path: root/docs/index.html
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authorRasmus Andersson <>2018-02-20 12:38:51 +0300
committerRasmus Andersson <>2018-02-20 12:38:51 +0300
commit9f367901ef4e6df00eb786ac99fcdc21ed5e69f0 (patch)
tree44ea3e320dd96f541ed94f5a032bff70050afc51 /docs/index.html
parent761638ef42ec443429889c548b758c06a516839a (diff)
website: major update
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1 files changed, 326 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html
index 4aadee974..fb2345fc9 100644
--- a/docs/index.html
+++ b/docs/index.html
@@ -1,360 +1,326 @@
-<html lang="en" prefix="og:">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Inter UI font family</title>
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- <meta property="og:title" content="Inter UI font family">
- <meta property="twitter:title" content="Inter UI font family">
- <meta property="description" content="Inter UI is a new typeface optimized for computer user interfaces">
- <meta property="og:description" content="Inter UI is a new typeface optimized for computer user interfaces">
- <meta property="twitter:description" content="Inter UI is a new typeface optimized for computer user interfaces">
- <meta property="twitter:card" content="summary">
- <meta property="twitter:site" content="@rsms">
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- <body>
- <div class="row menu">
- <ul class="menu">
- <li class="home"><a href="../">Inter UI</a></li>
- <li><a class="download-link"
- href=""
- >Download</a></li>
- <li><a href="samples/">Samples</a></li>
- <li><a href="lab/">Playground</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Source</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div class="row"><div>
- <h1>The Inter UI font family</h1>
- <p>
- Inter UI is a typeface specially designed for user interfaces
- with focus on high legibility of small-to-medium sized text on computer screens.
- </p>
- <p>
- The family features a tall x-height to aid in readability of mixed-case and
- lower-case text. Several OpenType features are provided as well,
- like contextual alternates that adjusts punctuation depending on the shape of
- surrounding glyphs, slashed zero for when you need to disambiguate "0" from "o",
- tabular numbers, etc.
- </p>
- </div></div>
- <div class="row white" style="padding-bottom:0"><div>
- <p id="samples" class="samples items">
- <a href="samples/" class="plain"><img src="samples/img/01.png" srcset="samples/img/01@2x.png 2x" width="888"></a>
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:center">
- <a href="samples/" class="plain">More samples -></a>
- <br><br>
- </p>
- </div></div>
- <div class="row dark"><div>
- <h2><a id="usage" href="#usage">How do I use it?</a></h2>
- <p>
- Using the font is as easy as
- <a class="download-link" href="">download &amp; installing</a> locally on your computer.
- </p>
- <p>
- You're free to bundle copies of Inter UI with your software, even if it's
- commercial and you charge money for your software. Inter UI can also be used
- on the web by either hosting the font files yourself or by including this CSS:
- </p>
- <code>@import url('');</code>
- <p>Use the following CSS rules to specify the Inter UI family:</p>
- <code>font-family: 'Inter UI', sans-serif;</code>
- <p>&nbsp;</p>
- <h2><a id="free" href="#free">How much does it cost?</a></h2>
- <p>
- Inter UI is a <a href="">free and open source</a> font family. You are free to use this font in almost any way imaginable.
- Refer to the <a href="">SIL Open Font License 1.1</a> for exact details on what the conditions and restrictions are.
