path: root/misc/tools/
diff options
authorRasmus Andersson <>2018-09-03 22:55:49 +0300
committerRasmus Andersson <>2018-09-03 22:55:49 +0300
commitc833e252c925e8dd68108660710ca835d95daa6f (patch)
tree6b2e28264ed45efd7f054e453b622098d0d875b8 /misc/tools/
parent8c1a4c181ef12000179dfec541f1af87e9b03122 (diff)
Major overhaul, moving from UFO2 to Glyphs and UFO3, plus a brand new and much simpler fontbuild
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/tools/')
1 files changed, 626 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/tools/ b/misc/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..992d6d314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf8
+# Sync glyph shapes between SVG and UFO, creating a bridge between UFO and Figma.
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import re
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from hashlib import sha256
+from xml.dom.minidom import parseString as xmlparseString
+from svgpathtools import svg2paths, parse_path, Path, Line, CubicBezier
+from base64 import b64encode
+# from import world, RFont, RGlyph, OpenFont, NewFont
+from robofab.objects.objectsRF import RFont, RGlyph, OpenFont, NewFont, RContour
+from robofab.objects.objectsBase import MOVE, LINE, CORNER, CURVE, QCURVE, OFFCURVE
+font = None # RFont
+ufopath = ''
+svgdir = ''
+effectiveAscender = 0
+def num(s):
+ return int(s) if s.find('.') == -1 else float(s)
+def glyphToSVGPath(g, yMul=-1):
+ commands = {'move':'M','line':'L','curve':'Y','offcurve':'X','offCurve':'X'}
+ svg = ''
+ contours = []
+ if len(g.components):
+ font.newGlyph('__svgsync')
+ new = font['__svgsync']
+ new.width = g.width
+ new.appendGlyph(g)
+ new.decompose()
+ g = new
+ if len(g):
+ for c in range(len(g)):
+ contours.append(g[c])
+ for i in range(len(contours)):
+ c = contours[i]
+ contour = end = ''
+ curve = False
+ points = c.points
+ if points[0].type == 'offCurve':
+ points.append(points.pop(0))
+ if points[0].type == 'offCurve':
+ points.append(points.pop(0))
+ for x in range(len(points)):
+ p = points[x]
+ command = commands[str(p.type)]
+ if command == 'X':
+ if curve == True:
+ command = ''
+ else:
+ command = 'C'
+ curve = True
+ if command == 'Y':
+ command = ''
+ curve = False
+ if x == 0:
+ command = 'M'
+ if p.type == 'curve':
+ end = ' ' + str(p.x) + ' ' + str(p.y * yMul)
+ contour += ' ' + command + str(p.x) + ' ' + str(p.y * yMul)
+ svg += ' ' + contour + end + 'z'
+ if font.has_key('__svgsync'):
+ font.removeGlyph('__svgsync')
+ return svg.strip()
+def vec2(x, y):
+ return float(x) + float(y) * 1j
+def glyphToPaths(g, yMul=-1):
+ paths = []
+ contours = []
+ yOffs =
+ # decompose components
+ if len(g.components):
+ font.newGlyph('__svgsync')
+ ng = font['__svgsync']
+ ng.width = g.width
+ ng.appendGlyph(g)
+ ng.decompose()
+ g = ng
+ for c in g:
+ curve = False
+ points = c.points
+ path = Path()
+ currentPos = 0j
+ controlPoints = []
+ for x in range(len(points)):
+ p = points[x]
+ # print 'p#' + str(x) + '.type = ' + repr(p.type)
+ if p.type == 'move':
+ currentPos = vec2(p.x, (p.y + yOffs) * yMul)
+ elif p.type == 'offcurve':
+ controlPoints.append(p)
+ elif p.type == 'curve':
+ pos = vec2(p.x, (p.y + yOffs) * yMul)
+ if len(controlPoints) == 2:
+ cp1, cp2 = controlPoints
+ path.append(CubicBezier(
+ currentPos,
+ vec2(cp1.x, (cp1.y + yOffs) * yMul),
+ vec2(cp2.x, (cp2.y + yOffs) * yMul),
+ pos))
+ else:
+ if len(controlPoints) != 1:
+ raise Exception('unexpected number of control points for curve')
+ cp = controlPoints[0]
+ path.append(QuadraticBezier(currentPos, vec2(cp.x, (cp.y + yOffs) * yMul), pos))
+ currentPos = pos
+ controlPoints = []
+ elif p.type == 'line':
+ pos = vec2(p.x, (p.y + yOffs) * yMul)
+ path.append(Line(currentPos, pos))
+ currentPos = pos
+ paths.append(path)
+ if font.has_key('__svgsync'):
+ font.removeGlyph('__svgsync')
+ return paths
+def maybeAddMove(contour, x, y, smooth):
+ if len(contour.segments) == 0:
+ contour.appendSegment(MOVE, [(x, y)], smooth=smooth)
+svgPathDataRegEx = re.compile(r'(?:([A-Z])\s*|)([0-9\.\-\+eE]+)')
+def drawSVGPath(g, d, tr):
+ yMul = -1
+ xOffs = tr[0]
+ yOffs = -( - tr[1])
+ for pathd in d.split('M'):
+ pathd = pathd.strip()
+ # print 'pathd', pathd
+ if len(pathd) == 0:
+ continue
+ i = 0
+ closePath = False
+ if pathd[-1] == 'z':
+ closePath = True
+ pathd = pathd[0:-1]
+ pv = []
+ for m in svgPathDataRegEx.finditer('M' + pathd):
+ if is not None:
+ pv.append( +
+ else:
+ pv.append(
+ initX = 0
+ initY = 0
+ pen = g.getPen()
+ while i < len(pv):
+ pd = pv[i]; i += 1
+ cmd = pd[0]
+ x = num(pd[1:]) + xOffs
+ y = (num(pv[i]) + yOffs) * yMul; i += 1
+ if cmd == 'M':
+ # print cmd, x, y, '/', num(pv[i-2][1:])
+ initX = x
+ initY = y
+ pen.moveTo((x, y))
+ continue
+ if cmd == 'C':
+ # Bezier curve: "C x1 y1, x2 y2, x y"
+ x1 = x
+ y1 = y
+ x2 = num(pv[i]) + xOffs; i += 1
+ y2 = (num(pv[i]) + yOffs) * yMul; i += 1
+ x = num(pv[i]) + xOffs; i += 1
+ y = (num(pv[i]) + yOffs) * yMul; i += 1
+ pen.curveTo((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x, y))
+ # print cmd, x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y
+ elif cmd == 'L':
+ pen.lineTo((x, y))
+ else:
+ raise Exception('unexpected SVG path command %r' % cmd)
+ if closePath:
+ pen.closePath()
+ else:
+ pen.endPath()
+ # print 'path ended. closePath:', closePath
+def glyphToSVG(g, path, hash):
+ width = g.width
+ height =
+ d = {
+ 'name':,
+ 'width': width,
+ 'height': effectiveAscender -,
+ 'effectiveAscender': effectiveAscender,
+ 'leftMargin': g.leftMargin,
+ 'rightMargin': g.rightMargin,
+ 'd': path.d(use_closed_attrib=True),
+ 'ascender':,
+ 'descender':,
+ 'baselineOffset': height +,
+ 'unitsPerEm':,
+ 'hash': hash,
+ }
+ svg = '''
+<svg xmlns="" width="%(width)d" height="%(height)d" data-svgsync-hash="%(hash)s">
+ <g id="%(name)s">
+ <path d="%(d)s" transform="translate(0 %(effectiveAscender)d)" />
+ <rect x="0" y="0" width="%(width)d" height="%(height)d" fill="" stroke="black" />
+ </g>
+ ''' % d
+ # print svg
+ return svg.strip()
+def _findPathNodes(n, paths, defs, uses, isDef=False):
+ for cn in n.childNodes:
+ if cn.nodeName == 'path':
+ if isDef:
+ defs[cn.getAttribute('id')] = cn
+ else:
+ paths.append(cn)
+ elif cn.nodeName == 'use':
+ uses[cn.getAttribute('xlink:href').lstrip('#')] = {'useNode': cn, 'targetNode': None}
+ elif cn.nodeName == 'defs':
+ _findPathNodes(cn, paths, defs, uses, isDef=True)
+ elif not isinstance(cn, basestring) and cn.childNodes and len(cn.childNodes) > 0:
+ _findPathNodes(cn, paths, defs, uses, isDef)
+ # return translate
+def findPathNodes(n, isDef=False):
+ paths = []
+ defs = {}
+ uses = {}
+ # <g id="Canvas" transform="translate(-3677 -24988)">
+ # <g id="six 2">
+ # <g id="six">
+ # <g id="Vector">
+ # <use xlink:href="#path0_fill" transform="translate(3886 25729)"/>
+ # ...
