path: root/src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations
diff options
authorSandeepa Singh <>2021-07-14 13:32:22 +0300
committerDerick Montague <>2021-08-10 22:20:42 +0300
commit68cbbe9014cbdcf7229a878f564d38f6d6199f25 (patch)
treecd7138959f405cb44b5d62000da9d364ed238b91 /src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations
parent7affc529b7fba41193c4d48764707e9961cdd22d (diff)
IA update: Update control section to operations
This is the third update to the information architecture changes and has the following changes: - The control section has been updated to operations - The server led page has been removed - The firmware page is moved to operations section Signed-off-by: Sandeepa Singh <> Change-Id: I2e23da447890d7bee51892e1f782d5f2db6dded4
Diffstat (limited to 'src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations')
3 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations/BootSettings.vue b/src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations/BootSettings.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efd8d347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations/BootSettings.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ <div class="form-background p-3">
+ <b-form novalidate @submit.prevent="handleSubmit">
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="
+ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.bootSettings.bootSettingsOverride')
+ "
+ label-for="boot-option"
+ class="mb-3"
+ >
+ <b-form-select
+ id="boot-option"
+ v-model="form.bootOption"
+ :disabled="bootSourceOptions.length === 0"
+ :options="bootSourceOptions"
+ @change="onChangeSelect"
+ >
+ </b-form-select>
+ </b-form-group>
+ <b-form-checkbox
+ v-model="form.oneTimeBoot"
+ class="mb-4"
+ :disabled="form.bootOption === 'None'"
+ @change="$v.form.oneTimeBoot.$touch()"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.bootSettings.enableOneTimeBoot') }}
+ </b-form-checkbox>
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="$t('pageServerPowerOperations.bootSettings.tpmRequiredPolicy')"
+ >
+ <b-form-text id="tpm-required-policy-help-block">
+ {{
+ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.bootSettings.tpmRequiredPolicyHelper')
+ }}
+ </b-form-text>
+ <b-form-checkbox
+ id="tpm-required-policy"
+ v-model="form.tpmPolicyOn"
+ aria-describedby="tpm-required-policy-help-block"
+ @change="$v.form.tpmPolicyOn.$touch()"
+ >
+ {{ $t('global.status.enabled') }}
+ </b-form-checkbox>
+ </b-form-group>
+ <b-button variant="primary" type="submit" class="mb-3">
+ {{ $t('') }}
+ </b-button>
+ </b-form>
+ </div>
+import { mapState } from 'vuex';
+import BVToastMixin from '@/components/Mixins/BVToastMixin';
+import LoadingBarMixin from '@/components/Mixins/LoadingBarMixin';
+export default {
+ name: 'BootSettings',
+ mixins: [BVToastMixin, LoadingBarMixin],
+ data() {
+ return {
+ form: {
+ bootOption: this.$store.getters['serverBootSettings/bootSource'],
+ oneTimeBoot: this.$store.getters['serverBootSettings/overrideEnabled'],
+ tpmPolicyOn: this.$store.getters['serverBootSettings/tpmEnabled'],
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ ...mapState('serverBootSettings', [
+ 'bootSourceOptions',
+ 'bootSource',
+ 'overrideEnabled',
+ 'tpmEnabled',
+ ]),
+ },
+ watch: {
+ bootSource: function (value) {
+ this.form.bootOption = value;
+ },
+ overrideEnabled: function (value) {
+ this.form.oneTimeBoot = value;
+ },
+ tpmEnabled: function (value) {
+ this.form.tpmPolicyOn = value;
+ },
+ },
+ validations: {
+ // Empty validations to leverage vuelidate form states
+ // to check for changed values
+ form: {
+ bootOption: {},
+ oneTimeBoot: {},
+ tpmPolicyOn: {},
+ },
+ },
+ created() {
+ this.$store
+ .dispatch('serverBootSettings/getTpmPolicy')
+ .finally(() =>
+ this.$root.$emit('server-power-operations-boot-settings-complete')
+ );
+ },
+ methods: {
+ handleSubmit() {
+ this.startLoader();
+ const bootSettingsChanged =
+ this.$v.form.bootOption.$dirty || this.$v.form.oneTimeBoot.$dirty;
+ const tpmPolicyChanged = this.$v.form.tpmPolicyOn.$dirty;
+ let settings;
+ let bootSource = null;
+ let overrideEnabled = null;
+ let tpmEnabled = null;
+ if (bootSettingsChanged) {
+ // If bootSource or overrideEnabled changed get
+ // both current values to send with request
