path: root/docs/res/glyph-inspector.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/res/glyph-inspector.js')
1 files changed, 965 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/res/glyph-inspector.js b/docs/res/glyph-inspector.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f620d23e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/res/glyph-inspector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+import fontkit from "./fontkit-2.0.2.js"
+const { min, max, ceil, floor } = Math
+const $ = (q, el) => (el || document).querySelector(q)
+const $$ = (q, el) => [] || document).querySelectorAll(q))
+const rootElement = document.getElementById("glyphs")
+const inspectorElement = rootElement.querySelector(".inspector")
+const LABEL_X_OFFS = 16
+// console.log("rootElement", rootElement)
+// console.log("inspectorElement", inspectorElement)
+// console.log("fontkit", fontkit)
+// for (let el of $$(".popup-menu", rootElement)) {
+// let select = $('select', el)
+// let label = $('.label', el)
+// label.innerText = select.selectedOptions[0].label
+// select.onchange = () => label.innerText = select.selectedOptions[0].label
+// }
+let pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1
+function pxround(px) {
+ return ((px * pixelRatio) >>> 0) / pixelRatio
+const monotime =
+class GlyphInspector {
+ constructor() {
+ this.font = null
+ this.glyph = null
+ this.glyphUnicode = 0
+ this.defaultGlyphUnicode = 0x0041
+ this.selectedGlyphGridCell = null
+ this.defaultAxisValues = {wght: 400, opsz: 28}
+ this.axisValues = {wght: 0, opsz: 0}
+ this.idNameElement = $(".identification .name", rootElement)
+ this.idUnicodeElement = $(".identification .unicode", rootElement)
+ this.previewElement = $(".preview", rootElement)
+ this.bgcolor = getComputedStyle(rootElement).getPropertyValue('--background-color')
+ this.drawScheduled = false
+ this.fontInstanceCache = new Map()
+ this.draggedWghtStartTime = 0
+ this.hasDraggedWght = false
+ this.drawTime = monotime()
+ this.tmpcanvas = document.createElement("CANVAS")
+ this.tmpcanvas.width = 32
+ this.tmpcanvas.height = 32
+ this.canvas = document.createElement("CANVAS")
+ let canvasWrapper = $(".canvas", inspectorElement)
+ const onresize = (ev) => {
+ let w = canvasWrapper.clientWidth
+ let h = canvasWrapper.clientHeight
+ pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1 // update global var
+ this.resize(w, h)
+ }
+ canvasWrapper.innerText = ''
+ canvasWrapper.appendChild(this.canvas)
+ onresize()
+ window.addEventListener('resize', onresize, {passive: true})
+ this.canvas.ondblclick = () => this.setFontInstance(this.defaultAxisValues)
+ this.initCursor()
+ const urlAnchor = document.location.hash
+ const urlAnchorPrefix = '#glyphs/'
+ let urlAnchorGlyphName = ''
+ if (urlAnchor.startsWith(urlAnchorPrefix) &&
+ urlAnchor.length > urlAnchorPrefix.length)
+ {
+ urlAnchorGlyphName = urlAnchor.substr(urlAnchorPrefix.length)
+ }
+ this.opszSlider = $('input[name="opsz"]')
+ this.defaultAxisValues.opsz = this.opszSlider.valueAsNumber
+ this.opszSlider.oninput = (ev) => {
+ this.setFontInstance({opsz: this.opszSlider.valueAsNumber})
+ }
+ // enable clicking on label to toggle
+ this.opszSlider.onclick = (ev) => ev.stopPropagation()
+ this.opszSlider.parentElement.onclick = (ev) => {
+ this.setFontInstance({opsz: this.axisValues.opsz > 14 ? 14 : 28})
+ }
+ this.opszCheckbox = $('input[name="opsz-switch"]')
+ this.defaultAxisValues.opsz = this.opszCheckbox.checked ? 14 : 28
+ this.opszCheckbox.onchange = (ev) => {
+ this.setFontInstance({opsz: this.opszCheckbox.checked ? 14 : 28})
+ }
+ let showDetailsCheckbox = $('input[name="show-details"]')
+ this.showDetails = showDetailsCheckbox.checked
+ showDetailsCheckbox.onchange = (ev) => {
+ this.showDetails = showDetailsCheckbox.checked
+ this.scheduleDraw()
+ if (this.showDetails)
+ console.log(`details of glyph "/${}"`, this.glyph)
+ if (!this.hasDraggedWght) {
+ const autoHideHelpTimeout = 2000
+ clearTimeout(this.autoHideHelpTimer)
+ if (this.showDetails) {
+ this.draggedWghtStartTime = 0
+ this.autoHideHelpTimer = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.draggedWghtStartTime = monotime()
