path: root/poky/meta/classes-global/staging.bbclass
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Diffstat (limited to 'poky/meta/classes-global/staging.bbclass')
1 files changed, 690 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/poky/meta/classes-global/staging.bbclass b/poky/meta/classes-global/staging.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a1f43de78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/classes-global/staging.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+# These directories will be staged in the sysroot
+ ${includedir} \
+ ${libdir} \
+ ${base_libdir} \
+ ${nonarch_base_libdir} \
+ ${datadir} \
+ /sysroot-only \
+# These directories are also staged in the sysroot when they contain files that
+# are usable on the build system
+ ${bindir} \
+ ${sbindir} \
+ ${base_bindir} \
+ ${base_sbindir} \
+ ${libexecdir} \
+ ${sysconfdir} \
+ ${localstatedir} \
+SYSROOT_DIRS:append:class-native = " ${SYSROOT_DIRS_NATIVE}"
+SYSROOT_DIRS:append:class-cross = " ${SYSROOT_DIRS_NATIVE}"
+SYSROOT_DIRS:append:class-crosssdk = " ${SYSROOT_DIRS_NATIVE}"
+# These directories will not be staged in the sysroot
+ ${mandir} \
+ ${docdir} \
+ ${infodir} \
+ ${datadir}/X11/locale \
+ ${datadir}/applications \
+ ${datadir}/bash-completion \
+ ${datadir}/fonts \
+ ${datadir}/gtk-doc/html \
+ ${datadir}/installed-tests \
+ ${datadir}/locale \
+ ${datadir}/pixmaps \
+ ${datadir}/terminfo \
+ ${libdir}/${BPN}/ptest \
+sysroot_stage_dir() {
+ src="$1"
+ dest="$2"
+ # if the src doesn't exist don't do anything
+ if [ ! -d "$src" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "$dest"
+ rdest=$(realpath --relative-to="$src" "$dest")
+ (
+ cd $src
+ find . -print0 | cpio --null -pdlu $rdest
+ )
+sysroot_stage_dirs() {
+ from="$1"
+ to="$2"
+ for dir in ${SYSROOT_DIRS}; do
+ sysroot_stage_dir "$from$dir" "$to$dir"
+ done
+ # Remove directories we do not care about
+ for dir in ${SYSROOT_DIRS_IGNORE}; do
+ rm -rf "$to$dir"
+ done
+sysroot_stage_all() {
+ sysroot_stage_dirs ${D} ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}
+python sysroot_strip () {
+ inhibit_sysroot = d.getVar('INHIBIT_SYSROOT_STRIP')
+ if inhibit_sysroot and oe.types.boolean(inhibit_sysroot):
+ return
+ dstdir = d.getVar('SYSROOT_DESTDIR')
+ pn = d.getVar('PN')
+ libdir = d.getVar("libdir")
+ base_libdir = d.getVar("base_libdir")
+ qa_already_stripped = 'already-stripped' in (d.getVar('INSANE_SKIP:' + pn) or "").split()
+ strip_cmd = d.getVar("STRIP")
+ oe.package.strip_execs(pn, dstdir, strip_cmd, libdir, base_libdir, d,
+ qa_already_stripped=qa_already_stripped)
+do_populate_sysroot[dirs] = "${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}"
+addtask populate_sysroot after do_install
+SYSROOT_DESTDIR = "${WORKDIR}/sysroot-destdir"
+python do_populate_sysroot () {
+ # SYSROOT 'version' 2
+"sysroot_stage_all", d)
+"sysroot_strip", d)
+ for f in (d.getVar('SYSROOT_PREPROCESS_FUNCS') or '').split():
+, d)
+ pn = d.getVar("PN")
+ multiprov = d.getVar("BB_MULTI_PROVIDER_ALLOWED").split()
+ provdir = d.expand("${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${base_prefix}/sysroot-providers/")
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(provdir)
+ for p in d.getVar("PROVIDES").split():
+ if p in multiprov:
+ continue
