# Table All tables in the application are using the [BoostrapVue table component](https://bootstrap-vue.org/docs/components/table). To use the component, include the `` tag in the template. The component is registered globally so does not need to be imported in each SFC. ## Basic table There are a few required properties to maintain consistency across the application. The full list of options can be viewed on the [Bootstrap-vue table component's documentation page](https://bootstrap-vue.org/docs/components/table#comp-ref-b-table-props). ### Required properties - `items` - renders table items - `fields` - renders table header - `hover` - enables table row hover state - `responsive` or `stacked` - makes the table responsive (enables horizontal scrolling or stacked view) at the defined breakpoint - `show-empty` *(required if table data is generated dynamically)* - shows an empty message if there are no items in the table - `empty-text` *(required if table data is generated dynamically)* - the translated empty message

```vue ```