+ # <defs>
+ # <path id="path0_fill" ...
+ #
+ _findPathNodes(n, paths, defs, uses)
+ # flatten uses & defs
+ for k in uses.keys():
+ dfNode = defs.get(k)
+ if dfNode is not None:
+ v = uses[k]
+ v['targetNode'] = dfNode
+ if dfNode.nodeName == 'path':
+ useNode = v['useNode']
+ useNode.parentNode.replaceChild(dfNode, useNode)
+ attrs = useNode.attributes
+ for k in attrs.keys():
+ if k != 'xlink:href':
+ dfNode.setAttribute(k, attrs[k])
+ paths.append(dfNode)
+ else:
+ del defs[k]
+ return paths
+def nodeTranslation(path, x=0, y=0):
+ tr = path.getAttribute('transform')
+ if tr is not None:
+ if not isinstance(tr, basestring):
+ tr = tr.value
+ if len(tr) > 0:
+ m = re.match(r"translate\s*\(\s*(?P<x>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<y>[\-\d\.eE]+)\s*\)", tr)
+ if m is not None:
+ x += num('x'))
+ y += num('y'))
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Unable to handle transform="%s"' % tr)
+ # m = re.match(r"matrix\s*\(\s*(?P<a>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<b>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<c>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<d>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<e>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<f>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*", tr)
+ # if m is not None:
+ # a, b, c = num('a')), num('b')), num('c'))
+ # d, e, f = num('d')), num('e')), num('f'))
+ # # matrix -1 0 0 -1 -660.719 31947
+ # print 'matrix', a, b, c, d, e, f
+ # # matrix(-1 0 -0 -1 -2553 31943)
+ pn = path.parentNode
+ if pn is not None and pn.nodeName != '#document':
+ x, y = nodeTranslation(pn, x, y)
+ return (x, y)
+def glyphUpdateFromSVG(g, svgCode):
+ doc = xmlparseString(svgCode)
+ svg = doc.documentElement
+ paths = findPathNodes(svg)
+ if len(paths) == 0:
+ raise Exception('no <path> found in SVG')
+ path = paths[0]
+ if len(paths) != 1:
+ for p in paths:
+ id = p.getAttribute('id')
+ if id is not None and id.find('stroke') == -1:
+ path = p
+ break
+ tr = nodeTranslation(path)
+ d = path.getAttribute('d')
+ g.clearContours()
+ drawSVGPath(g, d, tr)
+def stat(path):
+ try:
+ return os.stat(path)
+ except OSError as e:
+ return None
+def writeFile(file, s):
+ with open(file, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(s)
+def writeFileAndMkDirsIfNeeded(file, s):
+ try:
+ writeFile(file, s)
+ except IOError as e:
+ if e.errno == 2:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file))
+ writeFile(file, s)
+def findSvgSyncHashInSVG(svgCode):
+ # with open(svgFile, 'r') as f:
+ # svgCode = f.readline(512)
+ r = re.compile(r'^\s*<svg[^>]+data-svgsync-hash="([^"]*)".+')
+ m = r.match(svgCode)
+ if m is not None:
+ return
+ return None
+def computeSVGHashFromSVG(g):
+ # h = sha256()
+ return 'abc123'
+def encodePath(o, path):
+ o.write(path.d())
+def hashPaths(paths):
+ h = sha256()
+ for path in paths:
+ h.update(path.d()+';')
+ return b64encode(h.digest(), '-_')
+def svgGetPaths(svgCode):
+ doc = xmlparseString(svgCode)
+ svg = doc.documentElement
+ paths = findPathNodes(svg)
+ isFigmaSVG = svgCode.find('Figma</desc>') != -1
+ if len(paths) == 0:
+ return paths, (0,0)
+ paths2 = []
+ for path in paths:
+ id = path.getAttribute('id')
