path: root/misc/ttf2woff/zopfli/squeeze.c
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authorRasmus Andersson <>2017-08-22 10:05:20 +0300
committerRasmus Andersson <>2017-08-22 12:23:08 +0300
commit3b1fffade1473f20f2558733fbd218f4580fc7c3 (patch)
treeea4f80b43b08744d493bb86ab646444ec04ddc7f /misc/ttf2woff/zopfli/squeeze.c
Initial public commitv1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/ttf2woff/zopfli/squeeze.c')
1 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/ttf2woff/zopfli/squeeze.c b/misc/ttf2woff/zopfli/squeeze.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7cd9bf48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/ttf2woff/zopfli/squeeze.c
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+Author: (Lode Vandevenne)
+Author: (Jyrki Alakuijala)
+#include "squeeze.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "blocksplitter.h"
+#include "deflate.h"
+#include "symbols.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "util.h"
+typedef struct SymbolStats {
+ /* The literal and length symbols. */
+ size_t litlens[ZOPFLI_NUM_LL];
+ /* The 32 unique dist symbols, not the 32768 possible dists. */
+ size_t dists[ZOPFLI_NUM_D];
+ /* Length of each lit/len symbol in bits. */
+ double ll_symbols[ZOPFLI_NUM_LL];
+ /* Length of each dist symbol in bits. */
+ double d_symbols[ZOPFLI_NUM_D];
+} SymbolStats;
+/* Sets everything to 0. */
+static void InitStats(SymbolStats* stats) {
+ memset(stats->litlens, 0, ZOPFLI_NUM_LL * sizeof(stats->litlens[0]));
+ memset(stats->dists, 0, ZOPFLI_NUM_D * sizeof(stats->dists[0]));
+ memset(stats->ll_symbols, 0, ZOPFLI_NUM_LL * sizeof(stats->ll_symbols[0]));
+ memset(stats->d_symbols, 0, ZOPFLI_NUM_D * sizeof(stats->d_symbols[0]));
+static void CopyStats(SymbolStats* source, SymbolStats* dest) {
+ memcpy(dest->litlens, source->litlens,
+ ZOPFLI_NUM_LL * sizeof(dest->litlens[0]));
+ memcpy(dest->dists, source->dists, ZOPFLI_NUM_D * sizeof(dest->dists[0]));
+ memcpy(dest->ll_symbols, source->ll_symbols,
+ ZOPFLI_NUM_LL * sizeof(dest->ll_symbols[0]));
+ memcpy(dest->d_symbols, source->d_symbols,
+ ZOPFLI_NUM_D * sizeof(dest->d_symbols[0]));
+/* Adds the bit lengths. */
+static void AddWeighedStatFreqs(const SymbolStats* stats1, double w1,
+ const SymbolStats* stats2, double w2,
+ SymbolStats* result) {
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < ZOPFLI_NUM_LL; i++) {
+ result->litlens[i] =
+ (size_t) (stats1->litlens[i] * w1 + stats2->litlens[i] * w2);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < ZOPFLI_NUM_D; i++) {
+ result->dists[i] =
+ (size_t) (stats1->dists[i] * w1 + stats2->dists[i] * w2);
+ }
+ result->litlens[256] = 1; /* End symbol. */
+typedef struct RanState {
+ unsigned int m_w, m_z;
+} RanState;
+static void InitRanState(RanState* state) {
+ state->m_w = 1;
+ state->m_z = 2;
+/* Get random number: "Multiply-With-Carry" generator of G. Marsaglia */
+static unsigned int Ran(RanState* state) {
+ state->m_z = 36969 * (state->m_z & 65535) + (state->m_z >> 16);
+ state->m_w = 18000 * (state->m_w & 65535) + (state->m_w >> 16);
+ return (state->m_z << 16) + state->m_w; /* 32-bit result. */
+static void RandomizeFreqs(RanState* state, size_t* freqs, int n) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if ((Ran(state) >> 4) % 3 == 0) freqs[i] = freqs[Ran(state) % n];
+ }
+static void RandomizeStatFreqs(RanState* state, SymbolStats* stats) {
+ RandomizeFreqs(state, stats->litlens, ZOPFLI_NUM_LL);
+ RandomizeFreqs(state, stats->dists, ZOPFLI_NUM_D);
+ stats->litlens[256] = 1; /* End symbol. */
+static void ClearStatFreqs(SymbolStats* stats) {
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < ZOPFLI_NUM_LL; i++) stats->litlens[i] = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < ZOPFLI_NUM_D; i++) stats->dists[i] = 0;
+Function that calculates a cost based on a model for the given LZ77 symbol.
