#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2021 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. [[ -n ${gbmc_br_gw_src_lib-} ]] && return # shellcheck source=meta-google/recipes-google/networking/network-sh/lib.sh source /usr/share/network/lib.sh || exit gbmc_br_gw_src_ip_stateful= gbmc_br_gw_src_ip_stateless= declare -A gbmc_br_gw_src_routes=() gbmc_br_gw_defgw= gbmc_br_set_router() { local defgw= local route for route in "${!gbmc_br_gw_src_routes[@]}"; do if [[ $route != *' dev gbmcbr '* ]]; then defgw=1 break fi done [[ $defgw == "$gbmc_br_gw_defgw" ]] && return gbmc_br_gw_defgw="$defgw" local files=(/run/systemd/network/{00,}-bmc-gbmcbr.network.d/50-defgw.conf) if [[ -n $defgw ]]; then local file for file in "${files[@]}"; do mkdir -p "$(dirname "$file")" printf '[IPv6PrefixDelegation]\nRouterLifetimeSec=30\n' >"$file" done else rm -f "${files[@]}" fi if [[ $(systemctl is-active systemd-networkd) != inactive ]]; then networkctl reload && networkctl reconfigure gbmcbr fi } gbmc_br_gw_src_update() { local gbmc_br_gw_src_ip="${gbmc_br_gw_src_ip_stateful:-$gbmc_br_gw_src_ip_stateless}" [[ -n $gbmc_br_gw_src_ip ]] || return local route for route in "${!gbmc_br_gw_src_routes[@]}"; do [[ $route != *" src $gbmc_br_gw_src_ip "* ]] || continue echo "gBMC Bridge Updating GW source [$gbmc_br_gw_src_ip]: $route" >&2 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ip route change $route src "$gbmc_br_gw_src_ip" && \ unset 'gbmc_br_gw_src_routes[$route]' done } gbmc_br_gw_src_hook() { # We only want to match default gateway routes that are dynamic # (have an expiration time). These will be updated with our preferred # source. # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [[ $change == route && $route == 'default '*':'* ]]; then if [[ $route =~ ^(.*)( +expires +[^ ]+)(.*)$ ]]; then route="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" fi if [[ $action == add && -z ${gbmc_br_gw_src_routes["$route"]} ]]; then gbmc_br_gw_src_routes["$route"]=1 gbmc_br_gw_src_update gbmc_br_set_router elif [[ $action == del && -n "${gbmc_br_gw_src_routes["$route"]}" ]]; then unset 'gbmc_br_gw_src_routes[$route]' gbmc_br_gw_src_update gbmc_br_set_router fi # Match only global IP addresses on the bridge that match the BMC stateless # prefix (:fd00:). So 2002:af4:3480:2248:fd00:6345:3069:9186 would be # matched as the preferred source IP for outoging traffic. elif [[ $change == addr && $intf == gbmcbr && $scope == global ]] && [[ $fam == inet6 && $flags != *tentative* ]]; then local ip_bytes=() if ! ip_to_bytes ip_bytes "$ip"; then echo "gBMC Bridge Ensure RA Invalid IP: $ip" >&2 return 1 fi # Ignore ULAs and non-gBMC addresses if (( ip_bytes[0] & 0xfe == 0xfc || ip_bytes[8] != 0xfd )); then return 0 fi if (( ip_bytes[9] & 0x0f != 0 )); then local -n gbmc_br_gw_src_ip=gbmc_br_gw_src_ip_stateful else local -n gbmc_br_gw_src_ip=gbmc_br_gw_src_ip_stateless fi if [[ $action == add && $ip != "$gbmc_br_gw_src_ip" ]]; then gbmc_br_gw_src_ip="$ip" gbmc_br_gw_src_update fi if [[ $action == del && $ip == "$gbmc_br_gw_src_ip" ]]; then gbmc_br_gw_src_ip= fi fi } GBMC_IP_MONITOR_HOOKS+=(gbmc_br_gw_src_hook) gbmc_br_gw_src_lib=1