path: root/src/svg/Inter UI/Black/infinity.svg
diff options
authorRasmus Andersson <>2018-01-10 20:15:10 +0300
committerRasmus Andersson <>2018-01-10 20:15:10 +0300
commit8c6d8d27b5dd71295bacb2b53774cf281b6813fa (patch)
treef615026f5d1a16465703fd52edb76bde92b2510f /src/svg/Inter UI/Black/infinity.svg
parent095627c513b354bd4c45774fc513eb414b49d4c2 (diff)
Adjustments of loops of some glyphs
Affected glyphs: alpha, b, beta, bhook, d, dhook, g, ghook,,, p, phook, q, qhook, Qrthook, qrthook, rho,, Tonefive
Diffstat (limited to 'src/svg/Inter UI/Black/infinity.svg')
-rwxr-xr-xsrc/svg/Inter UI/Black/infinity.svg14
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/svg/Inter UI/Black/infinity.svg b/src/svg/Inter UI/Black/infinity.svg
deleted file mode 100755
index a130f2b2e..000000000
--- a/src/svg/Inter UI/Black/infinity.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<svg width="2665" height="3456" viewBox="0 0 2665 3456" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
-<desc>Created using Figma</desc>
-<g id="Canvas" transform="translate(-20479 -36509)">
-<g id="Black/infinity">
-<g id="Union">
-<use xlink:href="#path0_fill" transform="translate(20560 37819)"/>
-<path id="path0_fill" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M 636 0C 284.746 0 0 284.746 0 636C 0 987.254 284.746 1272 636 1272C 883.176 1272 1067.43 1147.49 1189.09 1029.82C 1210.89 1008.74 1232.02 986.301 1252 963.719C 1271.98 986.301 1293.11 1008.74 1314.91 1029.82C 1436.57 1147.49 1620.82 1272 1868 1272C 2219.25 1272 2504 987.254 2504 636C 2504 284.746 2219.25 0 1868 0C 1620.37 0 1435.2 125.977 1313.54 243.73C 1292.19 264.398 1271.53 286.281 1252 308.281C 1232.47 286.281 1211.81 264.398 1190.46 243.73C 1068.8 125.977 883.635 0 636 0ZM 400 636C 400 505.66 505.66 400 636 400C 739.16 400 829.746 451.273 912.264 531.145C 950.723 568.371 979.852 603.078 1004.74 635.871C 979.527 669.258 950.195 704.398 911.008 742.301C 829.371 821.258 739.619 872 636 872C 505.66 872 400 766.34 400 636ZM 2104 636C 2104 505.66 1998.34 400 1868 400C 1764.84 400 1674.25 451.273 1591.74 531.145C 1553.28 568.371 1524.15 603.078 1499.26 635.871C 1524.47 669.258 1553.8 704.398 1592.99 742.301C 1674.63 821.258 1764.38 872 1868 872C 1998.34 872 2104 766.34 2104 636Z"/>