+litlen: means literal symbol if dist is 0, length otherwise.
+typedef double CostModelFun(unsigned litlen, unsigned dist, void* context);
+Cost model which should exactly match fixed tree.
+type: CostModelFun
+static double GetCostFixed(unsigned litlen, unsigned dist, void* unused) {
+ (void)unused;
+ if (dist == 0) {
+ if (litlen <= 143) return 8;
+ else return 9;
+ } else {
+ int dbits = ZopfliGetDistExtraBits(dist);
+ int lbits = ZopfliGetLengthExtraBits(litlen);
+ int lsym = ZopfliGetLengthSymbol(litlen);
+ int cost = 0;
+ if (lsym <= 279) cost += 7;
+ else cost += 8;
+ cost += 5; /* Every dist symbol has length 5. */
+ return cost + dbits + lbits;
+ }
+Cost model based on symbol statistics.
+type: CostModelFun
+static double GetCostStat(unsigned litlen, unsigned dist, void* context) {
+ SymbolStats* stats = (SymbolStats*)context;
+ if (dist == 0) {
+ return stats->ll_symbols[litlen];
+ } else {
+ int lsym = ZopfliGetLengthSymbol(litlen);
+ int lbits = ZopfliGetLengthExtraBits(litlen);
+ int dsym = ZopfliGetDistSymbol(dist);
+ int dbits = ZopfliGetDistExtraBits(dist);
+ return lbits + dbits + stats->ll_symbols[lsym] + stats->d_symbols[dsym];
+ }
+Finds the minimum possible cost this cost model can return for valid length and
+distance symbols.
+static double GetCostModelMinCost(CostModelFun* costmodel, void* costcontext) {
+ double mincost;
+ int bestlength = 0; /* length that has lowest cost in the cost model */
+ int bestdist = 0; /* distance that has lowest cost in the cost model */
+ int i;
+ /*
+ Table of distances that have a different distance symbol in the deflate
+ specification. Each value is the first distance that has a new symbol. Only
+ different symbols affect the cost model so only these need to be checked.
+ See RFC 1951 section 3.2.5. Compressed blocks (length and distance codes).
+ */
+ static const int dsymbols[30] = {
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513,
+ 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577
+ };
+ for (i = 3; i < 259; i++) {
+ double c = costmodel(i, 1, costcontext);
+ if (c < mincost) {
+ bestlength = i;
+ mincost = c;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
+ double c = costmodel(3, dsymbols[i], costcontext);
+ if (c < mincost) {
+ bestdist = dsymbols[i];
+ mincost = c;
+ }
+ }
+ return costmodel(bestlength, bestdist, costcontext);
+static size_t min(size_t a, size_t b) {
+ return a < b ? a : b;
+Performs the forward pass for "squeeze". Gets the most optimal length to reach
+every byte from a previous byte, using cost calculations.
+s: the ZopfliBlockState
+in: the input data array
+instart: where to start
+inend: where to stop (not inclusive)
+costmodel: function to calculate the cost of some lit/len/dist pair.
+costcontext: abstract context for the costmodel function
+length_array: output array of size (inend - instart) which will receive the best
+ length to reach this byte from a previous byte.
+returns the cost that was, according to the costmodel, needed to get to the end.