- </p>
- </div></div>
- <div class="row"><div>
- <p>
- There are currently four <a id="weights" href="#weights">weights</a>
- </p>
- <img src="res/weights-and-styles.svg" style="opacity:0.76;width:100%;display:block;margin:2em 0 3em 0">
- <h2><a id="features" href="#features">Features</a></h2>
- <boxes>
- <box>
- <h3>Contextual alternates (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>calt</q>)</h3>
- <tablex><t>
- <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
- <r><in>12<em>:</em>34, FE<em>—</em>X</in><to></to><out>12:34, FE—X</out></r>
- <r><in>4<em>.</em>2</in><to></to><out>4.2</out></r>
- <r><in>SFO <em>-></em> STO</in><to></to><out>SFO -> STO</out></r>
- <r><in>IIA <em>—></em> OGG</in><to></to><out>IIA —> OGG</out></r>
- <r><in>M<em>@</em>N m@n</in><to></to><out>M@N m@n</out></r>
- </t></tablex>
- </box>
- <box>
- <h3>Tabular numbers (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>tnum</q>)</h3>
- <tablex><t>
- <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
- <r><in><em>1</em>23456<em>7</em>890</in><to></to><out class="tnum">1234567890</out></r>
- <r><in>1131711<em>&nbsp;</em></in><to></to><out class="tnum">1131711<em>&nbsp;</em></out></r>
- <r><in>0040900<em>&nbsp;</em></in><to></to><out class="tnum">0040900<em>&nbsp;</em></out></r>
- <r><in>11:31,711<em>&nbsp;</em></in><to></to><out class="tnum">11:31,711<em>&nbsp;</em></out></r>
- <r><in>00:40.900<em>&nbsp;</em></in><to></to><out class="tnum">00:40.900<em>&nbsp;</em></out></r>
- </t></tablex>
- </box>
- <box>
- <h3>Slashed zero (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>zero</q>)</h3>
- <tablex><t>
- <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
- <r><in><em>0</em>123</in><to></to><out class="zero">0123</out></r>
- </t></tablex>
- </box>
- <box>
- <h3>Fractions (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>frac</q>)</h3>
- <tablex><t>
- <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
- <r>
- <in><em>1/3</em> <em>22/9</em> <em>3/4/5</em></in>
- <to></to><out class="frac">1/3 22/9 3/4/5</out>
- </r>
- </t></tablex>
- </box>
- <box>
- <h3>Stylistic set 1: Alternate digits (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>ss01</q>)</h3>
- <tablex><t>
- <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
- <r>
- <in><em>1</em>23<em>4</em>5<em>6</em>78<em>9</em>0</in>
- <to></to><out class="ss01">1234567890</out>
- </r>
- <r><in><em>1</em></in><to></to><out class="ss01">1</out></r>
- <r><in><em>4</em></in><to></to><out class="ss01">4</out></r>
- <r><in><em>6</em></in><to></to><out class="ss01">6</out></r>
- <r><in><em>9</em></in><to></to><out class="ss01">9</out></r>
- </t></tablex>
- </box>
- <box>
- <h3>Case alternates (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>case</q>)</h3>
- <tablex><t>
- <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
- <r>
- <in><em>(</em>Hello<em>)</em> <em>[</em>World<em>]</em> <em>{</em>9000<em>}</em></in>
- <to></to><out class="case">(Hello) [World] {9000}</out>
- </r>
- <r><in>SCHOOL <em>@</em> RUN</in><to></to><out class="case">SCHOOL @ RUN</out></r>
- <r><in>3 <em>+</em> 9 <em>=</em> 12 <em>*</em> 1</in><to></to><out class="case">3 + 9 = 12 * 1</out></r>
- <r><in><em>*</em> <em>+</em> <em>÷</em> <em>±</em> <em>×</em> <em>=</em> <em>≠</em> <em>•</em></in><to></to><out class="case">* + ÷ ± × = ≠ •</out></r>
- <r><in><em>→</em> <em>←</em> <em>⟶</em> <em>⟵</em> <em>−</em> <em>-</em> <em>–</em> <em>—</em> <em>:</em></in><to></to><out class="case">→ ← ⟶ ⟵ − - – — :</out></r>
- </t></tablex>
- </box>
- </boxes>
- <p>
- Also includes some
- Localized Forms (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>locl</q>),
- Numerators (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>numr</q>) and
- Denominators (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>dnom</q>).
