path: root/misc/pylib/booleanOperations/booleanGlyph.pyx
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Diffstat (limited to 'misc/pylib/booleanOperations/booleanGlyph.pyx')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/pylib/booleanOperations/booleanGlyph.pyx b/misc/pylib/booleanOperations/booleanGlyph.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af3979f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/pylib/booleanOperations/booleanGlyph.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
+import weakref
+from copy import deepcopy
+ from robofab.pens.pointPen import AbstractPointPen
+ from robofab.pens.adapterPens import PointToSegmentPen, SegmentToPointPen
+ from robofab.pens.boundsPen import BoundsPen
+ from ufoLib.pointPen import (
+ AbstractPointPen, PointToSegmentPen, SegmentToPointPen)
+ from fontTools.pens.boundsPen import BoundsPen
+from fontTools.pens.areaPen import AreaPen
+from .booleanOperationManager import BooleanOperationManager
+manager = BooleanOperationManager()
+class BooleanGlyphDataPointPen(AbstractPointPen):
+ def __init__(self, glyph):
+ self._glyph = glyph
+ self._points = []
+ self.copyContourData = True
+ def _flushContour(self):
+ points = self._points
+ if len(points) == 1 and points[0][0] == "move":
+ # it's an anchor
+ segmentType, pt, smooth, name = points[0]
+ self._glyph.anchors.append((pt, name))
+ elif self.copyContourData:
+ # ignore double points on start and end
+ firstPoint = points[0]
+ if firstPoint[0] == "move":
+ # remove trailing off curves in an open path
+ while points[-1][0] is None:
+ points.pop()
+ lastPoint = points[-1]
+ if firstPoint[0] is not None and lastPoint[0] is not None:
+ if firstPoint[1] == lastPoint[1]:
+ if firstPoint[0] in ("line", "move"):
+ del points[0]
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("Unhandled point type sequence")
+ elif firstPoint[0] == "move":
+ # auto close the path
+ _, pt, smooth, name = firstPoint
+ points[0] = "line", pt, smooth, name
+ contour = self._glyph.contourClass()
+ contour._points = points
+ self._glyph.contours.append(contour)
+ def beginPath(self):
+ self._points = []
+ def addPoint(self, pt, segmentType=None, smooth=False, name=None, **kwargs):
+ self._points.append((segmentType, pt, smooth, name))
+ def endPath(self):
+ self._flushContour()
+ def addComponent(self, baseGlyphName, transformation):
+ self._glyph.components.append((baseGlyphName, transformation))
+class BooleanContour(object):
+ """
+ Contour like object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._points = []
+ self._clockwise = None
+ self._bounds = None
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._points)
+ # shallow contour API
+ def draw(self, pen):
+ pointPen = PointToSegmentPen(pen)
+ self.drawPoints(pointPen)
+ def drawPoints(self, pointPen):
+ pointPen.beginPath()
+ for segmentType, pt, smooth, name in self._points:
+ pointPen.addPoint(pt=pt, segmentType=segmentType, smooth=smooth, name=name)
+ pointPen.endPath()
+ def _get_clockwise(self):
+ if self._clockwise is None:
+ pen = AreaPen()
+ pen.endPath = pen.closePath
+ self.draw(pen)
+ self._clockwise = pen.value < 0
+ return self._clockwise
+ clockwise = property(_get_clockwise)
+ def _get_bounds(self):
+ if self._bounds is None:
+ pen = BoundsPen(None)
+ self.draw(pen)
+ self._bounds = pen.bounds
+ return self._bounds
+ bounds = property(_get_bounds)
+class BooleanGlyph(object):
+ """
+ Glyph like object handling boolean operations.
+ union:
+ result = BooleanGlyph(glyph).union(BooleanGlyph(glyph2))
+ result = BooleanGlyph(glyph) | BooleanGlyph(glyph2)
+ difference:
+ result = BooleanGlyph(glyph).difference(BooleanGlyph(glyph2))
+ result = BooleanGlyph(glyph) % BooleanGlyph(glyph2)
+ intersection:
+ result = BooleanGlyph(glyph).intersection(BooleanGlyph(glyph2))
+ result = BooleanGlyph(glyph) & BooleanGlyph(glyph2)
+ xor:
+ result = BooleanGlyph(glyph).xor(BooleanGlyph(glyph2))
+ result = BooleanGlyph(glyph) ^ BooleanGlyph(glyph2)
+ """
+ contourClass = BooleanContour
+ def __init__(self, glyph=None, copyContourData=True):
+ self.contours = []
+ self.components = []
+ self.anchors = []
+ = None
+ self.unicodes = None
+ self.width = None
+ self.lib = {}
+ self.note = None
+ if glyph:
+ pen = self.getPointPen()
+ pen.copyContourData = copyContourData
+ glyph.drawPoints(pen)
+ =
+ self.unicodes = glyph.unicodes
+ self.width = glyph.width
+ self.lib = deepcopy(glyph.lib)
+ self.note = glyph.note
+ if not isinstance(glyph, self.__class__):
+ self.getSourceGlyph = weakref.ref(glyph)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<BooleanGlyph %s>" %
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.contours)
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ return self.contours[index]
+ def getSourceGlyph(self):
+ return None
+ def getParent(self):
+ source = self.getSourceGlyph()
+ if source:
+ return source.getParent()
+ return None
+ # shalllow glyph API
+ def draw(self, pen):
+ pointPen = PointToSegmentPen(pen)
+ self.drawPoints(pointPen)
+ def drawPoints(self, pointPen):
+ for contour in self.contours:
+ contour.drawPoints(pointPen)
+ for baseName, transformation in self.components:
+ pointPen.addComponent(baseName, transformation)
+ for pt, name in self.anchors:
+ pointPen.beginPath()
+ pointPen.addPoint(pt=pt, segmentType="move", smooth=False, name=name)
+ pointPen.endPath()
+ def getPen(self):
+ return SegmentToPointPen(self.getPointPen())
+ def getPointPen(self):
+ return BooleanGlyphDataPointPen(self)
+ # boolean operations
+ def _booleanMath(self, operation, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ other = self.__class__(other)
+ destination = self.__class__(self, copyContourData=False)
+ func = getattr(manager, operation)
+ if operation == "union":
+ contours = self.contours
+ if other is not None:
+ contours += other.contours
+ func(contours, destination.getPointPen())
+ else:
+ subjectContours = self.contours
+ clipContours = other.contours
+ func(subjectContours, clipContours, destination.getPointPen())
+ return destination
+ def __or__(self, other):
+ return self.union(other)
+ __ror__ = __ior__ = __or__
+ def __mod__(self, other):
+ return self.difference(other)
+ __rmod__ = __imod__ = __mod__
+ def __and__(self, other):
+ return self.intersection(other)
+ __rand__ = __iand__ = __and__
+ def __xor__(self, other):
+ return self.xor(other)
+ __rxor__ = __ixor__ = __xor__
+ def union(self, other):
+ return self._booleanMath("union", other)
+ def difference(self, other):
+ return self._booleanMath("difference", other)
+ def intersection(self, other):
+ return self._booleanMath("intersection", other)
+ def xor(self, other):
+ return self._booleanMath("xor", other)
+ def removeOverlap(self):
+ return self._booleanMath("union", None)