+ if not isFigmaSVG or (id is None or id.find('stroke') == -1):
+ tr = nodeTranslation(path)
+ d = path.getAttribute('d')
+ paths2.append((d, tr))
+ return paths2, isFigmaSVG
+def translatePath(path, trX, trY):
+ pass
+def parseSVG(svgFile):
+ svgCode = None
+ with open(svgFile, 'r') as f:
+ svgCode =
+ existingSvgHash = findSvgSyncHashInSVG(svgCode)
+ print 'hash in SVG file:', existingSvgHash
+ svgPathDefs, isFigmaSVG = svgGetPaths(svgCode)
+ paths = []
+ for pathDef, tr in svgPathDefs:
+ print 'pathDef:', pathDef, 'tr:', tr
+ path = parse_path(pathDef)
+ if tr[0] != 0 or tr[1] != 0:
+ path = path.translated(vec2(*tr))
+ paths.append(path)
+ return paths, existingSvgHash
+def syncGlyphUFOToSVG(g, glyphFile, svgFile, mtime, hasSvgFile):
+ # # Let's print out the first path object and the color it was in the SVG
+ # # We'll see it is composed of two CubicBezier objects and, in the SVG file it
+ # # came from, it was red
+ # paths, attributes, svg_attributes = svg2paths(svgFile, return_svg_attributes=True)
+ # print('svg_attributes:', repr(svg_attributes))
+ # # redpath = paths[0]
+ # # redpath_attribs = attributes[0]
+ # print(paths)
+ # print(attributes)
+ # wsvg(paths, attributes=attributes, svg_attributes=svg_attributes, filename=svgFile + '-x.svg')
+ # existingSVGHash = readSVGHash(svgFile)
+ svgPaths = None
+ existingSVGHash = None
+ if hasSvgFile:
+ svgPaths, existingSVGHash = parseSVG(svgFile)
+ print 'existingSVGHash:', existingSVGHash
+ print 'svgPaths:\n', '\n'.join([p.d() for p in svgPaths])
+ svgHash = hashPaths(svgPaths)
+ print 'hash(SVG-glyph) =>', svgHash
+ # computedSVGHash = computeSVGHashFromSVG(svgFile)
+ # print 'computeSVGHashFromSVG:', computedSVGHash
+ ufoPaths = glyphToPaths(g)
+ print 'ufoPaths:\n', '\n'.join([p.d() for p in ufoPaths])
+ ufoGlyphHash = hashPaths(ufoPaths)
+ print 'hash(UFO-glyph) =>', ufoGlyphHash
+ # svg = glyphToSVG(g, ufoGlyphHash)
+ # with open('/Users/rsms/src/interface/_local/svgPaths.txt', 'w') as f:
+ # f.write(svgPaths[0].d())
+ # with open('/Users/rsms/src/interface/_local/ufoPaths.txt', 'w') as f:
+ # f.write(ufoPaths[0].d())
+ # print svgPaths[0].d() == ufoPaths[0].d()
+ # svgHash = hashPaths()
+ # print 'hash(UFO-glyph) =>', pathHash
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if pathHash == existingSVGHash:
+ return (None, 0) # did not change
+ svg = glyphToSVG(g, pathHash)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ writeFileAndMkDirsIfNeeded(svgFile, svg)
+ os.utime(svgFile, (mtime, mtime))
+ print 'svgsync write', svgFile
+ g.lib['svgsync.hash'] = pathHash
+ return (glyphFile, mtime)
+def syncGlyphSVGToUFO(glyphname, svgFile):
+ print glyphname + ': SVG -> UFO'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ svg = ''
+ with open(svgFile, 'r') as f:
+ svg =
+ g = font.getGlyph(glyphname)
+ glyphUpdateFromSVG(g, svg)
+def findGlifFile(glyphname):
+ # glyphname.glif
+ # glyphname_.glif
+ # glyphname__.glif
+ # glyphname___.glif
+ for underscoreCount in range(0, 5):
+ fn = os.path.join(ufopath, 'glyphs', glyphname + ('_' * underscoreCount) + '.glif')
+ st = stat(fn)
+ if st is not None:
+ return fn, st
+ if glyphname.find('.') != -1:
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ for underscoreCount in range(0, 5):
+ nv = glyphname.split('.')