+ p = p.replace("/", "_")
+ with open(provdir + p, "w") as f:
+ f.write(pn)
+do_populate_sysroot[vardeps] += "${SYSROOT_PREPROCESS_FUNCS}"
+do_populate_sysroot[vardepsexclude] += "BB_MULTI_PROVIDER_ALLOWED"
+POPULATESYSROOTDEPS:class-target = "virtual/${MLPREFIX}${HOST_PREFIX}binutils:do_populate_sysroot"
+POPULATESYSROOTDEPS:class-nativesdk = "virtual/${HOST_PREFIX}binutils-crosssdk:do_populate_sysroot"
+do_populate_sysroot[depends] += "${POPULATESYSROOTDEPS}"
+SSTATETASKS += "do_populate_sysroot"
+do_populate_sysroot[cleandirs] = "${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}"
+do_populate_sysroot[sstate-inputdirs] = "${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}"
+do_populate_sysroot[sstate-outputdirs] = "${COMPONENTS_DIR}/${PACKAGE_ARCH}/${PN}"
+do_populate_sysroot[sstate-fixmedir] = "${COMPONENTS_DIR}/${PACKAGE_ARCH}/${PN}"
+python do_populate_sysroot_setscene () {
+ sstate_setscene(d)
+addtask do_populate_sysroot_setscene
+def staging_copyfile(c, target, dest, postinsts, seendirs):
+ import errno
+ destdir = os.path.dirname(dest)
+ if destdir not in seendirs:
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir)
+ seendirs.add(destdir)
+ if "/usr/bin/postinst-" in c:
+ postinsts.append(dest)
+ if os.path.islink(c):
+ linkto = os.readlink(c)
+ if os.path.lexists(dest):
+ if not os.path.islink(dest):
+ raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, "Link %s already exists as a file" % dest, dest)
+ if os.readlink(dest) == linkto:
+ return dest
+ raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, "Link %s already exists to a different location? (%s vs %s)" % (dest, os.readlink(dest), linkto), dest)
+ os.symlink(linkto, dest)
+ #bb.warn(c)
+ else:
+ try:
+, dest)
+ except OSError as err:
+ if err.errno == errno.EXDEV:
+ bb.utils.copyfile(c, dest)
+ else:
+ raise
+ return dest
+def staging_copydir(c, target, dest, seendirs):
+ if dest not in seendirs:
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(dest)
+ seendirs.add(dest)
+def staging_processfixme(fixme, target, recipesysroot, recipesysrootnative, d):
+ import subprocess
+ if not fixme:
+ return
+ cmd = "sed -e 's:^[^/]*/:%s/:g' %s | xargs sed -i -e 's:FIXMESTAGINGDIRTARGET:%s:g; s:FIXMESTAGINGDIRHOST:%s:g'" % (target, " ".join(fixme), recipesysroot, recipesysrootnative)
+ fixme_path = d.getVar(fixmevar)
+ cmd += " -e 's:FIXME_%s:%s:g'" % (fixmevar, fixme_path)
+ bb.debug(2, cmd)
+ subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+def staging_populate_sysroot_dir(targetsysroot, nativesysroot, native, d):
+ import glob
+ import subprocess
+ import errno
+ fixme = []
+ postinsts = []
+ seendirs = set()
+ stagingdir = d.getVar("STAGING_DIR")
+ if native:
+ pkgarchs = ['${BUILD_ARCH}', '${BUILD_ARCH}_*']
+ targetdir = nativesysroot
+ else:
+ pkgarchs = ['${MACHINE_ARCH}']
+ pkgarchs = pkgarchs + list(reversed(d.getVar("PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS").split()))
+ pkgarchs.append('allarch')
+ targetdir = targetsysroot
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(targetdir)
+ for pkgarch in pkgarchs:
+ for manifest in glob.glob(d.expand("${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}/manifest-%s-*.populate_sysroot" % pkgarch)):
+ if manifest.endswith("-initial.populate_sysroot"):
