import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import AppNavigation from '@/components/AppNavigation'; import Vue from 'vue'; import { BootstrapVue } from 'bootstrap-vue'; describe('AppNavigation.vue', () => { let wrapper; Vue.use(BootstrapVue); wrapper = mount(AppNavigation, { mocks: { $t: key => key } }); describe('Component exists', () => { it('should check if AppNavigation exists', async () => { expect(wrapper.exists()); }); }); describe('Methods', () => { describe('toggleIsOpen method', () => { it('should call toggleIsOpen and toggle isNavigationOpen to false', async () => { wrapper.vm.isNavigationOpen = true; wrapper.vm.toggleIsOpen(); expect(wrapper.vm.isNavigationOpen); }); it('should call toggleIsOpen and toggle isNavigationOpen to true', async () => { wrapper.vm.isNavigationOpen = false; wrapper.vm.toggleIsOpen(); expect(wrapper.vm.isNavigationOpen); }); }); }); });