+ nv[0] = nv[0] + ('_' * underscoreCount)
+ ns = '.'.join(nv)
+ fn = os.path.join(ufopath, 'glyphs', ns + '.glif')
+ st = stat(fn)
+ if st is not None:
+ return fn, st
+ if glyphname.find('_') != -1:
+ # glyph_name.glif
+ # glyph_name_.glif
+ # glyph_name__.glif
+ # glyph__name.glif
+ # glyph__name_.glif
+ # glyph__name__.glif
+ # glyph___name.glif
+ # glyph___name_.glif
+ # glyph___name__.glif
+ for x in range(0, 4):
+ for y in range(0, 5):
+ ns = glyphname.replace('_', '__' + ('_' * x))
+ fn = os.path.join(ufopath, 'glyphs', ns + ('_' * y) + '.glif')
+ st = stat(fn)
+ if st is not None:
+ return fn, st
+ return ('', None)
+def syncGlyph(glyphname, createSVG=False): # => (glyphname, mtime) or (None, 0) if noop
+ glyphFile, glyphStat = findGlifFile(glyphname)
+ svgFile = os.path.join(svgdir, glyphname + '.svg')
+ svgStat = stat(svgFile)
+ if glyphStat is None and svgStat is None:
+ raise Exception("glyph %r doesn't exist in UFO or SVG directory" % glyphname)
+ c = cmp(
+ 0 if glyphStat is None else glyphStat.st_mtime,
+ 0 if svgStat is None else svgStat.st_mtime
+ )
+ g = font.getGlyph(glyphname)
+ ufoPathHash = g.lib['svgsync.hash'] if 'svgsync.hash' in g.lib else None
+ print '[syncGlyph] g.lib["svgsync.hash"] =', ufoPathHash
+ c = 1 # XXX DEBUG
+ if c < 0:
+ syncGlyphSVGToUFO(glyphname, svgFile)
+ return (glyphFile, svgStat.st_mtime) # glif file in UFO change + it's new mtime
+ elif c > 0 and (svgStat is not None or createSVG):
+ print glyphname + ': UFO -> SVG'
+ return syncGlyphUFOToSVG(
+ g,
+ glyphFile,
+ svgFile,
+ glyphStat.st_mtime,
+ hasSvgFile=svgStat is not None
+ )
+ return (None, 0) # UFO did not change
+# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
+# main
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert UFO glyphs to SVG')
+argparser.add_argument('--svgdir', dest='svgdir', metavar='<dir>', type=str,
+ default='',
+ help='Write SVG files to <dir>. If not specified, SVG files are' +
+ ' written to: {dirname(<ufopath>)/svg/<familyname>/<style>')
+argparser.add_argument('ufopath', metavar='<ufopath>', type=str,
+ help='Path to UFO packages')
+argparser.add_argument('glyphs', metavar='<glyphname>', type=str, nargs='*',
+ help='Glyphs to convert. Converts all if none specified.')
+args = argparser.parse_args()
+ufopath = args.ufopath.rstrip('/')
+font = OpenFont(ufopath)
+effectiveAscender = max(,
+svgdir = args.svgdir
+if len(svgdir) == 0:
+ svgdir = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(ufopath),
+ 'svg',
+ )
+print 'svgsync sync %s (%s)' % (,
+createSVGs = len(args.glyphs) > 0
+glyphnames = args.glyphs if len(args.glyphs) else font.keys()
+modifiedGlifFiles = []
+for glyphname in glyphnames:
+ glyphFile, mtime = syncGlyph(glyphname, createSVG=createSVGs)
+ if glyphFile is not None:
+ modifiedGlifFiles.append((glyphFile, mtime))
+if len(modifiedGlifFiles) > 0:
+ for glyphFile, mtime in modifiedGlifFiles:
+ os.utime(glyphFile, (mtime, mtime))
+ print 'svgsync write', glyphFile