+ this.scheduleDraw()
+ }, autoHideHelpTimeout)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.glyphGridCells = {} // uc => Element
+ let glyphsGrid = $(".glyph-list .content", rootElement)
+ let removeAnchors = document.body.clientWidth <= 500
+ for (let i = 0; i < glyphsGrid.children.length; i++) {
+ let el = glyphsGrid.children[i]
+ if (removeAnchors)
+ el.removeAttribute("name")
+ if (!el.dataset.cp) {
+ console.warn('no data-cp for glyphsGrid', el)
+ continue
+ }
+ let unicode = parseInt(el.dataset.cp, 16)
+ el.onclick = ev => {
+ this.setGlyphByUnicode(unicode)
+ history.replaceState({}, null, '#glyphs/' +
+ ev.stopPropagation()
+ ev.preventDefault()
+ }
+ this.glyphGridCells[unicode] = el
+ if (urlAnchorGlyphName === {
+ if (this.selectedGlyphGridCell)
+ this.selectedGlyphGridCell.classList.toggle('selected', false)
+ el.classList.toggle('selected', true)
+ this.selectedGlyphGridCell = el
+ this.defaultGlyphUnicode = unicode
+ rootElement.scrollIntoView(/*alignToTop*/true)
+ el.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded()
+ }
+ }
+ // if (removeAnchors && urlAnchorGlyphName)
+ // rootElement.focus()
+ }
+ loadImage(filename) { // -> Promise<Image>
+ let selfDirname = (new URL(import.meta.url)).pathname
+ selfDirname = selfDirname.substr(0, selfDirname.lastIndexOf('/'))
+ let img = new Image()
+ img.src = filename[0] == '/' ? filename : selfDirname + '/' + filename
+ return new Promise((res, rej) => {
+ img.onload = () => { res(img) }
+ img.onerror = err => { rej(err) }
+ })
+ }
+ initCursor() {
+ this.cursor = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ dragOriginAxisValues: {...this.axisValues},
+ dragOriginX: 0,
+ dragOriginY: 0,
+ dtime: 0,
+ active: false,
+ dragging: false,
+ }
+ // this.cursorImage = null
+ // this.loadImage('cursor-glyph-inspector.svg').then(im => {
+ // this.cursorImage = im
+ // this.scheduleDraw()
+ // })
+ this.canvas.addEventListener('pointerover', ev => {
+ // Fired when a pointer is moved into an element's hit test boundaries
+ //console.log(ev.type, ev.pointerType, ev)
+ this.cursorActivate(ev)
+ })
+ // this.canvas.addEventListener('pointerenter', ev => {
+ // // Fired when a pointer is moved into the hit test boundaries of an element
+ // // or one of its descendants, including as a result of a pointerdown event
+ // // from a device that does not support hover
+ // console.log(ev.type, ev.pointerType, ev)
+ // })
+ this.canvas.addEventListener('pointerdown', ev => {
+ // Fired when a pointer becomes "active buttons state"
+ //console.log(ev.type, ev.pointerType, ev)
+ this.cursorDragBegin(ev)
+ })
+ // this.canvas.addEventListener('gotpointercapture', ev => {
+ // console.log(ev.type, ev.pointerType, ev)
+ // })
+ this.canvas.addEventListener('pointermove', ev => {
+ // Fired when a pointer changes coordinates.
+ // This event is also used if the change in pointer state cannot be reported
+ // by other events
+ //console.log(ev.type, ev.pointerType, ev)
+ this.cursorMoved(ev)
+ })
+ this.canvas.addEventListener('pointerup', ev => {
+ // Fired when a pointer is no longer "active buttons state"
+ //console.log(ev.type, ev.pointerType, ev)
+ this.cursorDragEnd(ev)
+ })
+ this.canvas.addEventListener('pointercancel', ev => {
+ // A browser fires this event if it concludes the pointer will no longer be
+ // able to generate events (for example the related device is deactivated)
+ //console.log(ev.type, ev.pointerType, ev)
+ if (this.cursor.dragging)
+ this.cursorDragEnd(ev)
+ if (
+ this.cursorDeactivate(ev)
+ })
+ this.canvas.addEventListener('pointerout', ev => {
+ // Fired for several reasons, including:
+ // - pointer is moved out of the hit test boundaries of an element
+ // - firing the pointerup event for a device that does not support hover
+ // - after firing the pointercancel event
+ // - when a pen stylus leaves the hover range detectable by the digitizer
+ //console.log(ev.type, ev.pointerType, ev)
+ if (
+ this.cursorDeactivate(ev)
+ })
+ // this.canvas.addEventListener('pointerleave', ev => {
+ // // Fired when a pointer is moved out of the hit test boundaries of an element.