- </p>
- <p>&nbsp;</p>
- <h2 class="banner"><a href="glyphs/">Browse all glyphs -></a></h2>
- </div></div>
- <div class="row-divider"></div>
- <div class="row"><div>
- <h2><a id="story" href="#story">The story behind Inter UI</a></h2>
- <p>
- Inter UI started out in late 2016 as an experiment to build a perfectly
- pixel-fitting font at a specific small size (11px.) The idea was that
- by crafting a font in a particular way, with a particular coordinate system
- (Units Per EM), and for a particular target rasterization size (11), it would
- be possible to get the best of both sharpness and readability.
- </p>
- <p>
- However after a few months of using an early version of Inter UI, it dawned
- on everyone exposed to the test that this approach had some serious real-world
- problems. Most notably that it was really hard to read longer text. Because of
- the pixel-aligning nature of that approach, the font took an almost
- <a href="">mono-spaced appearance</a>,
- making it really easy to read numbers, punctuation and very short
- words, but eye-straining to read anything longer.
- </p>
- <p>
- The project was rebooted with a different approach, sticking with the
- specific UPM, but crafting glyphs and kerning in a way that made for
- more variation in the rhythm and smoother vertical and horizontal stems.
- As Inter UI was being developed, it was tested on an internal version of
- <a href="">Figma</a>—where the author of Inter UI works as a designer—and slowly improved upon based on experience and feedback.
- </p>
- <p>&nbsp;</p>
- <h2><a id="status" href="#status">Current status &amp; usability</a></h2>
- <p>
- Inter UI works great for English-language text, and pretty well for other
- Latin and Cyrillic languages. There's still a lot of work to be done, and
- <a href="">contributions are warmly welcomed</a>. The playground contains <a href="lab/?sample=Body%20text%201&size=16">a lot of samples</a>, including some common <a href="lab/?sample=Kerning%20body%20multi-lang&size=16">non English-language words in the playground.</a>
- </p>
- <p>
- Please refer to the <a href="glyphs/">glyph repertoire</a>
- for an overview of currently-available glyphs and their quality.
- </p>
- <p>&nbsp;</p>
- <h2><a id="faq" href="#faq">FAQ</a></h2>
- <ul class="faq">
- <li class="q" id="faq-using-features">
- How do I enable and disable font features?
- </li>
- <li class="a">
- In web browsers you'll want to use
- <a href=""><q>font-feature-settings</q></a>.
- In Figma you can access features via the
- <a href="">Advanced Typography panel.</a>
- In Illustrator, Photoshop and friends, you can access features via the
- <a href="">Characters and OpenType panels.</a>
- Sketch doesn't provide a UI for configuring font features, but there's
- <a href="">a workaround using macOS's native font UI.</a>
- </li>
- <li class="q" id="faq-unhinted-vs-hinted">
- What is the difference between "unhinted" and "hinted" font files?
- </li>
- <li class="a">
- The font files in the "hinted" folders have additional data in them
- for assisting
- <a href="">ClearType</a>,
- the text rasterizer used by Microsoft Windows (and some Linux distributions.)
- You want to use the "hinted" fonts only if you are targeting Windows users
- <em>and</em> prefer the different look of these "hinted" fonts.
- Additionally, hinting data makes the font files larger, so if you are
- using Inter UI on websites, the extra size of these files is another
- consideration to make.
- <a href="">
- This article explains hinting at a greater length.</a>
- </li>
- <li class="q" id="faq-cdn">
- How reliable are the fonts served from Is it on a CDN?
- </li>
- <li class="a">
- is backed by GitHub's server network and distributed
- globally on the CloudFlare CDN, making usage of
- <q></q> and associated font
- files very reliable and fast throughout the world.
- </li>
- <li class="q" id="faq-contribute">
- Can I help with improving Inter UI?
- </li>
- <li class="a">
- Yes you can! Inter UI is an open-source project, meaning the source
- code—or "source design" if you will—that is used to build the font files
- <a href="">are freely available</a> to improve upon.