+ bootSource = this.form.bootOption;
+ overrideEnabled = this.form.oneTimeBoot;
+ }
+ if (tpmPolicyChanged) tpmEnabled = this.form.tpmPolicyOn;
+ settings = { bootSource, overrideEnabled, tpmEnabled };
+ this.$store
+ .dispatch('serverBootSettings/saveSettings', settings)
+ .then((message) => this.successToast(message))
+ .catch(({ message }) => this.errorToast(message))
+ .finally(() => {
+ this.$v.form.$reset();
+ this.endLoader();
+ });
+ },
+ onChangeSelect(selectedOption) {
+ this.$v.form.bootOption.$touch();
+ // Disable one time boot if selected boot option is 'None'
+ if (selectedOption === 'None') this.form.oneTimeBoot = false;
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations/ServerPowerOperations.vue b/src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations/ServerPowerOperations.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e030837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations/ServerPowerOperations.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ <b-container fluid="xl">
+ <page-title />
+ <b-row class="mb-4">
+ <b-col md="8" xl="6">
+ <page-section
+ :section-title="$t('pageServerPowerOperations.currentStatus')"
+ >
+ <b-row>
+ <b-col>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>{{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.serverStatus') }}</dt>
+ <dd
+ v-if="serverStatus === 'on'"
+ data-test-id="powerServerOps-text-hostStatus"
+ >
+ {{ $t('global.status.on') }}
+ </dd>
+ <dd
+ v-else-if="serverStatus === 'off'"
+ data-test-id="powerServerOps-text-hostStatus"
+ >
+ {{ $t('') }}
+ </dd>
+ <dd v-else>
+ {{ $t('global.status.notAvailable') }}
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </b-col>
+ </b-row>
+ <b-row>
+ <b-col>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.lastPowerOperation') }}
+ </dt>
+ <dd
+ v-if="lastPowerOperationTime"
+ data-test-id="powerServerOps-text-lastPowerOp"
+ >
+ {{ lastPowerOperationTime | formatDate }}
+ {{ lastPowerOperationTime | formatTime }}
+ </dd>
+ <dd v-else>--</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </b-col>
+ </b-row>
+ </page-section>
+ </b-col>
+ </b-row>
+ <b-row>
+ <b-col v-if="hasBootSourceOptions" sm="8" md="6" xl="4">
+ <page-section
+ :section-title="$t('pageServerPowerOperations.serverBootSettings')"
+ >
+ <boot-settings />
+ </page-section>
+ </b-col>
+ <b-col sm="8" md="6" xl="7">
+ <page-section
+ :section-title="$t('pageServerPowerOperations.operations')"
+ >
+ <alert :show="oneTimeBootEnabled" variant="warning">
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.oneTimeBootWarning') }}
+ </alert>
+ <template v-if="isOperationInProgress">
+ <alert variant="info">
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.operationInProgress') }}
+ </alert>
+ </template>
+ <template v-else-if="serverStatus === 'off'">
+ <b-button
+ variant="primary"
+ data-test-id="serverPowerOperations-button-powerOn"
+ @click="powerOn"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.powerOn') }}
+ </b-button>
+ </template>
+ <template v-else>
+ <!-- Reboot server options -->
+ <b-form novalidate class="mb-5" @submit.prevent="rebootServer">
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="$t('pageServerPowerOperations.rebootServer')"
+ >
+ <b-form-radio
+ v-model="form.rebootOption"
+ name="reboot-option"
+ data-test-id="serverPowerOperations-radio-rebootOrderly"
+ value="orderly"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.orderlyReboot') }}
+ </b-form-radio>
+ <b-form-radio
+ v-model="form.rebootOption"
+ name="reboot-option"
+ data-test-id="serverPowerOperations-radio-rebootImmediate"
+ value="immediate"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.immediateReboot') }}
+ </b-form-radio>
+ </b-form-group>
+ <b-button
+ variant="primary"
+ type="submit"
+ data-test-id="serverPowerOperations-button-reboot"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.reboot') }}
+ </b-button>
+ </b-form>
+ <!-- Shutdown server options -->
+ <b-form novalidate @submit.prevent="shutdownServer">
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="$t('pageServerPowerOperations.shutdownServer')"
+ >
+ <b-form-radio
+ v-model="form.shutdownOption"
+ name="shutdown-option"
+ data-test-id="serverPowerOperations-radio-shutdownOrderly"
+ value="orderly"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.orderlyShutdown') }}
