path: root/meta-security/recipes-security/bastille/files/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-security/recipes-security/bastille/files/')
1 files changed, 690 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta-security/recipes-security/bastille/files/ b/meta-security/recipes-security/bastille/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..879223a53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-security/recipes-security/bastille/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+package Bastille::API::ServiceAdmin;
+use strict;
+use Bastille::API;
+use Bastille::API::HPSpecific;
+use Bastille::API::FileContent;
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+# &B_chkconfig_on and &B_chkconfig_off() are great for systems that didn't use
+# a more modern init system. This is a bit of a problem on Fedora, though,
+# which used upstart from Fedora 9 to Fedora 14, then switched to a new
+# Red Hat-created system called systemd for Fedora 15 and 16 (so far).
+# OpenSUSE also moved to systemd, starting with 12.1. Version 11.4 did not
+# use systemd.
+# It is also a problem on Ubuntu, starting at version 6.10, where they also
+# used upstart.
+# &B_chkconfig_on ($daemon_name) creates the symbolic links that are
+# named in the "# chkconfig: ___ _ _ " portion of the init.d files. We
+# need this utility, in place of the distro's chkconfig, because of both
+# our need to add revert functionality and our need to harden distros that
+# are not mounted on /.
+# It uses the following global variables to find the links and the init
+# scripts, respectively:
+# &getGlobal('DIR', "rcd") -- directory where the rc_.d subdirs can be found
+# &getGlobal('DIR', "initd") -- directory the rc_.d directories link to
+# Here an example of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to tell the system to run the firewall at boot:
+# B_chkconfig_on("bastille-firewall")
+# PW: Blech. Copied B_chkconfig_off() and changed a few things,
+# then changed a few more things....
+sub B_chkconfig_on {
+ my $startup_script=$_[0];
+ my $retval=1;
+ my $chkconfig_line;
+ my ($runlevelinfo,@runlevels);
+ my ($start_order,$stop_order,$filetolink);
+ &B_log("ACTION","# chkconfig_on enabling $startup_script\n");
+ # In Debian system there is no chkconfig script, run levels are checked
+ # one by one (jfs)
+ if (&GetDistro =~/^DB.*/) {
+ $filetolink = &getGlobal('DIR', "initd") . "/$startup_script";
+ if (-x $filetolink)
+ {
+ foreach my $level ("0","1","2","3","4","5","6" ) {
+ my $link = '';
+ $link = &getGlobal('DIR', "rcd") . "/rc" . "$level" . ".d/K50" . "$startup_script";
+ $retval=symlink($filetolink,$link);
+ }
+ }
+ return $retval;
+ }
+ #
+ # On SUSE, chkconfig-based rc scripts have been replaced with a whole different
+ # system. chkconfig on SUSE is actually a shell script that does some stuff and then
+ # calls insserv, their replacement.
+ #
+ if (&GetDistro =~ /^SE/) {
+ # only try to chkconfig on if init script is found
+ if ( -e (&getGlobal('DIR', "initd") . "/$startup_script") ) {
+ $chkconfig_line=&getGlobal('BIN','chkconfig');
+ &B_System("$chkconfig_line $startup_script on", "$chkconfig_line $startup_script off");
+ # chkconfig doesn't take affect until reboot, need to restart service also
+ B_service_restart("$startup_script");
+ return 1; #success
+ }
+ return 0; #failure
+ }
+ #
+ # Run through the init script looking for the chkconfig line...
+ #
+ $retval = open CHKCONFIG,&getGlobal('DIR', "initd") . "/$startup_script";
+ unless ($retval) {
+ &B_log("ACTION","# Didn't chkconfig_on $startup_script because we couldn't open " . &getGlobal('DIR', "initd") . "/$startup_script\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ while (my $line=<CHKCONFIG>) {
+ # We're looking for lines like this one:
+ # # chkconfig: 2345 10 90
+ # OR this
+ # # chkconfig: - 10 90
+ if ($line =~ /^#\s*chkconfig:\s*([-\d]+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)/ ) {
+ $runlevelinfo = $1;
+ $start_order = $2;
+ $stop_order = $3;
+ # handle a run levels arg of '-'
+ if ( $runlevelinfo eq '-' ) {
+ &B_log("ACTION","chkconfig_on saw '-' for run levels for \"$startup_script\", is defaulting to levels 3,4,5\n");
+ $runlevelinfo = '345';
+ }
+ @runlevels = split(//,$runlevelinfo);
+ # make sure the orders have 2 digits
+ $start_order =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
+ $stop_order =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
+ last READ_LOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ close CHKCONFIG;
+ # Do we have what we need?
