path: root/misc/pylib/booleanOperations/flatten.pyx
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1 files changed, 1247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/pylib/booleanOperations/flatten.pyx b/misc/pylib/booleanOperations/flatten.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85b54a03d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/pylib/booleanOperations/flatten.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,1247 @@
+from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
+import math
+from fontTools.misc import bezierTools
+from fontTools.pens.basePen import decomposeQuadraticSegment
+import pyclipper
+To Do:
+- the stuff listed below
+- need to know what kind of curves should be used for
+ curve fit--curve or qcurve
+- false curves and duplicate points need to be filtered early on
+- the flattened segments *must* be cyclical.
+ if they aren't, matching is almost impossible.
+optimization ideas:
+- the flattening of the output segment in the full contour
+ matching is probably expensive.
+- there should be a way to flag an input contour as
+ entirely used so that it isn't tried and tried and
+ tried for segment matches.
+- do a faster test when matching segments: when a end
+ match is found, jump back input length and grab the
+ output segment. test for match with the input.
+- cache input contour objects. matching these to incoming
+ will be a little difficult because of point names and
+ identifiers. alternatively, deal with those after the fact.
+- some tests on input before conversion to input objects
+ could yield significant speedups. would need to check
+ each contour for self intersection and each
+ non-self-intersectingcontour for collision with other
+ contours. and contours that don't have a hit could be
+ skipped. this cound be done roughly with bounds.
+ this should probably be done by extenal callers.
+- set a proper starting points of the output segments based on known points
+ known points are:
+ input oncurve points
+ if nothing found intersection points (only use this is in the final curve fitting stage)
+test cases:
+- untouched contour: make clockwise and counter-clockwise tests
+ of the same contour
+epsilon = 1e-8
+# factors for transferring coordinates to and from Clipper
+clipperScale = 1 << 17
+inverseClipperScale = 1.0 / clipperScale
+# approximateSegmentLength setting
+_approximateSegmentLength = 5.3
+# -------------
+# Input Objects
+# -------------
+# Input
+class InputContour(object):
+ def __init__(self, contour):
+ # gather the point data
+ pointPen = ContourPointDataPen()
+ contour.drawPoints(pointPen)
+ points = pointPen.getData()
+ reversedPoints = _reversePoints(points)
+ # gather segments
+ self.segments = _convertPointsToSegments(points)
+ # only calculate once all the flat points.
+ # it seems to have some tiny difference and its a lot faster
+ # if the flat points are calculated from the reversed input points.
+ self.reversedSegments = _convertPointsToSegments(reversedPoints, willBeReversed=True)
+ # simple reverse the flat points and store them in the reversedSegments
+ index = 0
+ for segment in self.segments:
+ otherSegment = self.reversedSegments[index]
+ otherSegment.flat = segment.getReversedFlatPoints()
+ index -= 1
+ # get the direction; returns True if counter-clockwise, False otherwise
+ self.clockwise = not pyclipper.Orientation(points)
+ # store the gathered data
+ if self.clockwise:
+ self.clockwiseSegments = self.segments
+ self.counterClockwiseSegments = self.reversedSegments
+ else:
+ self.clockwiseSegments = self.reversedSegments
+ self.counterClockwiseSegments = self.segments
+ # flag indicating if the contour has been used
+ self.used = False
+ # ----------
+ # Attributes
+ # ----------
+ # the original direction in flat segments
+ def _get_originalFlat(self):
+ if self.clockwise:
+ return self.clockwiseFlat
+ else:
+ return self.counterClockwiseFlat
+ originalFlat = property(_get_originalFlat)
+ # the clockwise direction in flat segments
+ def _get_clockwiseFlat(self):
+ flat = []
+ segments = self.clockwiseSegments
+ for segment in segments:
+ flat.extend(segment.flat)
+ return flat
+ clockwiseFlat = property(_get_clockwiseFlat)
+ # the counter-clockwise direction in flat segments
+ def _get_counterClockwiseFlat(self):
+ flat = []
+ segments = self.counterClockwiseSegments
+ for segment in segments:
+ flat.extend(segment.flat)
+ return flat
+ counterClockwiseFlat = property(_get_counterClockwiseFlat)
+ def hasOnCurve(self):
+ for inputSegment in self.segments:
+ if not inputSegment.used and inputSegment.segmentType != "line":
+ return True
+ return False
+class InputSegment(object):
+ # __slots__ = ["points", "previousOnCurve", "scaledPreviousOnCurve", "flat", "used"]
+ def __init__(self, points=None, previousOnCurve=None, willBeReversed=False):
+ if points is None:
+ points = []
+ self.points = points
+ self.previousOnCurve = previousOnCurve
+ self.scaledPreviousOnCurve = _scaleSinglePoint(previousOnCurve, scale=clipperScale)
+ self.used = False
+ self.flat = []
+ # if the bcps are equal to the oncurves convert the segment to a line segment.
+ # otherwise this causes an error when flattening.