+ // // For pen devices, this event is fired when the stylus leaves the hover range
+ // // detectable by the digitizer
+ // console.log(ev.type, ev.pointerType, ev)
+ // })
+ }
+ cursorActivate(ev) {
+ = true
+ this.scheduleDraw()
+ }
+ cursorDeactivate(ev) {
+ = false
+ this.scheduleDraw()
+ }
+ cursorMoved(ev) {
+ this.cursor.x = ev.offsetX
+ this.cursor.y = ev.offsetY
+ // // if we draw our own cursor:
+ // if (!
+ // return
+ // this.scheduleDraw()
+ if (!this.cursor.dragging)
+ return
+ let w = this.canvas.width / pixelRatio
+ //let h = this.canvas.height / pixelRatio
+ let dx_dp = this.cursor.x - this.cursor.dragOriginX
+ //let dy_dp = this.cursor.y - this.cursor.dragOriginY
+ // ratio of half canvas
+ // movement from center to edge = 1.0
+ // movement from edge to edge = 2.0
+ let dx = dx_dp / (w/2)
+ //let dy = dy_dp / (h/2)
+ //let d = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
+ //let d = (dx + dy) / 2
+ let d = dx
+ let {wght, opsz} = this.cursor.dragOriginAxisValues
+ wght = wght + d*800
+ if (ev.shiftKey)
+ wght = Math.round(wght / 100) * 100
+ wght = max(100, min(900, wght))
+ // opsz = max(14, min(28, opsz))
+ this.hasDraggedWght = true
+ if (this.draggedWghtStartTime == 0)
+ this.draggedWghtStartTime = monotime()
+ clearTimeout(this.autoHideHelpTimer)
+ this.setFontInstance({wght, opsz})
+ }
+ cursorDragBegin(ev) {
+ if (!
+ console.warn("pointerdown without a prior pointerover")
+ this.canvas.setPointerCapture(ev.pointerId)
+ this.cursor.dragOriginX = ev.offsetX
+ this.cursor.dragOriginY = ev.offsetY
+ this.cursor.dragOriginAxisValues = {...this.axisValues}
+ this.cursor.dragging = true
+ this.scheduleDraw()
+ this.cancelEvent = ev => {
+ ev.preventDefault()
+ ev.stopPropagation()
+ return false
+ }
+ //document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.cancelEvent, {passive:false,capture:true})
+ //document.addEventListener('touchbegin', this.cancelEvent, {passive:false,capture:true})
+ //document.addEventListener('scroll', this.cancelEvent, {passive:false,capture:true})
+ // = 'hidden'
+ }
+ cursorDragEnd(ev) {
+ //document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.cancelEvent, {passive:false,capture:true})
+ //document.removeEventListener('touchbegin', this.cancelEvent, {passive:false,capture:true})
+ //document.removeEventListener('scroll', this.cancelEvent, {passive:false,capture:true})
+ // = null
+ this.cursor.dragging = false
+ this.scheduleDraw()
+ }
+ drawCursor(g, w, h) {
+ if (!
