path: root/src/svg/Interface/Regular/placeofinterestsign.svg
diff options
authorRasmus Andersson <>2017-08-25 04:27:00 +0300
committerRasmus Andersson <>2017-08-25 04:27:00 +0300
commite77a1a132cb8607c4454ea80f91b5062c9cacfda (patch)
tree5b0cd2ad8af80f83a6aa93efe198913d5c65427a /src/svg/Interface/Regular/placeofinterestsign.svg
parent75c7a08620d6811b3d4b8297dba80725094ad768 (diff)
tnum, zero, ss01, latin1-extended, etc
- Tabular numbers feature - Slashed zero feature - Stylistic set 1 feature (open numbers) - Combination glyphs for the above feature intersections - Improved Latin-1 extended glyph set - Kerning improvements for numbers - Lots of anchor improvements - Fixes "Medium seems to be same as Regular" issue on Windows
Diffstat (limited to 'src/svg/Interface/Regular/placeofinterestsign.svg')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/svg/Interface/Regular/placeofinterestsign.svg b/src/svg/Interface/Regular/placeofinterestsign.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f25b18ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/svg/Interface/Regular/placeofinterestsign.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<svg width="2560" height="3456" viewBox="0 0 2560 3456" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
+<desc>Created using Figma</desc>
+<g id="Canvas" transform="translate(-6515 -36509)">
+<g id="Regular/placeofinterestsign">
+<g id="Vector (Stroke)">
+<use xlink:href="#path0_fill" transform="translate(6743 37249)"/>
+<path id="path0_fill" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M 0 444C 0 198.786 198.786 0 444 0C 689.214 0 888 198.786 888 444L 888 668L 1216 668L 1216 444C 1216 198.786 1414.79 0 1660 0C 1905.21 0 2104 198.786 2104 444C 2104 689.214 1905.21 888 1660 888L 1436 888L 1436 1216L 1660 1216C 1905.21 1216 2104 1414.79 2104 1660C 2104 1905.21 1905.21 2104 1660 2104C 1414.79 2104 1216 1905.21 1216 1660L 1216 1436L 888 1436L 888 1660C 888 1905.21 689.214 2104 444 2104C 198.786 2104 0 1905.21 0 1660C 0 1414.79 198.786 1216 444 1216L 668 1216L 668 888L 444 888C 198.786 888 0 689.214 0 444ZM 668 668L 668 444C 668 320.288 567.712 220 444 220C 320.288 220 220 320.288 220 444C 220 567.712 320.288 668 444 668L 668 668ZM 888 888L 888 1216L 1216 1216L 1216 888L 888 888ZM 668 1436L 444 1436C 320.288 1436 220 1536.29 220 1660C 220 1783.71 320.288 1884 444 1884C 567.712 1884 668 1783.71 668 1660L 668 1436ZM 1436 1436L 1436 1660C 1436 1783.71 1536.29 1884 1660 1884C 1783.71 1884 1884 1783.71 1884 1660C 1884 1536.29 1783.71 1436 1660 1436L 1436 1436ZM 1436 668L 1660 668C 1783.71 668 1884 567.712 1884 444C 1884 320.288 1783.71 220 1660 220C 1536.29 220 1436 320.288 1436 444L 1436 668Z"/>