Tested: No tests needed. Only a comment Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I3f4cb86bc624b02d0bda536bcc66ce7c99882329
2019-11-21Implement nbd-proxy as a part of bmcwebIwona Klimaszewska6-5/+407
Nbd-proxy is responsible for exposing websocket endpoint in bmcweb. It matches WS endpoints with unix socket paths using configuration exposed on D-Bus by Virtual-Media. Virtual-Media is then notified about unix socket availability through mount/unmount D-Bus methods. Currently, this feature is disabled by default. Tested: Integrated with initial version of Virtual-Media. Change-Id: I9c572e9841b16785727e5676fea1bb63b0311c63 Signed-off-by: Iwona Klimaszewska <> Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Czarnowski <>
2019-11-19Remove unused wildcard capturesEd Tanous1-2/+2
Considering that wild card captures are now known to be difficult to maintain, remove a couple instances of them from app. They are no longer used as a capture, so can be safely removed with no effect. It's likely the compiler is doing this already. Tested: No functional change. Code compiles. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I252344a4608f7e107bcb273d725b5a484eb7a17d
2019-11-19Implement constant time string compare for tokenEd Tanous2-7/+22
The sessions implementation previously used operator== for session comparisons. While unlikely to be attackable in the current implementation, due to the time smearing in a number of cases, modern security practices recommend using constant time comparison. Tested By: Logged into the webui, and observed no change to login flows. Logged into redfish using Token Auth, and observed no changes. Closed a previous session, then reopened with the new session information to verify user sessions are restored properly and still work. Change-Id: Ie759e4da67ba004fd8c327f177951ac756ea6799 Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Signed-off-by: James Feist <>
2019-11-13Disable ssl verify peerJames Feist1-1/+3
This makes some browswers fail to login without a certificate, it needs to stay disabled. Introduced here: Tested: Cert was not required in Chrome on Windows Change-Id: I27e60e73784d04e14b9b1495ebd1399ad4ab96ab Signed-off-by: James Feist <>
2019-11-12Disable SSL renegotiationJames Feist1-0/+2
This disables ssl renegotiaion based on the potential DOS attack here: Tested: testssl shows it as disabled validator passed Fixes Change-Id: I4bfbd770d25ba5d1a7292421f1ccad2b2e73d3a6 Signed-off-by: James Feist <>
2019-11-12TLS method configurationZbigniew Kurzynski1-1/+7
User is now able to turn on and off the TLS authentication method. Tested: No regression found in manual testing. By default everything works as before, and disabling TLS method prevents user to authenticate by it. Tested with Redfish Service Validator, version 1.2.8 Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Kurzynski <> Change-Id: Ib7be1af659db568caa7e5b97e3844617586d7754
2019-11-12Move error strings to const char*Ed Tanous1-16/+14
clang-tidy flagged an error where strings were being constructed at startup. Move them to const char* to save a little memory, and reduce the possibility of a error being thrown at startup. Tested: Code compiles. Error codes need tested functionally. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I227e91879e727f4b19d955111b0d2bac8e81b6ad
2019-11-11Replace all uses of NULL with nullptrEd Tanous3-13/+13
This was an automatic change made by clang-tidy. It moves all uses of NULL to nullptr, which are equivalent, but nullptr is prefered. Tested: Code compiles. Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <> Change-Id: I9526599b222693c9723a69934b599c7a5b5d1fbf