+ return
+ let {x, y} = this.cursor
+ // if (this.cursorImage) {
+ // let im = this.cursorImage
+ // g.drawImage(im, x - im.width/2, y - im.width/2)
+ // }
+ // g.beginPath()
+ // g.moveTo(x, y-8)
+ // g.lineTo(x, y+8)
+ // g.moveTo(x-8, y)
+ // g.lineTo(x+8, y)
+ // g.strokeStyle = 'red'
+ // g.lineWidth = 1.0
+ // g.stroke()
+ if (this.cursor.dragging) {
+ g.fillStyle = 'white'
+ g.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)'
+ g.lineWidth = 1.5
+ // let label = `${this.axisValues.opsz}`
+ // g.textAlign = 'left'
+ // g.strokeText(label, x+10, y+4)
+ // g.fillText(label, x+10, y+4)
+ let label = `${this.axisValues.wght.toFixed(1)}`
+ g.textAlign = 'center'
+ g.strokeText(label, x, y+22)
+ g.lineWidth = 2.0
+ g.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'
+ g.strokeText(label, x, y+23)
+ g.fillText(label, x, y+22)
+ }
+ }
+ snapToGrid(value) {
+ const gridSize = 16
+ return value - (value % gridSize)
+ }
+ drawHMetricLine(g, w, h, y, label) {
+ g.beginPath()
+ g.moveTo(0, y)
+ g.lineTo(w, y)
+ g.strokeStyle = 'white'
+ g.lineWidth = 1.0
+ g.stroke()
+ g.fillStyle = 'white'
+ g.strokeStyle = this.bgcolor
+ g.lineWidth = 3.0
+ g.textAlign = 'left'
+ if (this.showDetails)
+ g.strokeText(label, LABEL_X_OFFS, y - HMETRICS_LABEL_Y_OFFS)
+ g.fillText(label, LABEL_X_OFFS, y - HMETRICS_LABEL_Y_OFFS)
+ }
+ drawPathDetails(glyph, g, w, h, scale) {
+ let anchors = []
+ let handles = []
+ let x1, y1, startX, startY
+ let commands = glyph.path.commands
+ let cmd2
+ // g.fillStyle = 'blue'
+ // TODO: consider converting quadratic to cubic bezier paths to display
+ // actual design-time paths
+ g.beginPath()
+ for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
+ let { command, args } = commands[i]
+ //console.log(command, ...args)
+ //g.fillText(`${i}`, args[0] * scale, -args[1] * scale)
+ switch (command) {
+ case "closePath":
+ if (anchors.length > 0)
+ anchors[anchors.length-1].push(/*isStartingPoint*/true)
+ //g.closePath()
+ break
+ case "moveTo":
+ x1 = args[0] * scale
+ y1 = args[1] * -scale
+ anchors.push([x1, y1])
+ startX = x1
+ startY = y1
+ g.moveTo(x1, y1)
+ break
+ case "lineTo":
+ x1 = args[0] * scale
+ y1 = args[1] * -scale
+ anchors.push([x1, y1])
+ g.moveTo(x1, y1)
+ break
+ case "quadraticCurveTo":
+ x1 = args[2] * scale
+ y1 = args[3] * -scale
+ anchors.push([x1, y1])
+ handles.push([args[0] * scale, args[1] * -scale])
+ g.lineTo(args[0] * scale, args[1] * -scale)
+ g.lineTo(x1, y1)
+ break
+ case "bezierCurveTo":
+ x1 = args[4] * scale
+ y1 = -args[5] * scale
+ anchors.push([x1, y1])
+ handles.push([args[0] * scale, -args[1] * scale])
+ handles.push([args[2] * scale, -args[3] * scale])
+ break
+ default:
+ console.warning("unhandled draw command:", command)
+ }
+ }
+ g.lineWidth = 1
+ g.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'
+ //g.strokeStyle = 'red'
+ g.stroke()
+ let radius = 3
+ g.strokeStyle = 'black'
+ g.fillStyle = 'white'
+ for (let [x, y, isStartingPoint] of anchors) {
+ g.beginPath()
+ g.ellipse(x, y, radius, radius, 0, 0, 360)
+ if (isStartingPoint) {
+ g.fillStyle = 'black'
+ g.fill()
+ g.fillStyle = 'white'
+ } else {
+ g.fill()
+ g.stroke()
+ }
+ }
+ g.strokeStyle = 'black'
+ g.fillStyle = 'black'
+ for (let [x, y] of handles) {
+ g.beginPath()
+ g.ellipse(x, y, 2, 2, 0, 0, 360)
+ g.fill()
+ }
+ g.restore()
+ }
+ makePixelDrawing(w, h, f) { // -> Promise<ImageBitmap>