+ if ( (scalar(@runlevels) < 1) || (! $start_order =~ /^\d{2}$/) || (! $stop_order =~ /^\d{2}$/) ) {
+ # problem
+ &B_log("ERROR","# B_chkconfig_on $startup_script failed -- no valid run level/start/stop info found\n");
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ # Now, run through creating symlinks...
+ &B_log("ACTION","# chkconfig_on will use run levels ".join(",",@runlevels)." for \"$startup_script\" with S order $start_order and K order $stop_order\n");
+ $retval=0;
+ # BUG: we really ought to readdir() on &getGlobal('DIR', "rcd") to get all levels
+ foreach my $level ( "0","1","2","3","4","5","6" ) {
+ my $link = '';
+ # we make K links in run levels not specified in the chkconfig line
+ $link = &getGlobal('DIR', "rcd") . "/rc" . $level . ".d/K$stop_order" . $startup_script;
+ my $klink = $link;
+ # now we see if this is a specified run level; if so, make an S link
+ foreach my $markedlevel ( @runlevels ) {
+ if ( $level == $markedlevel) {
+ $link = &getGlobal('DIR', "rcd") . "/rc" . $level . ".d/S$start_order" . $startup_script;
+ }
+ }
+ my $target = &getGlobal('DIR', "initd") ."/" . $startup_script;
+ my $local_return;
+ if ( (-e "$klink") && ($klink ne $link) ) {
+ # there's a K link, but this level needs an S link
+ unless ($GLOBAL_LOGONLY) {
+ $local_return = unlink("$klink");
+ if ( ! $local_return ) {
+ # unlinking old, bad $klink failed
+ &B_log("ERROR","Unlinking $klink failed\n");
+ } else {
+ &B_log("ACTION","Removed link $klink\n");
+ # If we removed the link, add a link command to the revert file
+ &B_revert_log (&getGlobal('BIN','ln') . " -s $target $klink\n");
+ } # close what to do if unlink works
+ } # if not GLOBAL_LOGONLY
+ } # if $klink exists and ne $link
+ # OK, we've disposed of any old K links, make what we need
+ if ( (! ( -e "$link" )) && ($link ne '') ) {
+ # link doesn't exist and the start/stop number is OK; make it
+ unless ($GLOBAL_LOGONLY) {
+ # create the link
+ $local_return = &B_symlink($target,$link);
+ if ($local_return) {
+ $retval++;
+ &B_log("ACTION","Created link $link\n");
+ } else {
+ &B_log("ERROR","Couldn't create $link when trying to chkconfig on $startup_script\n");
+ }
+ }
+ } # link doesn't exist
+ } # foreach level
+ }
+ if ($retval < @runlevels) {
+ $retval=0;
+ }
+ $retval;
+# &B_chkconfig_off ($daemon_name) deletes the symbolic links that are
+# named in the "# chkconfig: ___ _ _ " portion of the init.d files. We
+# need this utility, in place of the distro's chkconfig, because of both
+# our need to add revert functionality and our need to harden distros that
+# are not mounted on /.
+# chkconfig allows for a REVERT of its work by writing to an executable
+# file &getGlobal('BFILE', "removed-symlinks").
+# It uses the following global variables to find the links and the init
+# scripts, respectively:
+# &getGlobal('DIR', "rcd") -- directory where the rc_.d subdirs can be found
+# &getGlobal('DIR', "initd") -- directory the rc_.d directories link to
+# Here an example of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to tell stop running sendmail in daemon mode on boot:
+# B_chkconfig_off("sendmail")
+sub B_chkconfig_off {
+ my $startup_script=$_[0];
+ my $retval=1;
+ my $chkconfig_line;
+ my @runlevels;
+ my ($start_order,$stop_order,$filetolink);
+ if (&GetDistro =~/^DB.*/) {
+ $filetolink = &getGlobal('DIR', "initd") . "/$startup_script";
+ if (-x $filetolink)
+ {
+ # Three ways to do this in Debian:
+ # 1.- have the initd script set to 600 mode
+ # 2.- Remove the links in rcd (re-installing the package
+ # will break it)
+ # 3.- Use update-rc.d --remove (same as 2.)
