path: root/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/
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Diffstat (limited to 'poky/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/ b/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1854292fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+# TeamCity UI Implementation
+# Implements a TeamCity frontend for the BitBake utility, via service messages.
+# See
+# Based on and, variously by Michael Lauer and Richard Purdie
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Richard Purdie
+# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Agilent Technologies, Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# Author: Chris Laplante <>
+from __future__ import division
+import datetime
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import xmlrpc.client
+from collections import deque
+import bb
+import bb.command
+import bb.cooker
+import bb.event
+import bb.exceptions
+import bb.runqueue
+from bb.ui import uihelper
+logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake")
+class TeamCityUI:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._block_stack = []
+ self._last_progress_state = None
+ @classmethod
+ def escape_service_value(cls, value):
+ """
+ Escape a value for inclusion in a service message. TeamCity uses the vertical pipe character for escaping.
+ See:
+ """
+ return re.sub(r"(['|\[\]])", r"|\1", value).replace("\n", "|n").replace("\r", "|r")
+ @classmethod
+ def emit_service_message(cls, message_type, **kwargs):
+ print(cls.format_service_message(message_type, **kwargs), flush=True)
+ @classmethod
+ def format_service_message(cls, message_type, **kwargs):
+ payload = " ".join(["{0}='{1}'".format(k, cls.escape_service_value(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
+ return "##teamcity[{0} {1}]".format(message_type, payload)
+ @classmethod
+ def emit_simple_service_message(cls, message_type, message):
+ print(cls.format_simple_service_message(message_type, message), flush=True)
+ @classmethod
+ def format_simple_service_message(cls, message_type, message):
+ return "##teamcity[{0} '{1}']".format(message_type, cls.escape_service_value(message))
+ @classmethod
+ def format_build_message(cls, text, status):
+ return cls.format_service_message("message", text=text, status=status)
+ def block_start(self, name):
+ self._block_stack.append(name)
+ self.emit_service_message("blockOpened", name=name)
+ def block_end(self):
+ if self._block_stack:
+ name = self._block_stack.pop()
+ self.emit_service_message("blockClosed", name=name)
+ def progress(self, message, percent, extra=None):
+ now =
+ percent = "{0: >3.0f}".format(percent)
+ report = False
+ if not self._last_progress_state \
+ or (self._last_progress_state[0] == message
+ and self._last_progress_state[1] != percent
+ and (now - self._last_progress_state[2]).microseconds >= 5000) \
+ or self._last_progress_state[0] != message:
+ report = True
+ self._last_progress_state = (message, percent, now)
+ if report or percent in [0, 100]:
+ self.emit_simple_service_message("progressMessage", "{0}: {1}%{2}".format(message, percent, extra or ""))
+class TeamcityLogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+ def format(self, record):
+ details = ""
+ if hasattr(record, 'bb_exc_formatted'):
+ details = ''.join(record.bb_exc_formatted)
+ elif hasattr(record, 'bb_exc_info'):
+ etype, value, tb = record.bb_exc_info
+ formatted = bb.exceptions.format_exception(etype, value, tb, limit=5)
+ details = ''.join(formatted)
+ if record.levelno in [bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.ERROR, bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.CRITICAL]:
+ # ERROR gets a separate errorDetails field
+ msg = TeamCityUI.format_service_message("message", text=record.getMessage(), status="ERROR",
+ errorDetails=details)
+ else:
+ payload = record.getMessage()
+ if details:
+ payload += "\n" + details
+ if record.levelno == bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.PLAIN:
+ msg = payload
+ elif record.levelno == bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.WARNING:
+ msg = TeamCityUI.format_service_message("message", text=payload, status="WARNING")
+ else:
+ msg = TeamCityUI.format_service_message("message", text=payload, status="NORMAL")
+ return msg
+_evt_list = ["bb.runqueue.runQueueExitWait", "bb.event.LogExecTTY", "logging.LogRecord",
+ "", "", "bb.event.ParseStarted",
+ "bb.event.ParseProgress", "bb.event.ParseCompleted", "bb.event.CacheLoadStarted",
+ "bb.event.CacheLoadProgress", "bb.event.CacheLoadCompleted", "bb.command.CommandFailed",
+ "bb.command.CommandExit", "bb.command.CommandCompleted", "bb.cooker.CookerExit",
+ "bb.event.MultipleProviders", "bb.event.NoProvider", "bb.runqueue.sceneQueueTaskStarted",
+ "bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskStarted", "bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskFailed", "bb.runqueue.sceneQueueTaskFailed",
+ "bb.event.BuildBase", "", "", "",
+ "", "bb.event.ProcessStarted", "bb.event.ProcessProgress", "bb.event.ProcessFinished"]
+def _log_settings_from_server(server):
+ # Get values of variables which control our output