- Font making requires a fair bit of technical work and
- depending on what you'd like to do, some things might be more fun
- depending on your technical skills.
- The <a href="">"Contributing" document</a> is a great place to start. The document outlines where
- you can have the biggest impact, how things are setup and how to get
- started.
- </li>
- <li class="q" id="faq-start-date">
- This website claims work started in 2016, but the git repository's log says it started later?
- </li>
- <li class="a">
- Inter UI was developed in an a private, internal git repository
- starting in November 2016, prior to being published on August 22, 2017.
- Between November 2016 and August 2017, there were
- <num>2&#x2006;990&#x2006;150</num> line edits made across 247 versions.
- The reason the public GitHub repository does not reflect this is the
- fact that the project was initially only internal at the company where
- the author works and had some sensitive information "checked in",
- like AWS server details and internal author identity in
- all commit messages. Maybe one day we can write an elaborate git
- filter-branch program and convert the filter the old repository to make
- it public, but what would be the point of that?&nbsp; :—)
- </li>
- <li class="q" id="faq-contact">
- I've made a cool thing that uses Inter UI, can I share it with you?
- &nbsp;<dem>or</dem>
- </li>
- <li class="q">
- I have a different question
- </li>
- <li class="a">
- Reach out on <a href="">Twitter (@rsms)</a> or over <a href="">email</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div></div>
- <div class="row"><div>
- — <a href="" class="plain">@rsms</a>
- </div></div>
- <script src="index.js?v=2"></script>
- <script>
- (function(){
- // FAQ anchors
- var av = document.querySelectorAll('ul.faq > li.q'), a, i, e, id, tn
- for (i = 0; i < av.length; ++i) {
- e = av[i]
- tn = document.createTextNode('Q  ')
- e.insertBefore(tn, e.firstChild)
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- }
- }
- av = document.querySelectorAll('ul.faq > li.a')
- for (i = 0; i < av.length; ++i) {
- e = av[i]
- tn = document.createTextNode('A  ')
- e.insertBefore(tn, e.firstChild)
- }
- })();
- </script>
- </body>
+layout: default
+<div class="row"><div>
+ <h1>The Inter UI font family</h1>
+ <p>
+ Inter UI is a typeface specially designed for user interfaces
+ with focus on high legibility of small-to-medium sized text on computer screens.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The family features a tall x-height to aid in readability of mixed-case and
+ lower-case text. Several OpenType features are provided as well,
+ like contextual alternates that adjusts punctuation depending on the shape of
+ surrounding glyphs, slashed zero for when you need to disambiguate "0" from "o",
+ tabular numbers, etc.
+ </p>
+<div class="row white" style="padding-bottom:0"><div>
+ <p id="samples" class="samples items sample-images">
+ <a href="samples/" class="plain"><img src="samples/img/01.png" srcset="samples/img/01@2x.png 2x" width="888"></a>
+ </p>
+ <p style="text-align:center">
+ <a href="samples/" class="plain">More samples -></a>
+ <br><br>
+ </p>
+<div class="row dark"><div>
+ <h2><a id="usage" href="#usage">How do I use it?</a></h2>
+ <p>
+ Using the font is as easy as
+ <a class="download-link" href="">download &amp; installing</a> locally on your computer.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ You're free to bundle copies of Inter UI with your software, even if it's
+ commercial and you charge money for your software. Inter UI can also be used
+ on the web by either hosting the font files yourself or by including this CSS:
+ </p>
+ <code>@import url('');</code>
+ <p>Use the following CSS rules to specify the Inter UI family:</p>
+ <code>font-family: 'Inter UI', sans-serif;</code>
+ <p>&nbsp;</p>
+ <h2><a href="{{url_root}}dynmetrics/">Dynamic Metrics</a></h2>
+ <p>
+ There's of course no absolute right or wrong when it comes to expressing yourself with typography, but Inter UI <em>Dynamic Metrics</em> provides guidelines for good typography. You simply provide the optical font size, and the tracking and leading is calculated for you to produce the best results.
