path: root/misc/pylib/robofab/
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authorRasmus Andersson <>2018-09-03 22:55:49 +0300
committerRasmus Andersson <>2018-09-03 22:55:49 +0300
commitc833e252c925e8dd68108660710ca835d95daa6f (patch)
tree6b2e28264ed45efd7f054e453b622098d0d875b8 /misc/pylib/robofab/
parent8c1a4c181ef12000179dfec541f1af87e9b03122 (diff)
Major overhaul, moving from UFO2 to Glyphs and UFO3, plus a brand new and much simpler fontbuild
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/pylib/robofab/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1084 deletions
diff --git a/misc/pylib/robofab/ b/misc/pylib/robofab/
deleted file mode 100755
index b329fd929..000000000
--- a/misc/pylib/robofab/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1084 +0,0 @@
-A library for importing .ufo files and their descendants.
-Refer to for the UFO specification.
-The UFOReader and UFOWriter classes support versions 1 and 2
-of the specification. Up and down conversion functions are also
-supplied in this library. These conversion functions are only
-necessary if conversion without loading the UFO data into
-a set of objects is desired. These functions are:
- convertUFOFormatVersion1ToFormatVersion2
- convertUFOFormatVersion2ToFormatVersion1
-Two sets that list the font info attribute names for the two
-fontinfo.plist formats are available for external use. These are:
- fontInfoAttributesVersion1
- fontInfoAttributesVersion2
-A set listing the fontinfo.plist attributes that were deprecated
-in version 2 is available for external use:
- deprecatedFontInfoAttributesVersion2
-A function, validateFontInfoVersion2ValueForAttribute, that does
-some basic validation on values for a fontinfo.plist value is
-available for external use.
-Two value conversion functions are availble for converting
-fontinfo.plist values between the possible format versions.
- convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion1ToVersion2
- convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion2ToVersion1
-import os
-import shutil
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-import calendar
-from robofab.plistlib import readPlist, writePlist
-from robofab.glifLib import GlyphSet, READ_MODE, WRITE_MODE
- set
-except NameError:
- from sets import Set as set
-__all__ = [
- "makeUFOPath"
- "UFOLibError",
- "UFOReader",
- "UFOWriter",
- "convertUFOFormatVersion1ToFormatVersion2",
- "convertUFOFormatVersion2ToFormatVersion1",
- "fontInfoAttributesVersion1",
- "fontInfoAttributesVersion2",
- "deprecatedFontInfoAttributesVersion2",
- "validateFontInfoVersion2ValueForAttribute",
- "convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion1ToVersion2",
- "convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion2ToVersion1"
-class UFOLibError(Exception): pass
-# ----------
-# File Names
-# ----------
-GLYPHS_DIRNAME = "glyphs"
-METAINFO_FILENAME = "metainfo.plist"
-FONTINFO_FILENAME = "fontinfo.plist"
-LIB_FILENAME = "lib.plist"
-GROUPS_FILENAME = "groups.plist"
-KERNING_FILENAME = "kerning.plist"
-FEATURES_FILENAME = "features.fea"
-supportedUFOFormatVersions = [1, 2]
-# ---------------------------
-# Format Conversion Functions
-# ---------------------------
-def convertUFOFormatVersion1ToFormatVersion2(inPath, outPath=None):
- """
- Function for converting a version format 1 UFO
- to version format 2. inPath should be a path
- to a UFO. outPath is the path where the new UFO
- should be written. If outPath is not given, the
- inPath will be used and, therefore, the UFO will
- be converted in place. Otherwise, if outPath is
- specified, nothing must exist at that path.
- """
- if outPath is None:
- outPath = inPath
- if inPath != outPath and os.path.exists(outPath):
- raise UFOLibError("A file already exists at %s." % outPath)
- # use a reader for loading most of the data
- reader = UFOReader(inPath)
- if reader.formatVersion == 2:
- raise UFOLibError("The UFO at %s is already format version 2." % inPath)
- groups = reader.readGroups()
- kerning = reader.readKerning()
- libData = reader.readLib()
- # read the info data manually and convert
- infoPath = os.path.join(inPath, FONTINFO_FILENAME)
- if not os.path.exists(infoPath):
- infoData = {}
- else:
- infoData = readPlist(infoPath)
- infoData = _convertFontInfoDataVersion1ToVersion2(infoData)
- # if the paths are the same, only need to change the
- # fontinfo and meta info files.