+ let canvas = this.tmpcanvas
+ canvas.width = w
+ canvas.height = h
+ let g = canvas.getContext('2d')
+ g.clearRect(0,0,w,h)
+ let imageData = g.getImageData(0, 0, w, h)
+ f(g, w, h, imageData)
+ g.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0)
+ if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1) {
+ // TODO FIXME: g.createPattern errors in Safari when we pass ImageBitmap
+ return Promise.resolve(this.tmpcanvas)
+ }
+ return createImageBitmap(this.tmpcanvas, 0, 0, w, h)
+ }
+ getPattern() { // -> ImageBitmap|null
+ if (this.pattern1)
+ return this.pattern1
+ if (this.pattern1Promise)
+ return null
+ this.pattern1Promise = this.makePixelDrawing(8, 8, (g, w, h, imageData) => {
+ const setpx = (x,y) => {
+ let n = (y*w + x) * 4
+[n] = 255 // r
+[n+1] = 255 // g
+[n+2] = 255 // b
+[n+3] = 160 // a
+ }
+ setpx(0, 0) // patch line intersecting at corner (when 2px wide, only)
+ for (let x = w-1, y = 0; y < h; x--, y++) {
+ setpx(x, y)
+ setpx(x, y+1) // 2px wide
+ }
+ }).then(image => {
+ this.pattern1 = image
+ this.scheduleDraw()
+ })
+ return null
+ }
+ drawGlyphBounds(glyph, g, w, h, x, xmax, ascender, descender, scale) {
+ // g.beginPath()
+ // g.moveTo(x, ascender)
+ // g.lineTo(x, descender)
+ // g.moveTo(xmax, ascender)
+ // g.lineTo(xmax, descender)
+ // g.strokeStyle = 'white'
+ // g.lineWidth = 1
+ // g.stroke()
+ //let pattern = g.createPattern(image, "repeat")
+ let patternImage = this.getPattern()
+ if (patternImage) {
+ const px = pixelRatio
+ let pattern = g.createPattern(patternImage, "repeat")
+ g.scale(1/px, 1/px)
+ g.fillStyle = pattern
+ g.fillRect(0, ascender*px, x*px, (descender - ascender)*px)
+ g.fillRect(xmax*px, ascender*px, (w - xmax)*px, (descender - ascender)*px)
+ g.restore()
+ }
+ let { maxX, minX } = glyph.bbox
+ maxX = maxX >> 0 // should always be integer, but floor just in case
+ minX = minX >> 0 // should always be integer, but floor just in case
+ let advanceWidth = glyph.advanceWidth >>> 0
+ let lsb = minX
+ let rsb = advanceWidth - (maxX - minX) - minX
+ let y = descender + 4
+ g.fillStyle = 'black'
+ g.strokeStyle = 'black'
+ g.lineWidth = 1
+ // advance width
+ g.textAlign = 'center'
+ g.fillText(`${advanceWidth}`, pxround(w/2), y + 24)
+ if (advanceWidth == 0) {
+ x = w/2
+ g.beginPath()
+ g.moveTo(x, y)
+ g.lineTo(x, y+8)
+ g.stroke()
+ } else {
+ // LSB
+ let x2 = lsb * scale
+ g.beginPath()
+ g.moveTo(x, y)
+ g.lineTo(x, y+8)
+ g.moveTo(pxround(x + x2), y)
+ g.lineTo(pxround(x + x2), y+8)
+ g.stroke()
+ g.textAlign = 'center'
+ g.fillText(`${lsb}`, pxround(x + x2/2), y + 24)
+ // RSB
+ x2 = rsb * scale
+ g.beginPath()
+ g.moveTo(xmax, y)
+ g.lineTo(xmax, y+8)
+ g.moveTo(pxround(xmax - x2), y)
+ g.lineTo(pxround(xmax - x2), y+8)
+ g.stroke()
+ g.textAlign = 'center'
+ g.fillText(`${rsb}`, pxround(xmax - x2/2), y + 24)
+ }
+ }
+ drawAxisValues(g, w, h, ascender) {
+ let {wght, opsz} = this.axisValues
+ let x = w - LABEL_X_OFFS
+ let y = ascender/2 + 4
+ g.font = '400 14px InterVariable, sans-serif'
+ g.fillStyle = 'black'
+ g.textAlign = 'right'
+ g.fillText(`wght ${wght.toFixed(1)}`, x, y)
+ x -= w/4
+ g.fillText(`opsz ${opsz.toFixed(1)}`, x, y)
+ let helpOpacity = 1
+ if (this.draggedWghtStartTime > 0) {
+ let age = this.drawTime - this.draggedWghtStartTime
+ helpOpacity = 1.0 - age/200
+ if (helpOpacity > 0)