+ # skip libgcc-initial due to file overlap
+ continue
+ if not native and (manifest.endswith("-native.populate_sysroot") or "nativesdk-" in manifest):
+ continue
+ if native and not (manifest.endswith("-native.populate_sysroot") or manifest.endswith("-cross.populate_sysroot") or "-cross-" in manifest):
+ continue
+ tmanifest = targetdir + "/" + os.path.basename(manifest)
+ if os.path.exists(tmanifest):
+ continue
+ try:
+, tmanifest)
+ except OSError as err:
+ if err.errno == errno.EXDEV:
+ bb.utils.copyfile(manifest, tmanifest)
+ else:
+ raise
+ with open(manifest, "r") as f:
+ for l in f:
+ l = l.strip()
+ if l.endswith("/fixmepath"):
+ fixme.append(l)
+ continue
+ if l.endswith("/fixmepath.cmd"):
+ continue
+ dest = l.replace(stagingdir, "")
+ dest = targetdir + "/" + "/".join(dest.split("/")[3:])
+ if l.endswith("/"):
+ staging_copydir(l, targetdir, dest, seendirs)
+ continue
+ try:
+ staging_copyfile(l, targetdir, dest, postinsts, seendirs)
+ except FileExistsError:
+ continue
+ staging_processfixme(fixme, targetdir, targetsysroot, nativesysroot, d)
+ for p in postinsts:
+ subprocess.check_output(p, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+# Manifests here are complicated. The main sysroot area has the unpacked sstate
+# which us unrelocated and tracked by the main sstate manifests. Each recipe
+# specific sysroot has manifests for each dependency that is installed there.
+# The task hash is used to tell whether the data needs to be reinstalled. We
+# use a symlink to point to the currently installed hash. There is also a
+# "complete" stamp file which is used to mark if installation completed. If
+# something fails (e.g. a postinst), this won't get written and we would
+# remove and reinstall the dependency. This also means partially installed
+# dependencies should get cleaned up correctly.
+python extend_recipe_sysroot() {
+ import copy
+ import subprocess
+ import errno
+ import collections
+ import glob
+ taskdepdata = d.getVar("BB_TASKDEPDATA", False)
+ mytaskname = d.getVar("BB_RUNTASK")
+ if mytaskname.endswith("_setscene"):
+ mytaskname = mytaskname.replace("_setscene", "")
+ workdir = d.getVar("WORKDIR")
+ #bb.warn(str(taskdepdata))
+ pn = d.getVar("PN")
+ stagingdir = d.getVar("STAGING_DIR")
+ sharedmanifests = d.getVar("COMPONENTS_DIR") + "/manifests"
+ recipesysroot = d.getVar("RECIPE_SYSROOT")
+ recipesysrootnative = d.getVar("RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE")
+ # Detect bitbake -b usage
+ nodeps = d.getVar("BB_LIMITEDDEPS") or False
+ if nodeps:
+ lock = bb.utils.lockfile(recipesysroot + "/sysroot.lock")
+ staging_populate_sysroot_dir(recipesysroot, recipesysrootnative, True, d)
+ staging_populate_sysroot_dir(recipesysroot, recipesysrootnative, False, d)
+ bb.utils.unlockfile(lock)
+ return
+ start = None
+ configuredeps = []
+ owntaskdeps = []
+ for dep in taskdepdata:
+ data = taskdepdata[dep]
+ if data[1] == mytaskname and data[0] == pn:
+ start = dep
+ elif data[0] == pn:
+ owntaskdeps.append(data[1])
+ if start is None:
+ bb.fatal("Couldn't find ourself in BB_TASKDEPDATA?")
+ # We need to figure out which sysroot files we need to expose to this task.
+ # This needs to match what would get restored from sstate, which is controlled
+ # ultimately by calls from bitbake to setscene_depvalid().