- infoPath = os.path.join(outPath, FONTINFO_FILENAME)
- if inPath == outPath:
- metaInfoPath = os.path.join(inPath, METAINFO_FILENAME)
- metaInfo = dict(
- creator="org.robofab.ufoLib",
- formatVersion=2
- )
- writePlistAtomically(metaInfo, metaInfoPath)
- writePlistAtomically(infoData, infoPath)
- # otherwise write everything.
- else:
- writer = UFOWriter(outPath)
- writer.writeGroups(groups)
- writer.writeKerning(kerning)
- writer.writeLib(libData)
- # write the info manually
- writePlistAtomically(infoData, infoPath)
- # copy the glyph tree
- inGlyphs = os.path.join(inPath, GLYPHS_DIRNAME)
- outGlyphs = os.path.join(outPath, GLYPHS_DIRNAME)
- if os.path.exists(inGlyphs):
- shutil.copytree(inGlyphs, outGlyphs)
-def convertUFOFormatVersion2ToFormatVersion1(inPath, outPath=None):
- """
- Function for converting a version format 2 UFO
- to version format 1. inPath should be a path
- to a UFO. outPath is the path where the new UFO
- should be written. If outPath is not given, the
- inPath will be used and, therefore, the UFO will
- be converted in place. Otherwise, if outPath is
- specified, nothing must exist at that path.
- """
- if outPath is None:
- outPath = inPath
- if inPath != outPath and os.path.exists(outPath):
- raise UFOLibError("A file already exists at %s." % outPath)
- # use a reader for loading most of the data
- reader = UFOReader(inPath)
- if reader.formatVersion == 1:
- raise UFOLibError("The UFO at %s is already format version 1." % inPath)
- groups = reader.readGroups()
- kerning = reader.readKerning()
- libData = reader.readLib()
- # read the info data manually and convert
- infoPath = os.path.join(inPath, FONTINFO_FILENAME)
- if not os.path.exists(infoPath):
- infoData = {}
- else:
- infoData = readPlist(infoPath)
- infoData = _convertFontInfoDataVersion2ToVersion1(infoData)
- # if the paths are the same, only need to change the
- # fontinfo, metainfo and feature files.
- infoPath = os.path.join(outPath, FONTINFO_FILENAME)
- if inPath == outPath:
- metaInfoPath = os.path.join(inPath, METAINFO_FILENAME)
- metaInfo = dict(
- creator="org.robofab.ufoLib",
- formatVersion=1
- )
- writePlistAtomically(metaInfo, metaInfoPath)
- writePlistAtomically(infoData, infoPath)
- featuresPath = os.path.join(inPath, FEATURES_FILENAME)
- if os.path.exists(featuresPath):
- os.remove(featuresPath)
- # otherwise write everything.
- else:
- writer = UFOWriter(outPath, formatVersion=1)
- writer.writeGroups(groups)
- writer.writeKerning(kerning)
- writer.writeLib(libData)
- # write the info manually
- writePlistAtomically(infoData, infoPath)
- # copy the glyph tree
- inGlyphs = os.path.join(inPath, GLYPHS_DIRNAME)
- outGlyphs = os.path.join(outPath, GLYPHS_DIRNAME)
- if os.path.exists(inGlyphs):
- shutil.copytree(inGlyphs, outGlyphs)
-# ----------
-# UFO Reader
-# ----------
-class UFOReader(object):
- """Read the various components of the .ufo."""
- def __init__(self, path):
- self._path = path
- self.readMetaInfo()
- def _get_formatVersion(self):
- return self._formatVersion
- formatVersion = property(_get_formatVersion, doc="The format version of the UFO. This is determined by reading metainfo.plist during __init__.")
- def _checkForFile(self, path):
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def readMetaInfo(self):
- """
- Read metainfo.plist. Only used for internal operations.
- """
- path = os.path.join(self._path, METAINFO_FILENAME)
- if not self._checkForFile(path):
- raise UFOLibError("metainfo.plist is missing in %s. This file is required." % self._path)
- # should there be a blind try/except with a UFOLibError
- # raised in except here (and elsewhere)? It would be nice to
- # provide external callers with a single exception to catch.
