# # Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # import os import contextlib from oeqa.core.decorator import OETestTag from oeqa.core.case import OEPTestResultTestCase from oeqa.selftest.case import OESelftestTestCase from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var, runqemu from oeqa.utils.nfs import unfs_server def parse_values(content): for i in content: for v in ["PASS", "FAIL", "XPASS", "XFAIL", "UNRESOLVED", "UNSUPPORTED", "UNTESTED", "ERROR", "WARNING"]: if i.startswith(v + ": "): yield i[len(v) + 2:].strip(), v break class GlibcSelfTestBase(OESelftestTestCase, OEPTestResultTestCase): def run_check(self, ssh = None): # configure ssh target features = [] if ssh is not None: features.append('TOOLCHAIN_TEST_TARGET = "ssh"') features.append('TOOLCHAIN_TEST_HOST = "{0}"'.format(ssh)) features.append('TOOLCHAIN_TEST_HOST_USER = "root"') features.append('TOOLCHAIN_TEST_HOST_PORT = "22"') # force single threaded test execution features.append('EGLIBCPARALLELISM_task-check:pn-glibc-testsuite = "PARALLELMFLAGS="-j1""') self.write_config("\n".join(features)) bitbake("glibc-testsuite -c check") builddir = get_bb_var("B", "glibc-testsuite") ptestsuite = "glibc-user" if ssh is None else "glibc" self.ptest_section(ptestsuite) with open(os.path.join(builddir, "tests.sum"), "r", errors='replace') as f: for test, result in parse_values(f): self.ptest_result(ptestsuite, test, result) def run_check_emulated(self): with contextlib.ExitStack() as s: # use the base work dir, as the nfs mount, since the recipe directory may not exist tmpdir = get_bb_var("BASE_WORKDIR") nfsport, mountport = s.enter_context(unfs_server(tmpdir)) # build core-image-minimal with required packages default_installed_packages = [ "glibc-charmaps", "libgcc", "libstdc++", "libatomic", "libgomp", # "python3", # "python3-pexpect", "nfs-utils", ] features = [] features.append('IMAGE_FEATURES += "ssh-server-openssh"') features.append('CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "{0}"'.format(" ".join(default_installed_packages))) self.write_config("\n".join(features)) bitbake("core-image-minimal") # start runqemu qemu = s.enter_context(runqemu("core-image-minimal", runqemuparams = "nographic")) # validate that SSH is working status, _ = qemu.run("uname") self.assertEqual(status, 0) # setup nfs mount if qemu.run("mkdir -p \"{0}\"".format(tmpdir))[0] != 0: raise Exception("Failed to setup NFS mount directory on target") mountcmd = "mount -o noac,nfsvers=3,port={0},udp,mountport={1} \"{2}:{3}\" \"{3}\"".format(nfsport, mountport, qemu.server_ip, tmpdir) status, output = qemu.run(mountcmd) if status != 0: raise Exception("Failed to setup NFS mount on target ({})".format(repr(output))) self.run_check(ssh = qemu.ip) @OETestTag("toolchain-user") class GlibcSelfTest(GlibcSelfTestBase): def test_glibc(self): self.run_check() @OETestTag("toolchain-system") @OETestTag("runqemu") class GlibcSelfTestSystemEmulated(GlibcSelfTestBase): def test_glibc(self): self.run_check_emulated()