+ # (jfs)
+ &B_chmod(0600,$filetolink);
+ $retval=6;
+ # The second option
+ #foreach my $level ("0","1","2","3","4","5","6" ) {
+ #my $link = '';
+ #$link = &getGlobal('DIR', "rcd") . "/rc" . "$level" . ".d/K50" . "$startup_script";
+ #unlink($link);
+ #}
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # On SUSE, chkconfig-based rc scripts have been replaced with a whole different
+ # system. chkconfig on SUSE is actually a shell script that does some stuff and then
+ # calls insserv, their replacement.
+ #
+ elsif (&GetDistro =~ /^SE/) {
+ # only try to chkconfig off if init script is found
+ if ( -e (&getGlobal('DIR', "initd") . "/$startup_script") ) {
+ $chkconfig_line=&getGlobal('BIN','chkconfig');
+ &B_System("$chkconfig_line $startup_script on", "$chkconfig_line $startup_script off");
+ # chkconfig doesn't take affect until reboot, need to stop service
+ # since expectation is that the daemons are disabled even without a reboot
+ B_service_stop("$startup_script");
+ return 1; #success
+ }
+ return 0; #failure
+ }
+ else {
+ # Run through the init script looking for the chkconfig line...
+ $retval = open CHKCONFIG,&getGlobal('DIR', "initd") . "/$startup_script";
+ unless ($retval) {
+ &B_log("ACTION","Didn't chkconfig_off $startup_script because we couldn't open " . &getGlobal('DIR', "initd") . "/$startup_script\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ while (my $line=<CHKCONFIG>) {
+ # We're looking for lines like this one:
+ # # chkconfig: 2345 10 90
+ if ($line =~ /^#\s*chkconfig:\s*([-\d]+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)/ ) {
+ @runlevels=split //,$1;
+ $start_order=$2;
+ $stop_order=$3;
+ # Change single digit run levels to double digit -- otherwise,
+ # the alphabetic ordering chkconfig depends on fails.
+ if ($start_order =~ /^\d$/ ) {
+ $start_order = "0" . $start_order;
+ &B_log("ACTION","chkconfig_off converted start order to $start_order\n");
+ }
+ if ($stop_order =~ /^\d$/ ) {
+ $stop_order = "0" . $stop_order;
+ &B_log("ACTION","chkconfig_off converted stop order to $stop_order\n");
+ }
+ last READ_LOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ close CHKCONFIG;
+ # If we never found a chkconfig line, can we just run through all 5
+ # rcX.d dirs from 1 to 5...?
+ # unless ( $start_order and $stop_order ) {
+ # @runlevels=("1","2","3","4","5");
+ # $start_order = "*"; $stop_order="*";
+ # }
+ # Now, run through removing symlinks...
+ $retval=0;
+ # Handle the special case that the run level specified is solely "-"
+ if ($runlevels[0] =~ /-/) {
+ @runlevels = ( "0","1","2","3","4","5","6" );
+ }
+ foreach my $level ( @runlevels ) {
+ my $link = &getGlobal('DIR', "rcd") . "/rc" . $level . ".d/S$start_order" . $startup_script;
+ my $new_link = &getGlobal('DIR', "rcd") . "/rc" . $level . ".d/K$stop_order" . $startup_script;
+ my $target = &getGlobal('DIR', "initd") ."/" . $startup_script;
+ my $local_return;
+ # Replace the S__ link in this level with a K__ link.
+ if ( -e $link ) {
+ unless ($GLOBAL_LOGONLY) {
+ $local_return=unlink $link;
+ if ($local_return) {
+ $local_return=symlink $target,$new_link;
+ unless ($local_return) {
+ &B_log("ERROR","Linking $target to $new_link failed.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else { # unlinking failed
+ &B_log("ERROR","Unlinking $link failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($local_return) {
+ $retval++;
+ &B_log("ACTION","Removed link $link\n");
+ #
+ # If we removed the link, add a link command to the revert file
+ # Write out the revert information for recreating the S__
+ # symlink and deleting the K__ symlink.
+ &B_revert_log(&getGlobal('BIN',"ln") . " -s $target $link\n");
+ &B_revert_log(&getGlobal('BIN',"rm") . " -f $new_link\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ &B_log("ERROR","B_chkconfig_off $startup_script failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ } # foreach
+ } # else-unless
+ } # else-DB
+ if ($retval < @runlevels) {
+ $retval=0;
+ }
+ $retval;
+# &B_service_start ($daemon_name)
+# Starts service on RedHat/SUSE-based Linux distributions which have the
+# service command:
+# service $daemon_name start
+# Other Linux distros that also support this method of starting
+# services can be added to use this function.