+ <a href="{{url_root}}dynmetrics/">Learn about Dynamic Metrics —></a>
+ </p>
+ <p>&nbsp;</p>
+ <h2><a id="free" href="#free">How much does it cost?</a></h2>
+ <p>
+ Inter UI is a <a href="">free and open source</a> font family. You are free to use this font in almost any way imaginable.
+ Refer to the <a href="">SIL Open Font License 1.1</a> for exact details on what the conditions and restrictions are.
+ </p>
+<div class="row"><div>
+ <p>
+ There are currently four <a id="weights" href="#weights">weights</a>
+ </p>
+ <img src="res/weights-and-styles.svg" style="opacity:0.76;width:100%;display:block;margin:2em 0 3em 0">
+ <h2><a id="features" href="#features">Features</a></h2>
+ <boxes>
+ <box>
+ <h3>Contextual alternates (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>calt</q>)</h3>
+ <tablex><t>
+ <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
+ <r><in>12<em>:</em>34, FE<em>—</em>X</in><to></to><out>12:34, FE—X</out></r>
+ <r><in>4<em>.</em>2</in><to></to><out>4.2</out></r>
+ <r><in>SFO <em>-></em> STO</in><to></to><out>SFO -> STO</out></r>
+ <r><in>IIA <em>—></em> OGG</in><to></to><out>IIA —> OGG</out></r>
+ <r><in>M<em>@</em>N m@n</in><to></to><out>M@N m@n</out></r>
+ </t></tablex>
+ </box>
+ <box>
+ <h3>Tabular numbers (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>tnum</q>)</h3>
+ <tablex><t>
+ <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
+ <r><in><em>1</em>23456<em>7</em>890</in><to></to><out class="tnum">1234567890</out></r>
+ <r><in>1131711<em>&nbsp;</em></in><to></to><out class="tnum">1131711<em>&nbsp;</em></out></r>
+ <r><in>0040900<em>&nbsp;</em></in><to></to><out class="tnum">0040900<em>&nbsp;</em></out></r>
+ <r><in>11:31,711<em>&nbsp;</em></in><to></to><out class="tnum">11:31,711<em>&nbsp;</em></out></r>
+ <r><in>00:40.900<em>&nbsp;</em></in><to></to><out class="tnum">00:40.900<em>&nbsp;</em></out></r>
+ </t></tablex>
+ </box>
+ <box>
+ <h3>Slashed zero (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>zero</q>)</h3>
+ <tablex><t>
+ <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
+ <r><in><em>0</em>123</in><to></to><out class="zero">0123</out></r>
+ </t></tablex>
+ </box>
+ <box>
+ <h3>Fractions (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>frac</q>)</h3>
+ <tablex><t>
+ <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
+ <r>
+ <in><em>1/3</em> <em>22/9</em> <em>3/4/5</em></in>
+ <to></to><out class="frac">1/3 22/9 3/4/5</out>
+ </r>
+ </t></tablex>
+ </box>
+ <box>
+ <h3>Stylistic set 1: Alternate digits (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>ss01</q>)</h3>
+ <tablex><t>
+ <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
+ <r>
+ <in><em>1</em>23<em>4</em>5<em>6</em>78<em>9</em>0</in>
+ <to></to><out class="ss01">1234567890</out>
+ </r>
+ <r><in><em>1</em></in><to></to><out class="ss01">1</out></r>
+ <r><in><em>4</em></in><to></to><out class="ss01">4</out></r>
+ <r><in><em>6</em></in><to></to><out class="ss01">6</out></r>
+ <r><in><em>9</em></in><to></to><out class="ss01">9</out></r>
+ </t></tablex>
+ </box>
+ <box>
+ <h3>Case alternates (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>case</q>)</h3>
+ <tablex><t>
+ <h><in>Disabled</in><to></to><out>Enabled</out></h>
+ <r>
+ <in><em>(</em>Hello<em>)</em> <em>[</em>World<em>]</em> <em>{</em>9000<em>}</em></in>
+ <to></to><out class="case">(Hello) [World] {9000}</out>