- data = readPlist(path)
- formatVersion = data["formatVersion"]
- if formatVersion not in supportedUFOFormatVersions:
- raise UFOLibError("Unsupported UFO format (%d) in %s." % (formatVersion, self._path))
- self._formatVersion = formatVersion
- def readGroups(self):
- """
- Read groups.plist. Returns a dict.
- """
- path = os.path.join(self._path, GROUPS_FILENAME)
- if not self._checkForFile(path):
- return {}
- return readPlist(path)
- def readInfo(self, info):
- """
- Read fontinfo.plist. It requires an object that allows
- setting attributes with names that follow the fontinfo.plist
- version 2 specification. This will write the attributes
- defined in the file into the object.
- """
- # load the file and return if there is no file
- path = os.path.join(self._path, FONTINFO_FILENAME)
- if not self._checkForFile(path):
- return
- infoDict = readPlist(path)
- infoDataToSet = {}
- # version 1
- if self._formatVersion == 1:
- for attr in fontInfoAttributesVersion1:
- value = infoDict.get(attr)
- if value is not None:
- infoDataToSet[attr] = value
- infoDataToSet = _convertFontInfoDataVersion1ToVersion2(infoDataToSet)
- # version 2
- elif self._formatVersion == 2:
- for attr, dataValidationDict in _fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData.items():
- value = infoDict.get(attr)
- if value is None:
- continue
- infoDataToSet[attr] = value
- # unsupported version
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- # validate data
- infoDataToSet = _validateInfoVersion2Data(infoDataToSet)
- # populate the object
- for attr, value in infoDataToSet.items():
- try:
- setattr(info, attr, value)
- except AttributeError:
- raise UFOLibError("The supplied info object does not support setting a necessary attribute (%s)." % attr)
- def readKerning(self):
- """
- Read kerning.plist. Returns a dict.
- """
- path = os.path.join(self._path, KERNING_FILENAME)
- if not self._checkForFile(path):
- return {}
- kerningNested = readPlist(path)
- kerning = {}
- for left in kerningNested:
- for right in kerningNested[left]:
- value = kerningNested[left][right]
- kerning[left, right] = value
- return kerning
- def readLib(self):
- """
- Read lib.plist. Returns a dict.
- """
- path = os.path.join(self._path, LIB_FILENAME)
- if not self._checkForFile(path):
- return {}
- return readPlist(path)
- def readFeatures(self):
- """
- Read features.fea. Returns a string.
- """
- path = os.path.join(self._path, FEATURES_FILENAME)
- if not self._checkForFile(path):
- return ""
- f = open(path, READ_MODE)
- text =
- f.close()
- return text
- def getGlyphSet(self):
- """
- Return the GlyphSet associated with the
- glyphs directory in the .ufo.
- """
- glyphsPath = os.path.join(self._path, GLYPHS_DIRNAME)
- return GlyphSet(glyphsPath)
- def getCharacterMapping(self):
- """
- Return a dictionary that maps unicode values (ints) to
- lists of glyph names.
- """
- glyphsPath = os.path.join(self._path, GLYPHS_DIRNAME)
- glyphSet = GlyphSet(glyphsPath)
- allUnicodes = glyphSet.getUnicodes()
- cmap = {}
- for glyphName, unicodes in allUnicodes.iteritems():
- for code in unicodes:
- if code in cmap:
- cmap[code].append(glyphName)
- else:
- cmap[code] = [glyphName]
- return cmap
-# ----------
-# UFO Writer
-# ----------
-class UFOWriter(object):
- """Write the various components of the .ufo."""
- def __init__(self, path, formatVersion=2, fileCreator="org.robofab.ufoLib"):
- if formatVersion not in supportedUFOFormatVersions:
- raise UFOLibError("Unsupported UFO format (%d)." % formatVersion)
- self._path = path
- self._formatVersion = formatVersion
- self._fileCreator = fileCreator
- self._writeMetaInfo()
- # handle down conversion
- if formatVersion == 1:
- ## remove existing features.fea
- featuresPath = os.path.join(path, FEATURES_FILENAME)
- if os.path.exists(featuresPath):
- os.remove(featuresPath)
- def _get_formatVersion(self):
- return self._formatVersion
- formatVersion = property(_get_formatVersion, doc="The format version of the UFO. This is set into metainfo.plist during __init__.")
- def _get_fileCreator(self):
- return self._fileCreator
- fileCreator = property(_get_fileCreator, doc="The file creator of the UFO. This is set into metainfo.plist during __init__.")
