import api from '../../api'; import i18n from '../../../i18n'; const CERTIFICATE_TYPES = [ { type: 'HTTPS Certificate', location: '/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol/HTTPS/Certificates/', label: i18n.t('pageSslCertificates.httpsCertificate') }, { type: 'LDAP Certificate', location: '/redfish/v1/AccountService/LDAP/Certificates/', label: i18n.t('pageSslCertificates.ldapCertificate') }, { type: 'TrustStore Certificate', location: '/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/Truststore/Certificates/', // Web UI will show 'CA Certificate' instead of // 'TrustStore Certificate' after user testing revealed // the term 'TrustStore Certificate' wasn't recognized/was unfamilar label: i18n.t('pageSslCertificates.caCertificate') } ]; const getCertificateProp = (type, prop) => { const certificate = CERTIFICATE_TYPES.find( certificate => certificate.type === type ); return certificate ? certificate[prop] : null; }; const SslCertificatesStore = { namespaced: true, state: { allCertificates: [], availableUploadTypes: [] }, getters: { allCertificates: state => state.allCertificates, availableUploadTypes: state => state.availableUploadTypes }, mutations: { setCertificates(state, certificates) { state.allCertificates = certificates; }, setAvailableUploadTypes(state, availableUploadTypes) { state.availableUploadTypes = availableUploadTypes; } }, actions: { getCertificates({ commit }) { api .get('/redfish/v1/CertificateService/CertificateLocations') .then(({ data: { Links: { Certificates } } }) => => certificate['']) ) .then(certificateLocations => { const promises = => api.get(location) ); api.all(promises).then( api.spread((...responses) => { const certificates ={ data }) => { const { Name, ValidNotAfter, ValidNotBefore, Issuer = {}, Subject = {} } = data; return { type: Name, location: data[''], certificate: getCertificateProp(Name, 'label'), issuedBy: Issuer.CommonName, issuedTo: Subject.CommonName, validFrom: new Date(ValidNotBefore), validUntil: new Date(ValidNotAfter) }; }); const availableUploadTypes = CERTIFICATE_TYPES.filter( ({ type }) => !certificates .map(certificate => certificate.type) .includes(type) ); commit('setCertificates', certificates); commit('setAvailableUploadTypes', availableUploadTypes); }) ); }); }, async addNewCertificate({ dispatch }, { file, type }) { return await api .post(getCertificateProp(type, 'location'), file, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-pem-file' } }) .then(() => dispatch('getCertificates')) .then(() => i18n.t('pageSslCertificates.toast.successAddCertificate', { certificate: getCertificateProp(type, 'label') }) ) .catch(error => { console.log(error); throw new Error( i18n.t('pageSslCertificates.toast.errorAddCertificate') ); }); }, async replaceCertificate( { dispatch }, { certificateString, location, type } ) { const data = {}; data.CertificateString = certificateString; data.CertificateType = 'PEM'; data.CertificateUri = { '': location }; return await api .post( '/redfish/v1/CertificateService/Actions/CertificateService.ReplaceCertificate', data ) .then(() => dispatch('getCertificates')) .then(() => i18n.t('pageSslCertificates.toast.successReplaceCertificate', { certificate: getCertificateProp(type, 'label') }) ) .catch(error => { console.log(error); throw new Error( i18n.t('pageSslCertificates.toast.errorReplaceCertificate') ); }); }, async deleteCertificate({ dispatch }, { type, location }) { return await api .delete(location) .then(() => dispatch('getCertificates')) .then(() => i18n.t('pageSslCertificates.toast.successDeleteCertificate', { certificate: getCertificateProp(type, 'label') }) ) .catch(error => { console.log(error); throw new Error( i18n.t('pageSslCertificates.toast.errorDeleteCertificate') ); }); } } }; export default SslCertificatesStore;