path: root/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/documentation/corstone1000/user-guide.rst
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+ # Copyright (c) 2022, Arm Limited.
+ #
+ # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+User Guide
+The corstone1000 software stack uses the `Yocto Project <>`__ to build
+a tiny Linux distribution suitable for the corstone1000 platform. The Yocto Project relies on the
+`Bitbake <>`__
+tool as its build tool. Please see `Yocto Project documentation <>`__
+for more information.
+These instructions assume your host PC is running Ubuntu Linux 18.04 or 20.04 LTS, with
+at least 32GB of free disk space and 16GB of RAM as minimum requirement. The
+following instructions expect that you are using a bash shell.
+The following prerequisites must be available on the host system. To resolve these dependencies, run:
+ sudo apt-get update
+ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \
+ build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect \
+ xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev \
+ xterm zstd liblz4-tool picocom
+ sudo apt-get upgrade libstdc++6
+Provided components
+Within the Yocto Project, each component included in the corstone1000 software stack is specified as
+a `bitbake recipe <>`__.
+The recipes specific to the corstone1000 BSP are located at:
+The Yocto machine config files for the corstone1000 FVP and FPGA are:
+ - ``<_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/conf/machine/include/``
+ - ``<_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/conf/machine/corstone1000-fvp.conf``
+ - ``<_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/conf/machine/corstone1000-mps3.conf``
+Software for Host
+Trusted Firmware-A
+Based on `Trusted Firmware-A <>`__
+| bbappend | <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-a/trusted-firmware-a_2.7.bbappend |
+| Recipe | <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-a/ |
+Based on `OP-TEE <>`__
+| bbappend | <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-security/optee/optee-os_3.18.0.bbappend |
+| Recipe | <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm/recipes-security/optee/ |
+Based on `U-Boot <>`__
+| bbappend | <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot_%.bbappend |
+| Recipe | <_workspace>/poky/meta/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ |
+The distro is based on the `poky-tiny <>`__
+distribution which is a Linux distribution stripped down to a minimal configuration.
+The provided distribution is based on busybox and built using muslibc. The
+recipe responsible for building a tiny version of linux is listed below.
+| bbappend | <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_%.bbappend |
+| Recipe | <_workspace>/poky/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/ |
+| defconfig | <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/files/corstone1000/defconfig |
+Software for Boot Processor (a.k.a Secure Enclave)
+Based on `Trusted Firmware-M <>`__
+| bbappend | <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-m/trusted-firmware-m_%.bbappend |
+| Recipe | <_workspace>/meta-arm/meta-arm/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-m/ |
+Building the software stack
+Create a new folder that will be your workspace and will henceforth be referred
+to as ``<_workspace>`` in these instructions. To create the folder, run:
+ mkdir <_workspace>
+ cd <_workspace>
+corstone1000 is a Bitbake based Yocto Project which uses kas and bitbake
+commands to build the stack. To install kas tool, run:
+ pip3 install kas
+In the top directory of the workspace ``<_workspace>``, run:
+ git clone -b CORSTONE1000-2022.04.07
+To build corstone1000 image for MPS3 FPGA, run:
+ kas build meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-mps3.yml
+Alternatively, to build corstone1000 image for FVP, run:
+ kas build meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-fvp.yml
+The initial clean build will be lengthy, given that all host utilities are to
+be built as well as the target images. This includes host executables (python,
+cmake, etc.) and the required toolchain(s).
+Once the build is successful, all output binaries will be placed in the following folders:
+ - ``<_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-fvp/`` folder for FVP build;
+ - ``<_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/`` folder for FPGA build.
+Everything apart from the ROM firmware is bundled into a single binary, the
+``corstone1000-image-corstone1000-{mps3,fvp}.wic.nopt`` file. The ROM firmware is the
+``bl1.bin`` file.
+The output binaries used by FVP are the following:
+ - The ROM firmware: ``<_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-fvp/bl1.bin``
+ - The flash image: ``<_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-fvp/corstone1000-image-corstone1000-fvp.wic.nopt``
+The output binaries used by FPGA are the following:
+ - The ROM firmware: ``<_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/bl1.bin``
+ - The flash image: ``<_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/corstone1000-image-corstone1000-mps3.wic.nopt``
+Flash the firmware image on FPGA
+The user should download the FPGA bit file image from `this link <>`__
+and under the section ``Arm® Corstone™-1000 for MPS3``.