+# Here an example of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to tell the system to start the vsftpd daemon:
+# &B_service_start("vsftpd")
+# Uses &B_System in
+# To match how the &B_System command works this method:
+# returns 1 on success
+# returns 0 on failure
+sub B_service_start {
+ my $daemon=$_[0];
+ if ( (&GetDistro !~ /^SE/) and (&GetDistro !~ /^RH/) and
+ (&GetDistro !~ /^RHFC/) and (&GetDistro !~ /^MN/) ) {
+ &B_log("ERROR","Tried to call service_start on a system lacking a service command! Internal Bastille error.");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # only start service if init script is found
+ if ( -e (&getGlobal('DIR', 'initd') . "/$daemon") ) {
+ &B_log("ACTION","# service_start enabling $daemon\n");
+ my $service_cmd=&getGlobal('BIN', 'service');
+ if ($service_cmd) {
+ # Start the service,
+ # Also provide &B_System revert command
+ return (&B_System("$service_cmd $daemon start",
+ "$service_cmd $daemon stop"));
+ }
+ }
+ # init script not found, do not try to start, return failure
+ return 0;
+# &B_service_stop ($daemon_name)
+# Stops service on RedHat/SUSE-based Linux distributions which have the
+# service command:
+# service $daemon_name stop
+# Other Linux distros that also support this method of starting
+# services can be added to use this function.
+# Stops service.
+# Here an example of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to tell the system to stop the vsftpd daemon:
+# &B_service_stop("vsftpd")
+# Uses &B_System in
+# To match how the &B_System command works this method:
+# returns 1 on success
+# returns 0 on failure
+sub B_service_stop {
+ my $daemon=$_[0];
+ if ( (&GetDistro !~ /^SE/) and (&GetDistro !~ /^RH/) and
+ (&GetDistro !~ /^RHFC/) and (&GetDistro !~ /^MN/) ) {
+ &B_log("ERROR","Tried to call service_stop on a system lacking a service command! Internal Bastille error.");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # only stop service if init script is found
+ if ( -e (&getGlobal('DIR', 'initd') . "/$daemon") ) {
+ &B_log("ACTION","# service_stop disabling $daemon\n");
+ my $service_cmd=&getGlobal('BIN', 'service');
+ if ($service_cmd) {
+ # Stop the service,
+ # Also provide &B_System revert command
+ return (&B_System("$service_cmd $daemon stop",
+ "$service_cmd $daemon start"));
+ }
+ }
+ # init script not found, do not try to stop, return failure
+ return 0;
+# &B_service_restart ($daemon_name)
+# Restarts service on RedHat/SUSE-based Linux distributions which have the
+# service command:
+# service $daemon_name restart
+# Other Linux distros that also support this method of starting
+# services can be added to use this function.
+# Here an example of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to tell the system to restart the vsftpd daemon:
+# &B_service_restart("vsftpd")
+# Uses &B_System in
+# To match how the &B_System command works this method:
+# returns 1 on success
+# returns 0 on failure
+sub B_service_restart {
+ my $daemon=$_[0];
+ if ( (&GetDistro !~ /^SE/) and (&GetDistro !~ /^RH/) and
+ (&GetDistro !~ /^RHFC/) and (&GetDistro !~ /^MN/) ) {
+ &B_log("ERROR","Tried to call service_restart on a system lacking a service command! Internal Bastille error.");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # only restart service if init script is found
+ if ( -e (&getGlobal('DIR', 'initd') . "/$daemon") ) {
+ &B_log("ACTION","# service_restart re-enabling $daemon\n");
+ my $service_cmd=&getGlobal('BIN', 'service');
+ if ($service_cmd) {
+ # Restart the service
+ return (&B_System("$service_cmd $daemon restart",
+ "$service_cmd $daemon restart"));
+ }
+ }
+ # init script not found, do not try to restart, return failure
+ return 0;
+# &B_is_service_off($;$)
+# Runs the specified test to determine whether or not the question should
+# be answered.