+ # That function expects a setscene dependency tree. We build a dependency tree
+ # condensed to inter-sstate task dependencies, similar to that used by setscene
+ # tasks. We can then call into setscene_depvalid() and decide
+ # which dependencies we can "see" and should expose in the recipe specific sysroot.
+ setscenedeps = copy.deepcopy(taskdepdata)
+ start = set([start])
+ sstatetasks = d.getVar("SSTATETASKS").split()
+ # Add recipe specific tasks referenced by setscene_depvalid()
+ sstatetasks.append("do_stash_locale")
+ sstatetasks.append("do_deploy")
+ def print_dep_tree(deptree):
+ data = ""
+ for dep in deptree:
+ deps = " " + "\n ".join(deptree[dep][3]) + "\n"
+ data = data + "%s:\n %s\n %s\n%s %s\n %s\n" % (deptree[dep][0], deptree[dep][1], deptree[dep][2], deps, deptree[dep][4], deptree[dep][5])
+ return data
+ #bb.note("Full dep tree is:\n%s" % print_dep_tree(taskdepdata))
+ #bb.note(" start2 is %s" % str(start))
+ # If start is an sstate task (like do_package) we need to add in its direct dependencies
+ # else the code below won't recurse into them.
+ for dep in set(start):
+ for dep2 in setscenedeps[dep][3]:
+ start.add(dep2)
+ start.remove(dep)
+ #bb.note(" start3 is %s" % str(start))
+ # Create collapsed do_populate_sysroot -> do_populate_sysroot tree
+ for dep in taskdepdata:
+ data = setscenedeps[dep]
+ if data[1] not in sstatetasks:
+ for dep2 in setscenedeps:
+ data2 = setscenedeps[dep2]
+ if dep in data2[3]:
+ data2[3].update(setscenedeps[dep][3])
+ data2[3].remove(dep)
+ if dep in start:
+ start.update(setscenedeps[dep][3])
+ start.remove(dep)
+ del setscenedeps[dep]
+ # Remove circular references
+ for dep in setscenedeps:
+ if dep in setscenedeps[dep][3]:
+ setscenedeps[dep][3].remove(dep)
+ #bb.note("Computed dep tree is:\n%s" % print_dep_tree(setscenedeps))
+ #bb.note(" start is %s" % str(start))
+ # Direct dependencies should be present and can be depended upon
+ for dep in sorted(set(start)):
+ if setscenedeps[dep][1] == "do_populate_sysroot":
+ if dep not in configuredeps:
+ configuredeps.append(dep)
+ bb.note("Direct dependencies are %s" % str(configuredeps))
+ #bb.note(" or %s" % str(start))
+ msgbuf = []
+ # Call into setscene_depvalid for each sub-dependency and only copy sysroot files
+ # for ones that would be restored from sstate.
+ done = list(start)
+ next = list(start)
+ while next:
+ new = []
+ for dep in next:
+ data = setscenedeps[dep]
+ for datadep in data[3]:
+ if datadep in done:
+ continue
+ taskdeps = {}
+ taskdeps[dep] = setscenedeps[dep][:2]
+ taskdeps[datadep] = setscenedeps[datadep][:2]
+ retval = setscene_depvalid(datadep, taskdeps, [], d, msgbuf)
+ if retval:
+ msgbuf.append("Skipping setscene dependency %s for installation into the sysroot" % datadep)
+ continue
+ done.append(datadep)
+ new.append(datadep)
+ if datadep not in configuredeps and setscenedeps[datadep][1] == "do_populate_sysroot":
+ configuredeps.append(datadep)
+ msgbuf.append("Adding dependency on %s" % setscenedeps[datadep][0])
+ else:
+ msgbuf.append("Following dependency on %s" % setscenedeps[datadep][0])
+ next = new
+ # This logging is too verbose for day to day use sadly
+ #bb.debug(2, "\n".join(msgbuf))
+ depdir = recipesysrootnative + "/installeddeps"
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(depdir)
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(sharedmanifests)
+ lock = bb.utils.lockfile(recipesysroot + "/sysroot.lock")
+ fixme = {}
+ seendirs = set()
+ postinsts = []
+ multilibs = {}
+ manifests = {}
+ # All files that we're going to be installing, to find conflicts.