+ if self.segmentType == "curve":
+ if previousOnCurve == points[0].coordinates and points[1].coordinates == points[-1].coordinates:
+ oncurve = points[-1]
+ oncurve.segmentType = "line"
+ self.points = points = [oncurve]
+ elif previousOnCurve[0] == points[0].coordinates[0] == points[1].coordinates[0] == points[-1].coordinates[0]:
+ oncurve = points[-1]
+ oncurve.segmentType = "line"
+ self.points = points = [oncurve]
+ elif previousOnCurve[1] == points[0].coordinates[1] == points[1].coordinates[1] == points[-1].coordinates[1]:
+ oncurve = points[-1]
+ oncurve.segmentType = "line"
+ self.points = points = [oncurve]
+ # its a reversed segment the flat points will be set later on in the InputContour
+ if willBeReversed:
+ return
+ pointsToFlatten = []
+ if self.segmentType == "qcurve":
+ assert len(points) >= 0
+ flat = []
+ currentOnCurve = previousOnCurve
+ pointCoordinates = [point.coordinates for point in points]
+ for pt1, pt2 in decomposeQuadraticSegment(pointCoordinates[1:]):
+ pt0x, pt0y = currentOnCurve
+ pt1x, pt1y = pt1
+ pt2x, pt2y = pt2
+ mid1x = pt0x + 0.66666666666666667 * (pt1x - pt0x)
+ mid1y = pt0y + 0.66666666666666667 * (pt1y - pt0y)
+ mid2x = pt2x + 0.66666666666666667 * (pt1x - pt2x)
+ mid2y = pt2y + 0.66666666666666667 * (pt1y - pt2y)
+ convertedQuadPointToFlatten = [currentOnCurve, (mid1x, mid1y), (mid2x, mid2y), pt2]
+ flat.extend(_flattenSegment(convertedQuadPointToFlatten))
+ currentOnCurve = pt2
+ self.flat = flat
+ # this shoudl be easy.
+ # copy the quad to cubic from fontTools.pens.basePen
+ elif self.segmentType == "curve":
+ pointsToFlatten = [previousOnCurve] + [point.coordinates for point in points]
+ else:
+ assert len(points) == 1
+ self.flat = [point.coordinates for point in points]
+ if pointsToFlatten:
+ self.flat = _flattenSegment(pointsToFlatten)
+ # if len(self.flat) == 1 and self.segmentType == "curve":
+ # oncurve = self.points[-1]
+ # oncurve.segmentType = "line"
+ # self.points = [oncurve]
+ self.flat = _scalePoints(self.flat, scale=clipperScale)
+ self.flat = _checkFlatPoints(self.flat)
+ self.used = False
+ def _get_segmentType(self):
+ return self.points[-1].segmentType
+ segmentType = property(_get_segmentType)
+ def getReversedFlatPoints(self):
+ reversedFlatPoints = [self.scaledPreviousOnCurve] + self.flat[:-1]
+ reversedFlatPoints.reverse()
+ return reversedFlatPoints
+ def split(self, tValues):
+ """
+ Split the segment according the t values
+ """
+ if self.segmentType == "curve":
+ on1 = self.previousOnCurve
+ off1 = self.points[0].coordinates
+ off2 = self.points[1].coordinates
+ on2 = self.points[2].coordinates
+ return bezierTools.splitCubicAtT(on1, off1, off2, on2, *tValues)
+ elif self.segmentType == "line":
+ segments = []
+ x1, y1 = self.previousOnCurve
+ x2, y2 = self.points[0].coordinates
+ dx = x2 - x1
+ dy = y2 - y1
+ pp = x1, y1
+ for t in tValues:
+ np = (x1+dx*t, y1+dy*t)
+ segments.append([pp, np])
+ pp = np
+ segments.append([pp, (x2, y2)])
+ return segments
+ elif self.segmentType == "qcurve":
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def tValueForPoint(self, point):
+ """
+ get a t values for a given point
+ required:
+ the point must be a point on the curve.
+ in an overlap cause the point will be an intersection points wich is alwasy a point on the curve
+ """
+ if self.segmentType == "curve":
+ on1 = self.previousOnCurve
+ off1 = self.points[0].coordinates
+ off2 = self.points[1].coordinates
+ on2 = self.points[2].coordinates
+ return _tValueForPointOnCubicCurve(point, (on1, off1, off2, on2))
+ elif self.segmentType == "line":
+ return _tValueForPointOnLine(point, (self.previousOnCurve, self.points[0].coordinates))
+ elif self.segmentType == "qcurve":
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class InputPoint(object):
+ __slots__ = ["coordinates", "segmentType", "smooth", "name", "kwargs"]
+ def __init__(self, coordinates, segmentType=None, smooth=False, name=None, kwargs=None):
+ x, y = coordinates
+ self.coordinates = coordinates
+ self.segmentType = segmentType
+ self.smooth = smooth
+ = name
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ return self.coordinates[i]
+ def copy(self):
+ copy = self.__class__(
+ coordinates=self.coordinates,
+ segmentType=self.segmentType,
+ smooth=self.smooth,
+ kwargs=self.kwargs
+ )
+ return copy
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s %s" % (self.segmentType, self.coordinates)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+# -------------
+# Input Support
+# -------------
+class ContourPointDataPen:
+ """
+ Point pen for gathering raw contour data.
+ An instance of this pen may only be used for one contour.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._points = None
+ self._foundStartingPoint = False
+ def getData(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of normalized InputPoint objects
+ for the contour drawn with this pen.