+ </r>
+ <r><in>SCHOOL <em>@</em> RUN</in><to></to><out class="case">SCHOOL @ RUN</out></r>
+ <r><in>3 <em>+</em> 9 <em>=</em> 12 <em>*</em> 1</in><to></to><out class="case">3 + 9 = 12 * 1</out></r>
+ <r><in><em>*</em> <em>+</em> <em>÷</em> <em>±</em> <em>×</em> <em>=</em> <em>≠</em> <em>•</em></in><to></to><out class="case">* + ÷ ± × = ≠ •</out></r>
+ <r><in><em>→</em> <em>←</em> <em>⟶</em> <em>⟵</em> <em>−</em> <em>-</em> <em>–</em> <em>—</em> <em>:</em></in><to></to><out class="case">→ ← ⟶ ⟵ − - – — :</out></r>
+ </t></tablex>
+ </box>
+ </boxes>
+ <p>
+ Also includes some
+ Localized Forms (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>locl</q>),
+ Numerators (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>numr</q>) and
+ Denominators (<q title='OpenType feature ID'>dnom</q>).
+ </p>
+ <p>&nbsp;</p>
+ <h2 class="banner"><a href="glyphs/">Browse all glyphs -></a></h2>
+<div class="row-divider"></div>
+<div class="row"><div>
+ <h2><a id="story" href="#story">The story behind Inter UI</a></h2>
+ <p>
+ Inter UI started out in late 2016 as an experiment to build a perfectly
+ pixel-fitting font at a specific small size (11px.) The idea was that
+ by crafting a font in a particular way, with a particular coordinate system
+ (Units Per EM), and for a particular target rasterization size (11), it would
+ be possible to get the best of both sharpness and readability.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ However after a few months of using an early version of Inter UI, it dawned
+ on everyone exposed to the test that this approach had some serious real-world
+ problems. Most notably that it was really hard to read longer text. Because of
+ the pixel-aligning nature of that approach, the font took an almost
+ <a href="">mono-spaced appearance</a>,
+ making it really easy to read numbers, punctuation and very short
+ words, but eye-straining to read anything longer.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The project was rebooted with a different approach, sticking with the
+ specific UPM, but crafting glyphs and kerning in a way that made for
+ more variation in the rhythm and smoother vertical and horizontal stems.
+ As Inter UI was being developed, it was tested on an internal version of
+ <a href="">Figma</a>—where the author of Inter UI works as a designer—and slowly improved upon based on experience and feedback.
+ </p>
+ <p>&nbsp;</p>
+ <h2><a id="status" href="#status">Current status &amp; usability</a></h2>
+ <p>
+ Inter UI works great for English-language text, and pretty well for other
+ Latin and Cyrillic languages. There's still a lot of work to be done, and
+ <a href="">contributions are warmly welcomed</a>. The playground contains <a href="lab/?sample=Body%20text%201&size=16">a lot of samples</a>, including some common <a href="lab/?sample=Kerning%20body%20multi-lang&size=16">non English-language words in the playground.</a>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Please refer to the <a href="glyphs/">glyph repertoire</a>
+ for an overview of currently-available glyphs and their quality.
+ </p>
+ <p>&nbsp;</p>
+ <h2><a id="faq" href="#faq">FAQ</a></h2>
+ <ul class="faq">
+ <li class="q" id="faq-using-features">
+ How do I enable and disable font features?
+ </li>
+ <li class="a">
+ In web browsers you'll want to use
+ <a href=""><q>font-feature-settings</q></a>.