- def _makeDirectory(self, subDirectory=None):
- path = self._path
- if subDirectory:
- path = os.path.join(self._path, subDirectory)
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- os.makedirs(path)
- return path
- def _writeMetaInfo(self):
- self._makeDirectory()
- path = os.path.join(self._path, METAINFO_FILENAME)
- metaInfo = dict(
- creator=self._fileCreator,
- formatVersion=self._formatVersion
- )
- writePlistAtomically(metaInfo, path)
- def writeGroups(self, groups):
- """
- Write groups.plist. This method requires a
- dict of glyph groups as an argument.
- """
- self._makeDirectory()
- path = os.path.join(self._path, GROUPS_FILENAME)
- groupsNew = {}
- for key, value in groups.items():
- groupsNew[key] = list(value)
- if groupsNew:
- writePlistAtomically(groupsNew, path)
- elif os.path.exists(path):
- os.remove(path)
- def writeInfo(self, info):
- """
- Write info.plist. This method requires an object
- that supports getting attributes that follow the
- fontinfo.plist version 2 secification. Attributes
- will be taken from the given object and written
- into the file.
- """
- self._makeDirectory()
- path = os.path.join(self._path, FONTINFO_FILENAME)
- # gather version 2 data
- infoData = {}
- for attr in _fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData.keys():
- try:
- value = getattr(info, attr)
- except AttributeError:
- raise UFOLibError("The supplied info object does not support getting a necessary attribute (%s)." % attr)
- if value is None:
- continue
- infoData[attr] = value
- # validate data
- infoData = _validateInfoVersion2Data(infoData)
- # down convert data to version 1 if necessary
- if self._formatVersion == 1:
- infoData = _convertFontInfoDataVersion2ToVersion1(infoData)
- # write file
- writePlistAtomically(infoData, path)
- def writeKerning(self, kerning):
- """
- Write kerning.plist. This method requires a
- dict of kerning pairs as an argument.
- """
- self._makeDirectory()
- path = os.path.join(self._path, KERNING_FILENAME)
- kerningDict = {}
- for left, right in kerning.keys():
- value = kerning[left, right]
- if not left in kerningDict:
- kerningDict[left] = {}
- kerningDict[left][right] = value
- if kerningDict:
- writePlistAtomically(kerningDict, path)
- elif os.path.exists(path):
- os.remove(path)
- def writeLib(self, libDict):
- """
- Write lib.plist. This method requires a
- lib dict as an argument.
- """
- self._makeDirectory()
- path = os.path.join(self._path, LIB_FILENAME)
- if libDict:
- writePlistAtomically(libDict, path)
- elif os.path.exists(path):
- os.remove(path)
- def writeFeatures(self, features):
- """
- Write features.fea. This method requires a
- features string as an argument.
- """
- if self._formatVersion == 1:
- raise UFOLibError("features.fea is not allowed in UFO Format Version 1.")
- self._makeDirectory()
- path = os.path.join(self._path, FEATURES_FILENAME)
- writeFileAtomically(features, path)
- def makeGlyphPath(self):
- """
- Make the glyphs directory in the .ufo.
- Returns the path of the directory created.
- """
- glyphDir = self._makeDirectory(GLYPHS_DIRNAME)
- return glyphDir
- def getGlyphSet(self, glyphNameToFileNameFunc=None):
- """
- Return the GlyphSet associated with the
- glyphs directory in the .ufo.
- """
- return GlyphSet(self.makeGlyphPath(), glyphNameToFileNameFunc)
-# ----------------
-# Helper Functions
-# ----------------
-def makeUFOPath(path):
- """
- Return a .ufo pathname.
- >>> makeUFOPath("/directory/something.ext")
- '/directory/something.ufo'
- >>> makeUFOPath("/directory/something.another.thing.ext")
- '/directory/something.another.thing.ufo'
- """
- dir, name = os.path.split(path)
- name = ".".join([".".join(name.split(".")[:-1]), "ufo"])
- return os.path.join(dir, name)
-def writePlistAtomically(obj, path):
- """
- Write a plist for "obj" to "path". Do this sort of atomically,
- making it harder to cause corrupt files, for example when writePlist
- encounters an error halfway during write. This also checks to see
- if text matches the text that is already in the file at path.
- If so, the file is not rewritten so that the modification date
- is preserved.