+static double GetBestLengths(ZopfliBlockState *s,
+ const unsigned char* in,
+ size_t instart, size_t inend,
+ CostModelFun* costmodel, void* costcontext,
+ unsigned short* length_array,
+ ZopfliHash* h, float* costs) {
+ /* Best cost to get here so far. */
+ size_t blocksize = inend - instart;
+ size_t i = 0, k, kend;
+ unsigned short leng;
+ unsigned short dist;
+ unsigned short sublen[259];
+ size_t windowstart = instart > ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE
+ ? instart - ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE : 0;
+ double result;
+ double mincost = GetCostModelMinCost(costmodel, costcontext);
+ double mincostaddcostj;
+ if (instart == inend) return 0;
+ ZopfliResetHash(ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE, h);
+ ZopfliWarmupHash(in, windowstart, inend, h);
+ for (i = windowstart; i < instart; i++) {
+ ZopfliUpdateHash(in, i, inend, h);
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < blocksize + 1; i++) costs[i] = ZOPFLI_LARGE_FLOAT;
+ costs[0] = 0; /* Because it's the start. */
+ length_array[0] = 0;
+ for (i = instart; i < inend; i++) {
+ size_t j = i - instart; /* Index in the costs array and length_array. */
+ ZopfliUpdateHash(in, i, inend, h);
+ /* If we're in a long repetition of the same character and have more than
+ ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH characters before and after our position. */
+ if (h->same[i & ZOPFLI_WINDOW_MASK] > ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH * 2
+ && i > instart + ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH + 1
+ && i + ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH * 2 + 1 < inend
+ double symbolcost = costmodel(ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH, 1, costcontext);
+ /* Set the length to reach each one to ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH, and the cost to
+ the cost corresponding to that length. Doing this, we skip
+ ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH values to avoid calling ZopfliFindLongestMatch. */
+ for (k = 0; k < ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH; k++) {
+ costs[j + ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH] = costs[j] + symbolcost;
+ length_array[j + ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH] = ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH;
+ i++;
+ j++;
+ ZopfliUpdateHash(in, i, inend, h);
+ }
+ }
+ ZopfliFindLongestMatch(s, h, in, i, inend, ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH, sublen,
+ &dist, &leng);
+ /* Literal. */
+ if (i + 1 <= inend) {
+ double newCost = costmodel(in[i], 0, costcontext) + costs[j];
+ assert(newCost >= 0);
+ if (newCost < costs[j + 1]) {
+ costs[j + 1] = newCost;
+ length_array[j + 1] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Lengths. */
+ kend = min(leng, inend-i);
+ mincostaddcostj = mincost + costs[j];
+ for (k = 3; k <= kend; k++) {
+ double newCost;
+ /* Calling the cost model is expensive, avoid this if we are already at
+ the minimum possible cost that it can return. */
+ if (costs[j + k] <= mincostaddcostj) continue;
+ newCost = costmodel(k, sublen[k], costcontext) + costs[j];
+ assert(newCost >= 0);
+ if (newCost < costs[j + k]) {
+ assert(k <= ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH);
+ costs[j + k] = newCost;
+ length_array[j + k] = k;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(costs[blocksize] >= 0);
+ result = costs[blocksize];
+ return result;
+Calculates the optimal path of lz77 lengths to use, from the calculated
+length_array. The length_array must contain the optimal length to reach that
+byte. The path will be filled with the lengths to use, so its data size will be
+the amount of lz77 symbols.