+ """
+ # organize the points into segments
+ # 1. make sure there is an on curve
+ haveOnCurve = False
+ for point in self._points:
+ if point.segmentType is not None:
+ haveOnCurve = True
+ break
+ # 2. move the off curves to front of the list
+ if haveOnCurve:
+ _prepPointsForSegments(self._points)
+ # 3. ignore double points on start and end
+ firstPoint = self._points[0]
+ lastPoint = self._points[-1]
+ if firstPoint.segmentType is not None and lastPoint.segmentType is not None:
+ if firstPoint.coordinates == lastPoint.coordinates:
+ if (firstPoint.segmentType in ["line", "move"]):
+ del self._points[0]
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("Unhandled point type sequence")
+ # done
+ return self._points
+ def beginPath(self):
+ assert self._points is None
+ self._points = []
+ def endPath(self):
+ pass
+ def addPoint(self, pt, segmentType=None, smooth=False, name=None, **kwargs):
+ assert segmentType != "move"
+ if not self._foundStartingPoint and segmentType is not None:
+ kwargs['startingPoint'] = self._foundStartingPoint = True
+ data = InputPoint(
+ coordinates=pt,
+ segmentType=segmentType,
+ smooth=smooth,
+ name=name,
+ kwargs=kwargs
+ )
+ self._points.append(data)
+ def addComponent(self, baseGlyphName, transformation):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+def _prepPointsForSegments(points):
+ """
+ Move any off curves at the end of the contour
+ to the beginning of the contour. This makes
+ segmentation easier.
+ """
+ while 1:
+ point = points[-1]
+ if point.segmentType:
+ break
+ else:
+ point = points.pop()
+ points.insert(0, point)
+ continue
+ break
+def _copyPoints(points):
+ """
+ Make a shallow copy of the points.
+ """
+ copied = [point.copy() for point in points]
+ return copied
+def _reversePoints(points):
+ """
+ Reverse the points. This differs from the
+ reversal point pen in RoboFab in that it doesn't
+ worry about maintaing the start point position.
+ That has no benefit within the context of this module.
+ """
+ # copy the points
+ points = _copyPoints(points)
+ # find the first on curve type and recycle
+ # it for the last on curve type
+ firstOnCurve = None
+ for index, point in enumerate(points):
+ if point.segmentType is not None:
+ firstOnCurve = index
+ break
+ lastSegmentType = points[firstOnCurve].segmentType
+ # reverse the points
+ points = reversed(points)
+ # work through the reversed remaining points
+ final = []
+ for point in points:
+ segmentType = point.segmentType
+ if segmentType is not None:
+ point.segmentType = lastSegmentType
+ lastSegmentType = segmentType
+ final.append(point)
+ # move any offcurves at the end of the points
+ # to the start of the points
+ _prepPointsForSegments(final)
+ # done
+ return final
+def _convertPointsToSegments(points, willBeReversed=False):
+ """
+ Compile points into InputSegment objects.
+ """
+ # get the last on curve
+ previousOnCurve = None
+ for point in reversed(points):
+ if point.segmentType is not None:
+ previousOnCurve = point.coordinates
+ break
+ assert previousOnCurve is not None
+ # gather the segments
+ offCurves = []
+ segments = []
+ for point in points:
+ # off curve, hold.
+ if point.segmentType is None:
+ offCurves.append(point)
+ else:
+ segment = InputSegment(
+ points=offCurves + [point],
+ previousOnCurve=previousOnCurve,
+ willBeReversed=willBeReversed
+ )
+ segments.append(segment)
+ offCurves = []
+ previousOnCurve = point.coordinates
+ assert not offCurves
+ return segments
+# --------------
+# Output Objects
+# --------------
+class OutputContour(object):
+ def __init__(self, pointList):
+ if pointList[0] == pointList[-1]:
+ del pointList[-1]
+ self.clockwise = not pyclipper.Orientation(pointList)
+ self.segments = [
+ OutputSegment(
+ segmentType="flat",
+ points=[point]
+ ) for point in pointList
+ ]
+ def _scalePoint(self, point):
+ x, y = point
+ x = x * inverseClipperScale
+ if int(x) == x:
+ x = int(x)
+ y = y * inverseClipperScale
+ if int(y) == y:
+ y = int(y)
+ return x, y
+ # ----------
+ # Attributes
+ # ----------
+ def _get_final(self):
+ # XXX this could be optimized:
+ # store a fixed value after teh contour is finalized
+ # don't do the dymanic searching if that flag is set to True
+ for segment in self.segments:
+ if not
+ return False
+ return True
+ final = property(_get_final)
+ # --------------------------
+ # Re-Curve and Curve Fitting
+ # --------------------------
+ def reCurveFromEntireInputContour(self, inputContour):
+ """
+ Match if entire input contour matches entire output contour,
+ allowing for different start point.