+ this.scheduleDraw()
+ }
+ if (helpOpacity > 0) {
+ let label = `⟷ drag to adjust weight`
+ g.font = '500 18px InterVariable, sans-serif'
+ g.textAlign = 'center'
+ let textMetrics = g.measureText(label)
+ g.fillStyle = `rgba(255,255,255,${helpOpacity})`
+ const bgpadding_x = 8, bgpadding_y = 6
+ const cornerRadius = 4
+ g.beginPath()
+ g.roundRect(
+ w/2 - textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxLeft - bgpadding_x,
+ h/2 - textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent - bgpadding_y - 1,
+ textMetrics.width + bgpadding_x*2,
+ textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent
+ + textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent + bgpadding_y*2,
+ cornerRadius)
+ g.fill()
+ g.fillStyle = `rgba(0,0,0,${helpOpacity})`
+ g.fillText(label, w/2, h/2)
+ }
+ g.restore()
+ }
+ drawDebugXLine(g, w, h, x, name) {
+ g.beginPath()
+ g.moveTo(x, 0)
+ g.lineTo(x, h)
+ g.strokeStyle = 'red'
+ g.lineWidth = 1
+ g.stroke()
+ g.textAlign = 'center'
+ g.fillStyle = 'red'
+ g.strokeStyle = this.bgcolor
+ g.lineWidth = 3.0
+ g.strokeText(`${name}=${x}`, x, h/2)
+ g.fillText(`${name}=${x}`, x, h/2)
+ g.restore()
+ }
+ drawDebugYLine(g, w, h, y, name) {
+ g.beginPath()
+ g.moveTo(0, y)
+ g.lineTo(w, y)
+ g.strokeStyle = 'red'
+ g.lineWidth = 1
+ g.stroke()
+ g.textAlign = 'center'
+ g.fillStyle = 'red'
+ g.strokeStyle = this.bgcolor
+ g.lineWidth = 3.0
+ g.strokeText(`${name}=${y}`, w/2, y+4)
+ g.fillText(`${name}=${y}`, w/2, y+4)
+ g.restore()
+ }
+ drawGlyph(glyph, g, w, h) {
+ const margin = 16
+ // for debugging margin:
+ //const margin = % 32; requestAnimationFrame(() => this.draw())
+ // for debugging scalable layout:
+ //h -= % 100; requestAnimationFrame(() => this.draw())
+ const fontInstance = glyph._font
+ const upm = fontInstance.unitsPerEm
+ const { maxX, maxY, minX, minY } = fontInstance.bbox
+ let maxGlyphHeight = maxY - minY
+ let maxGlyphWidth = max(upm, glyph.advanceWidth * 1.1) // maxX-minX is very large
+ let boundsW = w - margin*2
+ let boundsH = h - margin*2
+ let scale = min(boundsW/maxGlyphWidth, boundsH/maxGlyphHeight)
+ let glyphWidth = glyph.advanceWidth * scale
+ let x = pxround((boundsW - glyphWidth) / 2 + margin)
+ let xmax = pxround((boundsW + glyphWidth) / 2 + margin)
+ let baseline = pxround(upm * scale)
+ let capHeight = pxround((upm - fontInstance.capHeight) * scale)
+ let xHeight = pxround((upm - fontInstance.xHeight) * scale)
+ let ascender = pxround((upm - fontInstance.ascent) * scale)
+ let descender = pxround((upm - fontInstance.descent) * scale)
+ let verticalOffset = pxround( (h - margin)*maxY/maxGlyphHeight - baseline - margin)
+ g.translate(0, verticalOffset)
+ // this.drawDebugXLine(g, w, h, x, 'x')
+ // this.drawDebugXLine(g, w, h, xmax, 'xmax')
+ // draw bounds (side bearings)
+ if (this.showDetails) {
+ this.drawGlyphBounds(
+ glyph, g, w, h, x, xmax, ascender, descender, scale)
+ }
+ // draw horizontal metrics
+ if (this.showDetails) {
+ this.drawHMetricLine(g, w, h, baseline, "Baseline")
+ this.drawHMetricLine(g, w, h, capHeight, "Cap height")
+ this.drawHMetricLine(g, w, h, xHeight, "x-height")
+ this.drawHMetricLine(g, w, h, ascender, "Ascender")
+ this.drawHMetricLine(g, w, h, descender, "Descender")
+ } else {
+ const yoffs = 1.0 - (1.0 / pixelRatio)
+ this.drawHMetricLine(g, w, h, baseline - yoffs, "Baseline")
