import api from '@/store/api'; import i18n from '@/i18n'; const DateTimeStore = { namespaced: true, state: { ntpServers: [], isNtpProtocolEnabled: null, }, getters: { ntpServers: (state) => state.ntpServers, isNtpProtocolEnabled: (state) => state.isNtpProtocolEnabled, }, mutations: { setNtpServers: (state, ntpServers) => (state.ntpServers = ntpServers), setIsNtpProtocolEnabled: (state, isNtpProtocolEnabled) => (state.isNtpProtocolEnabled = isNtpProtocolEnabled), }, actions: { async getNtpData({ commit }) { return await api .get('/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol') .then((response) => { const ntpServers =; const isNtpProtocolEnabled =; commit('setNtpServers', ntpServers); commit('setIsNtpProtocolEnabled', isNtpProtocolEnabled); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); }); }, async updateDateTime({ state }, dateTimeForm) { const ntpData = { NTP: { ProtocolEnabled: dateTimeForm.ntpProtocolEnabled, }, }; if (dateTimeForm.ntpProtocolEnabled) { ntpData.NTP.NTPServers = dateTimeForm.ntpServersArray; } return await api .patch(`/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol`, ntpData) .then(async () => { if (!dateTimeForm.ntpProtocolEnabled) { const dateTimeData = { DateTime: dateTimeForm.updatedDateTime, }; /** * * When time mode is initially set to Manual from NTP, * NTP service is disabled and the NTP service is * stopping but not stopped, setting time will return an error. * There are no responses from backend to notify when NTP is stopped. * To work around, a timeout is set to allow NTP to fully stop * TODO: remove timeout if backend solves * */ const timeoutVal = state.isNtpProtocolEnabled ? 40000 : 0; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { return api .patch(`/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc`, dateTimeData) .then(() => resolve()) .catch(() => reject()); }, timeoutVal); }); } }) .then(() => { return [ i18n.t('pageDateTime.toast.successSaveDateTime'), i18n.t('pageDateTime.toast.delaySaveDateTime'), ]; }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); throw new Error(i18n.t('pageDateTime.toast.errorSaveDateTime')); }); }, }, }; export default DateTimeStore;