# sila-snmp This project containt two subprojects: - [sila-snmp-agent](#sila-snmp-agent) - [snmpcfg - DBus service for manage snmp configuration](#snmpcfg) ## sila-snmp-agent This is a subagent for the original net-snmp daemon. It queries DBus for values of available sensors, inventory items and some other stuff, and exports their actual values over SNMP. ### SILA-MIB.txt File SILA-MIB.txt describe a struc of exported data. This file can be found at OpenBMC hosts in folder `/usr/share/snmp/mibs` and may be fetched from OpenBMC host over http. ```shell $ mkdir ~/.snmp/mibs $ cd ~/.snmp/mibs $ wget --no-check-certificate https:///mibs/SILA-MIB.txt ``` ### Basic SNMP This module export a host power state field and tree tables of sensors values. ```shell $ snmptranslate -Tp -IR SILA-MIB::sila +--sila(49769) | +--silaNotifications(0) | | | +--silaHostPowerStateNotification(1) | +--silaTempSensorStateNotification(2) | +--silaVoltSensorStateNotification(3) | +--silaTachSensorStateNotification(4) | +--silaSensors(1) | | | +-- -R-- EnumVal silaHostPowerState(1) | | Values: unknown(-1), off(0), on(1) | | | +--silaTempSensorsTable(2) | | | | | +--silaTempSensorsEntry(1) | | | Index: silaTempSensorName | | | | | +-- ---- String silaTempSensorName(1) | | | Size: 1..32 | | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaTempSensorValue(2) | | | Textual Convention: Degrees | | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaTempSensorWarnLow(3) | | | Textual Convention: Degrees | | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaTempSensorWarnHigh(4) | | | Textual Convention: Degrees | | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaTempSensorCritLow(5) | | | Textual Convention: Degrees | | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaTempSensorCritHigh(6) | | | Textual Convention: Degrees | | +-- -R-- EnumVal silaTempSensorState(7) | | Textual Convention: SensorState | | Values: disabled(0), normal(1), warningLow(2), warningHigh(3), criticalLow(4), criticalHigh(5) | | | +--silaVoltSensorsTable(3) | | | | | +--silaVoltSensorsEntry(1) | | | Index: silaVoltSensorName | | | | | +-- ---- String silaVoltSensorName(1) | | | Size: 1..32 | | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaVoltSensorValue(2) | | | Textual Convention: Voltage | | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaVoltSensorWarnLow(3) | | | Textual Convention: Voltage | | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaVoltSensorWarnHigh(4) | | | Textual Convention: Voltage | | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaVoltSensorCritLow(5) | | | Textual Convention: Voltage | | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaVoltSensorCritHigh(6) | | | Textual Convention: Voltage | | +-- -R-- EnumVal silaVoltSensorState(7) | | Textual Convention: SensorState | | Values: disabled(0), normal(1), warningLow(2), warningHigh(3), criticalLow(4), criticalHigh(5) | | | +--silaTachSensorsTable(4) | | | +--silaTachSensorsEntry(1) | | Index: silaTachSensorName | | | +-- ---- String silaTachSensorName(1) | | Size: 1..32 | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaTachSensorValue(2) | | Textual Convention: RPMS | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaTachSensorWarnLow(3) | | Textual Convention: RPMS | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaTachSensorWarnHigh(4) | | Textual Convention: RPMS | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaTachSensorCritLow(5) | | Textual Convention: RPMS | +-- -R-- Integer32 silaTachSensorCritHigh(6) | | Textual Convention: RPMS | +-- -R-- EnumVal silaTachSensorState(7) | Textual Convention: SensorState | Values: disabled(0), normal(1), warningLow(2), warningHigh(3), criticalLow(4), criticalHigh(5) | +--silaConformance(2) | +--silaCompliances(1) | | | +--silaCommpliance(1) | +--silaGroups(2) | +--silaScalarFieldsGroup(1) +--silaTempSensorsTableGroup(2) +--silaVoltSensorsTableGroup(3) +--silaTachSensorsTableGroup(4) +--silaNotificationsGroup(10) ``` Content of tables may be viewed by command `snmptable`: ```shell $ snmptable -v2c -cpublic -Ci manzoni.dev.sila.com SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorsTable SNMP table: SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorsTable index silaTempSensorValue silaTempSensorWarnLow silaTempSensorWarnHigh silaTempSensorCritLow silaTempSensorCritHigh silaTempSensorState "ambient" 27.000 °C .000 °C 35.000 °C .000 °C 40.000 °C normal "RTC_temp1" 21.000 °C .000 °C 35.000 °C .000 °C 40.000 °C normal "INlet_Temp1" 21.000 °C .000 °C 35.000 °C .000 °C 40.000 °C normal "INlet_Temp2" 20.500 °C .000 °C 35.000 °C .000 °C 40.000 °C normal "OUTlet_Temp1" 21.500 °C .000 °C 35.000 °C .000 °C 40.000 °C normal "OUTlet_Temp2" 22.000 °C .000 °C 35.000 °C .000 °C 40.000 °C normal ... ``` All exporting data may be viewed by command `snmpwalk`: ```shell $ snmpwalk -v2c -cpublic manzoni.dev.sila.com SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorsTable SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorValue."ambient" = INTEGER: 26.750 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorValue."RTC_temp1" = INTEGER: 20.750 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorValue."INlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: 21.500 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorValue."INlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: 20.500 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorValue."OUTlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: 22.