+ this.drawHMetricLine(g, w, h, capHeight + yoffs, "Cap height")
+ this.drawHMetricLine(g, w, h, xHeight + yoffs, "x-height")
+ }
+ // draw glyph
+ g.translate(x, baseline)
+ if (glyph.advanceWidth >>> 0 == 0) {
+ // center zero-width glyphs, regardless of LSB
+ let maxX = glyph.bbox.maxX >> 0
+ let minX = glyph.bbox.minX >> 0
+ g.translate((-minX - (maxX-minX)/2) * scale, 0)
+ }
+ g.beginPath()
+ for (let i = 0, len = glyph.path.commands.length; i < len; i++) {
+ let cmd = glyph.path.commands[i]
+ let x1 = cmd.args[0] * scale
+ let y1 = -cmd.args[1] * scale
+ let x2, y2, x3, y3
+ if (cmd.args.length > 2) {
+ x2 = cmd.args[2] * scale
+ y2 = -cmd.args[3] * scale
+ if (cmd.args.length > 4) {
+ x3 = cmd.args[4] * scale
+ y3 = -cmd.args[5] * scale
+ }
+ }
+ g[cmd.command](x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
+ }
+ if (this.showDetails) {
+ g.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'
+ g.fill()
+ g.strokeStyle = 'black'
+ g.lineWidth = 1
+ g.stroke()
+ } else {
+ g.fillStyle = 'black'
+ g.fill()
+ }
+ if (this.showDetails)
+ this.drawPathDetails(glyph, g, w, h, scale)
+ g.restore()
+ if (this.showDetails)
+ this.drawAxisValues(g, w, h, ascender + verticalOffset)
+ }
+ drawGrid(g, w, h, size) {
+ const upm = this.fontInstance.unitsPerEm
+ let rows = ceil(h / size)
+ let cols = ceil(w / size)
+ g.beginPath()
+ for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
+ g.moveTo(0, row*size)
+ g.lineTo(w, row*size)
+ }
+ for (let col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
+ g.moveTo(col*size, 0)
+ g.lineTo(col*size, h)
+ }
+ g.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'
+ g.lineWidth = 1.0
+ g.stroke()
+ }
+ draw(time) {
+ const g = this.canvas.getContext('2d')
+ const w = this.canvas.width / pixelRatio
+ const h = this.canvas.height / pixelRatio
+ this.drawTime = monotime() // in case monotime() != time
+ this.drawScheduled = false
+ g.resetTransform()
+ g.font = '500 12px InterVariable'
+ g.textRendering = "geometricPrecision"
+ g.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio)
+ g.clearRect(0, 0, w, h)
+ if (!this.glyph)
+ return
+ // g.fillStyle = '#ccc'; g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h) // debug
+ // this.drawGrid(g, w, h, 8)
+ this.drawGlyph(this.glyph, g, w, h)
+ // this.drawCursor(g, w, h)
+ }
+ scheduleDraw() {
+ if (this.drawScheduled)
+ return
+ this.drawScheduled = true
+ requestAnimationFrame(time => this.draw(time))
+ }
+ resize(w, h) {
+ this.canvas.width = w * pixelRatio
+ this.canvas.height = h * pixelRatio
+ = `${w}px`
+ = `${h}px`
+ // w = this.tmpcanvas.width
+ // h = this.tmpcanvas.height
+ // this.tmpcanvas.width = w * pixelRatio
+ // this.tmpcanvas.height = h * pixelRatio
+ // = `${w}px`
+ // = `${h}px`
+ // this.tmpcanvas.getContext('2d').scale(1/pixelRatio, 1/pixelRatio)
+ this.scheduleDraw()
+ }
+ glyphByUnicode(unicode) {
+ return this.fontInstance.glyphForCodePoint(unicode)
+ }
+ setGlyphByUnicode(unicode) {
+ this.glyph = this.glyphByUnicode(unicode)
+ this.scheduleDraw()
+ if (this.glyphUnicode == unicode) {
+ // same logical glyph, just for a different instance
+ return
+ }
+ this.glyphUnicode = unicode
+ //console.log("this.glyph", this.glyph)
+ if (this.selectedGlyphGridCell)
+ this.selectedGlyphGridCell.classList.toggle('selected', false)
+ this.selectedGlyphGridCell = this.glyphGridCells[unicode]