+ """
+ if self.clockwise:
+ inputFlat = inputContour.clockwiseFlat
+ else:
+ inputFlat = inputContour.counterClockwiseFlat
+ outputFlat = []
+ for segment in self.segments:
+ # XXX this could be expensive
+ assert segment.segmentType == "flat"
+ outputFlat += segment.points
+ # test lengths
+ haveMatch = False
+ if len(inputFlat) == len(outputFlat):
+ if inputFlat == outputFlat:
+ haveMatch = True
+ else:
+ inputStart = inputFlat[0]
+ if inputStart in outputFlat:
+ # there should be only one occurance of the point
+ # but handle it just in case
+ if outputFlat.count(inputStart) > 1:
+ startIndexes = [index for index, point in enumerate(outputFlat) if point == inputStart]
+ else:
+ startIndexes = [outputFlat.index(inputStart)]
+ # slice and dice to test possible orders
+ for startIndex in startIndexes:
+ test = outputFlat[startIndex:] + outputFlat[:startIndex]
+ if inputFlat == test:
+ haveMatch = True
+ break
+ if haveMatch:
+ # clear out the flat points
+ self.segments = []
+ # replace with the appropriate points from the input
+ if self.clockwise:
+ inputSegments = inputContour.clockwiseSegments
+ else:
+ inputSegments = inputContour.counterClockwiseSegments
+ for inputSegment in inputSegments:
+ self.segments.append(
+ OutputSegment(
+ segmentType=inputSegment.segmentType,
+ points=[
+ OutputPoint(
+ coordinates=point.coordinates,
+ segmentType=point.segmentType,
+ smooth=point.smooth,
+ kwargs=point.kwargs
+ )
+ for point in inputSegment.points
+ ],
+ final=True
+ )
+ )
+ inputSegment.used = True
+ # reset the direction of the final contour
+ self.clockwise = inputContour.clockwise
+ return True
+ return False
+ def reCurveFromInputContourSegments(self, inputContour):
+ return
+ # match individual segments
+ if self.clockwise:
+ inputSegments = inputContour.clockwiseSegments
+ else:
+ inputSegments = inputContour.counterClockwiseSegments
+ for inputSegment in inputSegments:
+ # skip used
+ if inputSegment.used:
+ continue
+ # skip if the input contains more points than the entire output contour
+ if len(inputSegment.flat) > len(self.segments):
+ continue
+ # skip if the input end is not in the contour
+ inputSegmentLastPoint = inputSegment.flat[-1]
+ outputFlat = [segment.points[-1] for segment in self.segments]
+ if inputSegmentLastPoint not in outputFlat:
+ continue
+ # work through all output segments
+ for outputSegmentIndex, outputSegment in enumerate(self.segments):
+ # skip finalized
+ if
+ continue
+ # skip if the output point doesn't match the input end
+ if outputSegment.points[-1] != inputSegmentLastPoint:
+ continue
+ # make a set of ranges for slicing the output into a testable list of points
+ inputLength = len(inputSegment.flat)
+ outputRanges = []
+ outputSegmentIndex += 1
+ if outputSegmentIndex - inputLength < 0:
+ r1 = (len(self.segments) + outputSegmentIndex - inputLength, len(self.segments))
+ outputRanges.append(r1)
+ r2 = (0, outputSegmentIndex)
+ outputRanges.append(r2)
+ else:
+ outputRanges.append((outputSegmentIndex - inputLength, outputSegmentIndex))
+ # gather the output segments
+ testableOutputSegments = []
+ for start, end in outputRanges:
+ testableOutputSegments += self.segments[start:end]
+ # create a list of points
+ test = []
+ for s in testableOutputSegments:
+ # stop if a segment is final
+ if
+ test = None
+ break
+ test.append(s.points[-1])
+ if test == inputSegment.flat and inputSegment.segmentType != "line":
+ # insert new segment
+ newSegment = OutputSegment(
+ segmentType=inputSegment.segmentType,
+ points=[
+ OutputPoint(
+ coordinates=point.coordinates,
+ segmentType=point.segmentType,
+ smooth=point.smooth,
+ kwargs=point.kwargs
+ )
+ for point in inputSegment.points
+ ],
+ final=True
+ )
+ self.segments.insert(outputSegmentIndex, newSegment)
+ # remove old segments
+ # XXX this is sloppy
+ for start, end in outputRanges:
+ if start > outputSegmentIndex:
+ start += 1
+ end += 1
+ del self.segments[start:end]
+ # flag the original as used
+ inputSegment.used = True
+ break
+ # ? match line start points (to prevent curve fit in shortened line)
+ return False
+ def reCurveSubSegmentsCheckInputContoursOnHasCurve(self, inputContours):
+ # test is the remaining input contours contains only lineTo points
+ # XXX could be cached
+ return True
+ # for inputContour in inputContours:
+ # if inputContour.used:
+ # continue
+ # if inputContour.hasOnCurve():
+ # return True
+ # return False
+ def reCurveSubSegments(self, inputContours):
+ if not self.segments:
+ # its all done
+ return
+ # the inputContours has some curved segments
+ # if not it all the segments will be converted at the end
+ if self.reCurveSubSegmentsCheckInputContoursOnHasCurve(inputContours):
+ # collect all flat points in a dict of unused inputContours
+ # collect both clockwise segment and counterClockwise segments
+ # it happens a lot that the directions turns around
+ # the clockwise attribute can help but testing the directions is always needed
+ # collect all oncurve points as well
+ flatInputPointsSegmentDict = dict()
+ reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict = dict()
+ flatIntputOncurves = set()
+ for inputContour in inputContours:
+ if inputContour.used:
+ continue
+ if self.clockwise:
+ inputSegments = inputContour.clockwiseSegments
+ reversedSegments = inputContour.counterClockwiseSegments
+ else:
+ inputSegments = inputContour.counterClockwiseSegments
+ reversedSegments = inputContour.clockwiseSegments
+ for inputSegment in inputSegments:
+ if inputSegment.used:
+ continue
+ for p in inputSegment.flat:
+ flatInputPointsSegmentDict[p] = inputSegment
+ flatIntputOncurves.add(inputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve)
+ for inputSegment in reversedSegments:
+ if inputSegment.used:
+ continue
+ for p in inputSegment.flat:
+ reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict[p] = inputSegment
+ flatIntputOncurves.add(inputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve)
+ flatInputPoints = set(flatInputPointsSegmentDict.keys())
+ # reset the starting point to a known point.