+ fileset = {}
+ invalidate_tasks = set()
+ for f in os.listdir(depdir):
+ removed = []
+ if not f.endswith(".complete"):
+ continue
+ f = depdir + "/" + f
+ if os.path.islink(f) and not os.path.exists(f):
+ bb.note("%s no longer exists, removing from sysroot" % f)
+ lnk = os.readlink(f.replace(".complete", ""))
+ sstate_clean_manifest(depdir + "/" + lnk, d, canrace=True, prefix=workdir)
+ os.unlink(f)
+ os.unlink(f.replace(".complete", ""))
+ removed.append(os.path.basename(f.replace(".complete", "")))
+ # If we've removed files from the sysroot above, the task that installed them may still
+ # have a stamp file present for the task. This is probably invalid right now but may become
+ # valid again if the user were to change configuration back for example. Since we've removed
+ # the files a task might need, remove the stamp file too to force it to rerun.
+ # YOCTO #14790
+ if removed:
+ for i in glob.glob(depdir + "/index.*"):
+ if i.endswith("." + mytaskname):
+ continue
+ with open(i, "r") as f:
+ for l in f:
+ if l.startswith("TaskDeps:"):
+ continue
+ l = l.strip()
+ if l in removed:
+ invalidate_tasks.add(i.rsplit(".", 1)[1])
+ break
+ for t in invalidate_tasks:
+ bb.note("Invalidating stamps for task %s" % t)
+, d)
+ installed = []
+ for dep in configuredeps:
+ c = setscenedeps[dep][0]
+ if mytaskname in ["do_sdk_depends", "do_populate_sdk_ext"] and c.endswith("-initial"):
+ bb.note("Skipping initial setscene dependency %s for installation into the sysroot" % c)
+ continue
+ installed.append(c)
+ # We want to remove anything which this task previously installed but is no longer a dependency
+ taskindex = depdir + "/" + "index." + mytaskname
+ if os.path.exists(taskindex):
+ potential = []
+ with open(taskindex, "r") as f:
+ for l in f:
+ l = l.strip()
+ if l not in installed:
+ fl = depdir + "/" + l
+ if not os.path.exists(fl):
+ # Was likely already uninstalled
+ continue
+ potential.append(l)
+ # We need to ensure no other task needs this dependency. We hold the sysroot
+ # lock so we ca search the indexes to check
+ if potential:
+ for i in glob.glob(depdir + "/index.*"):
+ if i.endswith("." + mytaskname):
+ continue
+ with open(i, "r") as f:
+ for l in f:
+ if l.startswith("TaskDeps:"):
+ prevtasks = l.split()[1:]
+ if mytaskname in prevtasks:
+ # We're a dependency of this task so we can clear items out the sysroot
+ break
+ l = l.strip()
+ if l in potential:
+ potential.remove(l)
+ for l in potential:
+ fl = depdir + "/" + l
+ bb.note("Task %s no longer depends on %s, removing from sysroot" % (mytaskname, l))
+ lnk = os.readlink(fl)
+ sstate_clean_manifest(depdir + "/" + lnk, d, canrace=True, prefix=workdir)
+ os.unlink(fl)
+ os.unlink(fl + ".complete")
+ msg_exists = []
+ msg_adding = []
+ # Handle all removals first since files may move between recipes
+ for dep in configuredeps:
+ c = setscenedeps[dep][0]
+ if c not in installed:
+ continue
+ taskhash = setscenedeps[dep][5]
+ taskmanifest = depdir + "/" + c + "." + taskhash
+ if os.path.exists(depdir + "/" + c):
+ lnk = os.readlink(depdir + "/" + c)
