SUMMARY = "Updates the NVD CVE database" LICENSE = "MIT" # Important note: # This product uses the NVD API but is not endorsed or certified by the NVD. INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS = "1" inherit native deltask do_unpack deltask do_patch deltask do_configure deltask do_compile deltask do_install deltask do_populate_sysroot NVDCVE_URL ?= "" # CVE database update interval, in seconds. By default: once a day (24*60*60). # Use 0 to force the update # Use a negative value to skip the update CVE_DB_UPDATE_INTERVAL ?= "86400" # Timeout for blocking socket operations, such as the connection attempt. CVE_SOCKET_TIMEOUT ?= "60" CVE_DB_TEMP_FILE ?= "${CVE_CHECK_DB_DIR}/temp_nvdcve_2.db" CVE_CHECK_DB_FILE ?= "${CVE_CHECK_DB_DIR}/nvdcve_2.db" python () { if not"cve-check", d): raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("Skip recipe when cve-check class is not loaded.") } python do_fetch() { """ Update NVD database with API 2.0 """ import bb.utils import bb.progress import shutil bb.utils.export_proxies(d) db_file = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_DB_FILE") db_dir = os.path.dirname(db_file) db_tmp_file = d.getVar("CVE_DB_TEMP_FILE") cleanup_db_download(db_file, db_tmp_file) # By default let's update the whole database (since time 0) database_time = 0 # The NVD database changes once a day, so no need to update more frequently # Allow the user to force-update try: import time update_interval = int(d.getVar("CVE_DB_UPDATE_INTERVAL")) if update_interval < 0: bb.note("CVE database update skipped") return if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(db_file) < update_interval: bb.note("CVE database recently updated, skipping") return database_time = os.path.getmtime(db_file) except OSError: pass bb.utils.mkdirhier(db_dir) if os.path.exists(db_file): shutil.copy2(db_file, db_tmp_file) if update_db_file(db_tmp_file, d, database_time) == True: # Update downloaded correctly, can swap files shutil.move(db_tmp_file, db_file) else: # Update failed, do not modify the database bb.warn("CVE database update failed") os.remove(db_tmp_file) } do_fetch[lockfiles] += "${CVE_CHECK_DB_FILE_LOCK}" do_fetch[file-checksums] = "" do_fetch[vardeps] = "" def cleanup_db_download(db_file, db_tmp_file): """ Cleanup the download space from possible failed downloads """ # Clean up the updates done on the main file # Remove it only if a journal file exists - it means a complete re-download if os.path.exists("{0}-journal".format(db_file)): # If a journal is present the last update might have been interrupted. In that case, # just wipe any leftovers and force the DB to be recreated. os.remove("{0}-journal".format(db_file)) if os.path.exists(db_file): os.remove(db_file) # Clean-up the temporary file downloads, we can remove both journal # and the temporary database if os.path.exists("{0}-journal".format(db_tmp_file)): # If a journal is present the last update might have been interrupted. In that case, # just wipe any leftovers and force the DB to be recreated. os.remove("{0}-journal".format(db_tmp_file)) if os.path.exists(db_tmp_file): os.remove(db_tmp_file) def nvd_request_next(url, api_key, args): """ Request next part of the NVD dabase """ import urllib.request import urllib.parse import gzip import http headers = {} if api_key: headers['apiKey'] = api_key data = urllib.parse.urlencode(args) full_request = url + '?' + data for attempt in range(3): try: r = urllib.request.urlopen(full_request) if (r.headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip'): buf = raw_data = gzip.decompress(buf) else: raw_data ="utf-8") r.close() except UnicodeDecodeError: # Received garbage, retry bb.debug(2, "CVE database: received malformed data, retrying (request: %s)" %(full_request)) pass except http.client.IncompleteRead: # Read incomplete, let's try again bb.debug(2, "CVE database: received incomplete data, retrying (request: %s)" %(full_request)) pass else: return raw_data else: # We failed at all attempts return None def update_db_file(db_tmp_file, d, database_time): """ Update the given database file """ import bb.utils, bb.progress import datetime import sqlite3 import json # Connect to database conn = sqlite3.connect(db_tmp_file) initialize_db(conn) req_args = {'startIndex' : 0} # The maximum range for time is 120 days # Force a complete update if our range is longer if (database_time != 0): database_date = datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time()) today_date = datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time()) delta = today_date - database_date if delta.days < 120: bb.debug(2, "CVE database: performing partial update") req_args['lastModStartDate'] = database_date.isoformat() req_args['lastModEndDate'] = today_date.isoformat() else: bb.note("CVE database: file too old, forcing a full update") with bb.progress.ProgressHandler(d) as ph, open(os.path.join(d.getVar("TMPDIR"), 'cve_check'), 'a') as cve_f: bb.debug(2, "Updating entries") index = 0 url = d.getVar("NVDCVE_URL") while True: req_args['startIndex'] = index raw_data = nvd_request_next(url, None, req_args) if raw_data is None: # We haven't managed to download data return False data = json.loads(raw_data) index = data["startIndex"] total = data["totalResults"] per_page = data["resultsPerPage"] for cve in data["vulnerabilities"]: update_db(conn, cve) index += per_page ph.update((float(index) / (total+1)) * 100) if index >= total: break # Recommended by NVD time.sleep(6) # Update success, set the date to cve_check file. cve_f.write('CVE database update : %s\n\n' % conn.commit() conn.close() return True def initialize_db(conn): with conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS META (YEAR INTEGER UNIQUE, DATE TEXT)") c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS NVD (ID TEXT UNIQUE, SUMMARY TEXT, \ SCOREV2 TEXT, SCOREV3 TEXT, MODIFIED INTEGER, VECTOR TEXT)") c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PRODUCTS (ID TEXT, \ VENDOR TEXT, PRODUCT TEXT, VERSION_START TEXT, OPERATOR_START TEXT, \ VERSION_END TEXT, OPERATOR_END TEXT)") c.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS PRODUCT_ID_IDX on PRODUCTS(ID);") c.close() def parse_node_and_insert(conn, node, cveId): def cpe_generator(): for cpe in node.get('cpeMatch', ()): if not cpe['vulnerable']: return cpe23 = cpe.get('criteria') if not cpe23: return cpe23 = cpe23.split(':') if len(cpe23) < 6: return vendor = cpe23[3] product = cpe23[4] version = cpe23[5] if cpe23[6] == '*' or cpe23[6] == '-': version_suffix = "" else: version_suffix = "_" + cpe23[6] if version != '*' and version != '-': # Version is defined, this is a '=' match yield [cveId, vendor, product, version + version_suffix, '=', '', ''] elif version == '-': # no version information is available yield [cveId, vendor, product, version, '', '', ''] else: # Parse start version, end version and operators op_start = '' op_end = '' v_start = '' v_end = '' if 'versionStartIncluding' in cpe: op_start = '>=' v_start = cpe['versionStartIncluding'] if 'versionStartExcluding' in cpe: op_start = '>' v_start = cpe['versionStartExcluding'] if 'versionEndIncluding' in cpe: op_end = '<=' v_end = cpe['versionEndIncluding'] if 'versionEndExcluding' in cpe: op_end = '<' v_end = cpe['versionEndExcluding'] if op_start or op_end or v_start or v_end: yield [cveId, vendor, product, v_start, op_start, v_end, op_end] else: # This is no version information, expressed differently. # Save processing by representing as -. yield [cveId, vendor, product, '-', '', '', ''] conn.executemany("insert into PRODUCTS values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", cpe_generator()).close() def update_db(conn, elt): """ Update a single entry in the on-disk database """ accessVector = None cveId = elt['cve']['id'] if elt['cve']['vulnStatus'] == "Rejected": return cveDesc = "" for desc in elt['cve']['descriptions']: if desc['lang'] == 'en': cveDesc = desc['value'] date = elt['cve']['lastModified'] try: accessVector = elt['cve']['metrics']['cvssMetricV2'][0]['cvssData']['accessVector'] cvssv2 = elt['cve']['metrics']['cvssMetricV2'][0]['cvssData']['baseScore'] except KeyError: cvssv2 = 0.0 try: accessVector = accessVector or elt['impact']['baseMetricV3']['cvssV3']['attackVector'] cvssv3 = elt['impact']['baseMetricV3']['cvssV3']['baseScore'] except KeyError: accessVector = accessVector or "UNKNOWN" cvssv3 = 0.0 conn.execute("insert or replace into NVD values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [cveId, cveDesc, cvssv2, cvssv3, date, accessVector]).close() try: configurations = elt['cve']['configurations'][0]['nodes'] for config in configurations: parse_node_and_insert(conn, config, cveId) except KeyError: bb.debug(2, "Entry without a configuration") do_fetch[nostamp] = "1" EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD = "1"