# Page Anatomy Single-file components (SFC) consist of a `template`, `script` and `style` block. ## Template block When creating a new page, each template consists of at least 3 components: - `` - `` - `` ### Page container Use the `fluid="xl"` prop on the `` component to render a container that is always 100% width on larger screen sizes. Importing `BContainer` in the [scripts block](#scripts-block) is not required as it is already registered globally. [Learn more about BootstrapVue containers](https://bootstrap-vue.org/docs/components/layout#responsive-fluid-containers). ### Page title component By including the `` component in the template, it will automatically render the page title that corresponds with the title property set in the route record's meta field. Optional page descriptions can be included by using the description prop `:description` prop and passing in the i18n localized text string. ### Page section component The `` component will render semantic HTML. By adding a `:section-title` prop to the `` component, the localized text string will be rendered in an `h2` header element. ```vue ``` ## Scripts block In the scripts section, be sure to import the `PageTitle` and `PageSection` components and declare them in the `components` property. ```vue ``` ## Style block Add the `scoped` attribute to the style block to keep the styles isolated to the SFC. While the `scoped` attribute is optional, it is preferred and global changes should be done in global style sheets. ```vue ``` ## Complete single-file component (SFC) The final SFC will look like this. ```vue ```