- """
- f = StringIO()
- writePlist(obj, f)
- data = f.getvalue()
- writeFileAtomically(data, path)
-def writeFileAtomically(text, path):
- """Write text into a file at path. Do this sort of atomically
- making it harder to cause corrupt files. This also checks to see
- if text matches the text that is already in the file at path.
- If so, the file is not rewritten so that the modification date
- is preserved."""
- if os.path.exists(path):
- f = open(path, READ_MODE)
- oldText =
- f.close()
- if text == oldText:
- return
- # if the text is empty, remove the existing file
- if not text:
- os.remove(path)
- if text:
- f = open(path, WRITE_MODE)
- f.write(text)
- f.close()
-# ----------------------
-# fontinfo.plist Support
-# ----------------------
-# Version 1
-fontInfoAttributesVersion1 = set([
- "familyName",
- "styleName",
- "fullName",
- "fontName",
- "menuName",
- "fontStyle",
- "note",
- "versionMajor",
- "versionMinor",
- "year",
- "copyright",
- "notice",
- "trademark",
- "license",
- "licenseURL",
- "createdBy",
- "designer",
- "designerURL",
- "vendorURL",
- "unitsPerEm",
- "ascender",
- "descender",
- "capHeight",
- "xHeight",
- "defaultWidth",
- "slantAngle",
- "italicAngle",
- "widthName",
- "weightName",
- "weightValue",
- "fondName",
- "otFamilyName",
- "otStyleName",
- "otMacName",
- "msCharSet",
- "fondID",
- "uniqueID",
- "ttVendor",
- "ttUniqueID",
- "ttVersion",
-# Version 2
-# Validators
-def validateFontInfoVersion2ValueForAttribute(attr, value):
- """
- This performs very basic validation of the value for attribute
- following the UFO fontinfo.plist specification. The results
- of this should not be interpretted as *correct* for the font
- that they are part of. This merely indicates that the value
- is of the proper type and, where the specification defines
- a set range of possible values for an attribute, that the
- value is in the accepted range.
- """
- dataValidationDict = _fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData[attr]
- valueType = dataValidationDict.get("type")
- validator = dataValidationDict.get("valueValidator")
- valueOptions = dataValidationDict.get("valueOptions")
- # have specific options for the validator
- if valueOptions is not None:
- isValidValue = validator(value, valueOptions)
- # no specific options
- else:
- if validator == _fontInfoTypeValidator:
- isValidValue = validator(value, valueType)
- else:
- isValidValue = validator(value)
- return isValidValue
-def _validateInfoVersion2Data(infoData):
- validInfoData = {}
- for attr, value in infoData.items():
- isValidValue = validateFontInfoVersion2ValueForAttribute(attr, value)
- if not isValidValue:
- raise UFOLibError("Invalid value for attribute %s (%s)." % (attr, repr(value)))
- else:
- validInfoData[attr] = value
- return infoData
-def _fontInfoTypeValidator(value, typ):
- return isinstance(value, typ)
-def _fontInfoVersion2IntListValidator(values, validValues):
- if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
- return False
- valuesSet = set(values)
- validValuesSet = set(validValues)
- if len(valuesSet - validValuesSet) > 0:
- return False
- for value in values:
- if not isinstance(value, int):
- return False
- return True
-def _fontInfoVersion2StyleMapStyleNameValidator(value):
- options = ["regular", "italic", "bold", "bold italic"]
- return value in options
-def _fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeHeadCreatedValidator(value):
- # format: 0000/00/00 00:00:00
- if not isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
- return False
- # basic formatting
- if not len(value) == 19:
- return False
- if value.count(" ") != 1:
- return False
- date, time = value.split(" ")
- if date.count("/") != 2:
- return False
- if time.count(":") != 2:
- return False
- # date
- year, month, day = date.split("/")
- if len(year) != 4:
- return False
- if len(month) != 2:
- return False
- if len(day) != 2:
- return False
- try:
- year = int(year)
- month = int(month)
- day = int(day)
- except ValueError:
- return False
- if month < 1 or month > 12:
- return False
- monthMaxDay = calendar.monthrange(year, month)
- if month > monthMaxDay:
- return False
- # time
- hour, minute, second = time.split(":")
- if len(hour) != 2:
- return False
- if len(minute) != 2:
- return False
- if len(second) != 2:
- return False
- try:
- hour = int(hour)
- minute = int(minute)
- second = int(second)
- except ValueError:
- return False
- if hour < 0 or hour > 23:
- return False
- if minute < 0 or minute > 59:
- return False
- if second < 0 or second > 59:
- return True
- # fallback
- return True
-def _fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2WeightClassValidator(value):
- if not isinstance(value, int):
- return False
- if value < 0:
- return False
- return True
-def _fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2WidthClassValidator(value):
- if not isinstance(value, int):
- return False
- if value < 1:
- return False
- if value > 9:
- return False
- return True
-def _fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2PanoseValidator(values):
- if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
- return False
- if len(values) != 10:
- return False
- for value in values:
- if not isinstance(value, int):
- return False
- # XXX further validation?