+ if lnk == c + "." + taskhash and os.path.exists(depdir + "/" + c + ".complete"):
+ continue
+ else:
+ bb.note("%s exists in sysroot, but is stale (%s vs. %s), removing." % (c, lnk, c + "." + taskhash))
+ sstate_clean_manifest(depdir + "/" + lnk, d, canrace=True, prefix=workdir)
+ os.unlink(depdir + "/" + c)
+ if os.path.lexists(depdir + "/" + c + ".complete"):
+ os.unlink(depdir + "/" + c + ".complete")
+ elif os.path.lexists(depdir + "/" + c):
+ os.unlink(depdir + "/" + c)
+ binfiles = {}
+ # Now handle installs
+ for dep in configuredeps:
+ c = setscenedeps[dep][0]
+ if c not in installed:
+ continue
+ taskhash = setscenedeps[dep][5]
+ taskmanifest = depdir + "/" + c + "." + taskhash
+ if os.path.exists(depdir + "/" + c):
+ lnk = os.readlink(depdir + "/" + c)
+ if lnk == c + "." + taskhash and os.path.exists(depdir + "/" + c + ".complete"):
+ msg_exists.append(c)
+ continue
+ msg_adding.append(c)
+ os.symlink(c + "." + taskhash, depdir + "/" + c)
+ manifest, d2 = oe.sstatesig.find_sstate_manifest(c, setscenedeps[dep][2], "populate_sysroot", d, multilibs)
+ if d2 is not d:
+ # If we don't do this, the recipe sysroot will be placed in the wrong WORKDIR for multilibs
+ # We need a consistent WORKDIR for the image
+ d2.setVar("WORKDIR", d.getVar("WORKDIR"))
+ destsysroot = d2.getVar("RECIPE_SYSROOT")
+ # We put allarch recipes into the default sysroot
+ if manifest and "allarch" in manifest:
+ destsysroot = d.getVar("RECIPE_SYSROOT")
+ native = False
+ if c.endswith("-native") or "-cross-" in c or "-crosssdk" in c:
+ native = True
+ if manifest:
+ newmanifest = collections.OrderedDict()
+ targetdir = destsysroot
+ if native:
+ targetdir = recipesysrootnative
+ if targetdir not in fixme:
+ fixme[targetdir] = []
+ fm = fixme[targetdir]
+ with open(manifest, "r") as f:
+ manifests[dep] = manifest
+ for l in f:
+ l = l.strip()
+ if l.endswith("/fixmepath"):
+ fm.append(l)
+ continue
+ if l.endswith("/fixmepath.cmd"):
+ continue
+ dest = l.replace(stagingdir, "")
+ dest = "/" + "/".join(dest.split("/")[3:])
+ newmanifest[l] = targetdir + dest
+ # Check if files have already been installed by another
+ # recipe and abort if they have, explaining what recipes are
+ # conflicting.
+ hashname = targetdir + dest
+ if not hashname.endswith("/"):
+ if hashname in fileset:
+ bb.fatal("The file %s is installed by both %s and %s, aborting" % (dest, c, fileset[hashname]))
+ else:
+ fileset[hashname] = c
+ # Having multiple identical manifests in each sysroot eats diskspace so
+ # create a shared pool of them and hardlink if we can.
+ # We create the manifest in advance so that if something fails during installation,
+ # or the build is interrupted, subsequent exeuction can cleanup.
+ sharedm = sharedmanifests + "/" + os.path.basename(taskmanifest)
+ if not os.path.exists(sharedm):
+ smlock = bb.utils.lockfile(sharedm + ".lock")
+ # Can race here. You'd think it just means we may not end up with all copies hardlinked to each other
+ # but python can lose file handles so we need to do this under a lock.
