"use strict"; function layerDetailsPageInit (ctx) { var layerDepInput = $("#layer-dep-input"); var layerDepBtn = $("#add-layer-dependency-btn"); var layerDepsList = $("#layer-deps-list"); var currentLayerDepSelection; var addRmLayerBtn = $("#add-remove-layer-btn"); var targetTab = $("#targets-tab"); var machineTab = $("#machines-tab"); var detailsTab = $("#details-tab"); var editLayerSource = $("#edit-layer-source"); var saveSourceChangesBtn = $("#save-changes-for-switch"); var layerGitRefInput = $("#layer-git-ref"); var layerSubDirInput = $('#layer-subdir'); targetTab.on('show.bs.tab', targetsTabShow); detailsTab.on('show.bs.tab', detailsTabShow); machineTab.on('show.bs.tab', machinesTabShow); /* setup the dependencies typeahead */ libtoaster.makeTypeahead(layerDepInput, libtoaster.ctx.layersTypeAheadUrl, { include_added: "true" }, function(item){ currentLayerDepSelection = item; layerDepBtn.removeAttr("disabled"); }); /* disable the add layer button if its input field is empty */ layerDepInput.on("keyup",function(){ if ($(this).val().length === 0) { layerDepBtn.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }); function addRemoveDep(depLayerId, add, doneCb) { var data = { layer_version_id : ctx.layerVersion.id }; if (add) data.add_dep = depLayerId; else data.rm_dep = depLayerId; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ctx.xhrUpdateLayerUrl, data: data, headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')}, success: function (data) { if (data.error != "ok") { console.warn(data.error); } else { doneCb(); } }, error: function (data) { console.warn("Call failed"); console.warn(data); } }); } function layerDepRemoveClick() { var toRemove = $(this).parent().data('layer-id'); var layerDepItem = $(this); addRemoveDep(toRemove, false, function(){ layerDepItem.parent().fadeOut(function (){ layerDepItem.remove(); }); }); } /* Add dependency layer button click handler */ layerDepBtn.click(function(){ if (currentLayerDepSelection === undefined) return; addRemoveDep(currentLayerDepSelection.id, true, function(){ /* Make a list item for the new layer dependency */ var newLayerDep = $("
  • "); newLayerDep.data('layer-id', currentLayerDepSelection.id); newLayerDep.children("span").tooltip(); var link = newLayerDep.children("a"); link.attr("href", currentLayerDepSelection.layerdetailurl); link.text(currentLayerDepSelection.name); link.tooltip({title: currentLayerDepSelection.tooltip, placement: "right"}); /* Connect up the tash icon */ var trashItem = newLayerDep.children("span"); trashItem.click(layerDepRemoveClick); layerDepsList.append(newLayerDep); /* Clear the current selection */ layerDepInput.val(""); currentLayerDepSelection = undefined; layerDepBtn.attr("disabled", "disabled"); }); }); $(".glyphicon-edit").click(function (){ var mParent = $(this).parent("dd"); mParent.prev().css("margin-top", "10px"); mParent.children("form").slideDown(); var currentVal = mParent.children(".current-value"); currentVal.hide(); /* Set the current value to the input field */ mParent.find("textarea,input").val(currentVal.text()); /* If the input field is empty, disable the submit button */ if ( mParent.find("textarea,input").val().length == 0 ) { mParent.find(".change-btn").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } /* Hides the "Not set" text */ mParent.children(".text-muted").hide(); /* We're editing so hide the delete icon */ mParent.children(".delete-current-value").hide(); mParent.find(".cancel").show(); $(this).hide(); }); $(".delete-current-value").click(function(){ var mParent = $(this).parent("dd"); mParent.find("input").val(""); mParent.find("textarea").val(""); mParent.find(".change-btn").click(); }); $(".cancel").click(function(){ var mParent = $(this).parents("dd"); $(this).hide(); mParent.children("form").slideUp(function(){ mParent.children(".current-value").show(); /* Show the "Not set" text if we ended up with no value */ if (!mParent.children(".current-value").html()){ mParent.children(".text-muted").fadeIn(); mParent.children(".delete-current-value").hide(); } else { mParent.children(".delete-current-value").show(); } mParent.children(".glyphicon-edit").show(); mParent.prev().css("margin-top", "0"); }); }); function defaultAddBtnText(){ var text = " Add the "+ctx.layerVersion.name+" layer to your project"; addRmLayerBtn.text(text); addRmLayerBtn.prepend(""); addRmLayerBtn.removeClass("btn-danger"); } function detailsTabShow(){ if (!ctx.layerVersion.inCurrentPrj) defaultAddBtnText(); window.location.hash = "information"; } function targetsTabShow(){ if (!ctx.layerVersion.inCurrentPrj){ if (ctx.numTargets > 0) { var text = " Add the "+ctx.layerVersion.name+" layer to your project "+ "to enable these recipes"; addRmLayerBtn.text(text); addRmLayerBtn.prepend(""); } else { defaultAddBtnText(); } } window.location.hash = "recipes"; } $("#recipestable").on('table-done', function(e, total, tableParams){ ctx.numTargets = total; if (total === 0 && !tableParams.search) { $("#no-recipes-yet").show(); } else { $("#no-recipes-yet").hide(); } targetTab.removeClass("text-muted"); if (window.location.hash === "#recipes"){ /* re run the machinesTabShow to update the text */ targetsTabShow(); } }); $("#machinestable").on('table-done', function(e, total, tableParams){ ctx.numMachines = total; if (total === 0 && !tableParams.search) $("#no-machines-yet").show(); else $("#no-machines-yet").hide(); machineTab.removeClass("text-muted"); if (window.location.hash === "#machines"){ /* re run the machinesTabShow to update the text */ machinesTabShow(); } $(".select-machine-btn").click(function(e){ if ($(this).hasClass("disabled")) e.preventDefault(); }); }); function machinesTabShow(){ if (!ctx.layerVersion.inCurrentPrj) { if (ctx.numMachines > 0){ var text = " Add the "+ctx.layerVersion.name+" layer to your project " + "to enable these machines"; addRmLayerBtn.text(text); addRmLayerBtn.prepend(""); } else { defaultAddBtnText(); } } window.location.hash = "machines"; } $(".pagesize").change(function(){ var search = libtoaster.parseUrlParams(); search.limit = this.value; window.location.search = libtoaster.dumpsUrlParams(search); }); /* Enables the Build target and Select Machine buttons and switches the * add/remove button */ function setLayerInCurrentPrj(added) { ctx.layerVersion.inCurrentPrj = added; if (added){ /* enable and switch all the button states */ $(".build-recipe-btn").removeClass("disabled"); $(".select-machine-btn").removeClass("disabled"); addRmLayerBtn.addClass("btn-danger"); addRmLayerBtn.data('directive', "remove"); addRmLayerBtn.text(" Remove the "+ctx.layerVersion.name+" layer from your project"); addRmLayerBtn.prepend(""); } else { /* disable and switch all the button states */ $(".build-recipe-btn").addClass("disabled"); $(".select-machine-btn").addClass("disabled"); addRmLayerBtn.removeClass("btn-danger"); addRmLayerBtn.data('directive', "add"); /* "special" handler so that we get the correct button text which depends * on which tab is currently visible. Unfortunately we can't just call * tab('show') as if it's already visible it doesn't run the event. */ switch ($(".nav-tabs .active a").prop('id')){ case 'machines-tab': machinesTabShow(); break; case 'targets-tab': targetsTabShow(); break; default: defaultAddBtnText(); break; } } } $("#dismiss-alert").click(function(){ $(this).parent().fadeOut(); }); /* Add or remove this layer from the project */ addRmLayerBtn.click(function() { var add = ($(this).data('directive') === "add"); libtoaster.addRmLayer(ctx.layerVersion, add, function (layersList){ var alertMsg = $("#alert-msg"); alertMsg.html(libtoaster.makeLayerAddRmAlertMsg(ctx.layerVersion, layersList, add)); setLayerInCurrentPrj(add); libtoaster.showChangeNotification(alertMsg); }); }); /* Handler for all of the Change buttons */ $(".change-btn").click(function(){ var mParent = $(this).parent(); var prop = $(this).data('layer-prop'); /* We have inputs, select and textareas to potentially grab the value * from. */ var entryElement = mParent.find("input"); if (entryElement.length === 0) entryElement = mParent.find("textarea"); if (entryElement.length === 0) { console.warn("Could not find element to get data from for this change"); return; } var data = { layer_version_id: ctx.layerVersion.id }; data[prop] = entryElement.val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ctx.xhrUpdateLayerUrl, data: data, headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')}, success: function (data) { if (data.error != "ok") { console.warn(data.error); } else { /* success layer property changed */ var inputArea = mParent.parents("dd"); var text; text = entryElement.val(); /* Hide the "Not set" text if it's visible */ inputArea.find(".text-muted").hide(); inputArea.find(".current-value").text(text); /* Same behaviour as cancel in that we hide the form/show current * value. */ inputArea.find(".cancel").click(); } }, error: function (data) { console.warn("Call failed"); console.warn(data); } }); }); /* Disable the change button when we have no data in the input */ $("dl input, dl textarea").on("input",function() { if ($(this).val().length === 0) $(this).parent().next(".change-btn").attr("disabled", "disabled"); else $(this).parent().next(".change-btn").removeAttr("disabled"); }); /* This checks to see if the dt's dd has data in it or if the change data * form is visible, otherwise hide it */ $("dl").children().each(function (){ if ($(this).is("dt")) { var dd = $(this).next("dd"); if (!dd.children("form:visible")|| !dd.find(".current-value").html()){ if (ctx.layerVersion.layer_source == ctx.layerSourceTypes.TYPE_IMPORTED || ctx.layerVersion.layer_source == ctx.layerSourceTypes.TYPE_LOCAL) { /* There's no current value and the layer is editable * so show the "Not set" and hide the delete icon */ dd.find(".text-muted").show(); dd.find(".delete-current-value").hide(); } else { /* We're not viewing an editable layer so hide the empty dd/dl pair */ $(this).hide(); dd.hide(); } } } }); /* Hide the right column if it contains no information */ if ($("dl.item-info").children(':visible').length === 0) { $("dl.item-info").parent().hide(); } /* Clear the current search selection and reload the results */ $(".target-search-clear").click(function(){ $("#target-search").val(""); $(this).parents("form").submit(); }); $(".machine-search-clear").click(function(){ $("#machine-search").val(""); $(this).parents("form").submit(); }); $("#layer-delete-confirmed").click(function(){ $("#delete-layer-modal button[data-dismiss='modal']").hide(); var message = $('You have deleted 1 layer from your project: '); message.find("#deleted-layer-name").text(ctx.layerVersion.name); $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: ctx.xhrUpdateLayerUrl, headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')}, success: function(data) { if (data.error != "ok") { console.warn(data.error); } else { libtoaster.setNotification("layer-deleted", message.html()); window.location.replace(data.gotoUrl); } }, error: function(data) { console.warn("Call failed"); console.warn(data); } }); }); layerDepsList.find(".glyphicon-trash").click(layerDepRemoveClick); layerDepsList.find("a").tooltip(); $(".glyphicon-trash").tooltip(); $(".commit").tooltip(); editLayerSource.click(function() { /* Kindly bring the git layers imported from layerindex to normal page * and not this new page :( */ $(this).hide(); saveSourceChangesBtn.attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#git-repo-info, #directory-info").hide(); $("#edit-layer-source-form").fadeIn(); if ($("#layer-dir-path-in-details").val() == "") { //Local dir path is empty... $("#repo").prop("checked", true); $("#layer-git").fadeIn(); $("#layer-dir").hide(); } else { $("#layer-git").hide(); $("#layer-dir").fadeIn(); } }); $('input:radio[name="source-location"]').change(function() { if ($('input[name=source-location]:checked').val() == "repo") { $("#layer-git").fadeIn(); $("#layer-dir").hide(); if ($("#layer-git-repo-url").val().length === 0 && layerGitRefInput.val().length === 0) { saveSourceChangesBtn.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } else { $("#layer-dir").fadeIn(); $("#layer-git").hide(); } }); $("#layer-dir-path-in-details").keyup(function() { saveSourceChangesBtn.removeAttr("disabled"); }); $("#layer-git-repo-url").keyup(function() { if ($("#layer-git-repo-url").val().length > 0 && layerGitRefInput.val().length > 0) { saveSourceChangesBtn.removeAttr("disabled"); } }); layerGitRefInput.keyup(function() { if ($("#layer-git-repo-url").val().length > 0 && layerGitRefInput.val().length > 0) { saveSourceChangesBtn.removeAttr("disabled"); } }); layerSubDirInput.keyup(function(){ if ($(this).val().length > 0){ saveSourceChangesBtn.removeAttr("disabled"); } }); $('#cancel-changes-for-switch').click(function() { $("#edit-layer-source-form").hide(); $("#directory-info, #git-repo-info").fadeIn(); editLayerSource.show(); }); saveSourceChangesBtn.click(function() { var layerData = { vcs_url: $('#layer-git-repo-url').val(), commit: layerGitRefInput.val(), dirpath: layerSubDirInput.val(), local_source_dir: $('#layer-dir-path-in-details').val(), }; if ($('input[name=source-location]:checked').val() == "repo") { layerData.local_source_dir = ""; } else { layerData.vcs_url = ""; layerData.git_ref = ""; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ctx.xhrUpdateLayerUrl, data: layerData, headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')}, success: function (data) { if (data.error != "ok") { console.warn(data.error); } else { /* success layer property changed */ window.location.reload(); } }, error: function (data) { console.warn("Call failed"); console.warn(data); } }); }); }