- return True
-def _fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2FamilyClassValidator(values):
- if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
- return False
- if len(values) != 2:
- return False
- for value in values:
- if not isinstance(value, int):
- return False
- classID, subclassID = values
- if classID < 0 or classID > 14:
- return False
- if subclassID < 0 or subclassID > 15:
- return False
- return True
-def _fontInfoVersion2PostscriptBluesValidator(values):
- if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
- return False
- if len(values) > 14:
- return False
- if len(values) % 2:
- return False
- for value in values:
- if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
- return False
- return True
-def _fontInfoVersion2PostscriptOtherBluesValidator(values):
- if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
- return False
- if len(values) > 10:
- return False
- if len(values) % 2:
- return False
- for value in values:
- if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
- return False
- return True
-def _fontInfoVersion2PostscriptStemsValidator(values):
- if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
- return False
- if len(values) > 12:
- return False
- for value in values:
- if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
- return False
- return True
-def _fontInfoVersion2PostscriptWindowsCharacterSetValidator(value):
- validValues = range(1, 21)
- if value not in validValues:
- return False
- return True
-# Attribute Definitions
-# This defines the attributes, types and, in some
-# cases the possible values, that can exist is
-# fontinfo.plist.
-_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeHeadFlagsOptions = range(0, 14)
-_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2SelectionOptions = [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]
-_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2UnicodeRangesOptions = range(0, 128)
-_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2CodePageRangesOptions = range(0, 64)
-_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2TypeOptions = [0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9]
-_fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData = {
- "familyName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "styleName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "styleMapFamilyName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "styleMapStyleName" : dict(type=(str, unicode), valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2StyleMapStyleNameValidator),
- "versionMajor" : dict(type=int),
- "versionMinor" : dict(type=int),
- "year" : dict(type=int),
- "copyright" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "trademark" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "unitsPerEm" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "descender" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "xHeight" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "capHeight" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "ascender" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "italicAngle" : dict(type=(float, int)),
- "note" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeHeadCreated" : dict(type=(str, unicode), valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeHeadCreatedValidator),
- "openTypeHeadLowestRecPPEM" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeHeadFlags" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2IntListValidator, valueOptions=_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeHeadFlagsOptions),
- "openTypeHheaAscender" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeHheaDescender" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeHheaLineGap" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeHheaCaretSlopeRise" : dict(type=int),
- "openTypeHheaCaretSlopeRun" : dict(type=int),
- "openTypeHheaCaretOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeNameDesigner" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameDesignerURL" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameManufacturer" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameManufacturerURL" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameLicense" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameLicenseURL" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameVersion" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameUniqueID" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameDescription" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameCompatibleFullName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameSampleText" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameWWSFamilyName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeNameWWSSubfamilyName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeOS2WidthClass" : dict(type=int, valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2WidthClassValidator),
- "openTypeOS2WeightClass" : dict(type=int, valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2WeightClassValidator),
- "openTypeOS2Selection" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2IntListValidator, valueOptions=_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2SelectionOptions),
- "openTypeOS2VendorID" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "openTypeOS2Panose" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2PanoseValidator),
- "openTypeOS2FamilyClass" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2FamilyClassValidator),
- "openTypeOS2UnicodeRanges" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2IntListValidator, valueOptions=_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2UnicodeRangesOptions),
- "openTypeOS2CodePageRanges" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2IntListValidator, valueOptions=_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2CodePageRangesOptions),
