SUMMARY = "A high-performance memory object caching system" DESCRIPTION = "\ memcached optimizes specific high-load serving applications that are designed \ to take advantage of its versatile no-locking memory access system. Clients \ are available in several different programming languages, to suit the needs \ of the specific application. Traditionally this has been used in mod_perl \ apps to avoid storing large chunks of data in Apache memory, and to share \ this burden across several machines." SECTION = "web" HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=7e5ded7363d335e1bb18013ca08046ff" inherit autotools DEPENDS += "libevent" RDEPENDS_${PN} += "perl perl-module-posix perl-module-autoloader \ perl-module-tie-hash bash \ " SRC_URI = "${BP}.tar.gz \ file://memcached-add-hugetlbfs-check.patch \ file://0002-stats_prefix.c-Check-for-NDEBUG-before-using-total_w.patch \ " SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "d5a62ce377314dbffdb37c4467e7763e3abae376a16171e613cbe69956f092d1" # set the same COMPATIBLE_HOST as libhugetlbfs COMPATIBLE_HOST = "(i.86|x86_64|powerpc|powerpc64|aarch64|arm).*-linux*" python __anonymous () { endianness = d.getVar('SITEINFO_ENDIANNESS') if endianness == 'le': d.appendVar('EXTRA_OECONF', " ac_cv_c_endian=little") else: d.appendVar('EXTRA_OECONF', " ac_cv_c_endian=big") } PACKAGECONFIG ??= "" PACKAGECONFIG[hugetlbfs] = "--enable-hugetlbfs, --disable-hugetlbfs, libhugetlbfs" inherit update-rc.d INITSCRIPT_NAME = "memcached" INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "defaults" do_install_append() { install -D -m 755 ${S}/scripts/memcached-init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/memcached mkdir -p ${D}/usr/share/memcached/scripts install -m 755 ${S}/scripts/memcached-tool ${D}/usr/share/memcached/scripts install -m 755 ${S}/scripts/start-memcached ${D}/usr/share/memcached/scripts }