+The directory structure of the FPGA bundle is shown below.
+ Boardfiles
+ ├── MB
+ │   ├── BRD_LOG.TXT
+ │   ├── HBI0309B
+ │   │   ├── AN550
+ │   │   │   ├── AN550_v1.bit
+ │   │   │   ├── an550_v1.txt
+ │   │   │   └── images.txt
+ │   │   ├── board.txt
+ │   │   └── mbb_v210.ebf
+ │   └── HBI0309C
+ │   ├── AN550
+ │   │   ├── AN550_v1.bit
+ │   │   ├── an550_v1.txt
+ │   │   └── images.txt
+ │   ├── board.txt
+ │   └── mbb_v210.ebf
+ │   ├── ES0.bin
+ │   ├── SE.bin
+ │   └── an550_st.axf
+ └── config.txt
+Depending upon the MPS3 board version (printed on the MPS3 board) you should update the images.txt file
+(in corresponding HBI0309x folder) so that the file points to the images under SOFTWARE directory.
+Here is an example
+ ;************************************************
+ ; Preload port mapping *
+ ;************************************************
+ ; PORT 0 & ADDRESS: 0x00_0000_0000 QSPI Flash (XNVM) (32MB)
+ ; PORT 0 & ADDRESS: 0x00_8000_0000 OCVM (DDR4 2GB)
+ ; PORT 1 Secure Enclave (M0+) ROM (64KB)
+ ; PORT 2 External System 0 (M3) Code RAM (256KB)
+ ; PORT 3 Secure Enclave OTP memory (8KB)
+ ; PORT 4 CVM (4MB)
+ ;************************************************
+ TOTALIMAGES: 2 ;Number of Images (Max: 32)
+ IMAGE0ADDRESS: 0x00_0000_0000
+ IMAGE1ADDRESS: 0x00_00010_0000
+ IMAGE1FILE: \SOFTWARE\cs1000.bin
+OUTPUT_DIR = ``<_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3``
+1. Copy ``bl1.bin`` from OUTPUT_DIR directory to SOFTWARE directory of the FPGA bundle.
+2. Copy ``corstone1000-image-corstone1000-mps3.wic.nopt`` from OUTPUT_DIR directory to SOFTWARE
+ directory of the FPGA bundle and rename the wic image to ``cs1000.bin``.
+**NOTE:** Renaming of the images are required because MCC firmware has
+limitation of 8 characters before .(dot) and 3 characters after .(dot).
+Now, copy the entire folder to board's SDCard and reboot the board.
+Running the software on FPGA
+On the host machine, open 3 minicom sessions. In case of Linux machine it will
+be ttyUSB0, ttyUSB1, ttyUSB2 and it might be different on Window machine.
+ - ttyUSB0 for MCC, OP-TEE and Secure Partition
+ - ttyUSB1 for Boot Processor (Cortex-M0+)
+ - ttyUSB2 for Host Processor (Cortex-A35)
+Run following commands to open minicom sessions on Linux:
+ sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 # in one terminal
+ sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1 # in another terminal
+ sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB2 # in another terminal.
+Once the system boot is completed, you should see console
+logs on the minicom sessions. Once the HOST(Cortex-A35) is
+booted completely, user can login to the shell using
+**"root"** login.
+Running the software on FVP
+An FVP (Fixed Virtual Platform) of the corstone1000 platform must be available to execute the
+included run script.
+The Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP) version 11.17_23 can be downloaded from the
+`Arm Ecosystem FVPs`_ page. On this page, navigate to "Corstone IoT FVPs"
+section to download the Corstone1000 platform FVP installer. Follow the
+instructions of the installer and setup the FVP.
+<_workspace>/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --terminals=xterm <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-fvp/corstone1000-image-corstone1000-fvp.fvpconf
+When the script is executed, three terminal instances will be launched, one for the boot processor
+(aka Secure Enclave) processing element and two for the Host processing element. Once the FVP is
+executing, the Boot Processor will start to boot, wherein the relevant memory contents of the .wic
+file are copied to their respective memory locations within the model, enforce firewall policies
+on memories and peripherals and then, bring the host out of reset.
+The host will boot trusted-firmware-a, OP-TEE, U-Boot and then Linux, and present a login prompt
+(FVP host_terminal_0):
+ corstone1000-fvp login:
+Login using the username root.