- "openTypeOS2TypoAscender" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2TypoDescender" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2TypoLineGap" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2WinAscent" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2WinDescent" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2Type" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2IntListValidator, valueOptions=_fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2TypeOptions),
- "openTypeOS2SubscriptXSize" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2SubscriptYSize" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2SubscriptXOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2SubscriptYOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2SuperscriptXSize" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2SuperscriptYSize" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2SuperscriptXOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2SuperscriptYOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2StrikeoutSize" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeOS2StrikeoutPosition" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeVheaVertTypoAscender" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeVheaVertTypoDescender" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeVheaVertTypoLineGap" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "openTypeVheaCaretSlopeRise" : dict(type=int),
- "openTypeVheaCaretSlopeRun" : dict(type=int),
- "openTypeVheaCaretOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "postscriptFontName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "postscriptFullName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "postscriptSlantAngle" : dict(type=(float, int)),
- "postscriptUniqueID" : dict(type=int),
- "postscriptUnderlineThickness" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "postscriptUnderlinePosition" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "postscriptIsFixedPitch" : dict(type=bool),
- "postscriptBlueValues" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2PostscriptBluesValidator),
- "postscriptOtherBlues" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2PostscriptOtherBluesValidator),
- "postscriptFamilyBlues" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2PostscriptBluesValidator),
- "postscriptFamilyOtherBlues" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2PostscriptOtherBluesValidator),
- "postscriptStemSnapH" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2PostscriptStemsValidator),
- "postscriptStemSnapV" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2PostscriptStemsValidator),
- "postscriptBlueFuzz" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "postscriptBlueShift" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "postscriptBlueScale" : dict(type=(float, int)),
- "postscriptForceBold" : dict(type=bool),
- "postscriptDefaultWidthX" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "postscriptNominalWidthX" : dict(type=(int, float)),
- "postscriptWeightName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "postscriptDefaultCharacter" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
- "postscriptWindowsCharacterSet" : dict(type=int, valueValidator=_fontInfoVersion2PostscriptWindowsCharacterSetValidator),
- "macintoshFONDFamilyID" : dict(type=int),
- "macintoshFONDName" : dict(type=(str, unicode)),
-fontInfoAttributesVersion2 = set(_fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData.keys())
-# insert the type validator for all attrs that
-# have no defined validator.
-for attr, dataDict in _fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData.items():
- if "valueValidator" not in dataDict:
- dataDict["valueValidator"] = _fontInfoTypeValidator
-# Version Conversion Support
-# These are used from converting from version 1
-# to version 2 or vice-versa.
-def _flipDict(d):
- flipped = {}
- for key, value in d.items():
- flipped[value] = key
- return flipped
-_fontInfoAttributesVersion1To2 = {
- "menuName" : "styleMapFamilyName",
- "designer" : "openTypeNameDesigner",
- "designerURL" : "openTypeNameDesignerURL",
- "createdBy" : "openTypeNameManufacturer",
- "vendorURL" : "openTypeNameManufacturerURL",
- "license" : "openTypeNameLicense",
- "licenseURL" : "openTypeNameLicenseURL",
- "ttVersion" : "openTypeNameVersion",
- "ttUniqueID" : "openTypeNameUniqueID",
- "notice" : "openTypeNameDescription",
- "otFamilyName" : "openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName",
- "otStyleName" : "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName",
- "otMacName" : "openTypeNameCompatibleFullName",
- "weightName" : "postscriptWeightName",
- "weightValue" : "openTypeOS2WeightClass",
- "ttVendor" : "openTypeOS2VendorID",
- "uniqueID" : "postscriptUniqueID",
- "fontName" : "postscriptFontName",
- "fondID" : "macintoshFONDFamilyID",
- "fondName" : "macintoshFONDName",
- "defaultWidth" : "postscriptDefaultWidthX",
- "slantAngle" : "postscriptSlantAngle",
- "fullName" : "postscriptFullName",
- # require special value conversion
- "fontStyle" : "styleMapStyleName",
- "widthName" : "openTypeOS2WidthClass",
- "msCharSet" : "postscriptWindowsCharacterSet"
-_fontInfoAttributesVersion2To1 = _flipDict(_fontInfoAttributesVersion1To2)
-deprecatedFontInfoAttributesVersion2 = set(_fontInfoAttributesVersion1To2.keys())
-_fontStyle1To2 = {
- 64 : "regular",
- 1 : "italic",
- 32 : "bold",
- 33 : "bold italic"
-_fontStyle2To1 = _flipDict(_fontStyle1To2)
-# Some UFO 1 files have 0
-_fontStyle1To2[0] = "regular"
-_widthName1To2 = {
- "Ultra-condensed" : 1,
- "Extra-condensed" : 2,
- "Condensed" : 3,
- "Semi-condensed" : 4,
- "Medium (normal)" : 5,
- "Semi-expanded" : 6,
- "Expanded" : 7,
- "Extra-expanded" : 8,
- "Ultra-expanded" : 9
-_widthName2To1 = _flipDict(_widthName1To2)
-# FontLab's default width value is "Normal".
