path: root/docs/customization/
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+# Presentation Layer Architecture
+This section discusses the structure and purpose of the SCSS files and how to
+customize the application using Bootstrap theming.
+[Read more about Bootstrap
+## SCSS Directory Structure
+### `bmc` Directory
+The `bmc` directory contains Sass helpers and default styles for customizing the OpenBMC
+Web UI.
+├─ src
+ ├─ assets
+ ├─ styles
+ ├─ bmc
+ ├─ custom
+ └─ helpers
+ ├─ bootstrap
+ └─ _obmc-custom.scss
+### `custom` Directory
+The `custom` Directory imports all the styles needed to customize the UI. These
+are small changes used to reach parity with the OpenBMC Design Workgroup's
+agreed-upon design. The file naming convention closely follows the Bootstrap or
+Boostrap-vue library file naming since most of the ruleset selectors in these
+files are based on these two libraries.
+├─ src
+ ├─ assets
+ ├─ styles
+ ├─ bmc
+ ├─ custom
+ ├─ alert.scss
+ ├─ _badge.scss
+ ├─ _base.scss
+ ├─ _bootstrap-grid.scss
+ ├─ _buttons.scss
+ ├─ _calendar.scss
+ ├─ _card.scss
+ ├─ _dropdown.scss
+ ├─ _forms.scss
+ ├─ _index.scss
+ ├─ _kvm.scss
+ ├─ _modal.scss
+ ├─ _pagination.scss
+ ├─ _sol.scss
+ ├─ _tables.scss
+ └─ _toasts.scss
+ ├─ helpers
+ ├─ bootstrap
+ └─ _obmc-custom.scss
+### `helpers` Directory
+The `helpers` directory contains a set of Sass helper files containing Sass
+variables that establish the custom theme of the application.
+├─ src
+ ├─ assets
+ ├─ styles
+ ├─ bmc
+ ├─ helpers
+ ├─ _colors.scss
+ ├─ _functions.scss
+ ├─ _index.scss
+ ├─ _motion.scss
+ └─ _variables.scss
+ ├─ bootstrap
+ └─ _obmc-custom.scss
+#### `_colors.scss`
+The `_colors.scss` file sets all the SASS variables and color maps for the OpenBMC
+Web UI. Any color settings needed to meet company brand guidelines will happen
+in this file.
+##### Sass Color Variables
+$black: #000;
+$white: #fff;
+$blue-500: #2d60e5;
+$green-500: #0a7d06;
+$red-500: #da1416;
+$yellow-500: #efc100;
+$gray-100: #f4f4f4;
+$gray-200: #e6e6e6;
+$gray-300: #d8d8d8;
+$gray-400: #cccccc;
+$gray-500: #b3b3b3;
+$gray-600: #999999;
+$gray-700: #666666;
+$gray-800: #3f3f3f;
+$gray-900: #161616;
+##### Custom Color Variables
+// Sass Base Color Variables
+$blue: $blue-500;
+$green: $green-500;
+$red: $red-500;
+$yellow: $yellow-500;
+##### Custom Colors Map
+$colors: (
+ "blue": $blue,
+ "green": $green,
+ "red": $red,
+ "yellow": $yellow,
+##### Custom Theme Color Variables
+// Sass Theme Color Variables
+// Can be used as variants
+$danger: $red;
+$dark: $gray-900;
+$info: $blue;
+$light: $gray-100;
+$primary: $blue;
+$secondary: $gray-800;
+$success: $green;
+$warning: $yellow;
+##### Custom Theme Colors Map
+$theme-colors: (
+ "primary": $primary,
+ "secondary": $secondary,
+ "dark": $dark,
+ "light": $light,
+ "danger": $danger,
+ "info": $info "success": $success "warning": $warning,
+##### Color Resources
+- [Learn more about Bootstrap
+ colors](
+- [Learn more about Bootstrap
+ variables](
+- [View the color palette and hex values in the color
+ guidelines](/guide/guidelines/colors)
+#### `_functions.scss`
+Two functions provide a customized way to set color highlights. The
+`theme-color-light` and `theme-color-dark` are custom functions used to create
+colors for the `alert`, `badge`, `card`, and `toast` components. They have also
+set color highlights for some pseudo-elements like `: hover`.
+##### Functions
+// This function is usually used to get a lighter
+// theme variant color to use as a background color
+@function theme-color-light($variant) {
+ @return theme-color-level($variant, -11.3);
+@function theme-color-dark($variant) {
+ @return theme-color-level($variant, 2);
+##### Examples
+.b-table-sort-icon-left {
+ background-position: left calc(1.5rem / 2) center !important;
+ padding-left: calc(1.2rem + 0.65em) !important;
+ &:focus {
+ outline: none;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px theme-color('primary') !important;
+ }
+ &:hover {
+ background-color: theme-color-dark('light');
+ }
+ }
+&.alert-info {
+border-left-color: theme-color("info");
+background-color: theme-color-light("info");
+fill: theme-color("info");
+#### `_motion.scss`
+This bezier curves and durations in this file determine the motion styles
+throughout the application. These guidelines from the Cabon Design System avoid
+easing curves that are unnatural, distracting, or purely decorative.
+##### Motion Styles
+$duration--fast-01: 70ms; //Micro-interactions such as button and toggle
+$duration--fast-02: 110ms; //Micro-interactions such as fade
+$duration--moderate-01: 150ms; //Micro-interactions, small expansion, short distance movements
+$duration--moderate-02: 240ms; //Expansion, system communication, toast
+$duration--slow-01: 400ms; //Large expansion, important system notifications
+$duration--slow-02: 700ms; //Background dimming
+$standard-easing--productive: cubic-bezier(0.2, 0, 0.38, 0.9);
+$standard-easing--expressive: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.14, 0.3, 1);
+$entrance-easing--productive: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.38, 0.9);
+$entrance-easing--expressive: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.3, 1);
+$exit-easing--productive: cubic-bezier(0.2, 0, 1, 0.9);
+$exit-easing--expressive: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.14, 1, 1);
+##### Example
+```scss{6,9} {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: -60px;
+ left: 0.5rem;
+ z-index: $zindex-popover;
+ transition: $duration--moderate-01 $exit-easing--expressive;
+ &:focus {
+ top: 0.5rem;
+ transition-timing-function: $entrance-easing--expressive;
+ }
+##### Motion Resources
+- [Including Animation In Your Design
+ System](
+- [Carbon Design System motion
+ guidelines](
+#### `_variables.scss`
+This file contains all the global Sass options. There are Bootstrap option
+overrides, Bootstrap global variable overrides, and custom BMC global variables.
+Read more about these in the [Customization section](/customize/theme).
+### `bootstrap` Directory
+The `bootstrap` directory contains all the import references. The references are
+split into multiple files to support import order based on dependency. Helper
+styles need to be imported before all other styles.
+├─ src
+ ├─ assets
+ ├─ styles
+ ├─ bmc
+ ├─ bootstrap
+ ├─ _helpers.scss
+ └─ _index.scss
+ └─ _obmc-custom.scss
+#### `_helpers.scss`
+This file contains all the helper import references for Bootstrap.
+#### `_index.scss`
+This file contains all the import references needed to support the base,
+components, and utility styles.
+### `_obmc-custom.scss`
+├─ src
+ ├─ assets
+ ├─ styles
+ ├─ bmc
+ ├─ bootstrap
+ └─ _obmc-custom.scss
+The `obmc-custom.scss` file defines all of the presentational layer
+- [Read more about Bootstrap
+ options](
+- [Read more about
+ Importing](
+## Component / View Styles
+Some stylistic changes only apply to a single-file component or view instance.
+In this case, rather than adding a Sass file, the scoped styles include the
+styles in the component's `<style>` block. It is required to import the
+`_helpers` Sass file when using a BMC or Bootstrap variable in the component's
+`<style>` block. Without this import, webpack cannot compile the OpenBMC Web UI
+CSS styles correctly.
+### Scoped style block using SASS
+<style scoped lang="scss">
+ ...
+### Scoped style block using CSS
+<style scoped>
+ ...;
+### Example - PageSection.vue
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+ .page-section {
+ margin-bottom: $spacer * 2;
+ }
+ h2 {
+ @include font-size($h3-font-size);
+ margin-bottom: $spacer;
+ &::after {
+ content: "";
+ display: block;
+ width: 100px;
+ border: 1px solid $gray-300;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ }
+ }
+You might notice that there is an HTML element, `<h2>`, used in the example. This is an anti-pattern in global `.scss` files. However, in a single file component that generates the markup it is acceptable.
+[Learn more about single file components](
+Customization of the application requires knowledge of Sass and CSS. It also
+will require becoming familiar with the Bootstrap and Bootstrap-Vue component
+libraries. This section outlines the global options and variables that can be
+removed or updated to meet organizational brand guidelines.