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorValue."OUTlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: 22.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnLow."ambient" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnLow."RTC_temp1" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnLow."INlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnLow."INlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnLow."OUTlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnLow."OUTlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnHigh."ambient" = INTEGER: 35.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnHigh."RTC_temp1" = INTEGER: 35.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnHigh."INlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: 35.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnHigh."INlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: 35.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnHigh."OUTlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: 35.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorWarnHigh."OUTlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: 35.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritLow."ambient" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritLow."RTC_temp1" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritLow."INlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritLow."INlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritLow."OUTlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritLow."OUTlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: .000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritHigh."ambient" = INTEGER: 40.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritHigh."RTC_temp1" = INTEGER: 40.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritHigh."INlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: 40.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritHigh."INlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: 40.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritHigh."OUTlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: 40.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorCritHigh."OUTlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: 40.000 °C SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorState."ambient" = INTEGER: normal(1) SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorState."RTC_temp1" = INTEGER: normal(1) SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorState."INlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: normal(1) SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorState."INlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: normal(1) SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorState."OUTlet_Temp1" = INTEGER: normal(1) SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorState."OUTlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: normal(1) ... ``` Get current value of a specific sensor: ``` $ snmpget -v2c -cpublic malevich.dev.sila.com SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorValue.\"OUTlet_Temp2\" SILA-MIB::silaTempSensorValue."OUTlet_Temp2" = INTEGER: 29.500 °C ``` ### SNMPv3 support For manage SNMPv3 access in runtime required `snmpusm` and `snmpvacm` tools from `net-snmp` package. I did create the snmp user `root` with password `0penBmcAA` for control snmpd. But by default him have access only from localhost. For allowing access from other hosts, you should add/modify access rule in snmpd.conf: ```shell ... com2sec readwrite private ... ``` New user can be created over 3 steps: 1. Create copy of existen user ```shell $ snmpusm -v3 -uroot -a0penBmcAA -x0penBmcAA -lauthPriv create user01 ``` 2. Change password for new user: ```shell $ snmpusm -v3 -uroot -a0penBmcAA -x0penBmcAA -lauthPriv passwd 0penBmcAA NewPassword ``` 3. Allow for new user read our data over snmp (add user to group MyRoGroup): ```shell $ snmpvacm -v3 -uroot -a0penBmcAA -x0penBmc -lauthPriv createSec2Group 3 user01 MyRoGroup ``` All users present in `SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB::usmUserTable`. ### SNMP traps For receive SNMP traps you should add receivers to snmpd.conf ```shell trap2sink ``` ## snmpcfg This is a DBus service with interface `xyz.openbmc_project.SNMPCfg` and object path `/xyz/openbmc_project/snmpcfg` for manage snmpd.conf content. There has three methods: - GetConfig - return body of actual snmpd.conf - SetConfig - replace body of snmpd.conf with specified data and restart snmpd. - ResetConfig - restore default version of snmpd.conf and restart snmpd. This subproject will be moved to separate project in fututre.