-# Many format version 1 UFOs will have this.
-_widthName1To2["Normal"] = 5
-# FontLab has an "All" width value. In UFO 1
-# move this up to "Normal".
-_widthName1To2["All"] = 5
-# "medium" appears in a lot of UFO 1 files.
-_widthName1To2["medium"] = 5
-# "Medium" appears in a lot of UFO 1 files.
-_widthName1To2["Medium"] = 5
-_msCharSet1To2 = {
- 0 : 1,
- 1 : 2,
- 2 : 3,
- 77 : 4,
- 128 : 5,
- 129 : 6,
- 130 : 7,
- 134 : 8,
- 136 : 9,
- 161 : 10,
- 162 : 11,
- 163 : 12,
- 177 : 13,
- 178 : 14,
- 186 : 15,
- 200 : 16,
- 204 : 17,
- 222 : 18,
- 238 : 19,
- 255 : 20
-_msCharSet2To1 = _flipDict(_msCharSet1To2)
-def convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion1ToVersion2(attr, value):
- """
- Convert value from version 1 to version 2 format.
- Returns the new attribute name and the converted value.
- If the value is None, None will be returned for the new value.
- """
- # convert floats to ints if possible
- if isinstance(value, float):
- if int(value) == value:
- value = int(value)
- if value is not None:
- if attr == "fontStyle":
- v = _fontStyle1To2.get(value)
- if v is None:
- raise UFOLibError("Cannot convert value (%s) for attribute %s." % (repr(value), attr))
- value = v
- elif attr == "widthName":
- v = _widthName1To2.get(value)
- if v is None:
- raise UFOLibError("Cannot convert value (%s) for attribute %s." % (repr(value), attr))
- value = v
- elif attr == "msCharSet":
- v = _msCharSet1To2.get(value)
- if v is None:
- raise UFOLibError("Cannot convert value (%s) for attribute %s." % (repr(value), attr))
- value = v
- attr = _fontInfoAttributesVersion1To2.get(attr, attr)
- return attr, value
-def convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion2ToVersion1(attr, value):
- """
- Convert value from version 2 to version 1 format.
- Returns the new attribute name and the converted value.
- If the value is None, None will be returned for the new value.
- """
- if value is not None:
- if attr == "styleMapStyleName":
- value = _fontStyle2To1.get(value)
- elif attr == "openTypeOS2WidthClass":
- value = _widthName2To1.get(value)
- elif attr == "postscriptWindowsCharacterSet":
- value = _msCharSet2To1.get(value)
- attr = _fontInfoAttributesVersion2To1.get(attr, attr)
- return attr, value
-def _convertFontInfoDataVersion1ToVersion2(data):
- converted = {}
- for attr, value in data.items():
- # FontLab gives -1 for the weightValue
- # for fonts wil no defined value. Many
- # format version 1 UFOs will have this.
- if attr == "weightValue" and value == -1:
- continue
- newAttr, newValue = convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion1ToVersion2(attr, value)
- # skip if the attribute is not part of version 2
- if newAttr not in fontInfoAttributesVersion2:
- continue
- # catch values that can't be converted
- if value is None:
- raise UFOLibError("Cannot convert value (%s) for attribute %s." % (repr(value), newAttr))
- # store
- converted[newAttr] = newValue
- return converted
-def _convertFontInfoDataVersion2ToVersion1(data):
- converted = {}
- for attr, value in data.items():
- newAttr, newValue = convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion2ToVersion1(attr, value)
- # only take attributes that are registered for version 1
- if newAttr not in fontInfoAttributesVersion1:
- continue
- # catch values that can't be converted
- if value is None:
- raise UFOLibError("Cannot convert value (%s) for attribute %s." % (repr(value), newAttr))
- # store
- converted[newAttr] = newValue
- return converted
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import doctest
- doctest.testmod()