# StatusIcon The StatusIcon component is used to add an icon that represents one of the following statuses: - success - info - warning - danger To use this component: 1. Import it into the single file component (SFC) 2. Add the `` tag 3. Add the optional status prop and set the value to one of the statuses 4. Add the translated text to associate with the icon ```vue import StatusIcon from '@/components/Global/StatusIcon' ``` ## Status icon with default status ```vue ``` ![StatusIcon default icon example](./secondary.png) ## Status icon with success status ```vue ``` ![StatusIcon success icon example](./success.png) ## Status icon with info status ```vue ``` ![StatusIcon info icon example](./info.png) ## Status icon with warning status ```vue ``` ![StatusIcon warning icon example](./warning.png) ## Status icon with danger status ```vue ``` ![StatusIcon danger icon example](./danger.png) ### Example of AppHeader with status icon ![AppHeader with status icon example](./appHeaderWithStatusIcon.png) ### Example of Event logs with status icon ![EventLogs with status icon example](./eventLogsWithSatusIcon.png)