+Running test applications
+**NOTE**: Running the SystemReady-IR tests described below requires the user to
+work with USB sticks. In our testing, not all USB stick models work well with
+MPS3 FPGA. Here are the USB sticks models that are stable in our test
+ - HP V165W 8 GB USB Flash Drive
+ - SanDisk Ultra 32GB Dual USB Flash Drive USB M3.0
+ - SanDisk Ultra 16GB Dual USB Flash Drive USB M3.0
+Before running each of the tests in this chapter, the user should follow the
+steps described in following section "Clean Secure Flash Before Testing" to
+erase the SecureEnclave flash cleanly and prepare a clean board environment for
+the testing.
+Clean Secure Flash Before Testing (applicable to FPGA only)
+To prepare a clean board environment with clean secure flash for the testing,
+the user should prepare an image that erases the secure flash cleanly during
+boot. Run following commands to build such image.
+ cd <_workspace>
+ git clone -b CORSTONE1000-2022.02.18
+ git clone
+ cp -f systemready-patch/embedded-a/corstone1000/erase_flash/0001-arm-bsp-trusted-firmware-m-corstone1000-Clean-Secure.patch meta-arm
+ cd meta-arm
+ git apply 0001-arm-bsp-trusted-firmware-m-corstone1000-Clean-Secure.patch
+ cd ..
+ kas build meta-arm/kas/corstone1000-mps3.yml
+Replace the bl1.bin and cs1000.bin files on the SD card with following files:
+ - The ROM firmware: <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/bl1.bin
+ - The flash image: <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3/corstone1000-image-corstone1000-mps3.wic.nopt
+Now reboot the board. This step erases the Corstone1000 SecureEnclave flash
+completely, the user should expect following message from TF-M log:
+Then the user should follow "Building the software stack" to build a clean
+software stack and flash the FPGA as normal. And continue the testing.
+Run SystemReady-IR ACS tests
+ACS image contains two partitions. BOOT partition and RESULTS partition.
+Following packages are under BOOT partition
+ * SCT
+ * FWTS
+ * BSA uefi
+ * BSA linux
+ * grub
+ * uefi manual capsule application
+RESULTS partition is used to store the test results.
+FPGA instructions for ACS image
+This section describes how the user can build and run Architecture Compliance
+Suite (ACS) tests on Corstone1000.
+First, the user should download the `Arm SystemReady ACS repository <>`__.
+This repository contains the infrastructure to build the Architecture
+Compliance Suite (ACS) and the bootable prebuilt images to be used for the
+certifications of SystemReady-IR. To download the repository, run command:
+ cd <_workspace>
+ git clone -b v21.09_REL1.0
+Once the repository is successfully downloaded, the prebuilt ACS live image can be found in:
+ - ``<_workspace>/arm-systemready/IR/prebuilt_images/v21.07_0.9_BETA/ir_acs_live_image.img.xz``
+**NOTE**: This prebuilt ACS image includes v5.13 kernel, which doesn't provide
+USB driver support for Corstone1000. The ACS image with newer kernel version
+and with full USB support for Corstone1000 will be available in the next
+SystemReady release in this repository.
+Then, the user should prepare a USB stick with ACS image. In the given example here,
+we assume the USB device is ``/dev/sdb`` (the user should use ``lsblk`` command to
+confirm). Be cautious here and don't confuse your host PC's own hard drive with the
+USB drive. Run the following commands to prepare the ACS image in USB stick:
+ cd <_workspace>/arm-systemready/IR/scripts/output/
+ unxz ir_acs_live_image.img.xz
+ sudo dd if=ir_acs_live_image.img of=/dev/sdb iflag=direct oflag=direct bs=1M status=progress; sync
+Once the USB stick with ACS image is prepared, the user should make sure that
+ensure that only the USB stick with the ACS image is connected to the board,
+and then boot the board.
+FVP instructions for ACS image and run
+Download acs image from:
+ - ````
+Use the below command to run the FVP with acs image support in the
+SD card.
