#!/bin/bash # Provide source directive to shellcheck. # shellcheck source=meta-facebook/recipes-phosphor/state/phosphor-state-manager/greatlakes/power-cmd source /usr/libexec/power-cmd SLOT_ID=$(( $1-1 << 2 )) # Host Power Off host-power-off() { for pwr_cmd in "${power_seq[@]}" do result="$(busctl call $SERVICE $OBJECT_PATH $INTERFACE sendRequest yyyyay $SLOT_ID $NETFN $LUN $CMD $DATA_LEN 0x01 0x42 0x01 0x00 "$pwr_cmd")" echo "$result" if [ "$pwr_cmd" == $POWER_BTN_LOW ] then sleep 6 fi done echo "Host power off" exit 0; } # Check Host Response and Status host-power-status() { response="$(busctl call $SERVICE $OBJECT_PATH $INTERFACE sendRequest yyyyay $SLOT_ID 0x38 $LUN 0x3 0x03 0x15 0xa0 0x00)" result=$(echo "$response" | cut -d" " -f $PWRGD_SYS_PWROK_INDEX) res="$(( "$result" & 0x80 ))" pgood="$(( "$res" >> 7 ))" if [ "$pgood" == $STATE_ON ] then host-power-off fi echo "Power is already off" exit 1; } host-power-status