+# return values:
+# NOTSECURE_CAN_CHANGE()/0: service is on
+# SECURE_CANT_CHANGE()/1: service is off
+# undef: test is not defined
+sub B_is_service_off ($){
+ my $service=$_[0];
+ if(&GetDistro =~ "^HP-UX"){
+ #die "Why do I think I'm on HPUX?!\n";
+ return &checkServiceOnHPUX($service);
+ }
+ elsif ( (&GetDistro =~ "^RH") || (&GetDistro =~ "^SE") ) {
+ return &checkServiceOnLinux($service);
+ }
+ else {
+ &B_log("DEBUG","B_is_service off called for unsupported OS");
+ # not yet implemented for other distributions of Linux
+ # in for Linux, then
+ # at least inetd and inittab services should be similar to the above,
+ # whereas chkconfig would be used on some Linux distros to determine
+ # if non-inetd/inittab services are running at boot time. Looking at
+ # processes should be similar.
+ return undef;
+ }
+# &checkServiceOnLinux($service);
+# Checks if the given service is running on a Linux system. This is
+# called by B_is_Service_Off(), which is the function that Bastille
+# modules should call.
+# Return values:
+# NOTSECURE_CAN_CHANGE() if the service is on
+# SECURE_CANT_CHANGE() if the service is off
+# undef if the state of the service cannot be determined
+sub checkServiceOnLinux($) {
+ my $service=$_[0];
+ # get the list of parameters which could be used to initiate the service
+ # (could be in /etc/rc.d/rc?.d, /etc/inetd.conf, or /etc/inittab, so we
+ # check all of them)
+ my @params = @{ &getGlobal('SERVICE', $service) };
+ my $chkconfig = &getGlobal('BIN', 'chkconfig');
+ my $grep = &getGlobal('BIN', 'grep');
+ my $inittab = &getGlobal('FILE', 'inittab');
+ my $serviceType = &getGlobal('SERVTYPE', $service);;
+ # A kludge to get things running because &getGlobal('SERVICE' doesn't
+ # return the expected values.
+ @params = ();
+ push (@params, $service);
+ foreach my $param (@params) {
+ &B_log("DEBUG","Checking to see if service $service is off.\n");
+ if ($serviceType =~ /rc/) {
+ my $on = &B_Backtick("$chkconfig --list $param 2>&1");
+ if ($on =~ /^$param:\s+unknown/) {
+ # This service isn't installed on the system
+ return NOT_INSTALLED();
+ }
+ if ($on =~ /^error reading information on service $param: No such file or directory/) {
+ # This service isn't installed on the system
+ return NOT_INSTALLED();
+ }
+ if ($on =~ /^error/) {
+ # This probably
+ &B_log("DEBUG","chkconfig returned: $param=$on\n");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $on =~ s/^$param\s+//; # remove the service name and spaces
+ $on =~ s/[0-6]:off\s*//g; # remove any runlevel:off entries
+ $on =~ s/:on\s*//g; # remove the :on from the runlevels
+ # what remains is a list of runlevels in which the service is on,
+ # or a null string if it is never turned on
+ chomp $on; # newline should be gone already (\s)
+ &B_log("DEBUG","chkconfig returned: $param=$on\n");
+ if ($on =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ # service is not off
+ ########################### BREAK out, don't skip question
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($serviceType =~ /inet/) {
+ my $on = &B_Backtick("$chkconfig --list $param 2>&1");
+ if ($on =~ /^$param:\s+unknown/) {
+ # This service isn't installed on the system
+ return NOT_INSTALLED();
+ }
+ if ($on =~ /^error reading information on service $param: No such file or directory/) {
+ # This service isn't installed on the system
+ return NOT_INSTALLED();
+ }
+ if ($on =~ /^error/ ) {
+ # Something else is wrong?
+ # return undef
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if ($on =~ tr/\n// > 1) {
+ $on =~ s/^xinetd.+\n//;
+ }
+ $on =~ s/^\s*$param:?\s+//; # remove the service name and spaces
+ chomp $on; # newline should be gone already (\s)
+ &B_log("DEBUG","chkconfig returned: $param=$on\n");
+ if ($on =~ /^on$/) {
+ # service is not off
+ ########################### BREAK out, don't skip question
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # perhaps the service is started by inittab
+ my $inittabline = &B_Backtick("$grep -E '^[^#].{0,3}:.*:.+:.*$param' $inittab");
+ if ($inittabline =~ /.+/) { # . matches anything except newlines
+ # service is not off
+ &B_log("DEBUG","Checking inittab; found $inittabline\n");
+ ########################### BREAK out, don't skip question
+ }
+ }
+ } # foreach my $param
+ # boot-time parameters are not set; check processes
+ # Note the checkProcsforService returns INCONSISTENT() if a process is found
+ # assuming the checks above
+ return &checkProcsForService($service);