+ # not somewhere in the middle of a flatten point list
+ firstSegment = self.segments[0]
+ foundStartingPoint = True
+ if firstSegment.segmentType == "flat":
+ foundStartingPoint = False
+ for index, segment in enumerate(self.segments):
+ if segment.segmentType in ["line", "curve", "qcurve"]:
+ foundStartingPoint = True
+ break
+ if foundStartingPoint:
+ # if found re index the segments
+ # if there is no known starting point found do it later based on the intersection points
+ self.segments = self.segments[index:] + self.segments[:index]
+ # collect all flat points in a intersect segment
+ remainingSubSegment = OutputSegment(segmentType="intersect", points=[])
+ # store all segments in one big temp list
+ newSegments = []
+ for index, segment in enumerate(self.segments):
+ if segment.segmentType != "flat":
+ # when the segment contains only one points its a line cause it is a single intersection point
+ if len(remainingSubSegment.points) == 1:
+ remainingSubSegment.segmentType = "line"
+ = True
+ remainingSubSegment.points = [
+ OutputPoint(
+ coordinates=self._scalePoint(point),
+ segmentType="line",
+ smooth=point.smooth,
+ kwargs=point.kwargs
+ )
+ for point in remainingSubSegment.points
+ ]
+ newSegments.append(remainingSubSegment)
+ remainingSubSegment = OutputSegment(segmentType="intersect", points=[])
+ newSegments.append(segment)
+ continue
+ remainingSubSegment.points.extend(segment.points)
+ newSegments.append(remainingSubSegment)
+ # loop over all segments
+ for segment in newSegments:
+ # handle only segments tagged as intersect
+ if segment.segmentType != "intersect":
+ continue
+ # skip empty segments
+ if not segment.points:
+ continue
+ # get al inputSegments, this is an unorderd list of all points no in the the flatInputPoints
+ segmentPointsSet = set(segment.points)
+ intersectionPoints = segmentPointsSet - flatInputPoints
+ # merge both oncurves and intersectionPoints as known points
+ possibleStartingPoints = flatIntputOncurves | intersectionPoints
+ hasOncurvePoints = segmentPointsSet & flatIntputOncurves
+ # if not starting point is found earlier do it here
+ foundStartingPointIndex = None
+ if not foundStartingPoint:
+ for index, p in enumerate(segment.points):
+ if p in flatIntputOncurves:
+ foundStartingPointIndex = index
+ break
+ if foundStartingPointIndex is None:
+ for index, p in enumerate(segment.points):
+ if p in intersectionPoints:
+ foundStartingPointIndex = index
+ break
+ segment.points = segment.points[foundStartingPointIndex:] + segment.points[:foundStartingPointIndex]
+ # split list based on oncurvepoints and intersection points, aka possibleStartingPoints.
+ segmentedFlatPoints = [[]]
+ for p in segment.points:
+ segmentedFlatPoints[-1].append(p)
+ if p in possibleStartingPoints:
+ segmentedFlatPoints.append([])
+ if not segmentedFlatPoints[-1]:
+ segmentedFlatPoints.pop(-1)
+ if len(segmentedFlatPoints) > 1 and len(segmentedFlatPoints[0]) == 1:
+ # if last segment is a curve, the start point may be last point on the last segment. If so, merge them.
+ # check if they both have the same inputSegment or reversedInputSegment
+ fp = segmentedFlatPoints[0][0]
+ lp = segmentedFlatPoints[-1][-1]
+ mergeFirstSegments = False
+ if fp in flatInputPoints and lp in flatInputPoints:
+ firstInputSegment = flatInputPointsSegmentDict[fp]
+ lastInputSegment = flatInputPointsSegmentDict[lp]
+ reversedFirstInputSegment = reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict[fp]
+ reversedLastInputSegment = reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict[lp]
+ if (firstInputSegment.segmentType == reversedFirstInputSegment.segmentType == "curve") or (lastInputSegment.segmentType == reversedLastInputSegment.segmentType == "curve"):
+ if firstInputSegment == lastInputSegment or reversedFirstInputSegment == reversedLastInputSegment:
+ mergeFirstSegments = True
+ # elif len(firstInputSegment.points) > 1 and len(lastInputSegment.points) > 1:
+ elif fp == lastInputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve:
+ mergeFirstSegments = True
+ elif lp == firstInputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve:
+ mergeFirstSegments = True
+ elif fp == reversedLastInputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve:
+ mergeFirstSegments = True
+ elif lp == reversedFirstInputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve:
+ mergeFirstSegments = True
+ elif not hasOncurvePoints and _distance(fp, lp):
+ # Merge last segment with first segment if the distance between the last point and the first
+ # point is less than the step distance between the last two points. _approximateSegmentLength
+ # can be significantly smaller than this step size.
+ if len(segmentedFlatPoints[-1]) > 1:
+ f1 = segmentedFlatPoints[-1][-2]
+ f2 = segmentedFlatPoints[-1][-1]
+ stepLen = _distance(f1, f2)
+ else:
+ stepLen = _approximateSegmentLength*clipperScale
+ if _distance(fp, lp) <= stepLen:
+ mergeFirstSegments = True
+ if mergeFirstSegments:
+ segmentedFlatPoints[0] = segmentedFlatPoints[-1] + segmentedFlatPoints[0]
+ segmentedFlatPoints.pop(-1)
+ mergeFirstSegments = False
+ convertedSegments = []
+ previousIntersectionPoint = None
+ if segmentedFlatPoints[-1][-1] in intersectionPoints:
+ previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(segmentedFlatPoints[-1][-1])
+ elif segmentedFlatPoints[0][0] in intersectionPoints:
+ previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(segmentedFlatPoints[0][0])
+ for flatSegment in segmentedFlatPoints:
+ # search two points in the flat segment that is not an inputOncurve or intersection point
+ # to get a proper direction of the flatSegment
+ # based on these two points pick a inputSegment
+ fp = ep = None
+ for p in flatSegment:
+ if p in possibleStartingPoints:
+ continue
+ elif fp is None:
+ fp = p
+ elif ep is None:
+ ep = p
+ else:
+ break
+ canDoFastLine = True
+ if ep is None and ((fp is None) or (len(flatSegment) == 2)):
+ # if fp is not None, then it is a flattened part of a curve, and should be used to derive the input segment.
