path: root/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/
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Diffstat (limited to 'poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/ b/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/
index 81d02017c1..94873fd19f 100644
--- a/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/
+++ b/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/
@@ -848,6 +848,99 @@ class DevtoolModifyTests(DevtoolBase):
# Try building
+ def test_devtool_modify_git_crates_subpath(self):
+ # This tests two things in devtool context:
+ # - that we support local git dependencies for cargo based recipe
+ # - that we support patches in SRC_URI when git url contains subpath parameter
+ # Check preconditions:
+ # recipe inherits cargo
+ # git:// uri with a subpath as the main package
+ # some crate:// in SRC_URI
+ # others git:// in SRC_URI
+ # cointains a patch
+ testrecipe = 'zvariant'
+ bb_vars = get_bb_vars(['SRC_URI', 'FILE', 'WORKDIR', 'CARGO_HOME'], testrecipe)
+ recipefile = bb_vars['FILE']
+ workdir = bb_vars['WORKDIR']
+ cargo_home = bb_vars['CARGO_HOME']
+ src_uri = bb_vars['SRC_URI'].split()
+ self.assertTrue(src_uri[0].startswith('git://'),
+ 'This test expects the %s recipe to have a git repo has its main uri' % testrecipe)
+ self.assertIn(';subpath=', src_uri[0],
+ 'This test expects the %s recipe to have a git uri with subpath' % testrecipe)
+ self.assertTrue(any([uri.startswith('crate://') for uri in src_uri]),
+ 'This test expects the %s recipe to have some crates in its src uris' % testrecipe)
+ self.assertGreater(sum(map(lambda x:x.startswith('git://'), src_uri)), 2,
+ 'This test expects the %s recipe to have several git:// uris' % testrecipe)
+ self.assertTrue(any([uri.startswith('file://') and '.patch' in uri for uri in src_uri]),
+ 'This test expects the %s recipe to have a patch in its src uris' % testrecipe)
+ self._test_recipe_contents(recipefile, {}, ['cargo'])
+ # Clean up anything in the workdir/sysroot/sstate cache
+ bitbake('%s -c cleansstate' % testrecipe)
+ # Try modifying a recipe
+ tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtoolqa')
+ self.track_for_cleanup(tempdir)
+ self.track_for_cleanup(self.workspacedir)
+ self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake -c clean %s' % testrecipe)
+ self.add_command_to_tearDown('bitbake-layers remove-layer */workspace')
+ result = runCmd('devtool modify %s -x %s' % (testrecipe, tempdir))
+ self.assertExists(os.path.join(tempdir, 'Cargo.toml'), 'Extracted source could not be found')
+ self.assertExists(os.path.join(self.workspacedir, 'conf', 'layer.conf'), 'Workspace directory not created. devtool output: %s' % result.output)
+ matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.workspacedir, 'appends', 'zvariant_*.bbappend'))
+ self.assertTrue(matches, 'bbappend not created')
+ # Test devtool status
+ result = runCmd('devtool status')
+ self.assertIn(testrecipe, result.output)
+ self.assertIn(tempdir, result.output)
+ # Check git repo
+ self._check_src_repo(tempdir)
+ # Check that the patch is correctly applied
+ # last commit message in the tree must contain
+ # %% original patch: <patchname>
+ # ..
+ patchname = None
+ for uri in src_uri:
+ if uri.startswith('file://') and '.patch' in uri:
+ patchname = uri.replace("file://", "").partition('.patch')[0] + '.patch'
+ self.assertIsNotNone(patchname)
+ result = runCmd('git -C %s log -1' % tempdir)
+ self.assertIn("%%%% original patch: %s" % patchname, result.output)
+ # Configure the recipe to check that the git dependencies are correctly patched in cargo config
+ bitbake('-c configure %s' % testrecipe)
+ cargo_config_path = os.path.join(cargo_home, 'config')
+ with open(cargo_config_path, "r") as f:
+ cargo_config_contents = [line.strip('\n') for line in f.readlines()]
+ # Get back git dependencies of the recipe (ignoring the main one)
+ # and check that they are all correctly patched to be fetched locally
+ git_deps = [uri for uri in src_uri if uri.startswith("git://")][1:]
+ for git_dep in git_deps:
+ raw_url, _, raw_parms = git_dep.partition(";")
+ parms = {}
+ for parm in raw_parms.split(";"):
+ name_parm, _, value_parm = parm.partition('=')
+ parms[name_parm]=value_parm
+ self.assertIn('protocol', parms, 'git dependencies uri should contain the "protocol" parameter')
+ self.assertIn('name', parms, 'git dependencies uri should contain the "name" parameter')
+ self.assertIn('destsuffix', parms, 'git dependencies uri should contain the "destsuffix" parameter')
+ self.assertIn('type', parms, 'git dependencies uri should contain the "type" parameter')
+ self.assertEqual(parms['type'], 'git-dependency', 'git dependencies uri should have "type=git-dependency"')
+ raw_url = raw_url.replace("git://", '%s://' % parms['protocol'])
+ patch_line = '[patch."%s"]' % raw_url
+ path_patched = os.path.join(workdir, parms['destsuffix'])
+ path_override_line = '%s = { path = "%s" }' % (parms['name'], path_patched)
+ # Would have been better to use tomllib to read this file :/
+ self.assertIn(patch_line, cargo_config_contents)
+ self.assertIn(path_override_line, cargo_config_contents)
+ # Try to package the recipe
+ bitbake('-c package_qa %s' % testrecipe)
def test_devtool_modify_localfiles(self):
# Check preconditions
testrecipe = 'lighttpd'