+ </b-form-radio>
+ <b-form-radio
+ v-model="form.shutdownOption"
+ name="shutdown-option"
+ data-test-id="serverPowerOperations-radio-shutdownImmediate"
+ value="immediate"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.immediateShutdown') }}
+ </b-form-radio>
+ </b-form-group>
+ <b-button
+ variant="primary"
+ type="submit"
+ data-test-id="serverPowerOperations-button-shutDown"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageServerPowerOperations.shutDown') }}
+ </b-button>
+ </b-form>
+ </template>
+ </page-section>
+ </b-col>
+ </b-row>
+ </b-container>
+import PageTitle from '@/components/Global/PageTitle';
+import PageSection from '@/components/Global/PageSection';
+import BVToastMixin from '@/components/Mixins/BVToastMixin';
+import BootSettings from './BootSettings';
+import LoadingBarMixin from '@/components/Mixins/LoadingBarMixin';
+import Alert from '@/components/Global/Alert';
+export default {
+ name: 'ServerPowerOperations',
+ components: { PageTitle, PageSection, BootSettings, Alert },
+ mixins: [BVToastMixin, LoadingBarMixin],
+ beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
+ this.hideLoader();
+ next();
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ form: {
+ rebootOption: 'orderly',
+ shutdownOption: 'orderly',
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ serverStatus() {
+ return this.$store.getters['global/serverStatus'];
+ },
+ isOperationInProgress() {
+ return this.$store.getters['controls/isOperationInProgress'];
+ },
+ lastPowerOperationTime() {
+ return this.$store.getters['controls/lastPowerOperationTime'];
+ },
+ oneTimeBootEnabled() {
+ return this.$store.getters['serverBootSettings/overrideEnabled'];
+ },
+ hasBootSourceOptions() {
+ let bootOptions = this.$store.getters[
+ 'serverBootSettings/bootSourceOptions'
+ ];
+ return bootOptions.length !== 0;
+ },
+ },
+ created() {
+ this.startLoader();
+ const bootSettingsPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
+ this.$root.$on('server-power-operations-boot-settings-complete', () =>
+ resolve()
+ );
+ });
+ Promise.all([
+ this.$store.dispatch('serverBootSettings/getBootSettings'),
+ this.$store.dispatch('controls/getLastPowerOperationTime'),
+ bootSettingsPromise,
+ ]).finally(() => this.endLoader());
+ },
+ methods: {
+ powerOn() {
+ this.$store.dispatch('controls/serverPowerOn');
+ },
+ rebootServer() {
+ const modalMessage = this.$t(
+ 'pageServerPowerOperations.modal.confirmRebootMessage'
+ );
+ const modalOptions = {
+ title: this.$t('pageServerPowerOperations.modal.confirmRebootTitle'),
+ okTitle: this.$t('global.action.confirm'),
+ cancelTitle: this.$t('global.action.cancel'),
+ };
+ if (this.form.rebootOption === 'orderly') {
+ this.$bvModal
+ .msgBoxConfirm(modalMessage, modalOptions)
+ .then((confirmed) => {
+ if (confirmed) this.$store.dispatch('controls/serverSoftReboot');
+ });
+ } else if (this.form.rebootOption === 'immediate') {
+ this.$bvModal
+ .msgBoxConfirm(modalMessage, modalOptions)
+ .then((confirmed) => {
+ if (confirmed) this.$store.dispatch('controls/serverHardReboot');
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ shutdownServer() {
+ const modalMessage = this.$t(
+ 'pageServerPowerOperations.modal.confirmShutdownMessage'
+ );
+ const modalOptions = {
+ title: this.$t('pageServerPowerOperations.modal.confirmShutdownTitle'),
+ okTitle: this.$t('global.action.confirm'),
+ cancelTitle: this.$t('global.action.cancel'),
+ };
+ if (this.form.shutdownOption === 'orderly') {
+ this.$bvModal
+ .msgBoxConfirm(modalMessage, modalOptions)
+ .then((confirmed) => {
+ if (confirmed) this.$store.dispatch('controls/serverSoftPowerOff');
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.form.shutdownOption === 'immediate') {
+ this.$bvModal
+ .msgBoxConfirm(modalMessage, modalOptions)
+ .then((confirmed) => {
+ if (confirmed) this.$store.dispatch('controls/serverHardPowerOff');
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations/index.js b/src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10430047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/Operations/ServerPowerOperations/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import ServerPowerOperations from './ServerPowerOperations.vue';
+export default ServerPowerOperations;