+static void TraceBackwards(size_t size, const unsigned short* length_array,
+ unsigned short** path, size_t* pathsize) {
+ size_t index = size;
+ if (size == 0) return;
+ for (;;) {
+ ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(length_array[index], path, pathsize);
+ assert(length_array[index] <= index);
+ assert(length_array[index] <= ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH);
+ assert(length_array[index] != 0);
+ index -= length_array[index];
+ if (index == 0) break;
+ }
+ /* Mirror result. */
+ for (index = 0; index < *pathsize / 2; index++) {
+ unsigned short temp = (*path)[index];
+ (*path)[index] = (*path)[*pathsize - index - 1];
+ (*path)[*pathsize - index - 1] = temp;
+ }
+static void FollowPath(ZopfliBlockState* s,
+ const unsigned char* in, size_t instart, size_t inend,
+ unsigned short* path, size_t pathsize,
+ ZopfliLZ77Store* store, ZopfliHash *h) {
+ size_t i, j, pos = 0;
+ size_t windowstart = instart > ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE
+ ? instart - ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE : 0;
+ size_t total_length_test = 0;
+ if (instart == inend) return;
+ ZopfliResetHash(ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE, h);
+ ZopfliWarmupHash(in, windowstart, inend, h);
+ for (i = windowstart; i < instart; i++) {
+ ZopfliUpdateHash(in, i, inend, h);
+ }
+ pos = instart;
+ for (i = 0; i < pathsize; i++) {
+ unsigned short length = path[i];
+ unsigned short dummy_length;
+ unsigned short dist;
+ assert(pos < inend);
+ ZopfliUpdateHash(in, pos, inend, h);
+ /* Add to output. */
+ if (length >= ZOPFLI_MIN_MATCH) {
+ /* Get the distance by recalculating longest match. The found length
+ should match the length from the path. */
+ ZopfliFindLongestMatch(s, h, in, pos, inend, length, 0,
+ &dist, &dummy_length);
+ assert(!(dummy_length != length && length > 2 && dummy_length > 2));
+ ZopfliVerifyLenDist(in, inend, pos, dist, length);
+ ZopfliStoreLitLenDist(length, dist, pos, store);
+ total_length_test += length;
+ } else {
+ length = 1;
+ ZopfliStoreLitLenDist(in[pos], 0, pos, store);
+ total_length_test++;
+ }
+ assert(pos + length <= inend);
+ for (j = 1; j < length; j++) {
+ ZopfliUpdateHash(in, pos + j, inend, h);
+ }
+ pos += length;
+ }
+/* Calculates the entropy of the statistics */
+static void CalculateStatistics(SymbolStats* stats) {
+ ZopfliCalculateEntropy(stats->litlens, ZOPFLI_NUM_LL, stats->ll_symbols);
+ ZopfliCalculateEntropy(stats->dists, ZOPFLI_NUM_D, stats->d_symbols);
+/* Appends the symbol statistics from the store. */
+static void GetStatistics(const ZopfliLZ77Store* store, SymbolStats* stats) {
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < store->size; i++) {
+ if (store->dists[i] == 0) {
+ stats->litlens[store->litlens[i]]++;
+ } else {
+ stats->litlens[ZopfliGetLengthSymbol(store->litlens[i])]++;
+ stats->dists[ZopfliGetDistSymbol(store->dists[i])]++;
+ }
+ }
+ stats->litlens[256] = 1; /* End symbol. */
+ CalculateStatistics(stats);
+Does a single run for ZopfliLZ77Optimal. For good compression, repeated runs
+with updated statistics should be performed.
+s: the block state
+in: the input data array
+instart: where to start
+inend: where to stop (not inclusive)
+path: pointer to dynamically allocated memory to store the path
+pathsize: pointer to the size of the dynamic path array
+length_array: array of size (inend - instart) used to store lengths
+costmodel: function to use as the cost model for this squeeze run
+costcontext: abstract context for the costmodel function
+store: place to output the LZ77 data
+returns the cost that was, according to the costmodel, needed to get to the end.
+ This is not the actual cost.