+ includelogs, error = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BBINCLUDELOGS"])
+ if error:
+ logger.error("Unable to get the value of BBINCLUDELOGS variable: %s" % error)
+ raise BaseException(error)
+ loglines, error = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BBINCLUDELOGS_LINES"])
+ if error:
+ logger.error("Unable to get the value of BBINCLUDELOGS_LINES variable: %s" % error)
+ raise BaseException(error)
+ return includelogs, loglines
+def main(server, eventHandler, params):
+ params.updateToServer(server, os.environ.copy())
+ includelogs, loglines = _log_settings_from_server(server)
+ ui = TeamCityUI()
+ helper = uihelper.BBUIHelper()
+ console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ errconsole = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
+ format = TeamcityLogFormatter()
+ if params.options.quiet == 0:
+ forcelevel = None
+ elif params.options.quiet > 2:
+ forcelevel = bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.ERROR
+ else:
+ forcelevel = bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.WARNING
+ bb.msg.addDefaultlogFilter(console, bb.msg.BBLogFilterStdOut, forcelevel)
+ bb.msg.addDefaultlogFilter(errconsole, bb.msg.BBLogFilterStdErr)
+ console.setFormatter(format)
+ errconsole.setFormatter(format)
+ if not bb.msg.has_console_handler(logger):
+ logger.addHandler(console)
+ logger.addHandler(errconsole)
+ if params.options.remote_server and params.options.kill_server:
+ server.terminateServer()
+ return
+ if params.observe_only:
+ logger.error("Observe-only mode not supported in this UI")
+ return 1
+ llevel, debug_domains = bb.msg.constructLogOptions()
+ server.runCommand(["setEventMask", server.getEventHandle(), llevel, debug_domains, _evt_list])
+ try:
+ params.updateFromServer(server)
+ cmdline = params.parseActions()
+ if not cmdline:
+ logger.error("No task given")
+ return 1
+ if 'msg' in cmdline and cmdline['msg']:
+ logger.error(cmdline['msg'])
+ return 1
+ cmdline = cmdline['action']
+ ret, error = server.runCommand(cmdline)
+ if error:
+ logger.error("{0}: {1}".format(cmdline, error))
+ return 1
+ elif not ret:
+ logger.error("Couldn't get default commandline: {0}".format(re))
+ return 1
+ except xmlrpc.client.Fault as x:
+ logger.error("XMLRPC Fault getting commandline: {0}".format(x))
+ return 1
+ active_process_total = None
+ is_tasks_running = False
+ while True:
+ try:
+ event = eventHandler.waitEvent(0.25)
+ if not event:
+ continue
+ helper.eventHandler(event)
+ if isinstance(event,
+ if isinstance(event, logging.LogRecord):
+ # Don't report sstate failures as errors, since Yocto will just run the tasks for real
+ if event.msg == "No suitable staging package found" or (event.msg.startswith(
+ "Fetcher failure: Unable to find file") and "downloadfilename" in event.msg and "sstate" in event.msg):
+ event.levelno = bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.WARNING
+ if event.taskpid != 0:
+ # For "normal" logging conditions, don't show note logs from tasks
+ # but do show them if the user has changed the default log level to
+ # include verbose/debug messages
+ if event.levelno <= bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.NOTE and (event.levelno < llevel or (
+ event.levelno == bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.NOTE and llevel != bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.VERBOSE)):
+ continue
+ # Prefix task messages with recipe/task
+ if event.taskpid in helper.running_tasks and event.levelno != bb.msg.BBLogFormatter.PLAIN:
+ taskinfo = helper.running_tasks[event.taskpid]
+ event.msg = taskinfo['title'] + ': ' + event.msg
+ if hasattr(event, 'fn'):
+ event.msg = event.fn + ': ' + event.msg
+ logger.handle(event)
+ if isinstance(event,
+ logger.warning("Logfile for failed setscene task is %s" % event.logfile)
+ continue
+ if isinstance(event,
+ rt = "{0}-{1}:{2}".format(, event.pv.replace("AUTOINC", "0"), event.task)
+ logfile = event.logfile
+ if not logfile or not os.path.exists(logfile):
+ TeamCityUI.emit_service_message("buildProblem", description="{0}\nUnknown failure (no log file available)".format(rt))
+ if not event.task.endswith("_setscene"):
+ server.runCommand(["stateForceShutdown"])
+ continue
+ details = deque(maxlen=loglines)
+ error_lines = []
+ if includelogs and not event.errprinted:
+ with open(logfile, "r") as f:
+ while True:
+ line = f.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ details.append(' | %s' % line)
+ # TODO: a less stupid check for errors
+ if (event.task == "do_compile") and ("error:" in line):
+ error_lines.append(line)
+ if error_lines:
+ TeamCityUI.emit_service_message("compilationStarted", compiler=rt)
+ for line in error_lines:
+ TeamCityUI.emit_service_message("message", text=line, status="ERROR")
+ TeamCityUI.emit_service_message("compilationFinished", compiler=rt)
+ else:
+ TeamCityUI.emit_service_message("buildProblem", description=rt)
+ err = "Logfile of failure stored in: %s" % logfile
+ if details:
+ ui.block_start("{0} task log".format(rt))
+ # TeamCity seems to choke on service messages longer than about 63800 characters, so if error
+ # details is longer than, say, 60000, batch it up into several messages.