+ # It may be either the first or second point.
+ # If fp is None, I use the original logic.
+ if fp is None:
+ fp = flatSegment[-1]
+ # flat segment only contains two intersection points or one intersection point and one input oncurve point
+ # this can be ignored cause this is a very small line
+ # and will be converted to a simple line
+ if self.clockwise:
+ inputSegment = reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict.get(fp)
+ else:
+ inputSegment = flatInputPointsSegmentDict.get(fp)
+ else:
+ # get inputSegment based on the clockwise settings
+ inputSegment = flatInputPointsSegmentDict[fp]
+ if ep is not None and ep in inputSegment.flat:
+ # if two points are found get indexes
+ fi = inputSegment.flat.index(fp)
+ ei = inputSegment.flat.index(ep)
+ if fi > ei:
+ # if the start index is bigger
+ # get the reversed inputSegment
+ inputSegment = reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict[fp]
+ else:
+ # if flat segment is short and has only one point not in intersections and input oncurves
+ # test it against the reversed inputSegment
+ reversedInputSegment = reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict[fp]
+ if flatSegment[0] == reversedInputSegment.flat[0] and flatSegment[-1] == reversedInputSegment.flat[-1]:
+ inputSegment = reversedInputSegment
+ elif flatSegment[0] in intersectionPoints and flatSegment[-1] == reversedInputSegment.flat[-1]:
+ inputSegment = reversedInputSegment
+ elif flatSegment[-1] in intersectionPoints and flatSegment[0] == reversedInputSegment.flat[0]:
+ inputSegment = reversedInputSegment
+ canDoFastLine = False
+ # if there is only one point in a flat segment
+ # this is a single intersection points (two crossing lineTo's)
+ if inputSegment.segmentType == "curve":
+ canDoFastLine = False
+ if (len(flatSegment) == 1 or inputSegment is None) and canDoFastLine:
+ # p = flatSegment[0]
+ for p in flatSegment:
+ previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(p)
+ pointInfo = dict()
+ kwargs = dict()
+ if p in flatInputPointsSegmentDict:
+ lineSegment = flatInputPointsSegmentDict[p]
+ segmentPoint = lineSegment.points[-1]
+ pointInfo["smooth"] = segmentPoint.smooth
+ pointInfo["name"] =
+ kwargs.update(segmentPoint.kwargs)
+ convertedSegments.append(OutputPoint(coordinates=previousIntersectionPoint, segmentType="line", kwargs=kwargs, **pointInfo))
+ continue
+ tValues = None
+ lastPointWithAttributes = None
+ if flatSegment[0] == inputSegment.flat[0] and flatSegment[-1] != inputSegment.flat[-1]:
+ # needed the first part of the segment
+ # if previousIntersectionPoint is None:
+ # previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(flatSegment[-1])
+ searchPoint = self._scalePoint(flatSegment[-1])
+ tValues = inputSegment.tValueForPoint(searchPoint)
+ curveNeeded = 0
+ replacePointOnNewCurve = [(3, searchPoint)]
+ previousIntersectionPoint = searchPoint
+ elif flatSegment[-1] == inputSegment.flat[-1] and flatSegment[0] != inputSegment.flat[0]:
+ # needed the end of the segment
+ if previousIntersectionPoint is None:
+ previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(flatSegment[0])
+ convertedSegments.append(OutputPoint(
+ coordinates=previousIntersectionPoint,
+ segmentType="line",
+ ))
+ tValues = inputSegment.tValueForPoint(previousIntersectionPoint)
+ curveNeeded = -1
+ replacePointOnNewCurve = [(0, previousIntersectionPoint)]
+ previousIntersectionPoint = None
+ lastPointWithAttributes = inputSegment.points[-1]
+ elif flatSegment[0] != inputSegment.flat[0] and flatSegment[-1] != inputSegment.flat[-1]:
+ # needed the a middle part of the segment
+ if previousIntersectionPoint is None:
+ previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(flatSegment[0])
+ tValues = inputSegment.tValueForPoint(previousIntersectionPoint)
+ searchPoint = self._scalePoint(flatSegment[-1])
+ tValues.extend(inputSegment.tValueForPoint(searchPoint))
+ curveNeeded = 1
+ replacePointOnNewCurve = [(0, previousIntersectionPoint), (3, searchPoint)]
+ previousIntersectionPoint = searchPoint
+ else:
+ # take the whole segments as is
+ newCurve = [
+ OutputPoint(
+ coordinates=point.coordinates,
+ segmentType=point.segmentType,
+ smooth=point.smooth,
+ kwargs=point.kwargs
+ )
+ for point in inputSegment.points
+ ]
+ convertedSegments.extend(newCurve)
+ previousIntersectionPoint = None
+ # if we found some tvalue, split the curve and get the requested parts of the splitted curves
+ if tValues:
+ newCurve = inputSegment.split(tValues)
+ newCurve = list(newCurve[curveNeeded])
+ for i, replace in replacePointOnNewCurve:
+ newCurve[i] = replace
+ newCurve = [OutputPoint(coordinates=p, segmentType=None) for p in newCurve[1:]]
+ newCurve[-1].segmentType = inputSegment.segmentType
+ if lastPointWithAttributes is not None:
+ newCurve[-1].smooth = lastPointWithAttributes.smooth