+static double LZ77OptimalRun(ZopfliBlockState* s,
+ const unsigned char* in, size_t instart, size_t inend,
+ unsigned short** path, size_t* pathsize,
+ unsigned short* length_array, CostModelFun* costmodel,
+ void* costcontext, ZopfliLZ77Store* store,
+ ZopfliHash* h, float* costs) {
+ double cost = GetBestLengths(s, in, instart, inend, costmodel,
+ costcontext, length_array, h, costs);
+ free(*path);
+ *path = 0;
+ *pathsize = 0;
+ TraceBackwards(inend - instart, length_array, path, pathsize);
+ FollowPath(s, in, instart, inend, *path, *pathsize, store, h);
+ assert(cost < ZOPFLI_LARGE_FLOAT);
+ return cost;
+void ZopfliLZ77Optimal(ZopfliBlockState *s,
+ const unsigned char* in, size_t instart, size_t inend,
+ int numiterations,
+ ZopfliLZ77Store* store) {
+ /* Dist to get to here with smallest cost. */
+ size_t blocksize = inend - instart;
+ unsigned short* length_array =
+ (unsigned short*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * (blocksize + 1));
+ unsigned short* path = 0;
+ size_t pathsize = 0;
+ ZopfliLZ77Store currentstore;
+ ZopfliHash hash;
+ ZopfliHash* h = &hash;
+ SymbolStats stats, beststats, laststats;
+ int i;
+ float* costs = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (blocksize + 1));
+ double cost;
+ double bestcost = ZOPFLI_LARGE_FLOAT;
+ double lastcost = 0;
+ /* Try randomizing the costs a bit once the size stabilizes. */
+ RanState ran_state;
+ int lastrandomstep = -1;
+ if (!costs) exit(-1); /* Allocation failed. */
+ if (!length_array) exit(-1); /* Allocation failed. */
+ InitRanState(&ran_state);
+ InitStats(&stats);
+ ZopfliInitLZ77Store(in, &currentstore);
+ ZopfliAllocHash(ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE, h);
+ /* Do regular deflate, then loop multiple shortest path runs, each time using
+ the statistics of the previous run. */
+ /* Initial run. */
+ ZopfliLZ77Greedy(s, in, instart, inend, &currentstore, h);
+ GetStatistics(&currentstore, &stats);
+ /* Repeat statistics with each time the cost model from the previous stat
+ run. */
+ for (i = 0; i < numiterations; i++) {
+ ZopfliCleanLZ77Store(&currentstore);
+ ZopfliInitLZ77Store(in, &currentstore);
+ LZ77OptimalRun(s, in, instart, inend, &path, &pathsize,
+ length_array, GetCostStat, (void*)&stats,
+ &currentstore, h, costs);
+ cost = ZopfliCalculateBlockSize(&currentstore, 0, currentstore.size, 2);
+ if (s->options->verbose_more || (s->options->verbose && cost < bestcost)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Iteration %d: %d bit\n", i, (int) cost);
+ }
+ if (cost < bestcost) {
+ /* Copy to the output store. */
+ ZopfliCopyLZ77Store(&currentstore, store);
+ CopyStats(&stats, &beststats);
+ bestcost = cost;
+ }
+ CopyStats(&stats, &laststats);
+ ClearStatFreqs(&stats);
+ GetStatistics(&currentstore, &stats);
+ if (lastrandomstep != -1) {
+ /* This makes it converge slower but better. Do it only once the
+ randomness kicks in so that if the user does few iterations, it gives a
+ better result sooner. */
+ AddWeighedStatFreqs(&stats, 1.0, &laststats, 0.5, &stats);
+ CalculateStatistics(&stats);
+ }
+ if (i > 5 && cost == lastcost) {
+ CopyStats(&beststats, &stats);
+ RandomizeStatFreqs(&ran_state, &stats);
+ CalculateStatistics(&stats);
+ lastrandomstep = i;
+ }
+ lastcost = cost;
+ }
+ free(length_array);
+ free(path);
+ free(costs);
+ ZopfliCleanLZ77Store(&currentstore);
+ ZopfliCleanHash(h);
+void ZopfliLZ77OptimalFixed(ZopfliBlockState *s,
+ const unsigned char* in,
+ size_t instart, size_t inend,
+ ZopfliLZ77Store* store)
+ /* Dist to get to here with smallest cost. */
+ size_t blocksize = inend - instart;
+ unsigned short* length_array =
+ (unsigned short*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * (blocksize + 1));
+ unsigned short* path = 0;
+ size_t pathsize = 0;
+ ZopfliHash hash;
+ ZopfliHash* h = &hash;
+ float* costs = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (blocksize + 1));
+ if (!costs) exit(-1); /* Allocation failed. */
+ if (!length_array) exit(-1); /* Allocation failed. */
+ ZopfliAllocHash(ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE, h);
+ s->blockstart = instart;
+ s->blockend = inend;
+ /* Shortest path for fixed tree This one should give the shortest possible
+ result for fixed tree, no repeated runs are needed since the tree is known. */
+ LZ77OptimalRun(s, in, instart, inend, &path, &pathsize,
+ length_array, GetCostFixed, 0, store, h, costs);
+ free(length_array);
+ free(path);
+ free(costs);
+ ZopfliCleanHash(h);