+ if (this.selectedGlyphGridCell)
+ this.selectedGlyphGridCell.classList.toggle('selected', true)
+ // update info
+ this.idNameElement.innerHTML = (
+ this.selectedGlyphGridCell ? :
+ ) //+ '&nbsp;' + String.fromCodePoint(unicode)
+ this.idUnicodeElement.innerText = 'U+' + '0'.repeat(
+ unicode < 0x10 ? 3 :
+ unicode < 0x100 ? 2 :
+ unicode < 0x1000 ? 1 :
+ 0
+ ) + unicode.toString(16).toUpperCase()
+ this.previewElement.innerText = String.fromCodePoint(unicode)
+ }
+ updateIdentificationInfo() {
+ let wght = this.axisValues.wght >>> 0
+ let opsz = this.axisValues.opsz >>> 0
+ if (!this.previewAxisValues ||
+ this.previewAxisValues.wght != wght ||
+ this.previewAxisValues.opsz != opsz)
+ {
+ this.previewAxisValues = {wght, opsz}
+ clearTimeout(this.previewUpdateTimer)
+ this.previewUpdateTimer = setTimeout(() => {
+'--inspector-wght', wght)
+'--inspector-opsz', opsz)
+ },10)
+ }
+ }
+ getFontInstance(axisValues) {
+ // note: there's no perf/memory benefit to caching instances here
+ try {
+ let fontInstance = this.font.getVariation(axisValues)
+ // [BUG] workaround for bug in fontkit 2.0.2 where xHeight is
+ // not correctly loaded for the instance
+ const xHeightOpszMax = 1056 // "display"
+ const xHeightOpszMin = 1118 // "text"
+ // get opsz as range [0-1]
+ const opszMin = this.font.variationAxes.opsz.min
+ const opszMax = this.font.variationAxes.opsz.max
+ let opsz = max(opszMin, min(opszMax, axisValues.opsz))
+ opsz = (opsz - opszMin) / (opszMax - opszMin) // 0.0=min, 1.0=max
+ // set correct xHeight
+ Object.defineProperty(fontInstance, 'xHeight', {
+ value: xHeightOpszMin + opsz*(xHeightOpszMax - xHeightOpszMin),
+ })
+ //console.log("fontInstance:", fontInstance)
+ return fontInstance
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.warn('font.getVariation failed:', err)
+ return this.font
+ }
+ }
+ setFontInstance(axisValues) {
+ axisValues = {...this.axisValues, ...axisValues}
+ if (this.axisValues.wght == axisValues.wght &&
+ this.axisValues.opsz == axisValues.opsz)
+ {
+ //console.debug("this.axisValues unchanged", axisValues, this.axisValues)
+ return
+ }
+ this.axisValues = axisValues
+ this.fontInstance = this.getFontInstance(this.axisValues)
+ this.setGlyphByUnicode(this.glyphUnicode ? this.glyphUnicode : this.defaultGlyphUnicode)
+ const opszMin = this.font.variationAxes.opsz.min
+ const opszMax = this.font.variationAxes.opsz.max
+ this.opszCheckbox.checked = this.axisValues.opsz < opszMin+(opszMax-opszMin)/2
+ this.opszSlider.valueAsNumber = this.axisValues.opsz
+ this.updateIdentificationInfo()
+ }
+ setFont(font) {
+ this.font = font
+ this.setFontInstance(this.defaultAxisValues)
+ }
+ async loadFont(url) {
+ let data = await fetch(url).then(r => r.arrayBuffer())
+ let font = fontkit.create(new Uint8Array(data))
+ //console.log(`loadFont(${url}) =>`, font)
+ this.setFont(font)
+ // let wght = 100
+ // let inc = true
+ // setInterval(x => {
+ // this.setFontInstance({wght, opsz: 28})
+ // if (inc) {
+ // wght += 10
+ // if (wght > 900) {
+ // wght = 900
+ // inc = false
+ // }
+ // } else {
+ // wght -= 10
+ // if (wght < 100) {
+ // wght = 100
+ // inc = true
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }, 20)
+ }
+let inspector = new GlyphInspector()
+await inspector.loadFont('font-files/Inter-Variable.ttf')
+// await inspector.loadFont('font-files/InterDisplay-Regular.otf')