+ if not os.path.exists(sharedm):
+ with open(sharedm, 'w') as m:
+ for l in newmanifest:
+ dest = newmanifest[l]
+ m.write(dest.replace(workdir + "/", "") + "\n")
+ bb.utils.unlockfile(smlock)
+ try:
+, taskmanifest)
+ except OSError as err:
+ if err.errno == errno.EXDEV:
+ bb.utils.copyfile(sharedm, taskmanifest)
+ else:
+ raise
+ # Finally actually install the files
+ for l in newmanifest:
+ dest = newmanifest[l]
+ if l.endswith("/"):
+ staging_copydir(l, targetdir, dest, seendirs)
+ continue
+ if "/bin/" in l or "/sbin/" in l:
+ # defer /*bin/* files until last in case they need libs
+ binfiles[l] = (targetdir, dest)
+ else:
+ staging_copyfile(l, targetdir, dest, postinsts, seendirs)
+ # Handle deferred binfiles
+ for l in binfiles:
+ (targetdir, dest) = binfiles[l]
+ staging_copyfile(l, targetdir, dest, postinsts, seendirs)
+ bb.note("Installed into sysroot: %s" % str(msg_adding))
+ bb.note("Skipping as already exists in sysroot: %s" % str(msg_exists))
+ for f in fixme:
+ staging_processfixme(fixme[f], f, recipesysroot, recipesysrootnative, d)
+ for p in postinsts:
+ subprocess.check_output(p, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ for dep in manifests:
+ c = setscenedeps[dep][0]
+ os.symlink(manifests[dep], depdir + "/" + c + ".complete")
+ with open(taskindex, "w") as f:
+ f.write("TaskDeps: " + " ".join(owntaskdeps) + "\n")
+ for l in sorted(installed):
+ f.write(l + "\n")
+ bb.utils.unlockfile(lock)
+do_prepare_recipe_sysroot[deptask] = "do_populate_sysroot"
+python do_prepare_recipe_sysroot () {
+"extend_recipe_sysroot", d)
+addtask do_prepare_recipe_sysroot before do_configure after do_fetch
+python staging_taskhandler() {
+ bbtasks = e.tasklist
+ for task in bbtasks:
+ deps = d.getVarFlag(task, "depends")
+ if task == "do_configure" or (deps and "populate_sysroot" in deps):
+ d.prependVarFlag(task, "prefuncs", "extend_recipe_sysroot ")
+staging_taskhandler[eventmask] = "bb.event.RecipeTaskPreProcess"
+addhandler staging_taskhandler
+# Target build output, stored in do_populate_sysroot or do_package can depend
+# not only upon direct dependencies but also indirect ones. A good example is
+# linux-libc-headers. The toolchain depends on this but most target recipes do
+# not. There are some headers which are not used by the toolchain build and do
+# not change the toolchain task output, hence the task hashes can change without
+# changing the sysroot output of that recipe yet they can influence others.
+# A specific example is rtc.h which can change rtcwake.c in util-linux but is not
+# used in the glibc or gcc build. To account for this, we need to account for the
+# populate_sysroot hashes in the task output hashes.
+python target_add_sysroot_deps () {
+ current_task = "do_" + d.getVar("BB_CURRENTTASK")
+ if current_task not in ["do_populate_sysroot", "do_package"]:
+ return
+ pn = d.getVar("PN")
+ if pn.endswith("-native"):
+ return
+ taskdepdata = d.getVar("BB_TASKDEPDATA", False)
+ deps = {}
+ for dep in taskdepdata.values():
+ if dep[1] == "do_populate_sysroot" and not dep[0].endswith(("-native", "-initial")) and "-cross-" not in dep[0] and dep[0] != pn:
+ deps[dep[0]] = dep[6]
+ d.setVar("HASHEQUIV_EXTRA_SIGDATA", "\n".join("%s: %s" % (k, deps[k]) for k in sorted(deps.keys())))
+SSTATECREATEFUNCS += "target_add_sysroot_deps"