+ unxz ${<path-to-img>/ir_acs_live_image.img.xz}
+<_workspace>/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --terminals=xterm <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-fvp/corstone1000-image-corstone1000-fvp.fvpconf -- -C board.msd_mmc.p_mmc_file="${<path-to-img>/ir_acs_live_image.img}"
+The test results can be fetched using following commands:
+ sudo mkdir /mnt/test
+ sudo mount -o rw,offset=<offset_2nd_partition> <path-to-img>/ir_acs_live_image.img /mnt/test/
+ fdisk -lu <path-to-img>/ir_acs_live_image.img
+ -> Device Start End Sectors Size Type
+ /home/emeara01/Downloads/ir_acs_live_image_modified.img1 2048 1050622 1048575 512M Microsoft basic data
+ /home/emeara01/Downloads/ir_acs_live_image_modified.img2 1050624 1153022 102399 50M Microsoft basic data
+ -> <offset_2nd_partition> = 1050624 * 512 (sector size) = 537919488
+The FVP will reset multiple times during the test, and it might take up to 1 day to finish
+the test. At the end of test, the FVP host terminal will halt showing a shell prompt.
+Once test is finished, the FVP can be stoped, and result can be copied following above
+Common to FVP and FPGA
+U-Boot should be able to boot the grub bootloader from
+the 1st partition and if grub is not interrupted, tests are executed
+automatically in the following sequence:
+ - SCT
+ - FWTS
+ - BSA Linux
+The results can be fetched from the ``acs_results`` partition of the USB stick (FPGA) / SD Card (FVP).
+Manual capsule update test
+The following steps describe running manual capsule update with the ``direct``
+Check the "Run SystemReady-IR ACS tests" section above to download and unpack the acs image file
+ - ``ir_acs_live_image.img.xz``
+Download edk2 and generate capsule file:
+ git clone
+ edk2/BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/GenerateCapsule -e -o \
+ cs1k_cap --fw-version 1 --lsv 0 --guid \
+ e2bb9c06-70e9-4b14-97a3-5a7913176e3f --verbose --update-image-index \
+ 0 --verbose <binary_file>
+The <binary_file> here should be a corstone1000-image-corstone1000-fvp.wic.nopt image for FVP and
+corstone1000-image-corstone1000-mps3.wic.nopt for FPGA. And this input binary file
+(capsule) should be less than 15 MB.
+Based on the user's requirement, the user can change the firmware version
+number given to ``--fw-version`` option (the version number needs to be >= 1).
+Capsule Copy instructions for FPGA
+The user should prepare a USB stick as explained in ACS image section (see above).
+Place the generated ``cs1k_cap`` file in the root directory of the boot partition
+in the USB stick. Note: As we are running the direct method, the ``cs1k_cap`` file
+should not be under the EFI/UpdateCapsule directory as this may or may not trigger
+the on disk method.
+Capsule Copy instructions for FVP
+Run below commands to copy capsule into the
+image file and run FVP software.
+ sudo mkdir /mnt/test
+ sudo mount -o rw,offset=<offset_1st_partition> <path-to-img>/ir_acs_live_image.img /mnt/test/
+ sudo cp cs1k_cap /mnt/test/
+ sudo umount /mnt/test
+ exit
+<_workspace>/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --terminals=xterm <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-fvp/corstone1000-image-corstone1000-fvp.fvpconf -- -C "board.msd_mmc.p_mmc_file ${<path-to-img>/ir_acs_live_image.img}"
+Size of first partition in the image file is calculated in the following way. The data is
+just an example and might vary with different ir_acs_live_image.img files.
+ fdisk -lu <path-to-img>/ir_acs_live_image.img
+ -> Device Start End Sectors Size Type
+ /home/emeara01/Downloads/ir_acs_live_image_modified.img1 2048 1050622 1048575 512M Microsoft basic data
+ /home/emeara01/Downloads/ir_acs_live_image_modified.img2 1050624 1153022 102399 50M Microsoft basic data
+ -> <offset_1st_partition> = 2048 * 512 (sector size) = 1048576
+Common to FVP and FPGA
+Reach u-boot then interrupt shell to reach EFI shell. Use below command at EFI shell.
+ FS0:
+ EFI/BOOT/app/CapsuleApp.efi cs1k_cap
+For this test, the user can provide two capsules for testing: a positive test
+case capsule which boots the board correctly, and a negative test case with an
+incorrect capsule which fails to boot the host software.
+In the positive case scenario, the user should see following log in TF-M log,
+indicating the new capsule image is successfully applied, and the board boots
+ ...
+ SysTick_Handler: counted = 10, expiring on = 360
+ SysTick_Handler: counted = 20, expiring on = 360
+ SysTick_Handler: counted = 30, expiring on = 360
+ ...
+ metadata_write: success: active = 1, previous = 0
+ accept_full_capsule: exit: fwu state is changed to regular
+ ...