+ newCurve[-1].name =
+ newCurve[-1].kwargs = lastPointWithAttributes.kwargs
+ convertedSegments.extend(newCurve)
+ # replace the the points with the converted segments
+ segment.points = convertedSegments
+ segment.segmentType = "reCurved"
+ self.segments = newSegments
+ # XXX convert all of the remaining segments to lines
+ for segment in self.segments:
+ if not segment.points:
+ continue
+ if segment.segmentType not in ["intersect", "flat"]:
+ continue
+ segment.segmentType = "line"
+ segment.points = [
+ OutputPoint(
+ coordinates=self._scalePoint(point),
+ segmentType="line",
+ # smooth=point.smooth,
+ #,
+ # kwargs=point.kwargs
+ )
+ for point in segment.points
+ ]
+ # ----
+ # Draw
+ # ----
+ def drawPoints(self, pointPen):
+ pointPen.beginPath()
+ points = []
+ for segment in self.segments:
+ points.extend(segment.points)
+ hasOnCurve = False
+ originalStartingPoints = []
+ for index, point in enumerate(points):
+ if point.segmentType is not None:
+ hasOnCurve = True
+ if point.kwargs is not None and point.kwargs.get("startingPoint"):
+ distanceFromOrigin = math.hypot(*point)
+ originalStartingPoints.append((distanceFromOrigin, index))
+ if originalStartingPoints:
+ # use the original starting point that is closest to the origin
+ startingPointIndex = sorted(originalStartingPoints)[0][1]
+ points = points[startingPointIndex:] + points[:startingPointIndex]
+ elif hasOnCurve:
+ while points[0].segmentType is None:
+ p = points.pop(0)
+ points.append(p)
+ previousPointCoordinates = None
+ for point in points:
+ if previousPointCoordinates is not None and point.segmentType and tuple(point.coordinates) == previousPointCoordinates:
+ continue
+ kwargs = {}
+ if point.kwargs is not None:
+ kwargs = point.kwargs
+ pointPen.addPoint(
+ point.coordinates,
+ segmentType=point.segmentType,
+ smooth=point.smooth,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ if point.segmentType:
+ previousPointCoordinates = tuple(point.coordinates)
+ else:
+ previousPointCoordinates = None
+ pointPen.endPath()
+class OutputSegment(object):
+ __slots__ = ["segmentType", "points", "final"]
+ def __init__(self, segmentType=None, points=None, final=False):
+ self.segmentType = segmentType
+ if points is None:
+ points = []
+ self.points = points
+ = final
+class OutputPoint(InputPoint):
+ pass
+# ----------
+# Misc. Math
+# ----------
+def _tValueForPointOnCubicCurve(point, cubicCurve, isHorizontal=0):
+ """
+ Finds a t value on a curve from a point.
+ The points must be originaly be a point on the curve.
+ This will only back trace the t value, needed to split the curve in parts
+ """
+ pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 = cubicCurve
+ a, b, c, d = bezierTools.calcCubicParameters(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4)
+ solutions = bezierTools.solveCubic(a[isHorizontal], b[isHorizontal], c[isHorizontal],
+ d[isHorizontal] - point[isHorizontal])
+ solutions = [t for t in solutions if 0 <= t < 1]
+ if not solutions and not isHorizontal:
+ # can happen that a horizontal line doens intersect, try the vertical
+ return _tValueForPointOnCubicCurve(point, (pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4), isHorizontal=1)
+ if len(solutions) > 1:
+ intersectionLenghts = {}
+ for t in solutions:
+ tp = _getCubicPoint(t, pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4)
+ dist = _distance(tp, point)
+ intersectionLenghts[dist] = t
+ minDist = min(intersectionLenghts.keys())
+ solutions = [intersectionLenghts[minDist]]
+ return solutions
+def _tValueForPointOnQuadCurve(point, pts, isHorizontal=0):
+ quadSegments = decomposeQuadraticSegment(pts[1:])
+ previousOnCurve = pts[0]
+ solutionsDict = dict()
+ for index, (pt1, pt2) in enumerate(quadSegments):
+ a, b, c = bezierTools.calcQuadraticParameters(previousOnCurve, pt1, pt2)
+ subSolutions = bezierTools.solveQuadratic(a[isHorizontal], b[isHorizontal], c[isHorizontal] - point[isHorizontal])
+ subSolutions = [t for t in subSolutions if 0 <= t < 1]
+ for t in subSolutions:
+ solutionsDict[(t, index)] = _getQuadPoint(t, previousOnCurve, pt1, pt2)
+ previousOnCurve = pt2
+ solutions = list(solutionsDict.keys())
+ if not solutions and not isHorizontal:
+ return _tValueForPointOnQuadCurve(point, pts, isHorizontal=1)
+ if len(solutions) > 1:
+ intersectionLenghts = {}
+ for t in solutions:
+ tp = solutionsDict[t]
+ dist = _distance(tp, point)
+ intersectionLenghts[dist] = t
+ minDist = min(intersectionLenghts.keys())
+ solutions = [intersectionLenghts[minDist]]
+ return solutions
+def _tValueForPointOnLine(point, line):
+ pt1, pt2 = line
+ dist = _distance(pt1, point)
+ totalDist = _distance(pt1, pt2)
+ return [dist / totalDist]
+def _scalePoints(points, scale=1, convertToInteger=True):
+ """
+ Scale points and optionally convert them to integers.