+ first_message = True
+ while details:
+ detail_len = 0
+ batch = deque()
+ while details and detail_len < 60000:
+ # TODO: This code doesn't bother to handle lines that themselves are extremely long.
+ line = details.popleft()
+ batch.append(line)
+ detail_len += len(line)
+ if first_message:
+ batch.appendleft("Log data follows:")
+ first_message = False
+ TeamCityUI.emit_service_message("message", text=err, status="ERROR",
+ errorDetails="\n".join(batch))
+ else:
+ TeamCityUI.emit_service_message("message", text="[continued]", status="ERROR",
+ errorDetails="\n".join(batch))
+ ui.block_end()
+ else:
+ TeamCityUI.emit_service_message("message", text=err, status="ERROR", errorDetails="")
+ if not event.task.endswith("_setscene"):
+ server.runCommand(["stateForceShutdown"])
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.ProcessStarted):
+ if event.processname in ["Initialising tasks", "Checking sstate mirror object availability"]:
+ active_process_total =
+ ui.block_start(event.processname)
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.ProcessFinished):
+ if event.processname in ["Initialising tasks", "Checking sstate mirror object availability"]:
+ ui.progress(event.processname, 100)
+ ui.block_end()
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.ProcessProgress):
+ if event.processname in ["Initialising tasks",
+ "Checking sstate mirror object availability"] and active_process_total != 0:
+ ui.progress(event.processname, event.progress * 100 / active_process_total)
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.CacheLoadStarted):
+ ui.block_start("Loading cache")
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.CacheLoadProgress):
+ if != 0:
+ ui.progress("Loading cache", math.floor(event.current * 100 /
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.CacheLoadCompleted):
+ ui.progress("Loading cache", 100)
+ ui.block_end()
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.ParseStarted):
+ ui.block_start("Parsing recipes and checking upstream revisions")
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.ParseProgress):
+ if != 0:
+ ui.progress("Parsing recipes", math.floor(event.current * 100 /
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.ParseCompleted):
+ ui.progress("Parsing recipes", 100)
+ ui.block_end()
+ if isinstance(event, bb.command.CommandCompleted):
+ return
+ if isinstance(event, bb.command.CommandFailed):
+ logger.error(str(event))
+ return 1
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.MultipleProviders):
+ logger.warning(str(event))
+ continue
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.NoProvider):
+ logger.error(str(event))
+ continue
+ if isinstance(event, bb.command.CommandExit):
+ return
+ if isinstance(event, bb.cooker.CookerExit):
+ return
+ if isinstance(event, bb.runqueue.sceneQueueTaskStarted):
+ if not is_tasks_running:
+ is_tasks_running = True
+ ui.block_start("Running tasks")
+ if != 0:
+ ui.progress("Running setscene tasks", (
+ event.stats.completed + + event.stats.failed + 1) * 100 /
+ if isinstance(event, bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskStarted):
+ if not is_tasks_running:
+ is_tasks_running = True
+ ui.block_start("Running tasks")
+ if != 0:
+ pseudo_total = - event.stats.skipped
+ pseudo_complete = event.stats.completed + - event.stats.skipped + event.stats.failed + 1
+ # TODO: sometimes this gives over 100%
+ ui.progress("Running runqueue tasks", (pseudo_complete) * 100 / pseudo_total,
+ " ({0}/{1})".format(pseudo_complete, pseudo_total))
+ if isinstance(event, bb.runqueue.sceneQueueTaskFailed):
+ logger.warning(str(event))
+ continue
+ if isinstance(event, bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskFailed):
+ logger.error(str(event))
+ return 1
+ if isinstance(event, bb.event.LogExecTTY):
+ pass
+ except EnvironmentError as ioerror:
+ # ignore interrupted io
+ if ioerror.args[0] == 4:
+ pass
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logger.error(str(ex))
+ # except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ # if shutdown == 2:
+ # mw.appendText("Third Keyboard Interrupt, exit.\n")
+ # exitflag = True
+ # if shutdown == 1:
+ # mw.appendText("Second Keyboard Interrupt, stopping...\n")
+ # _, error = server.runCommand(["stateForceShutdown"])
+ # if error:
+ # print("Unable to cleanly stop: %s" % error)
+ # if shutdown == 0:
+ # mw.appendText("Keyboard Interrupt, closing down...\n")
+ # _, error = server.runCommand(["stateShutdown"])
+ # if error:
+ # print("Unable to cleanly shutdown: %s" % error)
+ # shutdown = shutdown + 1
+ # pass