+ In Figma you can access features via the
+ <a href="">Advanced Typography panel.</a>
+ In Illustrator, Photoshop and friends, you can access features via the
+ <a href="">Characters and OpenType panels.</a>
+ Sketch doesn't provide a UI for configuring font features, but there's
+ <a href="">a workaround using macOS's native font UI.</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="q" id="faq-unhinted-vs-hinted">
+ What is the difference between "unhinted" and "hinted" font files?
+ </li>
+ <li class="a">
+ The font files in the "hinted" folders have additional data in them
+ for assisting
+ <a href="">ClearType</a>,
+ the text rasterizer used by Microsoft Windows (and some Linux distributions.)
+ You want to use the "hinted" fonts only if you are targeting Windows users
+ <em>and</em> prefer the different look of these "hinted" fonts.
+ Additionally, hinting data makes the font files larger, so if you are
+ using Inter UI on websites, the extra size of these files is another
+ consideration to make.
+ <a href="">
+ This article explains hinting at a greater length.</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="q" id="faq-cdn">
+ How reliable are the fonts served from Is it on a CDN?
+ </li>
+ <li class="a">
+ is backed by GitHub's server network and distributed
+ globally on the CloudFlare CDN, making usage of
+ <q></q> and associated font
+ files very reliable and fast throughout the world.
+ </li>
+ <li class="q" id="faq-contribute">
+ Can I help with improving Inter UI?
+ </li>
+ <li class="a">
+ Yes you can! Inter UI is an open-source project, meaning the source
+ code—or "source design" if you will—that is used to build the font files
+ <a href="">are freely available</a> to improve upon.
+ Font making requires a fair bit of technical work and
+ depending on what you'd like to do, some things might be more fun
+ depending on your technical skills.
+ The <a href="">"Contributing" document</a> is a great place to start. The document outlines where
+ you can have the biggest impact, how things are setup and how to get
+ started.
+ </li>
+ <li class="q" id="faq-start-date">
+ This website claims work started in 2016, but the git repository's log says it started later?
+ </li>
+ <li class="a">
+ Inter UI was developed in an a private, internal git repository
+ starting in November 2016, prior to being published on August 22, 2017.
+ Between November 2016 and August 2017, there were
+ <num>2&#x2006;990&#x2006;150</num> line edits made across 247 versions.
+ The reason the public GitHub repository does not reflect this is the
+ fact that the project was initially only internal at the company where
+ the author works and had some sensitive information "checked in",
+ like AWS server details and internal author identity in
+ all commit messages. Maybe one day we can write an elaborate git
+ filter-branch program and convert the filter the old repository to make
+ it public, but what would be the point of that?&nbsp; :—)
+ </li>
+ <li class="q" id="faq-contact">
+ I've made a cool thing that uses Inter UI, can I share it with you?
+ &nbsp;<dem>or</dem>
+ </li>
+ <li class="q">
+ I have a different question
+ </li>
+ <li class="a">
+ Reach out on <a href="">Twitter (@rsms)</a> or over <a href="">email</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="row"><div>
+ — <a href="" class="plain">@rsms</a>
+ // FAQ anchors
+ var av = document.querySelectorAll('ul.faq > li.q'), a, i, e, id, tn
+ for (i = 0; i < av.length; ++i) {
+ e = av[i]
+ tn = document.createTextNode('Q  ')
+ e.insertBefore(tn, e.firstChild)
+ id =
+ if (id) {
+ a = document.createElement('a')
+ // = id
+ a.href = '#' + id
+ a.className = 'plain'
+ a.innerHTML = e.innerHTML
+ e.innerText = ''
+ e.appendChild(a)
+ }
+ }
+ av = document.querySelectorAll('ul.faq > li.a')
+ for (i = 0; i < av.length; ++i) {
+ e = av[i]
+ tn = document.createTextNode('A  ')
+ e.insertBefore(tn, e.firstChild)
+ }