+ """
+ if convertToInteger:
+ points = [
+ (int(round(x * scale)), int(round(y * scale)))
+ for (x, y) in points
+ ]
+ else:
+ points = [(x * scale, y * scale) for (x, y) in points]
+ return points
+def _scaleSinglePoint(point, scale=1, convertToInteger=True):
+ """
+ Scale a single point
+ """
+ x, y = point
+ if convertToInteger:
+ return int(round(x * scale)), int(round(y * scale))
+ else:
+ return (x * scale, y * scale)
+def _intPoint(pt):
+ return int(round(pt[0])), int(round(pt[1]))
+def _checkFlatPoints(points):
+ _points = []
+ previousX = previousY = None
+ for x, y in points:
+ if x == previousX:
+ continue
+ elif y == previousY:
+ continue
+ if (x, y) not in _points:
+ # is it possible that two flat point are on top of eachother???
+ _points.append((x, y))
+ previousX, previousY = x, y
+ if _points[-1] != points[-1]:
+ _points[-1] = points[-1]
+ return _points
+The curve flattening code was forked and modified from RoboFab's FilterPen.
+That code was written by Erik van Blokland.
+def _flattenSegment(segment, approximateSegmentLength=_approximateSegmentLength):
+ """
+ Flatten the curve segment int a list of points.
+ The first and last points in the segment must be
+ on curves. The returned list of points will not
+ include the first on curve point.
+ false curves (where the off curves are not any
+ different from the on curves) must not be sent here.
+ duplicate points must not be sent here.
+ """
+ onCurve1, offCurve1, offCurve2, onCurve2 = segment
+ if _pointOnLine(onCurve1, onCurve2, offCurve1) and _pointOnLine(onCurve1, onCurve2, offCurve2):
+ return [onCurve2]
+ est = _estimateCubicCurveLength(onCurve1, offCurve1, offCurve2, onCurve2) / approximateSegmentLength
+ flat = []
+ minStep = 0.1564
+ step = 1.0 / est
+ if step > .3:
+ step = minStep
+ t = step
+ while t < 1:
+ pt = _getCubicPoint(t, onCurve1, offCurve1, offCurve2, onCurve2)
+ # ignore when point is in the same direction as the on - off curve line
+ if not _pointOnLine(offCurve2, onCurve2, pt) and not _pointOnLine(onCurve1, offCurve1, pt):
+ flat.append(pt)
+ t += step
+ flat.append(onCurve2)
+ return flat
+def _distance(pt1, pt2):
+ return math.sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) ** 2)
+def _pointOnLine(pt1, pt2, a):
+ return abs(_distance(pt1, a) + _distance(a, pt2) - _distance(pt1, pt2)) < epsilon
+def _estimateCubicCurveLength(pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3, precision=10):
+ """
+ Estimate the length of this curve by iterating
+ through it and averaging the length of the flat bits.
+ """
+ points = []
+ length = 0
+ step = 1.0 / precision
+ factors = range(0, precision + 1)
+ for i in factors:
+ points.append(_getCubicPoint(i * step, pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3))
+ for i in range(len(points) - 1):
+ pta = points[i]
+ ptb = points[i + 1]
+ length += _distance(pta, ptb)
+ return length
+def _mid(pt1, pt2):
+ """
+ (Point, Point) -> Point
+ Return the point that lies in between the two input points.
+ """
+ (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = pt1, pt2
+ return 0.5 * (x0 + x1), 0.5 * (y0 + y1)
+def _getCubicPoint(t, pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3):
+ if t == 0:
+ return pt0
+ if t == 1:
+ return pt3
+ if t == 0.5:
+ a = _mid(pt0, pt1)
+ b = _mid(pt1, pt2)
+ c = _mid(pt2, pt3)
+ d = _mid(a, b)
+ e = _mid(b, c)
+ return _mid(d, e)
+ else:
+ cx = (pt1[0] - pt0[0]) * 3.0
+ cy = (pt1[1] - pt0[1]) * 3.0
+ bx = (pt2[0] - pt1[0]) * 3.0 - cx
+ by = (pt2[1] - pt1[1]) * 3.0 - cy
+ ax = pt3[0] - pt0[0] - cx - bx
+ ay = pt3[1] - pt0[1] - cy - by
+ t3 = t ** 3
+ t2 = t * t
+ x = ax * t3 + bx * t2 + cx * t + pt0[0]
+ y = ay * t3 + by * t2 + cy * t + pt0[1]
+ return x, y
+def _getQuadPoint(t, pt0, pt1, pt2):
+ if t == 0:
+ return pt0
+ if t == 1:
+ return pt2
+ else:
+ cx = pt0[0]
+ cy = pt0[1]
+ bx = (pt1[0] - cx) * 2.0
+ by = (pt1[1] - cy) * 2.0
+ ax = pt2[0] - cx - bx
+ ay = pt2[1] - cy - by
+ x = ax * t**2 + bx * t + cx
+ y = ay * t**2 + by * t + cy
+ return x, y