path: root/docs/index.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/index.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/docs/index.js b/docs/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f7773c537..000000000
--- a/docs/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-var isMac = false
-function $$(query, el) {
- return [] || document).querySelectorAll(query))
-function $(query, el) {
- return (el || document).querySelector(query)
-// fetchjson(url string, cb (err Error, d Object)->nil)
-var fetchjson = (
- typeof window.fetch == 'function' ? (
- function _fetchjson(url, cb) {
- return window.fetch(url)
- .then(function(r) { return r.json() })
- .then(function(data) { cb(null, data) })
- .catch(cb)
- }
- ) :
- function _fetchjson(url, cb) {
- var r = new XMLHttpRequest()
- r.addEventListener("load", function(){
- try {
- cb(null, JSON.parse(r.responseText))
- } catch (err) {
- cb(err)
- }
- })
-"GET", url)
- r.send()
- }
-"use strict";
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-for(g in e)d=e[g],!![g]={to:d}),h.defs(d,a,g,b);h.iter(e,1E3*f,j);
-return{anim:function(){c.push([];return this}}};
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-delete a[b]}},s=function(w,a){return w["r"+a]||w["webkitR"+a]||w["mozR"+a]||w["msR"+a]||w["oR"+a]}(
-window,"equestAnimationFrame");h.defs=function(a,e,f,b,g){;a.a=f;a.n=e;a.s=f in g?g:e;
-a.e=a.e||b;||([f]:(window.getComputedStyle?getComputedStyle(e, null)
-var b,g,d,c,h,k=+new Date+e;b=function(){g=k-(new Date).getTime();if(50>g){
-for(d in a)d=a[d],d.p=1,d.fn(d,d.n,,,d.a,d.e);f&&f()}else{g/=e;for(d in a){d=a[d];
-"ease-in"==h?(c= 1-c,c*=c*c):c=1-c*c*c;d.p=c;d.fn(d,d.n,,,d.a,d.e)}s?s(b):setTimeout(b,20)}};
-b=a._fr=(/alpha\(opacity=(\d+)\b/i.exec(b.filter)||{})[1]/100||1;b*=1;f=a.p*(f-b)+b;;g in e?e[g]= f:
-e=[k[0]||b[0]||q||0,k[1]||b[1]||r||0,k[2]||b[2]||s||0,p||t||1]});return e};return h}();
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- }
-// timeNow() :float
-var timeNow = (
- window.performance !== undefined && ? function() {
- return
- } : ? function() {
- return
- } : function() {
- return (new Date()).getTime()
- }
-// download-link
-fetchjson('/inter/info.json', function(err, data) {
- if (err) { throw err }
- var ids = Object.keys(data)
- var regularId = ids[0]
- ids.forEach(function(id){
- if (id.indexOf('Inter UI Regular:') == 0) {
- regularId = id
- }
- })
- if (ids.length == 0) {
- console.error('failed to find Inter UI Regular in info.json', data)
- return
- }
- var regular = data[regularId]
- // console.log('info.json:', regular)
- if (regular.names && regular.names.version) {
- var v = regular.names.version
- var p = v.indexOf(';')
- if (p != -1) {
- v = v.substr(0, p)
- }
- var directDownloadURL =
- '' + v +
- '/Inter-UI-' + v + '.zip'
- var av = document.querySelectorAll(''), i, e
- for (i = 0; i < av.length; ++i) {
- e = av[i]
- e.href = directDownloadURL
- }
- }
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