+In the negative case scenario, the user should see appropriate logs in
+the secure enclave terminal. If capsule pass initial verification, but fails
+verifications performed during boot time, secure enclave will try new images
+predetermined number of times (defined in the code), before reverting back to
+the previous good bank.
+ ...
+ metadata_write: success: active = 0, previous = 1
+ fwu_select_previous: in regular state by choosing previous active bank
+ ...
+Linux distro install and boot (applicable to FPGA only)
+To test Linux distro install and boot, the user should prepare two empty USB sticks.
+Download one of following Linux distro images:
+ - Debian installer image:
+ - OpenSUSE Tumbleweed installer image:
+ - The user should look for a DVD Snapshot like openSUSE-Tumbleweed-DVD-aarch64-Snapshot20211125-Media.iso
+Once the .iso file is downloaded, the .iso file needs to be flashed to your USB drive.
+In the given example here, we assume the USB device is ``/dev/sdb`` (the user
+should use `lsblk` command to confirm). Be cautious here and don't confuse your
+host PC's own hard drive with the USB drive. Then copy the contents of an iso
+file into the first USB stick, run:
+ sudo dd if=</path/to/iso_file> of=/dev/sdb iflag=direct oflag=direct status=progress bs=1M; sync;
+Boot the MSP3 board with the first USB stick connected. Open following minicom sessions:
+ sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 # in one terminal
+ sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB2 # in another terminal.
+Press <Ctrl+x>.
+Now plug in the second USB stick, the distro installation process will start.
+**NOTE:** Due to the performance limitation of Corstone1000 MPS3 FPGA, the
+distro installation process can take up to 24 hours to complete.
+Once installation is complete, unplug the first USB stick and reboot the board.
+After successfully installing and booting the Linux distro, the user should see
+a login prompt:
+ debian login:
+Login with the username root.
+Run psa-arch-test (applicable to both FPGA and FVP)
+When running psa-arch-test on MPS3 FPGA, the user should make sure there is no
+USB stick connected to the board. Power on the board and boot the board to
+Linux. Then, the user should follow the steps below to run the psa_arch_tests.
+When running psa-arch-test on Corstone1000 FVP, the user should follow the
+instructions in `Running the software on FVP`_ section to boot Linux in FVP
+host_terminal_0, and login using the username ``root``.
+As a reference for the user's test results, the psa-arch-test report for `Corstone1000 software (CORSTONE1000-2022.02.18) <>`__
+can be found in `here <>`__.
+First, create a file containing SE_PROXY_SP UUID. Run:
+ echo 46bb39d1-b4d9-45b5-88ff-040027dab249 > sp_uuid_list.txt
+Then, load FFA driver module into Linux kernel. Run:
+ .
+Then, check whether the FFA driver loaded correctly by using the following command:
+ cat /proc/modules | grep arm_ffa_user
+The output should be:
+ arm_ffa_user 16384 - - Live 0xffffffc0084b0000 (O)
+Now, run the PSA arch tests with following commands. The user should run the
+tests in following order:
+ psa-iat-api-test
+ psa-crypto-api-test
+ psa-its-api-test
+ psa-ps-api-test
+Linux distro: OpenSUSE Raw image installation (FVP Only)
+Steps to download openSUSE Tumbleweed raw image:
+ - Go to:
+ - The user should look for a Tumbleweed-ARM-JeOS-efi.aarch64-* Snapshot, for example, ``openSUSE-Tumbleweed-ARM-JeOS-efi.aarch64-2022.03.18-Snapshot20220331.raw.xz``
+Once the .raw.xz file is downloaded, the raw image file needs to be extracted:
+ unxz <file-name.raw.xz>
+The above command will generate a file ending with extension .raw image. Now, use the following command
+to run FVP with raw image installation process.
+<_workspace>/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --terminals=xterm <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-fvp/corstone1000-image-corstone1000-fvp.fvpconf -- -C board.msd_mmc.p_mmc_file="${openSUSE raw image file path}"
+After successfully installing and booting the Linux distro, the user should see
+a openSUSE login prompt.
+ localhost login:
+Login with the username 'root' and password 'linux'.
+Running the software on FVP on Windows
+If the user needs to run the Corstone1000 software on FVP on Windows. The user
+should follow the build instructions in this document to build on Linux host
+PC, and copy the output binaries to the Windows PC where the FVP is located,
+and launch the FVP binary.
+*Copyright (c) 2021, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*
+.. _Arm Ecosystem FVPs: