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This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete %{count} logs? This action cannot be undone." }, "table": { "date": "Date", "description": "Description", "emptyMessage": "There are no logs to show", "id": "ID", "searchLogs": "Search logs", "severity": "Severity", "type": "Type" }, "toast": { "errorDelete": "Error deleting %{count} log. | Error deleting %{count} logs.", "successDelete": "Successfully deleted %{count} log. | Successfully deleted %{count} logs." } }, "pageHardwareStatus": { "dimmSlot": "DIMM slot", "fans": "Fans", "powerSupplies": "Power supplies", "bmcManager": "BMC manager", "chassis": "Chassis", "system": "System", "table": { "assetTag": "Asset tag", "chassisType": "Chassis type", "connectTypesSupported": "Connect types supported", "description": "Description", "efficiencyPercent": "Efficiency percent", "firmwareVersion": "Firmware version", "graphicalConsole": "Graphical console", "health": "Health", "id": "ID", "indicatorLed": "Indicator LED", "manufacturer": "Manufacturer", "maxConcurrentSessions": "Max concurrent sessions", "model": "Model", "partNumber": "Part number", "powerInputWatts": "Power input watts", "powerState": "Power state", "serialConsole": "Serial console", "serialNumber": "Serial number", "serviceEnabled": "Service enabled", "serviceEntryPointUuid": "Service entry point UUID", "statusHealthRollup": "Status (Health rollup)", "statusState": "Status (State)", "systemType": "System type", "uuid": "UUID" } }, "pageLdap": { "pageDescription": "Configure LDAP settings and manage role groups", "roleGroups": "Role groups", "settings": "Settings", "addRoleGroup": "Add role group", "ariaLabel": { "ldapSettings": "LDAP settings" }, "form": { "baseDn": "Base DN", "bindDn": "Bind DN", "bindPassword": "Bind password", "caCertificateValidUntil": "CA Certificate valid until", "groupIdAttribute": "Group ID attribute", "ldapAuthentication": "LDAP authentication", "ldapCertificateValidUntil": "LDAP Certificate valid until", "manageSslCertificates": "Manage SSL certificates", "secureLdapHelper": "A CA certificate and an LDAP certificate are required to enable secure LDAP", "secureLdapUsingSsl": "Secure LDAP using SSL", "serverUri": "Server URI", "serverUriTooltip": "Enabling Secure LDAP changes URI scheme to ldaps", "serviceType": "Service type", "userIdAttribute": "User ID attribute" }, "modal": { "addNewRoleGroup": "Add new role group", "deleteRoleGroupBatchConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete %{count} role group? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete %{count} role groups? This action cannot be undone.", "deleteRoleGroupConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete '%{groupName}'? This action cannot be undone.", "deleteRoleGroup": "Delete role group", "editRoleGroup": "Edit role group", "groupName": "Group name", "groupPrivilege": "Group privilege" }, "tableRoleGroups": { "alertContent": "LDAP authentication must be enabled to modify role groups.", "groupName": "Group name", "groupPrivilege": "Group privilege" }, "toast": { "errorAddRoleGroup": "Error adding role group.", "errorDeleteRoleGroup": "Error deleting role group. | Error deleting role groups.", "errorSaveActiveDirectorySettings": "Error saving Active Directory settings.", "errorSaveLdapSettings": "Error saving Open LDAP settings.", "errorSaveRoleGroup": "Error saving role group.", "successAddRoleGroup": "Successfully added role group '%{groupName}'.", "successDeleteRoleGroup": "Successfully deleted role group. | Successfully deleted role groups.", "successSaveActiveDirectorySettings": "Successfully saved Active Directory settings.", "successSaveLdapSettings": "Successfully saved Open LDAP settings.", "successSaveRoleGroup": "Successfully saved role group '%{groupName}'." } }, "pageLocalUserManagement": { "accountPolicySettings": "Account policy settings", "addUser": "Add user", "deleteUser": "Delete user | Delete users", "editUser": "Edit user", "viewPrivilegeRoleDescriptions": "View privilege role descriptions", "modal": { "accountLocked": "Account locked", "accountStatus": "Account status", "automaticAfterTimeout": "Automatic after timeout", "batchDeleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete %{count} user? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete %{count} users? This action cannot be undone.", "cannotStartWithANumber": "Cannot start with a number", "clickSaveToUnlockAccount": "Click \"Save\" to unlock account", "confirmUserPassword": "Confirm user password", "deleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete user '%{user}'? This action cannot be undone.", "manual": "Manual", "maxFailedLoginAttempts": "Max failed login attempts", "noSpecialCharactersExceptUnderscore": "No special characters except underscore", "passwordMustBeBetween": "Password must be between %{min} – %{max} characters", "passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match", "privilege": "Privilege", "timeoutDurationSeconds": "Timeout duration (seconds)", "unlock": "Unlock", "username": "Username", "userPassword": "User password", "userUnlockMethod": "User unlock method" }, "table": { "privilege": "Privilege", "status": "Status", "username": "Username" }, "tableRoles": { "configureComponentsManagedByThisService": "Configure components managed by this service", "configureManagerResources": "Configure manager resources", "configureUsersAndTheirAccounts": "Configure users and their accounts", "ipmiAccessPoint": "IPMI access point", "logInToTheServiceAndReadResources": "Log in to the service and read resources", "redfishAccessPoint": "Redfish access point", "sshAccessPoint": "SSH access point", "updatePasswordForCurrentUserAccount": "Update password for current user account", "webUiAccessPoint": "WebUI access point" }, "toast": { "errorBatchDelete": "Error deleting %{count} user. | Error deleting %{count} users.", "errorBatchDisable": "Error disabling %{count} user. | Error disabling %{count} users.", "errorBatchEnable": "Error enabling %{count} user. | Error enabling %{count} users.", "errorCreateUser": "Error creating user '%{username}'.", "errorDeleteUser": "Error deleting user '%{username}'.", "errorLoadAccountSettings": "Error loading account settings", "errorLoadUsers": "Error loading users.", "errorSaveSettings": "Error saving account settings.", "errorUpdateUser": "Error updating user '%{username}'.", "successBatchDelete": "Successfully deleted %{count} user. | Successfully deleted %{count} users.", "successBatchDisable": "Successfully disabled %{count} user. | Successfully disabled %{count} users.", "successBatchEnable": "Successfully enabled %{count} user. | Successfully enabled %{count} users.", "successCreateUser": "Created user '%{username}'.", "successDeleteUser": "Deleted user '%{username}'.", "successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved account settings.", "successUpdateUser": "Updated user '%{username}'." } }, "pageLogin": { "language": "Language", "logIn": "Log in", "password": "Password", "username": "Username", "alert": { "message": "Invalid username or password" } }, "pageOverview": { "bmcInformation": "BMC information", "firmwareVersion": "Firmware version", "highPriorityEvents": "High priority events", "manufacturer": "Manufacturer", "model": "Model", "networkInformation": "Network information", "powerCap": "Power cap", "powerConsumption": "Power consumption", "serialNumber": "Serial number", "serverInformation": "Server information", "events": { "date": "Date", "description": "Description", "id": "ID", "noHighEventsMsg": "There are no high priority events to display at this time.", "severity": "Severity", "type": "Type", "viewAllButton": "View all event logs" }, "network": { "hostname": "Hostname", "ipAddress": "IP address", "macAddress": "MAC address" }, "quicklinks": { "bmcTime": "BMC time", "editNetworkSettings": "Edit network settings", "serverLed": "Server LED", "solConsole": "Serial over LAN console" } }, "profileSettings": { "changePassword": "Change password", "confirmPassword": "Confirm new password", "newPassword": "New password", "newPassLabelTextInfo": "Password must be between %{min} - %{max} characters", "passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match", "profileInfoTitle": "Profile information", "username": "Username" }, "pageManagePowerUsage": { "description": "Set a power cap to keep power consumption at or below the specified value in watts", "powerCapLabel": "Power cap value (in watts)", "powerCapLabelTextInfo": " Value must be between %{min} and %{max}", "powerCapSettingData": "Apply power cap", "powerCapSettingLabel": "Power cap setting", "powerConsumption": "Current power consumption", "serverPowCapSetting": "Server power cap setting" }, "pageNetworkSettings": { "interface": "Interface", "pageDescription": "Configure network settings for the BMC and the Virtualization management interface", "staticDns": "Static DNS", "staticIpv4": "Static IPv4", "system": "System", "ariaLabel": { "staticDnsRow": "Static DNS address", "staticIpv4AddressRow": "Static IPv4 address", "staticIpv4SubnetRow": "Static IPV4 subnet" }, "form": { "defaultGateway": "Default gateway", "hostname": "Hostname", "macAddress": "MAC address", "networkInterface": "Network interface" }, "table": { "addDns": "Add DNS server", "addStaticIpv4Address": "Add static IP", "deleteDns": "Delete DNS row", "deleteStaticIpv4": "Delete IPv4 row", "ipAddress": "IP address", "subnet": "Subnet mask" }, "toast": { "errorSaveNetworkSettings": "Error saving network settings.", "successSaveNetworkSettings": "Successfully saved network settings." } }, "pageRebootBmc": { "rebootBmc": "Reboot BMC", "rebootInformation": "When you reboot the BMC, your web browser loses contact with the BMC for several minutes. When the BMC is back online, you may need to log in again.", "modal": { "confirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to reboot the BMC?", "confirmTitle": "Confirm BMC reboot" }, "toast": { "errorRebootStart": "Error rebooting BMC.", "successRebootStart": "Rebooting BMC." } }, "pageSensors": { "searchForSensors": "Search for sensors", "table": { "currentValue": "Current value", "lowerWarning": "Lower warning", "lowerCritical": "Lower critical", "name": "Name", "status": "Status", "upperWarning": "Upper warning", "upperCritical": "Upper critical" } }, "pageServerLed": { "serverLedSubTitle": "Server indicator LED", "serverLedTitle": "LED light control" }, "pageServerPowerOperations": { "currentStatus": "Current status", "hostOsBootSettings": "Host OS boot settings", "hostStatus": "Host status", "immediateReboot": "Immediate – Server reboots without OS shutting down; may cause data corruption", "immediateShutdown": "Immediate - Server shuts down without OS shutting down; may cause data corruption", "oneTimeBootWarning": "Pending one time boot. Next boot will be performed with the specified one time boot settings. Subsequent boots will be performed with the default settings.", "operationInProgress": "There are no options to display while a power operation is in progress. When complete, power operations will be displayed here.", "operations": "Operations", "orderlyReboot": "Orderly – OS shuts down, then server reboots", "orderlyShutdown": "Orderly - OS shuts down, then server shuts down", "powerOn": "Power on", "reboot": "Reboot", "rebootServer": "Reboot server", "shutDown": "Shut down", "shutdownServer": "Shutdown server", "bootSettings": { "bootSettingsOverride": "Boot settings override", "enableOneTimeBoot": "Enable one time boot", "tpmRequiredPolicy": "TPM required policy", "tpmRequiredPolicyHelper": "Enable to ensure the system only boots when the TPM is functional." }, "modal": { "confirmRebootMessage": "Are you sure you want to reboot?", "confirmRebootTitle": "Server reboot will cause outage", "confirmShutdownMessage": "Are you sure you want to shut down?", "confirmShutdownTitle": "Server shutdown will cause outage" }, "toast": { "errorSaveSettings": "Error saving settings.", "successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved settings." } }, "pageSslCertificates": { "addNewCertificate": "Add new certificate", "caCertificate": "CA Certificate", "deleteCertificate": "Delete certificate", "generateCsr": "Generate CSR", "httpsCertificate": "HTTPS Certificate", "ldapCertificate": "LDAP Certificate", "replaceCertificate": "Replace certificate", "alert": { "certificateExpiredMessage": "%{certificate} has expired. Consider replacing it with a new certificate.", "certificateExpiringMessage": "%{certificate} is expiring soon. Consider replacing it with a new certificate.", "certificatesExpiredMessage": "Some certificates have expired. Consider replacing them with new certificates.", "certificatesExpiringMessage": "Some certificates are expiring soon. Consider replacing them with new certificates." }, "modal": { "alternateName": "Alternate name", "alternateNameHelperText": "Add multiple alternate names separated by space", "certificateFile": "Certificate file", "certificateSigningRequest": "Certificate Signing Request (CSR)", "certificateType": "Certificate type", "challengePassword": "Challenge password", "city": "City", "commonName": "Common name", "companyName": "Company name", "companyUnit": "Company unit", "contactPerson": "Contact person", "country": "Country", "deleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete '%{certificate}' issued by %{issuedBy}? This action cannot be undone.", "duplicateAlternateName": "Duplicate alternate name", "emailAddress": "Email address", "generateACertificateSigningRequest": "Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)", "keyBitLength": "Key bit length", "keyCurveId": "Key curve ID", "keyPairAlgorithm": "Key pair algorithm", "privateKey": "Private key", "state": "State" }, "table": { "certificate": "Certificate", "issuedBy": "Issued by", "issuedTo": "Issued to", "validFrom": "Valid from", "validUntil": "Valid until" }, "toast": { "errorAddCertificate": "Error adding certificate.", "errorDeleteCertificate": "Error deleting certificate.", "errorReplaceCertificate": "Error replacing certificate.", "successAddCertificate": "Successfully added %{certificate}.", "successDeleteCertificate": "Successfully deleted %{certificate}.", "successReplaceCertificate": "Successfully replaced %{certificate}." } }, "pageUnauthorized": { "description": "The attempted action is not accessible from the logged in account. Contact your system administrator to check your privilege role." }, "countries": { "AF": "Afghanistan", "AL": "Albania", "DZ": "Algeria", "AS": "American Samoa", "AD": "Andorra", "AO": "Angola", "AI": "Anguilla", "AQ": "Antarctica", "AG": "Antigua and Barbuda", "AR": "Argentina", "AM": "Armenia", "AW": "Aruba", "AU": "Australia", "AT": "Austria", "AZ": "Azerbaijan", "BS": "Bahamas, The", "BH": "Bahrain", "BD": "Bangladesh", "BB": "Barbados", "BY": "Belarus", "BE": "Belgium", "BZ": "Belize", "BJ": "Benin", "BM": "Bermuda", "BT": "Bhutan", "BO": "Bolivia", "BQ": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "BA": "Bosnia and Herzegovina ", "BW": "Bostwana", "BV": "Bouvet Island", "BR": "Brazil", "IO": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "BN": "Brunei Darussalam ", "BG": "Bulgaria", "BF": "Burkina Faso", "BI": "Burundi", "CV": "Cabo Verde", "KH": "Cambodia", "CM": "Cameroon", "CA": "Canada", "KY": "Cayman Islands", "CF": "Central African Republic", "TD": "Chad", "CL": "Chile", "CN": "China", "CX": "Christmas Island ", "CC": "Cocos(Keeling) Islands", "CO": "Columbia", "KM": "Comoros", "CD": "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the", "CG": "Congo", "CK": "Cook Islands", "CR": "Costa Rica", "HR": "Croatia", "CU": "Cuba", "CW": "Curaçao", "CY": "Cyprus", "CZ": "Czechia", "CI": "Côte d\"Ivoire", "DK": "Denmark", "DJ": "Djibouti", "DM": "Dominica", "DO": "Dominican Republic", "EC": "Ecuador", "EG": "Egypt", "SV": "El Salvador", "GQ": "Equatorial Guinea ", "ER": "Eritrea", "EE": "Estonia", "SZ": "Eswatini", "ET": "Ethiopia", "FK": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "FO": "Faroe Islands", "FJ": "Fiji", "FI": "Finland", "FR": "France", "GF": "French Guiana", "PF": "French Polynesia", "TF": "French Southern Territories", "GA": "Gabon", "GM": "Gambia, The", "GE": "Georgia", "DE": "Germany", "GH": "Ghana", "GI": "Gibraltar", "GR": "Greece", "GL": "Greenland", "GD": "Grenada", "GP": "Guadeloupe", "GU": "Guam", "GT": "Guatemala", "GG": "Guernsey", "GN": "Guinea", "GW": "Guinea-Bissau", "GY": "Guyana", "HT": "Haiti", "HM": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "VA": "Holy See", "HN": "Honduras", "HK": "Hong Kong", "HU": "Hungary", "IS": "Iceland", "IN": "India", "ID": "Indonesia", "IR": "Iran, Islamic Republic of", "IQ": "Iraq", "IE": "Ireland", "IM": "Isle of Man", "IL": "Israel", "IT": "Italy", "JM": "Jamaica", "JP": "Japan", "JE": "Jersey", "JO": "Jordan", "KZ": "Kazakhstan", "KE": "Kenya", "KI": "Kiribati", "KR": "Korea, Republic of", "KP": "Korea, Democratic People\"s Republic of", "KW": "Kuwait", "KG": "Kyrgyzstan", "LA": "Lao People\"s Democratic Republic", "LV": "Latvia", "LB": "Lebanon", "LS": "Lesotho", "LR": "Liberia", "LY": "Libya", "LI": "Liechtenstein", "LT": "Lithuania", "LU": "Luxembourg", "MO": "Macao", "MK": "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of", "MG": "Madagascar", "MW": "Malawi", "MY": "Malaysia", "MV": "Maldives", "ML": "Mali", "MT": "Malta", "MH": "Marshall Islands", "MQ": "Martinique", "MR": "Mauritania", "MU": "Mauritius", "YT": "Mayotte", 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Vincent and the Grenadines", "WS": "Samoa", "SM": "San Marino ", "ST": "Sao Tome and Principe", "SA": "Saudi Arabia", "SN": "Senegal", "RS": "Serbia", "SC": "Seychelles", "SL": "Sierra Leone", "SG": "Singapore", "SX": "Sint Maarten", "SK": "Slovakia", "SI": "Slovenia", "SB": "Solomon Islands", "SO": "Somalia", "ZA": "South Africa ", "GS": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "SS": "South Sudan", "ES": "Spain", "LK": "Sri Lanka", "SD": "Sudan", "SR": "Suriname", "SJ": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "SE": "Sweden", "CH": "Switzerland", "SY": "Syrian Arab Republic", "TW": "Taiwan", "TJ": "Tajikistan", "TZ": "Tanzania, United Republic of", "TH": "Thailand", "TL": "Timor-Leste", "TG": "Togo", "TK": "Tokelau", "TO": "Tonga", "TT": "Trinidad and Tobago", "TN": "Tunisia", "TR": "Turkey", "TM": "Turkmenistan", "TC": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "TV": "Tuvalu", "UG": "Uganda", "UA": "Ukraine", "AE": "United Arab Emirates", "GB": "United Kingdom", "UM": "United States Minor Outlying 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